Altai mumiyo. Application. Mumiyo in tablets: what it is, what it treats, use, instructions

Shilajit is one of the most beloved and most frequently used natural remedies in folk medicine. This popularity was facilitated by its extraordinary effectiveness in a number of diseases, availability and relatively low price.

As for availability, in our time mumiyo in tablets has become very popular, and in this article we will analyze how to use it correctly and in what cases.

Although I personally am not a fan of this product in tablet form and I prefer the natural product, someone may think differently and find it more convenient to use tablets. Well, the choice is yours. And for those who hear about mummy for the first time, it will be more useful to read.

In what cases do you take mummy tablets?

I will say right away that mumiyo in its pure form and the same product in tablets will essentially be different products, although they have the same name. The medicinal properties of the latter will be an order of magnitude lower, since in the manufacture of such tablets, in addition to the mummy itself, several other components are added, and the product also undergoes some thermal changes.

Therefore, if you are planning to take your health seriously, it is better to buy a 100% natural product without any additives. So, in what cases can you use mummy in tablets?

  • for diseases of the stomach and intestines
  • for respiratory diseases
  • for ENT diseases
  • after operations, for quick recovery of the body
  • , for their rapid healing
  • with high cholesterol (read about the most effective way to reduce it)
  • for neuralgic disorders
  • to strengthen the immune system
  • as an aid to weight loss
  • for hair loss

“Mountain tar” can be a very effective remedy for headaches. To do this, you need to take 1 tablet morning and evening for 3 weeks. You can mix them with honey or dissolve them in warm milk. After a 3-week course of treatment, a 10-day break is required, after which the therapeutic effect can be secured by repeating the course of treatment.

Mumiyo has also found wide application in cosmetology. For example, with its help you can strengthen and improve your hair, give your skin elasticity and a healthy appearance. Below I will give recipes for using this most useful product of nature.


Mumiyo is an artificial stimulant for the body of any person. This means that it should not be taken on a regular basis or for very long. The fact is that the human body gets used to it.

You should also not take alcohol in any form during the course of treatment. And so the contraindications for mumiyo in tablets are the same as for the natural product:

  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding period in women
  • Hypertension
  • Children's age (usually up to 12 years)
  • Allergy or individual intolerance

Instructions for using mumiyo in tablets

So, let's figure out how you can take them? There are both general recommendations and individual recipes. First, some general recommendations.

  1. It is not recommended to use such tablets for more than 1 month without a break. Be sure to take a 10-day break, after which you can repeat the treatment
  2. Typically, the oral dosage regimen involves 2 doses in the morning (half an hour before meals) and in the evening (2 hours after meals). Taking more than 2 tablets per day is not advisable!
  3. The dosage for oral administration is calculated based on the patient’s weight and age.
  4. When treating chronic diseases with mummy tablets, multiple repetitions of courses are required with breaks between them

Recipes for use

For stretch marks during pregnancy

Shilajit allows you to deal quite well with stretch marks, which inevitably occur during pregnancy. To do this, you need to prepare a simple cream according to this recipe:

  • We take regular baby cream, boiled cooled water and 3 mummy tablets.
  • The tablets need to be crushed, dissolved in a small amount of water (a teaspoon or a little more), and then mixed with baby cream.

This stretch mark cream is applied to problem areas once a day for at least 2 months. After this you will be pleasantly surprised!

As an aid to weight loss

The so-called “Mountain resin” is an excellent aid for weight loss. But only auxiliary! By itself, one dose of mummy tablets is unlikely to help you lose extra pounds, but in combination with exercise and diet, it works! Tested more than once!

Shilajit is an excellent metabolism activator; moreover, when taken regularly it also reduces appetite, which also promotes weight loss.

They drink mumiyo tablets for weight loss in courses of 10 or 20 days, with breaks between them of 7-10 days (morning and evening). The dosage can be found in this table, it depends on weight

For hair loss and strengthening

  • Take 1 glass of fresh cranberries and 200 ml. warm water, mash the cranberries with your hands and add 2 - 3 mummy tablets and 4 tablespoons of honey to this paste.
  • This mask should be thoroughly rubbed into the hair roots and left on for an hour. After which the head is washed in the usual way.

1 more recipe:

  • We take 5 tablets, grind them into powder, add 2 chicken yolks, a tablespoon of propolis and 3 tbsp. spoons of almond oil. Mix everything and dilute with 50 ml. liquid honey.
  • This mask is applied to the hair for exactly 90 minutes, covered with a towel on top, and then washed off.

If you find it difficult to carry out such procedures, you can simply add mumiyo to your shampoo, which many people do. This useful supplement will also have a positive effect on the condition of your hair, strengthen it and give it healthy shine and volume.

Recipe for fighting acne

If you are tormented by pimples and blackheads, you can try to fight them with the following recipe:

  • Take 50 ml of liquid honey, add 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil 2 crushed mummy tablets.
  • Apply the resulting mixture to cleansed skin.
  • Hold for about 40 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

For diseases of the stomach, intestines, ENT diseases and neuralgic disorders

For the above diseases, the dosage regimen and dosage are usually prescribed by the attending physician. Treatment is usually prescribed in courses (10 or 30 days). A break between courses is required.

Shilajit tablets are taken twice a day, in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening - 2 hours after meals. For chronic diseases, it may be additionally prescribed to be taken at lunch (one hour before meals).

The method of application is usually as follows:

  • The tablet is dissolved in 2 - 3 tablespoons of warm (but not hot) water and taken orally. The taste is not very pleasant, but it is healthy!

For female diseases (inflammatory process, erosion, etc.)

  • For the treatment of female diseases, 1 tablet of mumiyo is dissolved in 50 ml. warm water and a tampon moistened with this solution is inserted into the vagina.

For joint pain, radiculitis

If you are plagued by constant joint pain, you can try using mummy in tablets according to the following recipe:

  • 2.5 tablets need to be crushed and dissolved in 100 grams of honey.
  • The resulting mixture is rubbed into the sore spot before bedtime for 30 days. If the effect is insignificant, the treatment can be repeated.

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In the article we talk about mumiyo, tell you what it is, why it is useful, and how to take the medicine correctly. You will learn about the benefits and harms of the drug, the rules of use, and contraindications for its use.

Appearance (photo)

It is an organo-mineral product of natural origin with a resin-like consistency of brown or dark brown color. The resinous mass is often used in alternative medicine and Ayurveda. The medicine is called bragshun, mountain resin, mountain balm, mountain wax, mountain oil, mumiyo-asil, mumiyo, chao-tong.

The product consists of pieces of heterogeneous dense, solid mass with an uneven or granular surface. Sometimes its surface can be matte or shiny. The consistency of the substance is brittle or hard-plastic. Vegetable, mineral or animal origins are visible inside. The compound has a specific odor.

What is it made of? The process of its formation has not yet been studied; rocks, soil, plants, animals and microorganisms take part in it. The dosage form of the product is produced from this substance, purifying it from impurities.

There are deposits of raw materials in Russia, Turkmenistan, Mongolia, Iran, Arabia, India, Indonesia, China, African countries, South America, and Australia.

Benefits and harms

Useful properties of the drug:

  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • soothing;
  • pain reliever;
  • antioxidant;
  • antitussive;
  • secretory;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • wound healing;
  • restorative.

The benefits of the product for the whole body explain its widespread use in folk, alternative medicine. The product is used in cosmetology.

In home cosmetology, the drug is effectively used for the face. Possessing antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, the product dries out the skin and eliminates inflammation, which is why the compound is used for acne. Antioxidant, anti-aging, regenerating properties allow the product to be used against wrinkles and dry skin. For rejuvenation, you can mix the substance with succinic acid. The substance helps with scars. It is used to prepare masks for the skin of the body; it is an effective anti-cellulite compound.

The benefits of resinous consistency for hair are undeniable. It is used in homemade masks and added to shampoo. The product improves blood circulation in the scalp, strengthens the roots of curls, so natural mass is used for hair loss. The compound accelerates regeneration processes, moisturizes hair, and protects against environmental influences.

A substance whose benefits to the body have been known since ancient times, is used externally and internally.

The product fights infections and eliminates inflammation in the body. It is used to treat colds of the ENT organs, used for sinusitis, sore throat, flu, and other diseases. The substance copes with inflammation of the urinary system.

The substance is useful for the stomach. It promotes the secretion of gastric juice, increases appetite, and improves the digestion process. In the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, raw materials relieve inflammation, relieve pain, and accelerate the healing process. The substance is used for stomach ulcers, gastritis, to get rid of nausea, heartburn, and flatulence.

Since the natural medicine has a sedative and analgesic effect, it is used for headaches, insomnia and more serious diseases of the nervous system. The drug has a mild calming effect, improves sleep quality, relieves overexcitation and neuroses.

This natural medicine is beneficial for the respiratory system due to its anti-inflammatory and antitussive effects. The product cleanses the bronchi and lungs, facilitates the release of sputum, and eliminates cough.

The benefit of the medication for the human body also lies in the regulation of metabolic processes and hormone production processes. The product improves the functioning of the endocrine system organs - the thyroid gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands, ovaries. By normalizing metabolic processes, mumiyo helps with diabetes.

The benefit for the musculoskeletal system lies in the regenerating properties of the natural product. They ensure rapid healing of wounds, so they use mumiyo for fractures and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The substance is useful for joints, it accelerates regeneration processes and eliminates joint pain. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties, so the medicine is used to treat arthritis and rheumatism.

The medication is useful for the hematopoietic and circulatory systems. The natural product improves blood composition, strengthens the walls of veins and arteries, and makes them elastic. Helps with hemorrhoids, varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.

The benefit of resinous matter for women is to normalize hormonal levels, treat gynecological diseases, and infertility. Medicine is also needed for men - it increases sexual function, improves spermatogenesis, and increases the chances of successfully conceiving a child.

Effective. The compound improves digestion and metabolic processes in the body. It is used externally to get rid of cellulite.

Harm to the medication is possible if the substance is used incorrectly. Take the medicine with caution if you have allergies. Do not overuse the product or take it for a long time to avoid becoming addictive.

You will learn more about the benefits of mumiyo in the following video:

What does the substance consist of?

Chemical composition:

  • amino acids;
  • humic acids;
  • fulvic acids;
  • benzoic acid;
  • hypuric acid;
  • organic fatty acids;
  • resins;
  • gum;
  • albumins;
  • steroids;
  • terpenoids;
  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • aluminum;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • chromium.


The chemical composition of the compound is not constant and may vary depending on the deposit. Based on location and appearance, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • Coprolite - fossilized phyto- or zooorganic remains with a mixture of rock fragments and soil formations. This medicine contains from 10 to 30% extractive substances that have a physiological effect.
  • Mummy-bearing breccias are coarse-grained rocks that are connected by mummies-bearing clay mass. This medication contains only 0.5% to 5% extractive components.
  • Evaporite - formations in the form of icicles, deposits, films, spots that cover the walls of caves and grottoes. Such a substance is difficult to obtain, and it is almost impossible to find it on sale.

What does it treat?

The medication helps with various pathologies:

  • ENT organs - ARVI, influenza, rhinitis, sinusitis, sore throat;
  • respiratory system - bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis;
  • digestive system - dyspepsia, gastritis, stomach ulcer;
  • nervous system - headache, migraine, insomnia, neuroses, neuralgia, epilepsy, convulsions;
  • endocrine system - diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands;
  • hematopoietic, cardiovascular systems - anemia, hypertension, heart failure, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids;
  • urinary system - cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis;
  • musculoskeletal system - fractures, arthritis, arthrosis, radiculitis, rheumatism and others;
  • reproductive system - male and female dysfunction, infertility;
  • immune system - immunodeficiency, allergies, histamine diseases.

The medication is also used to treat dermatological diseases. The product eliminates inflammation, disinfects the skin, and accelerates regeneration processes.

How to take a natural product correctly

For oral administration, the raw material must be diluted in water.

In this section we will tell you whether you can take the medicine and how to do it correctly.

How to take natural mummy - 1 time a day in the morning on an empty stomach. A single dosage is 1.5-2 grams. Continue the course of treatment for 10 days, then take a break for 5-10 days. If necessary, repeat the course.

Depending on the disease, the dosage may be increased, but the daily dose should not exceed 6 grams.

To know how to drink the product correctly, you also need to know how to dissolve the substance. It is dissolved in water, milk or juice.

For oral administration, 2 g of the drug is diluted in 10 tablespoons of boiled water at room temperature. Do not add cold or hot water.

To increase the therapeutic effect, use the medicine with other remedies, for example, with honey, to treat joint diseases, cardiovascular diseases, and liver pathologies. Honey enhances the beneficial effects of the resinous compound, in addition, this medicine is much tastier.

Externally, you can use an ointment with a resinous compound. You can prepare ointments yourself or buy them at a pharmacy. At the pharmacy you can buy mumiyo with sea buckthorn or calcium. It is recommended to apply ointments before bedtime.

In cosmetology

The natural remedy contains collagen, which gives the skin smoothness and elasticity. The product eliminates wrinkles, cellulite, sagging skin, and pigmented areas. Regular use of the resinous compound prolongs the youthfulness of the skin.

At home, the substance is used in several ways:

  • added to face and hair masks;
  • prepare ice cubes from the infusion of the resinous compound and use it to wipe the face;
  • added to shampoo to strengthen hair.

Let's look at recipes for using the product.

To strengthen hair

The mask strengthens hair follicles and promotes curl growth.


  1. Mumiyo - 4 g.
  2. Honey - 1 tbsp.
  3. Yolk - 1 pc.
  4. Burdock oil - 1 tbsp.

How to cook: Mix all ingredients until smooth.

How to use: Oil your hair and scalp. Wait 20 minutes, rinse with chamomile decoction.

Result: Strengthens hair, promotes its growth.

For acne and age spots

The mask against acne and pigmentation heals microcracks in the skin and whitens darkened areas.


  1. Mumiyo - 15 g.
  2. Butter - 40 g.
  3. Wax - 20 g.
  4. Aloe juice - 1 tsp.

How to cook: Add the resinous raw material to a spoon of water, wait until it dissolves. Melt the wax and oil, mix with the resinous compound and aloe juice.

How to use: Lubricate your face with the prepared product. Wait 15 minutes, rinse with water.

Result: Dries out acne, brightens skin.

Where to buy

The drug can be purchased in specialized online and offline stores. You can buy tablets and ointments in pharmacies. The price of 50 g is 250-350 rubles.

You can buy mummy in tablets at the pharmacy

How to distinguish a natural substance from a fake:

  • always dark in color - from brown to black;
  • the surface of the product that has been cleaned is glossy;
  • the substance has a weak but specific odor, reminiscent of oil;
  • should soften upon contact with hands;
  • The natural substance has a bitter taste, no acidity and no sweetness.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications for use:

  • pregnancy and lactation (mummy is strictly prohibited during pregnancy, since its effect on the fetus has not been studied);
  • intolerance to substances included in the product;
  • oncological diseases.

Use natural medicine to treat diseases in children. However, consult your doctor before use.

What to remember

  1. Mumiyo is an organo-mineral product that has beneficial properties.
  2. For oral administration, it is diluted in water, juice, tea or milk.
  3. Before using the medicine, you should consult your doctor.

Standard shilajit tablets are made from a natural product mined from rocks and caves. The useful substance has a large number of positive qualities and has practically no prohibitions on its use.




Useful properties of mumiyo

Resin has many beneficial properties, it allows you to strengthen the body, restore lost energy, relieve the feeling of fatigue, protects and adapts to environmental conditions. Mumiyo in tablets is suitable for therapeutic procedures in all age categories.

The natural substance allows you to improve the ongoing processes of mineral metabolism in the body, and regular use increases the amount of potassium, calcium, manganese and phosphorus in the bloodstream. With the help of the drug, the flow of oxygen to tissues increases and the body is stimulated.

Use of mumiyo for medicinal purposes

The drug mumiyo in tablets, the use of which extends to almost all internal systems and organs, implies the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • ailments of the cardiovascular, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract;
  • in order to accelerate the process of fusion of bone tissue during fractures, healing of wound surfaces;
  • contusions, sprains, tuberculosis infection, bronchial asthma;
  • arthritis, cancer processes, general weakness of the body;
  • to improve DNA synthesis and restore the functioning of peripheral nerves.

The product is characterized by an anti-inflammatory, restorative and anti-intoxication spectrum of effects.

Contraindications to the use of mumiyo

The instructions for use of Shilajit tablets indicate that the main prohibition on taking it is intolerance to the composition of the product. It is prohibited to combine drug therapy with the use of alcoholic beverages or combinations with drugs containing ethanol.

Treatment using mumiyo

The drug mumiyo in tablets, the instructions for use of which allow the use of the drug for treatment procedures for many abnormal processes.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

The list includes gastroduodenal ulcers, gastritis and colitis.

Oral therapy includes taking mumiyo twice a day from 200 to 500 mg, in the morning and evening. The drug is taken before meals, the total course of treatment is one calendar month.

In advanced forms of the disease, repeat therapy after a five-day break is allowed. The age and weight of the patient is related to the amount of medication: one course requires from 10 to 25 grams.

When undergoing procedures, the patient must follow a gentle diet and avoid overeating. Pain syndrome decreases after 5-10 days from the start of therapy. Complete cure is recorded in 90% of patients.

Nausea, vomiting, belching, heartburn

To relieve negative symptoms, the drug is taken 200 mg twice a day. The general course of treatment does not exceed 25 days, the main manifestations will disappear by the tenth day.


The drug is taken before meals, twice a day, in the morning and evening, from 200 to 500 mg. The duration of therapy is 25 days, after a five-day break the procedures are resumed. With advanced forms of pathology, recovery should be expected in 4-6 months.

In parallel with oral use, it is recommended to lubricate problem areas with an ointment prepared in advance. 5 g of the substance are diluted in 10 ml of liquid, 10 g of aqueous lanolin are added, and adjusted to the consistency of an ointment. Add 20 g of cocoa bean butter, heated at a temperature of 45 degrees, to the resulting mixture. The medicine is mixed, 10 suppositories are prepared from it, frozen, and stored in a cool room. Therapy with suppositories and ointment is carried out for 3.5 months.

Fractures and bone injuries, bruises, dislocations, muscle strains

The drug is prepared in 10 ml of purified liquid, 5 g of the drug is diluted in it. 10 g of water-based lanolin are added to the mixture, the medicine is brought to the state of an ointment, an additional 10 g of aloe pulp and 20 g of boric petroleum jelly are added. After thorough mixing, the composition is stored in a cool room.

The general course of procedures is completed in one month; in case of a complex course of the disease, four phased approaches are performed, with an interval of 5 days between them. Rub the damaged areas for five months without interruption. One course requires from 15 to 25 substances. When used correctly, recovery from fractures is accelerated by two to three weeks.

Tuberculosis of bones

For no more than 25 days, the drug is consumed twice a day, in a volume of 200 to 500 mg. Repeated treatment is prescribed after an interval of five days. For complete treatment, you need to purchase from 10 to 25 g of mumiyo resin.

Radiculitis, plexitis, neuralgia

An 8-10% solution of the product is rubbed into the affected areas for at least 5 minutes for three weeks. Along with local therapy, it is recommended to take 200-500 mg of the substance along with natural honey and milk. External application allows you to relieve inflammation, reduce pain, and restore the performance of muscle tissue.


In case of illness, mumiyo is consumed orally at a dose of 200-300 mg, twice a day, for no more than 25 days. The course can be repeated after a five-day break; after treatment, stabilization of blood composition indicators is noted. For the entire duration of therapy, from 5 to 15 g of the substance are consumed.

Purulent wounds, fistulas, burns, trophic ulcers

For procedures, use a 10% resin solution or a specially prepared ointment. 5 g of mumiyo are dissolved in 10 ml of purified water, and 20 grams of water-based lanolin are added to them. After obtaining the consistency of the ointment, add 40 g of boric petroleum jelly to the mixture, mix everything carefully and store in a cool room.

At the same time, mumiyo is consumed orally in volumes of 200 to 500 mg, twice a day. Combined use will speed up regeneration processes and suppress inflammation.

Asthma bronchial

The procedures take place in the mornings before meals and in the evenings, an hour after dinner, 200-500 mg of mumiyo. The treatment lasts one month, the therapy includes three courses with an interval of 5 days between them, depending on the complexity of the ongoing process.


For any type of allergic pathology, use from 200 to 500 mg of the substance twice in 24 hours, with a mixture of natural honey and milk. It is recommended to gargle the throat and nasopharynx with a 10% resin solution, up to two manipulations per day. The duration of therapy does not exceed 28 days; the course can be repeated with a five-day pause.

Purulent otitis media and hearing loss

For pathologies of the ear canal, 3-4 drops of a 10% mumiyo solution are instilled into it, twice a day. Additionally, oral treatment occurs with 200-500 mg of the drug, two procedures per day. The product suppresses inflammation, accelerates tissue epithelization, and restores hearing.

Gynecological inflammatory diseases and erosions

A sterile bandage, pre-moistened in a 5% solution of the drug, is placed on the areas of erosive spots. The effect on problem areas is continued for up to 21 days, repeated therapy is allowed 10 days after the end of the previous one. Procedures are performed in the evening. By 10 days, the wound surface will become clear of purulent contents, and accelerated processes of tissue restoration will begin.

Infertility in women and men, weakened sexual function

Therapeutic manipulations follow a standard regimen: 200 to 500 mg of medication is taken twice a day. Take juice from carrots, sea buckthorn berries or blueberries and treat for 25 days. Stabilization of erectile function in males is observed after a week of procedures.

Pulmonary hemorrhage

Oral therapy of 200-500 mg of mumiyo takes place together with cherry or peach syrup. The procedures are carried out up to three times a day, treatment lasts 25 days. Four repetitions of therapy are carried out at intervals of 10 days.


An ointment is applied to the pre-steamed leg, which is used in the treatment of fractures and trauma to bone tissue. Permanent procedures are carried out over 3-5 months.


Treatment procedures are divided into stages:

  • primary – 250 g of medication three times a day, 5 days;
  • secondary – 300 mg of the substance for three manipulations per day, 8 days;
  • third - from 200 to 500 mg three times a day, the course of therapy does not exceed 10 days.

Joint pain: salt deposits

For therapy, the same ointment is used as for fractures and bone injuries. Rub the mixture onto the affected areas for 5 minutes every evening. At the same time, take 200-500 mg of the substance, twice a day, for 25 days.


During epidemics, the drug is used at a dose of 200 mg, twice every 24 hours.

Sinusitis, frontal sinusitis

1 mg of glycerin is mixed with a 10% solution of mumiyo, three to four drops are instilled. At the same time, they take the medicine 300 mg, twice a day, for 25 days.

Acne on the face, boils

A medicinal 10% solution of the product is rubbed into problem areas, simultaneously taking from 200 to 500 mg of the drug, twice a day. Therapy is continued for 25 days, repetitions are allowed after 10 days.

Toothache, caries

100-200 mg of the substance is kneaded to a dough and applied to the gum and the diseased tooth itself.

Diseases of the gums, oral mucosa, tongue

Shilajit tablets in a volume of 200 to 500 mg are consumed twice a day, for no more than 25 days. The medicine is washed down with a mixture of milk and natural honey.

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Shilajit is a medicine of natural origin. The medication contains a huge number of biologically active components that have a positive effect on the body. The tablets have an anti-inflammatory, strengthening and regenerating effect. The drug quickly relieves attacks of pain, heals wounds and fractures, restores metabolism, eliminates sleep problems, and prevents the formation and development of tumors. Let's consider the features of using mumiyo in tablets.

Composition and pharmacological properties

Mumiyo is an organic product that is mined in the mountains at an altitude of more than 3000 meters. The drug has a rich composition, which consists of the following elements: silicon, plant antibiotics, copper, silver, helium, vanadium, tin, fatty acids, essential oils, vitamins B and C, manganese, chromium, nitrogen, hydrogen, enzymes, etc.

Due to their rich and versatile composition, the tablets have a wide spectrum of action and are used to treat a number of diseases. Mumiyo has various forms of release, one of the most popular is tablets. They have a dark, rich color and a specific smell. One piece contains 2 g of purified mummy.

The natural components of the drug take part in metabolic processes in the body, help accelerate adaptive reactions, have a positive effect on strengthening immune function, and have a beneficial effect on kidney function. The action of the tablets is aimed at normalizing cholesterol levels in the blood, hemoglobin levels, and minimizing the amount of lipids in the blood. The use of the drug allows you to increase the body's resistance to microbes and viruses.

Indications for use:

  1. various ailments of the gastrointestinal tract: peptic ulcers, gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis;
  2. diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  3. diseases of capillaries and blood vessels;
  4. various injuries and fractures;
  5. gynecological diseases;
  6. infectious diseases;
  7. pathologies of the supporting system;
  8. asthma;
  9. tuberculosis;
  10. otitis;
  11. glaucoma;
  12. stomatitis;
  13. burns;
  14. purulent wounds;
  15. haemorrhoids;
  16. allergy;
  17. headache;
  18. sleep disorders;
  19. chronic runny nose, sinusitis;
  20. for general strengthening.

Mumiyo in tablets - instructions for use

To achieve the best results, the tablets should be taken with food. The drug has a rapid effect, its maximum concentration is observed within 2 hours after administration. Mumiyo should be taken one tablet twice a day. It is advisable to divide the course of administration into morning and evening hours. Recommended duration of use is 4 weeks. Depending on the identified problem and its severity, taking the pills may be prolonged.

Reception methods:

  • 1 tablet twice a day, washed down with warm water or milk. The course of treatment is 10-14 days. Next, a break is required (up to 7 days), after which another 2-3 courses of treatment follow;
  • use of tablets in the indicated dosage for 1 month. Next is a break (10 days). This is followed by another course of treatment;
  • tablets can be used zonally. To do this, you need to dissolve the tablet in a small amount of warm water and apply compresses. Similar treatment is practiced for skin allergies, abrasions, and scratches.

Please note that taking mumiyo is recommended exclusively for adults. You cannot give pills to a child yourself. The drug can be prescribed to a baby if it is prescribed by a doctor. In this case, an adjustment is made to the dosage, which is determined individually.


Shilajit tablets instructions for use prohibit the use of the medication by people with cancer. You should not take the pills if you have been diagnosed with adrenal disease or heart muscle disease. Contraindication is the presence of any bleeding. Shilajit should not be used during pregnancy. Elderly people should be especially careful. Taking the medication after 70 years is prohibited.

Due to the natural composition, side effects when using tablets are eliminated. With long-term use of the drug (more than 45 days), symptoms of intoxication may occur. They quickly recede after stopping the course of treatment.

Important points:

  • Shilajit is sold without a prescription, the drug can be freely used for the treatment or prevention of the listed diseases;
  • You can take pills while driving or while doing work that requires concentration;
  • Shilajit can be used in combination therapy, but caution should be exercised when taking medications containing euphilin simultaneously;
  • the cost of tablets (60 pieces per package) starts from 85 rubles;
  • the drug does not have full-fledged analogues that would differ in their complex effect on the body. Several types of medications may be used as an alternative.


Mumiyo is sold in pharmacies in the form of tablets of 0.2 g. In most cases, the daily dose is 0.3 g of mumiyo. Depending on the disease, the doctor may change the dosage.

Tablets are also prescribed to adolescents over 14 years of age. They are taken several times a day. In the morning - on an empty stomach and in the evening - half an hour before meals. As a rule, the course of treatment is 20-25 days. In some cases, treatment time can be extended to several months. The tablet is dissolved in 3 tablespoons of warm water. The solution must be drunk immediately, otherwise it will lose its healing properties.

Shilajit tablets are used to treat many diseases:

Shilajit is used in the treatment of duodenum and intestinal diseases;

It helps with liver and kidney diseases;

If you suffer from cholecystitis, diabetes or cystitis, mumiyo will help cope with these diseases;

If you have breathing problems, in particular, bronchial asthma, a course of mummy tablets will significantly alleviate your condition;

Shilajit helps cope with headaches, insomnia and diseases of the nervous system;

They are used as a treatment for impotence and infertility;

The product perfectly helps wounds of various origins;

Shilajit allergic diseases;

This medicine has an antitumor effect and is used in complex therapy of tumor neoplasms;

Shilajit has bactericidal properties and strengthens the immune system;

The drug is used for hearing loss and otitis media;

Tablets help with poisoning by poisons of plant and animal origin;

If you are tired and feel a loss of strength, a course of mummy tablets will help you recover and feel a surge of strength.

While taking mummy tablets, avoid alcohol in any form, strong tea, coffee, and any foods or medications that affect the brain.


Shilajit contains about 28 chemical elements, 30 micro- and macroelements, 6 amino acids, 10 metal oxides, a number of vitamins, essential oils and much more.

Helpful advice

If mumiyo tablets are in your home medicine cabinet, they will come to the rescue in the most unpredictable cases.

Shilajit tablets cannot be diluted in water whose temperature is above 40 degrees!


  • what pills for fractures

Mumiyo is a resin that is collected high in the mountains. It contains a large number of biologically active substances. Shilajit has an anti-inflammatory, restorative, rejuvenating, regenerating effect, can effectively relieve pain, promotes the healing of bone fractures and wounds, improves sleep and appetite, and suppresses the growth of tumors.


Take mumiyo to strengthen the immune system, normalize the function of the gastrointestinal tract, for the treatment of kidney and liver diseases, to normalize the composition and clotting of blood, in the complex therapy of tumor formations.

Drink one tablet (0.2 g) mummy in the morning and evening with meals. The duration of taking the drug is twenty to twenty-five days. Take Shilajit for bone injuries for two months.

Use mumijo as an external remedy for treatment. Heat two or three preparations in a water bath, spread them in a thin layer on gauze. Lubricate the stretch marks with olive oil or grape seed oil. Apply gauze to the stretch marks, secure with a bandage and leave overnight.


Uncontrolled intake of mummy in large doses can cause toxic reactions. Diarrhea, palpitations, nervous disorders, increased blood pressure may develop, irritability and excitability may occur.

Helpful advice

During treatment with mumiyo, do not drink alcohol (including beer). Mumiyo tablets are not recommended to be taken during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding), if hypersensitivity to the components of the drug is detected.


  • mumiyo is drunk for

Shilajit is a unique medicinal product that has been known to mankind for three thousand years. The ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle mentioned the beneficial properties of this miraculous mountain balm.

Nowadays, many people are suspicious of traditional medicine, preferring to use ancient folk methods for their treatment. Proponents of alternative treatment methods do not ignore mumiyo - a unique natural product, the origin of which has not yet been fully studied.

Shilajit can serve as the basis for many medicines that traditional healers use to treat dozens of different diseases. These products are used in the form of aqueous solutions, alcohol tinctures, water-glycerin solutions and ointments.

Water solution

In order to prepare a medicinal solution, you need to dissolve 5 grams of mumiyo in 400 ml of warm water. You can use a beaker as a container for these purposes.

After the mumiyo has infused, and this process takes no more than two hours, the solution should be filtered through cheesecloth and its volume brought to 500 ml. An aqueous solution can be used for compresses and rubbing for radiculitis, ulcers, burns, and fractures.


When preparing an alcohol tincture, you need to grind 10 grams of mumiyo and pour 70 ml of an alcohol solution with a strength of no more than 20% into the resulting substance.

The tincture should be kept at room temperature for seven days, stirring occasionally, then strain and add 30 ml of alcohol to the resulting precipitate. After three days, strain again, mix both liquids and bring the volume of alcohol to 100 grams. You can use alcohol tincture as a compress for soft tissue injuries.

Water-glycerin solution

In order to prepare this product, you need to mix two equal parts of water and glycerin (200 ml) and pour the resulting mixture into 10 grams of mumiyo.

The solution should be infused in a cool place for 24 hours. After the solution has infused, it should be carefully filtered and the volume brought to 200 ml, using water and glycerin in a one-to-one ratio. A water-glycerin solution is recommended for the treatment of sinusitis.


To prepare the ointment, you need to thoroughly stir 5 grams of mumiyo in a small amount of boiled water (no more than one teaspoon). After achieving a homogeneous consistency, the resulting mixture should be mixed with any day or night skin cream and left for 15 minutes. Women can use this ointment for skin stretch marks that appear as a result of pregnancy.

Video on the topic


  • A website containing descriptions of alternative treatment methods

Although the famous eastern healer Avicenna wrote about mumiyo, unfortunately, there is no comprehensive scientific data about this rare natural medicine. Mumiyo is a dark, viscous, bitter substance like mountain resin. Researchers found in it three dozen macro- and microelements, many vitamins, rare amino acids, and essential oils. Thanks to such a rich, unique composition, mumiyo allows you to treat many diseases.

You will need

  • – mumiyo;
  • – water, tea or milk


The drug has a protective effect against pathogenic flora and effectively strengthens the immune system. Patients feel significantly better, their appetite increases, insomnia disappears, and pain subsides.

Shilajit has an antitoxic effect and is therefore useful for restoring poor health due to various poisonings. It is advisable to take it after removing toxins with enterosorbent drugs.