Short thick hair. Description of the Abyssinian cat. Reviews The particle is not written together

Grandfather unexpectedly sold the house to the tavern owner, buying another one on Kanatnaya Street; unpaved, overgrown with grass, clean and quiet, it opened straight into a field and was lined with small, motley-colored houses. The new house was more elegant and nicer than the old one; its facade is painted with a warm and calm dark crimson paint; the blue shutters of the three windows and the single lattice shutter of the attic window glowed brightly on it; the roof on the left side was beautifully covered with dense greenery of elm and linden. There were many cozy nooks and crannies in the yard and garden, as if purposely for playing hide and seek. The garden is especially nice, small but dense and pleasantly intricate; in one corner there was a small bathhouse, like a toy; in the other there was a large, rather deep hole; it was overgrown with weeds, and thick firebrands protruded from it, the remains of the former, burnt-out bathhouse. On the left, the garden was enclosed by the wall of Colonel Ovsyannikov's stables, on the right - by Betleng's buildings; in the depths it came into contact with the estate of the milkmaid Petrovna, a fat, red, noisy woman, resembling a bell; her house, sunk into the ground, dark and dilapidated, well covered with moss, good-naturedly looked out with two windows onto a field torn up by deep ravines, with a heavy blue cloud of forest in the distance; The soldiers moved and ran across the field all day long—the white lightning of their bayonets sparkled in the slanting rays of the autumn sun. The whole house was closely packed with people I had never seen: in the front half lived a Tatar military man with a small, round wife; From morning to evening she screamed, laughed, played a richly decorated guitar and sang a perky song more often than others in a high, ringing voice:

I'm not happy to love alone
You need to look for another one!
Know how to find her.
And a reward awaits you
On the right path!
O-oh, sa-sweet nagr-glad!

A military man, round as a ball, sitting by the window, puffed up his blue face and, cheerfully rolling out some red eyes, continuously smoked his pipe, coughing with a strange, dog-like sound: - Wuh, wuh-wuh-hh... In the warm annex above the cellar and stable there were two dray drivers: the little gray-haired Uncle Peter, his mute nephew Styopa, a smooth, cast guy with a face like a tray of red copper, and the cheerless, long Tatar Valya, the orderly. These were all new people, rich in things unknown to me. But the parasite Good Deed grabbed me especially tightly and pulled me towards him. He rented a room in the back half of the house next to the kitchen, long, with two windows - into the garden and onto the yard. He was a thin, stooped man, with a white face, a black forked beard, kind eyes, and glasses. He was silent, inconspicuous, and when he was invited to dinner or tea, he invariably answered:- Good job. Grandma started calling him to his face and behind his back. - Lenka, shout Good job, drink tea! You, Good Deed, don’t eat enough? His whole room was crowded and littered with some kind of boxes, thick books of a civilian press unfamiliar to me, there were bottles with multi-colored liquids, pieces of copper and iron, and rods of lead everywhere. From morning to evening, in a red leather jacket, in gray checkered pants, all smeared with some kind of paint, unpleasantly smelling, disheveled and awkward, he melted lead, soldered some copper things, weighed something on small scales, mooed, he burned his fingers and hurriedly blew on them, stumbled up to the drawings on the wall and, wiping his glasses, sniffed the drawings, almost touching the paper with his thin and straight, strangely white nose. And sometimes he suddenly stopped in the middle of the room or at the window and stood for a long time, closing his eyes, raising his face, dumbfounded, speechless. I climbed onto the roof of the barn and across the yard watched him through the open window, saw the blue light of an alcohol lamp on the table, a dark figure; I saw him writing something in a disheveled notebook, his glasses shining coldly and bluishly, like ice floes - the witchcraft work of this man kept me on the roof for hours, painfully inciting curiosity. Sometimes he stood in the window, as if in a frame, with his hands hidden behind his back, looking straight at the roof, but he didn’t seem to see me, and this really offended me. Suddenly he jumped back to the table and, bent double, rummaged around on it. I think that I would have been afraid of him if he had been richer and better dressed, but he was poor: a wrinkled, dirty shirt collar stuck out above the collar of his jacket, his pants were stained and patched, and worn-out shoes were on his bare feet. The poor are not scary, not dangerous, I was quietly convinced of this by my grandmother’s pitiful attitude towards them and my grandfather’s contemptuous attitude. No one in the house liked Good Deed; everyone talked about him laughing; the cheerful wife of a military man called him “chalk nose”, uncle Peter - a pharmacist and sorcerer, his grandfather - a warlock, a pharmacist. -What is he doing? - I asked my grandmother. She responded sternly: - It’s none of your business, just keep quiet... One day, having gathered my courage, I went up to his window and asked, barely hiding my excitement: - What are you doing? He shuddered, looked at me for a long time over his glasses and, holding out his hand covered in ulcers and burn scars, said:- Get in... The fact that he offered to enter him not through the door, but through the window, raised him even more in my eyes. He sat down on the box, put me in front of him, moved me away, pulled me back again and finally asked quietly:- Where are you from? It was strange: four times a day I sat in the kitchen at the table next to him! I answered: - The local grandson... “Yeah, yeah,” he said, examining his finger, and fell silent. Then I felt it necessary to explain to him: - I’m not Kashirin, but Peshkov... - Peshkov? - he repeated incorrectly. - Good job. He pushed me aside, stood up and, going to the table, said: - Well, sit still... I sat for a long, long time, watching him scrape with a rasp a piece of copper clamped in a vice; Golden grains of sawdust fall onto the cardboard under the vice. So he collected them in a handful, poured them into a thick cup, added dust from a jar, white as salt, doused them with something from a dark bottle - the cup began to hiss and smoke, an acrid smell rushed into my nose, I coughed, shook head, and he, the sorcerer, asked boastfully: - Does it smell bad?- Yes! - That's the same! This is very good brother! “What is he bragging about!” - I thought, and I said sternly: - If it’s bad, it’s not good... - Well? - he exclaimed, winking. - This, brother, is not always the case, however! Do you play grandmas?- Into intrigues? - Into intrigues, right? - I'm playing. - Would you like me to make some drinks? There will be a good cue ball!- Want. - Bring it, give me grandma. He came up to me again, holding a steaming cup in his hand, looking into it with one eye, came up and said: - I’ll make you a drink; And don’t come to me for this, okay? This offended me greatly. - I’ll never come anyway... Offended, I went into the garden; Grandfather was busy there, covering the roots of apple trees with manure; It was autumn, the leaves had already begun to fall a long time ago. “Come on, trim the raspberries,” said the grandfather, handing me the scissors. I asked him: - What is a good business building? “He’s ruining the room,” he answered angrily. — The floor was burned, the wallpaper was stained, it was torn off. I’ll tell him - I should move out! “That’s how it should be,” I agreed, starting to trim the dry raspberry vines. But I was in a hurry. On rainy evenings, if grandfather left home, grandmother would organize the most interesting meetings in the kitchen, inviting all the residents to drink tea: the cab drivers, the orderly; the lively Petrovna often appeared, sometimes even a cheerful guest came, and always in the corner, near the stove, Good Deed stood motionless and silent. The mute Styopa was playing cards with the Tatar; Valei slapped them on the mute’s broad nose and said:- Ash-shaitan! Uncle Peter brought a huge piece of white bread and jam “seeds” in a large clay jar, cut the bread into slices, generously greased them with jam and distributed these delicious raspberry slices to everyone, holding them in the palm of his hand, bowing low. - Please, please, eat! - he asked affectionately, and when they took a piece from him, he carefully examined his dark palm and, noticing a drop of jam on it, licked it off with his tongue. Petrovna brought cherry liqueur in a bottle, the cheerful lady brought nuts and sweets. The feast began with a mountain, grandma’s favorite pleasure. Some time after Good Deed offered me a bribe so that I would not go to visit him, my grandmother arranged such an evening. The irrepressible autumn rain was falling and squelching, the wind was whining, the trees were rustling, scratching the walls with branches - the kitchen was warm, cozy, everyone was sitting close to each other, everyone was somehow especially sweetly quiet, and the grandmother was unusually generous in telling stories, alone the other one is better. She sat on the edge of the stove, resting her feet on the ledge, leaning toward the people, illuminated by the fire of a small tin lamp; It was always the case that if she was in a mood, she climbed onto the stove, explaining: - I need to speak from above - it’s better from above! I placed myself at her feet, on a wide step, almost above the head of Good Deed. Grandmother told a good story about Ivan the Warrior and Myron the Hermit; Juicy, weighty words flowed steadily:

Once upon a time there lived an evil commander Gordion,
Black soul, stone conscience;
He persecuted the truth, tortured people,
He lived in evil, like an owl in a hollow.
Most of all, Gordion disliked
Elder Myron the Hermit,
Quiet truth defender,
To the world of fearless goodness.
The governor calls his faithful servant,
Brave Ivanushka the Warrior:
- Come on, Ivanko, kill the old man,
Elder Miron the arrogant one!
Go ahead and cut off his head
Grab her by the gray beard,
Bring it to me, I’ll feed the dogs!
Ivan went and obeyed.
Ivan walks and thinks bitterly:
“I’m not going on my own; need is leading me!”
I know this is my share from the Lord.”
Ivan hid his sharp sword under the floor,
He came and bowed to the hermit:
“Are you all right, honest old man?”
How does God have mercy on you, old man?
Here the seer smiles,
With wise lips he says to him:
- Come on, Ivanushko, hide the truth!
The Lord God knows everything,
Evil and good are in his hand!
I know why you came to me!
Ivanka is ashamed in front of the hermit,
And Ivan is afraid to disobey.
He took the sword out of the leather scabbard,
I wiped the iron with a wide hollow.
- I wanted to kill you, Mirone.
So that you won't even see the sword.
Well, now - pray to the Lord,
Pray to him for the last time
For yourself, for me, for the entire human race,
And then I'll cut off your head!..
Elder Miron knelt down,
He stood quietly under the young oak tree, -
The oak bows before him.
The elder says, smiling:
- Oh, Ivan, look, you’ve been waiting for a long time!
Great prayer for the entire human race!
It would be better to kill me right away
So that you don’t have to worry too much!
Here Ivan frowned angrily,
Here he stupidly boasted:
- No, if it’s said, it’s said so!
You know, pray, I’ll wait at least a century!
The hermit prays until evening,
From the evening he prays until dawn,
From dawn until night,
From summer he prays again until spring.
Prays to Mirona year after year,
The oak tree has grown from young to cloudy,
From his acorn the forest grew thick,
But there is no end to holy prayer!
This is how they continue to this day:
The elder still quietly cries to God,
Asks God for help to people,
The most glorious Mother of God has joy,
And Ivan the Warrior stands nearby,
His sword has long crumbled into dust,
The forged armor was eaten away by rust,
The good clothes have all rotted away,
Winter and summer, Ivan stands tall,
The heat dries it out, but it won’t dry it out,
The gnat wears out his blood, but it won’t,
Wolves and bears don’t touch
Blizzards and frosts are not for him,
He himself is not strong enough to move,
Not a hand to raise or a word to say,
This, you see, was given to him as punishment:
I would not obey an evil order,
I didn’t hide behind someone else’s conscience!
And the elder’s prayer for us sinners,
And to this day the good hour flows to the Lord,
Like a bright river in the Okiyan Sea!

Already at the beginning of my grandmother’s story, I noticed that Good Deed was worried about something: he moved his hands strangely, convulsively, took off and put on his glasses, waved them in melodious words, nodded his head, touched his eyes, pressing them firmly with his fingers, and wiped everything with a quick movement of the palm of the forehead and cheeks, as if very sweaty. When any of the listeners moved, coughed, or shuffled their feet, the parasite hissed sternly: - Shh! And when the grandmother fell silent, he jumped up violently and, waving his arms, began to spin somehow unnaturally and muttered: - You know, this is amazing, it must be written down, of course! This is terribly true, our... Now it was clearly visible that he was crying - his eyes were full of tears; they protruded from above and below, the eyes bathed in them; it was strange and very pathetic. He ran around the kitchen, jumping funny, clumsily, waving his glasses in front of his nose, wanting to put them on, and still could not catch the wire behind his ears. Uncle Peter grinned, looking at him, everyone was silent in embarrassment, and grandmother hurriedly said: - Write down, well, there is no sin in this; I know a lot more like that... - No, that's exactly it! “This is terribly Russian,” the parasite excitedly shouted and, suddenly dumbfounded in the middle of the kitchen, began to speak loudly, cutting the air with his right hand, and his glasses trembled in his left. He spoke for a long time, furiously, squealing and stamping his foot, often repeating the same words: - You can’t live by someone else’s conscience, yes, yes! Then suddenly his voice somehow lost his voice, fell silent, looked at everyone and quietly, guiltily walked away, bowing his head. People grinned, looking at each other in confusion, the grandmother moved deep into the stove, into the shadows, and sighed heavily there. Wiping her thick red lips with her palm, Petrovna asked: -Are you angry? “No,” answered Uncle Peter. - He’s just so-so... Grandmother got off the stove and began to silently heat up the samovar, and Uncle Peter, slowly, said: - Gentlemen are all such capricious people! Valei muttered gloomily: - A single man always makes a fool! Everyone laughed, and Uncle Peter said: - I was brought to tears. It can be seen that sometimes the pike would bite, but the roach and the roach would barely... It became boring, a kind of despondency ached in my heart. Good Deed surprised me very much, I felt sorry for him, so clearly I remembered his sunken eyes. He didn’t spend the night at home, but the next day he came back after dinner, quiet, crumpled, obviously embarrassed. “Yesterday I made noise,” he said to his grandmother guiltily, like a little boy. -Are you not angry? - For what? - What did I say that I intervened? -You didn't offend anyone... I felt that my grandmother was afraid of him, did not look him in the face and spoke unusually - too quietly. He came right up to her and said surprisingly simply: “You see, I’m terribly alone, I have no one!” You are silent, silent, and suddenly it boils in your soul, it bursts through... You are ready to speak to a stone, to a tree... Grandmother moved away from him. - Would you like to get married... - Eh! - he exclaimed, wincing, and left, waving his hand. Grandmother, frowning, looked after him, took a sniff of tobacco and then sternly punished me: - Look, don’t hang around him too much; God knows what he is like... And I was drawn to him again. I saw how his face changed and turned over when he said “terribly alone” - in these words there was something understandable to me, touching my heart, and I followed him. I looked from the yard into the window of his room - it was empty and looked like a closet, where various unnecessary things had been thrown hastily, in disarray, - as unnecessary and strange as their owner. I went into the garden and there, in a hole, I saw him; bent over, with his hands behind his head, his elbows resting on his knees, he sat uncomfortably on the end of a charred log; the log was covered with earth, and its end, shiny with coal, stuck out in the air above the withered wormwood, nettles, and burdock. And the fact that it was uncomfortable for him to sit made him even more attractive to this man. He didn’t notice me for a long time, looking somewhere past me with the blind eyes of an owl, then suddenly asked as if with annoyance: - Behind me? - No. - What then? - So. He took off his glasses, wiped them with a handkerchief that had red and black stains on them, and said: - Well, get in here! When I sat down next to him, he wrapped his arms tightly around my shoulders. - Sit... We'll sit and be silent - okay? This is it... Are you stubborn? - Yes. - Good job! They were silent for a long time. The evening was quiet, meek, one of those sad evenings of Indian summer, when everything around is so colorful and so noticeably moulting, becoming poorer every hour, and the earth has already exhausted all its nourishing, summer smells, it smells only of cold dampness, the air is strangely transparent, and jackdaws fussily flicker in the reddish sky, arousing gloomy thoughts. Everything is silent and quiet; Every sound - the rustle of a bird, the rustle of a fallen leaf - seems loud, makes you shudder fearfully, but, shuddering, you freeze again in silence - it has embraced the entire earth and fills your chest. At such moments, especially pure, light thoughts will be born, but they are thin, transparent, like a spider’s web, and elusive in words. They flash and disappear quickly, like shooting stars, burning the soul with sadness about something, caressing it, disturbing it, and then it boils, melts, taking its shape for the rest of its life, here its face is created. Clinging to the warm side of the parasite, I looked with him through the black branches of the apple trees at the red sky, watched the flights of busy tap dancers, saw how goldfinches fluttered the tops of dry burrs, extracting their tart grains, how shaggy gray clouds with crimson edges stretched from the field, and under the clouds crows fly heavily to their nests, to the cemetery. Everything was good and somehow special - not as usual - clear and close. Sometimes a person would ask, taking a deep breath: - Nice, brother? That's it! Isn't it damp or cold? And when the sky darkened and everything around swelled, filling with damp darkness, he said: - Well, it will be! Let's go... At the garden gate he stopped, saying quietly: - Your grandmother is good - oh, what a land! He closed his eyes and, smiling, read quietly, very clearly: - You, brother, remember this very much! And, pushing me forward, he asked: - Can you write? - No. - Learn. And once you learn, write down what your grandmother tells you - this, brother, is very useful... We became friends. From that day on, I came to Good Deed whenever I wanted, sat in a box with some rags and freely watched how he melted lead and warmed copper; Having heated it, he forges iron plates on a small anvil with a light hammer with a beautiful handle, works with a rasp, files, emery and a thread-thin saw... And he weighs everything on sensitive copper scales. Pouring various liquids into thick white cups, he watches how they smoke, fill the room with an acrid smell, winces, looks into a thick book and hums, biting his red lips, or quietly drawls in a husky voice:

Oh, rose of Sharon...

- What are you doing? - One thing, brother... - Which one? - Ah, you see, I don’t know how to say it in such a way that you understand... - Grandfather says that maybe you are making counterfeit money... - Grandfather? Mm... Well, he's talking nonsense! Money, brother, nonsense... - How do you pay for bread? - Well, brother, you have to pay for bread, right... - Do you see? And for beef, too... - And for the beef... He laughs quietly, surprisingly sweetly, tickles me behind the ear, like a kitten, and says: “I just can’t argue with you, you’re beating me down, brother; let's better keep quiet... Sometimes he would stop his work, sit next to me, and we would look out the window for a long time, how the rain was falling on the roofs, on the yard, overgrown with grass, how the apple trees were growing poor, losing leaves. He spoke a Good Deed sparingly, but always in some necessary words; more often, wanting to draw my attention to something, he would quietly push me and show me with his eye, winking. I don’t see anything special in the yard, but from these nudges with the elbow and from short words, everything visible seems especially significant, everything is firmly remembered. Here is a cat running through the yard, stopping in front of a light puddle and, looking at its reflection, raised a soft paw, as if it wanted to hit him, - Good Deed says quietly: -Cats are proud and distrustful... The golden-red rooster Mamai, having flown up onto the garden fence, strengthened himself, shook his wings, almost fell and, offended, mutters angrily, stretching his neck. - It’s the general who is important, not the very smart one... The clumsy Valya walks, stepping heavily through the mud, like an old horse; his high-cheeked face is pouty, he looks, squinting, into the sky, and from there a white autumn ray falls directly on his chest - the copper button on Valya’s jacket is burning, the Tatar stopped and touches it with crooked fingers. - It’s like I got a medal, I’m admiring it... I quickly and firmly became attached to the Good Deed; it became necessary for me both in days of bitter grievances and in hours of joy. Silent, he did not forbid me to talk about everything that came into my head, and my grandfather always cut me off with a stern shout: - Don't talk, demonic mill! Grandmother was so full of her own things that she no longer heard or accepted anyone else’s. Good Deed always listened to my chatter attentively and often said to me, smiling: - Well, that’s not true, brother, you made it up yourself... And his brief remarks always fell on time, they were necessary - it was as if he saw through everything that was going on in my heart and head, saw all the unnecessary, incorrect words before I had time to say them, saw and cut them off with two gentle blows: - You're lying, brother! I often deliberately tested this witchcraft ability of his; Sometimes I would invent something and tell it as if it had happened, but he, after listening a little, would shake his head: - Well, you're lying, brother... - Why do you know? - I see, brother... Often, when going to Sennaya Square for water, my grandmother took me with her, and one day we saw five townspeople beating a man - they threw him to the ground and tore him apart, like dogs tearing at a dog. The grandmother threw the buckets off the yoke and, waving them, went towards the townspeople, shouting to me: - Run away! But I got scared, ran after her and began throwing pebbles and stones at the townspeople, and she bravely poked the townspeople with a yoke, hitting them on the shoulders and heads. Some other people also intervened, the townspeople ran away, the grandmother began to wash the beaten man; his face was trampled, and even now I see with disgust how he pressed his torn nostril with a dirty finger, and howled and coughed, and from under his finger blood splashed into the grandmother’s face, onto her chest; She also screamed and shook all over. When I arrived home, ran to the parasite and began to tell him, he quit work and stood in front of me, raising a long file like a saber, looking at me from under his glasses intently and sternly, and then suddenly interrupted me, saying unusually impressively: - Great, that’s exactly how it was! Very good! Shocked by what I saw, I did not have time to be surprised by his words and continued to speak, but he hugged me and, stumbling around the room, spoke: - Enough, no more! You, brother, have already said everything that needs to be done, do you understand? All! I fell silent, offended, but, upon reflection, with amazement, very memorable to me, I realized that he stopped me in time: I really said everything. - Don’t dwell on these cases, brother, it’s not good to remember! - he said. Sometimes he unexpectedly spoke to me words that remained with me for the rest of my life. I tell him about my enemy Klyushnikov, a fighter from Novaya Street, a fat, big-headed boy, whom neither I could defeat in battle, nor he could defeat me. Good Deed listened carefully to my sorrows and said: - This is bullshit; such strength is not strength! True strength lies in speed of movement; the faster, the stronger, understand? The next Sunday I tried to use my fists faster and easily defeated Klyushnikov. This raised my attention even more to the parasite’s words. “You have to be able to take every thing,” you understand? It is very difficult to be able to take it! I didn’t understand anything, but I involuntarily remembered such and similar words - precisely because I remembered that there was something annoyingly mysterious in the simplicity of these words: after all, no special ability was required to take a stone, a piece of bread, a cup, a hammer! And in the house they didn’t like Good Deed more and more; Even the affectionate cat of the cheerful resident did not climb onto his lap, as she climbed on everyone else, and did not go to his affectionate call. I beat her for this, ruffled her ears and, almost crying, persuaded her not to be afraid of the person. “My clothes smell like acids, so the cat doesn’t come to me,” he explained, but I knew that everyone, even my grandmother, explained it differently, hostile to the parasite, incorrectly and offensively. - Why are you hanging around with him? - Grandma asked angrily. - Look, he will teach you something... And my grandfather brutally beat me for every visit to a parasite that became known to him, the red ferret. I, of course, did not tell Good Deed that I was forbidden to meet him, but I openly told him how they treated him in the house. “Grandmother is afraid of you, she says that you are a warlock, and grandfather also says that you are an enemy to God and dangerous to people... He jerked his head, as if driving away flies, and a pinkish smile flashed on his chalky face, which made my heart clench and my eyes turn green. - I, brother, see it already! - he spoke quietly. - This is sad, brother, huh? - Yes! - It's sad, brother... Finally he was survived. One day I came to him after morning tea and saw him sitting on the floor, putting his things in boxes, quietly singing about the Rose of Sharon. - Well, goodbye, brother, so I’m leaving... - For what? He looked at me intently, saying: - Do not you know? The room is needed for your mother... - Who said that? - Grandfather... - He's lying! Good Deed pulled me by the hand towards him, and when I sat down on the floor, he spoke quietly: - Do not be angry! And I, brother, thought that you knew, but you didn’t tell me; this is not good, I thought... I was sad and annoyed with him for something. “Listen,” he said almost in a whisper, smiling, “do you remember I told you - don’t come to me?” I nodded my head. - You're offended by me, right? - Yes... “And I, brother, didn’t want to offend you, you see, I knew: if you made friends with me, your people would scold you, right?” It was like this? Do you understand why I said this? He spoke as if he were little, the same age as me; and I was terribly happy at his words, it even seemed to me that I had understood him a long time ago; That's what I said: - I realized this a long time ago! - Here you go! That's it, brother. This is it, my dear... My heart ached unbearably. - Why don’t they love you? He hugged me, pressed me to him and answered with a wink: - Alien - do you understand? That's what it's all about. Not like that... I tugged at his sleeve, not knowing, not knowing what to say. “Don’t be angry,” he repeated and added in a whisper in his ear: “There’s no need to cry either... And he himself also has tears flowing from under his cloudy glasses. And then, as always, we sat in silence for a long time, only occasionally exchanging brief words. In the evening he left, tenderly saying goodbye to everyone and hugging me tightly. I went outside the gate and saw him shaking on a cart, its wheels kneading mounds of frozen mud. Immediately after he left, my grandmother began to wash and clean the dirty room, and I deliberately walked from corner to corner and disturbed her. - Go away! - she shouted, bumping into me. - Why did you send him away? - Talk to me! “You’re all fools,” I said. She started spanking me with a wet rag, shouting: - You're crazy, you shot! “It’s not you, but all the other fools,” I corrected, but this did not calm her down.

Abyssinian cats are a unique combination of gracefulness, unusualness and activity. Fans of unusual breeds of pets should definitely get this wonderful cat. It differs from ordinary cats in having short hair that fits tightly to the body, as well as large, spaced ears. However, you should not get a pet based solely on its outstanding appearance. After all, in order for you to love a pet, it must fully meet your requirements for habits, character and care characteristics. Don’t be lazy, study the information about this breed, and also read the reviews.

Abyssinian cat - breed description and reviews

Representatives of this breed have an average size. The body of cats is, as a rule, of medium length; cats have a dense and muscular body. The weight of adult cats ranges from four to seven kilograms. The tail is long and narrow, but thickens at the base. The gracefulness of the cat is confirmed by its plasticity, as well as its slender and long paws, which have an oval shape.

Types of colors

Abyssinian cats have short but thick and dense hair. The coat hairs of representatives of the breed quite often have an original color of two or three stripes of different colors. This color mixing is called ticking. Although some cats do not have such an unusual color, however, this is considered to be the norm. Thanks to the original ticking, the wool acquires shimmer and shine.

Pussycats of this breed almost always have a dark back combined with light chest, belly and paws. There are several types of colors of Abyssinian cats:

  • blue;
  • red (called cinnamon or sorrel);
  • faun;
  • and wild.

Character of Abyssinian cats

Lovers of peace and tranquility should give up their desire to purchase such a pet. With the advent of an Abyssinian cat, they will settle in your home forever. activity, curiosity and a storm of emotions.

Representatives of the breed have the following positive aspects:

  • extraordinary mind;
  • good manners;
  • quick response.

These pussies love to be constantly on the move, spend their time with interest and benefit, learn new things and be visible. Please note that they need constant attention, affection and care, so you should not protect your pet from the manifestation of these feelings. If you do not have several hours a day that you could devote to your pet, you should not get such a breed.

Owners of Abyssinians should keep in mind: these animals are very inquisitive and curious. They will be able to get to the most hidden corners of your home that you never knew existed. In the character of these cats there is such a trait as obstinacy, although they are quite accommodating and compliant.

A pet of the Abyssinian breed will always welcome you into the house with great joy and pleasure; the owner, in turn, should also greet the cat, devoting a little time to her.

Don't expect your pet to calmly curl up and fall asleep on your lap while you go about your business. She will most likely be interested in all your activities, and perhaps try to help her master. Abyssinians will be happy to press the keyboard with their paws, flip through the pages of a book, run while washing the floor and open the refrigerator with their paws while cooking.

Representatives of the breed are incredibly loving and obedient animals. They are extremely loyal and devoted to their owner. The Abyssinian will happily come running to you if you call her, perhaps she will perform some task within her power, or hand over a thrown object. Such qualities inherent in Abyssinian cats are more typical for dogs than for felines.

Among the disadvantages of the breed the following can be distinguished:

  • high price;
  • restlessness;
  • small litter.

Diseases of Abyssinian cats

Abyssinian cats have good and good health. They are quite dexterous and have a good reaction. This breed does not have some diseases that are common in many other cat breeds.

Despite this, Abyssinian cats can get sick. Experts associate the disease, which is called renal amyloidosis, exclusively with this breed. However, not all cats who have had this disease pass it on to their offspring. Such a disease is rather a rare exception.

Caring for Abyssinian cats

Abyssinian cats do not require special care. Thanks to their unusual, short, thick and dense fur, Abyssinians require minimal care. Although the ears need to be given regular attention. Remember to clean your cats ears as needed as they will get dirty frequently due to their shape.

During the period of heat, cats will behave calmly. Typically, cats give birth to 1-3 kittens per pregnancy. The maximum offspring of a cat is 6 kittens at a time, although this happens extremely rarely. Abyssinian pregnancy lasts 60-65 days.

Representatives of the breed cannot stand being alone. They do not accumulate energy because they are in constant motion. Pets need to be given attention, live in harmony with them, accept their help and forgive minor pranks.

Kittens are worth purchasing exclusively from experienced breeders who paid attention to the early socialization of the pet. Regular but unobtrusive contact at an early age is necessary for the animal to further establish friendly and close relationships with its owner in the future.

Keep in mind that each pet has its own personality and personality traits. Therefore, the proposed description does not always fully correspond to the characteristics of a particular representative of this breed.

Abyssinian cat - reviews

In order to be confident in your choice, you should listen to the advice of Abyssinian owners, reviews from breeders and ordinary people.

I was lucky enough to become the owner of this breed when the kitten was about to turn two months old. All information and reviews about the breed on the Internet are the honest truth. The Abyssinian is a graceful and quite active bundle of muscles that begins looking for adventure as soon as it learns to crawl.

As soon as we brought our girl home, she immediately hid under the bathtub and sat there for quite a long time - about an hour. Further, she apparently began to realize that the time had come to understand where she was and why she was actually brought here. This is where the fun began. She immediately began to poke her curious nose into all corners of our apartment, gradually speeding up her pace, and also forgot her initially exemplary behavior.

If your kitten is not yet a year old, it’s better to hide it as far as possible all fragile and easily breakable objects in the apartment. The activity of Abyssinians is indescribable; they can get too excited and accidentally destroy everything in their path. With age, of course, they calm down a little and become more cautious, but they continue to run around and play like children.

These cats cannot stand loneliness and boredom, they love when the owner is at home - then they will rejoice and show their love in every possible way. But if you are often absent for a long time, for example, on business trips or training camps, this breed is not for you.

I have been dealing with this breed for quite a long time. But I never regretted that I once bought an Abyssinian for myself. These cats are one of the most ancient breeds of domestic cats. Their ancestors are wild cats that lived in Ethiopia. Breeding of the breed began in the 1870s, although the first breed standard was published only in 1889.

Abyssinians are graceful representatives of decorative cat breeds with short hair and large ears. I wouldn't say they are large, rather miniature. But, despite their miniature size, these cats cannot be called fragile - they have quite strong muscles and core. An unusual and deep look is one of the characteristic features of Abyssinians.

Despite its wild origin, this pet will have a kind and playful disposition. You can still look for such fidgety cats as Abyssinian cats. Restless, gentle, cheerful and curious - all these traits coexist in the character of the Abyssinians. They are the most unusual and devoted helpers and friends. Their loyalty is somewhat reminiscent of dogs. There is only one conclusion - do you dream of buying a dog, but there is no opportunity? Buy an Abyssinian!

Representatives of the breed, by themselves, are quite gentle and affectionate. They are peaceful, but require attention to their person. They do not tolerate rude or disrespectful behavior. Despite their unusual nature, they require routine care. They are unpretentious when it comes to food.

As for their breeding, here too they are unpretentious. The only drawback that I was able to identify in breeding is a small litter (usually 3-4 kittens, no more). Moms can spend days licking their newborn kittens. Although, cats are completely indifferent to their crumbs.

Abyssinian cats get along well in a house with birds, cats will be indifferent to them. If you have small children in your family, you should definitely have this unusual miracle. The disadvantage is the high price of kittens.

This breed has a golden character. My favorite appeared before I started my family. We made a strong friendship with this little girl, I fell in love with her, just as she loved me. But when I decided to get married and move in with my husband, I was very worried how my girl would react to the new member of our “team”. Surprisingly, the pussy reacted completely calmly, happily accepted my husband and even became friends with him. I was pleasantly surprised.

Besides, our pussy doesn’t get boring with heart-rending screams in the morning and while preparing food. She rather purrs with pleasure when you stroke her affectionately when returning home.

Few people know, but most dog lovers keep pets of German breeds at home because they are distinguished by loyalty, restraint, intelligence and endurance. Many of them can simultaneously act as a watchman, companion or hunter. Below we will look at a list of the most popular German dog breeds.

  • Height– up to 60 cm
  • Weight– up to 40 kg

The German Shepherd was bred to search for missing people, protect and hunt. The dog has short but thick hair, color – sable, zonal, black, white. The Shepherd is distinguished by its balance, loyalty and endurance.


  • can be a defender;
  • loves children;
  • learns quickly.


  • requires long walks and physical activity.

  • Height– about 40 cm
  • Weight– up to 20 kg

Appeared in Germany, belongs to smooth-haired dogs, coat color - brindle, red. The peculiarities are that he is balanced and loves children. The pet is often used as a bodyguard, watchman and nanny. The boxer is also active and distrustful of strangers.


  • loyal to the owner;
  • learn quickly.


  • get sick often;
  • quickly become hypothermic;
  • require coat care.

  • Height– about 40 cm
  • Weight– up to 25 kg

A hunting breed of dog, bred in Germany for hunting, guarding and helping people. At the same time, the dog is easy to care for and easily takes root in any conditions. The dog has a medium body, powerful paws and chest. The coat is hard with undercoat, the color is dark, red. By nature, the German is distinguished by stubbornness, independence, hot temperament and endurance.


  • loyal and quick to learn.


  • are aggressive;
  • require constant discipline.

  • Height– up to 65 cm
  • Weight– 40 kg

It was bred for hunting and protection. In size - a dog with a medium body. The coat is short, thick, color – brown, gray. By nature, Germans are hardy, intelligent and active animals.


  • can be watchmen;
  • devoted to their family.


  • require long walks;
  • may be aggressive towards other animals.

  • Height– about 60 cm
  • Weight– 30-40 kg

A pointing breed with short hair. The body is athletic and slender, the color is dark, sometimes with a milky tint and inclusions. The dog can be used for guarding and hunting small animals. characterized by loyalty, confidence, endurance and poise.


  • learn quickly;
  • The coat requires almost no maintenance.


  • It’s hard to get along in an apartment.

  • Height– 75-90 cm
  • Weight– up to 90 kg

It has a large size, color - fawn, marble, gray, black and blue. The coat is short and smooth. Can be used as a guard, watchman or companion. The character is characterized by loyalty, playfulness, devotion, peacefulness and friendliness.


  • easy to learn;
  • lives long.


  • better kept outside the city;
  • Because of its weight, a dog can easily overwhelm an adult, even when playing with him.

  • Height– up to 40 cm
  • Weight– up to 15 kg

The dog is a companion, from which many other decorative pets originated. The coat is thick and fluffy, the color is white, gray, there is an undercoat. distinguished by good health, peaceful character, activity, intelligence and devotion.


  • sharp mind and quick wit;
  • love for children.


  • prone to obesity;
  • require training.

  • Height– up to 60 cm
  • Weight– up to 50 kg

It was bred in Germany and is distinguished by its stable character, endurance, intelligence and restraint. Previously used for grazing livestock, later as a watchman or security guard. The coat is smooth, shiny, color is black with tan marks of red and brown. By nature, they are loyal and peaceful dogs; they are wary of strangers.


  • love children;
  • not aggressive.


  • requires constant walking and training;
  • do not cope well with family changes.

  • Height– 70 cm
  • Weight– 40-50 cm

Short-haired, has a large body and strong paws. Coat color is dark, brown, with tan marks. By nature, Dobermans are peaceful, quickly learn, reserved, attached to the family, and cautious towards strangers.


  • have a good sense of smell;
  • can be guards and watchmen.


  • difficult to care for;
  • requires training.


Exhausted and half-suffocated, trembling all over with terrible excitement, Genik hastily parted the elastic branches of the bushes and stepped onto the garden path. My heart beat furiously, hitting my chest noisily and sending waves of hot blood into my head. Having sighed greedily and deeply several times, he felt a strong weakness throughout his body. My legs were shaking and there was a slight ringing in my ears. Genik took a few steps along the alley and sat down heavily on the first bench he came across.

Those who were hunting him no doubt lost sight of him. Perhaps it was not so, but that’s what he wanted to think. Or rather, I didn’t want to think at all. A strange apathy and fatigue took possession of him. For several seconds Genik sat as if hypnotized, his eyes fixed on the place in the bushes from which he had just crawled out.

In the garden, where he ended up, having jumped over a high stone fence with the energy of despair, it was empty and quiet. It was a small but dense and shady oasis, carefully cultivated by several generations among the stone masses of a noisy city.

Directly in front of Genik, behind the tree trunks on the lawn, there was a flower bed and a small fountain. The noise of street life penetrated here only with the barely audible rattling of carriages.

We had to come up with something. A fiery ball jumped in Genik’s head, unfolding and contracting again into a dazzlingly brilliant point that floated before his eyes along the alley and green bushes. Intense, almost instinctive work of thought told him that going through the gate now, risking, in addition, getting confused in an unfamiliar courtyard, was unthinkable.

Determine the sentence in which NOT is spelled together with the word. Open the brackets and write down this word.

The meeting took place in the (NOT) LARGE but luxurious apartment of Lyubov Markovna.

The story “Heart of a Dog” is distinguished by an extremely clear author’s idea: the revolution that took place in Russia was (NOT) THE RESULT of the natural spiritual development of society, but irresponsible and premature


The envelope with the wax seal is still (UN)OPENED.

The man took a deep breath, pulled down his hat and left in a direction (UN)KNOWN to anyone.

In the evenings, I painstakingly wrote down all the thoughts (NOT) SPEAKED out loud in a thick notebook.

Explanation (see also Rule below).

Let's open the brackets.

Word combination from the task Justification for separate or combined writing
Together, the word without NOT is not used
Together/separately: a word with NOT (adjective, noun, adverb) cannot/can be replaced with a synonym
not to anyone famousSeparately: with adjectives, adverbs starting with -o and participles, words starting with -my, if the opposition is implied and the negation is strengthened by the words:

small but luxuriousTogether: both attributes, called adjectives, are attributed to the subject, i.e. there is opposition, but without negation.
unspoken aloud Separately with full participles if available dependent words or opposition
not the result A experimentSeparately: there is or is implied opposition, most often expressed by the conjunction a
not printed ( short participle) Separately with verbs, gerunds, short participles, with numerals, conjunctions, particles, prepositions, pronouns (except relative ones)

Answer: small

Answer: small

Relevance: Current academic year

Rule: Task 13. Integrated and separate spelling of NOT and NI with different parts of speech

Spelling NOT and NOR.

According to the specification, a task of this type checks:

− the ability to distinguish a NOT particle from a NI particle;

− ability to distinguish the prefix NOT from the prefix NI;

− the ability to write together or separately NOT with all parts of speech.

In this regard, we draw attention to the fact that the conditions of tasks, depending on its goals, may vary significantly. At the same time, we also note that in standard Unified State Examination tasks (authors Tsybulko I.P., Lvov, Egoraeva) only the ability to write together or separately NOT with different parts of speech is tested, but in tasks by other authors, including Senina, MMIO (StatGrad) There are also tasks to choose between NOT and NOR. The editors of RESHUEGE also consider it necessary to expand the types of this task within the specifications of the current year.

We also draw your attention to the fact that a number of rules by which spelling is checked are not taught in the school course. Such rules are marked with *.

12.1 Combined and separate spelling of particles NOT and NI.

The particle is not written separately:

1) If there is or is implied a contrast with names, adverbs and participles.

It is necessary to distinguish between direct opposition, in which one of the two features, called adjectives, is denied, and the second is affirmed, and opposition with a concessive shade of meaning, in which both features, called adjectives, are attributed to the subject, i.e. there is a opposition, but without negation .

Wed: The lake is not deep, but shallow (the attribute “deep” is denied and the attribute “shallow” is affirmed). - The lake is shallow, but wide (both attributes are affirmed: “both shallow and wide”; “although shallow, but wide”) .

1) This is not happiness, but grief. The river is not shallow (deep). You are not my friend. They walked not quickly, but slowly. Not a silent, but a growing rumble.
2) *With adjectives, adverbs starting with -o and participles, words starting with -my, if the opposition is implied and the negation is strengthened by the words:

a) not at all, not at all, far from, not at all, not at all;

b) negative pronominal words: not at all, not at all, no one, no one, no one, never, nowhere, no, no, nothing, nothing, nothing, etc.

For convenience of explanation, we call them negatives and amplifiers.

a) This is not true at all; This case is not at all unique; This is by no means obvious; She is far from brave; He is not at all stupid; It's no fun talking about it; Not at all embarrassed; She is not at all more educated than her husband;

b) The case is in no way suitable; A worthless project; He's not my friend; not at all envious, not needed by anyone, not in any way useless, good for nothing, incapable of anything, not interesting in any way; He is not at all more beautiful than his sister;

3) *With short adjectives that are not used in full form.3) not happy, should not, is not right, is not visible, does not intend, is not disposed, is not ready, is not obliged, is not needed, does not agree.
4) With full participles in the presence of dependent words (except for words of degree intensifiers, see the list) or opposition (as a general rule)4) Fields of rye that had not yet been harvested could be seen. Not a laughing, but a crying child.
4) *With verbal adjectives formed from imperfective transitive verbs using the suffixes -em-, -im- only if there is a dependent word in the instrumental case.4) The subject I didn’t like was to be taken this year.

This case requires further clarification. It is necessary to distinguish between the spelling not with words in -my, formed from transitive imperfective verbs: such words can be either passive participles of the present tense or adjectives (in the first case, the spelling with is not separate, in the second - continuous). They are participles if the instrumental case of the character, or less often the instrumental case of the instrument (the so-called instrumental) is used as an explanatory word; in the presence of other explanatory words, they become adjectives (they lose the passive meaning and the meaning of time and acquire a qualitative meaning). Compare: a child not loved by the mother - unloved games in childhood (in the second case, the word unloved indicates a constant sign, means approximately the same as “unpleasant”, “undesirable”); movement not inhibited by air - the side of the Moon invisible from Earth.

Adjectives of this type include: invisible, irresponsible, inflammable, inextinguishable, immovable, indivisible, unforgettable, unvisible, unchangeable, unloved, unthinkable, untaxable, unalienable, untranslatable, untransferable, unknowable, unverifiable, unconjugated, intolerant and etc. Wed. their writing in the presence of explanatory words: a number indivisible by three, unforgettable meetings for us, through tears invisible to the world, records unthinkable in the recent past, feelings inexpressible in simple words, accounts unverifiable for a long time, dirt impassable in the spring, indeclinable nouns in the Russian language , intolerant behavior in our society, etc.

5) With verbs, gerunds, short participles, with numerals, conjunctions, particles, prepositions:5) was not, could not, without recognizing, not ordered, not removed, not one, not five, not that... not that, not only, not above us.
6) *With adverbs and words of the state category

a) to a comparative extent

b) in the role of a predicate impersonal predicate

6) moved no louder, spoke no faster

I don't need it, she doesn't need it

7) in negative pronouns with a preposition with stress7) not with anyone, not in anything, not about anyone
7) in negative pronouns with a preposition without stress7) with no one, in nothing, about anyone

12.2 Continuous spelling of NOT and NOR.

The particle is not written together:

1) If the word without NOT is not used.A) Nouns: fable, tumbler, ignorance, ignorant, adversity, unseen, invisible, slave, scoundrel, touchy, ailment, forget-me-not, hatred, bad weather, problems, fidget, slob, foolish, loser, unchrist;

b) adjectives and adverbs formed from them: careless, inconspicuous, irrevocable, unharmed, inevitable, unchanging, absurd, necessary, invincible, unceasing, inseparable, unspeakable, never-ending, unceasing, undoubted, incomparable, awkward, unfortunate, clumsy, intolerable, unshakable, indisputable, indomitable; careless, absurd, necessary, undoubtedly;

V) Verbs: to dislike, to dislike, to be indignant, to be unwell, to be unwell, to hate, to be unwell, to be unwell, to be perplexed, to be unable to come, to be numb;

G) adverbs and other unchangeable words: unbearably, unbearably, unbearably, unknowingly, by chance, inadvertently, impossible, inadvertently, really, reluctantly; despite, despite (prepositions)

2) *NOT part of the prefix NEDO, which gives verbs the meaning of incompleteness, insufficiency compared to some norm.” The same rules also apply to participles formed from verbs with the prefix NEDO. The prefix UNDER- is often antonymous with the prefix OVER-: under-salt - over-salt, under-full - over-full, under-full - over-fill, under-over-transfer.2) The child really missed the care of his parents. During the war, children were UNDERFOODED and LACKED OF SLEEP. Rozhdestvensky believed too much in his own abilities, considering himself a genius, but underestimated the abilities of his opponent.
3) With nouns, adjectives, adverbs ending in -o, -e, when a new word, a new concept is formed, often with a negative quality.3) misfortune (trouble), not easy (difficult), not easy, ugly, not far (close), nearby
4) *In combination with adjectives and adverbs, words denoting the degree of quality: very, extremely, very, extremely, clearly, quite (pretty much), sufficiently, blatantly, exclusively, extremely do not affect continuous or separate writing, therefore it is NOT written together.

For convenience of explanation, we call them strengths and degrees.

4) A very unpleasant incident. A completely uninteresting game was invented. He spoke rather incomprehensibly.
5) With full participles in the absence of dependent words or *when dependent words are intensifiers5) We walked along the unlit streets of the town. I made a completely rash decision.
6) *In verbal adjectives formed from intransitive verbs or transitive verbs of the perfect form using the suffixes -em-, -im-. These are not participles, since participles with the suffixes -em, -they should only be of the imperfect form, they are the present tense.6) unfading, inexhaustible, irreconcilable, insurmountable, indomitable, inexhaustible, indestructible.
7) in negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs, depending on the stress, E or I, but together.7) nobody-nobody, nothing-nothing, nobody-nobody, nothing-nothing, nowhere-nowhere, nowhere-from-nowhere, no-no-nothing, no-time-never.

12.3. The particles NOT and NI differ in meaning:

To correctly select the particles NOT and NI, their semantic differences should be taken into account. Let's display them in tables.

Main uses of negative particles

The particle is NOT usedNI particle is used
1) to express negation:

There were no letters or telegrams.

Brother doesn't look like a liar.

It’s not the moon or the stars that interest me, but only meteorites.

1) to strengthen the negation expressed by the particle NOT

There were no letters or telegrams.

The brother does not look like a deceiver or a joker.

I'm not interested in the stars or the moon.

2) to express a statement with a connotation of obligation (double negative):

He couldn't help but call.

We couldn't help but notice.

2) to express quantitative negation:

The sky is clear.

Not a drop of dew in my mouth.

3) to express impossibility in impersonal sentences:

You won't be able to catch up with the crazy three!

There will be no war or fire!

3) for emotional expression of prohibition, order, obligation:

No step back!

Not a sound! Not a day without a line!

4) when expressing uncertainty, fear or admiration:

Aren't you my guest?

No matter how cold the frost hits!

Why not a hero!

4) to express uncertainty:

He is neither old nor young, neither fat nor thin (cf.: He is either old or young).

In phraseological units: Neither this nor that, neither fish nor fowl.

5) in interrogative and exclamatory sentences when expressing an underlined statement:

Who hasn’t cursed the stationmasters, who hasn’t scolded them!

(A. Pushkin)

Isn't it true that we have become wiser?

With your condition, how can you not get married? (L. Tolstoy)

5) in subordinate clauses with a generalized intensifying meaning (with allied words: whoever.., whatever.., wherever.., etc.).

Whatever the child enjoys, as long as he doesn’t cry.

Whenever you ask him, he won’t mince his words.

Complex cases of distinguishing between NEI and NOT

1.In subordinate clauses. Compare:
Does NOT express negation:

When my brother didn't come, everyone felt bored.

There are no wars where soldiers do not die.

NI expresses the statement with a touch of generality:

Whenever my brother came, he always brought excitement and joy.

Wherever soldiers die, they should be remembered and honored.

2. In revolutions not one and none; not once and not once. Compare:
Does not express negation:

Not one of us (that is, many) was ready for the ascent.

More than once (i.e. many times) I had to meet a wild beast.

Neither expresses increased negation:

Neither of us (that is, no one) was up to the climb.

Not once (that is, never) have I encountered a wild animal.

3. In pronominal phrases. Compare:
Expressive phrases with NOT contain the meaning of hidden opposition and are used in affirmative sentences (cf.: no one else, but..)

None other than a woodpecker was knocking dully in the forest.

Before us was nothing more than an ancient cave.

These phrases are used in negative sentences and serve to strengthen the negation: no one... not; nothing is not:

No one else could have led us to the right path.

Nothing else but music captivated me so much.


Compound amplification turns with particle ni:

at all costs, no matter what, wherever, wherever, as if nothing had happened, etc.

Spelling varies Not with verbal adjectives -my and with participles -my; if there are explanatory words, the first ones are written together (like denominate adjectives), the second ones are written separately, for example:

A) uninhabited since ancient times the island insoluble crystals in water, indistinguishable figures of people in the dark;

b) reserves not visited by hunters, unreadable non-specialist magazines, not my favorite mother child.

To adjectives on -my include words formed from intransitive verbs (for example: independent, waterproof, fireproof) or from perfective verbs (for example: incorrigible, impracticable, indestructible). These words are subject to general spelling rules. Not with adjectives, i.e. they are written together and with explanatory words (see examples above), as well as in a short form (for example: island uninhabited, disease incurable, these countries are economically independent). However, the rule of writing adjectives separately with Not, if explanatory words are pronouns and adverbs starting with neither, or combinations far from, not at all, not at all(see above, paragraph 6, note 1. subparagraph 2), for example: with nothing incomparable the impression is that countries are not dependent on anyone, by no means insoluble crystals; This is a phenomenon neither from life nor from art irreparable. The exception is words that, without Not not used, for example: by no one invincible army, for no one incomprehensible case, under no circumstances unique experiment.


It is necessary to distinguish between spelling Not with words on -my, formed from imperfective transitive verbs: such words can be either passive present participles or adjectives (in the first case, spelled with Not separate, in the second - merged). They are participles if the instrumental case of the character, or less often the instrumental case of the instrument (the so-called instrumental) is used as an explanatory word; in the presence of other explanatory words, they become adjectives (they lose the passive meaning and the meaning of time and acquire a qualitative meaning). Wed: not my favorite mother child - unloved in childhood, games (in the second case, the word unloved indicates a constant sign, means approximately the same as “unpleasant”, “undesirable”); movement, uninhibited by air - invisible from the Earth side of the Moon.

Adjectives of this type include: invisible, irresponsible, inflammable, inextinguishable, immovable, indivisible, unforgettable, unvisible, unchangeable, unloved, unthinkable, untaxed, unalienable, untranslatable, untransferable, unknowable, unverifiable, unconjugated, intolerant, etc. Cf. their writing with explanatory words: indivisible by three number, unforgettable for us to meet, through invisible tears to the world, unthinkable in the recent past records, indescribable in simple words of feeling, unverifiable accounts from a long time ago, impassable mud in the spring, unyielding in Russian nouns, intolerant behavior in our society, etc.