Kanamycin after sterilization. How to treat urinary tract and kidney infections with Kanamycin? Synonyms of nosological groups

B British Shorthair - the very combination of these words conveys strength and endurance, aristocracy and endurance, softness and inflexibility of the character of the animals. This breed perfectly matches the character of the British who gave it its name.

British cats contactable and sociable, friendly and affectionate. They get along well with all family members, and they simply love their mistress or owner selflessly. The cat may follow them from room to room as long as they crouch and do not allow her to sit next to her.

Possessing an inexhaustible supply of patience, British Shorthairs are very fond of children and get along well with other animals, even dogs. But still, you shouldn’t have a Briton as a children’s toy. Despite the reverent display of love and tenderness towards its owners, this cat will not tolerate too familiar an attitude towards itself. The owners of these amazing creatures often catch themselves thinking that it is not enough to address them by name, but they must add “sir” or “please”, since with their entire appearance these animals show their own importance.


For many reasons, the Briton can be called an ideal cat: a kind look, a pleasant character, different colors, a respectable appearance, a sense of self-esteem that literally radiates from the animal, ease of care and a calm temperament - all these features of the breed have ensured its rapid rise in popularity.

Thanks to their independent nature and low-maintenance coat, British Shorthairs are ideal for people who spend a lot of time at work. It is no coincidence that these animals are called “cats for businessmen.” Despite the fact that the British cat is surprisingly similar to a teddy bear, you should not treat it like a toy. She patiently allows everything to be done to her that does not humiliate her cat dignity.

British Shorthair cats, thanks to their soft roundness and grace, radiate charm and charm. Due to the fact that their peculiarity is the presence of largely Persian blood, most of them are very restrained in expressing emotions, sometimes they are almost timid, so you need to handle such cats carefully and calmly.

Raising a Briton is not at all necessary. The cat is smart enough and can figure everything out on its own. Even a tiny kitten will not go to the toilet in a place not designated for this purpose or sharpen its claws on pieces of furniture.

The cat's sleeping place should be located at some elevation, away from drafts. British Shorthair cats do not suffer from insomnia, although there are periods of greater or less sleepiness in their lives.

For example, after eating, a cat will never run or play; she will definitely climb into a secluded corner where no one will disturb her to take a peaceful nap. Owners should remember that a cat that is sleep-deprived begins to eat poorly and becomes irritable, so you should not constantly keep your cat busy with games or any necessary grooming procedures when it needs rest.

Cats are natural born cleaners, and British Shorthairs are no exception. The cat spends almost half of its active time on toileting. Licking and washing is not only a hygienic procedure. The cat also uses them to achieve psychological comfort, for example, after stress caused by a serious “conversation” with the owner, a visit to the veterinarian, a trip in transport, etc.

In addition, licking serves as a way of providing attention and support to other animals with which the cat has to live under the same roof. So, a mother cat licks her kittens not only so that their fur is always clean.

By licking, she calms down an overly naughty baby, who becomes too annoying.

From the age of 5 weeks, kittens begin to lick each other. This licking ritual continues in adult animals. Thus, British cats that do not conflict with each other, living in the same house, lick each other, being both in a calm state and in a state of excitement. In the same way, a cat can show its friendliness towards a dog.

By nature, British Shorthair cats are moderately active. Until they are one year old, they are restless and playful, just like kittens of all other cat breeds. After they reach one year of age, there is a gradual decrease in activity.

Play is a necessary attribute of animal life. British Shorthair cats are usually ready to use any opportunity to play. The only exceptions in this sense are very old or overfed animals. When playing, cats show incredible ingenuity and dexterity. All their movements are very precise, graceful and swift.

The games of kittens are especially varied. They hunt each other down and ambush each other.

Little kittens behave in the same way as adult animals do in similar everyday situations. Kittens exactly imitate a meeting with an opponent, the threat of an attack, a fight between adult cats, protecting prey, and the behavior of a mother protecting her babies (a kind of gallop on straight legs sideways to the attacker, with an arched back, a tail pulled to the side and tousled hair).

The actions of a playing cat are practically indistinguishable from similar behavior in life. Thus, an adult cat hunts for a ball in the same way as for a mouse, attacks the owner’s hand when he moves his fingers, as if hunting for real prey. The game is distinguished from real life by only one significant feature: while playing, the cat does not experience genuine emotions that overcome it, for example, while hunting or in a fight with an enemy. Having caught the owner's hand, the animal makes characteristic strikes with its hind legs, capable of tearing the caught prey or causing serious wounds to the enemy, but in the game the sharp claws are hidden in the soft pads of the paws.

Young British cats can play independently for a long time with any object that accidentally falls into their paws - a piece of fur, a cork, rustling paper or a ball of thread. Adult animals very rarely play alone. In order to provide a cat with an active life, you need to arrange a special corner in the apartment in which it could hunt. If there is no such corner, you should make the cat run and jump 2-3 times daily, playing with it.

Animals that are not often played with express their need for movement by starting to run headlong around the house, knocking over all the objects they meet along the way, jumping onto cabinets and tables in search of some object with which to play, then rushing around with it. room, rolling it along the floor with its paw, grabbing it with its teeth and throwing it up. To avoid such troubles, it is necessary to direct the cat’s activity towards play. It has been noticed that many British shorthair cats love to play hide and seek with their owners, and the animal can start this game on its own initiative.


Cats really like to play with a “victim” tied to a cord, which can be a piece of fabric or fur, a rubber toy or a paper bow. The toy can be tied to the tip of a thin elastic rod, then it can “bounce”, “run” along the wall, “crawl” up the door, which will bring incredible pleasure to the animal, and it will frolic to its heart’s content, trying to catch prey.

Not only kittens, but also adult cats should have special toys that should be periodically replaced with new ones so that they do not have time to get bored. In this case, the animal will not explore tables and cabinets in search of objects suitable for games.

Cats especially like toys that have an attractive scent. So, they willingly play with rubber balls, inside of which a little dried valerian root, mint herb is placed, or with soft toys sprayed with infusions of these herbs.

British Shorthairs of each sex have their own positive aspects. For more friendly and undemanding cats, it makes little difference who cares for them. Cats tend to be attached to a small circle of people and behave more seriously.

Video: British cat. Program “Mustachioed, tailed, striped”

The character of British cats is valued not only by breeders, but also by those who want to have a cheerful, smart and independent cat at home.

The character of a British cat is determined by several criteria:

  1. Low level and activity;
  2. Playful mood;
  3. No need for constant attention;
  4. Moderate attachment to owner and home;
  5. High level of intelligence and independence;
  6. Relative ease of care;
  7. High level of compatibility with children;
  8. Absence of pathological and characteristic diseases.

The character of British cats does not depend on what type it is: shorthaired or semi-longhaired. The British cat was bred in England and is positioned as a fairly peaceful, independent animal that does not require special care and constant attention.

Such a cat will be an excellent pet for busy people who want to have a furry companion at home, while he will not suffer due to the constant absence of his owners.


The anatomical features of the British cat are a fairly wide bone system, plush fur and a large number of colors. The most common color is called British Blue.. Considering that there is no standard color, the presence of a non-standard color is not regarded as a deviation from the standard characteristics of the breed.

Main character traits of a British cat

If we consider the main character traits of a British cat, it is worth noting friendliness and calmness. Such a cat will not suffer at home alone without its owner and will not do dirty tricks in order to attract attention. The character of the British cat is characterized by a calm disposition, but at the same time the cat meets its owners quite emotionally, and during the game you will be able to notice a surge of energy and love.

You will never be bored with such a cat, since she is quite unobtrusive, but at the same time becomes quite strongly attached to her owners, without reacting very painfully to a change of situation or the absence of other household members for a long time.


A house is a cat’s personal territory, where he will always feel comfortable. In addition, a distinctive feature of the British cat’s character is that he does not choose one owner, but views the family as a single whole and treats all members equally.

This cat will delight you with his independence, since he definitely needs personal space - these are the habits of the British, which you will have to accept. The interesting character of the British cat attracts attention to this breed along with its unusual color and appearance. It is worth noting such features of British cats as the lack of love for long games; such a cat will not get a lot of pleasure from being carried in their arms, but at the same time they are quite sociable, they easily find a common language with other guests at home, even with a dog.

Main features

The character of a British shorthair cat can be described by several characteristics:

  • Calm;
  • Independence;
  • High level of affection;
  • Moderate activity;
  • Contact.

Having assessed all the features of British cats, you will understand that such a pet is perfect for families with a child, and the kitten will not bring you any special worries and will easily adapt to the new environment and rules of your family. Such a pet will delight you for many years with its play, love, affectionate mood and calm disposition.

Advantages of the British cat's character

The owner of a British dog can fully appreciate the advantages of this pet’s appearance, which ideally complement its pleasant character. Features of the appearance of this cat are a fairly friendly look, a large number of colors, which can vary from pure black to tortoiseshell.

At the same time, the cat is quite large and looks solid; it exudes confidence and nobility, which, combined with a calm character, have ensured the popularity of this breed for many years.

Despite the fact that she is a fairly independent cat, a description of the character of British cats cannot be called complete without paying attention to the care that the cat shows to its house guests. If you observe your pet, you will notice that the pleasant character of British cats extends not only to family members, but also to guests, since the cat is practically not aggressive and extremely rarely shows hostility even towards strangers.


British cats love to get away from the whole world and hide in their own secluded corner. However, this will happen exactly until they feel that the owner needs them. And in case if there is a child in the house, a cat will always calm him down and will take care of it as if it were your own kitten.

At the same time, if a cat is quite sensitive to excessive love and affection from its adult owners, then it will endure all games with the child patiently and heroically, realizing that the baby is not only its owner, but also a child in its own way. The character and habits of a British cat can be seen from childhood, because after you bring a kitten home, it will rarely crap in the wrong place or scatter food and toys, this is determined by the high level of cleanliness of the kitten and its character traits of British cats.

Characteristics of a British cat

If you decide to purchase a kitten of this breed, you should learn to accept and respect the character traits of British cats; they are inherent in all representatives of this breed, regardless of age and upbringing.

Firstly, such a cat is quite independent, so it is not suitable for those who want to constantly cuddle and play with their pet.

If you show too much tenderness and attention to a Briton, he will run and hide until he becomes aggressive. But at the same time, the character of a British cat will never allow her to show her weakness and show how much she missed you in your absence.

Watching such a cat, it is worth noting that the character of British cats is characterized by a certain aristocracy and arrogance, and you should also be prepared not only for positive emotions, in the sense that this character of British cats will never allow them to sharpen their claws on furniture or wallpaper , but at the same time. if she doesn’t like something, you will have to put up with all the preferences.


In addition, a characteristic feature of the character of British cats is stubbornness. If you hurt the pride of a British cat, the cat will definitely be offended, refuse to eat and may completely refuse contact with its owner, because obstinacy is one of the character traits of British cats. Also This breed is characterized by quite strong jealousy and if a new pet appears, the cat can also change its usual style of behavior and withdraw into itself, but if it is not limited and deprived of attention, then soon everything will return to normal.

To summarize, it is worth noting the following negative traits that appear in the character of a British cat:

  • excessive stubbornness;
  • rancor;
  • predominantly depressed mood;
  • demanding food and proper care.

This breed is great for those who want to have a pet, but at the same time need an animal that has a high level of cleanliness. Such a cat, due to its innate nobility, will never allow violations of hygiene rules - this is the character of British cats.

Another distinctive feature of the character of British cats is the need for sufficiently long sleep without interruptions.

Final characteristics

This characteristic of British cats can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. If you are constantly at work and want a calm and loving pet to greet you at home, then the British cat is the best choice, and the character of British cats will meet all your needs. However, if there are children in the house and you can be sure that such a cat will never show aggression towards him, even with increased activity, she will simply leave and hide, thus regulating contact with herself.


The character of the British cat is an ideal choice for a family or single owner. Very often, what breed is called a cat that is ideal for a businessman, taking into account the character and habits of a British cat, ease of care, autonomy, independence and at the same time a large amount of affection and love that the cat gives to its owner - this is all the character of British cats.

When you come home, you will always meet a peaceful animal that has rested in splendid isolation while you were not at home and will happily play with you for a short time.

The character of the British cat does not allow her to be intrusive, but at the same time she does not lead to apathy and always breaks off contact on her own if you show too much love and care to her.

Do no harm

The character of British cats will not allow mischief, even if they harbor a grudge, this is expressed in the absence of contact with the owner. Despite its vindictiveness, such an animal will delight you because the character and behavior of British cats is characterized by unpretentiousness in care; the main thing is not to suddenly change the environment or the cat’s way of life and you will get a loyal and peaceful pet.

Fans of this breed also pay attention to the unusual appearance and how such a cat looks in the photo. He always looks well-groomed and noble, even a little arrogant, but at the same time quite friendly. When choosing a kitten of this breed, you should take into account the characteristics of British cats, namely whether the kitten is sanguine or melancholic, or belongs to another psychotype, because this will directly affect its behavior.

You can’t describe the character of a British cat in a few words. It’s the same as saying about Napoleon’s life “he led France.” Only, the British are not French. They are proud, sometimes arrogant. We are talking about cats, about them - cats of the British breed.

Only this fact does not mean that representatives of the breed never want to be petted. They want it, but when they need it, and not at the moment when the owner takes it into his head. This cat is a personality. He has an opinion that must be taken into account. To understand what kind of character British cats have, you need to watch them a little, or better yet, live in the same house for several weeks.

Difference between British Shorthair and Longhair

The British, like girls, are different. And their character depends on the variety.

A breed like this has a very specific and ambiguous character. Depending on your mood, circumstances, your behavior and amount of attention, your pet may behave differently. If you anger an animal, this does not mean that you will be bitten right now. However, he has a good memory. And they will be offended by the owner for a long time. Therefore, it is important not to forget the main rule - the key to the heart of a British Shorthair is love and affection.

But the character is much more flexible than those with short hair. They are like heaven and earth. gets along with people, dogs in the house, will not try to eat your hamster or parrot, and will be friendly with you.

About the pros and cons

In general, when it comes to an animal, the concept of “flaw” is very subjective. What a person doesn’t like may be a natural norm for a cat. The question is whether he will want to adapt in some way to the interests of the owners. However, we have made a small selection on this topic.

British cat. Character, reviews, advantages and disadvantages:

The main advantage is accuracy and cleanliness. The breed is very successful in this. In addition, licking calms the animal. If a cat is yelled at, it begins to wash itself to bring itself back to normal;

The cat won't do anything stupid unless provoked. So, if an animal poops in the wrong litter box, remember what you did wrong;

A Briton can easily sleep up to twenty hours. This is completely normal. There is no need to wake him up or take him to the vet. This is his daily routine. These cats surpassed even officials and deputies in their love for idleness and an idle lifestyle;

Pride doesn't allow this cat to ask. If she wants to eat, she won't meow. Rather, he will sit near the bowl and watch until the owner realizes that it is time to have lunch or dinner;

The British are stubborn. If they don’t want to do something, they won’t do it even under pain of being left without food. Do you need to sit hungry for two days for the owner to “get it”? No problem, he'll sit out. And you will feel guilty of all mortal sins;

Kittens living with a cat quickly adopt its skills. For example, go to the litter box, and not shit in the apartment;

Did you say "kitty kitty"? Sorry, but the British are above this, and only respond to the name;

And the character of British cats includes independence and strength. They are self-sufficient and easily tolerate loneliness. However, they are also capable of missing their owners. And even be offended by people for leaving for a long time;

Patience. This quality allows them to withstand the bullying of young children. Another breed may behave aggressively in such situations. The Briton will not use his claws without a clear reason or provocation from people.

Also, a plush British cat shows its character if its freedom of movement is limited. No need to close the doors. She needs to wander around the house. Don't worry about shoes and flowers. The animal is not interested in them. It will “mark” only its tray, and eat what is put in the bowl.

So the British cat breed has a truly aristocratic character. From cold arrogance to friendliness the path is short. And it lies through the trust and love that the cat requires. Whether you will be able to achieve favor depends only on yourself.

Some people say that these cats never claw or bite. It should be clarified that they do not do this without a clear reason. By nature, this breed is not at all aggressive.

The British cat is an unusual breed and quite popular among both domestic and foreign breeders. This is a powerful and well-built pet with a largely undocumented origin story.

History of the origin of the breed

There are several versions and different assumptions of the genealogy that try to explain the emergence of the “British”, but they do not claim to be documented and the only true ones. It is assumed that cats of this breed were brought to different countries from the territory of France on merchant ships, where sailors kept such animals to protect the transported food from rodents.

In the 19th century, exotic breeders paid close attention to the graceful and outwardly very attractive “British” cats, but a special contribution to the development of the breed was made by Harrison Fair, with whose direct participation the first exhibition with a British shorthair blue tabby cat was held in 1871. In 1950, the breed was approved in America, and the British cat deservedly gained worldwide fame. “British” were brought to our country in the last century, but they became popular relatively recently.

Description and appearance of a British cat

The breed is characterized by the presence of a well-developed body and head, as well as many different colors. Some of the most popular colors include solid blue-gray, black and chocolate, as well as tabby and its varieties including spot, stripe or merle.

Breed standards

The breed is distinguished by a rounded head with fairly well developed and pronounced cheeks, wide in the cheekbones. The neck is thick and short. The short nose has a wide and straight shape, and also forms a vertical line with a strong and level chin. The ears are small, rounded, set wide and low on the head. The eyes are large, round in shape, well open and fairly wide set. Eye coloring depends on the characteristics of the main color.

This is interesting! The second name for the “British cat” is a positive or optimistic cat. It is believed that this is the only cat breed that can smile. This feature is explained by unusually plump cheeks and a protruding tongue.

The body is squat, cobby-type, with a straight and short back, as well as a broad chest. The shoulder part is wide and massive. The limbs are short, powerful and thick, ending in round, strong and dense paws. The tail is thick, medium in length, rounded at the end and wide at the base.

The short and thick coat has a shine. The coat is quite dense, with a thick undercoat. It should be remembered that the “British Fold” breed does not exist in nature.. All "British" breeds belong to the "British Shorthair" and "British Longhair" breeds.

British cat character

True “British”, unlike most other breeds, are independent animals. An adult pet can easily tolerate loneliness and almost never fawns over its owner or asks to be held. However, the British cat loves its owner very much and gets bored when apart.

Important!“British” is a true English gentleman, distinguished by characteristic restraint and having a sense of self-esteem.

The breed is very distrustful of strangers and prefers to keep a sufficient distance from strangers. This is a calm, moderately affectionate and absolutely non-intrusive pet, naturally intelligent, clean and very smart. Loyal "British" dogs do not scratch or bite, and are somewhat melancholy, so the breed is well suited for keeping in a home with small children or elderly people.


Good health, and as a result, the life expectancy of any pet, are the result of proper animal care. British cats belong to the category of healthy and strong breeds that can live in home conditions for more than ten to fifteen years. It should be remembered that it directly depends on a large number of external factors, including good nutrition, quality care and regular veterinary examinations.

However, it is very important to take into account some nuances that will allow the “British” to shine at exhibitions or participate in breeding.

Care and hygiene

An unusually attractive coat is the main advantage of all “British” dogs, so caring for your pet in this area will require quite careful and competent care. A couple of times a week you need to comb your British cat using a special massage slicker brush.

This procedure will allow you to promptly remove all dead hair and at the same time plays the role of a kind of massage. Short-haired animals can be washed a couple of times a year or when dirty. Long-haired specimens require more frequent brushing.

Important! Even if you have a scratching post, it is important to trim the nails of an adult “British cat” to half their total length about a couple of times a month.

British cats require daily eye care. Hygienic measures should be aimed at removing natural secretions using a damp cotton pad. Movements should be carried out in the direction from the outer corner to the nose. Preventative ear examinations are performed every two weeks. Accumulated dirt and earwax should be removed with a cotton swab or disk soaked in a special hygienic solution.

The domestic cat's oral cavity is examined daily to detect tartar and other pathologies. It is recommended from an early age to accustom the kitten to hygiene procedures in the form of brushing its teeth with special means.

Diet - what to feed a British cat

The structure of the coat, as well as its condition and general well-being of the British cat largely depend on a properly formulated diet. The composition of the feed should be as complete as possible and contain not only the nutrients necessary for the animal, but also microelements and vitamin complexes.

The diet can be represented by ready-made food, as well as natural products. The type of food and its components must be selected based on the age and gender of the pet, as well as its health status and preferences.

This is interesting! At an early age, the need for mother's milk persists for up to one and a half months, after which the animal can be gradually transferred to cow's or goat's milk, milk semi-liquid porridges, as well as scraped or thoroughly ground beef.

If there is absolutely no opportunity to prepare your kitten’s food yourself, then it is advisable to purchase special ones, focusing on the age category.

The natural diet of an adult animal must include:

  • lean meats such as chicken, beef, rabbit or turkey;
  • meat by-products, represented by kidneys, lungs, liver and heart;
  • boiled low-fat sea fish, cleaned of bones;
  • quail eggs;
  • buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, semolina and wheat porridge;
  • sprouted grain crops, represented by wheat or oats;
  • special cat grass.

Starting from three months, natural food must be enriched with special vitamin and mineral preparations, the quantity and composition of which varies depending on the age characteristics and physical activity of the pet. It is strictly forbidden to feed your cat “from the table” regular food..

Diseases and breed defects

Real “British people” are characterized by a fairly strong immune system, but are highly sensitive to cold and drafts, so it’s enough.

British cats are extremely rarely affected by various mutations or diseases of a genetic nature, and therefore are among the healthiest and most robust breeds of domestic cats currently registered.

This is interesting! British cats, compared to other breeds popular with breeders, are least susceptible to various cancers, and neutered and castrated animals live much longer than their relatives who are capable of having offspring.

Breed defects include insufficient fullness of the cheeks, due to which the main charm of the “British”, represented by thick plush cheeks, disappears. Common faults of the breed include excessively long or soft hair, too pronounced stops or whisker pads.

Animals with a severe underbite or an anomaly in the position of the jaws and teeth, as well as skeletal deformation and cryptorchidism, are excluded from breeding work. It is prohibited to use for breeding animals with deafness, blindness, strabismus, eyelid abnormalities, or significant deviations from color standards.

This breed came to Britain with the Romans and has remained in the British Isles until the present day. In the mid-19th century, targeted breeding began specifically in color variations. The first British Shorthair was exhibited in 1871.

The cat's physique is muscular and powerful, stocky, with small thick paws, small ears and a wide forehead, and has a relatively short tail. The British cat has a wide chest and an excellent smile on its sweet face. This is especially true for males. Cats look less impressive both in terms of size and weight. Only cats have cheeks. Kitties are still prettier, they look more tender and modest.

But in this article I would like to talk and reveal some of the character traits of the British cat. It is the character that is very important when choosing this particular breed of cat, which makes it very different from the character of other breeds. Good-natured, intelligent, calm and courageous, hardy, noble, and also gentle - these are the words that accurately characterize the breed. Another important concept is that the British cat is said to be a cozy cat. A kind of bumpkin bear of impressive size. The British Shorthair cat is a symbol of peace, stability and comfort. The British Shorthair cat prefers to live in a quiet environment, they are very calm and are rarely loud.

All owners of such cats claim with full confidence that the British Shorthair cat has a balanced, patient and even gentle character, the cat is sociable, kind and gentle. - This is a calm and calculating cat, a thinking cat, with intelligence. Those experts who value such qualities believe that the British Shorthair breed is almost the best family cat. The ideal cat for an apartment. A cat with no quirks. Such a cat is not bought as a toy for your child, but as a member of your family. Such cats get along well not only with all members of your family, but also with other pets. British shorthair cats are friends with all family members, their love for their owner is selfless. These cats are easy to keep in a home with small children because the British cat has a quiet, friendly and friendly disposition. Never hiss or scratch. They even allow themselves to be hugged and kissed!

In addition, they are warm-hearted and affectionate, patient and very sociable. This cat is suitable for both a large family with children and a lonely person looking for a silent companion. A British cat cannot be called intrusive or noisy. From a British cat you will not hear loud, heart-rending screams that hurt your ears. Since cats are very calm, they talk quite a bit. This breed cannot be called talkative, unlike the eastern breeds, which are very talkative and noisy. The British Shorthair brings calm and tranquility to everyday interactions with people. Unobtrusive, because from a Briton you will never hear the heart-rending screams of an eternally hungry monster. Intelligence in everything, even in terms of asking for food and in terms of eating food. There are moments of spoiling, but the owners themselves are partly to blame for this - they spoiled you, allowed your cat to be spoiled. Usually the cat is content with what is in the bowl.

The British cat easily adapts to any conditions of your home, to any size of home, be it an apartment in a crowded city, or a country house. You will never see an adult cat madly knocking over all your furniture in a mad dash, no, usually such cats love to bask in the spring sun on your windowsill or sleep peacefully on the sofa.

In general, sleep is one of the most favorite activities of such cats. Moreover, there are a wide variety of positions during sleep - on the back, on the stomach, in a circle, or with all the paws stretched out in different directions. Any of the poses indicates that the cat is satisfied and happy. In general, goodwill is visible in everything - well, look how comfortably folded its front paws into a circle, your pet is peacefully dozing, literally radiating peace. In our stressful, nervous times, this is very important. Your British cat(es) always act as an antidepressant, as your personal psychotherapist, bringing an element of calm to your life, healing our nervous system.

During the day, such cats require very little attention, but still attention. And since cats are predisposed to obesity and weight problems with age, this should motivate you to play interesting and varied games with your pet every day. British cats are moderately active. It is necessary to encourage active games for at least 15-20 minutes a day. Therefore, for daily employment, and simply from a health point of view, it is necessary to animate movements. If you are not at home, buy your child interactive toys that will give him the opportunity to occupy himself for a while, encouraging him to move.

Without you at home, your pet will sleep peacefully and not worry about your absence at home. British cats sleep a lot and enjoy it. He will not rush around the apartment in search of his owner. You can be absolutely sure that your British cat will not have a nervous breakdown due to temporary loneliness. It can also be extremely difficult to piss off such a cat. Cats often choose the most unusual places to sleep, so you can try offering them sleeping places that are located higher, but not too high. Because it is extremely difficult to descend from high places. In the heat, British cats prefer to sleep stretched out directly on the floor, and in the cold season they can sleep peacefully in a basket under the ceiling.

At times, the British cat can be a little clumsy because acrobatics is not necessarily one of its outstanding characteristics. Falls every time during gymnastics when climbing high doors or high furniture. Clumsy, but such an impression is deceptive. On the street, it turns out that he is a very dexterous and skillful hunter. Yes, you yourself may have noticed more than once that if a fly flew into your house, the cat will chase it tirelessly until it catches it.

The right atmosphere in the house and the right attitude of the owner towards the pet without excessive care, but with due respect, will completely reveal the entire inner world of your cat.

Your British cat is always very attached to his beloved owner, just like a cat. He often follows his owner until you sit down, but he is rarely intrusive. And he is glad that he is next to the owner. Constantly following the owner everywhere, without doing anything intrusive, the cat will always be nearby, without disturbing you, but also without losing sight of you. The cat will follow its loved one wherever possible.

And they prefer to rest close to the owner, sometimes sitting comfortably on his lap, if the owner sits in a chair in the evening. Sitting in front of the TV. Sometimes a Briton allows himself to be picked up, hugged, kissed, but reluctantly and not for long. Why? The answer is simple. The cat has very thick fur, and it is hot in your arms, and the cat does not feel support under its feet.

The cat is very independent, and she herself shows the owner when it is time to caress, hug and accept courtship. When it is possible to pet your pet and when it is not necessary, he will tell you himself. At such moments, your pet seems wayward and a little stubborn to you. But these are precisely the features that are typical of the British Shorthair breed. They do not tolerate unnecessary hooting and cooing, do not tolerate familiarity, and do not consider themselves a soft toy, so the owner-pet relationship should be built only on respect and sympathy.

Sitting next to you, the cat may stare at your face for a long time and intently, as if asking to stroke itself. Silently without a single “Meow”. What can I say? Of course, the Briton has “brains”. And you understand that it’s time for affection. At such moments, you can calmly shower your pet with affection. Numerous strokes on your part will be rewarded with a soft, grateful purr.

In general, the British have quite rich facial expressions. The British are masters of the silent "Meow". With its facial expressions and behavior, a cat will always show its owner what it wants. And often communication between the owner and the British cat occurs silently, at the subconscious level. At such moments they talk about an elusive wave, about understanding without words. Often a cat looks at a person intensely, opens its mouth, but not a sound is heard. This is an expression of special “literature” without words. And the owner, of course, understands what his beloved Briton is “saying” at the moment.

And at night, if allowed, it will be comfortable to sleep on the edge of your bed, or at least at the door of your bedroom, if entry into the bedroom is prohibited. Although this is a predator, cats of the British breed usually sleep at night, just like their owners. In fact, they adapt to the biorhythms of their owners.

The British behave interestingly when guests appear in your home. Initially, they will watch the guests rather skeptically and at a safe distance without approaching. But curiosity will force your pet to come out of its hiding place and show itself in all its glory. But only if the stranger behaves calmly and his movements are slow. At the stage of getting to know an adult Briton or British woman, you need to avoid hasty movements, do everything calmly, and as soon as the degree of trust reaches the right moment, the British man will definitely allow himself to be touched and stroked. Noisy and fast guests can only scare your pet, and he will generally sit in the shelter all evening. Well, imagine such a moment - guests come to you, noise, and even loud voices: “And who is this handsome one here? Who can we cuddle?” Of course, your cat will not make contact with your friends in such a situation. It has been verified that on the evening when guests arrive, more often than not there are no cats in the house; they go to a secluded place and doze peacefully until the guests leave.

Caring for such a cat is not difficult. Their fur is soft and fluffy, but very short, the fur does not stick together, does not form knots (tangles), so there is no need to bathe such a cat, it is advisable to only occasionally use a comb or rubber comb to remove dead hairs.

In childhood and adolescence they are very playful, but with age they become much calmer and even seem very lazy. Sometimes, when a kitten arrives in a new home, it may cry during the first nights, ask for food, or thus look for its mother. But this shouldn't become a habit. With age, as soon as the kitten adapts to a new place, it will get used to its owner’s routine and begin to sleep peacefully at night.

As mentioned above, this is an ideally balanced temperamental, leisurely, affectionate, peace-loving family cat that does not make much noise. Although British cats have a number of similar features, they are still not devoid of individuality. Therefore, despite the characters of the parents, your British kitten may have a completely different character, different from the character of the mother cat and the father cat. And why? Because some character traits are formed later, not from the moment of birth, but as the animal grows in a new home. And the future character traits of your pet also depend on the atmosphere of the house, on you, as the owners.

The British cat is an ideal companion.

source material Silvery Snow