What wand did Harry Potter buy for himself? Magic wand (Harry Potter)

It is the instrument with which magic is performed. Anyone who has the ability to make objects levitate with the spell "Wingardium Leviosa" or open locks by saying "Alohomora" receives their own wand at the age of eleven. Some especially powerful magicians in certain cases can do without this device.

In the UK, only one master is engaged in the production of magic wands from the world of Harry Potter - Mr. Ollivander. American magicians can easily do without them, but in order to perform effective high-level spells, such a tool is still needed. In general, there are four wand makers in America.

Harry Potter Wands

All magic wands allow you to focus the wizard's attention on any object and direct the effect of the spell onto it. Hermione's wand was made of vine with a dragon's sinew core, and Ron used a wand that he got from his older brothers, it was an ash tool with unicorn hair. Due to the fact that this wand did not choose Weasley, it did not have all its possible power and was difficult to obey him.

Harry Potter's wand was eleven inches long and made of holly. Inside it was a phoenix feather that belonged to the headmaster of the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Albus Dumbledore. The twin of Harry's wand was the tool used by the main villain - Voldemort or "He Whose Name Must Not Be Named." The only difference is that Tom Riddle's wand (later he changed his name to a more sinister one) was made of yew.

Manufacturers of magic wands

The most famous (and only) manufacturer of wands in the Harry Potter world was Garik Ollivander. This old master owned a shop in Diagon Alley, where he sold his unusual goods. It is known that his family was engaged in the manufacture of these magical objects long before the advent of our era.

At the time the story begins, the owner of the shop is already very old, but his mind is still clear. It's surprising, but Mr. Ollivander remembers absolutely all the wands he sold. He is a true specialist in his field, but Ollivander's knowledge is quite narrow. This is confirmed by the fact that he knows everything or almost everything about the most powerful wand in the world, but has not heard anything about the other Deathly Hallows.

In America, there are four creators of sticks. One of them is a native of the Choctaw Indian tribe, Shikobo Wolf. He makes wands with a feather core from a bird similar to a phoenix. His tools are very powerful, but not all magicians can cope with them. They are preferred by transfiguration specialists.

Another master is Johannes Jonker. The wizard comes from a Muggle family. He produces sticks with a core made from the fur of the wild cat Wampus. His magic wands are expensive and of high quality, with mother-of-pearl inlay.

The third master's name is Chiago Kentana. In production, he uses the translucent spine of the Arkansas River Monster. His wands are very stylish and powerful. True, after the death of Chiago, the production of magical items stopped, since only he could lure river monsters.

A wand maker named Violet Bouvet from New Orleans uses cores made from swamp hawthorn wood and the hair of a rougarou, a dog-headed monster that lives in the swamps of Louisiana. These magical items are often chosen by dark magicians, but many ordinary members of the American magical community also own Violette Bouvet wands.

The most famous magic wand

The most famous wand in the Harry Potter world is the Elder Wand, one of the Deathly Hallows. According to legend, it was given by Death himself to one of the Peverell brothers. It could only be obtained by defeating the previous owner in battle. Often new owners received the wand in very bloody and dirty ways: they killed in their sleep, attacked an exhausted or sick enemy, and so on.

According to the book, Professor Dumbledore became the owner of the Elder Wand after defeating the evil wizard Grindelwald. But its transition to the next owner is very interesting. As it turned out later, in order to become the rightful owner of this, it is not at all necessary to kill an opponent, it is enough to disarm him. Albus Dumbledore was disarmed by Malfoy in the sixth part of Harry Potter, but then no one had imagined that the wand would pass to a new owner in this way.

The Elder Wand was later buried with Albus Dumbledore. The Dark Lord desecrated the grave of the great sorcerer and took the instrument. Further, circumstances were such that Draco Malfoy (the true owner of the wand) lost to Harry Potter in battle. The wand itself remained with Voldemort, while its owner was now the boy who survived. In the decisive duel between them, she disobeyed the Dark Lord's spell and went over to Harry, and the killing spell ricocheted right towards Tom Riddle.

DIY Harry Potter magic wand

To get a magic wand, fans of the Harry Potter universe do not necessarily have to try to find Diagon Alley or defeat any wizard in an unequal battle. You can do it yourself. Wizards made these magical instruments only on the waxing moon, at midnight. According to the ancient books of the magical universe, it was necessary to go around the tree that provided the wood for the stick three times, thanking it, praising its power and strength. Then you need to “give the tree” a scarlet ribbon, tying it, and pour red wine or water on the ground nearby and bury bread or a precious stone.

Preparation of materials and tools

How to make a Harry Potter wand? First you need to prepare the necessary tools and materials. Magicians make wands from wood, and the core can be the heartstring of a dragon, hair from the tail of a unicorn, a phoenix feather, or anything else that contains a magical component. Unfortunately, the complete method for making these magical items is available only to wizards, so you will have to discard the core unless you decide to make a paper wand with your own hands.

So, the material for production can be wood (you will need one branch of suitable length and width, fairly even), Chinese chopsticks or a tightly rolled long roll of paper. You also need to prepare:

  1. Glue gun with a stick.
  2. Several brushes.
  3. PVA glue (for paper crafts).
  4. Wood-like acrylic paints.
  5. Small beads or buttons for decoration (optional).
  6. Fixing emulsion for acrylic.

In addition, it is necessary to take care of the cleanliness of the workplace.

Sanding and shaping

If you decide to make a wooden stick, choose a branch 28-36 centimeters long. A long one will be inconvenient to use; short ones are more suitable for children. As for width, it is optimal to choose a branch no thicker than your finger. Of course, it’s worth looking for a stick that is fairly straight, without bends.

One end of the workpiece must be sanded so that it becomes rounded. You can even try to taper the branch so that it tapers a little towards the tip. It is better to start working with coarse-grain sandpaper, and apply the finishing touches with fine-grain sandpaper. All growths and sharp jagged edges should be removed from the branch; the bark can be left if desired.

Decorating and shaping the handle

Some wands (such as Hermione Granger's) have a handle, but this is optional. If you decide to shape the handle, then make it approximately equal to the length of your finger. You can make this element using a glue gun. Apply glue and let it harden, and later apply two or three more layers. Additionally, you can cut out some patterns.

In addition, you can glue a bead or small button to the base of the stick. Some sticks have such elements. To prevent the decoration from being too massive, choose it the same width as the base of the stick. You can also apply a spiral pattern to the remaining part of the magic tool with a glue gun. Instead of a glue gun, you can use polymer clay.

Coloring and fixing the result

It is better to paint Harry Potter's magic wand (a photo of it can be seen in the article) with acrylic paint. Most of these magic items are made in shades of brown, but you can make a black or white wand. To give the color depth, it is worth applying several layers. You can, for example, use light and dark shades of brown plus black. If you dilute acrylic paint with water, the natural texture of the wood will be visible.

To achieve an aging effect, you can fill all cracks and chips with a darker shade, and highlight protruding areas with a lighter shade. A small, hard bristled paint brush works well for this jewelry work.

After the paint has dried well, you need to apply a fixing emulsion. It is not necessary to use a sealer, but it will prevent the paint from coming off too quickly. You can choose a glossy or matte fixative depending on the expected effect.

Stick with core

A stick with a core can be made using paper as a base. Start rolling a sheet of paper of a suitable size into a tight roll, stop as soon as you reach the middle of the sheet. At this point you can insert the core. Typically, wizards use a phoenix feather (you can take a feather from any bird), dragon heartstring (red yarn) or unicorn hair (silver hair from a New Year's garland).

Glowing magic wand

Making Harry Potter's glowing wand is a little trickier. For this you will need a small flashlight. You need to remove the LED element and not forget about the battery. Then the luminous element must be glued to the tip of the magic wand blank. To make it convenient to pass the wires through the workpiece, it is better to make it out of paper. Then all that remains is to attach the switch to the handle of the magic tool.

Some Caveats

Since the work uses a hot glue gun and during the process it may be necessary to process the wood with a knife, it is impossible for the child to make the Harry Potter magic wand himself. Adult assistance is required.

Also, do not trust children to cut wood pieces. If a child wants to make a wand entirely with his own hands, it is better to choose the option with a paper base.

Such a Harry Potter wand, of course, will not perform spells, but it will be an excellent accessory to a brand new robe.

Voldemort's wand

Voldemort's wand is made of yew, the core is Fawkes's phoenix feather. Made by Master Ollivander. The yew was once the only evergreen tree in Britain, so the fact that the Dark Lord's wand is made of yew is a hint at his immortality, which Voldemort so wants to achieve.

Harry Potter wand

Harry Potter's wand is made of holly, the core is Fawkes's phoenix feather. Made by Master Ollivander.

Usually the phoenix gives one feather to make a wand, but this time Fawkes gave two feathers. The Yew Wand chose Voldemort, and its “sister” many years later chose Harry Potter. This fact played a fatal role at the end of the book “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire”, when, during the battle in the cemetery, Harry and Voldemort simultaneously sent spells to each other (Voldemort sent Avada Kedavra to Harry, and Harry to him - Expelliarmus, which is impossible for 2 wands - one kills, the other disarms). However, the sticks could not fight against each other, and thus the "Priori Incantatem" effect occurred.

In the book Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, during Harry's adventures in Godric's Hollow, his wand was broken in half due to a ricocheting spell from Hermione Granger, but in the end Harry used the Elder Wand to restore his wand to its original form.

Albus Dumbledore's wand

Nothing is known about Dumbledore's first wand. The one who chose him on his eleventh birthday. Albus Dumbledore now wields the Elder Wand. This is one of the three Deathly Hallows. He received it in 1945, defeating the former owner Grindelwald. Dumbledore ceased to be the master of the Elder Wand shortly before his death, having been disarmed by Draco Malfoy.

Fleur Delacour wand

The core of the wand is the hair of a veela, Fleur's own grandmother. The stick itself is made of rosewood, 20 cm long. It does not bend. According to Master Ollivander, wands with Veela hair turn out to be too temperamental, which indirectly speaks about Fleur’s character.

Viktor Krum's wand

Viktor Krum has a wand made of saxaul, the core is dragon tendon. The length of the stick is 27 cm. It looks thick and quite hard. The work of master Gregorovich.

Cedric Diggory's wand

Cedric’s wand contains one hair from the tail of a unique specimen of a unicorn stallion, which, according to Ollivander, “Almost pierced me with its horn when I pulled its tail,” the length of the wand is 35 cm, made of ash. Good elasticity.

Hermione Granger's wand

Hermione Granger has a 12" wand made from Dragon Tendon Vine and weighs 24 grams. She owned it until the moment when this wand was taken away by the huntsmen in the seventh part of the series. After Hermione escapes captivity with Harry and Ron, she uses Bellatrix Lestrange's wand. But since it was not Hermione who won the wand, but Harry, the girl obeys the wand very reluctantly.

Probably the first valuable thing that a real magician receives in his life is, of course, a wand. Original, unique and OWN magic wand. But does everyone know what character their wand has? I think no. Therefore, I decided to devote my article to them - magic wands.

As you know, each magic wand consists of a core - a magic core and a shell - wood. Their correct and competent combination gives a strong magical effect, which allows you to process the wizard’s energy into the energy of spells. Therefore, each stick is individual and suitable only for one person, depending on his character and the nature of the materials used. I want to talk about them in more detail.

I'll start, perhaps, with the magic core. This core can be a phoenix feather, a hippogriff feather, hair from the head of a veela, hair from the mane of a unicorn, from the head of a sphinx - in general, the magical basis must be a strong substance. Usually they use hair or feathers from magical animals. And each core is suitable according to its properties for a certain type of person. Therefore, one wand cannot contain two magical substances: mixing different types of magic can lead to fatal consequences.

Phoenix Feather – a suitable core for brave and determined magicians who are ready to sacrifice their lives for the sake of others. True friends often get into trouble and risky adventures.

Hippogriff feather – for proud and somewhat self-confident wizards. They will never take the first step towards you unless they are asked to do so. Very vulnerable, they react to the slightest insult. So, it’s better with them, like with hippogriffs - first bow, and then talk.

Veela hair usually present in girls' chopsticks. It is suitable for frivolous and charming personalities, for creative, interesting people in all respects. Such magicians are unstable in their decisions; they have a new idea every minute.

Unicorn mane hair or horn - a good substance for the wands of wizards who feel unity with nature every minute. They feel its invisible energy, feel its power and strength. Such magicians are quiet, make decisions without unnecessary noise, but this does not prevent them from becoming great sorcerers.

And a hair from the tail or head of the sphinx Suitable for thoughtful individuals. They are always somewhere “not here”, and their thoughts solve global problems at any time. Just like sphinxes, they like to speak in riddles, which are quite complex. But at the same time they are sociable and responsible. They always remain calm and self-controlled, under any conditions.

Pegasus Feather - loyal, incorruptible wizards. Insanely romantic natures, with a subtle mental organization. Brave, undaunted. They never bend under the pressure of circumstances. Independent. They act as they see fit, but always consider their actions from a position of justice.

Pegasus wool - properties are similar to feathers, but with the difference that these magicians are more serious and down to earth. They like to command and try to “make people happy” against their will, although with the best intentions.

Dried mandrake root - this core gives the wizard enormous magical power, dark power. These people are overly loud and perhaps talk too much. They practically do not think about the consequences of their own actions. They are powerful and try to completely subjugate people to their desires.

Hawk or kite feather - bloodthirsty and cruel. Incredibly aggressive. Prone to violence. In addition, they are cowardly and vile - they prefer to attack from behind and on an obviously weak enemy. "Vultures". They enjoy the suffering of others. This filling is found only among dark magicians.

Basilisk tooth - evil, treacherous people. Incredibly cruel. Powerful and envious. They will stop at nothing to achieve their goal, as they are absolutely unprincipled.

Wolf hair - the owner of a wand with such a core has a dual, contradictory nature. Gets angry easily and cannot control his anger. Cunning and greedy. I am ready to go to great lengths to achieve my goal.

Snake scales - presupposes the presence of wisdom in a person and a thirst for knowledge, but this is not always used for good. The nature is dual - every now and then it changes its opinion, the light and dark sides fight in the soul. Insidious. Very often they cannot curb their base passions and lean towards the dark side. Sharp tongue, often slandered. They know how to stand up for themselves and their interests.

Bat wing veins - people are vigilant and insightful, even a little too suspicious. It is assumed that there is a gift of foresight that can be developed.

Griffin Claw - wise people who strive for knowledge. Vigilant and careful. Vengeful - they never forgive insults, but nevertheless have a heightened sense of justice.

Salamander scales - brave and courageous people who never compromise with their conscience and easily resist temptations. They do not just what is easy, but what they consider right and fair. Modest and chaste. A wand with such a core cannot belong to a dark magician.

Dragon Sinews - powerful and wise magicians with enormous magical potential. They are not afraid of difficulties and easily overcome them. Deep and passionate nature. Noble and honest. They are often domineering and like to command.

Dragon scales - the same properties as veins, but owners of a magic wand with such a core are often superficial and short-sighted, hot-tempered and impetuous. Very irritable. They act on impulse, without thinking everything through, because they are terribly impatient.

Dragon claw - incredibly smart and insightful people. They happily give advice to others, but are never intrusive. They love to watch intrigues and make preliminary conclusions in order to later check their guesses. In short, fans of “mind games.”
These wizards are strong and noble. They are somewhat mundane and lack depth of feeling.

Eagle feather - terribly proud and powerful people. Phenomenally lucky, winners in life. People are creative, free from complexes. Tenacious and courageous. Incredibly insightful and smart. Great willpower, rarely take the path of vice.

Raven feather - cunning, evil, somewhat cowardly people. Cruel and bloodthirsty. Smart. They strive for power by any means. Many are endowed with the gift of foresight, but rarely use it for good. A pronounced tendency towards violence.

owl feather - sad, somewhat detached magicians who observe life from the outside. They are wise, but often do not know how to apply it in life. They live for the most part in their own world, withdrawing into themselves and their experiences.

falcon feather - freedom-loving, wayward magicians and sorceresses. Passionate and addicted natures. They never give up hope for the best. Mentally pure and modest.

rooster feathers - proud and arrogant people. They are terribly suspicious and aggressive. They are somewhat weak-willed and put their own well-being above all else. Narcissistic and ambitious. If there is a black rooster feather in the wand, then this is a potential dark magician.

A considerable part of the properties of the sticks also depends on the shell - on the properties of the wood. Wood can enhance or interfere with the properties of a magical substance, and also protect it from possible damage.
Almost all types of wood are used in the production of sticks, but I will note a few of the strongest: aspen, oak, willow, cedar, laurel, pine, etc.

Willow sticks They turn out to be very plastic. This stick will never break; it is durable and reliable in any situation. Willow is a symbol of the Moon, femininity, spring and charm, so wands made from this tree are more suitable for sorceresses. The willow wand moderates the ardor of its owner, pushes him to think first and then act. Therefore, such sticks are better suited for those who make decisions too quickly.

Aspen– a symbol of sensitivity. This tree successfully absorbs negative energy around the magician. Gives him energy. Aspen sticks will never end up in the hands of an evil magician, because aspen is a symbol of expelling evil. That’s why colas are also made from aspen. This wand is the best weapon for an Auror.

Oak– a symbol of longevity, wisdom, endurance. An oak stick gives its owner strength and confidence. Very durable oak sticks do not lose their appearance over time and are well preserved. Such magic wands are usually found among sorcerers. Oak also gives patience.

Cedar means strength, nobility and incorruptibility. Owners of cedar sticks are noble, proud and loyal friends. Cedar also symbolizes greatness and beauty. Therefore, such a wand gives its owners an elegant and noble look. It lifts your spirits and gives you a feeling of sublimity.

Laurel symbolizes victory, immortality and secret knowledge. Therefore, winners in life receive laurel sticks. Laurel is also a symbol of power. Sticks made from such wood instill in the owner a feeling of victory and hope. It gives a feeling of inner superiority, a feeling of purity of the soul. Laurel sticks already give superiority in a duel, they bring inspiration and open the way for new decisions of their owners based on their knowledge.

Pine is a symbol of vitality, silence, solitude, character. Just like aspen, pine averts evil and can only be owned by a good magician. The pine stick is suitable for focused, strong personalities. It gives confidence and willpower. It allows you to gain courage and defend your opinion. But the timid have nothing to do with such a stick - it will not obey them well, i.e. it will be difficult for them to cope with it.

Juniper- proactive people who love to have the last word in a dispute always remain with them. Very brave and determined. Responsible and often correct to the point of being boring.

Olive Tree- refined people, with good taste and a thirst for beauty. Peaceful and calm. Morally stable and kind.

Yew- proud, lonely in life, gloomy. They strive to gain power and secret knowledge.

Ash- modest, quiet people. A little conformist, shy and prudent. Kind and flexible. The magical potential is sufficient, but rarely develops to its full potential due to the wizard’s timidity and indecisiveness.

Cane— owners of such sticks know their worth and the value of time. There is every chance of becoming the undisputed leader in any team. Passionate and artistic individuals.

Acacia- sensitive, contradictory people. They are noble and have high moral qualities. Often overly hot-tempered.
Pink acacia is most often suitable for girls, giving them artistry and enormous creative potential. Owners of yellow acacia sticks are a bit pessimistic, terribly afraid of being alone, loving, but do not know how to properly express their feelings.

Fig tree- calm and calm people. They strive for absolute knowledge (knowledge for the sake of knowledge). They often succeed in life thanks to their enormous capacity for work and hard work.

Cypress- sad, “tired of life” people. They prefer to observe what is happening from the side until a certain moment. But if they take on something, they show remarkable perseverance and responsibility. Hardy and brave.

Linden- most often found in girls. Usually these sorceresses are everyone's favorites, radiating kindness and tenderness towards others. Artistic, graceful and elegant. In everything they are guided by their desire for order and aesthetics.

Magnolia- charming personalities, a little demonstrative and love to show off. Incorrigible optimists. Filled with self-esteem.

Maypole— love to be the center of attention, consider themselves the “navel of the earth.” They do not give in to circumstances, they believe that “everyone is the architect of their own happiness” and “one must take everything from life.” They are often selfish and do not in any way take into account the interests of other people. From the series “after us there may be a flood.” Although if they become attached to a person, then it will be strong and for a long time.

Alder- determined and persistent people. Often some rare and unusual talent is discovered. They give themselves to everything with passion - they are extremely passionate natures, and this flame does not die out very quickly. Brave and selfless.

Ivy - ambitious, but this does not benefit them, because these people are not active. This only results in envy and bitterness. They are not able to persistently achieve their goals; they would prefer to envy and bleed bile. They often fall under the influence of others, are dependent, and are unable to defend their opinions and interests. Oddly enough, true friends.

Rowan- wise, have enormous strength and vital energy. Kind and fair. Wands made of this material are found only among light magicians. They are especially good at Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Elm- calm, calm people. Those who first think ten times and only then act. Incredibly reliable and responsible - it’s like being behind a stone wall with them.

Poplar- passionate, contradictory. My mood changes ten times a day. They never know what they want, but nevertheless they have huge ambitions and the desire to succeed.

Cherry- outwardly shy and silent, but still at the decisive moment they show incredible endurance and courage. Never lose hope. Kind and noble. Often untapped talents lie dormant within them for a long time.

Birch- “bring light to people”, giving warmth and love. To protect loved ones, they are ready to fight to the last. They prefer death to betrayal. Found only among light magicians.

Elder- “out of this world”, eccentric. They don't care what others think about them. They themselves do not condemn anyone. They believe that everyone has the right to live the way they want, as long as it doesn’t bother anyone. In disputes they prefer to remain neutral, but if they take someone’s side, they will never change their opinion.

Spruce- courageous and integral nature. They do not act contrary to their principles. Honest, noble and responsible. Patient and kind. Noble “defenders of the innocently offended.” “The Chosen Ones” are often marked by rare, enormous talent, which they successfully develop.

mistletoe- people who completely lack all sorts of complexes and prejudices. They love everything new and strive for it. They support progress in every possible way. Born explorers.

Palm- cheerful and sweet magicians and sorceresses. Born winners, they know how to achieve their goals. Honest and principled. Faithful friends.

Plum- virtuous, selfless people. Courageous and persistent. They are often shy and lonely in life. Emotionally unstable, afraid of what others will think of them.

Holly- are not inclined to take risks of any kind until they have weighed the pros and cons. They are characterized by the integrity of the individual. It's about being extremely practical and down to earth, coupled with the ability to solve complex problems using simple logic. They tend to financially support the dreams and ambitions of other people. This indicates a selfless and caring nature, which, however, also has a negative aspect - thoughtless optimism, which can cause harm to these people. Preoccupied with their dreams and ambitions,
Hypersensitive to criticism addressed to them.

Maple- hardworking, tireless, energetic. A little pessimistic. Caring and loving. We are ready to do anything for the sake of our loved ones. Very smart and good with logic. They never act without thinking.

Apple tree- very sentimental and compassionate. Never lose hope for the best. They are terribly amorous, and because of this they often get into trouble. You can’t blame them for their lack of intelligence, but still these wizards most often act under the influence of emotions and momentary desires. They often change their decisions, torn apart by contradictions from within. It happens that when choosing between the easy and the right, they take the path of least resistance and give in to vice.

Saxaul- “lone wolves.” They silently do their job and achieve their goal. They are gloomy and ashamed to openly express their feelings. Wise, but almost never share their conclusions with others.

Beech- calm, dignified, thoughtful. Honest and persistent. Life-lovers. Beech is a symbol of ancient knowledge. Extremely smart, they try to subordinate everyone to cold logic.

Hazel- extremely powerful wizards, calm and peaceful. They always stand up for justice, selfless defenders of the weak and offended. They do not like unsubstantiated accusations and hasty decisions. In everything they look first of all for the rational grain.

Hawthorn- capable wizards, but a bit of a loser. They often find themselves in ridiculous situations due to their own haste and inattention. However, they never lose hope and do not give up trying to eventually achieve their goal.

Kalina- loving and passionate people, but emotionally immature - “eternal children”. They are a little amorphous and malleable, unable to defend their opinions and protect their interests.

Holly- calm and unperturbed, it is almost impossible to anger them. “Slow-witted,” they make decisions terribly slowly. Thoughtful and inattentive, they easily lose the thread of a conversation. They live “not in this world.” They prefer to be alone. They listen more often than they speak.

Blackthorn- “prickly”, sharp-tongued, will not allow themselves to be offended. They try to bend everyone to their will. Unfriendly, aggressive. They prefer to act alone. They don’t love anyone, not even themselves, and deep down they suffer greatly from this. Emotionally poor, stingy in expressing feelings. Somewhat angry and limited. Owners of wands made of this material are 95% dark magicians.

Rose hip- tender, sensual, amorous. They act under the influence of emotions. They hesitate for a long time before making a decision, often changing it according to their mood. In short, they cannot be relied upon with certainty.

Bird cherry— love people, life, are not subject to base passions and vices. Optimists who do not lose hope. They are brave and will not let you down at the decisive moment. Such wands are found in the vast majority of cases among light wizards.

Chestnut— strong and mentally pure, will support friends in difficult times. They give warmth and love, but not with complete dedication, as they are healthy egoists. Big fans of surprises, pranks, jokes. True, they don’t really like to be their objects. Caring, wise, virtuous. They do not take the path of vice, they know how to resist temptations and temptations. Alien to betrayal. Typical for light magicians.

Fir- virtuous, patient. Do not succumb to temptations and base passions. People who would rather die than set someone else up. Always ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of loved ones.

Pink tree- Most often found in girls. The owners of such sticks are fragile, timid creatures, not adapted to the harsh life. They are passionate, but do not know how to express their feelings - they burn them from the inside. It is for this reason that they are very nervous and somewhat hysterical people. They often don't live long.

Myrtle- cheerful, calm, unperturbed. Faithful friends. In difficult times, it is often they who make an important decision and encourage others to do so. Incorrigible optimists have enormous stamina and vitality.

Jasmine- symbolizes grace and femininity, which is why such sticks are most often found among girls. Sticks made from this material are flexible, plastic, and springy. Their owners are romantic, dreamy, slightly detached from life and thoughtful. They are a little cold, they like to subjugate people with cunning. They actively use their charm for their own purposes.

Lilac- frivolous, superficial, unscrupulous wizards. They are often short-sighted and do not notice the obvious. They wear “rose-colored glasses” all their lives, and in the end this can play a cruel joke on them. Weak-willed, easily susceptible to other people's influence. They are not distinguished by any special intelligence or abilities. Terribly lazy. Mostly narcissistic, complete egoists.

rubber tree- incredibly flexible and springy sticks. Their owners also have innate “spine flexibility.” Cunning, crafty, incredibly resourceful. They know how to achieve their goals, they will do anything to achieve this. Born leaders, unrivaled masters of manipulating people. Outwardly they are charming and sweet, but their hearts are callous and cold. They see people only as a means to achieve their goals. Often they lack all sorts of principles and such a concept as “conscience”.

Bamboo- a symbol of strength and durability. These are very balanced people who never rush unless seriously necessary. Flexible, able to adapt to circumstances. Faithful friends who truly value family and friendship. They will never let you down or betray you.

Red tree- A mahogany wand is good for protective magic and helps to achieve concentration and discipline.
The owner of such a wand will remain calm even in a situation of absolute chaos.

Almond commonly known as the "tree of life". A wand made from such wood improves the creative potential of its owner, which leads to happiness and prosperity.

Ebony generates magical energy unsurpassed in its power. In addition to limitless magical power, a wand made from such wood has unique protective qualities.

Black palm known for its unusual strength and healing properties.

Lignum Vitae- “tree of life”, the hardest and heaviest tree in the world. Famous for its healing properties, it can heal any ailment. A wand made from this tree is the best choice for protective and healing spells.

This wand is 28 centimeters (11 inches) long, made of holly, with a phoenix feather core, and was made by Master Ollivander. Potter's wand is unusual: it has a twin wand, the core of which also contains a feather from the tail of the same phoenix. Only the second stick is made of yew. More precisely, the second wand is Harry's wand, and the first, the yew wand, chose Tom Marvolo Riddle as its owner 50 years earlier than the holly wand chose Potter. Tom Riddle, who later began calling himself Lord Voldemort, attacked Harry and his parents. The fact that the twin wands chose two irreconcilable enemies as masters played a big role in their future fate.

The authors of the "BI" theory suggest that the wand for Harry was made by Ollivander on the advice of Albus Dumbledore. Just as an experiment: will the twin wand choose Potter or not? So when Harry tries on wands in the store, Ollivander behaves somewhat unusually. The more sticks “don’t recognize” the boy, the more and more satisfied the old master is. Apparently, he gradually narrowed the circle, approaching the holly stick.

Both wizards lived without knowing that their wands were related until Voldemort and Harry Potter dueled each other in Little Hangleton Cemetery on June 24, 1995. Usually, sister wands do not fight with each other, but if their owners force them to do so, a rare phenomenon occurs: “Priori Incantatem.” One wand (belonging to a spiritually stronger wizard) forces the sister to repeat the spells spoken in reverse order. In this duel, the sticks “met” and remembered each other. Moreover, each one remembered the owner of the opposing wand. When Voldemort attacked Harry again several years later, during Operation Seven Potters, the holly wand fired its own spell, unmistakably finding the owner of the twin wand in the whirlwind of battle. It’s a gift that the Dark Lord was armed with someone else’s wand that time. The wand served Harry well. And when Hermione Granger accidentally broke it, Potter felt as if he had lost a friend. And even after becoming the full owner of the Elder Wand, the first thing he does is repair the old holly wand, and he is very glad that the repair was a success. He gives up ownership of the all-powerful wand and returns to his trusted companion, the wand with a phoenix feather inside.

Sorting Hat at Universal Studios Hollywood

Magical objects from the world of Harry Potter- items used by characters in the Harry Potter series of novels.

Dark things


Deathly Hallows

Name of three magical artifacts:

  • The Elder Wand (the most powerful wand of all) belonged to: Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore, Gellert Grindelwald.
  • The resurrection stone (capable of returning the living spirits of the dead to the world) belonged to: the Gloom family, Voldemort, Harry Potter, Albus Dumbledore.
  • The cloak of invisibility (capable of making the wearer invisible) was passed on to the Potter family by inheritance.

The Tale of the Three Brothers tells the story of a legend that became part of the plot of JK Rowling's seventh novel, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

Many wizards sought the Deathly Hallows, believing that, having mastered them, they would become masters of Death.


One of the most frequently mentioned potions in books is Polyjuice Potion(eng. Polyjuice potion), allowing a person to take on the appearance of another person. It first appears in the book “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets”, when Harry, Ron and Hermione disguise themselves as friends of Draco Malfoy in order to extract information from him about the Chamber of Secrets; then the method of its preparation is also revealed. He is later used by: Barty Crouch Jr. to impersonate Alastor Moody; Mrs. Crouch to free her son from prison and take his place; Draco Malfoy to disguise his friends Crabbe and Goyle as first-year students; Alastor Moody to turn Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Fleur Delacour and Mundungus Fletcher into copies of Harry Potter and enable him to leave the house on Privet Drive; Harry, Ron and Hermione to infiltrate the Ministry of Magic under the guise of three employees; and finally Hermione Granger to take on the guise of Bellatrix Lestrange and break into her family vault at Gringotts Bank.

Some other potions featured in the Harry Potter books:


Wizard Chess

Wizard chess is played with pieces and a board identical to chess. The rules have also not changed. The pieces are magically animated and they forcefully attack each other when performing a capture, knocking out the captured piece and pulling it off the board. Players order pieces to move using algebraic chess notation (English).

Ron has a wizard's chess set left to him by his grandfather, and Harry first plays with pieces borrowed from Seamus Finnigan, who kept shouting advice at him because they didn't trust him. Harry later received his own in one of his Cracker Masters during his first Christmas at Hogwarts.

During the climactic chapters philosopher's stone Harry, Ron and Hermione are transformed into human chess pieces in a game of "Magic Size Chess", which Harry wins thanks to Ron's advice and a sacrifice of a piece. In the films, the chess pieces are depicted using replica chess sets from the Isle of Lewis.


Mirror of Erised

In the mirror they see:

Magic wands

Elder Wand


  • LeFebvre, N., 2009. The Sorcerer's Stone, Mirror of Erised, and Horcruxes: Choice, Individuality, and Authenticity in Harry Potter. The Looking Glass: New Perspectives on Children's Literature, 13(3).
  • Sehon, S.R., 2010. The Soul in Harry Potter. In: The Ultimate Harry Potter and Philosophy: Hogwarts for Muggles (Vol. 7), Irwin, W. and Bassham, G. eds.. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Highfield, R., 2003. The science of Harry Potter: How magic really works. Penguin.


  1. David Colbert. The Magical Worlds of Harry Potter (revised edition). - Penguin, 2008. - 257 p. - ISBN 9781440637599.
  2. Horcruxes (Russian). harrypotterrol.anihub.ru. Retrieved November 20, 2017.