How cats give birth: definition of pregnancy and the birth process. How to help a cat in case of weak labor? How does the approach of labor manifest itself?

In order to find out how cats give birth, good owners first select a groom for their pet. At first glance, choosing a partner for a cat is not so difficult. Many owners advertise on special websites for cat lovers. Sometimes acquaintances or friends themselves offer the services of their pet. But if we are talking about a certain breed, then choosing a partner for a cat is not easy. Many animal lovers neuter their cats to make life easier for themselves and the animal, as they believe. If possible, you can contact a special animal club for convenience.

For example, a fold-eared cat can only be mated with a straight cat in order to produce healthy kittens. And the cat club specialists will not only register the animal, but also help in selecting a pair. They will advise how to properly care for a cat during pregnancy, and will become intermediaries in finding homes for future kittens. Experienced professionals will tell you how cats give birth to kittens and what needs to be done in emergency situations. After all, various complications can arise during childbirth, especially in primiparous cats. The club will also explain how to deliver a baby correctly.

Difficulties during mating

If the process of selecting a cat for a pet is completed, the choice is made, this does not mean that all the difficulties are over. Difficulties during mating for a cat:

  • low testosterone levels in a cat during mating;
  • time of year and temporary decrease in desire;
  • the presence of fur around the head of the groom's penis (you may need the help of a veterinarian to remove it);
  • foreign territory (mating is best done at the cat’s home);
  • the animals did not like each other;
  • the cat and the cat did not match in color (the cat could have been offended by a cat of a certain color when he was a very small kitten)

Difficulties with mating in cats:

  • stress when moving into someone else's home;
  • poor health, hormonal fluctuations;
  • using drugs to prevent estrus;
  • don't like your partner;
  • very bad previous experience during mating (aggressive cat, violence);
  • first heat of the current year (ovulation does not occur even with successful mating);
  • don't like foreign territory

In addition to difficulties during mating, there are a number of recommendations to help animals during mating. Often the cat is held to make the cat more comfortable, or the animals are left alone for a couple of hours, or the partner is changed.

Pregnancy in cats


The first signs of pregnancy appear after several weeks..

Signs of pregnancy are very noticeable:

  • decreased physical activity (spends more time lying down);
  • vomiting in the morning (associated with hormonal changes in the body);
  • swelling and change in color of the nipples (turn pink);
  • increased appetite (the cat asks to eat twice as often as usual);
  • change in food preferences (asks for more dairy products or meat, fish);
  • increase in body weight (gaining one or two kilograms);
  • mood swings (nervous, anxious);
  • appearance of milk

Nutrition during pregnancy

The cat's nutrition while carrying kittens should be complete and balanced. The number of meals is increased, but the portions themselves are reduced so that the cat does not gain too much weight and it is easier for her to give birth. How can you enrich your animal's diet? In the first weeks of pregnancy, calcium intake is increased. These can be any dairy products. The cat itself begins to show certain preferences.

The animal's body understands what it needs. In the second half of pregnancy, you need to increase your protein intake. You can offer your pet meat, not fatty fish.

If the expectant mother experiences difficulties with the digestive tract, she should be given pureed vegetables, or butter can be added to the porridge. It is better to mix oatmeal porridge with boiled chicken and turkey meat. After eating, it is better to offer your pet various fermented milk products. Oat or wheat sprouts will be very useful for a cat. Fatty, smoked, salted and fried foods must be excluded from the animal’s diet. Before giving birth, it is good to give the animal tea made from raspberry leaves (for an easy birth, because cats have a hard time giving birth for the first time). For lactation it is useful to give nettle leaves (scalded).

If your cat eats ready-made food from bags, you need to choose rabbit stew with vegetables or chicken in jelly. It is worth paying attention to the composition of the food; it is better to purchase special bags of food for pregnant women. They are usually enriched with essential vitamins, minerals, and special additives for good intestinal motility. Even if the animal eats ready-made food, in any case it should be given cereal sprouts. Vitamin tablets for pregnant cats will not be superfluous. Anti-helminth medications should not be given during pregnancy so as not to harm future offspring.

Preparing for childbirth

Where does a cat give birth?

The place for giving birth in natural environmental conditions is easily chosen by the cat herself. She understands that she needs a dark, safe place, inaccessible to dogs and people. Typically, a street animal begins to look for such shelter about a day before the onset of labor. She runs, fusses, and can even be aggressive. A barn cat hides in the basement, attic, in a box, under a log, in some dense bushes, even on the roof. Although an animal in nature is more adapted to independent life than a domestic pet, a cat living in an apartment behaves in a similar way.

She tries to get into the closet, under the bed, into the nightstand, etc. In order to help her pet, it is best to prepare a spacious box or a special box for the cat and future kittens. It is better to lay a blanket folded several times inside the shelter for animals, and a disposable diaper on top; in total you will need about a dozen diapers. They are changed during childbirth. It should be easy and comfortable for the cat to get in and out of the box, but the side should be high enough so that the kittens cannot crawl out. Nearby you need to place a toilet tray with filling, a drinking container, and a food bowl.

What needs to be prepared besides the delivery room

Unexpected things can happen during childbirth, so be prepared:

  • paper towels;
  • wet wipes;
  • sterile scissors;
  • calcium gluconate for injection;
  • syringes;
  • alcohol, hydrogen peroxide;
  • rubber bulb;
  • cotton pads, thread;
  • petrolatum;
  • the veterinarian's phone number if the cat gives birth without his presence

If your cat is giving birth for the first time, try to be sure to be home when the kittens are born. While the animal is still inexperienced, it should not be left alone. Situations are different, so it’s better not to take risks.

Duration of pregnancy

It is not always possible to say exactly how long it takes for cats to give birth. There will be enough days before she goes into labor and the kittens arrive to prepare for the process. An animal's pregnancy lasts about two months. Sometimes a cat oversteps, if she cannot give birth after sixty-eight or seventy days, then this is already considered a pathology. In this case, you need to contact the clinic for help from a veterinarian. If everything is going well and the cat is receiving proper care, then there is no need to worry. The main thing is that the animal has a normal temperature and does not have excessive vaginal discharge.

The cat gives birth

When does the birth process begin?

You can tell that a cat is giving birth by a lack of appetite and a drop in body temperature. The animal's behavior changes. She often sits on the potty. Then the mucus plug comes off, looks like a light lump, the water breaks and contractions begin. The cat is afraid, the stomach is trembling. So the first kitten can jump out onto the floor right in the fruit shell. A cat giving birth for the first time may not immediately figure out what to do next. Here you will need the help of the owner. You need to carefully cut the bladder, bandage and cut the umbilical cord, and clear the baby's airways using a rubber bulb.

An experienced cat, who has given birth not for the first time, herself chews the shell of the bladder with the kitten inside, helps it free itself from mucus in the respiratory tract, licking it thoroughly. The animal itself gnaws the umbilical cord. In total, labor can last a day. Babies appear at varying intervals, from five minutes to several hours. When there are many kittens, labor may begin prematurely. The first kitten is born approximately five hours after contractions. If the cat cannot cope by this time, you need to seek help from a veterinarian and have a caesarean section.

It happens that childbirth does not go very well. And if a cat gave birth to a dead kitten, the reasons may be different. If, upon opening the bladder, no obvious developmental pathologies are found, then there are several reasons: either the airways are clogged with mucus; or the contractions were so strong.

Sometimes newly born kittens just seem dead, and after stimulation of breathing they come to their senses and come to life. It is necessary to turn the kitten upside down, shake it lightly, and wipe the baby with a napkin to remove excess liquid. Sometimes ordinary ammonia helps in resuscitation.

An animal can have from one to ten kittens in one litter. A cat can give birth to kittens from different fathers at once. This fact can be explained quite simply. The unusual structure of the uterus, in the shape of the letter “U”, allows you to fertilize the number of eggs that the follicles produce. There is an opinion that the number of matings also affects the number of kittens in the litter. However, almost all experts note that purebred cats always have a small number of babies. While yard cats almost always give birth to large offspring.

When there is a pregnant cat in the apartment, its owner is waiting for new offspring. While waiting, a natural question may arise for the pet owner: when will the moment of birth itself come and how can the pet be helped and facilitate this process. Indeed, this issue will require some practice.

Any experienced cat breeder or veterinarian will know the answer to this question and can give a detailed answer. But even a beginner can cope with this task; you just need to study the characteristic features of labor inherent in cats.

First, let’s answer the question: how long does pregnancy last in cats? The gestation period for a healthy cat is about 65 days. After this, the cat must give birth to kittens. Therefore, every pet owner should know the approximate time for the onset of cat birth.

As for the signs that indicate that a cat will soon begin to give birth, in some individuals they appear two days before giving birth, and in others literally two hours before the crucial moment.

The maturation of each cat is an individual moment. The course of pregnancy is also individual. There are cats that worry and look for a cozy and secluded place in advance, and there are those that begin to understand what is happening to them only when the birth itself begins.

Seven days before the onset of labor, the pet owner must pay more attention and watch the cat more. Then moment X will definitely not be missed.

How to understand that a cat is giving birth: signs

  1. The expectant mother of the kittens begins to actively look for a place to give birth; she usually likes dark wardrobes, boxes with things, or warm corners near the radiator. Such fuss should definitely attract your attention, but there is no need to interfere with the cat.
  2. The cat either tries to find privacy from everyone, or, on the contrary, does not leave its owner and constantly pets. In addition, she worries and constantly licks herself.
  3. The appearance of colostrum in the cat. In addition, it is visually clear that her mammary glands have enlarged.
  4. Body temperature can drop to 37 degrees.
  5. Immediately before giving birth, you may lose your appetite.
  6. When a pregnant animal is in a calm state, just lying down or sleeping, her belly begins to move. This happens because kittens start to move inside the stomach. This means that there are no more than three days left before the birth.
  7. Removal of the birth plug. True, this can be noticed quite rarely. After all, the cat itself can lick this plug or bury it in its litter box. But, if you still come across a white and pink clot on the floor that looks like a teaspoon of sour cream, then be sure that it is it and there are literally 24-48 hours left before the onset of labor.
  8. The cat's water breaks. This is also not an obvious sign and it is not always noticeable. In any case, this will indicate that there are only a few hours left before labor begins.

How do cats prepare for childbirth?

Try to be at home by the time contractions are expected to start. If you are the owner of a British breed cat, then you can note that they are in good health and usually do not have problems during childbirth. But all purebred representatives have reduced instinct, unlike yard ones, so they and their kittens may need the help of their owner.

If you have small children, then do not let them near a pregnant animal, because it needs to rest and gain strength before the upcoming birth.

Convenient box

A convenient box is best suited for a expectant mother in labor. Find a suitable option and introduce it to your cat. In the box there must be an open top and it shouldn't be too big. It is necessary for the cat to be comfortable resting its paws on the walls at the time of birth, and the owner must have full access to the animal in order to help the woman in labor during the process.

Disposable diapers, paper towel and scissors

You need to buy disposable diapers and put one in a box and change them as needed during the birth process. When the animal finishes giving birth, the diaper will need to be changed one last time.

A roll of paper towel is useful for drying newborn kittens.

Scissors will be needed if the woman in labor does not gnaw the umbilical cord herself. If you have to use them, treat the blades of the scissors with boiling water.

Calcium gluconate injections and syringes of 2 and 5 ml

Recently, cases of eclampsia, or in other words, puerperal fever, have become more frequent, so it is better to prepare the medicine in advance. You can purchase calcium gluconate and syringes at any pharmacy for people.

The injection is carried out intramuscularly only!

It is useful because:

  • intensifies contractions, making it easier and faster for her to give birth to kittens;
  • improves milk production;
  • restores calcium balance, which changes dramatically in giving birth and lactating animals.

How to give injections to a giving birth and nursing cat?

During regular contractions, you can take 1 ml of calcium gluconate intramuscularly at 3-4 different points of the body and 1-2 ml intramuscularly after childbirth. But It is better to consult a veterinarian before giving birth and get additional advice on this issue.

In the following days, you need to look at the general well-being of the cat. If she is worried, is breathing intermittently, has started dragging kittens out of her box, and generally behaves as if she is panicking, then these are the real signs of incipient eclampsia. In this case need to continue injecting medications intramuscularly as maintenance therapy - 1 ml per day or 1 ml in the morning and evening. This will depend on the strength of the symptoms. Therapy continues for several days.

Vaseline oil

Sometimes a problem arises during childbirth due to a kitten, because it is too large. In such cases, the fetus has difficulty moving through the birth canal. In this case, Vaseline oil can help. The oil should be at room temperature and injected into the cat’s vagina with a syringe (without a needle).

Veterinarian contacts

It would be better if you have at hand the phone number of a veterinarian or an experienced person who understands these matters. If difficulties arise, you can call them and consult.

When your cat has given birth to all her kittens, cover the box halfway to avoid disturbance from outside noise and bright light. If the birth occurred in winter and the apartment is cool, then You can put a folded blanket under the diaper, and put something warm on top of the box. To avoid unwanted spreading of small kittens, the sides of the box must be high. At the same time, the woman in labor should be comfortable jumping on and off.

In order for a cat to fully feed her kittens, she herself needs to be provided with a balanced diet. Place the tray and food close to the box so that she does not have to leave her brood far or for a long time.

And the last thing that can be said about childbirth, for many owners it has already become normal for a cat to give birth in an apartment. But, if you have concerns about this, you can contact a specialist and call him at home.

How long should a cat wait between births?

That's a moot point. Veterinarians advise breeding no more often than during estrus - 1 - 2 times a year.

Some people believe that giving birth too often exhausts the animal's body, apparently comparing it with childbirth in women. But it's not right. After all, the physiology of animals and humans is very different from each other. Cats do not have a mechanism for “critical days” and an empty estrus is not a “rest” for her. She suffers, screams, loses her appetite, loses weight and even goes bald. In addition, empty heats can provoke diseases. Some Russian breeders give birth to cats 3-4 times a year. These owners must visit a veterinarian, checking the current well-being of the animal, they carry out diagnostics, provide good nutrition, restore the cat’s body after birth, and provide it with vitamins.

In any case, the determining factor will be the cat’s well-being. The best option is once or twice a year, that is, during estrus. To reduce sexual desire it is better to use only non-hormonal (!) herbal remedies, such as “Cat Bayun”, “Mating-minus”, “Stop-stress”. It is not recommended to use Sex Barrier, Contrasex and other similar drugs.

What if the cat can't give birth?

It is normal for cats to be in labor for up to 12-18 hours. If labor lasts longer than this time, it means that the birth has become pathological. This refers to the time separating the birth of one kitten from another, and not the duration of the birth itself.

There can be many reasons for this, ranging from intrauterine death of kittens to their malpresentation. Animals also experience multiple births, since the uterus of cats is structured somewhat differently than that of women. Their the uterus has two horns and anyone can be pregnant. In this case, kittens from 2 horns can suddenly enter the body of the uterus and get stuck in this bifurcation (the place where the uterus divides into 2 horns). This will prevent them from passing into the pelvic cavity for childbirth.

If more than a day has passed since the onset of labor, then the chance that the kittens are alive is small. In this case, the cat needs to be operated on urgently.

If you notice that the cat is having a hard time giving birth and is not feeling very well during the postpartum period, and the kittens are weak or have pathologies, then sterilization may be the best solution.

An attentive owner will never miss the onset of labor in his cat. If the relationship between the owner and the cat is established, then the cat will immediately come to the owner at the first signs of labor. If a cat is afraid of its owners and fears for the life of its future offspring, at the first signs of labor it will try to hide where you cannot reach it. Therefore, you need to think about how your cat’s birth will go from the first day a breeding cat appears in your home.

A properly socialized, educated cat, living in affection, love and understanding, listens to the owner during childbirth, is less nervous, and thus childbirth is easy for both the owners and the mother cat.

British cats usually carry kittens for 65-69 days. Pregnancy is diagnosed 21 days from the average day of mating - the papillae become slightly swollen and reddened. Kittens usually begin to move 3-4 weeks before birth. A day before giving birth, the mother cat's tummy sag.

Preparing for childbirth

Prepare in advance for childbirth. For this you will need:

  • The nest can be an exhibition cage made of dense material (the most convenient option) or a spacious box (in a small, cramped one, the cat can crush the baby with its body). Make sure that there is a warm mattress at the bottom and cover it with medical oilcloth, which, after the birth is over, replace with a diaper (preferably from a baby flannel - the kittens will be comfortable on it and it will not cling with claws)
  • Washed and ironed cloths for wiping and massaging newborn kittens. It is most convenient to use old terry towels for this.
  • Medicines - gamavit, oxytocin (in a “human” pharmacy), calcium gluconate, traumatine, Vaseline oil (in case the kitten gets stuck in the birth canal), brilliant green for cauterizing the umbilical cord.
  • Scissors (it is better to put them in a jar with potassium permanganate or ignite them)
  • Jar for afterbirth
  • A heating pad (or preferably a small electric heating pad)
  • Syringes (preferably insulin, with a thin needle)
  • Phone number of a veterinarian (preferably more than one), just in case.

The first signs of labor.

A week before giving birth, the cat becomes restless - she licks herself more often, rummaging through cabinets in search of a cozy nest. On the day of birth, she may meow pitifully and pester with caresses.

A “plug” comes out; it can come out within a few hours, or it can come out several days before the birth.


Childbirth begins with contractions, weak at first - when the cat’s cervix opens and the kittens “line up”, taking the necessary positions. During this period, a cat (especially a primiparous cat) may begin to frequently run to the litter box.

Now is the time to give your cat injections:

  • Gamavit injections. Gamavit is a complex of biologically active substances, which, in this case, works as a stimulator of the birth process. It is injected into the withers, subcutaneously, in an amount of 1 ml, 1-2 times during childbirth.
  • If the cat is weak, hyperexcited, afraid, screaming, then inject her with the homeopathic drug Travmatin - it anesthetizes the birth process and regulates the strength of pushing. It is also injected into the withers, the dosage is the same - approximately 1 ml (depending on the size of the cat).
  • Calcium gluconate injections. During pregnancy, the calcium content in a cat's body decreases greatly (it goes into the structure of the kittens' skeletons and milk production), which can lead to inertia of the uterus during childbirth and even to an acute nervous disease - eclampsia. Calcium gluconate is injected intramuscularly into the hind leg, always in a warmed state (to body temperature), carefully and slowly inserting a needle into the muscle - 1 ml.

The amniotic fluid recedes and pushing begins - wave-like contractions of the abdominal muscles, pushing the kitten out. Usually, the kitten goes in a bubble and, under no circumstances, should the cat be allowed to bite through it. The kitten can come out in 2 positions - head first (diver position) or hind legs forward. If the kitten has a hard time coming out, you can help him. If the kitten walks with its legs, wait until the body is pushed out as much as possible and tightly grasp the body and legs with a gloved hand or a rag and hold it so that they do not go inside again when the fight ends. Next, wait for the next attempt and try to stretch the body as far as possible, be careful with the birth of the head, it is the largest, and the cat must give birth to it itself. If the kitten walks with its head, then you should wait until the cat gives birth to its head and only then grab the head and shoulders (or by the scruff of the neck) and then independently pull out the body. During the period when the pushing stops, stop pulling the kitten, just hold it so that it does not go back into the birth canal.

Take the born kitten in your hand, placing it vertically, and break the bubble above its nose, free it from the membranes and cut the umbilical cord at a distance of approximately 3 cm, having previously pushed its contents back into the tummy with your fingers, and burn it with brilliant green. Then take the kitten’s body in your hands, clasping the head with your thumb and forefinger, shake it like a thermometer, holding the head, clean the mucus from the mouth and nose with a soft napkin (or gauze), open its mouth slightly and take a light breath into the nose to open the lungs. Rub the baby with a soft cloth, lightly massage his chest and give it to the cat so she can lick him - this is also a massage. If the cat is experienced and has already given birth, she can adopt the kitten herself - gnaw the umbilical cord and lick it. If the kitten is weak, born without signs of life, we rub it thoroughly again, massage the chest, it helps a lot to put it in a warm (40-50 degrees) bath for a second or two. A placenta comes out behind the kitten, one or two should be given to the cat so that she can eat them - they contain substances that stimulate labor and the flow of milk to the mammary glands, make sure that the number of placentas matches the number of kittens.

Now - about oxytocin. This hormonal drug has saved more than one cat from caesarean section. But it must be handled very carefully, it causes strong contractions of the uterus and, if the kitten is in the wrong position, it can jam the entire birth process, again leading to a caesarean section.

It is used in cases where labor pains are weak and the cat cannot push the kitten out of her. But it can be injected only after the birth of the first kitten, when it is obvious that the uterus is already open or when the kitten’s head or paws are already visible in the loop, in this case, injecting oxytocin (at the withers - 0.2-0.3 ml) gives a positive The result is that after 2-3 attempts the kitten comes out. If labor is weak, the injection can be repeated after 20-30 minutes.

After the birth of the first kitten, as a rule, the cat rests - place the born baby on her nipples.

When repeated attempts begin, put the born babies aside in a warm place (preferably on a heating pad) so that the cat does not crush them.

The normal period between the birth of kittens is considered to be up to 12 hours; after this period the situation can be considered pathological. In general, each cat can have its own, specific break in the birth of kittens, sometimes they are born almost immediately, one after the other, after 20-30 minutes, and sometimes the cat gives birth to each next one after 4-5 hours, and oxytocin injections have no effect .

So there is no need to worry too much about this, the situation should cause concern when there are strong attempts for a long time, but the kitten does not come out. In this case, you need to call the veterinarian - placenta accreta may be present or the kitten may be in the wrong position; a mummified (dead) kitten may stand in the birth canal and jam the exit for the rest of the living kittens.

When the birth is over, give the cat something to drink - water or low-fat cream or warm milk, and inject the cat with oxytocin - once, 0.2 ml - this causes cleansing of the uterus and an additional flow of milk. In the future, watch the cat - pink discharge may come from the uterus, but it should not smell bad and be bright red or contain impurities of pus, the cat should not be depressed. The discharge may last 3-7 days, and then it will disappear, otherwise, be sure to contact your veterinarian. Check whether the cat has enough milk for all kittens (weigh the babies - kittens should gain weight at least 10g per day) and whether the cat licks them well (if their butts are dirty, massage their tummy and wipe them with a damp cloth yourself) - young cats often “forget” this duty. If everything is good, the kittens don’t squeak, sleep a lot, gain weight well, the cat looks happy and purrs.

These animals have a very small number, but still it’s definitely not worth excluding them completely. In particular, when a cat gives birth, you need to know for sure whether all the kittens have been born... But how to do this?

So, let's start with the “truths”. Pregnancy in these animals lasts (on average) up to 64 days; cases are described when a cat walked for 70 days. The “average” pets give birth to four kittens per litter, but cases of six or even eight babies being born are not uncommon.

The only way to more or less accurately find out how many new pets you will have is to conduct an ultrasound examination.

The recommended period is at least 40 days of pregnancy. Keep in mind that even an ultrasound does not always provide complete information about the number of kittens: especially “nimble” cubs can overlap with others, as a result of which it can be quite difficult for the veterinarian to figure out the final number of babies.

But we are more interested in the process of childbirth itself. Contrary to popular belief, there is no need to run to the vet immediately after contractions appear.

  • Firstly, pushing in general can be preparatory, and they often begin three days before the “true” birth.
  • Secondly, the first contractions very often last for at least 12 hours, sometimes this period extends to a day. True, if your pet is primiparous or, on the contrary, old (in such cases the likelihood of complications is much higher), it won’t hurt to call the veterinarian at this time.
  • Don’t forget that many cats “love” to give birth at night, and 24-hour veterinary clinics are not available everywhere. So it’s better to agree on your presence at the birth with a specialist in advance.

Mature cats give birth to offspring. Domestic representatives who have a certain breed cannot go on a spree on their own. As a rule, mating with a cat is organized by the owner himself, who wants to get purebred offspring. So, conception has occurred, the pregnancy is proceeding successfully and the due date is approaching. How to understand that a cat is giving birth, and what measures need to be taken at this crucial moment, you will learn from our article!

Condition of the cat before birth

An attentive owner who takes proper care of his pet will definitely notice characteristic changes in the condition of a pregnant cat, which manifests itself with special signs 7-10 days before giving birth.

If your cat is pregnant for the first time, and you do not know at all how to determine the approach of the birth process in an animal, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most common symptoms indicating that the cat is about to give birth very soon.

The first signs of impending labor:

  • the cat looks for secret places in the house and steals various rags there;
  • 4-5 days before lambing she becomes nervous, restless and even a little aggressive;
  • appetite worsens, the cat may eat often, but in small portions;
  • after eating he meows loudly;
  • drinks a lot of water.

The cat takes rags to a certain place in the house for a reason. It is there that she plans to give birth to her offspring. The owner can participate in the preparation process and install a spacious box in the place chosen by the cat, at the bottom of which soft tissues should be placed.

Important: cats choose quiet places for giving birth, away from the hustle and bustle, where there is no bright light and high traffic. You should not move the box to another place; approve of the cat’s choice, made with a sense of natural instinct.

How is the pregnancy period going?

If a cat exhibits pathological signs during pregnancy, there is a chance that labor will begin ahead of schedule. To ensure that your pet bears a healthy litter and her pregnancy does not end tragically, be sure to show the cat to the veterinarian throughout the entire pregnancy. This is especially true if pregnancy occurs with complications.

Cat before giving birth

So, as we have already said, the first signs of impending labor are observed 7-10 days in advance. From this period, the owner should pay special attention to his cat. If she goes for a walk outside the house, take her from the street and try not to leave her alone for a long time.

You can tell that a cat is ready to give birth by the following signs:

  • often lie down in a prepared box on your back;
  • in the stomach you can visually notice the active movement of kittens;
  • the cat begins to actively wash itself, lick the genitals, even to the point of licking off all the fur under the tail;
  • a day before giving birth, she is constantly in the birth box, from where she comes out to drink water or milk;
  • does not eat anything on the last day before giving birth;
  • The animal's genitals become noticeably swollen, and redness of the nipples and skin under the tail is also observed.

Have you noticed these signs in your cat? Then you no longer have to wonder how long it will take for her to give birth. Here everything is already extremely clear - childbirth can take place at any minute within the next 24 hours! Be prepared for this process and purchase everything you need in advance in case complications arise during labor.

How can you tell if your cat has started giving birth? Before giving birth, a mucous plug comes out of the cat’s genitals, then the birth process begins, during which the cat can meow loudly and pitifully. At this moment, the owner should be nearby and calm his pet with gentle stroking and kind words of support.

To make it easier for you to navigate this difficult matter, consult in advance with a veterinarian who will answer all your questions in detail. Childbirth can happen differently for each animal.

For example, ordinary cats that do not have pedigree roots often give birth on their own. The owner may not even notice this process and see already born kittens affectionately eating their mother's milk.

Scottish, British, Sphynx and other purebred cats love attention and care, so they often need the help of their beloved owner during labor.

It is impossible to predict how the birth will go. This depends on the individuality of the animal’s body and whether the cat has given birth before. Young individuals bearing offspring for the first time take longer than usual to give birth and often scream loudly. Due to lack of experience, such cats often try to run out of the box, which is not at all recommended.

It is also not advisable to allow rollovers and squats. In such positions, a cat can seriously harm her kittens. To eliminate such risks, the owner needs to control the birth process and prevent such positions of the animal’s body. It is better to carefully turn her on her side and gently stroke her stomach and back. This will calm the frightened mother cat a little.

Even an inexperienced owner will notice that the cat has begun to give birth. The first kitten will emerge from the genitals of the expectant mother. At this moment, the woman in labor will strain and push very hard, thereby trying to quickly push the baby to the light.

The first kitten may be in the amniotic sac, which occurs if it does not burst during birth. The cat will be able to free the baby from the bubble by carefully gnawing the shell.

If this does not happen, take the initiative and free the newborn from the bladder using sterile scissors. When cutting the shell, be extremely careful and attentive so as not to harm the kitten.

How can you tell if your cat is no longer giving birth? The frequency of birth of each kitten is 15-40 minutes. This means that you won’t have to expect a quick birth. After the kitten is born, the placenta emerges from the genitals, which she must eat. This will allow the woman in labor to quickly realize motherhood and speed up the lactation process.

As a rule, the owner does not have to persuade the cat; it eats the placenta by force of natural instinct.

After the placenta is delivered, you can understand that she gave birth to all the kittens and has already finished giving birth. It is very good if the birth was successful for both the mother cat and her offspring. But sometimes complications occur, which we will now talk about!

Complications during lambing

The owner of a pregnant cat must be prepared for anything, so it is better to familiarize yourself with possible complications during labor in advance, which will allow you to make the right decision in an unforeseen event.

Possible complications:

  1. Retained placenta. After the kitten is born, the placenta should come out. If this does not happen, it remains in the cat’s body, which is very dangerous for its life. The placenta inside the uterus rots, an acute inflammatory process develops, as a result of which the cat can die. Be sure to contact your veterinarian about this problem as soon as possible!
  2. Weak labor activity, which does not allow the cat to give birth to kittens on her own. This pathology can be determined by the following signs: strong contractions are observed within 30-40 minutes, but the babies do not come out into the world. Problems with labor are also indicated by long intervals between the birth of each kitten. If after the birth of the first baby the cat cannot give birth within 1.5-2 hours, it must be urgently taken to the veterinary clinic!
  3. The cat's contractions last for several hours, she screams in pain and constantly licks her genitals, but labor does not begin. This pathology occurs for a number of reasons. It will not be possible to solve this problem on your own, therefore, in this case, the woman in labor must be immediately taken to a specialized medical facility, where she can give birth under the supervision of an experienced doctor.

And a few more signs indicating the need for urgent hospitalization of a pregnant cat at a veterinary clinic:

  • during childbirth, the cat’s temperature exceeds 39 degrees (acute fever);
  • dark and foul-smelling discharge appears from the vagina of the woman in labor;
  • in the interval between the birth of kittens or before the birth of the first kitten, blood clots come out of the genitals;
  • labor lasts more than a day and does not stop;
  • interrupted labor, which means that the cat’s contractions have disappeared (she has stopped giving birth), but not all kittens have been born yet;
  • The animal became very weak and lost consciousness during the birth process.

If you observe signs of abnormal labor in your cat, immediately take her to an experienced veterinarian!

Only a qualified doctor can resolve this situation with the most positive result.

  • stimulate labor with the hormone oxytocin, which will provoke uterine rupture, severe bleeding and death of the animal;
  • It is unacceptable to inject a giving birth cat with no-shpa, since this drug can cause paresis of the hind legs, as a result of which the cat will forever remain disabled;
  • You should not give vodka or alcohol as a pain reliever; for cats, these drinks are real poison, instantly poisoning the entire body;
  • It is unacceptable to try to expand the cat’s vagina with any instruments, pull the kitten by the paws, put pressure on the belly of a pregnant cat and carry out other inexplicable manipulations that provoke serious complications.

If you are wary of giving birth to your pet cat yourself, arrange in advance to carry out this process at a veterinary clinic or call a doctor to your home. This service is provided on a paid basis, according to the current tariffs established in the medical institution.

What to do with kittens?

Cats have a well-developed maternal instinct, so immediately after the birth of kittens, they independently gnaw the umbilical cord and provide full care for their offspring.

What help can the owner of a young mother cat provide:

  1. Kittens are practically blind after birth and bright sunlight can irritate their eyes. Try to find a suitable place in the house for the offspring, where there will be dim light, no drafts and no strong noise.
  2. For disinfection purposes, you can treat the kittens' umbilical cord with hydrogen peroxide or regular brilliant green.
  3. Make sure your mother cat licks her babies regularly. This process is very important, it improves the functioning of the kittens’ digestive organs and stimulates the sucking reflex.
  4. A mother cat feeds her babies with breast milk. You need to monitor this process and make sure that all kittens have access to the nipples and are fed.
  5. Newborn kittens must be kept in a warm room. If the room temperature is less than 28 degrees Celsius, install a heat lamp above the box with the babies. Just don’t point it directly at the babies, but slightly to the side to avoid burning the kittens’ delicate skin.
  6. If the mother cat does not have enough milk for feeding, organize complementary feeding. As additional nutrition, it is better to use special formulations from veterinary pharmacies, which are analogues of cat's milk. Your veterinarian will help determine the frequency of feeding kittens and the dosage of artificial milk.
  7. The box with the offspring should not stand at a height. This is very dangerous for growing children, who may unknowingly tip over the sides and fall, resulting in serious injuries.

For premature kittens, the doctor may prescribe a complex of drug therapy based on the administration of immunostimulating drugs and vitamins that promote good growth and proper development. Follow all doctor's orders!

How to care for a cat after giving birth

Childbirth and the postpartum period are not an easy process, both for the new mother herself and for her owner. With the arrival of kittens in the house, additional worries arise in caring for the babies and the parent herself.

How to properly care for a cat after giving birth:

  1. Upon completion of labor, give the cat water, she urgently needs to restore the water balance in the body. A nursing mother cat should always have free access to water.
  2. Give her a complete and balanced diet. A cat needs good nutrition, which will determine the quality and volume of milk produced. Place a bowl of food and water close to the box with the offspring.
  3. You also need to place a tray nearby so that the young mother can safely go to the toilet without leaving her babies for a long time. Keep the tray clean and hygienic, change the filler promptly and clean the toilet from any dirt.
  4. In the first weeks after giving birth, it is better not to let the mother cat go outside, where there are always many dangerous infections that pose a potential threat to the lives of newborn kittens.
  5. Within 1-2 weeks after birth, heavy discharge is observed from the cat’s genitals. As a rule, she licks them off on her own and monitors the hygiene of her genitals. However, some cats who have undergone difficult births and have weakened immune systems cannot cope with such care. The owner can wipe the animal's reproductive organs using a clean, damp towel or napkin.
  6. In the box where the cat and her offspring are kept, it is recommended to change the diaper daily to maintain hygiene.

Watch the mother cat and her offspring. If pathological signs are detected, call your veterinarian! A good doctor will make a home visit and examine the mother and kittens, after which she will give useful recommendations and all the necessary appointments.

We hope that your pet’s birth will go as quickly and without complications as possible, and that the newborn kittens will have strong immunity and excellent health!

Video about cat behavior before giving birth

We invite you to watch a short video about how a cat behaves before giving birth!

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