How to quickly remove swelling after rhinoplasty. Is swelling dangerous after rhinoplasty? Patient's health status

One of the most popular operations in plastic surgery is rhinoplasty or nose correction. It is carried out not only to have a more attractive appearance, but also to treat problems with the respiratory system. Contrary to popular belief, this is not at all a harmless manipulation. After it, as after any surgical intervention, there is a high probability of developing postoperative complications.

Swelling after rhinoplasty is an inevitable consequence of nose correction. In addition, a patient who decides to undergo this operation should be prepared to wear a cast and bandages, as well as hematomas in the eye area and problems with nasal breathing.

Why does it occur

A patient who decides to undergo rhinoplasty should be 100% prepared for the appearance of swelling. The face swells in all operated people, but to varying degrees of severity, this is due to the specifics of the operation itself. During the intervention, the skin is completely peeled off, which is a prerequisite for creating the nose shape required by the patient. Tissue detachment is accompanied by massive damage to capillaries, as a result, deterioration of blood flow and the process of fluid removal.

The occurrence of swelling does not depend on the qualifications of the surgeon; the size of the swelling can only be affected by the volume of surgical intervention and the individual characteristics of the body. The swelling will subside immediately after blood flow in the tissues normalizes.

How dangerous

Swelling after nose correction is a natural and therefore safe phenomenon. If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations and properly care for the wound surface, the side symptoms will pass in the allotted time, leaving no traces behind.

Recovery period

The severity of swelling after nose correction will change over time. During the recovery period, surgeons distinguish 4 separate stages, each of which has its own special symptoms, limitations and expert advice that must be followed.

Stage 1

This is the most difficult period, which takes up the entire first week after surgery. Swelling forms during the surgical intervention, and during the first days after its completion, the swelling will only increase. To fix the structures of the just operated nose in the required position, a special splint or butterfly bandage is applied to it, which has this name because of its shape. Such products prevent the development of edema at the site of application, because of which the fluid passes under the eyes to the area of ​​the lower eyelids, cheeks and chin.

The amount of fluid may be so copious that the swelling may completely obscure the patient's eyes.

To reduce the discomfort associated with the first stage of recovery after nasal surgery, you must follow these instructions:

  • sleep in a semi-sitting position, for this you can lean on a large pillow or a raised headboard, in this position it is better to drain blood from the face;
  • reduce physical activity and completely eliminate activities associated with bending the torso and head;
  • do not expose your face to excessive heat, do not go to the steam room, do not hold your face over the stove or near the fireplace;
  • apply cold compresses, but only with the permission of a doctor;
  • wash your face carefully and try not to wet the bandages on your face;
  • do not touch your face, do not massage it, do not use decorative cosmetics, even avoid face creams.

The patient should be prepared for the fact that in the first week after nose correction she may encounter the following inconveniences:

  • swelling of the face and hematomas;
  • problems with nasal breathing;
  • postoperative pain syndrome;
  • high probability of nosebleeds;
  • forced social isolation.

Stage 2

Two to three weeks after the operation, the patient’s well-being improves slightly. The swelling gradually subsides and by the end of the second stage only the patient himself can know about its presence. At this time, you can already return to performing daily duties and communicating with people.

To speed up rehabilitation until the end of the third period, the following instructions should be followed:

  • do not sleep on your stomach or side, since in such positions fluid accumulates faster in the facial tissues and swelling takes longer to go away;
  • carefully perform facial care actions, do not allow tissue to move while washing or applying makeup;
  • not be exposed to elevated temperatures;
  • do not bend over and limit physical activity.

At this stage, the swelling on the face will decrease faster if, on the doctor’s recommendation, you use special gels with a resolving and lymphatic drainage effect.

Stage 3

At this stage, the swelling will go away almost completely; only a slight thickening may remain on the tip or back of the nose.

Further resorption of the swelling may be slowed down if the patient smokes, drinks alcohol, moves little, constantly touches his nose with his hands, tilts his head and sleeps sideways or on his stomach.

Stage 4

The final stage of recovery after rhinoplasty lasts from a quarter to a year. During this time, swelling of some areas of the nose that were most subject to correction may still be observed. But only the patient himself can notice them. If there were no complications, then the residual swelling will not even be visible to the prying eye.

How long does swelling last?

How long will swelling last after rhinoplasty? Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, this period may vary slightly.

Primary swelling of the facial tissues begins during the operation, it subsides during the first 10 days of the postoperative period, and begins to subside dramatically no earlier than after 2 weeks. When the splint is removed, secondary swelling remains for another month and a half, which is less pronounced and represents only tissue compaction and widening of the back or tip of the nose. 2 months after the intervention, the patient may observe residual swelling, which is completely invisible to others.

Effective ways to get rid of puffiness

Immediately after the operation, the surgeon must provide the patient with complete information on how to relieve swelling. By following his instructions, you can minimize the likelihood of complications and speed up the recovery process.

We quickly get rid of swelling on the face after nose correction by following the doctor’s recommendations:

  • Be sure to take antibiotics, which not only fight pathogenic microflora, but also have an anti-edematous effect;
  • we can instill vasoconstrictor drops, but do not abuse them;
  • We eat right, do not eat pickles, sour and peppery foods;
  • we do not smoke, so as not to impair blood circulation and cause tissue necrosis;
  • We do not drink alcohol, especially carbonated drinks and fermented products;
  • We don’t worry about trifles, eliminate stress and get more positive emotions.


Various ointments, creams and gels will help get rid of swelling:

  • product of animal origin – Badyaga;
  • antiprotective agent – ​​Troxevasin ointment;
  • homeopathic remedy - Traumeel ointment or gel;
  • ointments Lyoton, Panthenol.

Even before the operation, you can start using Bromelain, a drug based on pineapple extract.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

To speed up the process of getting rid of postoperative swelling, physiotherapeutic procedures may be prescribed:

  • phonophoresis;
  • electrophoresis;
  • phototherapy.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes will help to effectively remove swelling after nose correction, but any of them can only be used with the permission of a doctor:

  • An aloe leaf cut and applied to the swelling will quickly relieve swelling;
  • you can brew tea from dry arnica and drink it twice a day, or you can make compresses from this brew to the swollen area;
  • Compresses made from decoctions based on string and chamomile give good anti-edematous results;
  • Tea with ginger or an infusion based on ginger, which can be sweetened with honey and a slice of lemon, quickly relieves swelling. This remedy should be taken with caution, since it is contraindicated for hypertensive patients, allergy sufferers, people with high acidity in the stomach and some other categories of patients.

Since rhinoplasty is a fairly complex operation, before deciding to undergo it, you need to be patient and prepare for a long recovery period.

If you decide to undergo surgery to correct the shape of your nose - rhinoplasty - you need to understand that you will have to face the problem of swelling in any case.

Swelling after rhinoplasty of the nose occurs in everyone, the difference is only in the degree of its severity.

The main reason is the specificity of the operation itself: during surgery, detachment of the skin occurs, which is an absolutely necessary condition for creating a new shape of the nose.

When a detachment occurs, the blood vessels are damaged, resulting in decreased blood circulation and fluid outflow.

It is pointless to make a complaint to the surgeon about swelling - this does not depend on his qualifications, but only on the volume of the operation, as well as the individual properties of the patient’s body.

The swelling subsides only when normal tissue blood flow is restored.

After the operation is completed, a plaster cast or a special splint must be applied to contain swelling, while fixing the shape of the nose.

How dangerous is he?

Edema is a natural phenomenon and does not pose any danger.

With proper care and compliance with all medical recommendations, all side effects will disappear in due time, not even a trace will remain of them.

How long does it last?

Nasal swelling appears during surgery (primary), which is dealt with by an experienced surgeon, having a good understanding of the swollen tissues.

Primary - lasts 10 days, waning after about two weeks.

After removing the plaster, generally for a month or a month and a half, the swelling, called secondary, still persists. It is much less pronounced than the primary one:

  • fabrics are slightly thickened;
  • the tip and bridge of the nose are widened.

After two months after rhinoplasty surgery, they talk about residual swelling, which in most cases is no longer noticeable to others.

Stages of the recovery period

The recovery period after rhinoplasty goes through approximately 4 stages.

First week

Thanks to the plaster cast, the swelling on the nose will not be too pronounced, but may spread down to the cheeks and chin.

  1. tilt your head and torso, lift weights;
  2. press on your nose, touch your face with your hands;
  3. sleep on a low pillow: It is better to sleep in a semi-sitting position to increase the flow of blood from the head;
  4. expose your face to high temperatures and hot water (you cannot visit a bathhouse, sauna, warm yourself by the fireplace, and under no circumstances make hot compresses);
  5. use cosmetics (including creams);
  6. take diuretic (diuretic) drugs, since these drugs wash out calcium, and this impairs the healing of postoperative wounds;

Second and third weeks

At the end of the first week:

  1. plaster casts are removed, as well as internal splints and seams;
  2. the internal structures of the nose are washed;
  3. breathing improves;
  4. swelling persists;
  5. the nose is deformed;
  6. often the swelling is more pronounced compared to the first week after surgery.

By the end of the third week, swelling is usually reduced by half.

During this period you need:

  1. sleep on your back (to prevent fluid accumulation in the soft tissues of the face;
  2. avoid hot air, water, overheating;
  3. Handle your face very delicately when washing, do not rub your nose or put pressure on it;
  4. avoid bending the head, heavy physical labor, intense exercise;
  5. if the swelling is still quite noticeable, you can use lymphatic drainage ointments and gels after consulting a doctor.

Video: Features of rehabilitation

Before the end of the third month

In the period from the third week to the third month, cosmetic recovery occurs, swelling gradually disappears.

But the appearance of the nose is not yet ideal; there is still slight swelling of the tip of the nose and nostrils.

During this period, in order to get into shape as quickly as possible, it is necessary to exclude:

  1. smoking and alcohol abuse;
  2. sleeping on your side and stomach
  3. nose rubbing;
  4. long and frequent head tilts;
  5. wearing glasses that fit tightly to the bridge of the nose.

Up to a year

From the third month to a year, the final stage of recovery continues.

During this period, swelling is almost invisible, and the nose takes on its final shape.

It should be noted that in patients with thick skin, swelling lasts longer than in patients with thin skin. This is explained by the fact that thicker skin requires more nutrition, which means it has a larger number of vessels and veins that will be damaged during the operation. Accordingly, their recovery time will be longer.

Photo: Before and after surgery

How to relieve swelling after rhinoplasty

To quickly get rid of swelling, you need to follow some recommendations.

By performing them, you will not only minimize the risk of complications, but you will be able to quickly enjoy the results of rhinoplasty.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also produce a decongestant effect.

Be careful when using vasoconstrictor drops, do not overuse them.

You also need:

  1. Healthy food: first of all, minimize the consumption of salty, sour, spicy foods;
  2. no smoking: Smoking impairs blood circulation, especially in small capillaries, as a result of which the tissues swell more. In addition, smoking can lead to the development of a serious complication in the form of tissue death or necrosis;
  3. eliminate alcohol consumption, especially carbonated alcoholic drinks: champagne, beer, etc.;
  4. remove the source of stress and try to experience as many positive emotions as possible.


Various ointments, gels and creams provide a good anti-edematous effect:

  1. Badyaga is an excellent remedy for relieving swelling– product of animal origin;
  2. troxevasin ointment– an antiprotective agent that has a pronounced anti-edematous effect;
  3. drug "Traumel" (ointment, gel)– an excellent homeopathic remedy that has high regenerative properties and is good at reducing swelling.
  4. ointments "Lioton", "Panthenol".


Also assigned:

  1. phonophoresis(treatment of the affected area with ultrasound in combination with a drug);
  2. electrophoresis(treatment of the affected area with electric current in combination with a medicine);
  3. phototherapy(the therapeutic effect consists of exposure to a combination of near-infrared and blue ranges on the area of ​​edema).

Traditional methods

Traditional medicine works quite effectively in the fight against swelling:

  1. Good old aloe also helps in this case: you need to cut a leaf of this plant lengthwise and apply the cut to the swollen area;
  2. Dried arnica, which can be drunk as tea, will also help.(brew 2 teaspoons per glass of boiling water) 2 times a day, and also use as compresses;
  3. Compresses based on decoctions of string and chamomile help with swelling of the nose: a piece of bandage or gauze soaked in the broth must be applied to the swollen area for 20 minutes, and the procedure must be continued for at least a week;
  4. the decongestant properties of ginger are known, a piece of the root of which can be thrown into tea leaves, can be brewed as an independent drink - cut about 4 cm of ginger root into thin strips and add 2 liters of water, brew in a thermos, add honey, lemon and drink throughout the day. Ginger should be used with caution; it is not indicated for everyone, in particular, people with high acidity of gastric juice, hypertensive patients, allergy sufferers, etc.

But we must remember that the use of decongestants is temporary.

Only some hormonal-containing medications directly affect the degree of swelling (for example, the injectable drug diprospan).

But the decision to prescribe them can only be made by a doctor! And the best healer for edema is time.

And your patience, which in this case must be shown inevitably, because the truth is that rhinoplasty is a very complex operation, and the recovery period after it is quite long.

Swelling of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty or the entire nasal region is a natural consequence of this surgical intervention. All patients who have undergone rhinoplasty through surgery encounter similar phenomena. The accumulation of fluid is usually noted in the nose or eye area, which leads to some discomfort.

How long does swelling last after rhinoplasty, how long to wait for the swelling to subside? In some people, the swelling may persist for more than a year, and in some people it is less severe than in others. During the preliminary consultation, the plastic surgeon notifies the patient about the almost inevitable development of edema and explains that this is not a medical error or an unforeseen postoperative complication.

Swelling of the nose after rhinoplasty

Swelling of the tip of the nose after rhinoplasty means a strong accumulation of fluid in this part of the nose, and it is problematic to quickly remove it. Edema develops not only in the skin, but also in the mucous and connective tissues of the nose. As a result, pronounced swelling occurs at the tip of the nose, as well as additional external manifestations, clearly visible in the photo.

During rhinoplasty, the surgeon cuts the skin to gain access to the osteochondral framework. Even in the case of the highest professionalism, damage to small vessels inevitably occurs, which disrupts blood circulation. As a result, the volume of blood entering the skin is significantly greater than the amount of fluid removed, which leads to swelling of the nose.

Types of edema

There are three types of edema after rhinoplasty: primary, secondary and residual. Primary swelling occurs already during rhinoplasty and makes the surgeon’s work difficult. Anticipating its development, doctors use special approaches to minimize this phenomenon. Immediately after rhinoplasty is completed, the doctor applies a plaster cast to the corresponding area and places gauze swabs in the nostrils. This is necessary to prevent severe facial swelling after rhinoplasty.

Secondary edema is usually visible only upon close examination. Its occurrence is preceded by expansion of the back and thickening of the tissues of the tip of the nose. However, this phenomenon is temporary, and after 30–45 days this problem usually goes away on its own. Residual swelling is almost invisible. Only when you feel the tip of the nose can you feel its swelling and thickening. This type of swelling usually goes away within a year and a half. The accumulation of fluid after rhinoplasty causes the greatest discomfort to patients with relatively thick skin; swelling and bruising in them goes away much more slowly.

Degree of swelling

Patients who are faced with swelling after rhinoplasty often think about how to relieve this problem. The answer to this question largely depends on the degree of swelling and its nature. As with other types of plastic surgery, the degree of swelling depends on the nature of the surgical intervention, the length and depth of the incisions, and their nature. The quality of the operation and the features of the procedure determine the location of problem areas, their size, as well as the duration of the recovery period to eliminate swelling.

The severity of swelling of the tip of the nose varies significantly depending on the nature of rhinoplasty:

  • correction of the wings of the nose and reduction of the nostrils is relatively low-traumatic, therefore the swelling is minimal and usually disappears completely within six months
  • eliminating a nasal hump is a very complex surgical procedure, so the swelling is quite pronounced and lasts quite a long time
  • Correction of the tip of the nose is a highly invasive procedure; accordingly, the swelling is very pronounced and prolonged, and rhinoplasty of the tip of the nose sometimes has quite unpleasant consequences

The degree of swelling of the tip of the nose after correction is also largely determined by the method of performing the operation. Closed rhinoplasty brings less stress to the body, is characterized by reduced trauma and less pronounced swelling. Due to the peculiarities of this procedure, open rhinoplasty is associated with extensive fluid retention in the operated tissues, and swelling is much more pronounced.

The age of the patient also affects the development of edema after rhinoplasty; reviews from patients after surgery indicate this. Recovery processes and swelling are faster in young people compared to older people. The condition of the patient’s body, as well as how strictly he adheres to the doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period, also largely determine the rate at which nasal swelling subsides after rhinoplasty. Early consideration of contraindications to rhinoplasty surgery is also important to prevent the development of significant edema.

Swelling after rhinoplasty is a common phenomenon that absolutely all patients experience. Some tissues swell more, others less. As a rule, it spreads not only to the tissues of the nose, but also affects the areas closest to it. The rehabilitation period after such an operation lasts about a year.

Edema is the accumulation of fluid in tissue. It contains water and protein substances. Swelling can spread to the connective tissue area, mucous membrane, as well as the superficial layers of the skin.

Swelling after rhinoplasty occurs at different times after surgery. Based on this criterion, they are divided into 4 groups:

  • primary;
  • secondary
  • residual;
  • swelling in the area periosteum.

The first signs of edema appear during the operation. In order to minimize this process, the patient is given a plaster cast and turundas are inserted into the nostrils. In addition to the fact that swelling can greatly interfere with the doctor during the operation, it can spread to the neck and face, under the eyes.

A reduction in swelling should be expected 4 days after surgery. In the first few days, the patient may experience severe swelling after rhinoplasty, which will subside over time.

Secondary edema is practically invisible visually, since it is located in the deep layers of the skin, periosteum, and near the cartilaginous tissue. It causes a lot of inconvenience to the patient. As the mucous membrane swells, a person experiences nasal congestion and a hint of nasal tone is heard in the voice.

Secondary edema has its own specific manifestations:

  • is happening seal nasal tissue;
  • observed extension its tip.

Secondary swelling lasts a long time: from a month to two. At this stage, the patient feels that something has gone wrong, which is why nasal congestion is observed. Many people try to resort to various means to reduce swelling, but they only give a temporary effect. The main thing at this stage is to be patient.

Residual edema appears at the last stage of rehabilitation. Visually it is not noticeable because it is located very deep. Many patients note that the tip of the nose remains hard to the touch.

The swelling completely subsides within a year and a half from the date of surgery. It takes a long time for the blood supply to be restored. When this process is fully restored, the swelling will subside.

It has been observed that swelling persists longer in patients with thicker skin, as well as in those who have undergone revision rhinoplasty. After the operation, scars remain inside. Blood circulation in these areas is impaired, which means recovery takes longer.

Swelling of the periosteum often occurs after osteotomy. The periosteum is a thin tissue covering the bone. It plays a key role in the process of bone fusion. Swelling on the bridge of the nose after rhinoplasty occurs if the bone is injured in some way during the operation.

Swelling may appear on the sides of the bridge of the nose, looking like a dense callus. Such swelling is dangerous because if it is left untreated, a growth may appear. You can only get rid of it through surgery.

It is impossible to reduce such swelling on your own. You need to see a doctor who will introduce a special agent instead of the seal.

In some cases, the patient himself provokes the appearance of calluses. The main reason is wearing sunglasses in the early stages of rehabilitation. They pinch the bridge of the nose, as a result of which the bone may not heal properly. A year after rhinoplasty is the standard period during which bones should heal, blood circulation should be restored and swelling should subside.

It is almost impossible to get rid of swelling or speed up the process of their removal. The maximum that can be done is to follow the doctor’s recommendations so that this process goes without complications.

Causes of edema

The main reason for swelling is that the skin peels off and becomes dislodged during surgery. This is necessary to get to the bone and cartilage tissue. As a result, the vessels are damaged, blood circulation is impaired and, as a result, swelling.

There are additional factors that influence the appearance of swelling.

Degree of complexity of the operation

The larger the intervention site, the greater the swelling. If the operation is performed only on the tip of the nose, touching the cartilage tissue, the side effect of swelling will not be as visible as with an osteotomy.

Removing a hump is one of the most difficult and traumatic operations, since bone tissue is injured. The consequence of such an operation can be swelling not only of the nose, but also of the face as a whole. Swelling takes longer to go away than with other types of rhinoplasty.

When correcting the wings of the nose, the trauma for the patient is the lowest. In this case, the swelling is minor and goes away quite quickly. The rehabilitation period for this type of operation is six months.

When undergoing revision rhinoplasty, the swelling is significant due to repeated surgical interventions.

Patient age

It has been established that as a person ages, the healing process occurs more slowly. There is a high risk of complications and side effects. Therefore, in older people, swelling after rhinoplasty lasts longer.

Skin thickness

The skin is equipped with a large number of blood vessels and capillaries. People with thicker skin have higher numbers. It takes more time to restore blood supply.

Patient's health status

Vascular diseases significantly complicate the process of rehabilitation and reduction of edema. To make the recovery process easier, you need to follow your doctor's recommendations.

Non-compliance with rules after surgery

If a person often tilts his head, sleeps with his face in the pillow, does not raise the head of the bed, does not follow a diet, or smokes, this will significantly complicate the recovery period.

How long does it take for the swelling to go down?

The first stage – the swelling goes away within 7-10 days. The first signs that the swelling is subsiding appear on the 4th day after surgery.

The secondary stage of edema lasts up to three weeks.

The third stage can last two and a half to three months.

The fourth stage is from a year to a year and a half.

The end of the recovery period is considered to be the complete disappearance of signs of swelling.

How to relieve swelling

Normally, the swelling should go away on its own after blood circulation is completely restored. It is impossible to completely get rid of the consequences of surgery.

Reducing stress on the nasal area. These may include the following restrictions:

  • avoid physical loads, especially tilts of the head and torso;
  • keep your nose away injuries;
  • limit thermal procedures, visits to the bathhouse, sauna, solarium;
  • give up smoking and alcohol;
  • avoid crying because bleeding may occur;
  • Not sunbathe;
  • avoid diseases ARVI, since they can lead to additional swelling of the mucous membrane;
  • decrease conversations;
  • you need to wash your face water room temperature without touching the bandage.

To quickly get rid of residual edema, the patient must follow certain nutritional rules. There is a list of foods that must be limited 14 days before surgery and two weeks after.

It includes products such as:

  • almond nuts;
  • berries;
  • cucumber;
  • grapefruit
  • lemon;
  • grape;
  • peaches and apricots;
  • oranges;
  • tomatoes and cucumbers;
  • raisin;
  • garlic;
  • fish fat;
  • vinegar;
  • juices from cranberries, oranges.

7-10 days before surgery you need to go on a low-salt diet. An excess of salty foods retains fluid in the body and provokes the formation of swelling. You should also limit your consumption of complex carbohydrates: bread, rice, potatoes, pasta.

In addition, you should not take medications containing aspirin. They thin the blood, which can cause bleeding. You should also not take weight loss medications.

Following a diet and taking plenty of vitamins can help reduce nasal swelling after rhinoplasty.


There are no creams, ointments, or tablets that will give a noticeable and long-term effect, but their systematic use can alleviate the condition for some time.

The most popular medications:

  1. Voltaren-gel;
  2. Traumeel (available in tablet form);
  3. Enzyme Bromelain;
  4. Wobenzym.


The essence of using compresses is to apply ice or cooled objects to the nose area. You can use cotton pads, gauze, pieces of cloth moistened with cold water.

It must be remembered that the compress should not be applied to the nose itself, but to the area nearby, since there is a risk of injury to the cartilage or displacement of the bones.

Ointments and creams

To reduce swelling, many doctors advise applying special ointments with anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects. They need to be applied using applicators or a cotton swab, but not with your fingers. It is important to avoid getting the drug on the seams.

The most popular ointments with decongestant action:

  • Badyaga;
  • Troxevasin.

Use of other medicines

Under no circumstances should you choose your own medications to combat swelling. They should be prescribed by a doctor based on the current condition and individual characteristics.

In the postoperative period, the doctor recommends the use of antibiotics in combination with anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Antibiotics are taken twice daily during the first week of rehabilitation. Anti-inflammatory drugs are taken during the first two weeks after surgery.


The injections are prescribed by the doctor. It is worth noting that despite the fact that they are very painful, they have a pronounced positive effect. The most popular drug is Diprospan. It belongs to hormonal medications and is used only after a doctor’s prescription.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

Treatment with physiotherapeutic procedures helps improve blood microcirculation in tissues.

Electropheresis is a procedure in which the drug enters the deep subcutaneous layers using ultrasound vibrations. This procedure helps to speed up the recovery and regeneration of damaged tissue areas.

If the patient continues to be bothered by swelling, he is prescribed electropheresis in combination and medicinal applications that are applied to the parotid area.

If patients feel nasal congestion, they are encouraged to take inhalations based on medications, as well as herbal remedies.

There is also hardware cosmetology aimed at rehabilitation and removal of puffiness. Cosmetology procedures consist of the following activities;

  • microcurrent and laser therapy;
  • application ultraphonophoresis using enzymatic agents;
  • use in rehabilitation ultra-high frequency fields.

The course includes from 7 to 12 procedures.

As a measure to help reduce swelling and restore blood supply, doctors recommend doing a light massage. It is important to remember that this method is appropriate at later stages of rehabilitation. Use your fingertips to gently massage the area of ​​swelling. Moreover, this must be done through a cloth or napkin. Massage helps increase blood flow and also reduces swelling and bruising.

There is no exact answer to the question of how long swelling lasts after rhinoplasty. The speed of healing depends on many related factors. In order for the swelling to go away faster, you should follow all the doctor’s recommendations. For the first month, you need to sleep only on your back, or raise the head of the bed.

It is necessary to limit heavy lifting and active physical activity. If the situation with edema does not improve despite the use of special medications, you should contact your doctor.

Surgery is always accompanied by incisions that injure tissues and blood vessels. Swelling and bruising that appears after surgery - natural reaction of the body accompanying the healing process.

Severe swelling does not indicate improper intervention. Nasal swelling after rhinoplasty is a common, normal occurrence.

To restore tissue, it is necessary to enhance metabolic processes, accelerated cell division and the formation of an intercellular matrix.

Liquid is the medium necessary for regenerative processes to take place, Therefore, facial swelling is a common occurrence after rhinoplasty.

What affects the size of the edema?

Whether there will be severe swelling on the face after rhinoplasty depends on:

  • Difficulties of intervention. Extensive swelling on the bridge of the nose and around the eyes occurs when the nasal hump is removed. During such an operation under the supervision of a doctor, a fracture occurs, and swelling remains on the face for a long time.
  • Locations of the operation. If the intervention affects the protruding part of the nose, then the patient is likely to experience severe swelling of the tip after rhinoplasty. The complex structure of the tip of the nose leads to a long recovery.

When the purpose of the operation is to reduce the nostrils or correct the wings of the nose, then the swelling lasts less, because the trauma of the procedure is minimal.

When the intervention also affects the internal septum of the nose (septoplasty), when asked how long the swelling lasts, doctors answer that it’s long enough - within a few months.

  • Number of interventions. If swelling occurs after the cast is removed due to revision rhinoplasty, the tissue will be more difficult to heal, and the swelling will last longer than the first time.
  • Method of operation– closed or open. After closed rhinoplasty, swelling on the tip of the nose and other places goes away faster due to the internal incisions of the nostrils. Open surgery causes major damage and severe swelling.


Visual examples of what swelling looks like after rhinoplasty are shown in photographs of patients.

How long does the swelling last?

Doctors warn that it takes a year after rhinoplasty for swelling to completely disappear. Swelling occurs on the operating table and will intensify during the first days.

The swelling reaches its peak during the first week - this can be seen in the photos of clients of plastic surgery clinics. Over time, the swelling will decrease.

It will be possible to remove swelling after rhinoplasty with the help of medications only for a few hours. Be patient - when the time comes, the swelling will resolve on its own.

The main condition for a good result is strict adherence to the doctor’s recommendations. Here are the main ones:

  • The swelling goes down more intensely in those who sleep in a half-sitting position.
  • Do not touch, massage your face, or use cosmetics.
  • Avoid overheating of the body (baths, beach holidays, etc.), physical activity, tilting the head or body down.

In the second period (2-3 weeks), the swelling after rhinoplasty goes away enough to allow the person to go to work and communicate with people.


  • Don't sleep on your side or stomach.
  • Avoid displacement of facial tissues.
  • Protect your face from heat.
  • Avoid excessive physical activity.

During this period, in order to relieve swelling after rhinoplasty, the doctor may recommend using the drug Traumeel.

In the third period (2-3 months after rhinoplasty), the nose almost completely gets rid of swelling - only thickening of its tip or back remains. Recovery will be faster if you exclude:

  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol.
  • Pressure on the nose with fingers, glasses and other objects;
  • Long bows of the head.

The fourth period (from 4 months to 1 year) is a time when small seals still remain, but they are not noticeable to others. If the question of how long it takes for the swelling to go away from the nose still worries the patient, then the doctor prescribes various physiotherapeutic procedures.