Information letter indicating the type of activity of the organization. Letter to the bank

Each bank, in order to open a business account, requires a new client to confirm business reputation and information about the company’s activities. But this is only if the client has not previously been served by this institution (if serviced, it is not necessary to confirm the reputation). This rule does not apply to new companies that have just entered the market, but to long-running organizations. Newly started companies should not provide a letter of business reputation to the bank (a sample of which we will show in this article), since the reputation has not yet been formed. In this case, you need to submit an information letter to the bank about the activities of the organization.

How is this procedure carried out? The client asks his partners with whom he cooperates, and who are also serviced by this bank, to write an opinion about their reputation, or to sign a document created by you. A letter to the bank about the activities of the organization (sample below) can also be submitted by the bank that previously served the company.

It often happens that some counterparty refuses to leave his opinion about you, citing the refusal as being too busy. In such a situation, it would be reasonable to draw up a document yourself and invite your partner to sign it. Below you will see a sample explanatory letter to the bank about the company’s activities, which can also be used if one of the business partners asks you for a similar service.

Not the last option is to confirm your reputation with your review. This is better than leaving a request from financial institution (FI) employees unanswered. A negligent attitude to the requirements of the financial institution will result in refusal of cooperation on the part of the bank.

Letter about the business reputation of a legal entity

A business partner’s opinion about your business reputation is expressed in writing and can be in any form. There are no requirements as such, the main thing is to indicate the following details in the message:

  • Counterparty name;
  • Business partner stamp;
  • Signature of the counterparty's manager;
  • Date of document creation.

It is advisable that the letter be written on the partner’s letterhead.

Remember that the opinions of counterparties served by other financial institutions will not be interesting to your bank.

Particular attention should be paid to the date. The point here is not at all about formality, but about the relevance of the information. In modern realities, when life moves very quickly, it is extremely important for financial institutions to have only up-to-date data. The document should not be outdated, but the date must be indicated - without a date, a letter may not be taken into account at all.

Experts recommend using specific data as much as possible when creating a letter about a company’s business reputation. Generalized information is also not accepted. Such hackneyed phrases as “reliable and responsible”, “always pays on time” are perceived as empty phrases, but if they are supported by facts (give examples of contracts, indicate the amounts for which they were concluded, the terms within which payments were made, etc.) d.) – the document will become more real and, as a result, it will be accepted. You can also indicate what plans the partner has for further work with your company.

In a separate paragraph, it is necessary to highlight that the counterparty does not have any claims or complaints against your company, and recommends cooperation as a partner you can trust.

A bank with which you previously collaborated can also leave a review of your business reputation. Such organizations use their own templates, which indicate the number of business partners, turnover amounts, etc.

Letter of goodwill from your own company

It happens that business partners for some reason cannot leave their opinion regarding your company (they are clients of another financial company, do not meet deadlines, do not want to, etc.). In this case, you can write reviews directly from the company you own.

What information must be included in such a review? Absolutely everything that a financial institution is able to verify through open sources. This list includes reviews on the Internet, participation in government tenders, newspaper publications, television reports, etc. Be sure to indicate that your company is not on any of the “black” lists (tax credit lists, etc.).

Such a document can be made the main one (if there are no others) or additional. It not only confirms that the company is respected by other companies, but it is also in good standing in the labor market, with the Federal Tax Service and other structures.

Letter to clarify payment to bank

No one is immune from errors when making payments, but not every error can be corrected with just one call; some require sending a letter. Imagine this situation: you or your business partner made a payment for a large amount, but discovered that an error had been made. It is worth notifying the institution about this as quickly as possible, which will certainly contact the recipient and clarify the reasonableness of making adjustments. In other words, changing the payment requires notification to the financial institution and the consent of the recipient.

Let us describe the process of changing a payment using the example of paying a state duty. If you made a mistake, you send, on behalf of the company, a corresponding petition to make adjustments to the Federal Tax Service and the Federal Tax Service.

A letter to clarify payment to the bank is created according to the following rules:

  • It is advisable to use company letterhead;
  • It is necessary to correctly indicate the name of the company, the full name of the manager (or responsible person);
  • Indicate the counterparty who was indicated as the recipient when making the payment.
  • Be sure to describe the reasons for making changes; this time it is better not to make mistakes with numbers or other details;
  • Be sure to write the exact date of payment (down to the time). It is better to attach copies of receipts;
  • At the end, indicate the date of writing, put the company seal, and the director’s signature is also required.

Below is a sample document in MS Word format, and you can use it if necessary.

Information mail- a non-commercial business letter, the main purpose of which is information, advertising, notification of further cooperation, the duration of the contract, aspects of the company’s activities, company products, etc. Information mail can act as a marketing tool to promote the company's products, attract new customers and increase sales.

How to write a newsletter

The information letter is drawn up in accordance with the rules established for business correspondence; its structure corresponds to the general structure of a business letter.

Depending on the purpose of the information letter, the following types are distinguished:

  • message letter (notice, notice) - about a change in prices, director, company details, about negotiations, about the shipment of products, etc.;
  • letter of statement - about some intentions of the addressee;
  • confirmation letter - about receipt of goods, funds, documents;
  • reminder letter - about fulfillment of obligations;
  • advertising and information letter - advertising of products, services; this also includes a company information letter.

Often a cover letter is attached to the information letter, where the information is provided in expanded form and in more detail, as well as individual provisions of legislative and other regulatory legal documents.

This letter is signed by the head of the company, sometimes his deputy or even the secretary. In the case of mass mailing (in large quantities), you can do without a signature or use a facsimile.

Sample information letter about change of director

About the change of director

With this letter we notify you of the change of director of our organization on the basis of Protocol No. 11/B dated November 20, 2012. From November 23, 2012, Tamara Vasilievna Litvinova was appointed director of Michelle LLC.

A copy of protocol No. 11/B dated November 20, 2012 is attached.

Sample information letter about the exhibition

Dear participants!

We ask you to familiarize yourself with the terms of participation in the exhibition “The City Through My Eyes” and confirm your consent to participate in within 5 days.

  1. The exhibition will take place on February 9, 2012 from 9.00 to 19.00 on Gogolevsky Boulevard in the building of the “Photo Center” of the Union of Journalists of Russia.
  2. The minimum image size on the short side is 20cm (for example, a print is 20x30), the maximum on the long side is 45cm (for example, a print is 30x45).
  3. Photos will be posted on stands, on whatman paper.
  4. Each exhibitor can post up to 10 works. Please inform us about the number of photos in advance.
  5. Decide on the number and format of photos and send them to us by email [email protected] To preview their mini-image (preview 800x600 pixels) with the name and surname of the author, you need to February 01.
  6. Finished and approved works can be brought 07 February.

Best regards, organizing committee

Application. Information about the photo exhibition (jury, partners).

A newsletter is, in essence, a classic business message. It does not have a specific purpose - with the help of information letters you can notify partners about any changes within your company, present your new services and products for their “judgment”, remind counterparties about the fulfillment of obligations under the contract on your part... In a word, this is ordinary business a message that is written in free form, but is limited by the norms of business correspondence.

Types of info letters

  1. Letters-messages. They represent a notification (notification) about some processes. For example, about changes in prices for your goods or services, about a change in the general director or company details (including bank details), about concluding contracts, increasing the volume of supplies, etc.
  2. Application letters. They talk about what the addressee is going to do in the near or distant future. For example, increase prices, stop cooperation with the addressee, or self-destruct.
  3. Confirmation letters. Everything here is boring and banal - “hello, Ivan Ivanovich, I received the goods, they also sent the accompanying documents, thank you, all the best.”
  4. Reminder letters. They inform the addressee that he needs to do something - for example, fulfill his obligations under the contract.
  5. Advertising and information letters. As a rule, they are the longest and often resemble sales proposals. For anyone to read these messages, they must be at least a little interesting and not too banal.

This classification is conditional, but in general it gives an idea of ​​the functions of information messages. If necessary, additional materials can be attached to letters. Very often, message letters (as well as advertising and informational letters) are sent at the request of partners and other interested parties.


The structure and details of the information letter are standard, as are the rules for drafting. In the “design” sense, information messages must comply with all the norms of business correspondence. The algorithm for writing them is quite simple.

  1. In the upper left corner of the form, the details of your company are indicated - name, legal address, contact information, etc. You can fill out this information manually, print it in advance in a sample file, or simply put a company stamp if you have one. The stamp contains all the necessary details, and in addition you will only have to indicate the date the letter was written and its outgoing number. If you are writing a response letter, indicate next to the date and number of the incoming document.
  2. In the upper right corner you need to indicate information about the recipient. Usually here you can get by with the position and full name of the recipient’s manager, but ideally you should also include the name of the company itself, along with its address (including zip code).
  3. In the center, write a heading that reflects the topic and content of the letter (for example, “About difficulties that arose during the delivery process,” “About the results of the meeting”).
  4. In the content part, state the information you want to convey to the recipient. Start the text with the phrases “we inform you about...”, “we inform you that...”, “we inform you about...”. Try to avoid verbosity, write concisely and orderly, without jumping “from fifth to tenth.” Don’t forget: if the essence can be stated in five sentences, there is no need to fill up a whole sheet of paper. This also applies, by the way, to advertising texts (even a commercial proposal should not take more than one sheet). An information letter about a change of director, written according to a standard template, for example, takes literally 4–5 lines.
  5. If you are attaching any documents or other additional materials to the message, list all attachments at the end of the content. Provide brief explanations for them if necessary. Please indicate the number of sheets in the attached papers.
  6. End the letter with the wording “Sincerely...” (or any similar ones). At the very end, you need to indicate the sender’s position and his last name with initials. The sender can be the manager, his deputy or the clerk. If you are personally involved in writing and sending business correspondence, put your signature. If one of your employees is authorized to conduct correspondence, you can indicate him as the sender. And sometimes information letters are sent to tens or hundreds of people at once (for example, to all clients of the company). Signing on each of them is not the most pleasant task. In such cases, you can do without it.

An important point: along with the information letter, you can send documents of any type - contracts, constituent acts, receipts, advertising materials, price lists, etc. And quite often in information messages you have to use excerpts from regulatory documents and legal acts, so if necessary, involve specialists in drafting letters.


A sample information letter about changing bank details looks something like this:

“Dear Vladimir Petrovich!

We inform you that our LLC “Kakakaya Firma” has changed its details at its servicing bank.

New details:

code 30157710200000000704

account number 65462810810000002774

BIC 044895627

I ask you to make all payments from today to the specified account.”

An information letter about a company's activities is advertising material, so it is advisable to entrust its writing to a full-time or freelance advertiser. However, if you have the proper skill, you can compose it yourself, especially since the matter is not difficult. Write what kind of company you have and what it does, how the recipient can benefit from cooperation with you - in a word, everything is standard. It won’t be possible to fit it into two paragraphs; the optimal length is about one page.

And don't forget that letters must be printed on your letterhead. This is a general rule for formatting all outgoing business correspondence.

How to format an information letter There are no special requirements for the format of the letter, as well as for its content. It can be written either on the company’s letterhead or on a standard sheet of any convenient format. The first option is preferable, since there is no need to manually write the organization details. In addition, such a letter looks much more respectable and once again emphasizes its relationship to official correspondence. The information letter can be printed on a computer (good if you need several copies at once) or written by hand - letters written in calligraphic handwriting using a pen look especially advantageous. The message must be certified by the signature of its originator. If this is a printed letter, you can use a facsimile signature; if it is a “live” letter, then only the original one.

Information letter about the company's activities


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You can fill out this information manually, print it in advance in a sample file, or simply put a company stamp if you have one. The stamp contains all the necessary details, and in addition you will only have to indicate the date the letter was written and its outgoing number.
If you are writing a response letter, indicate next to the date and number of the incoming document.

  • In the upper right corner you need to indicate information about the recipient. Usually here you can get by with the position and full name of the recipient’s manager, but ideally you should also include the name of the company itself, along with its address (including zip code).
  • In the center, write a heading that reflects the topic and content of the letter (for example, “About difficulties that arose during the delivery process,” “About the results of the meeting”).
  • In the content part, state the information you want to convey to the recipient.

Information mail


We must remember the fact that recipients of business correspondence always look at how correctly the information conveyed to them is described. An illiterate letter can reduce the value of the information contained in it and even undermine the recipient’s trust in the sender.


The letter must be written briefly, succinctly, to the point, remembering that “brevity is the sister of talent,” and without thoughts running wild. It has been proven that recipients of such letters are not willing to spend more than one minute reading them, which is due to the high pace of modern life.

The addressee will probably notice that the sender values ​​his time, and if he is interested in the information contained in the letter, he will find a way and time to contact the author of the message. What is prohibited in a letter The rules for writing information letters also have some absolute taboos.

How to write a newsletter?

  • The exhibition will take place on February 9, 2012 from 9.00 to 19.00 on Gogolevsky Boulevard in the building of the “Photo Center” of the Union of Journalists of Russia.
  • The minimum image size on the short side is 20cm (for example, a print is 20x30), the maximum on the long side is 45cm (for example, a print is 30x45).
  • Photos will be posted on stands, on whatman paper.
  • Each exhibitor can post up to 10 works. Please inform us about the number of photos in advance.
  • Decide on the number and format of photos and send them to us by email
  • Finished and approved works can be brought in on February 7th.
  • Best regards, Organizing Committee Appendix.
    Information about the photo exhibition (jury, partners).

Sample information letter

If the information letter is addressed to a specific person, then his personal data (full name, position, company name, etc.) is indicated;

  • the subject of the letter must be indicated;
  • the main text can begin with such standard phrases as “We inform you ...”, “We inform you ...”, “We inform you in advance ...”, etc.;
  • Any additional materials may be attached to the information letter - leaflets, price lists, contracts, etc.
  • You can end the information letter with phrases that correspond to business etiquette - “With respect ...”, etc.

Sample document: Information letter If you have any questions on this topic, you can ask them in the comments. Category: Letters, Articles.

And quite often in information messages you have to use excerpts from regulatory documents and legal acts, so if necessary, involve specialists in drafting letters. Examples A sample information letter about changing bank details looks something like this: “Dear Vladimir Petrovich! We inform you that our LLC “Kakakaya Firma” has changed its details at its servicing bank. New details: account number 30157710200000000704 account number 65462810810000002774 BIC 044895627 I ask you to make all payments to the specified account from today.” An information letter about a company's activities is advertising material, so it is advisable to entrust its writing to a full-time or freelance advertiser.
However, if you have the proper skill, you can compose it yourself, especially since the matter is not difficult.

Information letter about the company's activities: sample, how to write it

An information letter is a type of business documentation that serves to notify partners, customers, contractors, as well as team members about any news, changes, achievements, and other aspects of the organization’s activities. Writing information messages is a necessary part of the work for representatives of business structures and government agencies.

FILESDownload a blank form of an information letter about the company's activities.docDownload a sample information letter about the company's activities.doc Mandatory or not This type of document is not mandatory, because informing anyone about the current affairs of the organization is left to its leadership and administration.
Types of information letters:

  • message letters (notifications, notices);
  • application letters;
  • offer letters;
  • reminder letters;
  • confirmation letters;
  • advertising and information letters.

You should be aware that each information letter may have cover letters, the purpose of which is to clarify or supplement the information contained in the main letter. We will consider each type of information letter and their purpose in more detail below. What are information letters for? Based on the names of the types of information letters, you can determine their purpose and content. Letters of application communicate the intentions of the company sending the letter.

Reminder letters are a sample of an information letter containing information about the obligation to fulfill any obligations.
Home → Sample documents → Business letters → Information letter Contents

  1. How to write a newsletter
  2. Sample information letter about change of director
  3. Sample information letter about the exhibition
  4. Download information letter sample

An information letter is a non-commercial business letter, the main purpose of which is information, advertising, notification of further cooperation, the duration of the contract, aspects of the company’s activities, company products, etc. A newsletter can act as a marketing tool to promote the company's products, attract new customers and increase sales. How to write an information letter An information letter is drawn up in accordance with the rules established for business correspondence, its structure corresponds to the general structure of a business letter.

Sample information letter about the company's activities

If necessary, you can give them a brief explanation or description. For applications consisting of several sheets, their exact number is indicated.

As additions to the letter, there may be contracts, receipts, advertising materials, etc. The letter usually ends with a standard phrase, starting with the words “With respect...”.

At the end there is the position and initials of the sender. Not only the director of the company, but also his deputies, clerks, and other persons entitled to do so can be authorized to sign such a document. If the letter is sent to more than ten correspondents, then it is not necessary to sign, as this will take quite a lot of time.

Text of the information letter about the company's activities

An action that has already been completed that requires confirmation is indicated. For example, that goods have been received, funds have been deposited into the account, documents have been sent, etc.

  • Reminder.

    The title of the letter speaks for itself. The recipient is reminded of what he must do in the near future. For example, sign an agreement, pay for work or services performed, pay off debt, etc.

  • Advertising. Such letters are of an advertising and informational nature and belong to a variety of commercial offers. The volume of information in such documents is usually large; the content itself should have an interesting essence that can interest the addressee.

This classification of information letters is conditional and conveys their very essence and functions. Such letters are sent either by mail or via electronic mailing.

Correct letter writing is a complex science, which has its own characteristics for each specific case. For centuries, humanity has been using information letters in everyday life and work. Over the years, each specific case has had its own sample notification letter.

Correct sample notification letter

The design of such letters primarily depends on their content. They can inform, advertise, communicate information of various types, for example, the duration of contracts, new products of the company or its activities. Such letters can serve as a means of attracting the attention of potential buyers to the company's products. Their correct spelling is fully regulated by the rules of business correspondence. The sample notification letter, in particular its structure, complies with the accepted standards necessary when communicating through letters. There are the following types of information letters:

  • a letter conveying any information - notice or notice;
  • a letter of declaration of the sender's intentions;
  • confirmation letter of receipt of something;
  • a reminder letter about the need to fulfill the conditions;
  • an advertising letter providing information about the company, its services and products.

How to write a notification letter?

Correct letter writing has several general rules. The form is a sheet of paper, most often A4 format, on which in the right corner there is an appeal - to whom the letter is addressed, and a stamp is placed in the upper left corner. The text of the notice itself is usually placed in the middle of the form. And at the very bottom they usually put signatures and leave contact information: full name, phone number and address of the organization. If the company has several managers, then there will be several signatures. If the event is organized by a group of companies, then the signatures of each manager must be in the letter.

Basic writing rules

Such letters are sent to a wide range of people, which may include both individuals and legal companies. It is customary to begin the text of notices for companies and organizations with an action verb in the first person singular or plural. When communicating with private individuals, it would be more correct to begin the text with a verb in the third person singular form. If necessary, an explanatory letter with details is attached to the notices.

The sample notification letter for each specific case is individual, but such letters are united by their goal of conveying information of a different nature to the recipient.