What does blood type 0 1 mean? Tell me your blood type and I will tell you who you are. Nutrition and diet by blood types

Depending on the types of antigens that make up blood cells (erythrocytes), a specific blood group is determined. For every person it is constant and does not change from birth to death.

The number of red blood cells determines the blood type

Who discovered the human blood type

The Austrian immunologist Karl Landsteiner succeeded in identifying the class of human biological material in 1900. At this time, only 3 types of antigen were identified in the membranes of erythrocytes - A, B and C. In 1902, it was possible to identify the 4th class of erythrocytes.

Karl Landsteiner was the first to discover blood groups

Karl Landsteiner was able to make another important achievement in medicine. In 1930, the scientist, in tandem with Alexander Wiener, discovered the Rh factor of blood (negative and positive).

Classification and characteristics of blood groups and Rh factor

Group antigens are classified according to a single AB0 system (a, b, zero). The established concept divides the composition of blood cells into 4 main types. Their differences are in alpha and beta agglutinins in plasma, as well as the presence of specific antigens on the membrane of red blood cells, which are designated by the letters A and B.

Table "Characteristics of blood classes"

People's nationality or race does not affect group membership.

Rh factor

In addition to the AB0 system, biological material is classified according to the blood phenotype - the presence or absence of a specific antigen D in it, which is called the Rh factor (Rh). In addition to protein D, the Rh system covers 5 more main antigens - C, c, d, E, e. They are contained in the outer membrane of red blood cells.

The Rh factor and class of blood cells are established in the child in the womb and are passed on to him from his parents for life.

Method for determining blood group and Rh factor

Methods for identifying group affiliation

Several methods are used to detect specific antigens in erythrocytes:

  • simple reaction - standard serum of classes 1, 2 and 3 is taken, with which the patient’s biological material is compared;
  • double reaction - a feature of the method is the use of not only standard sera (compared with the blood cells being studied), but also standard erythrocytes (compared with the patient’s serum), which are pre-prepared in blood transfusion centers;
  • monoclonal antibodies - anti-A and anti-B cyclones are used (prepared using genetic engineering from the blood of sterile mice), with which the biological material under study is compared.

Method for identifying blood group using monoclonal antibodies

The very specificity of studying plasma for its group affiliation lies in comparing a sample of the patient’s biological material with standard serum or standard red blood cells.

The sequence of this process is as follows:

  • collection of venous fluid on an empty stomach in the amount of 5 ml;
  • distribution of standard samples on a glass slide or special plate (each class is signed);
  • The patient’s blood is placed parallel to the samples (the amount of material should be several times less than the volume of drops of standard serum);
  • blood fluid is mixed with prepared samples (simple or double reaction) or with cyclones (monoclinal antibodies);
  • after 2.5 minutes, a special saline solution is added to those drops where agglutination has occurred (proteins of group A, B or AB have been formed).

The presence of agglutination (sticking and precipitation of red blood cells with corresponding antigens) in biological material makes it possible to classify red blood cells into one class or another (2, 3, 4). But the absence of such a process indicates a zero (1) form.

How to determine the Rh factor

There are several methods for detecting Rh-relatedness - the use of anti-Rhesus sera and a monoclonal reagent (group D proteins).

In the first case, the procedure is as follows:

  • the material is collected from a finger (canned blood or red blood cells themselves, which were formed after settling of the serum, are allowed);
  • 1 drop of anti-Rhesus sample is placed in a test tube;
  • a drop of the plasma being studied is poured into the prepared material;
  • a little shaking allows the serum to be evenly distributed in the glass container;
  • after 3 minutes, a sodium chloride solution is added to the container with the serum and blood cells being tested.

After several inversions of the test tube, the specialist deciphers it. If agglutinins appear against the background of clarified liquid, we are talking about Rh+ - a positive Rh factor. The absence of changes in the color and consistency of the serum indicates negative Rh.

Determination of blood group according to the Rh system

The study of Rhesus using a monoclinal reagent involves the use of coliclon anti-D super (special solution). The analysis procedure includes several stages.

  1. The reagent (0.1 ml) is applied to the prepared surface (plate, glass).
  2. A drop of the patient’s blood (no more than 0.01 ml) is placed next to the solution.
  3. Two drops of material are mixed.
  4. Decoding takes place 3 minutes after the start of the study.

Most people on the planet have an agglutinogen of the Rh system in their red blood cells. If we look at percentages, then 85% of recipients have protein D and are Rh positive, and 15% do not have it - this is a Rh negative factor.


Blood compatibility is a match by group and Rh factor. This criterion is very important when transfusing vital fluid, as well as during pregnancy planning and gestation.

What blood type will the child have?

The science of genetics provides for the inheritance of group affiliation and rhesus by children from their parents. Genes transmit information about the composition of blood cells (agglutinin alpha and beta, antigens A, B), as well as Rh.

Table "Inheritance of blood groups"

Parents Child
1 2 3 4
1+1 100
1+2 50 50
1+3 50 50
1+4 50 50
2+2 25 75
2+3 25 25 25 25
2+4 50 25 25
3+3 25 75
3+4 25 50 25
4+4 25 25 50

Mixing groups of erythrocytes with different Rh leads to the fact that the child’s Rh factor can be either “plus” or “minus”.

  1. If Rh is the same between spouses (group D antibodies are present), 75% of children will inherit the dominant protein, and 25% will be absent.
  2. In the absence of specific protein D in the membranes of the mother’s and father’s red blood cells, the child will also be Rh negative.
  3. In a woman Rh-, and in a man Rh+ - the combination suggests the presence or absence of Rh in the child in a 50 to 50 ratio, with a possible conflict between the antigen of mother and baby.
  4. If the mother has Rh+ and the father does not have anti-D, there is a 50/50 chance that Rh will be passed on to the baby, but there is no risk of antibody conflict.

It is important to understand that the Rh factor is transmitted at the genetic level. Therefore, if the parents are Rh-positive, and the child was born with Rh-, men should not rush to question their paternity. Such people simply have a person in their family without the dominant protein D in their red blood cells, which is what the baby inherited.

Blood type for transfusion

When performing blood transfusion (blood transfusion), it is important to maintain the compatibility of antigen and rhesus groups. Experts are guided by the Ottenberg rule, which states that the donor’s blood cells should not stick together with the recipient’s plasma. In small doses, they dissolve in a large volume of the patient’s biological material and do not precipitate. This principle applies to transfusions of vital fluid up to 500 ml and is not suitable when a person has severe blood loss.

People with group zero are considered universal donors. Their blood suits everyone.

Representatives of the rare 4th class are suitable for blood transfusion of 1st, 2nd and 3rd types of blood fluid. They are considered universal recipients (people who receive blood infusions).

For patients with 1 (0) positive, class 1 (Rh+/-) is suitable for transfusion, while a person with negative Rh can only be given a zero with Rh-.

For people who have 2 positive, 1 (+/-) and 2 (+/-) are suitable. Patients with Rh- can only use 1 (-) and 2 (-). The situation is similar with 3rd grade. If Rh+ – you can pour in 1 and 3, both positive and negative. In the case of Rh-, only 1 and 3 without anti-D are suitable.

Compatibility at conception

When planning a pregnancy, the combination of the Rh factor of a man and a woman is of great importance. This is done to avoid Rh conflict. This happens when the mother has Rh-, and the child inherits Rh+ from the father. When a dominant protein enters a person’s blood where it is not present, an immunological reaction and the production of agglutinins may occur. This condition provokes the adhesion of the resulting red blood cells and their further destruction.

Blood compatibility chart for conceiving a child

Incompatibility of Rhesus of mother and child during the first pregnancy does not pose any danger, but before the second conception it is better to interrupt the production of anti-Rhesus bodies. The woman is injected with a special globulin, which destroys immunological chains. If this is not done, Rh conflict can provoke termination of pregnancy.

Can your blood type change?

In medical practice, there are cases of changes in group affiliation during pregnancy or due to serious illnesses. This is because in such conditions there can be a strong increase in the production of red blood cells. At the same time, the gluing and destruction of red blood cells slows down. In the analysis, such a phenomenon is reflected as a change in markers in the plasma composition. Over time, everything falls into place.

Blood class, like the Rh factor, is determined genetically in a person before birth and cannot change throughout life.

Diet according to blood type

The main principle of group nutrition is to select foods that are genetically close to the body and allow you to improve the functioning of the digestive system, as well as lose weight.

The first person to suggest taking blood type into account when choosing food was the American Peter D'Adamo. The naturopathic doctor published several books in which he outlined his idea of ​​healthy eating. If you choose the right food, you can forget about poor absorption of nutrients and problems with the stomach and intestines.

Table “Diet by blood type”

Blood type Allowed food Foods to limit as much as possible
1 (0) Sea fish

Any meat (fried, stewed, boiled, marinated and cooked over a fire)

Food additives (ginger, cloves)

All types of vegetables (except potatoes)

Fruits (except citrus fruits, strawberries)

Dried fruits, nuts

Green tea

Milk and its derivatives

Flour products

Wheat, corn, oatmeal, flakes, bran

2 (A)Turkey, chicken

Chicken eggs

Yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk

Fruits (except bananas)

Vegetables (zucchini, carrots, broccoli, spinach are especially valuable)

Nuts, seeds

Wheat and corn porridge

Flour products

Eggplants, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes

Milk, cottage cheese

3 (B)Fatty fish

Milk and dairy products

Spices (pepper mint, ginger, parsley)

Chicken meat



4 (AB)Sea and river fish

Soy products

Cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir

Broccoli, carrots, spinach

Pickled cucumbers, tomatoes

Sea kale

Chicken, red meat

Fresh milk

River white fish

Buckwheat, corn porridge

A group diet involves limiting alcohol and smoking. An active lifestyle is important - running, walking in the fresh air, swimming.

Character traits by blood type

Blood type affects not only the physiological characteristics of the body, but also the character of a person.

Zero group

In the world, about 37% are carriers of blood group zero.

The main features of their character are:

  • stress resistance;
  • leadership skills;
  • determination;
  • energy;
  • courage;
  • ambition;
  • communication skills.

Holders of the zero group prefer to engage in dangerous sports, love to travel and are not afraid of the unknown (they easily take on any job, learn quickly).

Disadvantages include short temper and harshness. Such people often express their opinions unceremoniously and are arrogant.

2nd group

The most common group is considered to be 2 (A). Its bearers are discreet people who are able to find an approach to the most difficult personalities. They try to avoid stressful situations and are always friendly and hardworking. Owners of group 2 are very economical, conscientiously perform their duties and are always ready to help.

Character flaws include stubbornness and the inability to alternate work and leisure. It is difficult to motivate such people to do any rash actions or unexpected events.

3 group

A person whose blood is dominated by group B antigens has a changeable nature. Such people are characterized by increased emotionality, creativity and independence from the opinions of others. They easily travel and take on new things. In friendship they are devoted, in love they are sensual.

Negative qualities often include:

  • frequent mood swings;
  • inconstancy in actions;
  • high demands on others.

Those with blood type 3 often try to hide from the realities of the world in their fantasies, which is not always a positive character trait.

4 group

Speakers of group 4 have good leadership qualities, which is manifested in the ability to negotiate and be collected at a crucial moment. Such people are sociable, easily get along with others, moderately emotional, multifaceted and intelligent.

Despite many advantages in character, representatives of group 4 often cannot come to a common decision, suffer from duality of feelings (internal conflict) and are slow-witted.

The specific composition of the blood and the presence or absence of a dominant factor (antigen D) in it is transmitted to a person with genes. There are 4 blood groups and the Rh factor. Thanks to the classification according to the AB0 and Rh system, specialists have learned to safely transfuse donor blood, determine paternity and avoid Rh conflict during the birth of a child. Each person can check their group affiliation in the laboratory by donating biological material from a finger or vein.


Blood loss is a dangerous phenomenon, fraught with a sharp deterioration in health and death. Thanks to advances in medicine, doctors are able to compensate for blood loss by transfusion of donor biomaterial. Transfusions must be carried out taking into account the type of blood of the donor and recipient, otherwise the patient’s body will reject the foreign biomaterial. There are at least 33 such varieties, of which 8 are considered basic.

Blood type and Rh factor

For a successful transfusion, you need to know exactly the blood type and Rh factor. If they are not known, a special analysis must be done. According to its biochemical characteristics, blood is conventionally divided into four groups - I, II, III, IV. There is also another designation: 0, A, B, AB.

The discovery of blood types is one of the most significant events in medicine over the last hundred years. Before their discovery, transfusions were considered a dangerous, risky business - only sometimes it was successful, in other cases the operations ended in the death of the patient. During the transfusion procedure, another important parameter is also important - the Rh factor. In 85% of people, red blood cells contain a special protein - an antigen. If it is present, the Rh factor is positive, and if it is not, the Rh factor is negative.

85% of Europeans, 99% of Asians, 93% of Africans have a positive Rh factor, while the rest of the people of the listed races have a negative Rh factor. The discovery of the Rh factor took place in 1940. Doctors were able to determine its presence after long studies of the biomaterial of rhesus macaques, hence the name of the antigen protein - “Rhesus”. This discovery made it possible to sharply reduce the number of immunological conflicts observed during pregnancy. If the mother has an antigen and the fetus does not, a conflict occurs that provokes hemolytic disease.

Which blood group is considered rare: 1st or 4th?

According to statistics, the most common group is the first: its carriers are 40.7% of the world's population. There are slightly fewer people with type “B” biomaterial – 31.8%, these are mainly residents of European countries. People with the third type make up 21.9% of the world's population. The rarest blood type is considered to be the fourth - this is only 5.6% of people. According to available data, the first group, unlike the fourth, is not considered rare.

Due to the fact that not only the group of biomaterial is important for transfusion, but also the Rh factor, it must also be taken into account. Thus, in the world there are 4.3% of people with a negative Rh factor of biomaterial of the first variety, 3.5% of the second, 1.4% of the third, and only 0.4% of the fourth.

What you need to know about the fourth blood group

According to research data, the AB variety appeared relatively recently - only about 1000 years ago as a result of mixing blood A and B. People with the fourth type have a strong immune system. But there is information that they are 25% more likely to suffer from heart and vascular diseases than people with blood A. People with the second and third groups suffer from cardiovascular diseases 5 and 11% less often than those with the fourth.

According to therapists and psychologists, carriers of AB biomaterial are kind, selfless people who are able to listen, show sympathy and provide help. They are able to feel the full depth of feelings - from great love to hatred. Many of them are real creators, they are people of art, sensitive to music, appreciating literature, painting, and sculpture. There is an opinion that among representatives of the creative bohemia there are many people with this type of blood.

Their creative nature is in constant search of new emotions, they easily fall in love, and have a high sexual temperament. But they have their drawbacks: they are poorly adapted to real life, they are absent-minded, and they get offended over trifles. Often they cannot cope with their emotions; their feelings take precedence over reason and sober calculation.

Features of transfusion

The transfusion procedure should be carried out taking into account the Rh factor - both the donor and the recipient. If these laws are neglected, the recipient's immune system will reject the donor's biomaterial, which causes kidney failure, red blood cell clumping, shock and death of the patient.

In order for the donor biomaterial to be ideally combined with the recipient’s immune system, it must be of the same type and Rh factor. However, in some cases, blood of different types and Rh factors combines well, as can be seen from the red blood cell compatibility table (horizontal - recipient, vertical - donor).

I Rh-

I Rh+

II Rh-

II Rh+



IV Rh-

IV Rh+

The rarest blood type in the world

According to statistics, the rarest blood group is negative fourth: its carriers make up only 0.4% of the world's population. Ideally, such people need to donate their own biomaterial in advance so that, if necessary, they can have a transfusion at any time. In addition to the eight most common combinations, there are also other, rare varieties. So, in 2013, photo and video evidence appeared of the existence of the Vel-negative type, which occurs in 0.04% of people.

Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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Sem is aware of blood groups, but not everyone knows that this indicator is interesting not only in the sense of compatibility during transfusion of blood and its components. Based on blood type, one can create a certain psychological, bioenergetic and even sexual characteristic of a person.

Blood type on a sleeve...

Blood group is immunogenetic trait, which makes it possible to unite people’s blood into certain groups based on the similarity of antigens - substances foreign to the body that cause the formation of antibodies.

Every person's red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets and blood plasma contain such antigens. The presence or absence of a particular antigen, i.e. substances alien to the owner of the blood, as well as possible combinations of them create thousands of variants of antigenic structures inherent in people. A person’s belonging to one or another blood group is an individual feature that begins to form already in the early stages of fetal development. But, interestingly, not immediately after the formation of the embryo. It would seem - why? There is not yet a clear answer to this question.

Documentary series "Assault of Consciousness", film 7. "Blood of Descendants". TV channel Ren-TV. Broadcast August 29, 2012

AB0 blood groups were discovered in 1900 by K. Landsteiner, who, by mixing the erythrocytes of some individuals with the blood serum of other individuals, discovered that with some combinations the blood coagulates, forming flakes (agglutination reaction), but with others it does not. Based on these studies, Landsteiner divided the blood of all people into three groups. In 1907, another blood group was discovered - the fourth.

It was found that the agglutination reaction, i.e. coagulation occurs when antigens of one blood group, which are found in red blood cells - erythrocytes, stick together with antibodies of another group found in plasma - the liquid part of the blood. The division of blood according to the AB0 system into four groups is based on the fact that the blood may or may not contain A and B antigens, as well as alpha and beta antibodies.

The AB0 system was finally formed during the Second World War, when the problem of blood transfusion became especially acute. The donor and recipient must have “compatible” blood types. Otherwise, transfusion of a large volume of “incompatible” blood can cause the death of the recipient, which occurs mainly due to the “clumping” of red blood cells - blood clotting and the formation of blood clots.

According to the AB0 system, blood is divided into the following groups:
The first is Rh negative, the accepted designation is 0(I)Rh-
The first is Rh positive, the accepted designation is 0(I)Rh+
The second is Rh negative, the accepted designation is A(II)Rh-
The second is Rh positive, the accepted designation is A(II)Rh+
The third is Rh negative, the accepted designation is B(III)Rh-
The third is Rh positive, the accepted designation is B(III)Rh+
The fourth is Rh negative, the accepted designation is AB(IV)Rh-
The fourth is Rh positive, the accepted designation is AB(IV)Rh+

Taking into account the Rh factor, we actually get not four, but eight blood groups. By the way, it will be useful for everyone to know the characteristics of their own blood. The reason why a patch indicating the blood type and Rh factor is placed on the uniform of military personnel is to save time on determining these data in the field, when every second counts to save the wounded.

Erythrocyte blood compatibility

It is assumed that Rh-negative blood of the first group 0(I)Rh- is compatible with any other groups. People with blood type 0(I)Rh- are considered “universal donors”; their blood can be transfused to anyone in need. In Russia, in critical situations and in the absence of blood components of the same group according to the ABO system (with the exception of children), transfusion of Rh-negative blood of group 0 (I) to the recipient with any other blood group in an amount of up to 500 ml is allowed. Basically, transfusions do not use pure blood, but its components, such as plasma.

Table of erythrocyte compatibility by blood groups



Blood psi factor - occult characteristic

It can be assumed that the blood carries some additional ( generic, bioenergetic and wave) characteristics that are currently not considered necessary to determine during transfusion. If we are puzzled by this question, then new subgroups appear.

For example, a person with the first Rh-negative group 0(I)Rh- and a bioenergetic disorder in the form of damage or strong negative energy essence (obsession) will become a blood donor. Will the recipient be through blood energetically infected? Yes, definitely. It is for this reason that sex with an obsessed person is guaranteed to lead to bioenergetic infection. During sex, there is always an exchange of blood at the micro level. This is quite enough for energy infection.

In case of transfusion of blood components from possessed (or corrupted) donor energetically pure recipient, infection on a non-physical level is also not excluded. After all, blood plasma is a liquid with a high water content, and water is a universal information carrier.

And vice versa. Suppose the donor is a person who is not just energetically pure, but has some immunity to energy disturbances. Without a doubt, many doctors, psychologists, rescuers, law enforcement officers, etc. may have such immunity. It turns out that such donors are the most valuable donor fund. Their blood is not only energetically pure, but can be a carrier of a new antibody - component of bioenergetic healing.

The question arises: if the Rh factor is taken into account in the characteristics of blood, then why should not a certain bioenergetic (occult) factor be taken into account? blood psi factor? Let's assume that this parameter can be positive (contains a component of bioenergetic healing), neutral and negative (contains destructive bioenergetic component). Taking into account these considerations, we will get not eight, but much more characteristics of blood. Let's denote the psi factor of blood as “P”. P+ blood with the antigen of bioenergetic healing, P= bioenergetic neutral blood, P- blood with negative bioenergy characteristics.

First Rh-negative, bioenergy-positive 0(I)Rh-P+
First Rh negative, bioenergy neutral 0(I)Rh-P=
First Rh-negative, bioenergy-negative 0(I)Rh-P-
First Rh-positive, bioenergy-positive 0(I)Rh+P+
The first is Rh-positive, bioenergy neutral 0(I)Rh+P=
The first is Rh-positive, bioenergy-negative 0(I)Rh+P-
The second is Rh-negative, bioenergy-positive A(II)Rh-P+
Second Rh negative, bioenergy neutral A(II)Rh-P=
Second Rh-negative, bioenergy-negative A(II)Rh-P-
The second is Rh-positive, bioenergy-positive A(II)Rh+P+
Second Rh-positive, bioenergy neutral A(II)Rh+P=
The second is Rh-positive, bioenergy-negative A(II)Rh+P-
Third Rh-negative, bioenergy-positive B(III)Rh-P+
Third Rh-negative, bioenergy neutral B(III)Rh-P=
Third Rh-negative, bioenergy-negative B(III)Rh-P-
The third is Rh-positive, bioenergy-positive B(III)Rh+P+
The third is Rh-positive, bioenergy neutral B(III)Rh+P=
The third is Rh-positive, bioenergy-negative B(III)Rh+P-
Fourth Rh-negative, bioenergy-positive AB(IV)Rh-P+
Fourth Rh negative, bioenergy neutral AB(IV)Rh-P=
The fourth Rh-negative, bioenergy-negative AB(IV)Rh-P-
Fourth Rh-positive, bioenergy-positive AB(IV)Rh+P+
Fourth Rh-positive, bioenergy neutral AB(IV)Rh+P=
Fourth Rh-positive, bioenergy-negative AB(IV)Rh+P-

Perhaps the so-called “convinced doctors”, after reading the above article, will consider all this to be complete nonsense. Well, once upon a time, many doctors were surprised by those who even tried to divide the blood (so red in appearance and the same for everyone) into some kind of groups. Time will tell who is right.

If, based on the above data, a compatibility table is compiled, then, obviously, from the list of donors it will be necessary to exclude all options with a negative psi factor. The blood of such donors will not add anything good to recipients.

Theories about the emergence of blood groups and characteristics of carriers

Many people call Peter D'Adamo's work pseudo-scientific. Let it be so, but there is certainly a rational grain in them. In his works, Peter J. D'Adamo relied on the research of his father, also a naturopathic doctor, James D'Adamo. Those. two generations of D'Adamo analyzed immune and human digestive systems in relation to blood groups.

According to D’Adamo, a person, having one or another blood group, retains a predisposition to the same foods that his ancestors once consumed. Those. there is a connection between blood characteristics in relation to preferred food and the genetic characteristics of the individual.

Based on this logic, D’Adamo offers his diet, according to which the needs of people with different blood groups are directly related to the evolutionary process of formation of blood groups. Based on D’Adamo’s work, diet clinics using the term “hemocode” have emerged around the world. It is quite possible that the hemocode also contains a rational grain; we have not studied this issue in detail. In D’Adamo’s works, we were mainly interested in the theory of the origin of blood groups and the characteristics of carriers of a particular group.

Leading experts in study of blood groups in Japan is the Nomi family, which is currently headed by Nomi Toshitaka. Many of the recommendations ( Masahito Nomi, “You are what your blood type is”) are used as team management techniques. In many Japanese companies, the job application form contains a mandatory column about the blood type of the job applicant. Carrying out tests and recording blood type in Japan is called "ketsu-yoki-gata" and is taken very seriously. In Japan, everyone knows their blood type. A person who does not know or hides his blood type is perceived as unfriendly in the Land of the Rising Sun.

First blood group 0(I)

The most ancient is considered to be the first blood group 0(I). Experts estimate the age of this group at 60,000 – 40,000 years. The blood of the first group is the most “pure”, so to speak. She does not contain antigens, i.e. substances foreign to the body, but contains antibodies, specific protection against infectious microorganisms.

It is interesting that the blood of the first group flows exclusively in the veins of the indigenous people of South and Central America. Those. Among the Indians of Peru, Chile and Mexico, the aborigines of the Amazon, throughout the entire continent from Easter Island to Mexico there is not a single indigenous person with blood of a different group other than the first. The reason for this is obvious - the lack of migration and mixed marriages between representatives of different nations.

Carriers of the first blood group are hunters and warriors. According to some data, before the start of active migration of tribes, more than 90% of the European population had this particular blood type. The carriers of the first group are “predators”, meat eaters. Perhaps it is because of this that people with the first blood group are predisposed to gastrointestinal diseases, such as gastric and duodenal ulcers. In addition, carriers of this blood group turned out to be susceptible to epidemic diseases such as plague. It is for this reason that half of Europe died from the plague in the Middle Ages. While nomads were mainly carriers of the third group B (III), and among them the incidence of plague was several times lower.

Researchers note that people with the first blood group have a fairly stable psyche; schizophrenia, for example, is much less common among them than among carriers of blood of other groups (research was conducted in Australia).

According to Nomi Toshitaka, people with the first blood group are strong, purposeful people, leaders at heart, enthusiasts, optimists, business people successful in all areas. The disadvantages of Nomi Toshitaka include insufficient persistence in achieving goals, dislike of order and strict hierarchy. People with the first blood group grab onto everything at once, but do not complete anything. But they have the talent to always find someone who will be ready to work for them and under their leadership. People with 0(I) make good business managers, bankers, organizers and... schemers.

People with the first blood group find it difficult to live without meat products, preferring to eat lean dark meat (beef, lamb, horse meat), as well as poultry and fish. And one more observation - it is the carriers of the first blood group who tend to abuse alcohol more often than others.

Inflammatory diseases - arthritis and colitis
Stomach and duodenal ulcers, gastritis, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Infants have an increased risk of purulent-septic infections
Bleeding disorders
Thyroid dysfunction

Second blood group A(II)

Holders of blood group A (II) are “farmers”. According to some sources, this blood type was formed 25,000 - 15,000 years ago, when agriculture became the main occupation of people living in Europe. Nowadays, most people with type II blood live in Western Europe and Japan. They adapt well to their environment and nutritional conditions. The best way to relieve stress for them is meditation. Speakers of the second group have a “cool attitude” towards meat, but they love vegetables and cereals.

In people with this blood type, the kidneys, liver, and spine (especially the lumbosacral region) are considered vulnerable.

According to Nomi Toshitaka, carriers of the second blood group are hidden leaders. Unlike conflict carriers of the first blood group, they are flexible and know how to adapt well. They are often asked for advice; they can solve other people's problems much better than their own. Those with the second blood group are born to communicate; they make excellent administrators, teachers, doctors, salespeople, and service workers.

In Japan, when choosing a candidate for the position of deputy manager, preference is given to the applicant with the second blood type. It is believed that such people make good organizers, capable of creating a positive microclimate in the team. They pay attention to little things and details, are hardworking and diligent, calm and neat, and idealistic in many ways. Great performers. People of this blood type are characterized by a love of order and organization.

Predisposition to diseases:
Cardiac ischemia
Bronchial asthma
Oncological diseases

Third blood group B(III)

Blood group B(III) belongs to “nomads”. According to researchers, this blood group appeared as a result of a mutation in the Mongoloid race, as well as in Western Asia and the Middle East. Over time, speakers of the third group began to move to the European continent.

Such people have a powerful immune system. It was the carriers of the third blood group who better tolerated the numerous epidemics (for example, the plague) that decimated the inhabitants of Europe in the Middle Ages. At the same time, the nasopharynx, mucous membranes and lymphatic system are vulnerable to carriers of the third group.

According to Nomi Toshitaka, activities that require patience and precision are suitable for people with blood type III. They make excellent neuro- and cardiac surgeons, jewelers, accountants, economists, bank clerks and government officials. Scrupulousness and pedantry, a high ability to concentrate - make them good criminologists, investigators, lawyers, tax police inspectors, customs officers, and auditors. On the other hand, carriers of the third group more often show ardor and unbridledness - what is called “temperament”.

According to D'Adamo, the rapid fatigue of carriers of the third blood group and frequent disruptions in the immune system can be overcome by replacing beef or turkey in the diet with lamb, lamb or rabbit meat.

Predisposition to diseases:
Postoperative infections
Purulent mastitis, postpartum sepsis
Radiculitis, osteochondrosis, joint diseases
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Autoimmune disorders
Multiple and multiple sclerosis

Fourth blood group AB(IV)

This blood group appeared less than a thousand years ago as a result of mixing the blood of other groups. The fourth blood group is quite rare - about five percent of the population. Holders of the fourth group inherited resistance to certain diseases, but researchers found that carriers of this group are more predisposed to serious diseases. Vulnerable places - skin, joints, spleen, hearing organs.

Owners of the fourth blood group who are diligent and reach everything with their minds make excellent librarians and archivists. The field of science is ideal for applying their strengths. Most of them are scientists and inventors. Including due to well-developed imaginative thinking.

People with the fourth blood group constantly react to environmental changes and food, quickly adapting to living conditions.

Predisposition to diseases:
ARVI, flu
Sore throat, sinusitis
Heart diseases
Oncological diseases

Blood type inheritance

Receiving the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine, K. Landsteiner suggested that in the future his research would be continued and new blood groups would be discovered. And he was right. Currently, the chromosomal localization of genes for more than 20 isoserological systems, combining about 200 blood group antigens, has been discovered, characterized and established.

The distribution of people by blood type is more complex than one might imagine, and often depends on nationality. In Europe, the second blood group is more common, in Africa - the first, in the East - the third. The fourth youngest blood group is quite rare, but ubiquitous.

There are several obvious patterns in the inheritance of blood groups:

If at least one parent has the first blood group 0(I), such a marriage cannot produce a child with AB(IV) blood group, regardless of the group of the second parent. Those. The first blood group blocks the possibility of having offspring with the fourth group.

If both parents have the first blood group 0(I), then their children can only have the first group 0(I).

If both parents have the second blood group A(II), then their children can only have the second A(II) or the first group 0(I).

If both parents have the third blood group B (III), then their children can only have the third B (III) or the first group 0 (I).

If at least one parent has the fourth blood group AB (IV), such a marriage cannot produce a child with the first blood group 0 (I), regardless of the group of the second parent. Those. the fourth group blocks the possibility of having offspring with the first group.

The most unpredictable inheritance of a child's blood type is the union of parents with the second A (II) and third B (III) groups. Their children can have any of the four blood types.

Blood group inheritance table

Mother's blood type

Father's blood type

only the first 0(I)

first 0(I) or second A(II)

first 0(I) or third B(III)

first 0(I) or second A(II)

first 0(I) or second A(II)

first 0(I) or third B(III)

any - 0(I), A(II), B(III) or AB(IV)

first 0(I) or third B(III)

second A(II), third B(III) or fourth AB(IV)

second A(II) or third B(III)

second A(II), third B(III) or fourth AB(IV)

second A(II), third B(III) or fourth AB(IV)

second A(II), third B(III) or fourth AB(IV)

Child's blood type

Sexual compatibility by blood types

Based on materials from an article by Yury Nikolaevich Levchenko, candidate of psychological sciences. Of course, in addition to blood type, it is necessary to take into account many different factors - astrological, psycho-emotional, social, etc.

Everyone knows that sexuality is determined by the presence, composition and quantity of sex hormones in the blood. Research by hematologists and psychologists has revealed a surprising dependence of love temperament on blood type.

Man of the first group 0(I) and woman of the first group 0(I)

They need constant physical contact. Usually they have a completely harmonious sex life. In such a marriage, both partners love to go out, meet new people and have fun. This suits both of them, since all that is needed for such a combination is the freedom to do what interests them. They are perfect for each other sexually. Both love experiments and innovations in bed.

Difficulties may arise due to the reluctance to voice the question if problems arise. If some misunderstanding arises between the spouses of this combination, they may decide that it is better to separate than to solve the problem.

Man of the first group 0(I) and woman of the second group A(II)

A very suitable couple for sex. He is active, she is passive. With caresses and persuasion, he will be able to lead her to various levels of sexual activity, the main thing is not to act hastily.

These are good but difficult partners. A(II) are introverts by nature, 0(I) are quite the opposite. A(II) prefers stability, 0(I) loves adventure. A(II) tries to avoid open demonstration of feelings, and 0(I) indulges in this with great pleasure. However, opposites attract, and it is thanks to this that a marriage between a woman with the second group A (II) and a man with the first 0 (I) can work out. The weakness of one partner is the strength of the other. Women A(II) consider their man 0(I) interesting and unusual, and admire their free, sociable nature. 0(I) men, in turn, are intrigued by the depth of A(II) women.

The main problem in such a marriage is usually the incompatibility of the partners’ views on everyday life. A(II) considers it a blessing, 0(I) cannot stand it. The same thing happens in their sexual life - A(II) is a follower of ritual, 0(I) requires constant novelty.

A man of the first group 0 (I) and a woman of the third B (III)

He is very active, she is moderately passive, but that's exactly what they like. They can enjoy sex anywhere and anytime. Both of these groups are considered active by specialists. However, they are active in different ways - B(III) is more pragmatic and organized, and 0(I) is more easy-going.

And their temperaments are completely opposite. B(III) – introverts, 0(I) – vice versa. B(III) loves a narrow family circle. 0(I) loves meeting other people. However, as is often the case with opposites, they complement each other. B(III) appreciates the sociable and open nature of 0(I), and 0(I) admires the determination of B(III). Their approaches to sex are diametrically opposed, but the resourcefulness of B(III) and the adaptability of O(I) go well together.

A man of the first group of 0 (I) group and a woman of the fourth AB (IV)

His behavior is decisive in the relationship of this couple. If he is patient, a gentle and harmonious intimate life is guaranteed. If he is demanding and selfish, sex life is fraught with discord.

0(I) and AB(IV) are similar in many ways - sociable, easy-going, and their approach to marriage is almost the same. There are other interesting aspects to this union. Thus, although 0(I) is energetic and always ready to start new projects, he lacks the desire of AB(IV) to do everything perfectly at all costs. AB(IV) brings an element of practicality and thoroughness to home life.

Both partners are able to easily adapt to changes, which allows such a couple to successfully cope with both the daily routine and possible problems. However, there is also a potential area of ​​conflict: AB(IV)'s desire to have untouchable space. For 0(I) such a thrust may be absolutely incomprehensible. But 0(I) and AB(IV) combine perfectly sexually - both love novelty.

Man and woman of the second group A (II)

Of all the possible combinations, this is the most suitable for a woman with the second blood group A (II). It is with this partner that she can experience the greatest pleasure: he understands her at a glance.

A marriage in which both partners are A(II) will be very organized and discreet. However, A(II) are very sensitive and very easy to offend. Therefore, most conflicts will arise precisely because one of the partners feels offended. Then the calm will disappear, and the contractions can be quite hot. A(II) are creatures of habit. They feel great when days float by days, and months after months without any change. Because both partners prefer predictability, sex is likely to become a ritual in which timing, positions, and duration remain constant. However, A(II) is exactly what is needed.

A man of the second A(II) blood group and a woman of the first 0(I) blood group

They will spend more time in bed than anyone else: they both need sex. It is important to remember: this couple especially needs intimate foreplay. And a woman can quickly learn to receive everything from an attentive and thorough partner.

Man A(II) is very lucky if he has a sexual partner of the first group 0(I). And the marriage will be able to survive on sexual relations, although clashes are possible in everyday life. But for the sake of sex with such a wife, the husband is ready and able to make concessions. And the wife will be able to help realize the advantages of her partner in society. In this case, the marriage should be successful.

A man of the second group A (II) and a woman of the third group B (III)

For this couple, sex will not play a major role at the beginning of their lives. They spend more time talking about sex than actually having it. Both are timid and insufficiently sensitive towards each other.

The man in this couple is looking for deep emotional contact with his partner. The woman feels very well that sexuality is an important part of their relationship. And if she can show persistence and patience, then a delicate and attentive lover will awaken in her partner.

Each of the partners in such a marriage is gifted in their own way: A (II) - creatively, B (III) - technically. Together they function as a well-coordinated team. Both do an excellent job of keeping the marriage mechanism in working order. Man A(II) can be quite inventive, despite the fact that he likes consistency.

Problems in such an alliance mainly arise due to the fact that both partners are too reasonable. But when a conflict arises, they are able to look at the problem objectively and try to solve it.

A man of the second group A (II) and a woman of the fourth group AB (IV)

In such a marriage, A(II) restrains the turbulent nature of AB(IV). AB(IV)'s complex temperament makes their marriage highly explosive. A(II) – always ready to meet the spouse halfway when a problem arises. But AB(IV) do not let their partners get bored.

Sexually, A(II) and AB(IV) combine well with some patience and respect for the interests of the other. AB(IV)'s approach to sex is very inventive. And if AB(IV) feels safe next to the sensible A(II), then the relationship can work out. But this is largely influenced by AB(IV) upbringing. But still, this couple often does not have a sexual life at all. They often treat each other more like brother and sister.

A man of the third group B (III) and a woman of the first group 0 (I)

They love to teach each other new sex techniques. She is the leader in their relationship, but his sexual talents cannot go unappreciated. In everyday relationships, friction and misunderstandings are possible. This union is strongly influenced by upbringing and family traditions.

A man of the third group B (III) and a woman of the second group A (II)

She likes the experiments that man B(III) is ready for. In addition, in this pair the partners are equally active, which gives them a special range of sensations.

Male and female B(III) blood group

Satisfaction from intimate relationships in such a couple is usually quite mediocre, since the partners must improve their sexual techniques.

In such a marriage, partners achieve unexpected results when each of them retains a lot of personal freedom for themselves, and at this time they are truly close.
The marriage between B(III) and B(III) is very productive - in the sense that the partners help each other develop. However, problems also arise, especially when the spirit of competition flares up. Then the house gets hot. People with the third blood group B (III) have a tendency to defend their views to the last.

Therefore, such a marriage is in danger of turning into a family where the partners love each other, but cannot live together at all. Sometimes this is observed in Jewish families, where the combination of B(III) and B(III) is relatively common. At the same time, only traditions and family foundations help save a marriage. A secret sexual relationship on the side helps to preserve such a marriage.

A man of the third group B (III) and a woman of the fourth group AB (IV)

Such a union makes a temperamental couple. They are passionate experimenters and are able to try a huge number of variations. The greatest degree of sexual compatibility is when the man is younger. He greatly values ​​a woman's originality and adaptability, and women are attracted to her husband's strict order and tenacity.
Both types admire in their partner those qualities that they themselves lack. The couple together make a powerful team. Despite the difference in temperament, both B(III) and AB(IV) from the very first days of marriage try to talk about everything sincerely and openly.
Men, with their subjectivity and dogmatism, have a tendency towards authoritarianism, and only AB(IV) can withstand it. The attitude of AB(IV) to sex in general is much more complex - they want something new and unpredictable, while B(III) prefer to plan everything in advance in this direction. However, the strength of AB(IV) is that they perfectly adapt to any circumstances and will happily compromise.

Man of the fourth group AB(IV) woman of the first group 0(I)

They will become a happy couple, but only if the man is able to adapt to the temperament and needs of his partner.

A man of the fourth group AB (IV) and a woman of the second group A (II)

He is a passionate partner, so they have sex quite often. But their relationship is futile if at least a small amount of feelings is not present in it.

A man of the fourth group AB (IV) and a woman of the third group B (III)

They have sex less often than other couples. Nevertheless, they are completely satisfied with each other. Perhaps because they are not familiar with harshness and disrespect for their partner.

Man and woman of the fourth group AB (IV)

The possibilities for this couple are endless. They are one of those who can either achieve absolute harmony or turn out to be complete antipodes in their passions. But if both approach sex creatively, there should be no problems. A marriage between two AB(IV) is an energetic and stormy phenomenon. The meeting of two complex temperaments promises amazing results.

It is almost impossible to predict the actions of AB(IV). And thanks to this element of unpredictability, such marriages become like an exciting game of chess. Since AB(IV) have incredible reserves of energy, spouses will constantly support and inspire each other. But they have problems controlling their temperament, and this can lead to significant tension, since AB(IV) go to extremes in any of their manifestations - both in harmony and in discord - their sexual relationships will be either frequent and passionate, or rare and indifferent. At its core, a marriage between two AB(IV) has everything except stability.


Immuno-genetic characteristics, such as blood type, allow us to draw some conclusions about the character, temperament, characteristics and preferences of its carrier. That is why Japanese practitioners use information about blood type much more widely than one might imagine.

In addition to physical characteristics, such as group compatibility, Rh factor, coagulation parameters and others, blood has some non-physical characteristics - bioenergetic ones. We do not know any research on this topic; at least we haven’t come across anything in open sources.

Blood carries ancestral information, the memory of ancestors. That is why, probably, issues of blood inheritance do not seem to be an extremely simple task. In addition, blood is a kind of universal marker of each individual, and not only because it contains DNA, but also because it is a liquid substance with a high water content. And water is a conductor of information, including non-physical information.

– Line from the chorus of the song by the group “Kino” from the 1987 album of the same name.
- Peter D'Adamo, Series of books about blood groups and nutritional systems.
– Masahiko Nomi, the first book on the topic, You Are What Your Blood Type is, published in 1971.
– Levchenko Yu.N., candidate of psychological sciences, article “Blood is life itself.”

Sukhanov Valery Yurievich

At the present stage, several antigenic systems of erythrocytes have been discovered in humans - specific sets of proteins and polysaccharides that are elements of the cell wall of red blood cells and are responsible for compatibility.

According to the AB0 system, the entire human population can be divided into 4 groups:

  • the first group of our blood - antigen 0 (zero) - proteins α and β in the plasma;
  • the second - antigen A - protein β in plasma;
  • third - antigen B - protein α in plasma;
  • fourth - antigens A and B - there are no agglutinin proteins α and β in the plasma.

Biochemical characteristics

By their structure, antigens of the AB0 system are glycoproteins and are found in all tissues of the human body, excluding the brain. They have the main practical significance, being located in the membrane of cells that carry oxygen - red blood cells. The genes that encode the synthesis of these compounds are located in a locus on the long arm of chromosome 9; they encode antigens A¹, A², B and 0.

Human blood group zero in the AB0 system stands somewhat apart. The features of this variety are the absence of strong antigens A and B on red blood cells and the presence of weak antigen 0, the presence of antibodies - agglutinin proteins α and β in the plasma.

Previously, people with such antigen characteristics were considered universal donors (especially blood group 1 Rh-negative), which supposedly means that transfusion of their blood is possible for all people. This property is now used only in special conditions and in limited quantities. It was found that during blood transfusion of the first group, signs of incompatibility may appear due to the fact that agglutinins α and β present in the zero group glue the recipient’s red blood cells containing antigens A and B.

How can the Rh factor affect

The Rh factor is another, second most powerful and important antigenic system of tissue compatibility of erythrocytes. During the initial determination, the first positive is recorded in medical documents as 0 (I) Rh +. This means that red blood cells with a zero antigen according to the AB0 system carry a Rh-positive antigen.

In the opposite case, when blood group 1 is negative, the analysis form will write 0 (I) rh -, that is, negative for the Rh factor.

Transfusions to Rh positive recipients are always carried out with the same type of donor red blood cells. Otherwise, if Rh compatibility is not taken into account, severe post-transfusion complications, agglutination and hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells) with dangerous consequences for the body, such as transfusion shock and acute renal failure, are possible.


Blood group 0 as a donor can be transfused to a recipient with any group. If a patient who needs blood transfusion has such blood, then he can only receive a blood transfusion of the first group.

However, this rule only applies in extreme situations. In modern medical practice, the selection of donor blood must be of the same group, the same Rh factor, and also matching the maximum number of antigenic systems (phenotype).

The first negative in men is a rare group, as well as in women. The presence of a negative Rh factor in women when planning a pregnancy is decisive.

A donor is a person who donates his blood for transfusion or organs for transplantation to other people. Since blood is a tissue of the human body, the general principles of transfusiology are similar to transplantology.

Any adult with suitable health conditions can be a donor of blood and its components. Donors' blood is examined for infections, red blood cells are placed in a special preservative solution and sent to medical institutions for transfusion to patients.

1 positive group of donor blood can only be transfused to a recipient with the same group and Rh factor.

Before transfusion, the recipient needs to determine the group and Rh factor, regardless of how many times they have been determined for him previously. Phenotyping is carried out - selection of the donor dose taking into account all possible antigens.

Immediately before the blood transfusion, the doctor once again checks the group of the recipient and the donor, after which a test is carried out for individual group compatibility - the recipient's serum and red blood cells from a dose of donor blood are mixed in proportions of 10 to 1, the presence of agglutination (sticking together) of red blood cells is visually assessed. Rh compatibility is also checked according to accepted methods.

At the beginning of intravenous administration of a donor dose of erythrocyte-containing medium, a biological test is performed: erythrocytes are infused three times in small portions at time intervals to assess the patient’s individual response to the transfusion.

Pregnancy problems

Blood group 0 (1) in a woman with various variants of the child’s father’s group can give the following possible results.

  1. Father 0 (1) - the child can only have 0 (1).
  2. Father A (2) - the child will be born with group 0 (1) or A (2).
  3. Father B (3) - the child will be identified as group 0 (1) or B (3).
  4. If the child’s father has group AB (4), then the child has groups A (2) and B (3).

A negative maternal blood type can lead to a problem during pregnancy described as Rh incompatibility.

The problem occurs when the mother's Rh factor is negative and the child's is positive. During the first such pregnancy, no difficulties arise, however, during childbirth, the blood of the mother and child partially mixes and the woman develops antibodies to the Rh antigen. In the second pregnancy, if the baby is again Rh positive, the mother's antibodies pass through the placenta and affect the baby's tissues.

The baby develops anemia, jaundice, and in severe cases, due to decreased albumin synthesis, dropsy and edema syndrome, which complicate pregnancy until the death of the child.

Prevention of Rh conflict is carried out by intramuscular injection of special antibodies-immunoglobulins Rho GAM to the mother at 28 weeks; if necessary, the injection is repeated at 34 weeks of pregnancy.

People at this historical stage were characterized by a lifestyle associated with hunting, and the correct diet of people with this type of red blood cells should contain the following foods:

  1. Meat products. Beef, offal, and lamb are healthy. Pork and goose are not recommended.
  2. Seafood and fish. Recommended are seaweed, brown algae, sturgeon, pike, salmon, cod, mackerel. Smoked salmon, salted herring, and caviar are undesirable.
  3. Dairy products are undesirable. Sheep cheese and cottage cheese are acceptable in small quantities.
  4. Greens and vegetables. Turnips, rutabaga, artichoke, spinach, parsley, leaf beets, and kohlrabi are useful. Potatoes, corn, olives, champignons, cauliflower, white cabbage and Brussels sprouts are not recommended.
  5. Fruits and berries. You can have figs, prunes, plums, apples. It is better not to eat citrus fruits, melon, avocado, strawberries.
  6. Of the nuts, walnuts are beneficial for the body. It is better to avoid coconut, pistachios, peanuts.
  7. It is better to exclude cereals from the diet, especially oatmeal. Barley, pearl barley, and buckwheat are neutral.
  8. Bread in small quantities is only rye. Exclude pasta and baked goods.
  9. For sweets - honey, chocolate, jam, sugar in small quantities.
  10. Olive oil is useful. It is better not to eat corn, peanut, soy, or cottonseed.
  11. Among the spices, curry and hot pepper are useful; cinnamon and nutmeg are not needed.
  12. Beverages. Cherry and pineapple juice are recommended. You can have some red and white wine, green tea. Coffee, black tea, lemonades, citrus and apple juices, strong alcohol are prohibited.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we talk about the positive qualities of having blood group 1, then this is a type of antigenic properties of red blood cells that is often found in the population. About 30% of the inhabitants of our planet have it. It follows that it is quite easy to find a compatible donor if necessary.