Photos before and after plastic surgery of Russian, foreign, Hollywood, show business, and pop stars. Successful and unsuccessful operations. Stars before and after plastic surgery photos, rhinoplasty for celebrities From a simpleton to a sex symbol

It is especially important for public people to look decent. In an effort to achieve this, many of them undergo cosmetic surgery. But, just like with mere mortals, interventions are not always successful.

Read in this article

Unsuccessful plastic surgery of Russian stars

Among domestic celebrities, spoiled appearance has been noticed in people from different fields:

  • . She had several operations, but the results were not satisfactory. The new lips, which had become too large, suggested correction of cheilochisis. Fortunately, they were able to return it to normal size. It was more difficult with. Masha’s breasts became disproportionately large, but most importantly, the mammary glands did not match each other in size.
  • The singer had her breasts enlarged, had it done, used it, and had her nose fixed. But these changes deprived her of her individuality and natural facial expressions. The unfortunate result is especially noticeable when the singer speaks and smiles.
  • . The former stylist and now singer has also undergone aesthetic surgery more than once. As a result, his nose, cheekbones, lips, chin, and eye shape became completely different. Judging by the photos from different years, the face has changed completely. But this made him not attractive, but rather strange and effeminate.
  • Anastasia Vertinskaya. The actress had anti-aging plastic surgery in a foreign clinic. But her face looks overstretched, asymmetry has appeared on it. In addition, rough scars appeared at the border of hair growth, and the lips began to lose their shape.
  • Renee Zellweger. made her eyes too wide, filler injections gave her cheeks and cheekbones excessive volume, and her facial expressions became unnatural. The actress also enlarged her lips. And all this made her face unrecognizable.
  • The star of the series “Beverly Hills” began to improve her appearance at the age of 16, when she made. After her, the actress’s nose became thinner, but asymmetrical and with a curved tip. She also had no luck with breast correction. The new bust emphasized the deformation of the chest. And when the own breast tissue sagged, the implants also slid down.
  • . The actor had blepharoplasty, lifts, and tried to get rid of it 5 times. As a result, the face resembles a mask of some fairy-tale character.
  • Kim Bassinger. The star of “Nine and a Half Weeks” has changed a lot after blepharoplasty and. Her eye shape became different, her eyebrows rose unnaturally. All these are signs of an unsuccessful intervention, because it deprived the actress of her unique traits.

Watch the video about famous people who ended up with the wrong surgeon:

World stars who had unsuccessful plastic surgery

Being famous in many countries at once does not save you from unsuccessful experiments with your appearance. Here are some examples:

  • . The singer has undergone more than 100 aesthetic surgeries. Surgeons changed his nose, the shape of his face, and the shape of his eyes. In addition, the brow ridges and cheeks were corrected, and the jaw was reconstructed. But the effect of the operations became such that the singer was forced to appear in public wearing a mask that hid a significant part of his face.
  • Madonna. As a result of using fillers, her face looked both swollen and bruised for a long time. The singer’s blepharoplasty was also not successful; after it, the upper eyelids became asymmetrical.
  • . The actress began working on herself with rhinoplasty. Then she got hooked on anti-aging procedures, which were no longer so successful. The skin on Griffith's face looks too tight, and her eyelids have difficulty covering her eyes after blepharoplasty.
  • Cher. In terms of the number of interventions performed, only Michael Jackson can compete with her. It is not surprising that the operations led to unsuccessful results. After many lifts and filler injections, Cher’s cheekbones became disproportionately convex, and her lips became too plump. And the tissues of the face inexorably slide down, the singer has to support them with bandages until the next operation.
  • . The most unfortunate consequence was the unnatural facial expressions caused by skin lifting, as well as the result of cheiloplasty. The actress's lips have been operated on in such a way that when she smiles, the inside of them turns out. In addition, the top is slightly asymmetrical.

The most unsuccessful operations

Among public people there are those whose appearance was spoiled by only one intervention. Nevertheless, it is for this reason that their names are well known.

On the lips

Sensual lips make the face look more youthful. This was the reason for their increase for many stars:

  • She enlarged her lips indecently, her face became vulgar. After trying to return them to their previous volume, things did not get better. The lips narrowed, but did not take on a natural appearance.
  • . Her mouth just caricaturedly spread across her face, adding age. Because of this, the nasolabial folds have become more noticeable, and the cheeks have become visually smaller.
  • Liz Rinna. Many years ago, the actress injected a non-absorbable gel into her lips, which formed clumps. The lips became asymmetrical and sloppily thick. The actress underwent surgery to remove the gel. But the lips remain too plump; when you smile, the upper one turns out.
  • The main problem with her lips is their disproportionately large size. Their shape also leaves much to be desired.
  • The lips look like she and Donatella Versace had the same surgeon. Nikki's face has aged, her mouth has become too big.

On the nose

Rhinoplasty can ruin your appearance more than bad breasts that can be hidden under clothes, or lips disguised with lipstick. Examples of this:

  • Zac Efron. The actor did plastic surgery in order to be more noble. But he was twisted.
  • La Toya Jackson. She did not repeat the brilliant career of her brother Michael, but in an effort to change her nose she stepped on the same rake. Surgeons reduced its tip too much, narrowed its wings and septum.
  • Patrick Dempsey. The actor wanted to. The surgeons made him like this. But the nose became crooked.
  • After rhinoplasty, dents appeared above the wings of her nose, and the tip moved to the side. I just corrected the situation a little.
  • . She wanted to be like lionesses, because her husband liked them so much. As a result, the woman's face became incredibly disfigured.
  • Priscilla Presley. The widow of the king of rock and roll had several lifting procedures, rhinoplasty, lip correction and many other interventions. As a result, I got asymmetry, a “Joker smile.” Priscilla's facial expressions are difficult.
  • Igor Bogdanov. The French TV presenter of Russian origin is known for numerous aesthetic surgeries. As a result, he looked like a cartoon doll. Igor has hypertrophied, prominent cheekbones, a huge chin, and overly plump lips.
  • Lyudmila Gurchenko. The actress has undergone many anti-aging surgeries. As a result, her eyes had difficulty closing, and her facial expressions were almost absent due to the tightness of her skin. And the enlarged lips made the face seem not to belong to the actress.

On the chest

An unsuccessfully operated bust is the lot of women, so on the list:

  • Pamela Anderson. Her breasts are too big and the size is constantly increasing. This does not decorate Pamela, who is short. Over time, the décolleté's own tissues become thinner. And the implants stick out too prominently through the skin.
  • . Her breasts also look disproportionately large against the background of her fragile figure and short stature. At first the implants were placed too low. Now they have been moved so that they stick out like balloons.

Pamela Anderson, Victoria Beckham and Tori Spelling
  • Yulia Nachalova. The singer herself admitted that after breast augmentation she was dissatisfied with the large size. And she went to the surgeon to remove the implants. They were removed, but Julia got an infection during the operation and almost died.
  • Ivanka Trump. The daughter of the US President could be considered an example of successful plastic surgery, if not for her breasts. She was given too large endoprostheses, and her upper body became even more massive. In addition, one of Ivanka's breasts is larger than the other.
  • Tara Reid. The American Pie actress had mammoplasty to correct asymmetry and ptosis. As a result, the areolas become oval and the bust has an unnatural appearance. The breast skin is uneven, the edges of the implants protrude noticeably.

The opportunity to benefit from the latest advances in plastic surgery has not brought good luck to all celebrities. Some of them lost their sense of proportion, others did not find a good doctor. But many stars continue to remain favorites of the public, despite the shortcomings acquired due to operations.

What do celebrity plastic surgeries look like? Famous actors and actresses, singers, showmen, TV presenters - at least once, each of them resorted to plastic surgery in pursuit of youth and beauty.

It is unlikely that there will be at least one person in the whole world who will be 100% satisfied with their appearance. One is not satisfied with the size of the nose, the other is not.

Examples of successful and unsuccessful modifications can be found in our material.

What plastic surgeries do stars most often undergo (and their cost)?

Operation nameWhat needs to be correctedapproximate cost
RhinoplastyChanges in nose size and shapeFrom 60 thousand rubles
MammoplastyCorrection of breast size and shapeFrom 300 thousand rubles
OtoplastyChanges in the external auricleFrom 10 thousand rubles
BlepharoplastyCorrection of the shape of the upper and lower eyelidsFrom 70 thousand rubles
Facial correctionChanging the shape of the cheekbones and cheeksFrom 70 thousand rubles
LiposuctionPumping out 2-3 kg of fat from problem areasFrom 60 thousand rubles

8 successful examples of plastic surgery

Marilyn Monroe

Few people know that Norma Jean Baker (this is the real name of the actress and singer) also had plastic surgery of her nose and even inserted a special implant into her chin.

In addition, she decided to radically change her appearance - she cut and dyed her hair, changed her hairstyle and clothing style. Doctors solved another important problem - and removed part of the hair follicles on the forehead that grew too low.

This idea of ​​reincarnation was given to her by her ex-boyfriend Johnny Hyde, who paid for all the manipulations. However, all these procedures with the face and body made Marilyn from an ordinary actress to a world-class star.

She became a sex symbol for all men and a role model for women. By the way, the famous mole above the lip is also fake.

Angelina Jolie

It’s hard to believe, but the famous actress has repeatedly performed plastic surgery on her face and body. The young star’s face underwent the first changes at the age of 16, it was then that she corrected the shape of her nose -.

Subsequently, the actress’s nose was changed several more times until it acquired ideal thinness and evenness.

If you compare old photographs of Angelina and more recent ones, dated from the mid-2000s, you can easily notice that she has noticeably lost weight, but her breasts have increased.

And even after natural feeding, the bust did not decrease in volume or become deformed.

She had a preventive mastectomy followed by prosthetic gland replacement with implants. The fact is that she had a high risk of developing breast cancer genetically, since her mother died from such a disease.

Also, many experts claim that the star repeatedly had a facelift and gave herself artificial cheekbones, perhaps this was accompanied by.

In any case, these minor operations only emphasized Angelina’s natural beauty, helped her achieve significant success and become the idol of millions.

Nicole Kidman

If someone now looks at the actress’s childhood and teenage photographs, he will have great difficulty recognizing a world-class star in the curly red-haired girl. The benefits of plastic surgery in Nicole's life are controversial.

First, the actress performed rhinoplasty on herself and changed her face. However, the procedure was carried out so carefully that the contrast is not striking.

A little later, at the beginning of the two thousandth, she first discovered and. Nicole Kidman's face acquired more aristocratic features, noticeable high cheekbones appeared, and thin lips became fuller.

But the actress did not want to stop there. Looking at the photos before and after different years, you can see that she changed the size and shape of her breasts several times.

In addition, the actress’s face became more and more lifeless; there was practically no expression of any kind on it. But Nicole came to her senses in time and stopped experimenting with her appearance.

Kim Kardashian

The name of the world-famous socialite, model and blogger is now always on the lips. Most often, users on the Internet, and even “colleagues” themselves, discuss the body modifications that the girl subjected herself to.

She started with the same thing as other stars -. Initially, Kim reduced the bridge of her nose and changed the shape of her nose.

Practicing surgeon since 1998. Member of the USAPS organization - the community of progressive plastic surgeons of Ukraine. Certified by USAPS "Rhinoplasty. Facial rejuvenation", Breast Enhancement (Madrid), Polytech Health & Aesthetics /Clinic Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (Bucharest),

10. Kaley Cuoco

The star of the popular sitcom “The Big Bang Theory” Kaley Cuoco is one of the few Hollywood stars who honestly, without prevarication, admits that she had plastic surgery. Moreover, Cuoco claims that breast augmentation at the age of 18 is the best decision she has made in her life. And indeed, with the shape that she had while working on the comedy series “8 Simple Rules for My Teenage Daughter’s Friend,” the actress would hardly have made it into “The Big Bang Theory,” where she was primarily required to irresistible sex appeal.

9. Anna Faris

In 2008, Scary Movie star Anna Faris played a Playboy girl in the comedy The Boys Like It. The comedian liked the way she looked on screen so much that she decided to adjust her appearance in accordance with how she was dressed and made up. So Faris got implants and pumped silicone into her lips. Over time, the actress regretted the lip augmentation, but she is still happy with the new breast size. Unlike most of her colleagues, she is not embarrassed to admit that she has changed herself.

8. Rosario Dawson

"Latin" star of "Men in Black 2" and "Sin City" Rosario Dawson made a splash in 2012 when she appeared in public with new breasts that had increased by a couple of sizes. Soon after, Dawson landed a recurring role in Marvel's comic television series for Netflix (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, etc.). Apparently, her decision was correct - the comic role required a comic appearance.

7. Sarah Jessica Parker

Former star of the cult TV series “Sex and the City” Sarah Jessica Parker likes to talk about her “natural” appearance. Indeed, Parker does not look quite standard, but this does not mean that surgeons and cosmetologists did not touch her body. When you study her photographs, you can see that she had her nose fixed, Botox done, and her breasts enlarged somewhat.

6. Salma Hayek

When the Mexican actress Salma Hayek, who was registered in Hollywood, was once directly asked why her breasts, which at the beginning of her career were very modest, at a certain point increased sharply and became one of the largest in Hollywood, the star replied that she prayed to Jesus, and a miracle happened . We will not argue whether this is possible, but we note that it is much more likely that a good surgeon helped Hayek. However, God's help is still a targeted breast enlargement, so the star is suitable for our list in any case.

5. Kate Hudson

When How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days star Kate Hudson's career began to decline in the late 2000s, the actress had her breasts enlarged. The change was small and noticeable only upon careful comparison of photographs. Probably, Hudson wanted not so much to change as to psychologically support herself in a difficult moment. It is difficult to say whether this helped her as a woman, but as an actress, “plastic” did not help her much. Hudson still acts, but in less high-profile roles than before.

4. Demi Moore

Years of working in Hollywood have given Spook star Demi Moore an “extreme obsession” with her body. These are her own words, and she admits that she has tried to manage her appearance in a variety of ways, including breast augmentation surgery and a breast lift. As far as we know, Moore got implants while preparing to film Striptease. This can be considered the female analogue of those stories when male actors radically lose weight or gain weight for the sake of a role. Unfortunately for the actress, none of the operations and procedures brought her complete self-confidence.

3. Anne Hathaway

The star of “The Devil Wears Prada” and “Les Miserables” Anne Hathaway became famous for having a “boyish” figure. It seems that at some point she got tired of it. Now she can boast of a third breast size, and, apparently, this is the merit of surgeons, not Mother Nature. However, the work was done very carefully, and this allows Hathaway not to admit that she changed her body. In addition to the actress's breasts, surgeons also slightly corrected her nose.

2. Nicole Kidman

When you compare photographs of Australian-Hollywood star Nicole Kidman taken throughout her career, it is sometimes difficult to believe that it is the same woman. Of course, age changes people, but it is obvious that the doctors also worked hard on the Oscar winner and ex-wife of Tom Cruise. There is even an opinion that everything that surgeons did to Kidman could have cost her a million dollars! In 2014, she added breast augmentation to her list of corrections, but two years later she paid to have her implants removed. She was rumored to be terrified of the long-term consequences of breast augmentation, which could lead to an early death. Kidman has two young daughters and doesn't want them to lose their mom before they become mothers themselves.

1. Angelina Jolie

Until 2013, we could only speculate about the extent to which Lara Croft: Tomb Raider star Angelina Jolie's appearance was created by surgeons. Now we know for sure that in 2013, Jolie underwent a double mastectomy (breast removal) to prevent the development of breast cancer, to which she was genetically predisposed. So her current breasts are largely the work of plastic surgeons.

For celebrities, going to a plastic surgeon for a new look is comparable to going to a stylist for a new hairstyle. As often happens, the pursuit of fashion and trends does not always lead to the desired result. To show off their breathtaking cleavage on television, many celebrities go under the surgeon’s knife, but in reality they end up with asymmetry, terrible scars and shrinking breasts. Let's look at which stars were unlucky with mammoplasty.

Janet Jackson

On this topic

Janet Jackson opens our list of the most unsuccessful mammoplasty. After the operation to enlarge her bust, Jackson gained a lot of weight, and when she pulled herself together and lost weight again to a miniature size, it was too late. The implants became deformed, the skin became loose and stretched, and the breasts sagged due to gravity.

Janet Jackson

Janet Jackson

The terrible story of Yulia Nachalova

Russian singer Yulia Nachalova I also decided to have surgery. The reason that pushed Yulia to take this step was the desire to correct her breasts after childbirth. However, this almost cost the actress her life. Immediately after the operation, Nachalova felt discomfort and began to develop a psychological disorder. “My breasts live a “strange”, separate life,”- said the singer.

As a result, she decided to have another operation to remove the implants. But everything turned out to be not so simple. After Yulia was discharged from the hospital, the wounds became inflamed and sepsis began. As it turned out, the doctors made a mistake during the operation, and an infection was introduced into the body. Julia had to undergo another operation. As a result, the inflammation led to kidney failure.

Now Julia does not resort to the help of plastic surgeons and says that her husband likes her even more without makeup and in home clothes.

Yulia Nachalova

Yulia Nachalova

The Very Long Story of Courtney Love

The singer grew up in a hippie family, was withdrawn from childhood, and in her youth was already addicted to drugs. Later, along with drugs and alcohol, plastic surgery settled in Courtney’s list of addictions, among which mammoplasty was held in particular esteem.

The first breast augmentation operation was performed during Love's turbulent youth. The use of low-quality implants and a little-known hospital is more like the story of a provincial girl from Mexico who broke through the American border than the life of a famous singer.

We are sure that we could have taken the issues of our health and beauty more seriously, but reasonable behavior is definitely not in Courtney’s spirit. Naturally, complications were not long in coming. I had to go under the knife again, but to more trusted specialists.

Courtney had to undergo a third operation after the birth of her daughter. This time the breasts looked like real ones, but there was an error with the size. The last doctor's intervention was required quite recently. An experienced surgeon selected implants that were ideal for the singer in all respects, and now everything looks quite organic.

"I'm happy with my appearance, Love once said in an interview. – Now I look at surgery differently and don’t see the point in it. When you like yourself, why change anything? Others need plastic surgery, but not me.” Courtney, why didn’t you think like that a dozen or two years ago, when you went under the knife of someone unknown?!

Courtney still loves to wear deep necklines, she does not pay attention to biting words and ironic magazine headlines, which so love to go over her appearance, especially the ill-fated décolleté area.

Victoria Bonya

The former participant in the scandalous television project “Dom-2” and part-time former common-law wife of Alex Smurfit (the king of cardboard packaging) seemed to be able to afford to get perfect breasts, but something went wrong. All the tabloids did not ignore the appearance of the diva at the closing of the Cannes Film Festival. We agree that her dress is beautiful, but the neckline down to the navel was clearly unnecessary.

Surely many people know that it was through plastic surgery, even minor and simple ones, that Bonya paved her way from the small town of Krasnokamensk to the cherished world of celebrities and wealth. Everything was so good and went according to plan, but these two absolutely even and large balls in the place where we were used to seeing the chest spoiled the whole picture. Eh, Vika, Vika... why are you doing this?!

Tori Spelling

Not everyone is destined to be born into the family of a producer, and even a media mogul, but Tori Spelling, Aaron Spelling's daughter, is lucky. Since childhood, Tori has not known sadness, dad did not deny his little princess anything, she was allowed to do whatever her heart desired.

It should be noted that the girl was quite independent, she received her first film role at the age of eight, and her popularity came thanks to her filming in the legendary TV series Beverly Hills, 90210.

But let's get back to plastic. Tori underwent her first major surgical intervention at the age of 17. For Spelling, breasts have always been a sore subject: she had complexes about her small size. As expected, the actress underwent surgery to enlarge it. But what kind of operations were there in the 2000s? Immediately after giving birth, the beauty’s breasts sagged and the implants moved.

By the way, Spelling, a mother with many children, never managed to get her breasts in order during the breaks between giving birth to five children. Tori still regrets what she did and misses her former size two. But, as they say, you can’t undo what’s done.

Stars who have had their breasts enlarged through surgery can boast of their ideal shape and size. Today, large breasts are not a necessity in show business, but many stars continue to undergo surgery.

Breast augmentation surgery has become one of the most widespread not only abroad, but also in Russia. The harsh world of show business dictates its own rules that stars must comply with in order to remain popular.

Which Russian stars decided to undergo the procedure?

In Russian show business, stars who have enlarged their busts often hide the fact that they visited a plastic surgeon's office. However, a comparison of photographs allows us to conclude that many of them.

Such breasts not only become larger, but also keep their shape better, do not sag, and most importantly, make their owner more sexy and attractive.

Anna Khilkevich

Actress Anna Khilkevich, star of the Russian TV series “Univer” and “Barvikha,” before breast augmentation surgery, hid her figure under closed clothes, and only after she visited the surgeon’s office, she began to wear open clothes.

Anna enlarged her breasts from size one to size three and began to look very impressive.

Anna Khilkevich is a very fragile, thin girl whose natural size was closer to zero. A plastic surgeon gave her neat, beautiful breasts, which the actress now shows off while appearing in open dresses and tops.

Laysan Utyasheva

Athlete Laysan Utyasheva cannot be called a big fan of surgical procedures. For a long time it was not known whether Laysan enlarged her lips, and it is also difficult to say unambiguously whether she resorted to.

However, according to the surgeon, Laysan performed the operation on herself. In old photographs it is noticeable that the gymnast did not naturally have large breasts, but in recent photographs the difference is very noticeable - her breasts have become larger.

Vera Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva's figure has always been ideal, but for some time now fans began to suspect that the ex-soloist of the Viagra group had enlarged her breasts.

Vera Brezhneva herself denies in every possible way that she resorted to the services of surgeons, and notes that she got her beautiful forms from nature. However, when she was asked the question: “How do you feel about girls who enlarge their breasts,” Vera replied that “If a girl improves herself and strives to look better, then that’s wonderful.”

Yulia Mikhalkova

Russian TV presenter and actress Yulia Mikhalkova has had her breasts enlarged and is not shy about declaring it. At one of the episodes of the “Ural Dumplings” program, Yulia even joked about this.

On the Internet you can find many photographs of the star, not only with a large neckline on a dress, but also in a swimsuit, where it is clearly visible that Yulia’s breasts have become significantly larger.

Unlike other stars of Russian show business, Yulia Mikhalkova does not hide the fact of breast enlargement and participates in rather candid photo shoots.

Irina Shayk

Irina Shayk has always been thin, but in recent photographs it is noticeable that the supermodel has enlarged her bust. She is the face of the fashion brand Love Republic and shows off revealing cleavage and sexy tops decorated with stones in her photographs.

But the fact of breast enlargement is confirmed by other photographs, those that were taken on the beach in Mexico. If before this the supermodel wore push-up underwear, then on the beach she is wearing a thin swimsuit, without any inserts, and at the same time Irina Shayk’s breasts practically do not fit into the swimsuit.

Breast augmentation allowed the model to become even sexier.

Anna Semenovich

Many doubt that Anna Semenovich’s beautiful large breasts are the result of surgical plastic surgery. And although photographs of young Anna were posted online, where she has practically no breasts, and the latest photos are with size 5 breasts, Anna Semenovich herself does not admit the presence of plastic surgery and claims that these are her real breasts.

However, one of the plastic surgeons noted that such large breasts as Anna’s would have sagged if they were real.

The ideal shape is achieved precisely due to implants. It is believed that Semenovich increased her breasts by at least 2 to 3 sizes.

Victoria Bonya

Despite the fact that Victoria Bonya denies the fact of breast enlargement, the change in size is very noticeable in the photographs. Victoria's breasts were enlarged very carefully, by one size.

Thanks to this, the changes are not very noticeable, but still make Victoria’s appearance better. The shape of the bust is chosen perfectly, the new breasts look very neat and proportionate, and do not harm the image.

With such a figure, Bonya attracts a lot of attention and has a chance to receive invitations to participate in profitable projects.

Anna Sedakova

Anna Sedakova enlarged her breasts while participating in the Viagra group. Plastic surgery helps the singer emphasize her natural characteristics, look more attractive and sexier.

The operation was done very carefully, but due to its large size it is still noticeable.

However, the plastic surgeon chose the right shape. The new breasts look harmonious thanks to the physique of Anna Sedakova, who cannot be called too thin a girl.

Alena Vodonaeva

The star of the TV project “Dom-2” Alena Vodonaeva enlarged her breasts, succumbing to the fashion trend for large sizes, but soon regretted it. Before plastic surgery, her breasts were already not small.

Alena has undergone several breast augmentation surgeries. First, the size was changed from two to five, and then another size larger.

Despite the inconvenience, Alena is proud of her large breasts and looks very sexy.

Dana Borisova

Unlike many Russian stars, Dana Borisova does not hide the fact that she had plastic surgery, and is even proud of it.

Dana's real breasts are very small, but thanks to plastic surgery she has a beautiful bust.

High-quality implants were installed that will allow you to safely give birth and feed your child.

Alexandra Gozias

The star of the TV project House - 2 decided to enlarge her breasts from size 1.5 to size 3.

She underwent the safest possible plastic surgery, which allowed her to preserve the functions of the mammary gland for the future birth and feeding of the child.

Anatomical teardrop-shaped implants were chosen, which make the breasts beautiful and natural.

World celebrities before and after breast surgery

Hollywood celebrities very often resort to breast surgery in order to be able to participate in various expensive projects.

This operation is a very popular operation in Hollywood, because to be a world-class star, you need to have an ideal appearance.

Scarlett Johansson

Scarlett enlarged her breasts to size four after she began her acting career.

Her curvaceous figures attracted the attention of fans, and it was thanks to them that the actress received lucrative offers and contracts.

The operation was done very carefully, and despite the large size, the breasts seem natural.

Selena Gomez

Actress Selena Gomez had breast augmentation surgery and is not shy about showing it off.

The actress decided to undergo surgery in order to look sexy and attract the attention of her boyfriend and fans.

Photos have appeared online in which the actress appeared without a bra, but her breasts look gorgeous, which confirms the presence of implants.

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer turned to a plastic surgeon not so much to make her breasts large, but to give them elasticity.

After the birth of her child, the actress’s breasts lost their shape, and she decided to undergo plastic surgery, increasing her bust to size four.

The plastic surgery was done with high quality, and despite her age, the actress looks gorgeous.

Paris Hilton

In old photographs you can see that Paris Hilton's breasts were not always as large as they are now.

Paris tried to spice up her curves with push-ups, but now there's no need for that.

Thanks to the efforts of a plastic surgeon, Paris can boast of excellent forms, which she does by publishing photos on Instagram.

Bad Examples

Breast augmentation does not always give the expected result. Some cannot get used to the new breast size, while others experience complex complications that are almost impossible to predict.

Failed breast surgery is not irreparable. However, if unsuccessful, not only does the appearance of the breast deteriorate, but dangerous complications often arise if an infection has occurred.

Among the stars, Russian and Hollywood, there are many whose plastic surgery was done extremely unsuccessfully. Often, breasts with implants sag due to frequent weight loss.

Russian pop singer Yulia Nachalova unsuccessfully enlarged her breasts.

She was unable to get used to the new shape of her breasts, which caused psychological problems, and an infection was introduced during the operation, which caused sepsis.

After a long recovery and removal of implants, the singer was able to return to normal life.

Star Ivanka Trump She also had an unsuccessful breast augmentation operation - one breast became larger than the other, which is very noticeable in the photographs.

Janet Jackson also failed.

Initially she was very happy with the operation and was proud of her bust, but over time the breasts changed shape and became deformed, and the skin sagged a lot.

A much worse result of the operation occurred in Tori Spelling– very noticeable dents appeared on her new breasts.

Unsuccessful plastic surgery was done and Tara Reid.

The actress often lost weight and gained weight again, because of this her breasts sagged a lot, and Tara decided to have the operation, not caring too much about the professionalism of the surgeon.

While the actress is dressed, her breasts look good, but when, at one of the events, the strap of her dress slipped off, it became clear that the surgeon had performed the operation incorrectly - the areola around the breast took on the wrong shape and became uneven.

Lindsey Lohan I also had breast surgery, and it seemed to be of high quality, but when the girl began to gain and lose weight, her breasts sagged a lot.

Plastic surgery was unsuccessful Victoria Beckham.

Victoria's breast size is very small, and the surgeon inserted round implants under the muscle, which led to disfiguring contouring. The breasts look very unnatural.

The success of breast surgery largely depends not only on the experience of the surgeon, but also on the characteristics of the woman’s body.

Many stars' new breasts sagged due to inelasticity of the skin and frequent fluctuations in body weight.

In modern show business there are strict beauty standards. Among the stars there are many individuals who have not decided to undergo breast augmentation surgery.

However, actresses and singers with large breasts attract more attention and become famous faster, and also receive invitations to participate in various interesting and profitable television projects.