Elastic bandage on the wrist. How to properly wrap your hands with boxing wraps. Professional boxers method

How to become a kickboxer, or 10 steps to safety Kazakeev Evgeniy

How to bandage your hands (hands) correctly

You have studied the technique of striking and are eager to fight. But before you put on gloves, you need to protect your hands and fingers. For this, special bandages are used. Bandages will be the first layer of your hand protection. Bandages tightly fix your wrist, finger bones and hand, support them in a certain position, giving them the most compact and comfortable shape.

There are two common types on sale boxing bandages: elastic and fabric. Elastic bandages perfectly follow the contour of your hands and provide better fixation. But it is also very easy for them to overtighten the hand, thereby disrupting the blood flow. Therefore, the optimal choice would still be fabric ones. In most cases, kickboxers wrap their own hands. When bandaging, you need to take into account that the tape should not tighten the hand too much in the unclenched position, but at the same time squeeze it well when the fist is clenched.

Let us consider in detail the two main methods of hand bandaging: “simple” and “advanced”. I don’t see the point in describing it in words; pictures will make it clearer.

The advantage of the “simple” method is that it is quick and easy to remember, so it is definitely suitable for beginners.

The picture shows a “simple” way to bandage hands

For those who want to seriously engage in kickboxing, it is better to immediately learn how to wrap your hands in an advanced way.

The photo shows step-by-step hand bandaging in an advanced way

In fact, there are many ways to wrap your hands, and as you develop your professionalism in kickboxing, you will choose the most optimal and convenient one for yourself. The main thing is that your hands remain unharmed!

For professional fighters, this operation is carried out by an assistant who uses more complex bandaging methods. Often a medical bandage is used. To achieve high quality performance, it is covered with strips of medical plaster with a width of 8 mm to 20 mm and different lengths. This application allows you to hold adjacent turns of the bandage in place for 12 rounds.

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And you are eager to fight. But before you put on gloves, you need to protect your hands and fingers. For this, special bandages are used. Bandages will be the first layer of your hand protection. Bandages tightly fix your wrist, finger bones and hand, support them in a certain position, giving them the most compact and comfortable shape.

There are two common types on sale boxing bandages: elastic and fabric. Elastic bandages perfectly follow the contour of your hands and provide better fixation. But it is also very easy for them to overtighten the hand, thereby disrupting the blood flow. Therefore, the optimal choice would still be fabric ones. In most cases, kickboxers wrap their own hands. When bandaging, you need to take into account that the tape should not tighten the hand too much in the unclenched position, but at the same time squeeze it well when the fist is clenched.

Let us consider in detail the two main methods of hand bandaging: “simple” and “advanced”. I don’t see the point in describing it in words; pictures will make it clearer.

The advantage of the “simple” method is that it is quick and easy to remember, so it is definitely suitable for beginners.

The picture shows a “simple” way to bandage hands.

For those who want to seriously engage in kickboxing, it is better to immediately learn how to wrap your hands in an advanced way.

The photo shows step-by-step bandaging of hands in an advanced way.

In fact, there are many ways to wrap your hands, and as you develop your professionalism in kickboxing, you will choose the most optimal and convenient one for yourself. The main thing is that your hands remain unharmed!

For professional fighters, this operation is carried out by an assistant who uses more complex bandaging methods. Often a medical bandage is used. To achieve high quality performance, it is covered with strips of medical plaster with a width of 8 mm to 20 mm and different lengths. This application allows you to hold adjacent turns of the bandage in place for 12 rounds.

  • The first turn of the bandage is applied in the lower part of the forearm near the wrist joint.
  • The bandage is pulled along the back of the hand to the end phalanx of the injured finger and wrapped several times in the direction from the tip of the finger to the base.
  • The finger is wrapped in such a way that each subsequent turn overlaps the previous one by a third.
  • The bandage is returned across the back of the hand from the base of the finger to the wrist.
  • The final turn is performed slightly higher than the initial one around the forearm.
  • This way you can bandage several fingers at the same time.

Figure-of-eight hand bandage

  • Bandaging begins in the same way as the previous bandage - the first turn is made around the forearm near the wrist.
  • The bandage is lowered along the back of the hand to the fingers and a coil is made at their base.
  • Along the back of the hand, the bandage is returned to the wrist, thus forming a figure eight.
  • A new turn is made around the wrist, again around the base of the fingers, and again the bandage is returned to the wrist.
  • The last turn is made around the wrist.
  • The bandage is attached to the forearm.

Turtle Elbow Bandage

  • Converging bandage - bandaging begins above and below the elbow, crossing the bandage at the most convex part of the elbow joint, completely covering it.
  • Divergent bandage - bandaging begins from the area of ​​the elbow joint, diverging in opposite directions, the bandage intersects in the elbow cavity.

Shoulder spica bandage

  • The first turn of the bandage is made around the shoulder.
  • The bandage is directed in a downward direction along the anterior surface of the chest.
  • The bandage is placed behind the back under the armpit of the healthy shoulder.
  • Crossing the bandage is performed in the deltoid muscle area.
  • The next turn goes around the shoulder again, then the chest, crossing over the deltoid muscle.
  • The bandage is secured after the shoulder joint is completely bandaged.

ATTENTION! The information provided on this site is for reference only. Only a specialist doctor in a specific field can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

How often do injuries happen in our lives? Literally every day - somewhere we cut a finger, somewhere we tripped and hurt ourselves, and somewhere we even got some stupid dislocation out of the blue. However, no matter how flat this place is, we need to take every injury seriously. So, the cut needs to be treated with an antiseptic, it is better to apply something cold to the bruise, but what to do if your wrist is dislocated? In order to help the wrist, you need to find out what it is

The wrist is a rather complex unit in the human body - it consists of eight bones, which are arranged in two rows containing four bones each.

Its first row is proximal, located near the forearm - it is formed from the following bones:

  • Scaphoid;
  • Lunar;
  • Triangular;
  • Pisiform.

The first three of them are connected to each other and thus form an elliptical articular surface, convex towards the forearm. It serves to connect to the radius bone.

The pisiform bone is the only one that does not participate in this process. It articulates only with the triangular one and develops in the tendon.

The second row consists of the following bones:

  • Trapezoid;
  • Capitate;
  • Trapezoidal;
  • Hook-shaped.

In fact, each of these bones was named after its shape. On the surface of each of these bones there are articular facets - they connect to the surrounding bones. All together, the bones of the wrist are a little like a vault, which is concave on the palmar side and convex on the back. Thus, the wrist is a rather complex unit of the human body.

Elastic bandage as a salvation

When you have a sprained wrist, your first step should be to find an elastic bandage. This material is much more effective than the gauze we are used to. Firstly, a gauze bandage is a one-time aid, because it becomes deformed when used. In addition, over time, it becomes uncomfortable for a person to wear such a bandage - it falls off and brings more discomfort than benefit. An elastic bandage does not have such disadvantages - after bandaging it neither stretches nor deforms. And if the joint is bandaged correctly, the bandage will not slip off.

If the doctor prescribes a tight bandage (for a sprained wrist, in particular), it is important to make it with elastic fabric.

In addition, a gypsum splint is also secured using this product. With only one difference - this is done only on the second day after applying the plaster, so that it dries. Another advantage is that you can periodically remove the elastic bandage, if necessary, in order to apply medications or ointments, and then apply it again without losing the quality of the wrist fixation.

We bandage correctly

If you decide to fix your injury with an elastic bandage, you should know several basic principles, without understanding which there is absolutely no point in fixing your wrist.

So, bandaging the joint should be done as follows:

  • We decide how long the latch will be useful to us. So, for example, to properly bandage the wrist, we need 1-1.5 meters of elastic bandage;
  • We select the product according to the “degree of extensibility” parameter. Both medium and high stretch options are suitable for us;
  • An elastic bandage must be applied to the injured limb in the morning, when it has not yet undergone swelling, or after the person has rested. It is necessary to fix the fabric at an angle of 30 degrees;
  • The bandage is applied from narrow to wide areas. Therefore, you need to control where exactly the dislocation occurred and fix it from both sides, starting from the narrower side;
  • Bandaging the joint should be done with uniform tension so that folds do not form in the process;
  • The application of an elastic bandage, rolled into a roll, must be done only outward and as close to the skin as possible, which will avoid excessive overstretching, which will result in excessive compression of the tissues;
  • It is important that with each turn of the fixing fabric you overlap the previous turn by at least a third;
  • If you make two turns in succession, it is necessary that there is not a single gap of skin between them;
  • The minimum tension should be in the lower sections, so as you fix the joint, you should release the tension;
  • It is necessary to begin bandaging, starting approximately 15-20 centimeters before the site of the lesion. Therefore, in order to fix the wrist joint, you need to start with the fingers of the hand and complete the bandaging in the middle of the forearm.

Features of the bandage

It is important that the elastic bandage for a sprained wrist is on you at all times while you are actively moving. If you are just relaxing at home, you will not have such a need. It’s even better if you remove this fixation and give a light massage to the injured limb. It must be done starting from the hand and ending with the elbow. If you do everything correctly, your fingers should turn a little blue when you finish fixing, but they will regain their color once you continue your movement. But you shouldn’t tighten it too much on the elbow joint, because this can impair blood circulation, and therefore you can get very unpleasant swelling.

If within half an hour after applying the fixator you feel slight numbness or a feeling of pulsation, you have bandaged the bandage too tightly and need to re-bandage it. Between removal and reapplication, you need to lie down in bed, create an elevated position for the wrist, and then lightly massage the surrounding area.

It is important not to forget that the effectiveness of the bandage will largely depend on the technique of applying the bandage to the joints. Therefore, it is extremely necessary that even in a bandaged state, all joints can perform their immediate functions - do not slip, do not curl, and the bandage fixes the damaged joint.

The bandage on the wrist joint is applied quite simply - it begins with a couple of turns around the most damaged joint. Next, the bandage is applied to the back of the hand, after which it is passed through the gap between the index and thumb. After this, the latch is returned to its original position.

The part of the hand that is adjacent to the forearm is called the wrist. This is a rather weak section of the upper limb. Therefore, it is easily injured when carrying heavy objects or getting hit. The resulting injury does not violate the integrity of the bone, but is accompanied by severe pain and swelling of the ligaments. To alleviate the condition of the hand, use a tight fixation with an elastic bandage.

Why do you need to apply a bandage?

Using an elastic bandage allows you to fix the injured area if it is sprained before seeing a doctor. After the prescribed treatment, the bandage has a uniform supporting effect:

  • relieves tension;
  • eliminates pain;
  • prevents thrombosis;
  • removes swelling.

The special fabric contains special fibers that stretch well and hold the joint fixed. The elastic bandage on the wrist does not cause discomfort and is suitable for repeated use. To develop the damaged joint, it can be removed, with the permission of the doctor, and ointment applied.

How to properly apply an elastic bandage to your wrist?

Fixation brings positive results in treatment if the correct bandaging technique is followed.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the degree of stretchability of the material. A bandage of high or medium elasticity is used to fix the wrist after an injury. Low tensile material is used only for preventive purposes. Bandaging the wrist with an elastic bandage should be carried out in compliance with the following technique for performing the procedure:

The layers of the dressing should overlap each other.
  • To fix the wrist joint, you will need a bandage no more than 1.5 meters long.
  • Bandage the damaged area if there is no swelling. An angle of 30 degrees is suitable for fixation.
  • Bandaging begins from the narrower part of the damaged area to the wider one.
  • There should be no gaps between the layers, so each subsequent turn overlaps the previous one.
  • You need to bandage your wrist with moderate tension to prevent wrinkles from forming.
  • Unscrew the bandage outward; this way of dressing you can avoid strong pressure.
  • The bandage should be applied to the hand starting from the fingers and ending with the forearm.

Circular bandage

The peculiarity of fixation is circular rotation. The edge of the dressing should be grasped with your left hand, and the dressing should be made with your right hand. They are all done at the same level and placed one on top of the other, the bandage is fixed above the damaged area. The bandage should remain on the arm for 3 to 10 days.