What is diffuse superficial and chronic gastritis. Diffuse gastritis: types, causes, symptoms and treatment

The term “chronic gastritis” should be understood not as one, but as a group of diseases characterized by prolonged inflammation of the gastric mucosa. This pathology occurs in approximately 60-80% of the population and carries with it a real threat in the form of a high risk of transformation into a malignant neoplasm (cancer).

A common form of the disease is diffuse superficial gastritis: what it is, the causes of its appearance, the main symptoms and treatment methods will be described in this article.

Chronic inflammatory damage to the stomach is a multifactorial disease. It was the discovery of Helicobacter (Campylobacter) Pylori that brought chronic gastritis to a higher level of significance, made it possible to improve existing knowledge and develop targeted (eradication) therapy.

The main reasons for the development of pathology are:

In addition, the pathogenesis of the disease includes exposure to occupational hazards (cotton dust, vapors of acids, alkalis), prolonged stressful situations, chronic infections, metabolic pathologies, and food allergies. Much less often, chronic gastritis is a consequence of congestive heart failure (as a result of tissue hypoxia).

Signs and symptoms

Diffuse superficial gastritis is a persistent inflammation of the inner lining of the stomach, which is not accompanied by disruption of the glands (that is, it occurs without disrupting the secretory function of the organ). The disease is characterized by a long course with alternating periods of remission and exacerbation.

The diffuse superficial form of chronic inflammation of the stomach is a morphological diagnosis, which is established only by the results of an endoscopic examination of the digestive tube - FEGDS. This pathology is often called non-atrophic gastritis or type B gastritis.

The main and most constant symptom of the disease is periodic pain in the upper abdomen. It can be aching or spastic in nature, radiating to the subscapular region and upper limbs. It is noteworthy that, unlike a peptic ulcer, the pain syndrome with gastritis is widespread; the patient cannot indicate the exact location of the complaint, which appears 20-30 minutes after eating.

Often the inflammatory process from the stomach spreads to the mucous membrane of the duodenum, resulting in the development of gastroduodenitis. In this case, pain appears at night, often on an empty stomach.

Other, nonspecific, symptoms of diffuse gastritis:

  • periodic belching of air or sour;
  • unpleasant burning sensations, discomfort behind the sternum (heartburn);
  • nausea, extremely rarely - vomiting;
  • bowel dysfunction in the form of constipation.

With prolonged inflammation, the absorption of microelements and vitamins necessary for the body is disrupted, resulting in signs of protein deficiency, hypovitaminosis and deficiency anemia (pallor, fatigue, hair loss, brittle nails, burning tongue, sticking in the corners of the mouth).

It is important to understand that in the absence of proper treatment and adequate maintenance of remission against the background of advanced inflammation, mucosal dystrophy develops, followed by atrophy. Both of these conditions are considered precancerous.

Treatment of the disease

Only after diagnostic confirmation of the diagnosis (FEGDS, urease test) can treatment begin, which is based on the prescription of a therapeutic diet, medications and folk remedies in order to maintain remission.


The basis of competent and effective treatment of the diffuse form of gastritis is long-term adherence to a therapeutic diet, the number of which depends on the acid-forming function of the stomach (normal, increased or decreased).

For hyperacid gastritis associated with Helicobacter pylori infection, table No. 1, 1a is prescribed. Rich broths made from mushrooms, meat, fish, smoked meats, any marinades, spices and seasonings are completely excluded from the menu. Fatty meats, spicy, fried foods, fast food, carbonated drinks, confectionery, strong coffee and tea, and alcohol are prohibited.

The diet involves eating steamed or boiled food 5-6 times a day (3 main meals and 2-3 snacks) in small portions. It is recommended to chew food thoroughly and slowly. The last meal should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.

The diet needs to be varied:

  • vegetable soups with water;
  • porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice) pureed or boiled;
  • fermented milk products, cottage cheese casseroles;
  • vegetable stew, boiled or baked lean meat, fish (hake, pollock);
  • steam omelet, two soft-boiled eggs per day, day-old bread;
  • vegetable, mashed potatoes, zrazy, soufflé, meatballs.

The duration of the diet depends on the form of the disease and the body’s response to the treatment. On average it is 1-2 months.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment of diffuse superficial gastritis is a mandatory and integral part of effective therapy, without which recovery cannot be achieved.

When it is established that there is an active Helicobacter pylori infection in the body (breathing urease test, FEGDS data), one of the eradication therapy regimens is used (a combination of antibiotics with an antacid):

  • Clarithromycin (Klacid, Fromilid, Klasine) with amoxicillin twice a day in combination with a proton pump inhibitor ( Rabeprazole, Omeprazole) or dopamine receptor antagonist ( Rennie,Famotidine);
  • Clarithromycin, Metronidazole(instead of amoxicillin) in combination with Omeprazole or Ranitidine;
  • Amoxicillin together with Clarithromycin and a proton pump blocker.

The optimal duration of therapy is 7 days; if necessary, the doctor can extend it to two weeks. 14 days after the end of treatment, it is recommended to undergo a control FEGDS, which will confirm the positive effect of therapy.

In addition to the eradication of H. Pylori, drugs are prescribed that protect and envelop the damaged mucous membrane: Almagel, Phosphalugel. The medicine has proven bactericidal and reparative effects De-Nol(bismuth citrate).

Folk remedies

Recipes and traditional medicine can be used only after the exacerbation has stopped, preferably after consultation with a doctor. They are not the basis of treatment and do not eliminate Helicobacter pylori infection. As a result of their use, it is possible to achieve some normalization of the acidity of gastric juice and acceleration of reparative processes.

The most popular and effective include:

  • potato, carrot juice;
  • olive and sea buckthorn oil;
  • infusions of flax seeds, chamomile flowers;
  • a decoction of sea buckthorn berries, calendula, oats, and burdock roots.

Possible complications

Frequent complications of the diffuse form of chronic gastritis include:

  • spread of the process to the duodenum - duodenitis;
  • dystrophy and atrophy of the epithelium followed by its metaplasia (replacement with intestinal epithelium);
  • the appearance of erosions, the development of gastric ulcers;
  • malignancy of the inflammatory process (adenocarcinoma).

All persons suffering from chronic gastritis are recommended to perform FEGDS once a year (even without signs of exacerbation). This study makes it possible to detect cancer at the earliest stages.

Useful video

Prevention and prognosis

In order to prevent the development of the disease or exacerbations, it is recommended:

  • modify lifestyle, including diet, exercise;
  • eliminate bad habits;
  • minimize the use of NSAIDs, steroids, analgesics (only as prescribed by a doctor);
  • Seek help promptly if signs of exacerbation appear.

It is impossible to achieve a complete recovery with chronic superficial gastritis, but it is quite possible to transfer the disease into a stage of stable remission. In this case, the prognosis is favorable. In addition, the presence of inflammation of the stomach is not a medical reason for military service.

  • if characteristic complaints appear, it is worth completely limiting heavy physical activity, even running (in this case, they negatively affect the secretory and motor functions of the stomach and inhibit regeneration);
  • when H. Pylori is detected, check all family members, since the bacterium is easily transmitted by airborne droplets through household items. The patient must be provided with separate hygiene products and utensils.
  • diversify your diet with dairy products, which effectively “heal” the mucous membrane.

In the age of high speeds, we often snack on the go, which has a bad effect on the functioning of the digestive system and leads to inflammation of the gastric mucosa. This disease is called diffuse gastritis.

Diffuse gastritis is the most common cause of stomach disease. The mucous membrane of the antrum of the stomach is affected by the inflammatory process. This pathology eats away glandular cells until they completely atrophy. The advanced form of diffuse gastritis is very dangerous and can lead to the formation of a malignant tumor. Therefore, at the first signs of the disease, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Types of diffuse gastritis

According to the principle of development, diffuse gastritis has several types:

Superficial gastritis is the mildest form of the disease. The mucous membrane retains its ability to repair itself, and all violations of its integrity are reversible. The source of inflammation makes up no more than thirty percent of the entire area of ​​the mucosa. However, such a disease passes without any symptoms and is usually detected during research into other health problems. But, nevertheless, this type of disease must be taken seriously, since superficial gastritis left unattended can lead to irreversible processes.

Chronic gastritis– this is when the acute form of the disease turns into a sluggish process. In this case, the epithelium of the stomach is more deeply disrupted, which entails pain such as heaviness after eating, nausea, and acute pain. There is an excessive release of hydrochloric acid, which causes pain in the stomach, nausea, which turns into vomiting. Gastritis of this type can begin structural changes in the gastric mucosa, which will lead to irreversible consequences.

Subatropical gastritis represents a severe form of the disease. Mucosal cells have irreversible pathological changes leading to their death. The affected areas of the epithelium stop producing gastric juice and are instead covered with connective tissue.

Antral gastritis(type B gastritis). With this type, a huge amount of hydrochloric acid is produced, which corrodes the tissue between the epithelium and the intestines. This type of gastritis is a consequence of untimely treatment of previous types. Antral gastritis usually affects most of the mucosa, and digestive activity is significantly reduced.

Diffuse gastritis has several varieties:

  • Acute diffuse superficial gastritis;
  • Diffuse superficial antral gastritis;
  • Diffuse catarrhal gastritis.

What it looks like, photo


Diffuse gastritis does not appear out of nowhere. There are several main reasons for its occurrence:

  1. Reflux. Due to the weakening of the muscles of the upper part of the stomach, which are responsible for the operation of the antral valve, food and bile are refluxed from the stomach into the esophagus or into other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. So, gastritis of various types may begin.
  2. Bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Scientists have proven that the cause of gastritis is the pathogenic bacteria Helicobacter pylori. Most people have this pathogen. But as soon as the colonies of bacteria grow, they attack the gastric mucosa and cause gastritis. The impetus can be an incorrect diet.
  3. Stress. Nervous psychological stress affects the functioning of absolutely all vital organs. Emotional stress combined with poor nutrition can lead to disruption of digestive processes.
  4. Eating the “wrong” food. Excessive consumption of fried foods, foods with high or low temperatures, carbonated drinks. On the other hand, lack of liquid food, eating on the go, in a hurry, when food is not chewed enough, can lead to diffuse gastritis.
  5. Glitch in the daily routine. Due to a certain work schedule, when you have to work in shifts during the day or at night, the biological clock is disrupted, which entails the occurrence of gastritis.
  6. Uncontrolled use of nonsteroidal drugs. Often, a patient suffering from problems of the musculoskeletal system “prescribes” himself non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, not knowing about the rules for taking them. Namely, the main components of these drugs have a strong effect on the gastric mucosa.
  7. Drinking alcohol or smoking, especially on an empty stomach. Alcohol causes increased secretion of hydrochloric acid, but since the stomach is empty, self-destruction of the gastric epithelium occurs.
  8. Carrying out surgery in the stomach or intestines.

Symptoms of the disease

Diffuse gastritis does not appear out of nowhere; it develops gradually. And at first it is absolutely asymptomatic. As the disease develops, the gastric mucosa is increasingly affected, and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.

The first symptoms are pain in the stomach, especially in the upper part. These pains intensify immediately after eating. In the future, nausea may be added, and the duration of stomach pain may increase in time and intensity. Due to impaired secretion of gastric juice, the production of hydrochloric acid is significantly reduced. Its volume is not enough to digest food, and therefore attacks of nausea occur.

A constant inflammatory process disrupts the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, while food is poorly digested, nutrients are not absorbed, but are excreted from the body. And as a result – loss of body weight. In this case, unstable bowel function is observed, in which diarrhea is replaced by constipation.

The severe form of diffuse gastritis is accompanied by constant heartburn, increased gas formation, belching, fatigue and frequent dizziness.

Along with the main symptoms of the disease, secondary ones may also be observed, such as increased salivation and secretion of sweat glands, loss of strength, and drowsiness. All this is accompanied by neurological symptoms, namely, the patient is haunted by the feeling of crawling goosebumps, he experiences a slight tingling of the skin and numbness of the limbs.

So, the main symptoms of diffuse gastritis:

  • Pain and heaviness in the upper part of the stomach, accompanied by heartburn, belching;
  • Nausea and vomiting in combination with dizziness and weakness as a result of intoxication of the body;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Loss of body weight;
  • Anemia;
  • Paleness and dryness of the skin;
  • Brittle nails and increased hair loss.


Like most diseases, the effectiveness of treatment depends on early therapy. Diffuse gastritis at the initial stage is easily treatable and completely curable. More advanced forms require more serious and long-term therapy with various agents.

Treatment methods for diffuse gastritis include:

  • Taking medications;
  • The use of folk remedies;
  • Following a special diet.

Whatever method is chosen, adherence to the diet is mandatory.

Basic rules of diet for diffuse gastritis


The fight against diffuse gastritis goes through several stages:

  1. Therapy aimed at suppressing the bacteria Helicobacter pylori.
  2. Treatment of the gastric mucosa for the purpose of restoration and protection.
  3. Revitalizing the functioning of the stomach.
  4. Relieves pain and relaxes the smooth muscles of the stomach.
  5. Restoring the body's protective functions.

To destroy Helicobacter pylori bacteria, traditional broad-spectrum antibiotics are used, such as Azithromycin, Clarithromycin, Tetracycline, Levofloxacin. The drug De-Nol has recently become very popular. Its action is aimed at destroying pathogenic bacteria. To improve the condition, proton pump inhibitors Omeprazole or Omez are prescribed.

Antacid medications take care of the restoration of the gastric mucosa, and are also aimed at protecting against various irritating factors. As a rule, these are Almagel, Gaviscon, Rennie, Gastal. Dissolving in the stomach, they envelop the mucous membrane, relieving inflammation and protecting from damage.

No-shpa, Spazgan, Spazmalgon relieve spasms and pain well.

The functions of the stomach are restored by enzyme preparations. Pancreatin, Festal, Mezim, Panzinorm help in the process of digesting food, thereby preventing a feeling of heaviness and pain.

The use of vitamin complexes of groups B, A, E, C is very useful in the treatment of diffuse gastritis.

The course of treatment for diffuse gastritis is quite long. During this period, immune suppression occurs. To restore it, immunostimulating drugs Imudon, Viferon, Eleutherococcus, Isoprinosine are prescribed.

It is important to remember that taking medications for the treatment of gastritis can only be started after consultation with a gastroenterologist.

Often, specialists prescribe physiotherapy as an additional remedy. Physical procedures help improve blood circulation in the stomach and restore smooth muscle motility. UHF, paraffin, Electrophoresis, nitrogen and pine baths are best suited for this.

Folk remedies

Treatment of diffuse gastritis with conservative methods will be more effective if traditional medicine is added to them. There are many recipes that promote rapid restoration of affected areas of the gastric mucosa. But even traditional medicine should be used only after consultation with your doctor.

Most recipes for the treatment of gastritis include plants such as chamomile, aloe, and plantain. Mint, licorice, flax, linden, etc. Based on them, decoctions, infusions, and teas are prepared. Here are some recipes.

The following are well suited for healing inflamed areas:

  • Freshly prepared cabbage juice. You need to drink 100-150 ml every morning on an empty stomach;
  • Porridge of one grated apple with honey half an hour before breakfast;
  • Ground blueberries with sugar in the amount of one teaspoon. It should be eaten three times a day before meals.

Diffuse gastritis can be either high or low acidity. One tablespoon per 250 ml of boiling water can help treat both types. The decoction should be drunk three times before meals. After eating, it would be good to eat one teaspoon of blue cyanosis roots, crushed to flour. As a result of taking this remedy, pain goes away, spasms are relieved, wounds on the walls of the stomach heal, becoming covered with a thin film of cyanosis.

Freshly prepared potato juice can help treat gastritis with high acidity. Raw juice in a volume of 100 ml is taken twice a day thirty minutes before meals. Pink-skinned potatoes work best for this recipe.

For low acidity, aloe juice mixed with honey in a one to one ratio is suitable. Like potato juice, aloe is taken thirty minutes before meals. For the recipe, you need to take a plant three to four years old. The leaves are cut off, wrapped in black paper and placed in the refrigerator for 2 weeks.

To treat erosive gastritis, medical alcohol is used. Take 250 ml per course. Alcohol is taken according to the following scheme. In the morning, on an empty stomach, you need to eat one tablespoon of butter, then take two teaspoons of alcohol, and then drink 2 raw eggs. When the alcohol runs out, gastritis will be curable.

Flax seed is often used to treat gastritis. Pour 1 tablespoon of seeds without top over night with one glass of boiling water, stir after a few minutes and leave to infuse until the morning. Take thirty minutes before breakfast on an empty stomach. Course – 30 days. Then take a month's break. The number of courses is three or four.

Herbal mixtures help well in the treatment of diffuse gastritis. Some herbal decoctions have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, they help relieve pain, prevent nausea and heartburn.

The herbal mixture is prepared from one teaspoon of mint and calamus root, two tablespoons of St. John's wort and plantain, one third of a spoon of cumin seeds. Pour two tablespoons of this mixture into one glass of hot water and leave to infuse for 12 hours. Take 30 ml infusion before each meal. Continue the course of treatment until heartburn stops completely.

The universal collection consists of such herbal ingredients as sea buckthorn oil, calendula flowers, nettle leaves, shepherd's purse, yarrow, bedstraw. This collection is aimed at healing the gastric mucosa.

Herbs for decreased secretion of gastric juice– St. John's wort (3 parts), plantain, immortelle, wormwood, calendula (one part of all herbs).

Herbs for high acidity– calamus root, yarrow, mint, nettle, chamomile (in equal parts).

Decoctions from these collections are prepared according to the same scheme. Brew one tablespoon of any mixture with one glass of boiling water and place the container in a water bath for 15 minutes. Drink one third of a glass 30 minutes before meals.


Prevention of gastritis lies in proper nutrition. Any therapeutic diet is aimed at preventing irritation of the gastric mucosa. The daily diet should be divided into five to six equal portions. The breaks between meals should be short to avoid feeling hungry. All dishes must be warm; on the other hand, spicy dishes, fatty foods, all kinds of smoked foods, alcoholic drinks, chocolate, and buns are prohibited.

The basis of the diet for the prevention of gastritis should be vegetable broths, porridge with water, boiled lean meat or fish, kefir, compote, jelly. A double boiler or multicooker will be a good help for preparing dietary dishes.

This type of gastritis is an inflammation of the entire gastric mucosa. Most often, with this lesion we can talk about a stomach ulcer, which aggravates the course of the disease and leads to serious complications. Unfortunately, in the modern world, diffuse gastritis is very common among any age category. That is why, at the first signs of illness, it is necessary to consult a doctor for mandatory treatment.

Reflux. The main serious cause may be reflux. This problem is associated with the reflux of food and the flow of bile from the stomach into other parts of the gastrointestinal tract, which can cause various types of gastritis.

Helicobacter pylori. The impact of this bacterium on the body can be the reason for the appearance of such a disease. Despite the fact that the pathogen is present in the body of most people, it is believed that an increased amount of this bacterium leads to a variety of gastrointestinal diseases. However, its activity increases under certain circumstances. Typically, the negative impact of Helicobacter pylori is directly related to poor diet and consumption of low-quality foods.

Stress. It is very difficult to imagine modern life without psychological stress, but it should be understood that any emotional shock can cause disruptions in the functioning of all body processes. Reflux in this case is the stomach’s response to stressful situations.

Bad habits. Consumption of alcohol and tobacco products is a sure way to acquiring diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Alcoholic drinks affect the mucous membranes, and cigarettes affect your overall health.

Errors in nutrition. When choosing foods for food, we often forget that food should not only be tasty, but also healthy. Unfortunately, fast foods loved by many, spicy and fried foods, smoked meats and spices can provoke diffuse gastritis in all its forms and manifestations.

Medicines. The use of certain medications can be a serious blow to the digestive tract. Of course, the treatment of some diseases comes down to drug therapy, but the uncontrolled use of certain drugs often results in consequences in the form of various gastritis.

Surgical intervention. There is an opinion that surgical procedures performed on the stomach and intestines can provoke the development of many diseases. Among them are reflux, intestinal obstruction and, of course, gastritis of various types.


Depending on the nature of the disease, diffuse gastritis can be of several types:

  • surface;
  • subatrophic;
  • antral.

The simplest is gastritis, which is called superficial. Meanwhile, it usually very quickly degenerates into a chronic form. It is characterized by damage to an area of ​​the epithelium that cannot recover. If superficial gastritis is not paid attention to, it can lead to cancerous tumors. In this case, the mucosal cells atrophy, and along with them fibrous tissue is formed. Bile reflux is also possible.

Since superficial gastritis is very common, treatment should be started as early as possible. The subatrophic form is characterized by serious changes in the mucosa. As a rule, they lead to degeneration inside the stomach and death of epithelial cells. Typically, this type of diffuse gastritis occurs against the background of an atrophic form, for which the correct treatment was not prescribed.

The antral type is characterized by inflammation in the area between the intestines and the stomach due to an increased amount of acid. The glands responsible for producing mucus, which helps protect the stomach from its own acid, are not doing their job. As a result of antral diffuse gastritis, the walls of this organ are destroyed due to increased acidity.


Diffuse gastritis is characterized by certain symptoms. Symptoms may be similar to other types of gastrointestinal diseases, for example, reflux, so it is not always possible to recognize them without diagnosis. Like many types of gastritis, this type is characterized by:

  • pain, especially after eating. It happens that pain appears regardless of food;
  • nausea and heartburn. Vomiting is also possible, which brings minor relief;
  • weight loss. Since the patient cannot eat properly, and the digestion processes are difficult, he often experiences a loss of appetite, as a result of which body weight also decreases;
  • coating on the tongue. Typically, it may be yellow in color. There is an unpleasant smell and taste in the mouth;
  • heartburn, belching;
  • weakness, general malaise.

Only after diagnosis can treatment be prescribed. Typically, FGS is used for differentiation in order to assess the condition of the gastric mucosa. If cancer cells are suspected, a biopsy is performed.

X-rays of the abdominal cavity and ultrasound are also possible. Doctors also prescribe blood and urine tests to accurately diagnose this type of gastritis.

Video “Gastritis and its causes”


As a rule, the patient is prescribed conservative therapy. For treatment, various drugs are used to reduce hydrochloric acid. The selection of medications depends on the type of gastritis and differs in dosage. Treatment of the antral type includes drugs that restore the mucosa. As for the superficial, it is often treated with a regular diet.

In addition to medications aimed at reducing hydrochloric acid and restoring the mucous membrane, folk remedies are offered, which include tinctures and decoctions of various herbs. They reduce the secretion of gastric juice, thereby normalizing acidity.

Decoctions based on sage, celandine, and plantain are perfect for treatment. Sea buckthorn oil has proven itself to be excellent and is used for various diseases. You can also use aloe juice or propolis. It is advisable to take both of these remedies an hour before meals for 21 days. Vegetable juices are another way to treat gastritis, as well as the effects of reflux.

Thus, carrot, beet and potato juices have anti-inflammatory properties and improve the stomach environment. For severe heartburn, chamomile decoction will help, which can cope with any gastritis.


Proper nutrition is always one of the treatment options for many diseases. It doesn’t matter what type of gastritis you have - superficial or subatrophic, you need to eat foods that will not have a harmful effect on your body and mucous membranes. The basic rules are to eat little and often, at regular intervals. It is also important not to eat cold or hot food.

Treatment with nutrition certainly involves prohibitions on certain types of foods. In particular, for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as gastritis, it is advisable not to consume:

  • sour fruits and berries;
  • fatty foods;
  • spicy and fried foods;
  • sausages;
  • products containing coarse fiber;
  • legumes;
  • carbonated and sweet drinks;
  • chocolate;
  • fresh baked goods and baked goods;
  • ice cream;
  • alcoholic drinks.
  • vegetable-based soups;
  • porridge;
  • steamed cutlets, boiled white meat;
  • low-fat fermented milk products;
  • jelly;
  • dried fruit compotes.

It is also allowed to eat slightly stale bread, lean fish, boiled potatoes, and boiled eggs. For sweets, you can opt for marshmallows, honey, and marshmallows. You can drink sweet juices, cocoa, and green tea. Be sure to drink more clean water, especially with alkali, which improves appetite.

Not a single person of our time can say that he has avoided stomach pain. The rapid development of the fast food industry in the world has laid an unshakable foundation for a serious disease for those who like to eat on the go - gastritis. This complex, multi-stage disease was first mentioned 300 years ago by the German physician and chemist Georg Ernst Stahl. The scientist’s first note about gastritis: irritation of the inner plane of the abdomen, leading to the formation of cavity pits - ulcers. Pathology has gone through many phases of study. Doctors of science are still looking for productive methods of treating the disease at selected stages.

Severe type of gastritis

Diffuse atrophic gastritis is considered a severe type of gastritis. It is dangerous because upon diagnosis, all layers of the stomach are susceptible to inflammation. The phase is considered transitional, from mild to a form with irreversible consequences. The disease reveals many pitfalls; there are no special manifestations at the initial stage of the disease, which is not in favor of the patient. The symptoms resemble standard stomach disorders, but the symptoms should not be taken lightly. The prognosis for the development of the disease is made exclusively by the doctor.

If a person experiences these symptoms, it’s time to worry:

  • the occurrence of heartburn;
  • the appearance of a thick white coating on the tongue;
  • flatulence;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea;
  • belching;
  • bad breath;
  • heaviness in the solar plexus area.

Atrophy is translated from ancient Greek as malnutrition, lack of nutrients. In the history of gastritis, atrophy means a change in the structure of the stomach tissues, leading to improper functioning of the gastric glands. Instead of gastric juice, mucus is secreted, gradually but surely corroding the walls of the stomach. Due to a violation of secretion, food entering the body is not completely digested. Leftover food leads to irreparable consequences - the formation of malignant tumors and cancer. Advanced gastritis leads to a stomach ulcer that cannot be treated; pain during exacerbation can only be muffled with medication.

Unpleasant symptoms

If any signs of abnormal stomach function appear, it is recommended not to delay consulting a doctor. Often signs of ill health are aimed at a different etiology:

  • weight change: loss or gain;
  • loss of appetite;
  • bitter taste in the mouth when eating foods of different quality;
  • anemia;
  • hypotension;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • a sharp change in mood towards nervousness.

Symptoms and treatment are no different in women and men. If a woman is pregnant, preferring the choice of the least harm to the fetus, the expectant mother will be transferred to a special diet. Treatment will begin after birth.

Timely diagnosis

Recognizing the presence of a disease begins with a doctor examining the patient. Examination of the skin and palpation offer only a hypothesis about a disease of the gastric organs. Instrumental and laboratory tests will help determine the type and stage of organ damage. Gastroscopy is a clarifying technique. This type of examination allows for a distinctive check of gastritis with peptic ulcer disease. The instrument is a tube with a camera at the end that takes pictures and videos of the internal state of the body. The probe is immersed in the gastrointestinal tract. A gastroscope allows for visual diagnostics; it can be used to take a tissue sample for study.

An informative method for studying diffuse mucosal lesions is biopsy. The procedure is painless, not dangerous, and does not require anesthesia. Mucus samples are taken in small doses from the upper layer of the mucous membrane in three different parts of the stomach. Collection of blood, feces and urine is also necessary. The complete picture of the disease is accurate only as a result of an integrated approach to examining the patient.

Biopsy of the gastric mucosa

If fears are confirmed

If diffuse atrophic gastritis is diagnosed, it is recommended to continue the examination, specifying the type: erosive or non-erosive. Erosive or corrosive gastritis is a variant of acute gastritis formed under the influence of toxic drugs:

  • alcohol-containing medications;
  • acids;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances;
  • alkalis.

Erosion is a violation of the integrity of the gastric mucosa that occurs with long-term use of these drugs.

Non-erosive gastritis is defined when damage to the mucous membrane occurs in the upper layer. If treatment is not started in time, the condition gradually turns into a chronic form or into an ulcer.

You need to prepare for tests

The analysis must be taken on an empty stomach in the morning, after abstaining from food for ten hours. If the patient is taking medications, you should discuss with your doctor in advance about temporary withdrawal, avoiding the chance of influencing the result. Four hours before the examination you should not smoke.

Notify the doctor about allergies to eggs, dairy products, chocolate and soy; during the procedure, the patient takes a special protein drink orally, which sometimes contains the mentioned products.

What does carelessness lead to?

Gastritis leads to irreparable consequences. The disease affects the insufficiency of the cardia, which causes disruption of the sphincter, the valve between the esophagus and the stomach. This adaptation of the human body serves to move feces and food between departments.

When a person eats food, the cardia expands to allow food to pass from the esophagus into the stomach, and closes to prevent food from returning back. If the cardia is weakened and unable to hold the contents of the stomach, food, along with bile and gastric juice, is thrown back into the esophagus. This is the first sign of cardia failure. The process is accompanied by pain; you cannot take analgesics without consulting a doctor!

In addition to the pathology of digestion and absorption of food, improper digestibility, the prognosis in the absence of treatment for diffuse atrophic gastritis with the presence of acute erosions, in most cases, is stomach cancer, the last and irreversible stage. The formation of a tumor is associated with a restructuring of the inner lining of the stomach, where cells characteristic of the intestinal walls appear.

When the cells of the gastric mucosa die off, the human regenerative function allows the restoration of tissues similar to those of the large and small intestinal tract. As a result, a mutated change in the internal epithelial lining of the stomach occurs, and a dysfunction of the organ occurs. The main purpose of the villi is to absorb the products of the breakdown of nutrients and prevent bacteria inherent in the intestines from entering the blood and lymph. Such perturbation does not occur often, but the consequences of a complex disease and the mind-defying capabilities of the human body cannot be underestimated.

Death of cells in the gastric mucosa

There's a reason for everything

Any disease can be cured solely by eradicating its causes. It is better to discuss symptoms and treatment with your doctor to prevent hasty conclusions.

The main cause of the disease does not have clearly defined boundaries. It cannot be said that a specific phenomenon caused inflammation of the mucous membrane. As a rule, a complex effect occurs, which is long-lasting and unfavorable. A constant and frequent enemy of the stomach is food that does not meet its beneficial qualities and non-compliance with the intake regimen.

Favorite canned food, fish or stewed meat, is harmful to health. Fats, sugars, saltiness, too hot or cold food and drinks - in the wrong combination a time bomb. Pour cold water over hot fat and it will curdle instantly. Washing down hot chicken with cold Coca-Cola shows a similar effect in the stomach, causing irreparable harm to the body.

The human mucosa is sensitive to alcohol and smoking. Often the cause is immune disorders of the body, frequent stress, a sedentary lifestyle, self-medication with medications, intoxication, and heredity.


You can't despair. The main thing is not to give up and take action. In a comprehensive design: diet and alternative medicine. Attention must be paid to preparation and the combination of products in the dish must be observed. Spices and seasonings, including salt and sugar, are removed from the diet. This means the absence of fats and oils, acidic foods, including vegetables and fruits. Alcohol, cigarettes and coffee are strictly prohibited! The optimal way to process food is steaming, boiling and stewing. In selected cases, baked without creating a crispy crust. Bread is replaced with crispbread.

Traditional medicine has a lot of recipes. In pharmacies it is easy to purchase a ready-made collection of herbs for treating the stomach. It is advisable to discuss treatment with folk remedies with your doctor. Healers are aware of the benefits of products produced by bees. For example, mix honey and aloe juice in equal proportions and let the mixture brew for two weeks in a cool, dark place. Take one teaspoon 3-5 minutes on an empty stomach before meals. We drink for a month, then take a break for a month. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a year.

It is permissible to prepare an infusion of parsley root: 4 tablespoons of dried chopped parsley root, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave the drink overnight, covered. Take 1 tablespoon on an empty stomach 5-7 minutes before meals. The duration of the course is 40 days, then a break and again 40 days, repeat the cycle 3 times.

Instant assistance is not guaranteed. Be patient and stay healthy!

Diffuse gastritis is a type of digestive tract disease that is quite common throughout the world.

The peculiarity of the disease is the uniform spread of inflammation over the entire surface of the digestive organ.

This disease is quite serious, and neglect of one’s health can lead to complications - for example, gastric ulcers.

That is why if you suspect diffuse gastritis, you should immediately contact a specialist who will conduct an examination and tell you about further actions.

How does the disease manifest?

With the onset of the disease, the lining of the digestive organ becomes inflamed, and over time, gastritis passes from acute to chronic.

After some time, the cells of the stomach begin to die, and instead of them, fibrous tissue is formed - this is atrophic (subatrophic) gastritis.

Diffuse atrophic gastritis manifests itself in much the same way as other types of gastritis.

The most common symptoms of the disease:

  • At first, pain appears rarely and does not last long, but as the disease progresses, the pain becomes more intense and appears more often. Painful symptoms can occur at any time of the day, but most often they appear after eating, especially if the food was unhealthy;
  • As the disease progresses, pain symptoms are supplemented by nausea. These symptoms most often appear after eating. If the disease is very advanced, then nausea can be supplemented by vomiting, after which the patient feels much better;
  • atrophy of the mucous membranes of the digestive organ leads to disruption of its basic function, which entails significant weight loss.

In addition, chronic subatrophic gastritis has other symptoms:

  • the disease is often accompanied by heartburn, which is difficult to neutralize even with very strong remedies;
  • belching brings a lot of trouble to the patient, which occurs during or after eating and has a sour taste;
  • the disease is accompanied by a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, bloating, frequent changes of constipation and diarrhea;
  • the patient’s general condition noticeably worsens, vitamin deficiency develops, which affects the patient’s appearance and vision.

In addition, the patient often feels weakness, drowsiness, excessive sweating, and fatigue.

Stages and causes of the disease

The disease develops gradually. If the patient does not undergo treatment, then gastritis becomes increasingly worse and can ultimately lead to serious complications in the mucous membranes of the organ.

The initial phase of the disease is superficial gastritis. Superficial gastritis is characterized by shallow inflammation, which does not have lesions and does not spread too deeply.

Often, superficial gastritis is asymptomatic, which is why the patient does not know that treatment is needed.

As a result, the disease develops into chronic superficial gastritis.

Typically, this form of the disease is discovered in a patient by chance, during endoscopic examinations. Despite the absence of symptoms, the disease requires close attention from specialists and quality treatment.

Damaged cells are poorly restored, and atrophic changes begin in the organ - subatrophic gastritis develops.

Diffuse subatrophic gastritis is characterized by nausea, abdominal pain, and heaviness after eating.

Chronic diffuse atrophic gastritis can have a wide variety of causes.

Doctors usually do not name a specific cause, but believe that a combination of various factors, both external and internal, can provoke the disease.

Common factors that cause the disease:

  1. First of all, diffuse gastritis is caused by improper diet, as well as the quality of foods in the diet. Convenience foods, fatty and fried foods, too hot foods, preservatives, dyes and various other unnatural additives cause irreparable harm to the body, as a result of which diffuse gastritis can develop;
  2. an equally important factor that causes the disease is the patient’s infection with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which infects various parts of the stomach and duodenum;
  3. The development of stomach disease can be triggered by disturbances in sleep and rest patterns, for example, working at night;
  4. Nervous tension and stress also play an important role in the development of the disease: living in constant stress negatively affects the condition of the entire digestive system;
  5. operations on the digestive organs can sometimes lead to disruption of the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, which can provoke inflammation of the mucous membrane;
  6. Smoking, drinking too much alcohol, or taking medications on an empty stomach can cause the disease.

Treatment methods

In the first days of an exacerbation, the patient should abstain from food, and can only drink mineral water and tea. Further treatment involves severe dietary restriction.

Treatment of this form of inflammation can be carried out with the help of medications and vitamin complexes.

In addition, if the cause of the disease is Helicobacter pylori, the doctor will also prescribe antibacterial treatment.

Folk remedies can bring noticeable relief to the patient, but first you should consult a doctor and find out whether such treatment would be advisable.

Sea buckthorn juice perfectly relieves inflammation and helps get rid of the disease. If the patient’s acidity is normal, then an hour before meals you need to drink a glass of plant juice, three times a day.

Such treatment will quickly produce results, and the patient’s condition will noticeably improve.

Treatment of gastritis can be supplemented by taking aloe juice. To cure chronic gastritis, you need to drink 1 tsp. juice three times a day before meals.

Treatment should last 1-2 months, depending on the severity of the disease.

Propolis tincture will also help cure chronic gastritis. 20 drops of the product are poured into a glass of water and drunk before meals for three weeks.

Flax seeds give good results in the treatment of gastritis. From 5 tbsp. l. seeds and a glass of water, prepare a decoction over low heat, then filter and drink immediately.

You can store the broth for no more than 30 minutes. The decoction relieves pain and helps get rid of the symptoms of the disease.

Diet for diffuse gastritis is part of the treatment. If the diet is not followed, treatment with medications will not bring lasting positive results.

The patient's diet excludes:

  • fried, salty or fatty foods;
  • smoked and spicy foods;
  • strong coffee and tea;
  • alcohol;
  • coarse foods that can mechanically damage the gastric mucosa.

At the same time, the diet should include cereals, meat and fish without fat, and a moderate amount of fermented milk drinks.

All products can be steamed, baked in their own juice, or boiled. Light soups, such as rice, are beneficial for an inflamed sensitive organ. In addition, the patient needs to monitor the temperature of the food: it should not be hot or cold.

A diet for diffuse gastritis also involves split meals: portions should be small, and you need to eat 5-6 times a day so as not to feel hungry.

The disease is widespread and, when advanced, causes serious complications, including ulcers and cancer. Why superficial gastritis is characterized by damage to part of the gastric mucosa, what treatment is effective, what to do to prevent pathology - these questions concern many patients. To maintain health, it is useful to understand what the symptoms of the disease are, so that if they occur, immediately begin treatment as prescribed by the doctor.

What is superficial gastritis

One of the diseases of the stomach is characterized by increased secretory function - an increase in the production of gastric juice necessary for digesting food. Superficial gastritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane that occurs as a result of this process. In the absence of irritating factors, the disease can quickly stop. This is especially true for young patients in whom tissue restoration occurs within a few days.

The peculiarity of this gastritis is that inflammation develops only in the superficial layer of the mucous membrane. If signs of pathology appear, you need to treat them carefully, visit the clinic, undergo an examination, and a course of treatment. A neglected process or failure to comply with doctor’s instructions can lead to serious complications:

  • development of polyps;
  • the appearance of stomach ulcers;
  • the formation of benign tumors;
  • the occurrence of stomach bleeding;
  • erosion of the esophageal mucosa.

Symptoms of superficial gastritis

The disease is characterized by gradual development with periodic exacerbations that resolve without treatment. It is important to consult a doctor at the first signs of gastritis to stop the inflammatory process. What do you need to focus on? The onset of gastritis development is characterized by:

  • feeling of bloating;
  • the appearance of pain after eating food, especially spicy, fatty foods;
  • dulling of hunger;
  • unpleasant belching, sometimes bitter;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea between meals;
  • sharp pain during relapses.

As gastritis progresses, the discomfort intensifies. There are fluctuations in stomach acidity from low to high. In this case, symptoms of superficial gastritis appear:

  • night attacks of pain;
  • feeling of acid in the mouth;
  • weight loss;
  • morning belching;
  • light coating on the tongue;
  • decreased appetite;
  • gagging;
  • bowel disorder.

Causes of superficial gastritis

It has been established that the main reason for the development of the disease is the presence of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. While in the body, it does not manifest itself until a favorable situation arises. The following causes of superficial gastritis provoke its activity:

  • incorrect, prolonged use of medications;
  • eating disorders - fatty foods, dry food, sweet soda;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • smoking;
  • eating more salt and spices;
  • unfavorable working conditions - gas pollution, harmful fumes, poisons, dust.

Risk factors play a role in the development of superficial gastritis:

The disease is characterized by the presence of a large number of development options. They depend on the location and features. There are types of superficial gastritis:

  • focal – affects a specific area;
  • atrophic – characterized by degeneration of the gastric glands;
  • fundamental – autoimmune – develops under the influence of antibodies;
  • antral - touches the surface at the exit from the stomach;
  • catarrhal gastritis - caused by improper food intake;
  • with erosions – has lesions on the mucous membrane in the form of wounds.

When describing the disease, superficial gastritis is usually presented by type:

  • erythematous - appears due to food allergies;
  • hyperplastic – characterized by the formation of folds and growths of epithelial tissue;
  • diffuse – spread over the entire surface of the stomach;
  • hemorrhagic – characterized by the presence of bleeding;
  • mixed – has a combination of several types of gastritis;
  • Helicobacter - caused by the activity of bacteria, requires urgent treatment, and can become chronic.

Focal superficial gastritis

One of the most common forms is damage to mucous tissue by individual fragments. Gastritis is superficial; in this case, the deep layers of the stomach are not affected. More often, the location of inflammation becomes the lower section, which passes into the duodenum. Superficial focal gastritis, other than Helicobacter pylori, can occur for the following reasons:

  • pathologies of the biliary tract;
  • mechanical, chemical irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • endocrine diseases.

Focal superficial gastritis does not differ in specific symptoms, except for the main one - a point location of pain. It intensifies when eating irritating foods - spicy, smoked, alcohol. The course of the disease is characterized by:

  • loss of appetite;
  • constant feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • constant feeling of nausea;
  • distension;
  • the appearance of vomiting;
  • belching;
  • stool disorder;
  • frequent heartburn.

Diffuse superficial gastritis

This type of superficial disease is a chronic inflammation that affects all areas of the stomach. The process can develop for several years, often signs appear when serious damage occurs - deformation of the walls, disappearance of ferrous elements. The situation can lead to the development of cancer, inflammation of the inner lining of the esophagus. The causes of the formation of superficial pathology are:

  • poor nutrition;
  • stressful situations;
  • impaired immunity;
  • drug abuse;
  • presence of Helicobacter pylori;
  • bad habits - alcohol, smoking.

Diffuse superficial gastritis can be successfully treated, since the causes that cause it can be eliminated by the patient. With the disease, there is an increase in spreading pain, which quickly intensifies when eating fatty and fried foods. Characteristic symptoms:

  • stool disorder;
  • feeling of nausea;
  • vomiting during exacerbation;
  • flatulence;
  • weight loss;
  • weakness;
  • fatigue;
  • sleep disorders.

Stages of superficial gastritis

During the development of the disease, points are identified that help accurate diagnosis. In medicine, the following stages of superficial gastritis are accepted:

  • the first - mild - is characterized by a small number of atrophied cells, the tissues are inflamed to the junction with the duodenum;
  • the second – moderately expressed – the superficial and middle glandular tissues are covered, the number of weakened cells increases;
  • third - all mucous membranes up to the muscle layers are affected by inflammation, atrophied structures are sharply enlarged.

Treatment of superficial gastritis

To improve the patient's condition with a disease of the superficial tissues of the gastric mucosa, the complex use of medications is required, aimed at solving several problems. What medications will be the main ones, the duration of the course is determined by the attending physician based on the results of the examination. If you seek help in a timely manner, the prognosis for recovery from gastritis is positive. The following drugs are prescribed:

  • analgesic – Ketorol;
  • antispasmodic - Odeston;
  • sedative – Nozepam;
  • iron-containing – Tardiferon.

Treatment of superficial gastritis involves the use of products that can be purchased in pharmacies. At the recovery stage, the following are recommended: physiotherapy, ozone therapy, physical therapy. Prescribed medications:

  • antibiotics - if Helicobacter pylori bacteria are detected - Sumamed, Metronidazole;
  • reduces the amount of acid – Omeprozole;
  • restores mucous membranes - Omez;
  • reduce acidity – Almagel;
  • act as general strengthening vitamin complexes;
  • at low acidity - enzymes - Enzistal.

Treatment of superficial gastritis with folk remedies

In addition to the basic methods of combating the disease, healers' recipes are used. Treatment of superficial gastritis with folk remedies involves the use of:

  • freshly prepared juices - cabbage, potato;
  • decoction of flaxseed, oats;
  • raw quail eggs;
  • mixtures of aloe juice and honey;
  • decoction of herbs - St. John's wort, celandine chamomile;
  • sea ​​buckthorn oil.

Diet for superficial gastritis

Diet plays an important role in stabilizing the condition of the disease. It is necessary to change the cooking technology so that the food is not fried or smoked. Give preference to boiling, baking, and steamed recipes. Allowed to use:

  • stale white bread;
  • pureed soups - vegetable, with lean meat;
  • porridge from buckwheat, rice, oatmeal;
  • poultry, fish;
  • meat without fat;
  • dairy products;
  • for vitamin balance – vegetables, fruits – pureed or boiled;
  • sweets – dried fruits, honey;
  • tea, not sour juices.

The diet for superficial gastritis involves split meals and has restrictions, which include food that irritates the gastric mucosa. The following were banned:

  • hot, salty, sour, spicy food;
  • highly concentrated meat broths;
  • raw fiber vegetables;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • canned products;
  • flavor enhancers;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • spices.

Prevention of superficial gastritis

To prevent the development of the disease, it is important to adhere to certain rules. Many reasons for the progression of superficial pathology depend on the patient’s lifestyle. For the purpose of prevention, doctors give the following recommendations:

  • cure diseases of the digestive system;
  • prevent them from becoming chronic;
  • be regularly examined by a gastroenterologist;
  • correct allergic diseases;
  • eliminate foci of chronic infections.

The main measures to prevent superficial gastritis include:

  • to give up smoking;
  • organization of proper nutrition;
  • improvement of working conditions;
  • weight control;
  • full healthy sleep;
  • elimination of stressful situations;
  • compliance with work and rest schedules;
  • avoiding alcohol consumption;
  • refusal of medications that irritate the mucous membrane;
  • Seeing a doctor at the initial stage of the disease.

Video: Nutrition for superficial gastritis

Diffuse gastritis is a form of inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Today, most of the world's population is susceptible to the disease. The specificity of the disease lies in the uniform distribution of the inflammatory process throughout the lining of the digestive organ.

Gastritis is considered a serious disease that cannot be treated indifferently. As practice shows, in many cases, untreated inflammation provokes the development of stomach ulcers. If a person discovers the first signs of diffuse gastritis, he urgently needs to consult a doctor to prescribe an examination and proper therapy.

The success of therapy for diffuse gastritis is largely determined by identifying the cause of the disease and immediately contacting a gastroenterologist.

At first, the patient will have to limit his food intake; only tea and mineral water are allowed among drinks. Further, during therapy, it is necessary to exclude certain foods from the usual diet.

Medicines for the diffuse form of gastritis are prescribed based on the factors that caused the inflammation and the symptoms. Antibacterial, antispasmodic, antiemetic, analgesics, carminative or antidiarrheal drugs are prescribed. Vitamin complexes are prescribed.

Treatment of gastritis continues for 2 months. The duration of treatment is influenced by the form and severity of the disease.


An important point in the treatment of diffuse gastritis is the maintenance of a special diet. If the patient neglects the diet, treatment solely with medications will not bring fruitful results.

A diet for inflammation of the gastric mucosa involves avoiding the list of products:

  1. Fried, salty and fatty foods;
  2. Hot spices;
  3. Smoked food;
  4. Strong coffee and tea;
  5. Alcohol;
  6. Too rough products.

The patient's diet must include porridge, especially buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, meat and fish with the exception of fat. Drinking fermented milk drinks is allowed. It is advisable to steam or boil food, or bake it in its own juice. During this period, the body will benefit from light soups. You will need to take into account the temperature of the food. Hot or cold food is harmful during the treatment of diffuse gastritis.

As with other inflammations of the mucous membrane, nutrition is divided. The patient should eat frequently, at least 5 times a day, in small portions. This allows you not to feel hungry without overeating at the same time.

Folk remedies

Non-drug medications will have a beneficial effect on the body during treatment. First, you will need to consult with your doctor to make sure whether you should resort to home therapy.

Traditional medicine has created hundreds of recipes for diseases; many doctors do not hesitate to turn to it when prescribing therapy for a patient. There are remedies against diffuse gastritis. If the patient decides to resort to traditional medicine, it is forbidden to stop treatment with traditional methods. Non-drug therapy will be an addition to the diet that a person follows and will contribute to a speedy recovery.

Remember, selected herbs in the recipe can cause allergies in the patient. It is worth finding out in advance about the presence of allergic reactions. If these are unknown, you will have to exclude recipes that contain questionable components. It is not recommended to treat children, adolescents and women during pregnancy with folk remedies due to the risk of developing allergies.

There are a number of recipes that are effective in the treatment of diffuse gastritis:

  1. Recipe for pain and heartburn. If diffuse gastritis is characterized by pain and heartburn, the patient is recommended to resort to a prescription. To prepare, you need to pour mint, cumin seeds, calamus root, St. John's wort and plantain into a container with boiled water. Let it brew for 12 hours. The amount of ingredients is determined by the volume of the container. It is recommended to take the tincture every morning before meals for a month.
  2. A prescription for pain. If the patient is suffering from severe pain, it is possible to try a different recipe. The composition includes licorice root, fennel, linden flowers and mint. To prepare, place the mixture in a saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. Leave for three hours. Use the tincture in the morning before meals and before bed.
  3. Flax seed recipe. It is considered an effective way to cure diffuse gastritis, especially the chronic form: flaxseed oil is used. A decoction of flax is effective in suppressing pain symptoms. It is not prohibited to take them together. To prepare the decoction, pour a glass of water into a portion of flax seeds and boil. When the decoction has cooled, you will need to take it immediately. Oil should be prepared in the same way, but with the addition of refined oil. Then the liquid is infused for at least a week. Take a teaspoon of oil before meals for a month. The method is recommended by many doctors.

In addition to the basic recipes, there are special properties of potato juice, chamomile and aloe, which speed up treatment.


It is possible to eliminate the possibility of progression of a diffuse form of gastric inflammation if you follow the recommendations regarding a healthy diet. A healthy lifestyle, nutritious and regular meals, and the elimination of harmful habits help reduce the risk. Folk remedies can be used as prevention. They reduce pain symptoms and protect the body from various disorders. This attitude towards one’s own body will protect a person from possible pathologies.