Pain in the joint of the right hand. Hand joints hurt, treatment with folk remedies

The hand is a rather fragile element of our body, and therefore, when it is exposed to such factors as hypothermia, physical activity, as well as monotonous work, for example, when spending long and regular time at the computer, it begins to bother us with various unpleasant sensations. However, pain in the left or right hand is not always caused by the above reasons; Often such pain syndrome indicates the presence of certain diseases, which in turn can be quite dangerous to our health. So what diseases are we talking about? And why does the left or right hand hurt? In this article we will answer this question for you.

Why does my left or right hand hurt: reasons

So, as we have already said, pain in the hand can occur due to various reasons, which also include various diseases and pathologies. Next, we will tell you about the most common causes of pain in the hand:

    Tunnel syndrome.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common cause of pain in the hands. The essence of this pathology is the pinching of the nerve, which is located in the carpal canal and which stretches from the forearm to the hands. So why does this infringement occur? As a rule, this disease is familiar firsthand to those who engage in monotonous manual work, as a result of which the hands are in the same position for a long time.

As for the pain itself, with carpal tunnel syndrome the patient usually experiences aching pain in the hands, which occurs regularly. Moreover, in addition to the painful sensations themselves, with the above pathology, numbness of the fingers also occurs, with the exception of the little finger. By the way, such numbness, as a rule, occurs at night, causing a lot of suffering to its “owner”. It is worth considering that carpal tunnel syndrome is a rather insidious pathology, which, if left untreated, can result in atrophy of the muscles of the thumb, and, accordingly, to disability;

    Rheumatoid arthritis.

This disease is in second place on the list of the most common reasons as a result of which we can feel pain in the hands. As a rule, middle-aged people are more susceptible to this disease, however, it is not uncommon for the younger generation to be faced with a similar diagnosis.

As for the manifestation of this disease, rheumatoid arthritis “makes itself felt” with such a symptom as pain in the index and middle fingers. Over time, when the disease begins to progress, it spreads to neighboring joints, as a result of which we may experience aching pain in the hand of the left or right hand.

As for the painful sensations themselves, with this diagnosis the pain is not very annoying, however, there are other accompanying symptoms that indicate the presence of rheumatoid arthritis. And we are talking about such symptoms as redness of the skin in the area of ​​the affected joint, while the skin becomes warm to the touch.

It is worth considering that if you do not pay attention to this disease, then in the future it can lead to tendon destruction, which is why if the above symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a specialist;

Ordinary arthritis differs from rheumatoid arthritis in the cause of the disease. And now we are talking about the presence of infection in the joints of the hands themselves. If this disease occurs in an acute form, then in this situation the patient experiences quite intense pain in the hands, while the skin itself becomes warm and red. At the moment when the disease is in its chronic form, then in this situation the patient is little bothered by any painful sensations, however, this is the main insidiousness of arthritis, because in this way gradual destruction of the joint occurs, which as a result can cause disability;


The essence of this pathology is the presence of an inflammatory process that occurs in the tendons and ligaments of the hands. As for the manifestation of this disease, with peritendinitis the patient is bothered by painful sensations in the left and right hands, which are aching and pulling in nature. As a rule, the pain itself occurs even with the slightest pressure on the wrist or with slight movement of the hand.

As for the causes of this disease, peritendinitis develops as a result of the same reasons as carpal tunnel syndrome - spending a long time in front of the computer and monotonous manual work lead to the development of this syndrome;


As we have already said, the hand is a rather fragile element of our body, which experiences significant physical activity every day. Due to many factors, over time, cartilage wears out, which in turn leads to the formation of spine-like growths that put pressure on all surrounding tissues. It is this process that causes the occurrence of painful sensations that regularly bother its “owner”. In most cases, this pathology develops in the knee and hip joints, however, it often affects the joints of the hands.

As for the painful sensations themselves, the patient is bothered by aching pain in the joints of the fingers, as well as in the hands. There is also pain when pressing on the wrist itself;

    Various hand injuries.

Quite often, pain in the hands occurs as a result of an injury, which can be divided into three groups. Below we will look at these groups in more detail:

    Any bone damage. This concept refers to fractures that occur as a result of a fall or as a result of a severe injury to the hand. Depending on where the fracture occurred, the patient may experience pain of a different nature. So, for example, someone experiences slight swelling at the fracture site and barely noticeable pain, while others experience very severe pain;

    Injuries of tendons and joint-ligamentous apparatus. Tears and sprains of ligaments, as well as dislocations, in most cases manifest themselves quite clearly - the patient is faced with severe and prolonged painful sensations. Moreover, in the case of a dislocation, this cause of pain can be recognized visually;

    Muscle injuries. As a rule, any muscle injury occurs as a result of a bruise, while there is no external damage. In this situation, it is imperative to contact a medical institution for an X-ray to exclude the possibility of a fracture.

Why does my left or right hand hurt: treatment

As you can see, a symptom such as pain in the hands may indicate the presence of serious diseases, which in turn can pose a threat to our health, which is why if painful sensations regularly occur in the above area, it is necessary to contact an appropriate specialist to undergo an examination and prescribe adequate treatment . So which specialist should you contact if you experience pain in your hands? In this situation, you can make an appointment with a rheumatologist, who, after examining you and completing all the necessary procedures, can refer you to a neurologist, surgeon or traumatologist.

First of all, the specialist should prescribe an x-ray for you, as a result of which it will be possible to exclude diseases that may pose a threat to the patient’s life. And in this situation we are talking about pathologies such as protrusion of intervertebral discs and various heart diseases. If X-rays are not enough, then in this situation the patient is also prescribed procedures such as ultrasound examination (US) and magnetic resonance therapy (MRI). Also, in addition to visual examination and palpation, a specialist can take certain samples that help determine whether there is a connection between the occurrence of pain in the hands and diseases such as diabetes, gout, rheumatism, etc.

After the diagnosis is established, the patient is prescribed treatment, which in turn is aimed at eliminating the painful sensations in the hands, as well as restoring all bone functions and improving blood circulation. As for the treatment itself, in most cases the specialist prescribes painkillers, as well as drugs that can eliminate the inflammatory process. If the disease is severe, then hormone injections may be prescribed as an additional measure.

In addition to taking certain medications, patients are also recommended to do various compresses that speed up the healing process. However, remember that you cannot prescribe treatment for yourself, because in this way you can only worsen your situation.

As you can see, pain in the left or right hand can occur as a result of the presence of many diseases, untreated which can negatively affect our health, and in some cases lead to disability. That is why, if the above symptom occurs, it is imperative to contact an appropriate specialist for examination and treatment.

There is a strong load on the hand all the time. Every day people do something with their hands, sometimes perform complex tasks, work all day at the computer. If your hands are sore, this is a signal: pathologies of the joints or internal organs have arisen.

Why does my hand hurt?

There can be many reasons for pain. For example, increased loads arising from violations of the rest and work regime. The joints of the hand receive microtrauma and hurt if there is a strong load on them.

Unpleasant sensations in the hands can occur if a person suddenly begins to do intense physical exercise. As a result:

  • sprains;
  • bruises;
  • microtrauma.

Pain in the left hand may indicate a cardiac problem, such as ischemia. Another reason is pinched nerve of the cervical or thoracic spine. Similar signs occur in patients who suffer from osteochondrosis or other pathologies associated with hernias, protrusions and injuries to cartilage tissue.

In advanced situations, tissue innervation may be disrupted, this leads to muscle tissue atrophying, and a person completely loses control over fine motor skills of the hands.

Other causes include inflammation of the ligaments of the hand and peritendinitis. The problem is related to working on a laptop for a long time. And pain manifests itself even with light pressure. Inflamed joints also indicate infectious processes or disorders in the body's autoimmune system.

When pain occurs in the hands, the reasons can be different: from disease to injury. For example, if the hand is swollen, this is sometimes associated with damage to the thin bones in the phalanges of the fingers.

With symmetrical joint damage, inflammation and hyperemia, rheumatoid arthritis can be suspected. This disease worries not only pensioners, but also children and adults.

If there is numbness in the fingers, there is a suspicion of problems with blood circulation in the upper limb. The problem may be caused by an uncomfortable position during a night's rest or the wrong choice of clothing: too narrow sleeves or gloves.

If your hand hurts when a person clenches it into a fist, this indicates inflammatory processes or salt deposition.

Diagnosis of hand joint diseases

It is difficult to identify diseases of the hand joints in order to then prescribe complex treatment. In addition to conducting a survey and collecting patient complaints, the doctor carries out a clinical examination. Sometimes manual muscle testing is used, for example, to determine what sensations arise when bending the wrist.

In order to more accurately diagnose the problem that caused pain in the hand, instrumental diagnostics may be prescribed:

  • X-ray;
  • ultrasound;

If your wrists are swollen and painful, the cause may be a disease of the heart, blood vessels, or endocrine system. Most often, this symptom indicates diabetes mellitus or myocardial infarction, a pre-infarction condition.

The same symptoms may indicate other pathologies and disorders: vitamin deficiency, hormonal problems. Therefore, it is imperative to undergo diagnostics, because a diagnosis cannot be made only by the presence of signs.

Painful sensations may indicate tendinitis - inflammation in the tendon tissue. With such diseases, the patient is concerned about weakness in the hand, crunching, swelling and exacerbation of pain.

A doctor can diagnose osteoarthritis of the wrist joint - a disease that develops with fractures and improperly fused bones, sprained ligaments, metabolic problems, calcium deficiency, and systemic diseases.

As a result of diagnosis, the doctor can determine necrosis. Other symptoms include:

  • death of areas of bone tissue;
  • inflammatory processes in the joints;
  • severe pain when moving your arms, at rest, when touched;
  • swelling, rupture of carpal capillaries.

Thanks to diagnostics, it is possible to establish gout, de Quervain's disease, and lupus erythematosus. Raynaud's syndrome and other pathologies.

Which doctor should I contact?

If a person has pain in his hand when bending, what to do - go to the hospital. Because this symptom may indicate inflammation or salt deposits, it can be difficult to know which doctor to make an appointment with. If you have pain in your hands, consult:

  • traumatologist;
  • neurologist;
  • rheumatologist.

When severe pain is associated with damage, contact a surgeon or traumatologist. If the joints are swollen, inflamed and numb, come to a rheumatologist. Signs of carpal tunnel syndrome require consultation with a neurologist.

Sometimes it is difficult to establish the cause of the disease, so you need to undergo a comprehensive examination by a therapist, cardiologist, or endocrinologist.

You need to make an urgent appointment with a doctor if:

  • pain in the limb lasts more than 2 days;
  • fingers and palms lose sensitivity;
  • discomfort becomes more intense if a person experiences physical activity;
  • pain is accompanied by deformation of the joints or the entire hand;
  • it is difficult to move the joints of the hand;
  • pain is accompanied by swelling;
  • my hands hurt, it’s hard to bend my fingers.

How to treat pathologies?

Treatment directly depends on what caused it. If your joints and hands hurt, what to do: make a diagnosis. For example, if the pain is caused by injuries: fractures, ligament ruptures, sprains. Timely treatment helps to quickly restore the functions of the injured organ. As the tissue heals, the pain disappears.

Traditional methods include compresses with herbs: nettle, rosemary. Patients make applications with these decoctions. The mixture of herbs is brewed, a warm paste is prepared, applied to the limb and covered with polyethylene. Folk remedies do not always bring relief, so those who have pain in their palm should turn to a professional for help.

Since pain syndrome is not an independent disease, it can indicate a number of pathologies. Therefore, diseases need to be treated. And to dull the pain, painkillers are prescribed, and sometimes it is necessary to take anti-inflammatory pills. But such therapy provides only temporary relief because the medications do not address the cause of the pain.

If the cause of the discomfort is hidden in damage to the joints due to arthrosis or arthritis, then if traditional methods are ineffective, surgical intervention is performed. They can do endoprosthetics, which will help cope with the pain and restore the limbs to their former mobility.

For rehabilitation in the postoperative period, physiotherapeutic methods are used. It is worth taking a course of restorative procedures, signing up for exercise therapy or massage.

Prevention of hand pain

Pain in the right hand may indicate carpal tunnel syndrome - entrapment of the median nerve. Therefore, people who spend a lot of time at the computer and hold the mouse in their right hand should do preventive exercises so as not to feel numbness in their fingers, and then in the entire hand.

To prevent hand pain from bothering you, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • strengthen muscles with light gymnastics;
  • make monotonous repetitive movements, while working, do not forget to take breaks every half hour to stretch your limbs;
  • when playing sports, use equipment that will protect your hands;
  • do not get too cold, wear mittens and gloves in autumn, winter and summer;
  • stop smoking, because nicotine has a bad effect on blood vessels - they lose elasticity and narrow.

Eat a balanced diet - no caffeine, no excessive salt intake.

Strong, dexterous and at the same time fragile, defenseless, the hands are in first place in the number of merciless injuries. If your hand hurts, there are various possible reasons, from ligament rupture to fracture. However, very often pain signals a pathology within the body, warning of danger and requiring urgent measures to be taken.

Hand hurts - causes

There are many reasons why the hand hurts, but the presence of specific symptoms helps to accurately distinguish between diseases; it is not too difficult. The main ailments, the symptoms of which include pain in the hand, are as follows:

1. Tunnel, or carpal, syndrome

You sit at the computer all day and your hand hurts - the reasons may lie in the pinching of the median nerve. It lies in a rather narrow carpal tunnel, which stretches from the forearms to the hands. As a result of monotonous activity and prolonged stress, pathological thickening of the tendons adjacent to the nerve and swelling of the nerve itself are possible. The disease begins with a fear-inducing numbness in the fingers (except the little finger), then spreads to the entire hand. Discomfort and pain are felt along the median nerve. The disease especially causes a lot of torment at night - severe numbness and pain give no rest. And in the morning the condition is no better - the hand refuses to obey, the fingers do not want to hold small objects, the pain can spread over the entire length of the arm. If you ignore the first “bells” of the disease, you may remain disabled due to atrophy of the muscle fibers of the thumb.

2. Inflammation of tendons and ligaments - peritendinitis

There is swelling, a barely audible creaking, there are signs of inflammation and the hand hurts - the reasons should be sought in the condition of the tendon responsible for this part of the limb and for the condition of the ligaments. The leading sign of peritendinitis is a rather noticeable aching pain, which is activated even with light pressure and the slightest movement. The disease depends on the same reasons as the previous disease - long-term work at the computer, knitting and embroidery, lifting weights in an awkward position of the hand, monotonous movements with it.

3. Rheumatoid arthritis

This is the most common reason for hand pain. Middle-aged people are most susceptible to the disease, but children can also suffer from its manifestations. Starting in the joints of the index and middle fingers, arthritis begins its victorious ascent upward, affecting the joints that come in its way. If your hand hurts annoyingly and noticeably, you should look for the reasons in the wrist area, where small joints may be affected.

Painful manifestations are not too annoying with arthritis, they are of moderate severity, but the joints are swollen, the skin over them is red and warm. The main confirmation of the correctness of the diagnosis after a visual examination is the symmetry of the affected joints on both hands. In the morning, hand mobility is restored with great difficulty, sometimes it takes several tedious hours. With arthritis, not only joints are attacked, but also cartilage tissue and bone. If treatment is ignored over time, the tissues are destroyed, motor difficulties increase, and the hand becomes significantly deformed. Often occurring cases of dislocation of the affected joints can change the position of the hand, sometimes directing it in an unusual direction, towards the elbow. If your hand aches and hurts in the area of ​​the wrist joint, on the back side, the cause is a harbinger of a serious problem - a rupture of a damaged tendon.

4. Arthritis

Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, regular arthritis occurs due to infection in the joint. In the acute form, pronounced swelling, severe pain, fever and redness of the skin over the joints are observed. The sluggish chronic process hardly bothers you, only sometimes unobtrusively reminding you of its pain. This is the main danger of the disease, because the joints are slowly destroyed, and the person, without suffering from pain, does not rush to the doctor. Arthritis of the wrist joint is characterized by stiff movements in the morning and constant annoying pain, regardless of the load.

5. Osteoarthritis

The hand hurts - the reasons can be looked for in the condition of the cartilage tissue. Its early wear is manifested by dehydration and thinning of the cartilage. Specific growths in the form of thorns put pressure on all nearby tissues and cause constant pain. Most often, this disease “attacks” the hip and knee joints, but often causes pathological processes in the hands.

Pain is present in the small joints of the hands and in the area of ​​the metacarpal joint of the first finger. It intensifies after exercise and with light pressure. At night the pain recedes, but during the day it attacks with renewed vigor, which is facilitated by tension during some actions. Gradually, the disease progresses, the painful sensations do not subside even in a state of rest, and specific crunching sounds are heard in the joints. Exacerbations are replaced by remission; acute attacks can last for several days or months.

6. Injuries

The hand hurts - it is quite likely that the cause was injury. They can be divided into three groups:

- Bone damage - most often fractures that occur due to a fall or blow. Some of them may manifest as minor swelling and completely tolerable symptoms, while others show deformation of the hand and cause merciless pain. Therefore, incorrect diagnosis is possible, the errors of which are fraught with dangerous consequences - complete loss of joint mobility.

- Muscle injuries - usually occur as a result of a bruise, without damaging the skin, but with the occurrence of hematomas. X-ray is required; it must refute or confirm the presence of a fracture.

— Injuries of the articular-ligamentous apparatus and tendons - sprains and ruptures of ligaments, dislocations, subluxations. They usually occur against the background of quite severe pain and, unlike a fracture, can be diagnosed visually.

Attention! If there is swelling of the hand due to injury, remove jewelry, fix it in a stationary state and immediately apply cold.

7. The absence of reasons for pain in the hand in the form of injuries or joint damage should raise suspicion about the involvement of the cervical spine. In this case, if your hand hurts, the cause may be:

— osteochondrosis;

- radiculitis;

- intervertebral hernia;

- protrusion, or protrusion of the disc.

Attention! My left hand hurts - the reasons can be extremely serious. If pain is combined with severe pallor, shortness of breath and significant difficulty breathing, nausea and anxiety, pain behind the sternum and under the shoulder blade on the left, call an ambulance. Possible exacerbation of coronary artery disease or the presence of myocardial infarction.

Hand pain - diagnosis

Any pain is an unsafe symptom, especially when it is observed for a long time. If your hand hurts, diagnosis is made by a traumatologist, surgeon, rheumatologist or neurologist. First of all, the doctor seeks to exclude life-threatening painful conditions - injuries of the spinal column, disc protrusion, cardiac pathologies. The main assistant in this is radiography. Additional methods, if necessary, are ultrasound examination and magnetic resonance imaging. In addition, if the hand hurts, diagnosis includes clinical research methods - examination, anamnesis, palpation. Often the doctor prescribes various tests - for arthritis, rheumatism, gout, arthrosis, diabetes. After a full examination and diagnosis, a course of treatment is prescribed.

Hand pain - treatment

Pain in the hands not only deprives you of sleep and rest, but also makes it impossible to perform many usual activities. Therefore, when the hand hurts, treatment is carried out in three main directions:

— elimination of pain syndrome;

- relieving inflammation;

- normalization of blood flow;

- restoration of functionality.

Treatment depends on what caused the unpleasant syndromes to appear. When the hand hurts for a long time and intensely, independent treatment is strictly prohibited, in order to avoid complications and final loss of ability to work. The doctor copes with the consequences of the injury using elastic bandages, plaster or tight bandages. When a pathology is detected, a conservative or, only sometimes and rarely, surgical solution to the problem is prescribed.

In the vast majority of cases, if your hand hurts, treatment with medication is mandatory. It includes painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and glucocorticosteroid hormones. Special ointments help to enhance the effect of medications, which relieve pain and contribute to the gradual disappearance of the inflammatory process.

When your hand hurts, treatment using physiotherapeutic procedures gives excellent results. Magnetotherapy, electrophoresis, and the use of laser promote rapid recovery. The timely start of treatment and the combination of methods that effectively complement each other give hope for a quick result. After successful recovery from the acute stage of the disease, it is possible to continue treatment in the form of manual therapy, massage, and therapeutic exercises. At this stage, the use of traditional medicine recipes gives good results.

Hand pain - treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is a time-tested treatment method that can effectively complement the treatment prescribed by the doctor. You should not use them on your own; it is safer to enlist the support of your doctor. If a diagnosis has been made and it is known why the hand hurts, treatment with folk remedies can be very effective.

1. Honey and vodka are an excellent combination for treating pain in the hands. The first component has a nourishing effect on the joints, the second warms them up. Ordinary bandages are soaked in a mixture of components taken in equal quantities and wrapped around the sore hands overnight. The effect is observed after the first use.

2. Viburnum and lilac have long been famous for their life-saving and positive effects on joints. You can lubricate sore spots with tinctures based on them or make lotions. It is better to carry out the procedures before going to bed, wrapping the paste applied to the sore spots with polyethylene and a woolen scarf.

3. If your hand hurts, treatment with daily baths with essential oils will bring the desired relief.

Hand pain - prevention

In order to never experience all the troubles with your hands, it is enough to anticipate them and take preventive measures. This is especially true for those who have already experienced pain and inactivity of the joints. Your hand hurts - prevention will help avoid exacerbation of the disease. Work at the computer should be interrupted by a short rest; during sports or physical activity, protect your hands from bruises and other injuries, protect against hypothermia and do not neglect gloves. Only healthy food can be present on the table, and cigarettes and alcohol should be prohibited.

If you suffer from pain in your hands, then both sleeping at night and working during the day is very problematic. They can occur not only after a bruise or blow, but also as a result of certain diseases.

Various diseases cause pain in the hands. They are divided into two groups: first -

hand injuries (fracture, bruise, dislocation, sprain). The second group of diseases that cause pain in the hand are pathologies of joints, cartilage, bones and their inflammation. With such troubles as a dislocation, fracture, sprain, in addition to pain in the hand, swelling, sprains, tumors, and deformation of bone tissue occur. Such injuries are characterized by nagging and sharp pain. At the same time, the hand is inactive. Incorrect treatment can cause hand immobility.

If you sharply bend your arm or hand, you can stretch the ligaments or even tear them. The symptoms will be similar to those that occur with bruises and fractures. The hand and wrist become swollen, any movement is painful. In order to avoid serious complications, treatment should be started immediately. In case of pathology of the tendons of the hand, its movements are limited, swelling, tumors and various pains often occur. The person’s condition will noticeably worsen, and treatment will take longer if measures are not taken immediately. Also, inflammation of the tendons can spread to different parts of the hand and even to the other hand: for example, if the pain started in the left hand, then you may feel that your right hand also hurts.

All of these injuries lead to various diseases: tendinitis,

peritendinitis, tunnel syndrome. Peritendinitis is a disease in which the wrist joint and tendons of the hand become inflamed. Its symptoms are as follows: the thumb and index finger, and, consequently, the entire hand, are difficult to move due to pain in them. Tendinitis - with this disease, the flexor tendons that connect the metacarpal bones to the wrist become severely inflamed. Most often, people who do manual work or athletes suffer from this disease. You should consult a doctor as soon as possible, even with minor pain, as it can later develop into acute pain.

Carpal tunnel syndrome, or carpal tunnel syndrome, is a very serious disease. It causes inflammation of the nerve in the wrist. Inflammation is accompanied by severe pain in the hands. The hand as a whole becomes less mobile due to decreased mobility of the fingers. Carpal tunnel syndrome often occurs in musicians, surgeons, watchmakers and sculptors.

There are several types of pathologies of the wrist joints: rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthrosis, deforming osteoarthritis. Any pain in the hand can be associated with them. The nature of the pain is usually acute, sharp, long-lasting and nagging, very exhausting. Various complications may develop.

Osteoarthritis deformans is a disease of the cartilage of the radial joints of the wrist. Improperly healed fractures of the carpal bones are the main cause of this disease. A disease that damages the small joints of the hand (especially the wrist joint) is called rheumatoid arthritis. With it, the mobility of the fingers and hands is impaired. To avoid various complications, even with minor pain, you should contact a rheumatologist and undergo the prescribed treatment immediately.

Human hands are a part of the body that daily experiences heavy loads associated with a large number of movements. We may often not notice or not attach importance to the fact that we have injured or overstrained the joints in this place. Only when our hands hurt do we remember how important this part of the body is.

In case of injury - bruise, sprain, the damaged area is very painful. Athletes, schoolchildren who behave ineptly in physical education lessons, and people engaged in heavy physical labor are especially often injured. The latter include summer residents who, after a long period of inactivity at the beginning of the year, put a lot of strain on their hands in a fit of “impact work”, and then complain about inflamed joints and ligaments or that the hand swells. The latter case may be associated with unsatisfactory functioning of the heart and kidneys, which requires proper diagnosis.

Those who work a lot at the computer will develop a lump on their hand. This may be increased due to stress on the tendon or signs of rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis, when one of the manifestations of the disease is the formation of nodules in the periarticular area.

When the hand where the hand articulates at the wrist hurts, this may be a symptom of pinched nerve endings, which are observed in people who work at a computer for a long time or who, as part of their profession, have to keep their arms bent for a long time.

The hands may even become numb and lose sensation when a nerve is pinched. This can happen not only due to the fact that you work, but even during sleep - due to incorrect body position, when the cervical or thoracic spine is bent, as a result of which the nerve endings extending to the sides are pinched.

The joints of the hands hurt even after the objective cause has been cured. This may be the result of frequent injuries, such as knocking out a joint while playing basketball or volleyball. Or this may signal an untreated infection that remains inside the joints and now regularly worsens, causing inconvenience.

For whatever reason you experience discomfort in your hands, it is worth paying attention to the problem. In the initial stages, solving the problem is much easier. Get examined and if the onset of pathological processes is detected, timely treatment will help restore the functionality of the cartilage and ligaments. In advanced cases, a person may lose the ability to perform fine motor movements efficiently, which may affect the quality of everyday professional activities.

Deformed joints as a result of an advanced form of the disease will not only be painful, but also aesthetically unattractive to others and the person himself.

Causes of hand pain

Today there are many reasons for pain in the hands. This can include high loads associated with a violation of the work and rest regime, when, as a result of high load on the fingers, the joints receive microtrauma and begin to hurt.

The second feature is a sharp change from physical inactivity to intense physical exercise. This applies primarily to those who, after several months of very passive pastime, suddenly went to the gym or to the garden, where they showed maximum effort. As a result, he received bruises, sprains, and microtrauma.

You need to pay special attention when your left hand hurts. This symptom may indicate cardiac problems such as ischemia. The second reason may be a pinched nerve at the level of the cervical or thoracic spine. This is possible with osteochondrosis and other diseases associated with the destruction of cartilage tissue, hernias and protrusions.

The right hand, which is prevalent in most of the population, often becomes the target of the so-called “tunnel syndrome,” which involves pinching the median nerve. The first signs may be a feeling of numbness in the fingers, with the exception of the little finger. Afterwards, the numbness spreads to the entire hand.

In complex advanced cases, such a violation of tissue innervation leads to atrophy of muscle tissue, up to a complete loss of control over the function of fine motor skills. With carpal (tunnel) syndrome, pain can be especially noticeable at night.

Peritendinitis is an inflammatory process of tendons and ligaments. Caused by prolonged work at the computer and exercises related to fine motor skills. Pain is caused by even light pressure.

Inflamed joints of the hand can indicate both infectious diseases and disorders in the human autoimmune system, when the body perceives its own cells as foreign and begins to fight them.

In the phalanges of the fingers and metacarpus there are a large number of thin bones that are very easy to damage. If your hand is swollen, then you need to clearly determine the cause of this condition - this can be either a consequence of a disease or an injury that was not paid attention to in time.

Not only pensioners can suffer from rheumatoid arthritis - children and adults are also susceptible to it. The disease is characterized by symmetrical damage to the joints of the hands, their inflammation and hyperemia of the area.

Numb fingers is another sign that can become a serious symptom. Often it indicates a violation of the blood supply to the upper limb. It can manifest itself due to an uncomfortable body position during sleep, tight, tight clothing. Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine also causes a similar symptom.

Another disease is polyneuropathy, which can be either infectious or affect the nerves due to the development of other diseases. it may also indicate the presence of a blood clot that blocks the blood supply or puts pressure on a nerve ending.

When the hand hurts when clenched into a fist, this can be a signal of both inflammatory processes and possible deposition of salts in the joints of the hands. The final diagnosis can only be made by a doctor after a complete examination. It often happens that small joints are injured during stress. A person could simply carry a bag and not think it was a lot of weight, but in fact pull ligaments or tendons that later become inflamed.

There is no need to wonder why your hands hurt. You just need to go to an appointment with a specialist and find out the objective reason. Diagnostic methods can be x-rays, ultrasound, MRI, tests. Only after a complete history collection will the doctor be able to make a clear diagnosis.

What to do

When your hand hurts, the first thing to do is stop the activity you were doing and let your hands rest. Compliance with a work-rest regime is an excellent way to overcome pain from overexertion of the muscles, joints and tendons of the hands.

If you feel resistance or pain in your joints when bending, the reason may lie in various factors:

  • and, contributing to destruction;
  • , which is characterized by the deposition of salts in the joints and their deformation;
  • injuries and bruises;
  • swelling.

If the pain is severe, then most likely it is an injury - a sprain, bruise or dislocation. Another option is arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, which not only impedes movement, but is also accompanied by inflammation of the joints. In any of these cases, pain-relieving creams or ointments, which your doctor will prescribe to you, work well, based on the severity of the disease.

Muscle strain is relieved by massage and gymnastics, and you can do it yourself or contact a specialist who provides massage services. In this case, the entire metacarpal-carpal area is treated to allow the joints to function normally again, restore tissue lymphatic drainage and blood flow.

All kinds of baths and compresses can also have a healing effect and somewhat reduce the severity of manifestations. Such procedures are good in the initial stages. If the disease is advanced, then the benefits from such measures will be less.

If a child complains of soreness in his hands, then first of all it is necessary to understand whether there has been an injury and whether he is engaged in too many activities related to fine motor skills - playing musical instruments, drawing or writing.

Children can also develop rheumatoid arthritis due to hereditary predispositions. If you or your close relatives have joint diseases, then your child should be checked by a doctor for the presence of similar ailments.

What to do to prevent further development of the disease?

  • Reduce stress on joints during the day.
  • When receiving injuries, do not interrupt the course of treatment and rehabilitation, achieve complete recovery, so that untreated sprains and dislocations do not become a source of problems in the future.
  • Do not overcool your hands. Often this factor becomes the cause of joint damage. Gloves should not be neglected in the cold season. Hypothermia of the joints can cause the development of pathological processes due to disruption of metabolic processes and microcirculation, which helps provide nutrients.
  • Regularly do exercises and self-massage for your hands.

Even these simple preventive measures will help you avoid serious health problems in the future.


Pain in the hands can become an obstacle to not only professional activities, but also basic self-care activities. It will not be possible to ignore the problem, because without the opportunity to do usual things, a person will soon become very irritable and will look for ways to eliminate unpleasant sensations.

Treatment with folk remedies is very popular in Russia. Lilac flowers, walnut shells, fly agaric caps and dandelion root are used. All racks are made with vodka and infused for about 14 days in a dark room with periodic shaking. Afterwards, the tincture is filtered and consumed in small doses for 30 days.

It is unlikely that this method will be suitable if you do not have a chronic disease, you are not a herbalist who prepares herbs and roots with mushrooms on time, and you need help now, and not in 14 days.

If the joints of the hands and adjacent joints and ligaments are affected, the doctor may prescribe a comprehensive treatment aimed at eliminating pain, relieving inflammation, and restoring mobility of small joints. First of all, this will be drug treatment, and after relieving pain and inflammation, and only after that, physiotherapeutic procedures will help restore all impaired functions in the hands.

If you are prescribed chondroprotectors, be sure to take the course. Even if everything is fine with you at the moment, the doctor prescribes them in order to give you the opportunity to prevent the further development of degenerative processes.

Sometimes they are prescribed both by injection and in tablet form. Entering the body in two ways, chondroprotectors work more efficiently. Also, do not neglect the course of antibiotics, because joint damage can be infectious. Without treatment, you will transfer the infection to a latent form, which will subsequently worsen regularly.

Under the influence of infection, joints can be destroyed much faster; moreover, bacteria will be spread throughout the body through the bloodstream, which threatens the appearance of new lesions.

The patient’s task is to follow all the doctor’s instructions and complete the course of treatment so that one can confidently say about its effectiveness. Correct treatment begins with a diagnosis; for it you need to undergo an examination for autoimmune diseases, destructive processes of cartilage tissue and pinched nerve endings. Only after all the diagnostic procedures have been performed, the doctor will indicate how to treat soreness in the hands in your specific case.