Is open tuberculosis curable? Is tuberculosis curable or not? Treatment methods. Is it possible to cure tuberculosis?

It has been treated for many millennia. Tuberculosis was known and treated back in the Stone Age. Can tuberculosis, a terrible lung disease, be cured? The disease in Ancient Greece had the term “phthisis” (exhaustion) - due to the characteristic state of the body of patients.

Our people called the disease: evil dryness, consumptive grief, sickness in the swivel (damage to the hip joint), hump disease (a hump appeared), etc. It carried away, like cholera and typhoid, millions of people. Today, of course, it’s not so bad.

Doctors have an abundance of about 20 effective anti-tuberculosis drugs, to help them there are time-tested ones, which together make it possible to cure it completely. The main thing is to detect the symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis in time (cough with blood and sputum, prolonged headaches, severe sweating, pain in the side, weight loss) and persistent treatment in full.

How is tuberculosis transmitted?

The main problem is, unfortunately, that tuberculosis is transmitted very easily. In the country, material and living conditions are not improving, and measures to combat it and prevent it are not sufficient. The number of patients who almost continuously (sneezing, talking, coughing) secrete an infection with sputum - Koch bacilli (mycobacteria) - is growing sharply.

Droplets of sputum or mucus with bacilli from the patient scatter 1-9 meters. Each of them contains up to 20 tuberculosis bacilli. Large droplets settle on the ground or floor, but small droplets remain in the air and easily penetrate into the respiratory organs of other people. Dust with settled microbes is even more dangerous. They die quickly in the sun, but remain strong indoors. When air moves, sweeping the floor, they rise and are inhaled by the lungs.

Once infected, a healthy person can cope with tuberculosis without getting sick. But if he is weakened (by chronic lack of sleep, overwork, smoking, stress, malnutrition, alcohol and other serious illnesses), then illness is on his doorstep.

Tuberculosis is practically not transmitted from patients with extrapulmonary forms. But it should be remembered that patients with tuberculosis of the genitourinary organs and kidneys excrete mycobacteria in the urine, with tuberculosis of the lymph nodes - with pus from fistulas and ulcers, and intestines - with feces. It's also dangerous. Livestock infected with infection is dangerous. From his milk you can become infected with mycobacteria of the bovine type. Even cats and dogs transmit tuberculosis when they get sick by eating waste from tuberculosis clinics, hospitals, and sanatoriums.

In Rus', bear or pork fat has long been used for consumption. But they upset the functioning of the stomach and liver. Herbalists recommend herbal remedies.

It is indispensable for patients. The preparation of the drug is simple: grate the radish and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. A liter of juice is mixed with 400 grams of liquid honey. Drink 1-2 tablespoons before meals and bedtime.

The fruits of Schisandra chinensis, birch sap, gooseberries, cloudberries, wild rosemary herb, sage leaves, aloe infusions, and pine buds are useful. You can take pure birch resin orally (3 times a day, 5-10 drops), washed down with carrot juice or coffee made from roasted wheat, barley, or oats. Eat and drink these wonderful gifts of nature, even when you are cured.

If the TB doctor’s office is far from you, there is no way to get to the doctor, and there are fears that you are infected, then you can improve your condition for now by taking the following measures:

Start wiping yourself with cold water, walk barefoot on wet grass, dew, stones. Eat noodle soup, drink more milk with honey, eat fried meat, boiled carrots, millet porridge. Avoid salty foods. Even if your fears are in vain, you will improve your condition.

How is tuberculosis treated?

If the disease cannot be contained, the patient must undergo treatment at a tuberculosis clinic for at least 3-4 months, followed by a year of outpatient treatment under the supervision of a TB specialist, observing a strict lifestyle and taking medications.

Tuberculosis is usually treated with chemotherapy (the surgical method is resorted to in extreme stages), simultaneously prescribing several drugs (rifampicin, tubazid, streptomycin, ftivazid). Why? Each of these drugs affects different systems of the microbial cell. In addition, mycobacteria can peacefully and quickly get along with one medicine, but with 2-3 they will no longer be able to do this.

Don’t forget: “from vodka to consumption is a short journey.” Tuberculosis is 6 times more likely than in non-drinkers, and occurs in drunkards with a weakened body. The disease process develops much faster in them. Where does the harmful gray cloud go, with which the smoker inhales - another sure candidate for consumptives? Soot is deposited on the mucous membranes of the larynx, nasopharynx, bronchi, trachea (). Infectious sputum enters healthy parts of the lungs. Give up the cigarette!

One more thing. Take care of your family and family ties. According to statistics and medical observations, tuberculosis is observed less frequently in married people. Divorced people suffer from it 4 times more often, and widowers 2 times more often.

This was information on the topic: “Can tuberculosis be cured?”

Or no, in the 21st century you don’t even have to argue, because the answer is obvious - it can be treated. However, in exceptional cases, with chronic forms of the disease, it will only be possible to stop the pathological condition or alleviate its course. Pulmonologists insist on the effectiveness of combined treatment, as well as the use of additional techniques: physiotherapy, breathing exercises and others.

For a complete cure for tuberculosis, the most active restorative measure will be a combined therapeutic course. It should include anti-tuberculosis drugs, symptomatic drugs and drugs that improve the functioning of the immune system. Their use must begin with minimal dosages, gradually increasing to maximum, which will allow you to quickly cope with inflammation in the lungs.

If the patient does not have the opportunity to use certain drugs (due to allergic reactions or weak immunity), then they are replaced with weaker components or physiological procedures.

It is important that therapy at each stage is monitored by a pulmonologist or TB specialist. In this case, combined treatment will be the most effective and completely restore the human body.

How to heal a child

Is it possible to cure tuberculosis in a child and how exactly to do it? Childhood tuberculosis has specific treatment options. They are that the use of 70% of medications is unacceptable because it can weaken the immune system or cause hormonal imbalance. In this regard, doctors insist on:

  • the use of symptomatic drugs that relieve the main manifestations of the pathological condition;
  • the use of anti-tuberculosis drugs, but in minimal quantities and only after a thorough diagnostic check for the compatibility of the body;
  • introduction of additional activities - breathing exercises, hardening, physiotherapy and massage.

With the simultaneous use of symptomatic drugs and additional techniques, the effect will be maximum. If there is no positive result for childhood tuberculosis within 3-4 months from the start of treatment, surgical intervention is resorted to. It allows you to restore the affected part of the lungs, remove accumulated mucus and other fluids that aggravate the respiratory process. After surgery, the probability of final recovery from tuberculosis is 87%.

Treatment of the elderly

Restoring the body in older people is always a responsible undertaking, and therefore the question of whether tuberculosis is curable is quite relevant in this case. In people over 55 years of age, body functions weaken and become depleted. Unlike childhood, treatment is complicated by the fact that full recovery is impossible even with the use of vitamin and immunomodulatory complexes.

In this regard, pulmonologists insist on the most careful treatment for pathological conditions. It should include analgesics and painkillers, vitamins of various groups - from A to C and E. An indispensable attribute is the use of measures related to physiotherapy and breathing exercises. If the treatment is completely carried out under the supervision of a specialist, the effect will not be long in coming.

It is important to consider that with chronic tuberculosis in people over 55 years of age, the effect of treatment is reduced to nothing. This is due to the critical deterioration of the body’s functioning and the low susceptibility of anti-tuberculosis drugs.

Physiotherapy standards

One of the main norms for overcoming such an insidious disease as pulmonary tuberculosis is physiotherapy. Its significant advantage lies in the possibility of use by people of all ages and even in the presence of complications. Given the wide range of methods used in physiotherapy, it is necessary to carefully approach this issue.

The type of therapy presented includes treatment with ultrasound, laser, and magnetic fields. Each of the listed methods has its own disadvantages and nuances that must be taken into account in case of tuberculosis. Therefore, when starting to use physiotherapy, it is recommended to consult a phthisiatrician.

In general, the presented method is an excellent method for stopping the disease and preventing the development of complications. It will be possible to increase the degree of its effectiveness using breathing exercises and other techniques.

Breathing exercises

Can tuberculosis be treated with respiratory exercises? This is a question asked by many who want to cope with this disease. It is necessary to note the following nuances of breathing exercises:

  • they allow you to strengthen and optimize the condition of the muscles of the thoracic region and upper shoulder girdle, which are important because they take part in the respiratory process;
  • improve gas exchange due to optimization of ventilation of the lung area and bronchial tree;
  • help cope with pulmonary pathologies by improving respiratory function;
  • alleviate the course of heart and vascular diseases, which has a positive effect on the condition of the patient with tuberculosis.

There are at least 100 exercises in breathing exercises. Each of them is designed for a separate muscle group and allows you to train certain parts of the chest and pulmonary parenchyma. To correctly select the most optimal elements, you should consult not only a pulmonologist, but also other specialized specialists: a therapist, a family doctor. This will increase the speed of healing, but if it does not exist, it is recommended to resort to additional methods of restoring the body.

Additional techniques

Additional methods of influence include those that strengthen the body and accelerate the effects of drugs. We are talking about vitamin and mineral complexes, the introduction of a special diet, and annual visits to seaside resorts and sanatoriums.

In order to speed up the healing process, special attention should be paid to eliminating bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drugs) and maintaining physical activity.

This requires daily walking, morning exercises and hardening are recommended. When this is combined with nutritious and partial nutrition, as well as the use of immunomodulatory drugs, the cure for tuberculosis will be 100%.

In order to achieve a quick cure for tuberculosis, correct and complete diagnosis is necessary. It will allow us to identify at what stage of development the disease is and what the affected area is. Based on the data presented, a recovery cycle is prescribed, and additional measures of influence are indicated. With such an integrated approach, treatment for tuberculosis will be as effective and efficient as possible.

Today, many drugs have been developed to combat tuberculosis, but people continue to die. Is tuberculosis curable or not? How effective are modern treatment methods? Not so long ago, consumption was considered an almost incurable disease. Consumption, consumptive grief - these are outdated names for tuberculosis. They characterize the condition of the patient, who was gradually “fading away.” Despite prevention methods, vaccination and modern methods of early diagnosis, doctors are constantly recording new infections and deaths from tuberculosis. Why is it so difficult to completely cure this insidious disease?

Tuberculosis is a specific infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MBT, Koch bacillus). MBTs are very viable. At a temperature of 23°C, they can be stored in a dark and humid place for up to 7 years. Mycobacterium tuberculosis is killed only after 5 minutes of boiling. They are resistant to acids, alkalis and alcohols. These properties of pathogens partly explain the widespread spread of the disease. The World Health Organization recognizes tuberculosis as a global problem.

The disease is a classic example of immune inflammation. Immune inflammation is a type of inflammatory process provoked by elements of the immune system. Once in the body, Koch's bacillus causes changes in a person's immune reactions. As a result, small pockets of inflammation appear. This stage of the disease is called primary tuberculosis.

Over time, inflammation subsides and heals, but mycobacteria can remain in the lesions, maintaining viability. When favorable conditions arise, the disease flares up with renewed vigor. Mycobacteria melt the protective capsule of the old lesion and provoke the development of re-inflammation. Activation of the inflammatory process can be caused by repeated infection.

During secondary infection, Koch's bacillus multiplies rapidly. It feeds on organ tissues and poisons them with the products of its vital activity. Through the blood and lymph, mycobacteria can spread throughout the body, forming new foci of inflammation.

Most often, tuberculosis affects the human respiratory system. But mycobacteria can also cause inflammation in the meninges, in the bones, in the intestines, in the organs of the genitourinary system, on the skin, even in the eyes.

Infection occurs through contact with a patient with open tuberculosis. The carrier spreads “aggressive” mycobacteria while talking, sneezing or coughing. Infection is possible due to the consumption of dairy products obtained from an animal with tuberculosis.

Can tuberculosis be cured? Changes in the immune system caused by Koch's bacillus prevent it from effectively fighting the disease. Under such conditions, the tuberculosis process remains highly active. This is another reason why the disease is so difficult to cure.

Currently, tuberculosis is curable. Complex multicomponent anti-tuberculosis drugs are used to treat the disease. This form of drugs allows one to overcome the high drug resistance of mycobacteria.

In modern practice, a four-component and even more powerful five-component anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy regimen is used. Multicomponent preparations contain 4 or 5 antibacterial anti-tuberculosis agents. If the disease cannot be treated, second-line chemotherapy is used. They have a stronger effect, but are highly toxic.

In the treatment of tuberculosis, great importance is given to the patient’s immune system. In people with weakened immune systems, the disease is especially difficult to cure. Patients are prescribed immunotropic drugs that stimulate the body's defenses. The introduction of immunomodulators allows you to quickly cope with inflammatory processes and achieve a complete cure. The newest immunostimulant polyoxidonium has additional properties. It reduces the toxicity of chemotherapy drugs and reduces their destructive effects on the body.

Can tuberculosis be cured in people taking drugs that suppress the immune system (immunosuppressants)? For patients taking immunosuppressants, their doses should be reduced or temporarily discontinued.

Patients suffering from alcoholism and drug addiction must undergo detoxification before using anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy. Detoxification is the destruction or removal of toxic substances from the body.

Hormonal therapy is rarely used due to the pronounced ability of hormonal drugs to suppress the immune system. It is prescribed in extreme cases, when there is acute inflammation and severe intoxication of the body.

In especially severe cases, when treatment does not give the desired result, surgical intervention is indicated. Parts of the affected lung are removed from the patient.

Is it possible to cure tuberculosis without drugs? When there were no effective ways to treat the disease, patients with consumption were sent to sanatoriums located in special climatic zones. Fresh air, a favorable climate and good nutrition made it possible to get rid of the disease forever. In the literature there are biographies of many famous people with tuberculosis who were cured in this way. It is difficult to overestimate the beneficial effects of a healthy lifestyle in the treatment of tuberculosis.

Clean air is of great importance for tuberculosis patients. Staying in coastal, forest and mountain regions is recommended. On the seashore, sea air and swimming in the sea have a healing effect. In mountainous areas, the patient is beneficially affected by low atmospheric pressure, partial pressure of oxygen and solar radiation. Forests also have a healing effect.

It is necessary to be in the fresh air as much as possible. Whenever possible, you need to go out into nature in your area of ​​residence. It is recommended to stay on the shore of a pond or in the forest. Sun and air baths are shown.

Pulmonary tuberculosis can be cured by providing the patient with adequate nutrition.

  1. The diet of tuberculosis patients should have enough protein. During treatment, it is recommended to increase caloric intake by 10% of the usual norm. This is necessary to maintain normal body weight and proper functioning of the body during treatment.
  2. The amount of minimum required protein is determined depending on the patient’s weight. Body weight should be multiplied by 1.5. The resulting figure will be the weight of protein in grams that a person should consume per day.
  3. The patient's daily menu should contain many foods rich in vitamins and microelements. Fruits, berries and vegetables should be consumed partially fresh. Fresh greens are needed, as well as legumes, grains, seeds, nuts, honey, potatoes and corn. Although plant foods are healthy, preference should be given to animal products.
  4. It is advisable to drink at least 3 cups of milk per day (goat milk is recommended), kefir or natural yogurt. The fat content of dairy products should not be high. And although the calorie content is welcome in the treatment of tuberculosis, animal fat is not very useful.
  5. Eggs (especially yolks), as well as vegetable fats and fish oil are recommended. It is better to cook fish rich in Omega-3 fatty acids.
  6. The diet should include a lot of lean meat chicken, beef and pork. It is useful to take vitamin complexes containing from 50 to 150% of the daily value of vitamins and minerals.
  7. Alcoholic drinks, coffee, processed foods, sausages, smoked meats, refined foods, products with dyes, trans fats, flavors and preservatives should be excluded from the menu.

Tuberculosis can be cured even at home if the patient is well cared for.

Is it possible to cure tuberculosis with folk remedies? Tuberculosis has been known for a long time, and there are many ways to treat it in folk medicine.

  1. Traditional healers recommended treating tuberculosis at home with milk and honey. 1 tbsp was dissolved in a cup of warm milk. l. honey and drink the remedy several times a day.
  2. Another beekeeping product, propolis, is no less effective. Melt 1 kg of butter in water and bring to a boil. Add 150 g of finely chopped propolis to it. The mixture is boiled over low heat, stirring, until the propolis is completely dissolved. The drug removed from the fire is filtered and poured into jars. Store in a cool and dark place. The healing mixture should be consumed 1 tsp. twice a day an hour before meals.
  3. Melted lard, honey, cocoa and butter in equal proportions are placed in an aluminum pan and simmered over low heat until the ingredients are completely dissolved. The cooled mixture is stored in a cool and dark place. Take 1 tsp. with warm milk three times a day.
  4. Oak leaves have spherical growths called galls. They are brewed like regular tea and drunk with honey.

People considered chopping wood in the forest, in the fresh air, to be an excellent remedy for tuberculosis. You can imitate similar movements. If it is not possible to go into the forest, it was recommended to place branches of spruce, pine or juniper in a vase at home.

Tuberculosis should be treated at home only after consultation with a doctor and under his supervision. You should consult a doctor at the first signs of illness. You should be alert for a persistent cough, rapid fatigue, a painful blush on the cheeks and a feverish shine in the eyes.

The disease cannot be ignored. If tuberculosis is not treated, it will progress, destroying the body. The disease or its complications can cause death.

Prevention of pathology

In order not to wonder whether tuberculosis is curable, it is recommended to engage in its prevention.

Prevention of the disease in children is timely vaccination. The BCG vaccine helps develop an immune response without infecting the child. Immunity lasts for 5 years after vaccination.

Adults are recommended to undergo an annual examination at the clinic in order to detect the first signs of the disease. If the doctor has the slightest suspicion of tuberculosis, the patient is given a chest x-ray and sputum is taken for analysis. He may be sent to a dispensary for a more thorough examination.

Other preventive measures are a healthy lifestyle, improvement of residential and industrial premises. They should not be stuffy, cluttered or dusty. The risk of infection in chronically malnourished people is very high.

Contact with carriers of the infection should be avoided. It is necessary to increase the body's defenses through hardening, water treatments and physical exercise.

Additional sources:

Complex therapy of tuberculosis. O.V. Semenova, G.B. Sokolova, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor I.V. Bogadelnikova, A.D. Kunichan Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology MMA named after. I.M. Sechenova, Moscow, magazine “Attending Physician”, issue No. 10, 2002.

The importance of immunomodulators in the treatment of patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. B.V. Pinegin, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V.A. Stakhanov, S.S. Arshinova State Scientific Center Institute of Immunology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Russian State Medical University, Moscow, journal “Attending Physician”, issue No. 8, 2001.


Of all infectious diseases, tuberculosis has enormous social significance. Is pulmonary tuberculosis curable? Despite scientific and technological progress, the introduction of new anti-tuberculosis drugs is lagging behind. This facilitates a very careful selection of a treatment regimen for the disease for each patient. Today, tuberculosis is one of the most socially significant diseases. This is due to the following factors:

  • widespread spread of infection;
  • the possibility of transfer from one person to another;
  • high resistance of mycobacteria to environmental conditions;
  • difficulty of treatment;
  • danger of pathogen release into the environment.

What is the etiology, clinical picture and treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis?

Characteristics of the disease

Pulmonary tuberculosis is an infectious pathology caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Today, about 2 billion people are infected with these microorganisms. However, not everyone gets sick. It all depends on the state of immunity and the presence of concomitant somatic pathology. About 9 million new cases of the disease are detected every year. A third of these patients die. Currently, tuberculosis has become a pandemic, as it affects almost all continents of the world. Every person has a risk of becoming infected. In most cases, transmission of infection is carried out by an aerosol mechanism. The most important route of transmission is airborne transmission. It is realized when sneezing, coughing and simple conversation. Until recently, the food route (by consuming raw milk from cattle) was relevant.

Patients with an active form of pulmonary tuberculosis pose the greatest epidemic danger to others, since in this situation pathogenic microbes are released into the environment in large quantities with sputum. Risk factors for developing pulmonary tuberculosis are:

  • long-term smoking;
  • presence of HIV infection;
  • poor nutrition;
  • presence of diabetes mellitus;
  • unsatisfactory living conditions;
  • close contact with patients (living together, using the same utensils).

For a long time, pulmonary tuberculosis can occur hidden. Clinically pronounced forms of the disease can cause the following symptoms:

  • slight increase in body temperature (up to 38 degrees);
  • painful cough with sputum discharge;
  • weakness;
  • lethargy;
  • decreased performance;
  • weight loss;
  • sweating;
  • discomfort and pain in the chest area;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • discharge of blood when coughing;
  • shortness of breath.

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Features of tuberculosis treatment

Many people wonder: can tuberculosis be cured? The success of therapy depends on several factors: the variety of mycobacteria, the choice of treatment regimen, and the patient’s compliance with this regimen.

Of course, not everyone can take medication regularly for several months. Nevertheless, drug therapy is the main method of treatment for such patients. It is known that mycobacteria are resistant to even the most modern drugs.

Drug resistance can be primary or acquired. The primary type of resistance occurs when specific therapy has not been previously carried out or was carried out in a short course (less than a month). Some mycobacteria are resistant to only one anti-TB drug. In this case, monoresistance occurs. In the case of resistance to two or more drugs, we are talking about multidrug resistance. There is also multiple, cross and super resistance. In this regard, today the most popular treatment regimen is one in which 4 to 5 drugs from different groups are used at once. Therapy consists of two stages: intensive treatment and prolonged treatment. The essence of the first is to stop the breakdown of tissue and eliminate the infiltrate. This stage lasts from six months to 2 years.

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Principles of therapy

Consistently, in compliance with certain rules. The most important conditions for successful recovery are the quality of the medications taken and compliance with the dosage regimen. Many patients think this: if I get treatment, then I’ll definitely get better. It is important to follow all doctor's recommendations. The main principles of chemotherapy for tuberculosis infection are:

  • complexity;
  • combination of pathogenetic and etiotropic treatment;
  • continuity;
  • duration;
  • phasing.

An individual approach to each patient is of no small importance. The choice of medication is determined by the sensitivity of the mycobacteria. In this case, immediately before treatment, culture is done on nutrient media and antibiotic sensitivity is determined. Another important aspect of treatment is monitoring the treatment. The easiest way is for medical personnel to be present with the patient while taking the medication. Medicines can also be prescribed by injection. In addition, it is possible to determine the level of the active substance in the urine.

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Treatment regimens used

Tuberculosis is treated with medications such as Rifampicin, Streptomycin, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, Ciprofloxacin. In a four-component treatment regimen, the first 4 of the medications described above are used. They can be replaced with Rifabutin, Kanamycin, Phtivazid, Ethionamide. With a five-component regimen, a drug from the fluoroquinolone group is additionally used. This may be Ofloxacin or Ciprofloxacin. First-line drugs include the following drugs: “Streptomycin”, “Isoniazid”, “Pyrazinamide”, “Rifampicin”, “Ethambutol”. "Streptomycin" is a representative of the group of aminoglycosides. It has a bacteriostatic effect. "Streptomycin" is administered intramuscularly or intravenously. The most common side effects include ototoxicity, imbalance, and dizziness.

Isoniazid is the most important drug against tuberculosis. It has a pronounced bactericidal effect. Most often it is prescribed orally in the form of tablets. Undesirable effects include the development of hepatitis, fever, neuropathy, rash, anemia and several others. Rifampicin is slightly less effective. This is a semi-synthetic antibiotic with a bactericidal effect. The mechanism of action is based on inhibition of RNA synthesis in microbial cells. Resistance to it develops quite quickly. The weakest is Ethambutol. It is not used in isolation; it is effective in combination with other medications. In the case of a short course of treatment of the disease, Pyrazinamide is indispensable. If there is no effect from these medications, then the doctor may prescribe Capreomycin, Cycloserine and other reserve medications.

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease that affects many body systems and is characterized by a specific “cold” inflammation. The disease is social in nature and affects all segments of the population without exception.

Over the course of phylogenesis, humanity has managed to overcome and bring under control many dangerous diseases, such as plague, cholera, malaria, smallpox, but it is still not possible to overcome tuberculosis infection. This disease occupies a leading position among all life-threatening pathologies in many countries of the world.

Many people wonder whether tuberculosis can be cured. Despite the danger, the scale of the lesion, possible disabling consequences and death, tuberculosis is treatable. The result of therapy can even be at a very good level, but this depends on a whole list of conditions.

The peculiarity of this disease is that it can take from several months to several years until a characteristic clinical picture appears. This is a fairly long period of time during which it is possible to either stop the disease in its very inception, or allow the progression of the disease and the development of a whole bunch of complications.

Moreover, tuberculosis infection has several variants of the clinical course - it is easy to confuse it with other known diseases. This property of the manifestation of the disease has long been called “therapeutic masks.”

Tuberculosis can have the following “masks”: influenza-like, pneumonic, rheumatic, neurological, lupus and hematological. In this case, the disease often begins with such banal complaints as fatigue, weakness, malaise, loss of appetite, sleep disturbance, and changes in body temperature.

Only special diagnostic methods will allow us to determine a specific disease in a particular case. These include x-ray diagnostics of the lungs, bacterioscopy and sputum bacteriology, tuberculin diagnostics. At the same time, it is extremely important to report all complaints, concerns and suspicions at the appointment with the attending physician - indicate the possible cause of the deterioration of the condition, with whom and when there was contact, honestly answer the questions posed and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Is the disease always treatable?

It is impossible to say categorically whether tuberculosis is curable or not. In each specific case, the outcome may be different. There is a certain list of treatment principles, adherence to which will tip the scales in a positive direction:

How long does treatment take?

It is difficult to name a specific period of recovery from tuberculosis infection. The situation is assessed individually in each case. On average, tuberculosis treatment takes about six months.


Drug therapy is the main method of treating tuberculosis. There are about 20 drugs and 5 of their groups that are used today. Initial therapy consists of using a minimum combination of four drugs. They have high antibacterial activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

The main first-line drugs are: Isoniazid, Rifampicin, Ethambutol, Pyrazinamide. They are highly effective against both extracellular and intracellular microorganisms, are well tolerated by the human body and are effective even against resistant microorganisms.

There are also drugs of the reserve group, which are prescribed when the main drugs are ineffective (Ftivazid, Metazidine, Ethionamide, Salyuzid,).

When choosing a medication regimen, you must take into account the effect of each drug. Some act bacteriostatically, others are bactericidal. It is necessary to consider the advantages and disadvantages of each and perform the appropriate combination.

Treatment in the acute phase lasts at least 2-3 months. It is important that no less than 60 and no more than 90 doses of drugs are prescribed. The dosage is calculated based on body weight and taken at a time.

Maintenance therapy lasts 4 months. In this case, the drugs are taken either every day or every other day.

Patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis undergo a course of at least a year. This case is one of the most difficult. In this case, the course of intensive therapy lasts 8 months. The selection of a treatment regimen is carried out on an individual basis.


Surgical treatment is performed for all patients in whom drug therapy is ineffective and there is a list of indications for surgical intervention. There are conditions that threaten life - bleeding from the lung tissue, spontaneous pneumothorax, compression of vital organs and vessels by a conglomerate of lymph nodes. There are conditions that are amenable to planned surgical intervention - irreversible destructive changes in the affected organs, the occurrence of cavities and fistulas, chronic intoxication.

Surgery is performed in combination with chemotherapy. The use of surgical intervention alone will not give any effect. Direct surgical treatment does not take much time. Depending on the diagnosis, the operation can last from two to six hours. Although other time indicators are possible. Subsequent rehabilitation takes longer, which can last from six months to several years.


The high effectiveness of traditional medicine in the treatment of tuberculosis has not been proven. All traditional medicine remedies and recipes can improve overall health. But not a single remedy is effective in treating this disease or destroying the bacterial population in the body.

What determines the duration of therapy?

In each case, the duration of therapy depends on the form and stage of the disease. Each person seeks help at different times during the course of the disease, and some even try to hide everything until the last moment. The duration depends on the advanced state of the condition and the individually prescribed treatment regimen.

Another important criterion is the presence or absence of complications, indications for surgery, tolerability and resistance to drugs, and individual characteristics of the body.

Treatment in hospital and at home

The treatment of tuberculosis disease must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. As a rule, the entire process is carried out under the supervision of medical personnel, relatives or even volunteers.

How long tuberculosis is treated in a hospital setting directly depends on the severity and form of the disease. Basically, patients are under strict medical supervision throughout the entire period of active bacterial excretion. Basically, this period lasts 2-3 months.

The purpose of inpatient treatment is to protect the healthy population from the infected. Only after the patient has stopped releasing mycobacteria into the environment can he be transferred to a sanatorium or outpatient type of therapy, which can last from six months to a year.

Duration of treatment in children, the elderly and with the development of complications

In such patients, the disease is more severe than usual. This is due to insufficient functioning of the immune system or the natural depletion of the body's reserves in the fight against infection.

Therefore, in order to increase the body’s resistance, in addition to the standard regimen, general strengthening techniques are used: physical therapy, breathing exercises, and a balanced, enriched diet.

In the initial period of the disease, bed rest is first prescribed for up to 20 days, after which, on the contrary, the daily routine is enriched with walks in the fresh air and sun.

It is important to follow diet and hygiene measures. Food should be enriched with protein products, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Subsequently, sanatorium treatment and a good rehabilitation period are required. On average, treatment lasts from 4 to 12 months.

Elderly people, in addition to tuberculosis, may have a whole list of concomitant diseases. It is necessary to pay special attention to strengthening the immune system, treating concomitant pathologies and symptomatic treatment. Treatment in older people takes longer and depends on the general condition of the body.

Complications increase the period of tuberculosis therapy. In such cases, the scheme is expanded - second-line drugs and drugs aimed at treating disorders of other organs are added. And most importantly, the rehabilitation period increases. With this course of the disease, treatment can last several years or even longer.

In severe cases, the question of whether tuberculosis is curable receives a negative answer. It is most likely that the disease can become chronic or cause disability.

If you seek medical help in a timely manner, tuberculosis can be completely cured. In this case, it is extremely important to strictly adhere to all treatment principles and seek help as early as possible. Subsequently, it is necessary to periodically see a doctor and undergo anti-relapse treatment.

Tuberculosis today is a social problem. And although the first manifestations of the disease were still identified in people of the Neolithic period, it has not been completely defeated to this day. Moreover, the disease has reached epidemic proportions in many countries around the world. It is possible to get rid of this disease, but only with coordinated adherence to a whole range of measures: timely detection and treatment, completeness and effectiveness of therapy, compliance with all preventive measures, a responsible approach to treatment and rehabilitation.