Age crises of men. Midlife crisis in men

At the very core of life’s journey, a man can pause and think: am I living right? And if before such thoughts did not matter much, now they suddenly began to literally devour me from the inside. Everything familiar and valuable seemed to come under a large magnifying glass, the man looked at his life from the outside and doubted. This strange period of revaluation of values ​​scares not only men, but also their households. But there is nothing wrong or creepy about it. A midlife crisis is a natural stage that needs to be overcome profitably and without panic. To act wisely, you need to learn to identify the symptoms of this important period.

How long does a midlife crisis last?

It is impossible to say unambiguously how long the midlife crisis lasts for the male half of the population. This depends on many internal factors. Someone is so busy with their personal life and work that they don’t even attach importance to their internal experiences, connecting them with current events. Others, on the other hand, get caught in an emotional tornado and cannot get out of it for many years. Some men avoid the crisis - or they carefully hide it. And there are especially impressionable individuals who remain in a state of crisis for the rest of their lives.

Causes of midlife crisis in men

“Gray hair, devil in the rib” – isn’t the crisis to blame for this? Until a certain age, the male consciousness believes in immortality, and a man does not hear his biological clock ticking. He is full of strength, enjoys life and victories, and is ready to cope with any challenges. But the hour of “epiphany” comes, and age-related changes make themselves felt for the first time. Men who by nature love to extract, win and overcome difficulties begin to fear old age. Everything that happens to the body adds up to a large complex of factors that form a midlife crisis:

  • changes in hormonal levels;
  • decreased libido;
  • deterioration of potency;
  • poor erection;
  • weight gain, appearance of a “belly”;
  • age-related changes in appearance, hair loss and graying.

Not only women experience menopause, men also experience a kind of “pause” in life. If in women aging begins with menopause, then in the stronger sex it begins with a decrease in testosterone in the blood and unpleasant surprises in sexual life. Feeling that his inner Casanova is losing ground, the man unconsciously panics. He is not at all ready to turn into an old man and be uninteresting to the ladies. That is why forty-year-old men try at all costs to establish themselves in their former role of invader and conqueror. Single or family person - it doesn’t matter. He will look for interesting acquaintances and flirt with women of all ages, and there are those who start. Every smile of a new acquaintance, an interested sparkle in her eyes, is like a balm for a lost soul.

At a young age, a man constantly searches for himself and tries to succeed in the most important points of his life. Having reached his fourth decade, a man looks back and evaluates what he has achieved and what status he has earned. Psychologists around the world emphasize that men suffer not only from a lack of achievements, but also from a large number of them. This seems paradoxical, however, if the main male goal is to achieve and conquer, then, having received what he wants, the man is left without the anticipation of future victories. And this is the main psychological reason for the midlife crisis.

By the age of 40-45, the main goals are usually achieved:

  • a career has been created (the warrior has asserted himself);
  • there is a wife and children (the man became the head of the family and established himself as the breadwinner);
  • bought a car (you can conquer distances, demonstrating courage and speed);
  • received status in society (the man passed all the tests and was rewarded with universal recognition).

It would seem that you can live and rejoice, put your achievements on a shelf and admire. But this is impossible - a man needs new victories, he cannot live without regular approval and admiration. If the cufflinks are silver, then you need gold ones. But my physical strength has already diminished. The woman who was faithful and supportive at all crossroads for many years is no longer able to re-evaluate his male splendor - she is completely fed up with him. And a man - the eternal Don Juan - cannot live without female attention and admiration. He loves his companion, but with her it is so difficult to believe that old age is just around the corner, and he is still sexy and strong. A man falls into a psychological trap and begins to get out of it with all his might.

Such a phenomenon as a midlife crisis in men is always associated with uncertainty. This is another fear of a forty-year-old man. Years have passed, awards have been received - what next? Will he become impotent and play solitaire for the rest of his life? Or should we sound the alarm right now and start a new life? A man is not afraid of numbers, he is afraid of himself. A new self that he is not familiar with. The man looking from the mirror is not a male or a conqueror. This is just a sad creature with a non-functioning phallus and graying hair. The male psyche is unable to survive such a blow. Losing the functionality of the phallus is the same as burying alive within yourself a male who craves conquest, but cannot get out of this aging shell.

A man is sure that without an erection a woman will not need him. This is why old age is perceived as so painful and inferior. Depressing thoughts, cheating, pessimistic pictures of the future - this pushes a man to search for love adventures. As a rule, they choose very young and sexy mistresses, believing that this way they can improve potency. Men over 40 are always tense, anxious and inconsistent. For many, relationships with their wives deteriorate; even purely everyday communication comes down to conflicts, not to mention the intimate sphere. Mutual understanding in the family is completely lost, the midlife crisis becomes the director of the whole life.

Symptoms of midlife crisis in men

“I’m completely out of my mind” - this is often heard in the address of forty-year-old men, and not at all out of the blue. A midlife crisis is a kind of illness that has its own symptoms. For many men they are identical, but can manifest themselves with different intensities. It is important for household members to understand: men go crazy not of their own free will, but because of hormonal changes and a shattered, suffering psyche. What happens to a man in crisis?

  • Protracted. It would seem that a strong and successful lout simply cannot mope. For others this is nonsense, but for a man it is real mental torture.
  • Self-pity. A man can literally “whine” about every occasion, like a wounded dog. And this is only part of the suffering, the worst thing is deep inside. It is very important not to shame a man, but to listen and set him up for good.
  • Inner devastation. When a gap arises between a man and his youth, all the stimuli of life are irretrievably drowned in it. It is very difficult to go through this alone; a man really needs support.
  • Dissatisfaction with yourself. The man gets the feeling that it was his life that failed, it was he who lost and remained in the grip of this trap.
  • Career dissatisfaction. Even if he is the owner of a big business, he will still find something to latch on to. Everything could have been done better, but he failed. And if his peers were able to achieve more than him, it hurts even more. The impulsive desire to give up everything and start life anew constantly torments and tears you apart from the inside. There is so little time left, and there will definitely not be a third chance.
  • Dissatisfaction with personal life. Only he has the most unloving wife and the most ungrateful children. The rest of the men are happy, loved, idolized and respected.
  • Fear for your health. The man turns into a real hypochondriac. Any minor sore can cause internal panic in him. And the wife becomes guilty of not treating and caring for her well enough.

The symptoms of a midlife crisis depend greatly on the character of the man. Weak-willed people begin to drink excessively, get involved in gambling, endlessly find fault with their wife and children, and have love on the side. Those who are stronger in soul restrain the negativity inside, try to gather their strength and direct their energy for good: they immerse themselves in work, hobbies, and communication with friends.

How to overcome a midlife crisis

Turning 40 – this happens to everyone. This is one of the stages of life that needs to be experienced with dignity. It is at the age of 40 that a person begins to see his victories and defeats from the outside, compare them with the dreams of his youth and draw legitimate conclusions. It is impossible to realize every single dream. And you cannot blame yourself for what did not materialize. Life is not over yet, and there will be many achievements ahead. And the experience gained in youth will help you avoid making previous mistakes.

The past needs to be let go, it has done its job and left invaluable skills and abilities. It is better not to waste time regretting something that cannot be corrected or experienced again. You should focus on important things, those that are needed in the future and will be beneficial.

If a man under 40 remains single, this is not a reason to give up on himself. Childbearing functions have not stopped, and physical strength still allows you to lead an active lifestyle. You can simply change your aura: change your car, change your job, make new friends. Many forty-year-old men successfully meet representatives of the fair sex and create full-fledged families. A 40-year-old husband is a reliable support for his wife and a wise, loving father capable of providing for his family.

How to help a man overcome a crisis?

A man's midlife crisis is always a difficult test for his significant other. Read about it on our website. It is especially difficult for a wife if her husband is mentally weak or prone to despotism. Such a man does not want to blame only himself for his failures. He puts the responsibility on his wife: she didn’t love him enough, didn’t appreciate his successes, didn’t give him an incentive to achieve, which is why he became such a loser and impotent, and with another woman he would have been able to develop a huge business and lose his worries. To better understand a man, learn more about. An even more complex situation arises when a man’s midlife crisis coincides with

Often wives suffer in silence, not knowing how to survive their husband’s midlife crisis without falling flat on their face. He perceives calmness as indifference, and any remark is immediately met with hostility. But there are a number of rules, following which, a woman can smooth out psychological discomfort in a relationship and let her husband understand that she is not indifferent and is ready to help him get through this difficult period.

      • Restrained behavior. A man in crisis is like a difficult teenager - he will not listen to comments, and any dispute will turn into an overblown conflict. Let him speak out and ease his soul at least a little. It’s not he, but his depression, who controls the situation, so you shouldn’t be offended by a man in a crisis: it’s more expensive for yourself.
      • Regular praise. Even if you have to openly flatter, it will still seem like a healing balm to a man. You need to praise him often, for any reason, comparing him with colleagues and friends - and putting your husband in the best light. Then he will not have to look for self-affirmation somewhere on the side; he will rush home to his wise wife, generous with praise.
      • Faith in the future. Men in crisis experience a breakdown, their self-esteem decreases. They believe that they are no longer capable of anything. If a woman is able to convince the sufferer of this, proving to him that 40 years is far from old, and there are still many achievements ahead, the situation will improve significantly. But for this, the wife needs to believe in her man herself.
      • Moral support. If a man feels an urgent need to change something in his life - his job, his car, his style of clothing - a woman needs to support this zeal. Naturally, within reasonable limits. What a man needs most now is support and encouragement.
      • Improving intimate relationships. The biggest panic in men is caused by weakening potency. But it is difficult to admit to oneself that age is to blame, so a man blames his wife, and in the worst case, takes a young mistress. Few wives will be able to forgive such a betrayal - here the excuse of a crisis will no longer work. But there are also wise women who get over the insult because they understand: the husband cheated not because the feelings went away, but because he was scared and alone in the face of the powerless and ugly old age, which had already shown its appearance over the horizon. It is possible to prevent betrayal and increase a man’s self-esteem – you just have to think about how to diversify your intimate life and how to surprise him. Find out from our article.

Hello, dear readers of Valery Kharlamov’s blog! There comes a time in every person’s life when previous values ​​and ideals do not work or lose their relevance, and he begins to rethink his life. This moment is called a crisis. And today I want to tell you when a midlife crisis begins in men.

How does it manifest?

If you notice the symptoms below, do not be alarmed, because in fact, a crisis is a natural process of growing up, and you should worry if it is absent. By the way, in the strong half of humanity it is sometimes called male menopause. It lasts depending on the structure of the personality, its characteristics, characteristics and reasons that provoked its occurrence. So, how does it appear:


If you notice that you or your loved one suddenly, for no particular reason, often begins to lash out at you, is constantly dissatisfied and has a quick temper, this may be the first sign. Especially if such a state drags on and periodically turns into sentimentality. For example, unexpectedly for yourself, you, seemingly always a brutal and serious man, shed a tear of tenderness when you see a small cute dog, and after about 10 minutes you are already very angry with your beloved because of a trifle.

Sometimes it can be confused with overwork, then irritation is also a frequent companion. A special difference for you will be the intensity of affect, that is, feelings, and their duration. It seems that you understand with your brain that nothing terrible happened, but you cannot pull yourself together and calm down.

Excessive self-care

The crisis also manifests itself in the form of excessive and unexpected concern for one’s health and appearance. You notice that you are not as energetic, that wrinkles are visible and that chronic diseases are more common, and this causes fear, anxiety, sadness and despair. Moreover, despite the fact that women are usually very worried about their appearance and attractiveness, men are suspicious. Have you heard the joke when a husband says goodbye to his wife before he dies because he has a temperature of 37.1°C? No matter how funny it may be, a representative of the stronger half of humanity can really panic during this period, especially if he notices that changes are taking place in his sexual life, activity is weakening, or erectile dysfunction, that is, impotence, is making itself felt.


Having begun to doubt one’s attractiveness and, in general, to realize that time passes and life is finite, especially if one is worried about diseases caused by bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle, even the most avid party-goer will most likely lie low, refusing to communicate. You also shouldn’t be afraid of this and think about what to do to return to your previous activity. Give yourself time to be alone, focus on your inner feelings.

During this period, an important process occurs - a revision of values, the discovery of new patterns of behavior and the appropriation of new experience, which you can rely on in the future when difficulties arise. Also, isolation is like a defense mechanism so that others do not notice that changes have happened to him, and not for the better. The fear of losing authority and admitting one’s vulnerability and imperfection pushes one to extreme methods - to completely limit oneself from the world until it gets better.


Most often due to decreased sexual activity. It seems that the feeling of inner emptiness will last forever, former hobbies no longer bring joy, and he still doesn’t know how to experience it. Hopelessness is frightening, and isolation deprives loved ones of support, which intensifies the state of devastation, and thoughts arise about the meaninglessness of further life. Time drags on for a very long time, especially when you don’t know “where to apply yourself” and what to do with yourself.

Decreased alertness and poor concentration

From the fact that a person is almost completely immersed in himself and his experiences, increasingly remembering “old days and successes,” thinking that he will no longer be able to feel the taste of victory in the future.


Uncertainty makes itself felt, manifesting itself in anxiety that the wife will leave or the boss will fire him, choosing a more active and enterprising employee. Sometimes you may even have thoughts that friends will turn away due to avoidance of companies and absence from joint holidays.


Being young and inexperienced, we approached life completely differently, expecting that at the age of 30 we would achieve almost world recognition. Such inflated ambitions and demands on oneself are usually dashed by harsh reality, when not everything is as smooth and wonderful as in dreams. It is especially difficult if by this time the man has not started a family. Not having children can take away the meaning of life. Working for someone, while in your fantasies you had your own business - all this can increase insecurity and cause depression.

The most important thing is the realization that this state does not last forever, and soon you will again enjoy life and feel attractive by changing your attitude towards what is happening. No matter how impossible it may seem.

2. Be open with loved ones

Tell them what really happened to you, especially if you lash out at them periodically. In addition to the fact that this is an opportunity to get support, you will be able to find out about what happened to them or similar things are happening. Male menopause happens to everyone, and no mentally healthy person is able to avoid it. And understanding that you are not alone, that others are experiencing similar suffering and doubts will significantly affect your self-esteem and perception of what is happening.

In addition, while you are experiencing the above symptoms, your loved one may decide that you have simply lost interest in her and stopped loving her. Believe me, it’s better for her to know the truth than to suspect you of cheating. And children do not need additional trauma, because most of the complexes and problems arise in childhood. And your breakdowns, nagging and coldness can provoke an inferiority complex in a child, who will also believe that you no longer love him. And if you ruin your relationships with loved ones, it will be very difficult to restore them.

3.Childhood dreams

Remember some of your boyhood dreams that you never found the time to realize, and turn it into reality. Go on a trip, jump with a parachute or conquer some mountain peak, the main thing is that you experience new emotions and sensations. Even if you don’t want to get yourself off the couch and take yourself somewhere, your appetite comes while eating, so after suffering to your heart’s content, get ready and open up new horizons. You can even go to a new place with your family, it will bring you closer together.

4.Family life

If you are married and notice that you have lost interest in your spouse, you should not make hasty conclusions about divorce. Usually, by the age of 40, everyday life “eats up” couples so much that they feel nothing but tension towards each other. It is during these years that a large number of divorces occur. But remember that “the salvation of drowning people depends on the drowning people themselves”? Try, despite resistance, to remember something good from your married life, how you met, first dates, etc. Write a list of 20 things you love about her. If you don’t feel the same excitement for your beloved, offer to try something new, or, conversely, a long-forgotten old one.

5.Go to the gym

In addition to becoming healthier and physically attractive, your activity will increase and you will not have much strength to suffer and indulge in despondency. The best healer for emotional pain and distress is physical action. Switch to sports, it’s more effective than self-flagellation. You will experience the hormones of joy that are released in the body during training, raise your self-esteem by setting even small goals and achieving them. Challenge yourself by doing several more push-ups than usual, running one kilometer more, and doing more sets of strength exercises.

6.If you are afraid that your health is getting worse

7.What have you achieved?

Make a list of 30 points indicating what you have achieved by your age. Just try to resist so as not to devalue all your efforts. The fact that you have close and loyal friends is a huge achievement, a good relationship with your parents, a child or giving up cigarettes are also your victories. Think carefully and thank yourself, even if you don’t have the Ferrari you want at the moment, but you have a stable job or a faithful wife. Some don't even have a roof over their head, or they are rich but lonely...

Appreciate what you have and then you will be happy. To do this, read the article, there you will find a large number of valuable and worthwhile tips.


And for inspiration, I want to invite you to relax a little and watch films that can restore your thirst for life and motivation for action. You will find them in the article.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! It doesn’t matter what time the midlife crisis occurs, the main thing is that at any moment you can actually cope with it, becoming stronger, more experienced and mature. Strength and patience to you!
The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.

In the article I will consider the midlife crisis in men after 40 years, symptoms and methods of treating this psychological problem. If women by the age of 40 become stable, calm down and live, paying attention to children and grandchildren, for men the opposite is true.

From a physiological point of view, the midlife crisis is the male menopause. Almost all representatives of the stronger sex, due to ignorance, are of the opinion that menopause is exclusively a female problem.

Knowledge and judgments regarding the nature of menopause are practically the same among representatives of different sexes. At the same time, people are embarrassed to talk about it. Not even all doctors are willing to talk about it.

Menopause is a hormonal change when the sex hormones that every person has begin to leave the body. Therefore, it happens to everyone.

In men who reach the age of forty, sexual desire begins to disappear. The conversation is not about impotence. Among representatives of the stronger sex, desire begins to arise much less frequently. In their youth, men show a high interest in girls and things related to sex. This is quite normal, but with age, sexual desire gradually decreases.

Some men take this completely calmly. They switch their own interests to something new and find interesting activities. Some begin to get interested in cars and technology, others prefer hunting or catching crucian carp.

Some people react more harshly. They try by any means to find the cause of their fading sexual desire, not in themselves, but in the world around them. The first person on whom the gaze stops is the wife. By the age of 40, she had gained some weight, lost her former sexual attractiveness and began to age. Consequently, men blame her for everything.

Forty-year-old men are trying to restore their fading sexual desire with the help of young girls. Smart womanizers indulge on the side, but are in no hurry to leave their family. They understand perfectly well that the love of young women is closely related to the fame or financial capabilities of the partner. As soon as the funds run out, love will disappear with lightning speed.

Midlife crisis video

Many men rush into the abyss of love passions and do not think about the consequences. And this is against the backdrop of the fact that nature chose a wise approach to the creation of man. It takes away sexual desire from an older person for a reason. At this age, health often begins to falter, and cardiovascular diseases often lead to strokes or heart attacks, especially if a man is actively taking drugs that stimulate potency.

Symptoms of a midlife crisis

A midlife crisis is an emotionally difficult period, which in most cases occurs at the age of 40. At this time, many men have new priorities. More specifically, lifestyle changes so that emotional demands are fully satisfied.

Some men experience this period extremely difficult. Often it is he who is the main reason for betrayal. This is due to re-evaluation and revision of choices made at an earlier age.

In simple words, a midlife crisis is a fundamental change in the system of values ​​and priorities. The period is not fatal, and it can be survived. You just need to know its symptoms in order to act promptly and correctly.

  • Depression. Many men during a crisis experience depression, which affects their mood and negatively affects their activities, which is often accompanied by neglect of work and family. Depression is indicated by weight loss, loss of appetite, poor sleep, lack of energy, feelings of hopelessness and sadness, and lack of interest in important things.
  • Change of world view . Representatives of the stronger sex are trying to change their lifestyle. In particular, if they liked their job before, they can now change it. Judgments and values ​​are called into question. It is impossible to say exactly how this will affect later life.
  • Thirst for change and adventure . Another symptom of a midlife crisis in men. They buy other cars or devote a lot of time to entertainment. It reminds me of the old days. People who previously devoted a lot of time to family are switching to travel or extreme recreation. A woman can support her husband or express misunderstanding to him. In the latter case, things usually don't end well.
  • Feeling angry . At a time when a man is faced with a midlife crisis, it is extremely problematic for him to carry out self-analysis. He blames his loved ones, colleagues, even his bosses for his own failures. In this case, it is better for the wife to step aside and not join the groundless escalation of the conflict initiated by the husband.
  • Doubt about choosing a wife . There are cases when a married couple lives happily together for many years and has celebrated more than one wedding anniversary, but ultimately the husband declares that he made a mistake in his youth. In such a situation, a woman should not be offended. These words must be regarded as a symptom of the crisis. You need to understand that if a man accuses his wife of being forced into a marriage, he seeks to justify the feeling of discomfort that has arisen in relation to the family.

Dear women, in such a situation, do not believe the words that come from your spouse’s mouth. During this period, his words and behavior are dictated by the changes occurring in the body and in life.

What to do during a midlife crisis?

It's time to talk about what to do during a midlife crisis in a man after 40 years of age.

  1. It is necessary to stop looking back into the past and counting the years lived. If life has become boring and has lost its meaning, try to fill it with colors. It is enough to learn something new and extremely interesting. For example, you can learn to fish, master the English language or become a good driver.
  2. It doesn’t hurt to pay attention to the realization of desires and ideas. Many men try first to earn money for housing, and only then start traveling. In modern life, the moment of proper rest may not come. The result is delayed life syndrome. As a result, the man thinks that he lived his life incorrectly and did not take advantage of the opportunities available in the old days. You need to feel the taste of real life. Do you want to become a skilled dancer? Sign up for dance lessons. Do you want to experience the adrenaline? Jump with a parachute. Wishes that come true bring a lot of joy to life and alleviate the symptoms of a crisis.
  3. Remain optimistic and nip negative thoughts about old age and illness in the bud. Think about your health and take care of it in every possible way. Give up bad habits, play sports and pay attention to walks in the fresh air and good sleep. This approach will relieve you of depressive thoughts.
  4. Always notice good things in everything, concentrate on luck and success. When you achieve some success, praise yourself. If you look at the world with optimistic eyes, you will avoid the strong impact of the crisis and survive it calmly.
  5. Set specific goals. It is much better to concentrate on setting goals and achieving them than to become depressed and reflect on wasted years. To achieve success, you just need to start. If inaction, laziness and blues prevent you from taking the right path, try to drive them away.
  6. Learn to appreciate what you have. Many people believe that they have achieved little in life. Surely there are things that make them happy and bring joy. A job you love, a wife with children, a cheerful group of friends - you shouldn’t take it for granted. Appreciate what you have.
  7. Your favorite activity will help you get through this period easily. It will help you feel like a fulfilled and developed person. Every man should have a hobby - sports, fishing, drawing or collecting coins. Along with hobbies, you will find like-minded people and communication.
  8. Fatigue and overwork must be prevented. Enough to rest actively and avoid strenuous exercise. Otherwise, you will become apathetic and irritable, and these qualities are the first symptoms of a crisis.

Don't forget that a midlife crisis is a temporary period. There is no need to worry too much. This age-related process is due to emotional and physiological changes occurring in the body. At the same time, it is necessary to think about the approaching old age and maturity of the body in a different way. Think about how many famous people, despite their advanced age, continue to work actively. It’s not surprising, because they have more opportunities than inexperienced youngsters.

How long does a midlife crisis last for men after 40?

A midlife crisis has many companions, including a change in values, depression, a feeling of the meaninglessness of life, self-pity and emptiness. Even successful men are not always able to stand on their feet under the influence of these factors, and strong families are broken like glass.

An accomplished man, without specific reasons, can quit a good job, fall into deep depression, become withdrawn, have a mistress, or abandon his family. No one can explain or understand this behavior. The man begins to express dissatisfaction with life and demonstrate regret for lost opportunities. He has superficial conversations with his peers, and blames his loved ones for failures.

Problems of midlife crisis in men from 30 to 45 years old, first symptoms and signs. The main reasons for its development and methods for overcoming this condition.

Description of the midlife crisis in men

This condition is more common in men than women. The onset of the crisis can vary within the age range of 30-45 years, depending on one’s own successes and period of life.

If a person has achieved success or started a family, his crisis may begin later or pass in a blurred form. This does not mean that he will achieve all his goals in life late. A properly planned life and correctly set priorities significantly reduce the possibility of developing such a condition.

A midlife crisis develops gradually and usually drags on for a long time. A man in his prime achieves some success in life and suddenly, unexpectedly, realizes that half of his life has been lived. Old age no longer seems so far away, and the future seems to be just a set of everyday affairs.

From such thoughts he begins to mope and becomes depressed. He has an obsessive thought that much in life has been done wrong, time has been wasted, and a feeling of self-pity appears. A reassessment of values ​​begins, a person reconsiders his position in life.

At this stage, a man looks back at his youth, remembers his dreams and plans, and takes stock of what he missed. In this state, real life successes are devalued, all attention goes to those goals that were never achieved. No matter how successful a person is, when this crisis hits him, all his achievements will seem insufficient.

Important! A personal crisis in a man can lead to the development of a family crisis and even divorce.

The main causes of midlife crisis in men

Usually the root of the problem goes back to adolescence. This is the second most significant and severe crisis in a person’s life. Problems that the teenager was unable to solve, but simply “outgrew,” return with renewed vigor in the form of a midlife crisis in men after 30 years of age.

Let's consider the main causes of the crisis in men:

  • Unfulfilled plans. A man at this age will actively look for reasons why he was unable to make all his dreams come true. For a successful business person who has dedicated his life to his career, the main thing in life will seem to be family and children, which he never managed to have. Such a person will blame work for all troubles, since it was because of it that he was left alone, although with its help he was able to achieve success in life. For a family man who devotes all his time to raising his children and his wife, a career and material income will be the pinnacle that is worth emulating. He will blame his marriage for not being able to build his career. No matter what values ​​a person entering a midlife crisis has, he will still look up to what he does not currently have.
  • Second coming of age. Very often, during middle age, men have children, then grandchildren. Until this moment, when the children are at home and life is in full swing, you very rarely have to think about your own problems. When, finally, time is freed up for themselves, men simply have no idea what to do with it. There is a feeling of emptiness and uselessness, which provokes depression. In middle age, a man takes on the responsibilities of head of the family, because his parents are aging. At work, from the role of a young specialist, he becomes an experienced mentor. Perhaps the most important thing is that a man at that age realizes that the wonderful future he has been striving for all his life has never come.
  • Cult of beauty. As we age, there are natural physiological changes that are completely normal. For a man, such calls indicate rapid aging and loss of abilities. The former attractiveness disappears with youth, the temples turn grey. Even if a person is in excellent physical shape, strength and sexual potential are still partially lost. This does not mean that a man becomes incapable of anything, but his quality characteristics are significantly reduced. Since men's health is of great importance in the formation of self-esteem, a person tries in every possible way to hide it.
  • Echoes of the teenage crisis. As mentioned above, very often a midlife crisis in men after 40 years of age develops due to unresolved problems that have been lodged in the subconscious since adolescence. The main problem for teenagers is the feeling of being overly mentored and unable to make decisions on their own; they constantly feel like they are being forced to live by someone else's rules. Something similar happens among middle-aged men, only instead of parents, marriage becomes enemy No. 1. The man gets the impression that he is being manipulated to achieve his own goals. In response to this, an accomplished adult person rebels.

The main symptoms of a midlife crisis in men

For a midlife crisis, the symptoms are very similar to teenage rebellious antics, only they gain much more serious momentum and can affect the lives of other people.

The midlife crisis in men is expressed as follows:

  1. Change in appearance. Very often, people at this age try to regain their youth by transforming their appearance. If a person fits into his wedding suit, this does not mean at all that the years have not taken their toll. Very often, men in a midlife crisis begin to try on the clothes of teenagers or those that they have left over from their youth. Gray hairs are pulled out or carefully painted over. They try to hide wrinkles in every possible way. Some even decide to undergo various plastic surgeries. Often during this period, men begin to take care of their physique and buy gym memberships.
  2. Adapting to the tastes of young people. Men with a midlife crisis often try to adapt to youth tastes by thoroughly copying their culture. An adult man begins to use youth slang in conversation, listens to modern music and even changes his hobbies, trying to adapt to the youth. For example, he starts playing teenage computer games and football at the stadium. And all these changes in a man’s life occur in order to prove to himself that he has not changed or aged a bit, but remains just as full of strength and energy.
  3. Demonstration of male power. A very important aspect in the matter of aging is a man’s sex life. Halfway through his life, a person tries to prove to himself that he is capable of performing his basic tasks and is not at all limited in his capabilities. He needs recognition and confidence in his own abilities. Wives do not always understand the specifics of this male period, so most often men seek recognition outside the home walls. For example, they take on young mistresses to prove to themselves that “there is still gunpowder in the flasks,” but later they still understand that the young woman is not looking at attractiveness and external qualities, but at social and material status.
  4. Rushing to achieve goals. If a person has long dreamed of owning a sports car, but understood that the old one will do, and he needs to save money for a new house or for children to study, then during a midlife crisis, this purchase should be expected. Feeling the emptiness of his soul and belittling his dignity, a man tries to show his best side and makes desperate attempts to save his position. He buys a new car, gets an original tattoo or other things that were ever planned, but did not come true. Often such hasty fulfillment of long-standing desires leads to loans, but such actions seem simply necessary to a person.

Important! Most of the actions and words spoken in the heat of family quarrels, when a man is in a midlife crisis, are not truthful.

Ways to overcome the midlife crisis in men

Fortunately, a midlife crisis is not all about negatives and disappointments. This is an opportunity to take a fresh look at your current life and make the necessary adjustments before it’s too late. It differs favorably from adolescence in that a man has complete freedom of action and all goals, if desired, can be achieved quite easily and quickly.

Far-sighted plans

Often a crisis begins from the cliff where life plans end. It is necessary to get an education, get married, build a career, raise children - these goals usually end by the age of 40; few people know what to do next. You need to set goals that are worth emulating, but would be difficult to achieve.

If a person lives by simple desires or dreams, for example, to go to the sea, to get a promotion, then, having achieved them, he will not receive the expected pleasure and will only be upset. If you think through a thorough plan before old age, then during the midlife crisis you can rely on the fact that the person is still in demand. As Dale Carnegie said: “Keep busy. This is the cheapest medicine on earth - and one of the most effective.” This also applies to the midlife crisis.

Support from loved ones

Usually, most wives are interested in what to do during a midlife crisis in men. A lot depends on a loved one - you need to show your man that he is still the one she married, because during this period he strongly feels only the negative imprint of the past years.

If suddenly the role of the head of the family, when the parents are old, turns out to be a complete surprise and a new responsibility, you should treat this as another stage of life. We must not forget that there are many people who need this man, regardless of his age and the degree of gray hair. Therefore, the support of loved ones will always play the most important role.

Help from specialists

If severe depression and personal conflicts develop, you should seek help from a professional psychologist. Only a specialist will be able to sort out your situation and correctly adjust psychotherapy. In some cases, the consequences of a midlife crisis lead to the loss of family and work, so it is important to consult a specialist in a timely manner.

You should not start using any psychotropic substances, such as antidepressants, on your own, as they can only worsen the situation. Such drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor who specializes in such problems.

Realistic views

No matter how much you would like to buy a motorcycle and rush wherever your eyes look, there is one force that will not allow you to do this. It is also called common sense. Realistic views on life will help you accept it as it is and look at yourself from the outside.

It is necessary to understand that any actions to restore youth, beauty and health are sometimes useless. At the same time, you need to remember that even 40 years is not too late to start a business, meet your soul mate, or in any other way change your life for the better. The surge of self-awareness that occurs during a crisis will definitely help with this.

How to overcome a midlife crisis in men - watch the video:

The midlife crisis for men is not only a problem for them, but also for their families. Timely support and mutual understanding will help you get through this stage in life easier and even benefit from it for yourself. Overestimating your own abilities and capabilities can sometimes come in very handy and give you an incentive to change your life for the better. In any case, this is a wonderful age when maximum life experience is combined with sufficient potential opportunities, and if you ever realize your plans and desires, then only now.