Issues of chest hair growth in women and girls. The appearance of hair on a woman's chest and how to deal with it How to remove hair on the chest

Every representative of the fair sex thinks about why dark hair grows on the chest of women and how to deal with it.

Some women have only small hairs around the nipples - an easily solvable occasional problem.

For others, for one reason or another, the hair on the chest may simply become spiky, posing a real threat to the self-esteem and personal life of their owner.

Why do unaesthetic black hairs appear on the chests of beautiful girls? Let's figure it out.

In general, hair on the human body (man, woman or child) is absolutely normal.

The fluff appears in the embryo somewhere in the fifth month of intrauterine development, by the 9th month it gradually disappears, but rolls out completely after birth.

Active growth of body hair resumes during puberty - the time of puberty.

Then it will become clear who was lucky enough to get a small amount of light hairs on the arms, legs and in the armpit area (and in the groin area, of course), and who will have to fight with the “dark dense forest” all their lives.

The situation of the latter is even more terrible in that dark hairs grow not only in the above-mentioned areas, but also above the lips, on the chest, lower abdomen, on the back and even on the buttocks.

Too much body hair in women has even received a medical name - hirsutism.

But, despite the recognition of the problem of increased hairiness in women by science, society flatly refuses to accept hairy women.

It gets to the point where “good” friends even mock girls who have dark fuzz over their lips and on their arms.

If it becomes known in a women's group that someone has black hairs on their chest and tummy, the unfortunate owner spends hours listening to dozens of tips on how to get rid of them.

If she refuses to do this, she receives some unspoken title: “slob”, “abnormal”, “strange”, or something funny like “fluffy”.

In general, you won’t envy such a girl in the collective life. This is due to the herd instinct and fashion.

Girls must remove all vegetation from their bodies, except for the hair on their heads (thank God, at least they were left). Why? This is an unspoken rule.

Why does hair grow on the chests of women and girls?

Why does hair appear on women's beautiful breasts? What is the basis of this phenomenon? There are several possible answers to this question.

Most often, hirsutism is inherited and programmed at the genetic level. The largest number of women with hirsutism are of Caucasian origin.

And in this case, it is useless to fight the fact that hair grows on the chest; only removing it will help.

Hormones. But there are other possible reasons for the appearance of increased vegetation on the body of women. Among them, the most common cause is hormonal.

Its origins are in endocrine disorders, diseases of the adrenal glands, reproductive system organs, as well as in cancer.

In this case, too much male sex hormone testosterone begins to be produced.

This is the main reason why ugly hair grows on women's breasts.

By the way, under the influence of testosterone, other changes in a woman’s body can begin. For example, her figure, if treatment is not started in time, will begin to resemble a man’s.

Medicines. The next most common reason for the appearance of a large amount of dark, coarse hair on the body of girls is long-term use of medications, the main active ingredients of which are hormones (prednisolone, interferon, cyclosporine, cortisone, minoxidil, hydrocortisone, diazoxide, streptomycin and acetazolamide) or corticosteroids.

Under their influence, very serious changes occur in the body, however, in case of timely treatment, selected by a qualified specialist, the problem of excess vegetation can be successfully resolved.

Pregnancy, childbirth. During pregnancy, women's hormonal levels change greatly. Thus, in the first trimester, the male hormone testosterone is produced several times more than before pregnancy.

After childbirth, most women's hormonal levels return to normal, but in some cases, especially if the pregnancy was difficult (the woman was diagnosed with gestosis, eclampsia and preeclampsia), the hormonal levels can change significantly.

This will cause excess hair growth throughout the body and other changes. Contrary to popular belief that “everything will pass with time,” a woman will not be able to cope with this problem on her own.

You will have to take a course of special medications, which the doctor will prescribe based on test results.

Methods for getting rid of unwanted body hair

Let us note right away: before getting rid of hair on the body, especially in such a delicate and tender area as the chest, you need to visit a doctor.

The specialist will carefully examine the problem area, order tests, and, based on their results, prescribe treatment (unless, of course, increased shaggyness is inherited).

In parallel with this, it is worth thinking about the method of hair removal.

The question of why women grow hair on their chests is actively discussed in many women's forums.

There, ladies share numerous methods for getting rid of unwanted hair.

Thus, hair removal and depilation (using wax, laser) are the most popular today. We will talk about each of these methods in more detail.

Hair removal using depilatory creams. Getting rid of hair using a special depilatory cream is the least traumatic and painless method.

After depilation with creams, hair also begins to grow slower and becomes thinner. But this method is strictly contraindicated for allergy sufferers and women with sensitive skin, because depilatory creams often cause severe allergic reactions.

Hair removal using wax. Hair removal using wax plates is the most popular and has received the best reviews online.

Wax, as a rule, does not cause allergies, and hairs after such a procedure grow back very slowly and become thinner. The only downside to waxing is that the procedure is painful.

Hair removal using laser. Today, laser hair removal is the most effective and durable solution to the problem of unwanted hair.

By acting directly on the hair follicles, the laser beam destroys them, and hair in the treated area does not grow for several years.

The disadvantages of this procedure are its high cost, as well as the rather long time it takes.

In addition, if you have certain diseases, laser hair removal is strictly contraindicated, so before deciding on the procedure, you need to get a doctor’s permission.

Hair removal using tweezers. If there is a small amount of dark hair growing on a woman’s chest, dealing with it is as easy as shelling pears with ordinary tweezers.

This is a virtually painless procedure that does not take much time.

Two rules to follow: tweezers must be sterile; It is necessary to pluck hairs in the direction of their growth. Otherwise, over time, hairs may begin to grow in.

Hair removal using a razor. Simply shaving the disgusting chest hair is an effective solution to the problem.

But, unfortunately, it won’t last long; after two or three days the hair will begin to grow back, and it will become thicker and coarser.

Why hair appears on the chest of women, you learned from this article.

Which method of removing unwanted hair to choose, and whether to remove unaesthetic hairs at all - every woman has the right to decide for herself.

The main thing is to keep this issue under control, and do not forget to undergo regular examinations so that the problem does not turn from an aesthetic one into a medical one.

Dark hairs on women's chests look more than inappropriate. To regain natural attractiveness, some representatives of the fair half of humanity have to think about the question: how to get rid of chest hair? We will show you the main ways to solve the problem.

Causes of the problem

It is worth noting that not many women face the problem of chest hair growth. In some cases, the appearance of hair on the chest is explained by a genetic predisposition (Oriental women may have abundant “vegetation” on the body, which is quite normal).

Much more often, this problem is a manifestation of hirsutism (excessive hair growth in hormone-dependent areas). The appearance of a large number of dark hairs in the lower abdomen, on the chin, above the upper lip, on the back, chest and around the nipples indicates an increase in the level of the male hormone - testosterone. A gynecologist-endocrinologist will help identify the pathology.

Under no circumstances should you neglect the problem and fight only its external manifestations - increased hairiness may indicate prolactinoma, adrenal cortex dysfunction, etc.

It’s worth mentioning right away: only salon procedures (photoepilation, laser hair removal, elos hair removal, etc.) can get rid of hair for a long period of time. After a series of procedures, you can forget about the problem for a year or more. If you are determined to deal with increased chest hairiness at home, remember that many methods are quite painful.


Plucking will save the situation if there are single hairs on the chest. Remove them with a sharp movement, after steaming the body (start the procedure after a shower or bath). Treat the area where the hairs were removed with an antiseptic.


Waxing removes hair for a relatively long period of time - it begins to grow about a month after the procedure. Stores sell ready-made strips - they need to be applied to the chest in the direction of hair growth, and removed in the opposite direction.

Depilatory creams

Depilatory products remove hair for 2-3 weeks. Unfortunately, chemical depilation has a rather aggressive effect on the skin; before using the appropriate products, you need to conduct a test on a small area of ​​the body. It is important to remember that for breast depilation it is recommended to use creams designed for sensitive skin. You must also strictly follow the instructions included with the drug.


Regularly moisten the hairs on your chest with hydrogen peroxide (3%) using a cotton swab. After some time they will become thinner and lose color.

How to get rid of chest hair? At the first stage, be sure to consult a doctor and only then choose the appropriate method of dealing with excess vegetation. Only in this case will you be successful.

Dark hairs on women's chests look out of place and cause a lot of psychological problems. There are many different means to eliminate unwanted hair anywhere. Let's look at the most effective ways.

Plucking with tweezers. This method is suitable for people who have very little chest hair. Before plucking, steam the body, and after it apply an antiseptic to the treated areas. This procedure is quite unpleasant and lengthy. In addition, after 7-14 days you will have to repeat everything again, since the hairs will grow back. Waxing. This method is suitable for people with a lot of chest hair. Buy special strips at the store and apply them at home to your chest in the direction of hair growth. Remove strips in reverse direction. The procedure is quite painful. After several repetitions, the hairs will become softer and lighter. To prevent allergies, do not forget to apply an antiseptic or cream to the treated area. Depilatory creams. This method is absolutely painless, but it also has a drawback - chemicals can negatively affect the skin. They split hairs, which must be washed off with water after a certain period of time. Before using the product, first apply it to a small area of ​​skin.

Laser hair removal. This method is the most reliable. Laser hair removal can be done in a special salon or consult a dermatologist. The laser beam affects the hair follicles, causing hair growth to stop. The procedure is absolutely painless. After this, you can forget about chest hair forever. Be careful after the session, do not remove the hair yourself, it will fall out on its own after a while. There is another hair removal method similar to this one - electrolysis. Instead of a laser, an electric current is applied to the follicles. This procedure takes quite a long time compared to the previous method and is painful. Bleaching. Buy 3% hydrogen peroxide and moisten your hair with it daily. After several treatments, they will become thin and lose color. True, this method is suitable for women with little hair on their chests, while others would prefer to get rid of ill-fated hair forever. Chestnut. If you love traditional medicine, try the following remedy. You will need 1 cup of horse chestnut fruit. Peel the fruits, place them in a saucepan and pour 2 cups of boiling water. Place the saucepan on the fire and stir at regular intervals. Continue boiling the broth until all the water has evaporated. When the mass has cooled, apply it to problem areas and wash off after a few hours. The hairs should fall off on their own. Potassium permanganate solution. This method will help hair fall out from the root. Take potassium permanganate and mix some water with it. You can regularly wipe your hair with this solution or take a steam bath for your feet for 20 minutes. Additions. Remember that excess hair on the chest can be a symptom of a disease. You can eliminate the hair, but not the cause of it. Visit an endocrinologist's office and consult with him about your problem. There may be hormonal imbalances.

Choose the most suitable ones from the above methods. The most relevant are painless methods. After using any product, do not forget to apply a moisturizer to the treated areas.

Many girls have no idea why chest hair grows and how to properly deal with it, but it spoils the entire feminine appearance of a beautiful body created by nature.

Quite often, opinion polls are conducted among women in order to find out what exactly they consider to be an asset and a guarantee of beauty in a woman’s body. And according to the results, the majority give an answer in favor of the breast. By and large, this is true, since in this case it is quite difficult to argue with beautiful girls. And this happens because lush and beautiful breasts give the female body a beautiful appearance, which helps to attract many male glances. But do not forget about cases that can cause a girl anxiety and self-doubt. And size has nothing to do with this: all problems arise due to a sharp increase in hair on the chest. In order to protect yourself from unpleasant problems, it is worth finding out why chest hair grows in women and how to behave when these troubles arise, that is, how to eliminate the problems.

Why do girls get hair on their chests?

If hair suddenly appears on women's chests, then this turns into a global problem that needs to be solved as soon as possible. Sudden hair growth is not at all dangerous to a man’s health. But the reason for this phenomenon for a girl should be clarified, since this is not the norm of development for the female body. Let's delve deeper and find out what are the reasons behind the sudden growth of hair on a girl's chest.

There are a number of reasons associated with chest hair, but now we need to look at the most common ones, which include the following:

  1. The most common causes of hair growth include hormonal imbalance. Moreover, in this case, the appearance of plant activity on the skin may appear on the chin and face. But this is considered an atypical phenomenon for the structure of the female body. If we consider this from a medical point of view, then there is even a special name for this phenomenon - hirsutism. This disease can occur due to a disorder of the adrenal gland and pituitary gland. And this happens due to the sharp release of male hormones in the woman’s body, which are responsible for hair growth.
  2. For most girls, the cause is a genetic predisposition. This is not a disease at all, but a completely normal physiological phenomenon. If your blood relatives have hair around their nipples, then it is quite possible that this may also appear in you. Blood relatives are considered to be the mother, maternal grandmother and all other women on the mother's side. But at the same time, it is worth considering the complete exclusion of other diseases associated with this topic.
  3. It is also possible that your hair is growing back due to the use of medications. If during your illness you notice intense hair growth in the chest area, then this is quite normal, since some medications contain substances that cause it.
  4. Appearing without underlying reasons. Unfortunately, this can also happen, the genetic line is clean, no medications are used and everything is fine with health, but the hair grows. It is better to control the situation by visiting a doctor for consultations.

How to deal with this phenomenon

Regardless of the extent of the problems that have arisen, they still need to be resolved. The first thing you need to do is visit a medical institution, namely doctors such as an endocrinologist and gynecologist. They will be able to find out the main hormonal imbalances and the presence of serious diseases. If one of the factors causing diseases is detected, it is worth carrying out preventive treatment.

Well, the second thing that will need to be done is removal by mechanical means. In modern cosmetology, all services aimed at hair removal are quite developed. If you want to get rid of body hair yourself, this can be done quite easily, you just need to use tweezers. But it is worth noting that this method will take a lot of time and hair growth will recur after 5-6 days.

You can also use another method, such as hair removal, and this is the most common method in the cosmetology field. This service can be divided into several types. For example, some are quite acceptable for independent use, while others, used in cosmetology, are carried out only in specialized cosmetology clinics.

You can remove hair yourself by using specially developed creams and many methods of traditional medicine, which are very diverse.

All necessary creams and components for the procedure can be purchased at the pharmacy. If we look at the statistics on the use of these products, then cedar tincture is considered the most effective and widespread.

You can use fresh lemon juice to remove body hair. The effect of lemon juice will help lighten the hair and disrupt the structure of the hair shaft, which will subsequently lead to the complete destruction of unwanted vegetation. You should use this method regularly, otherwise you will not notice much improvement.

In beauty salons you can undergo depilation and waxing. This method has the advantage that thick areas of hair are removed. Do not forget that this method is very painful. You can use electrolysis, which is aimed at destroying the bulbs.

Thus, you should not be too upset if hair appears on the chest of women. Of course, this is a very unpleasant moment for every girl, but as it turned out, everything can be fixed.

Hair is characteristic of many mammals, including humans.

Initially, it performed a protective function, but in the process of evolution, most of the hair on the body lost its significance.

Hair growth begins in utero, but by the time of birth most of the fine, delicate hairs have fallen out.

An adult normally has bristly hair (on the head and face, in the armpits, in the groin), which has limited localization, and vellus hair, which is barely noticeable and covers the entire body.

However, some people have thick, coarse hair that covers areas that are not typical for their gender. Why does hair grow on the chest, back, upper and lower limbs? There are many reasons for this increased hair growth, and sometimes this phenomenon is associated with serious diseases.

The number of follicles and hair structure depend on the gender and age of the person.

Many people believe that absolutely smooth skin is the standard of beauty and, indulging in aesthetic perception, shave off all the hairs.

However, it should be remembered that hair is needed to maintain healthy skin, since each bulb is surrounded by adipose tissue, has stem cells that promote rapid regeneration, and is well supplied with blood.

The main reasons for increased hair growth:

  • heredity;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • malignant hormone-producing tumors;
  • long-term use of certain medications.

In rare cases, traumatic hypertrichosis may occur - increased hair growth at the site of a scar or wound.

In men

A shaggy chest is considered a sign of masculinity in society and gives its owner a certain sexuality.

Therefore, most men do not suffer from chest hair and do not resort to depilation.

The first chest hair in men appears during adolescence and serves as a criterion for puberty.

Hair growth is regulated by male sex hormones - androgens (in particular, testosterone). When its level in the blood increases, the rate of appearance and rigidity of the hairline increases; if there is a deficiency, the skin remains smooth and soft.

In women and girls

If for a man a hairy chest is the norm, then for the fair sex the appearance of dark and coarse hair on the chest is always a sign of ill health.

This phenomenon is called hirsutism and is often explained by hormonal imbalances in the body, because increased hair growth is provoked by male sex hormones.

Hormonal disorders

Hirsutism is increased male-pattern hair growth in women. Thick and coarse hairs begin to grow on the chest, in the mustache and beard area. This is directly related to changes in hormonal levels in a woman’s body. A large amount of male sex hormones leads not only to aesthetic defects, but also causes increased deposition of subcutaneous fat, changes in the menstrual cycle up to infertility, and an increase in blood pressure.

In some cases, chest hair growth is reversible. Thus, the hormonal imbalance that occurs during pregnancy goes away after childbirth. However, in most cases, the appearance of hair on a woman’s chest requires a thorough examination and the appointment of hormonal corrective therapy.

Polycystic ovary syndrome

The main causes of hirsutism are:

  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • tumors of the adrenal cortex;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • androblastoma of the ovaries.

Genetic predisposition

There are a number of hereditary diseases, one of the symptoms of which is increased hair growth.

These include adrenogenital syndrome - a genetic disease accompanied by a defect in the synthesis of cortisol, which stimulates the adrenal cortex and leads to excess production of androgens.

Another hereditary disease, Cushing's syndrome, is characterized by excessive deposition of subcutaneous fat and increased production of glucocorticosteroids. Acromegaly, as a genetic abnormality, is also often accompanied by increased body hair growth.

There are cases of hereditary hirsutism, when in several generations of the same family, hair growth is observed on the body and face of women with normal levels of male sex hormones. The etiology of this phenomenon is still unclear.

Side effects of certain medications

Most often, increased hair growth is provoked by drugs that contain hormones or cause their increased production in the body.

  • hormonal contraceptives;
  • glucocorticoids;
  • anabolic steroid;
  • anticonvulsant medications (Phenytoin);
  • cytostatics (Cyclosporine);
  • drugs for alopecia used in cosmetology (Minoxidil).

How to deal with hairs?

In men, hair growth on the chest or back does not require any intervention, however, a sharp increase in hair growth with an increase in excess weight is a reason to consult a doctor.

Women are more concerned about the presence of excess hair.

If thin dark hairs are concentrated only along the edge of the nipple alveoli, then there is no need to fight them.

Moreover, you cannot pull them out yourself; the skin in this area is delicate, easily wounded and can become infected if mechanically damaged.

Excess hair removal products can be divided into three groups:

  1. Mechanical. Trimming or shaving as a mechanical method of hair removal is now used quite rarely. This method is ineffective due to the fact that the hair follicle remains in the skin and the cut off part continues to grow. Black dots in areas of shaved hairs look unsightly, the skin can be injured by the razor blade, and infection will lead to inflammation. In addition, after shaving, the hair will grow even stronger and its structure will change - it will become thicker and tougher. Mechanical removal using wax strips is a fairly effective method, but painful. This may leave skin irritation and redness.
  2. Chemical. The chemical method involves the use of depilatory creams and gels. They soften the hair structure, make it more permeable, and facilitate easy separation from the hair follicle. Removing hairs treated with cream is not difficult. In addition, most creams contain special additives: oils, d-panthenol, vitamins that have a beneficial effect on the skin and prevent irritation.
  3. Instrumental. Modern and effective means are electrolysis (hair removal using current) and laser hair removal. They are carried out using special equipment and give lasting results. The mechanism of action is based on the destruction of the growth zone of the hair follicle. In this case, the hair not only falls out, but also new hair stops growing in this place.

After mechanical removal, a common complication is ingrown hairs, which can cause discomfort.

All these methods have only a cosmetic function, giving the skin a smooth and pleasant appearance. However, you can get rid of excess “fur” only by eliminating the cause of its appearance, and for this you need to see a doctor and undergo an examination.

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