Temperature sheet sample form. Measuring body temperature and filling out a temperature sheet

Temperature sheet is a medical document that graphically reflects the fluctuations in the patient’s body temperature during the day. It is usually filled out in case of long-term illness, especially during febrile conditions, when it is important to have an idea of ​​​​the change in body temperature from day to day.


  • There are two scales on the temperature sheet. Body temperature indicators are indicated on the vertical scale (from 35 to 42 degrees). The horizontal scale displays the date and time of measurement. To construct a temperature curve, the patient needs to measure the temperature twice a day (morning and evening) at the same hours. The measurement results are recorded on a check sheet.
  • Then you should dot the daily thermometer readings against the corresponding values. By connecting them, you get a broken line - a temperature curve. The temperature sheet should be filled out daily after each temperature measurement.
  • In addition to information about the temperature of the case, the temperature sheet may contain the results of other observations of the patient’s condition. This may be heart rate and breathing rate, blood pressure level, amount of fluid consumed and excreted. In addition, this document may contain information about measures to care for the patient (schedule for changing linen, hygienic baths, and other special procedures).
  • There is a standard form of temperature sheet. On it, indicators of pulse, respiration, and blood pressure are indicated opposite the designations of the vertical scale. Other indicators are noted at the bottom of the temperature sheet, under the temperature curve.
  • Some medical institutions use other forms of temperature sheets that differ from the standard ones. They may reflect more or fewer indicators. The temperature sheet is stored in the medical history and is a valuable source of information for the doctor, since by the nature of the changes in the graph teeth and their magnitude, one can clarify the diagnosis, make a prognosis for the course of the disease, and also prescribe appropriate medications or prescribe additional examinations.

Thermometry - body temperature measurement. As a rule, thermometry is carried out twice a day - in the morning on an empty stomach (at 7-8 am) and in the evening before the last meal (at 17-18 o'clock). According to special indications, body temperature can be measured every 2-3 hours (temperature profile).

Locations for measuring body temperature


    Oral cavity (the thermometer is placed under the tongue).

    Inguinal folds (in children).

    Rectum (usually in seriously ill patients; the temperature in the rectum is usually 0.5-1°C higher than in the armpit).

Measuring body temperature in the armpit

Required equipment: maximum medical thermometer, container with disinfectant solution (0.1% Chlormix (exposure 60 minutes) or 0.1% Chlorotsid (exposure 60 minutes)), individual napkin, temperature sheet.


          Wipe the patient's armpit area dry (wet skin distorts thermometry readings).

2. Examine the axillary area: if there is hyperemia or local inflammatory processes, temperature cannot be measured (the thermometer readings will be higher than the temperature of the whole body).

3. Remove the thermometer from the glass with the disinfectant solution. After disinfection, the thermometer should be rinsed with running water and thoroughly wiped dry.

4. Shake the thermometer so that the mercury column drops to below 35°C.

5. Place the thermometer in the armpit so that the mercury reservoir is in contact with the patient’s body on all sides; ask the patient to press his shoulder tightly to his chest (if necessary, the health care worker should help the patient hold his arm).

6. Remove the thermometer after 10 minutes and take readings.

7. Shake the mercury in the thermometer to below 35 °C.

8. Place the thermometer in a container with a disinfectant solution.

9. Record the thermometer readings on the temperature sheet.

Registration of thermometry results

The measured body temperature must be recorded in the logbook at the nurse’s station, as well as in the temperature sheet of the patient’s medical history.

The temperature sheet, intended for daily monitoring of the patient’s condition, includes thermometry data, as well as the results of measuring the respiratory rate (RR) in digital form, pulse and blood pressure (BP), body weight (every 7-10 days), the amount of drink per day of fluid and the amount of urine excreted per day (in milliliters), as well as the presence of stool (with a “+” sign).

On the temperature sheet, days are marked along the abscissa (horizontal) axis, each of which is divided into two columns - “y” (morning) and “v” (evening). There are several scales along the ordinate (vertical) - for the temperature curve (“T”), pulse curve (“P”) and blood pressure (“BP”). In the “T” scale, each grid division along the ordinate axis is 0.2 °C. Body temperature is marked with dots (blue or black), after connecting them with straight lines, a so-called temperature curve is obtained. Its type has diagnostic value for a number of diseases.

In a healthy person, body temperature can fluctuate from 36 to 37°C, and it is usually lower in the morning and higher in the evening.

Situations in which erroneous thermometric data may be obtained are as follows.

    The nurse forgot to shake the thermometer.

    The patient has a heating pad applied to his arm, on which body temperature is measured.

    Body temperature was measured in a seriously ill patient, and he did not press the thermometer tightly enough to the body.

    The mercury reservoir was located outside the armpit area.

    Simulation of patients with elevated body temperature.



Compiled by: Oksana Mikhailovna Prishchepova, teacher of anatomy and physiology, pathological anatomy and pathological physiology, first qualification category in the specialty “Teacher”.

Reviewed by the cycle commission of general medical disciplines

Protocol No. dated " " 2012

Chairman of the cycle commission


Temperature sheet is a medical document designed to graphically record daily fluctuations in the body temperature of patients.

On the vertical scale, temperature curves indicate body temperature indicators from 35 to 41°; on the horizontal - date and time of measurement. By putting dots on the daily thermometer readings against the corresponding symbols and connecting them, a broken line is obtained, called the temperature curve (see). Temperature curves are filled in by paramedics every day after measuring the patient’s temperature in the morning and evening hours.

In addition to body temperature, the temperature curves include the results of some other observations of the course of the disease: respiratory and pulse rates, blood pressure, amount of fluid drunk and excreted, etc., as well as information about the measures taken to care and treat patients (hygienic bath , change of linen, special procedures).

On the standard form of the temperature sheet (Fig.), the indicators of pulse, respiration and blood pressure are marked against the corresponding symbols on the left vertical scale, the remaining indicators are at the bottom of the temperature sheet under the temperature curve.

Some specialized medical institutions use forms of temperature sheets that differ from those accepted in general somatic hospitals; Such temperature sheets can reflect more indicators.

The temperature sheet is kept in the medical history.

Figure 1-9. Different types of temperature curves.

Fig. 1-7 Fever: Fig. 1 - constant; rice. 2 - laxative; rice. 3- intermittent; rice. 4. - hectic; rice. 5 - return; Fig 6 - wavy; rice. 7 is incorrect. Rice. 8. Crisis. Rice. 9. Lysis.


A temperature sheet is a medical document that graphically reflects fluctuations in the patient’s body temperature during the day. It is usually filled out in case of long-term illness, especially during febrile conditions, when it is important to have an idea of ​​​​the change in body temperature from day to day.

There are two scales on the temperature sheet. Body temperature indicators are indicated on the vertical scale (from 35 to 42 degrees). The horizontal scale displays the date and time of measurement. To construct a temperature curve, the patient needs to measure the temperature twice a day (morning and evening) at the same hours. The measurement results are recorded on a check sheet.

Then you should dot the daily thermometer readings against the corresponding values. By connecting them, you get a broken line - a temperature curve. The temperature sheet should be filled out daily after each temperature measurement.

In addition to information about the temperature of the case, the temperature sheet may contain the results of other observations of the patient’s condition. This may be heart rate and breathing rate, blood pressure level, amount of fluid consumed and excreted. In addition, this document may contain information about measures to care for the patient (schedule for changing linen, hygienic baths, and other special procedures).

There is a standard form of temperature sheet. On it, indicators of pulse, respiration, and blood pressure are indicated opposite the designations of the vertical scale. Other indicators are noted at the bottom of the temperature sheet, under the temperature curve.

Some medical institutions use other forms of temperature sheets that differ from the standard ones. They may reflect more or fewer indicators. The temperature sheet is stored in the medical history and is a valuable source of information for the doctor, since by the nature of the changes in the graph teeth and their magnitude, one can clarify the diagnosis, make a prognosis for the course of the disease, and also prescribe appropriate medications or prescribe additional examinations.

  • Violation of the body's temperature homeostasis is the main link in the pathogenesis of hyperthermia at the stage of decompensation.
  • Main features of a pure monopoly. Types of monopolies. Demand for a product and the marginal revenue of a monopolist
  • Temperature sheet- a medical document intended for graphical recording of daily fluctuations in the patient’s body temperature. It also contains the results of some other observations of the course of the disease: respiratory and pulse rates, blood pressure, the amount of liquid drunk per day and urine excreted, etc., as well as information about the measures taken to care and treat the patient (hygienic bath, change of linen, special procedures).

    The temperature sheet is stored in the medical record of the inpatient. On the vertical scale of the temperature sheet, body temperature indicators from 35 to 41 are indicated. On the horizontal scale, the days of the patient’s stay in the hospital, with each day divided into columns “morning” and “evening”. By putting dots on the daily thermometer readings against the corresponding symbols and connecting them, a broken line is obtained - a temperature curve. Indicators of pulse, respiration and blood pressure are noted against the corresponding designations on the left vertical scale, the remaining indicators are at the bottom of the temperature sheet under the temperature curve. The temperature sheet is completed by paramedics every day after measuring the patient’s temperature in the morning and evening hours.

    The temperature sheet, which the nurse is entrusted to keep, is an important medical document; it not only complements the medical history, but if well managed, replaces it during the round, and in some cases provides guidelines for diagnosis, choice of treatment method, and even prognosis. A well-designed temperature sheet clearly reflects the dynamics of the patient’s condition.

    Begin the sheet with the patient’s last name, first name and patronymic. The diagnosis is not made so that everyone’s sheets look the same and do not arouse curiosity on the part of patients.

    If the temperature sheet is hanging on the bed, then first of all it is more convenient to mark the temperature on it. To avoid confusion, the temperature should be noted immediately by taking a thermometer from the patient.

    Graphic recording of a patient's condition is a very promising matter, and with appropriate development, it is possible to create sheets that will provide detailed information about the patient, while the nurse is instructed to clearly mark only 3-4 main indicators of the patient's condition on the sheet.

    Fever can be subfebrile, when the temperature ranges from 37 to 38°, moderate (38-39°) and high (above 39°), hectic (39-40°).

    Fever goes through three stages, which the nurse should know, since the tactics of her behavior in this case have their own characteristics.

    First stage fever is characterized by a gradual increase in temperature, accompanied by severe chills, blue discoloration (cyanosis) of the lips and extremities, headache and general poor health. At this stage, the patient should be well covered, covered with heating pads, given warm tea, and all physiological functions monitored.

    Second stage- maximum increase in temperature - characterized by increased headache, dry mouth, hyperemia of the skin, sometimes delirium and hallucinations. At this stage it is necessary to monitor patients. You can place an ice pack on your forehead. It is necessary to give the patient fruit juice, tea with lemon, juices, etc. more often. During delirium or hallucinations, you need to set up a personal post near the patient so that he does not fall out of bed, you need to put a net on it.

    Third stage proceeds in different ways, since the temperature drop can be critical and lytic.

    Lytic fall temperature occurs gradually and is accompanied by the appearance of slight perspiration, weakness, after which the patient falls asleep.

    Critical drop temperatures quickly, for example from 39-40° to 35-33°. Such a rapid drop in temperature is accompanied by severe weakness and profuse sweating.

    When the temperature drops critically, blood pressure sometimes drops sharply, the pulse becomes thready, the extremities become cold, and cyanosis appears. In such cases, it is necessary to take urgent measures: administer substances that increase blood pressure, cover the patient with heating pads, monitor pulse and blood pressure.

    Rice. Temperature sheet.

    The quality, reliability and strength of the completed concrete structures will depend on compliance with all conditions when pouring the solution. It is necessary to use a temperature sheet for heating the concrete, which will prevent cracking of the material, ensuring its maximum strength. Temperature indicators are especially critical in the winter season, when any deviation from the norm may lead to the need to refill the solution.

    Pouring and curing of concrete can occur within a narrow temperature range. Today, special brands and varieties of Portland cement have been developed that can be worked with at subzero temperatures. However, standard varieties of this material still harden poorly at extreme temperatures, and at elevated temperatures the solution may rapidly lose moisture, which leads to cracking and other strength problems.

    Ensuring the correct temperature conditions, including additional heating of poured structures in the winter, will ensure excellent quality of completed building elements. That is why it is necessary to fill out a temperature sheet, and also take into account the permissible humidity levels in the room where construction work is being carried out.

    When performing construction work in the winter season, there is a need for additional heating of poured concrete structures. This warming up can be done in various ways:

    The most primitive and at the same time effective way to warm up concrete is to arrange a warm area over which a tent made of cellophane film is erected. If necessary, you can install a heat gun or light a blowtorch inside such a tent.

    This heating method is simple, but it can only be used for small volumes of concreting.

    Electric mats are popular, which are easy to use. They are effective and allow for concreting both indoors and outdoors. All you need to do is pour the solution, wait for its initial hardening, then lay out the electric mats over the structure to be poured and set the regulator to the desired temperature. The disadvantage of electric mats is the difficulty of using them for large volumes of concreting. It is problematic to cover walls, columns and various vertical supports with mats.

    Professional builders use ultraviolet installations to heat concrete, which do not involve contact with the heated solution. Thanks to the presence of radiation intensity adjustment, it is possible to reduce and increase the heating power. With equal success, such ultraviolet installations cope with thick formwork, allowing for high-quality heating of the building structures being built.

    • Ease of use.
    • Warm-up efficiency.
    • Can be used with formwork.

    When constructing vertical reinforced concrete structures, various supports, partitions and walls, heated formwork can be used. This technology is easy to use, so it can be used both in the construction of high-rise buildings and in private low-rise construction.

    All concrete used today fully complies with GOST, accordingly, already in advance the hardening time of the solution at certain temperatures was calculated. On the Internet you can easily find a completed sample temperature sheet for heating concrete, on the basis of which you can obtain all the necessary information about the curing time of the material at a specific temperature. It is not difficult to download such a form and standard filling out samples.

    Based on typical examples of filling out a concrete heating temperature sheet, you can independently calculate the necessary data and, taking into account the current air temperature, select the optimal option for additional heating of the reinforced concrete structures being built. The use of such sheets will be relevant not only for professional builders, but also for ordinary homeowners who independently pour the foundation and various reinforced concrete structures. The sheets themselves can be downloaded on the Internet.

    Professional builders use temperature forms with calculations, which contain data on the maturity of concrete, calculation of the average temperature in all shafts at a certain point in time after pouring the product. The use of such sheets with calculations allows you to obtain up-to-date information about the current state of poured reinforced concrete products.

    The quality of poured reinforced concrete structures will largely depend on compliance with the temperature regime. To simplify the work with reinforced concrete products, temperature sheets for heating concrete were calculated. Using already completed standard samples, you can get all the necessary information about concrete hardening, which will be the key to performing high-quality work on the manufacture of reinforced concrete products.