Some glamorous animal tattoo for girls. Animal tattoos. Keyhole and key

Animal tattoo designs are popular body decorations and mutual magic. The unity of man and animals is sometimes manifested in the application of a tattoo depicting an animal. Tattoo sketches of animals - most often those who want to adopt a part of the skills and strength of an animal decide to get such a design. The history of such tattoos goes back to the distant past, because primitive people were the first to apply totem animals on their bodies. They believed that this is how power passes from beast to man.

In many ways, humanity today has not moved far from this opinion. Previously it was believed that in addition to strength, such a pattern would be an excellent way of protection. The animal was selected according to the qualities that were present in humans. For example, faithful husbands tattooed wolves on their bodies, strong ones tattooed bears, lynxes, and tigers.
Today there is even more variety than before, and you can choose anything you want.

Popular animal tattoo designs

Cultures are different, which may be why choosing an animal for a tattoo is difficult. The meaning of the picture will depend on belonging to a particular faith, segment of the population, or nationality. So, you can choose a drawing according to your inner beliefs. Among animals, the following are considered common:

  • lions;
  • wolves;
  • snakes;
  • pandas.

The most popular among tattoo lovers is the image of an animal's grin. The faces of lions, tigers, wolves, and dogs are applied. At the same time, they bare their teeth for a future fight. Such a tattoo indicates the strength of its wearer, his hunting instincts, and mercilessness.

Similar tattoos are followed by images of amphibians. These representatives of the animal world bring to their owners wisdom, endurance, the ability to adapt to any situation, and composure.
Pets are also a separate category of animal tattoos. Drawings depicting beloved dogs or cats always indicate a person’s love for the animal.

The meaning of some animal tattoo designs

Wolves and lions take the lead in application to the body. This is not surprising, because the two most powerful animals carry many positive qualities. For example, a wolf indicates courage, strength, will, determination, and devotion. Leo will bring to its owner wisdom, security, courage, and the strength to move forward.

If you want to move away from the usual, you can decorate your body with an unusual animal. A striking example is the dragon, which symbolizes power, magic, and nobility. The portrayal of this fictional character is closely related to your belief in the fairy tale.

Tattoo on the arm - animals, as a sign of inner strength and bright character

According to tattoo artists, images of animals on the human body are almost the most common. They can be applied separately, or as a complete composition, and only in the form of a face - cute, funny or, conversely, aggressive. By the way, if we talk about such a direction as a tattoo on the hand, animals are tattooed on this part of the body in the vast majority of cases.

The popularity of animal tattoos on the arm: what is the reason for it?

The demand for images of animals on the body is due to the fact that for a long time, from the very foundation of the world, people lived in close contact with those who are now commonly called our little brothers.

By the way! If we touch on the theory of evolution, then people themselves are bright representatives of the animal world, because, according to the most common version, we descended from monkeys. Not to mention the fact that every person is guided, one way or another, by the most ordinary animal instincts.

Later, various animals (initially stuffed animals, and then drawings) began to be used as protective totems. Naturally, each individual picture has its own meaning, hidden or obvious symbolism - it all depends on the habits of the animal, its character and way of life.Therefore, even today, when choosing this or that drawing, people strive to associate themselves with specific features of a particular animal. That is why it is customary to put animals on the hands - to make it easier for others to demonstrate their character, displayed through a tattoo.The same masters claim that at least a third of all such “tattoos” are a muzzle with a grin. For example, there are heads:

  • bears;
  • wolves;
  • tigers;
  • Lviv, etc.

The symbol of an aggressive, sometimes even evil grin is a desire for the primitive instincts of a hunter. Who knows no fear or doubt, and therefore he is merciless and ready for any battle, even with the most powerful and fierce enemy from the animal world.

Note! Amphibians also fall into this category. For example, a snake or other similar creature symbolizes longevity, the ability to withstand any difficulties, to overcome all obstacles that arise along the way.

Tattoos that depict sweet and calm domestic inhabitants deserve special mention. In the vast majority of cases, they symbolize calmness, kindness and even tenderness. That’s why they are often chosen by beautiful ladies.

Sketches of animal tattoos for girls - from cute faces to cruel grins

It is perhaps difficult to meet a person who does not love animals. Some people love soft and fluffy, slightly arrogant cats. Some people are crazy about dogs and can spend hours on end walking with their pet. Even brutal and rude people are ready to bow to the strength of a bear or the mercilessness of a tiger! Perhaps this is why animal tattoos are among the most popular and in demand!

Naturally, each image has its own characteristics and carries a hidden meaning. Some drawings are positive, while others, on the contrary, are negative. Thus, most often images of various representatives of the animal world carry:

  • nobility;
  • wisdom;
  • devotion;
  • cruelty.

Note! On people's bodies there are images of predators baring their teeth, cute and kind animals and even mythical creatures. When choosing a specific sketch, a person, first of all, focuses on his internal preferences and character traits.

Sketches of animal tattoos for girls as a protective symbol

If we touch on history, people have long applied such images to their bodies as protective symbols, which were designed to provide protection during battles or protect against evil spirits.

In most cases, the meaning carried by certain animals has survived to this day. Therefore, before making a choice, you should find out exactly what value the image hides.

This is especially true for animal tattoos for girls. After all, be that as it may, representatives of the fair half are more gentle creatures and they should not choose images of purely male animals that speak of increased aggression.

Note! Mythological characters and animals are chosen by those people who want to demonstrate their incredible inner strength and strength of character.

As experience shows, people most often apply large muzzles of representatives of the animal world to open parts of the body or those that are most often shown - for example, on the forearm.

Tattoos such as the footprints of an animal are also in demand. They are usually applied to the back, arms, and legs. By the way, such marks usually complement the main animal tattoo!

Naturally, when choosing animal tattoo designs for girls, you should focus on large designs. Since they are the ones who are able to convey all the characteristics of an animal and clearly draw its features. Small images of animals are often unattractive.

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Rafik Bagautdinov gave his first tattoo to a friend when he was in school. He became a master in the army and by the age of thirty had already gained fame in the circles of Russian tattoo artists. Rafik started tattooing animals a couple of years ago. A young girl came to carve a lizard on her lower back and persuaded the artist to make a similar, but smaller design on her cat. A week later, a friend came with a poodle. Thus began a new feature among Kazan youth.

Animal skin is much rougher than human skin, so the tattoo heals faster, but it is still necessary to anesthetize the animal. Cats always scratched, dogs always bit,” says Rafik.

It is completely undesirable to try to give your animal valerian or alcohol to drink before going on a hike. In such cases, blood circulation increases and the animal can lose a lot of blood.

The latest trick, according to the author, is tattoos with fluorescent inks. At home, such a tattoo cannot be seen, but in a club, under the neon light, bizarre patterns appear on the skin of the animal
“Hairless sphinxes are the best cat breed for tattoos and scarring,” says the tattoo artist. - Ordinary fluffy cats first have to be shaved or trimmed bald, and only then first draw with a pencil, then with a typewriter.

Men ask for hieroglyphs, forged collars and exotic animals to be tattooed on dogs. Once I made a tattoo on the toy terrier of a Kazan socialite in the form of a fashion house sign. For a public figure, this is an extra dose of PR. For ordinary people - a way to stand out from the crowd.

The fashion for tattooing pets migrated to Russia from Belgium. Where Wim Delvoy made in the form of logos of the Louis Vuitton fashion house. The skin of one such pig was worth more than the resulting meat of a dozen animals.

30-year-old Muscovite Elena is the owner of a Canadian Sphynx named Mickey. The girl took Mickey to a tattoo parlor where he got a tattoo.

A beautiful color drawing of Pharaoh Tutankhamun appeared on the cat’s chest. To apply a bright picture to the cat’s skin, he was kept under anesthesia for 3 hours. Animal rights activists are outraged by this cruelty. But the cat’s owner is sure that Mickey, purchased for $2,000, is her property, and that she can do with him as she pleases. Elena believes that smooth-haired cats have thick skin, so they do not feel pain. But actually it is not.

Sphynx owners know how sensitive and delicate the skin of “alien” cats is. And under anesthesia, Mickey must have been in pain. What can we say about a tattoo if cats can experience pain even when cutting or trimming their nails. Cruelty starts with small things. Yes, the owner owns the soul and body of his pet. But this is precisely what imposes responsibility for the well-being of a small creature. And most pet owners would never hurt their “little brother.” However, the fashion for cat tattoos has been gaining momentum lately.

The new review collected several more tattoos that can safely be considered a real work of art. Even those who don’t really like drawings on the human body will definitely like them. Enjoy watching and good mood.

1. Lotus flower

A miniature black and white tattoo of a lotus flower in the hand, denoting femininity, fertility, love, passion and purity of heart.

2. "Family"

The word “family” enclosed in an infinity sign is a universal tattoo that will suit people who put family above all else.

3. "Dad"

Tattoo in memory of the departed dad.

4. Pine

Nature inspired tattoo. Images of pine or spruce on the body mean eternal life, hope, fertility.

5. Rings

Finger tattoos in the form of wedding rings are a great way for lovers to cement their relationship.

6. Fox

A tiny fox tattoo done in a graphic style. The image of a fox is common and universal among young people. Tattoos depicting this animal mean beauty, dexterity, confidence and cunning.

7. Keyhole and key

Original, and most importantly discreet tattoos in the form of a keyhole on the neck and a key on the finger are a great idea for an unconventional, slightly reserved person.

8. Flower

A charming tattoo of a flower, made in the popular watercolor technique, symbolizing beauty and tenderness.

9. "Believe"

A tiny image of a bird and an inscription on the wrist, denoting faith and hope.

10. Mountains

A tattoo depicting mountain peaks is a symbol of masculinity and strength.

11. "Oh yes I can"

A tiny inscription on the hand can have both humorous and serious meaning.

12. Bicycle

A tattoo with the image of a bicycle will appeal to fans of this type of transport. This pattern is universal and suitable for both women and men.

13. Mirror of Venus

A tiny tattoo of the mirror of Venus on a man's foot, apparently indicating the sexual preferences of its wearer.

14. Balloons

A colorful tattoo depicting a bunch of balloons, made using watercolor technique, is suitable for light and cheerful people.

15. Balloon

A small and rather rare tattoo with an image of a hot air balloon is a sign of a risky nature, capable of thinking broadly.

16. Compass

An original interpretation of a tattoo depicting a compass, symbolizing balance, certainty, firmness of views and beliefs.

17. Camera

Small cactus tattoo.

A miniature and funny image of a cactus will certainly appeal to people with a sense of humor and those with a prickly character.

20. Moon

A small but quite realistic tattoo of the moon. Tattoos depicting the moon have many interpretations and meanings: a connection with mystical forces, mystery, a symbol of the feminine principle, and many others.

Each animal in the world of body painting has its own special meaning. Often the beast personifies some human quality. All animal tattoos can be roughly classified according to the meanings they carry. We offer you the following popular interpretations:

  • Loyalty, devotion, honor. If you have these qualities, you will most likely like a tattoo with a wolf, dog, cheetah or horse. These animals symbolize the noble human qualities inherent in representatives of the animal world.
  • Courage, courage, determination. This interpretation is typical for such animal symbols as the lion, tiger, bear, and eagle. In the tattoo community, there is an opinion that an animal tattooed on the body contributes to the evolution of the individual in the direction of strengthening the will and acquiring a strong character.
  • Wisdom and prudence. The main bearer of wisdom in the animal world is the eagle owl. Elephants and lizards also symbolize wisdom.
  • Cunning. And the snake, and the scorpion, and the fox are perfect for the role of a cunning animal. If you think your view of the world is too naive, you can gain confidence and ingenuity by getting a tattoo on your body with one of the above characters.
  • Femininity. Many animals have these qualities. Girls who want to emphasize this feature of theirs can pay attention to tattoos with animals such as panthers, leopards and other predatory cats. Some beauties suit tattoos with birds and butterflies, which also look very feminine.
  • Loneliness. This quality is characteristic of the owl, scorpio and raven. The latter occupies a special place in the gloomy “hopeless” tattoo compositions applied in the Gothic style.
  • Power. Animals such as shark and cobra are symbols of power. The lion as the king of beasts can also be interpreted as the personification of power in the animal kingdom.
  • Prosperity. Oddly enough, the fox is considered a symbol of wealth in the world of tattoos. Some also use the image of a frog or squirrel.
  • Freedom. The most popular animals that represent freedom are seagulls, cats, deer, dolphins and eagles.

Places and styles

There is no point in dwelling on this issue for a long time, since the style, location and other factors are determined only after the general idea of ​​the tattoo is formed. For example, a popular cheetah tattoo may look good in a jumping pose, but completely lose its essence in any other pose. So when applying a tattoo with animals, everything is entirely individual.


Of course, celebrities love to have animals tattooed on their bodies. Among the fans of such body painting the following were noticed:

  • Amber Rose with cute dogs on her shoulder;
  • Sarah Forsberg with a very stylish minimalist tattoo of a lion;
  • Ashley Greene with an elephant tattoo;
  • Asami Zdrenka with an owl tattoo;
  • Melanie Martinez with a bunny face tattoo;
  • Jessica White with a snake tattoo on her arm;
  • Alexis Krauss with a tiger tattoo.