What causes ulcers on the body. We understand the possible causes of ulcers on the body

Long-term non-healing ulcers on the skin are quite common. Long-term non-healing ulcers are characterized by a defect in the skin, as well as the mucous membrane and underlying tissues; these processes develop as a result of necrosis against the background of trophic disorders, as a result, regenerative processes proceed at a slow pace, and the disease itself is protracted.

Ulcers usually develop in an area with a disturbed metabolic process, as a result, the healing process is practically absent, and granulation tissue appears slowly. Non-healing trophic ulcers are a fairly serious problem. Their treatment takes a long time.

Ulcers are a polyetiological disease that can occur as a result of various pathological processes. Based on their origin, they are classified as follows:

In the first place are ulcers of venous origin (they occupy approximately 70%) of the total, and in second place are ulcers of traumatic origin (up to 25%). Despite the variety of etiological factors causing the ulcerative process, there are common pathogenetic features, in particular - a violation of tissue trophism with microcirculation disorders and foci of necrosis.

Subsequently, an infectious process may join the ulcerative formation, which will also lead to a long-term non-healing ulcer; pathogenic microorganisms will penetrate into the surrounding tissues, which will aggravate the regeneration process.
Over time, the ulcer increases in size, the pathological process affects deeper and deeper layers of tissue, destruction of blood vessels occurs, purulent arthritis is possible, and malignancy (degeneration of a malignant ulcer) is also possible.

Long-term non-healing ulcers on the skin can provoke a generalized infectious process, which will require emergency medical intervention.

Pathological anatomy of long-term non-healing ulcers

As for the pathological anatomy of such formations, they are characterized by polymorphism, that is, they can be varied in shape: round, oval, star-shaped, as well as superficial and crater-shaped in depth.

The bottom of the ulcer is covered with pale granulation tissue, it is loose, with areas of necrotic tissue. The walls of this pathological formation are dense, surrounded by connective tissue along the periphery. Their edges are uneven, undermined, reddened or with a bluish tint, the so-called cyanotic. The marginal epithelization of the ulcerative area is poorly expressed.

According to the location of skin ulcers, they are as follows:

Trophic ulcers are of venous origin, they are mainly located in the ankle area or in the lower part of the leg, the skin is dense, ulcerated with accompanying lymphostasis, and the discharge is characteristic of a serous, bloody or purulent nature.

Diabetic ulcers on the skin occur mainly on the phalanges of the feet; they are irregular in shape, their edges are uneven with areas of necrotic tissue, and they are characterized by pain.

Neurotrophic ulcers are predominantly localized in the foot area, on the calcaneal tubercle in the so-called denervated areas. Their area is usually small, but their depth is quite significant in the form of a crater. The bottom of such an ulcer is tendons, muscle or bone tissue. The discharged exudate is purulent in nature, scant, granulations are sluggish or may be completely absent, tissue sensitivity is reduced.

Infectious ulcers are shallow, concentrated in groups, their edges are soft, doughy in structure, and the surrounding skin is inflamed. The discharge from the ulcerative area is thick and purulent in nature.

Radiation ulcers have abrupt edges, they are round in shape, and can be deep, right down to the bones. They take a long time to heal, which requires patience and appropriate treatment from the patient.

Ulcers against the background of malignant neoplasms are formed against the background of the disintegration of the tumor formation. Its edges are tuberous, necrotic tissue is noted at the bottom, and there is no granulation process.

Treatment of ulcers

Ulcers that take a long time to heal are difficult to treat. It is important to normalize tissue trophism, activate reparative processes, and normalize metabolism. They fight pathogenic flora by prescribing antibiotics, anti-inflammatory and desensitizing therapy, vitamin preparations, and so on are indicated.

Local treatment is aimed at combating pathogenic infection and quickly clearing the ulcer. For this purpose, rinsing is carried out, antiseptics, ointments, sorption coatings are prescribed, proteolytic enzymes are effective, aseptic dressings are indicated, in addition, biogenic stimulants are used (propolis, vulnuzan, apilak, solcoseryl), and in difficult situations, surgical treatment is carried out by performing skin grafting with excision of scar tissue.

The skin is the largest organ of the human body (about 2 square meters in area). Accordingly, the list of skin diseases is very wide.

In addition to its protective and immune function, the skin serves to regulate temperature, water balance and sensations, so protecting yourself from the occurrence of skin diseases is one of the primary preventive tasks.

Below you will find out what skin diseases people have and what their symptoms are. You can also look at photos of skin diseases and read their descriptions. Let us note right away that most skin diseases in people have no symptoms and are easily treatable.

What skin diseases are there: acne, blackheads, eczema, herpes

Acne (“pimples”) considered as the most common skin disease. Almost all adolescents (about 85%) are familiar with the description of this skin disease. Essentially, acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

Acne vulgaris- This is a typical skin disease for most people, one of the first places on the list of such diseases. Mainly characterized by a mild course, they are found (mainly on the face) on fatty areas of the body and manifest themselves in the form of pimples, purulent ulcers and comedones. Fat forms clogged sebaceous glands where bacteria can colonize and cause inflammation. The main causes are hormonal changes, usually during puberty or pregnancy. Male sex hormones (androgens) promote development and therefore affect men more than women. In addition, medications, cosmetics, and stress factors, among other things, can contribute to acne. The severe form is characterized by the formation of scars, in otherwise acne is treated without leaving any traces before the age of 25.

Every young mother will tell you about what other skin diseases there are.

Eczema (atopic dermatitis) usually begins in early childhood and manifests itself in periodic inflammatory reactions of the skin. This is one of the most common skin diseases. Due to the body's defensive reactions to allergens, it leads to inflammatory processes, insatiable itching acts as a trigger. Triggers may include stress, certain foods, mechanical irritations, infections and climatic influences. Scratches can cause inflammatory reactions and the skin loses its protective barrier.

It comes in many forms, the most famous being herpes simplex. The primary one usually goes unnoticed. Only further infection manifests itself in the form of typical blisters with crusting and inflammation. The reasons can be different, injuries or sunburn, stress and hormonal fluctuations.

What other skin diseases are there: bedsores, eczema, scabies?

Bedsores, as a rule, arise from prolonged bed rest with simultaneous immobility. Pressure on a specific, unprotected area of ​​the body contributes to the formation of ulcers in the deepest layers of the skin with a simultaneous lack of nutrition. Bacteria can penetrate and destroy the layers completely. Sufferers complain of itching, burning and severe pain.

Eczema is a superficial inflammation of the skin. Its symptoms are shown in the photo above: redness with occasional blistering. The causes of eczema are many and varied.

Scabies caused by mites (mainly during sexual contact). Ticks make holes in the stratum corneum of the tissue and lay eggs there. It mainly affects the wrists, between the fingers, navel, chest, armpits or genital area. Scabies is treatable, but can also cause other diseases (eg, cellulitis, sepsis).

List of other skin diseases: keratosis, carcioma, hemangioma

Elderly people are also familiar with the types of skin diseases. For example, actinic keratosis is caused by constant and intense sun exposure; the increase and change of skin keratinocytes occurs painfully. It is considered an early stage of skin cancer. Reddish spots appear on areas of the body exposed to the sun. Requires immediate treatment.

Basal carcinoma also recognized as white skin cancer, has the same trigger others. With early treatment, basal cell carcinoma has a good prognosis.

Hemangioma is a benign tumor that occurs most often in young children (approximately 30% at birth).

Skin diseases in humans: melanoma, shingles, hemorrhoids

Melanoma (cancer) is a malignant tumor based on pigment cells of the epidermis. It develops as a result of excessive sun exposure and appears most often on the face, neck or forearms. It can be treated well at an early stage.

Most often, ulcerative formations on the skin can mean internal diseases associated with oncology, infectious diseases and the presence of dermatological problems in humans.

Ulcers that are observed on the skin have different shapes, sizes, locations and even properties. They can be random, fleeting, benign or malignant, and even too persistent, which do not go away for a long time and, moreover, tend to increase in size, covering more and more of a person’s skin (for example, scrofulous, syphilitic and scurvy ulcers). In medical practice, malignant ulcers on the body, known as cancerous, are often encountered. They can lead to the death of the patient.

Most often, people encounter ulcers on the body that arise due to chronic venous insufficiency. Adults are at risk of developing this disease, since not a single case of this disease has been recorded among children under 14 years of age. Due to venous insufficiency, ulcers form only on the legs of an adult. The reason for their appearance is the weakness of the walls of blood vessels. For treatment, complex therapy is usually used with the use of special ointments, medications and other medications. Varicose ulcers are not as scary as they might seem at first glance: with proper and regular treatment, they quickly disappear, and there is no pain from them. After successful therapy, it is very important to prevent the disease.

The appearance of ulcers on the body, in particular on the legs, may indicate the presence of a disease such as atherosclerosis obliterans. In medicine, this phenomenon is called “ischemic ulcers.” Middle-aged and older men are at risk. The disease manifests itself as itching, pain, and hair loss at the site of ulcer formation.

The occurrence of this disease, which accompanies ulcers, largely depends on the quality of a person’s lifestyle. Thus, the cause of the disease is usually: alcohol and tobacco abuse, eating unhealthy food and a sedentary lifestyle. To avoid the appearance of such ulcers, you should reconsider your diet, give up alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, give preference to fresh foods and exercise.

Another cause of ulcers on the body (and also on the skin of the legs) is livedo vasculitis. During this disease, vascular thrombosis develops greatly, as a result of which the skin of the legs becomes covered with ulcers. New growths that appear are often painful and susceptible to various irritants (even ordinary clothing can cause pain when touching the damaged area). This type of ulcer is very difficult to treat. But thanks to modern medicine, a cure is still possible if you approach this process responsibly.

If ulcers appear on the body, the causes may be oncological in nature. Thus, such painful manifestations that appear on the skin of the entire body may indicate the presence of cancer. Most often, such ulcers appear with melanoma, squamous cell carcinoma of the upper layer of the skin (epidermis), and basal cell carcinoma of the skin.

Since cancerous ulcers can be malignant, it is very important to immediately consult a specialist if such symptoms are detected. It would not be superfluous to undergo a standard examination of the body for the presence of cancer cells, that is, to do a biopsy. Such an examination will help either rule out cancer or confirm it, which to some extent is also good, because a disease that is detected in the early stages of its development is much easier to treat.

Finally, body ulcers can be caused by an infectious or bacterial virus. Most often in this case, the causative agents of the disease are streptococci. These ulcers are very similar to gangrene wounds, but they should not be confused. For example, ulcers caused by streptococcus have their own name - streptococcal ecthyma. Those ulcerative wounds that are considered gangrenous (gangrenous ecthyma) appear as a result of severe mechanical damage to the skin.

Having learned about the reasons for the appearance of ulcerative tumors on the skin, another question arises: “How to treat ulcers on the body?” It’s worth saying right away that self-medication is contraindicated here, because only a specialist can prescribe correct and effective therapy. Typically, complex treatment is used, which includes ointments and drugs that should be taken internally. Often they are aimed at removing ulcers.

Aphid cankers can be dangerous and should not be forgotten. In addition, successful treatment lies in the joint activity of the patient and the doctor, which will contribute to a speedy recovery.

Often internal diseases lead to various skin ailments. They can manifest themselves in different ways, but the most noticeable is the appearance of ulcers on the body. They can be random in nature, quickly disappear on their own, or develop into protracted forms and are very difficult to treat. Moreover, they come in different shapes, depths and sizes.

Lit.: Great Medical Encyclopedia, 1956

The disease is usually inflammatory, infectious, and tissue destroying. An ulcer on the body should not be confused with accidental mechanical damage to the skin. The emergence of a focus of erosion is facilitated by:

  • Obliterating atherosclerosis. Occurs due to poor diet, smoking and alcoholism. Ulcers appear with hair loss in the affected area and severe itching.
  • Injuries to the epidermis followed by suppuration. Without proper care they develop into ulcers.
  • Bacterial and viral infections. Once inside the body, they cause processes that contribute to the formation of the disease.
  • Various blood diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus or scurvy.
  • The appearance of blood clots in the vessels. In these cases, complete healing of ulcers is most difficult to achieve.
  • Benign and malignant tumors.

Incorrect diagnosis and treatment can lead to the development of ulcers on the body into complex forms, which are not always treatable and sometimes lead to death. Therefore, it is very important to contact a medical facility when the first manifestations of the disease appear.

Which doctor should I contact?

Treatment of ulcers on the body depends entirely on the causes that caused them. This also determines the doctor who will conduct the therapy. If you have difficulty making a choice, a doctor such as:

After receiving all the data, the therapist will be able to decide on the cause of the ulcers and the method of treating them. In addition, the doctor will give recommendations that will help prevent relapses:

  • Explains the nature of the disease in simple words.
  • It will prove that changing habits and lifestyle will help in treatment.
  • Advises you to quit smoking.
  • He will tell you how to maintain body hygiene.
  • If necessary, he will advise the frequency of examinations by specialists.

Once the disease that has caused the appearance of ulcers on the body has been accurately determined, it is necessary to take measures to treat it. For this you may need:

  • Neurologist.
  • Immunologist.
  • Vascular surgeon.
  • Endocrinologist.
  • Gastroenterologist.

They conduct bacteriological, histological and cytological examinations. This allows an accurate diagnosis and development of the best treatment. If all the doctor's requirements are followed, in most cases complete recovery occurs.

Treatment methods

Therapy for the disease depends entirely on the disease that caused it. If you eliminate the underlying ailment, treating ulcers on the body will not be difficult. Therefore, each patient requires an individual approach. All treatment is divided into two directions, which are performed simultaneously. To eliminate the causes use:

  • Antibiotics.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Painkillers.

There are special medications, the need for which is determined by the underlying disease. They help to weaken or completely eliminate the influence of the disease on the appearance of ulcers. In addition, it is used to quickly get rid of wounds on the body.

Often internal diseases lead to various skin ailments. They can manifest themselves in different ways, but the most noticeable is the appearance of ulcers on the body. They can be random in nature, quickly disappear on their own, or develop into protracted forms and are very difficult to treat. Moreover, they come in different shapes, depths and sizes.

Lit.: Great Medical Encyclopedia, 1956

The disease is usually inflammatory, infectious, and tissue destroying. An ulcer on the body should not be confused with accidental mechanical damage to the skin. The emergence of a focus of erosion is facilitated by:

  • Obliterating atherosclerosis. Occurs due to poor diet, smoking and alcoholism. Ulcers appear with hair loss in the affected area and severe itching.
  • Injuries to the epidermis followed by suppuration. Without proper care they develop into ulcers.
  • Bacterial and viral infections. Once inside the body, they cause processes that contribute to the formation of the disease.
  • Various blood diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus or scurvy.
  • The appearance of blood clots in the vessels. In these cases, complete healing of ulcers is most difficult to achieve.
  • Benign and malignant tumors.

Incorrect diagnosis and treatment can lead to the development of ulcers on the body into complex forms, which are not always treatable and sometimes lead to death. Therefore, it is very important to contact a medical facility when the first manifestations of the disease appear.

Which doctor should I contact?

Treatment of ulcers on the body depends entirely on the causes that caused them. This also determines the doctor who will conduct the therapy. If you have difficulty making a choice, a doctor such as:

After receiving all the data, the therapist will be able to decide on the cause of the ulcers and the method of treating them. In addition, the doctor will give recommendations that will help prevent relapses:

  • Explains the nature of the disease in simple words.
  • It will prove that changing habits and lifestyle will help in treatment.
  • Advises you to quit smoking.
  • He will tell you how to maintain body hygiene.
  • If necessary, he will advise the frequency of examinations by specialists.

Once the disease that has caused the appearance of ulcers on the body has been accurately determined, it is necessary to take measures to treat it. For this you may need:

  • Neurologist.
  • Immunologist.
  • Vascular surgeon.
  • Endocrinologist.
  • Gastroenterologist.

They conduct bacteriological, histological and cytological examinations. This allows an accurate diagnosis and development of the best treatment. If all the doctor's requirements are followed, in most cases complete recovery occurs.

Treatment methods

Therapy for the disease depends entirely on the disease that caused it. If you eliminate the underlying ailment, treating ulcers on the body will not be difficult. Therefore, each patient requires an individual approach. All treatment is divided into two directions, which are performed simultaneously. To eliminate the causes use:

  • Antibiotics.
  • Antihistamines.
  • Painkillers.

There are special medications, the need for which is determined by the underlying disease. They help to weaken or completely eliminate the influence of the disease on the appearance of ulcers. In addition, it is used to quickly get rid of wounds on the body.