Restrictions on traveling abroad check the amount. A tricky way to leave Russia abroad with debts

Paying utilities, fines, loans and other long-term obligations is the responsibility of every Russian. Not everyone understands that having debt can become an obstacle to traveling abroad. The database of customs points stores information about each debtor, and without a court order to lift the ban, he will not be able to leave the country. About how the service works in the customs authorities of the Russian Federation

Below in the article you will find information about the period for which the ban is imposed, the reasons for issuing it and how to lift it.

The procedure for entry and exit abroad is regulated by Federal Law No. 114 “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation.” The law was adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on July 18, 1996. The bill came into force on August 15 of the same year. Amendments to Federal Law-114 were made on August 10, 2017.

The basis for the ban on traveling abroad is a decree signed by a bailiff.

Federal Law No. 114 spells out the grounds for banning travel abroad:

  • If an employee works with information of classified importance and state secrets, then the concluded agreement stipulates that he is prohibited from traveling outside the territory of the Russian Federation for a period of at least five years. If necessary, the period is extended;
  • if a citizen is undergoing military service or has been called up to perform alternative civilian service, then until its completion he has no right to leave the country;
  • if a citizen is tried in court as a suspect, he is prohibited from leaving the country until the end of the trial;
  • the person has been convicted of a crime and is serving a sentence;
  • the court has imposed an administrative penalty, and the citizen evades fulfilling his obligations;
  • deliberately false data of the citizen was reported to the passport office;
  • if the entrepreneur was declared bankrupt.

The law banning Russians from traveling abroad provides for written notification of citizens about the ban imposed, indicating the period and reasons for the decision.

If a ban has been imposed on a Russian citizen, he must hand over his passport to the authorized government agencies. The authorized person transfers it to the passport office for safekeeping until the expiration of the imposed restriction.

Military personnel have the right to leave the country if they have permission from the command, issued in the manner prescribed by the Government. For minors, the law states that they must leave the country accompanied by:

  • one of the parents;
  • guardian;
  • adoptive parents;
  • trustees.

The law allows the departure of an unaccompanied minor, but with the notarized consent of the above categories of persons. The guardianship and trusteeship authorities of the Russian Federation keep strict records of all minor citizens and must know about all their movements.

If you want to learn more about the provisions of Federal Law-144, download it from.

Can they not let you leave the country for debts?

Border services have a personal database and all citizens who have been banned are on the “black list”.

Reasons why a citizen of the Russian Federation may not be released from the country:

  • non-payment of taxes and fines;
  • late payment of alimony;
  • debts for housing and communal services;
  • outstanding bank loans.

Unpaid utility bills do not automatically mean a ban on leaving the country. If the amount of debt is 10 thousand rubles, then the authorized bodies do not have the right to present any claims or comments to citizens.

If the amount of debt exceeds 10 thousand rubles, this also does not mean that the Russian will not be able to leave the country. The decision to impose a ban is made by the bailiff. There have been cases when citizens went on vacation with a debt of 100 thousand rubles.

If the ban was nevertheless imposed, Russians have 2 weeks to pay off all existing debts. It is during this period that the data is indexed and sent to border services.

Within 10 days after repayment of debts, the ban is lifted. A Russian has the opportunity to speed up the process of lifting the ban only if he provides a certificate from a doctor stating that the trip is necessary for medical reasons.

Presentation of a receipt for payment of utility services at the border does not relieve the debtor of liability and the cancellation of punishment.


If a Russian has debts to pay for utility services, then he must pay the state 17.7 annual percent of the debt amount.

At the customs point, a citizen is not allowed through if he has debts. He is prohibited from leaving the territory of the Russian Federation until his debts are repaid. All debtors are included in the “black list” of checkpoints and remain there until information is received from the bailiff about the repayment of all debts.

Checking for a ban

According to the provisions of the law, bailiffs are obliged to inform a citizen if a ban has been imposed on him for traveling outside the Russian Federation. The notification is sent to the citizen's registered address.

You can also check the ban on traveling abroad using the FSSP interactive assistant.

You can find out about the restrictions imposed on the following sites:

  1. Government services portal. Here you can find out about the presence of debts to the tax office, the number of fines and debts to the court.
  2. Tax website. The website provides information about the existence of debt by TIN number. If the user does not remember his number, the site provides an opportunity through which he can find it out.
  3. Website Central Bank. If a Russian has bank debts, he can use his personal card on the bank’s website.
  4. Government services portal and Bank of Moscow website were open for public use so that citizens could find out about their utility debts. Each supplier has its own website where you can view the amount of debt.

How to lift the ban on traveling abroad?

The Russian government believes that imposing restrictions on travel outside the country is the most effective way to combat debtors.

The restriction is imposed:

  • if the citizen has debts due to which enforcement proceedings were initiated;
  • The deadline for repayment was missed.

First of all, in order to gain access to travel outside the Russian Federation, debtors must pay off their debts. You need to contact the exact authority to which you owe money.

The deadline for canceling the travel ban is 2 weeks from the date of the decision.

The bailiff lifts the ban from the debtor. He can lift the ban only if he has a certificate of repayment of all debts.

A step-by-step description of the process of lifting the ban on leaving the Russian Federation:

  • Step 1. All existing debts are paid.
  • Step 2. The money is transferred to the accounts of the service providers and the bailiff receives a notification that the payment has gone through and the debt has been repaid.
  • Step 3. The bailiff makes a decision and transfers it to the Border Guard Service.
  • Step 4. Border Service employees enter information about the lifting of the ban.

Important! The availability of modern technologies makes it possible to speed up the lifting of restrictions, but this cannot be done instantly.

The order issued by the bailiff can be challenged. This can be done on the basis of Article 441 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, which deals with challenging a decision issued with errors.

For example: At the time of the decision, the bailiff did not take into account the fact that the debtor paid off the debts voluntarily. Or the debtor was not notified of the punishment imposed on him.

Holidays abroad during vacation are not a rare choice for Russian citizens. Knowing the reasons for a possible ban on traveling abroad will help you travel without any unexpected obstacles. The inability to visit a foreign country can affect both a high-ranking official and an ordinary citizen.

Who is usually prohibited from traveling abroad?

There are those who are aware of the existing personal restrictions regarding traveling abroad, but there are also citizens who learn about the ban unexpectedly and at the most inopportune moment, for example, at the airport when crossing the border.

Such restrictions apply to certain categories of citizens and for specific reasons.


Persons under 18 years of age are not allowed to travel without an adult. Accompanying persons may be: parents, guardians, trustees. If a child travels abroad with another adult (teacher, coach, relative), then the legal parents or those who replace them issue a written official permission for the child to travel, certified by a notary. Without such paper, children are prohibited from leaving.

Civil servants

All the indignation after the release of the law banning civil servants from traveling abroad subsided when, upon closer examination, it became clear that we were not talking about all civil service employees. Moreover, the proposed ban applies only to certain categories of citizens:

  1. Employees of government agencies who are familiar with information classified as “top secret” and “special importance.” It should be clarified that possessing information classified as “secret” does not prevent departure;
  2. Persons who serve in the army or in alternative civilian service. The exception is contract employees - they are not prohibited from traveling;
  3. Employees of the Federal Security Service of Russia and the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Employees are usually aware of existing restrictions. If the need arises to travel abroad, they write an official statement addressed to the management. After careful checks, a final decision is made to approve the submitted petition.


Citizens convicted of a crime, released on parole or serving a suspended sentence do not have the right to travel abroad. This opportunity appears after the expungement of a criminal record.


Russians with unpaid debts may also be prohibited from traveling abroad. There are different types of debts for which this can happen:

  • credit;
  • non-payment of taxes of any type;
  • alimony;
  • debt to public utilities;
  • fines imposed by the State Road Safety Inspectorate (STSI).

Since October 2017, the amount of outstanding debt for which a decision may be made to ban travel abroad has been increased to 30,000 rubles.

Note! Debts for non-payment of alimony, property damage or harm to health remained at the same level. In this case, debtors are prohibited from traveling if the amount of non-payment is 10,000 rubles.

However, the adopted provision does not correspond to the apparent pattern: a debt arose and a travel ban was imposed. There must be good reasons for this to happen.

Banning procedure

A number of circumstances precede the decision:

  1. For unpaid debt amounts, the relevant organization must sue the defaulter;
  2. After a court decision on debt collection is made, the case is sent to the FSSP (Federal Bailiff Service);
  3. The authorized bailiff informs the citizen in writing about the financial debt. 5 days are allotted for payment;
  4. Within 5 days, if the debtor does not take positive actions to resolve the issue, then the bailiff has the right to petition for a ban on such a citizen leaving Russia.

They can also impose a ban without a trial, on the basis of other documents (decisions of labor commissions, agreements on the payment of alimony, judicial acts in administrative cases), provided that the organization files a lawsuit in court demanding this.

Debts are the most common reason for imposing a ban, so it is advisable to make sure that they are absent.

As of September 1, 2018, bailiffs were collecting 4.5 million debts from Russians to credit institutions in the amount of 1.7 trillion rubles.

“Every third debtor is limited in the right to travel outside the Russian Federation,” the FSSP told TASS.

How long is the travel restriction in effect?

The bailiff has the right to prohibit a Russian from leaving his homeland for a maximum of six months. If during this period the debtor has not taken any action to resolve the debt issue that has arisen, then the authorized FSSP employee extends the ban for a similar period.

If a defaulter is detained at the border, border service officers confiscate his travel document and transfer it to the Main Directorate for Migration Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

When submitting documents for a foreign passport by a person who has a travel ban, the application will be denied.

When is the ban lifted after all debts have been paid?

After you have learned about an overdue debt, for the collection of which enforcement proceedings have been opened and the matter has come to the imposition of a ban on leaving Russia, pay it, inform the authorized bailiff about it, then he will start the procedure for lifting the ban.

The period during which restrictions will be lifted is 7-14 days.

After receiving notification of payment of the debt, the bailiff immediately lifts the existing restriction on travel. But this information must also reach the border service and the Main Directorate for Migration Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and this will take time. Therefore, there is a certain waiting period for the ban to be lifted. Providing a receipt for payment to border guards does not make sense, since they are not authorized to make such decisions.

It should be noted that with the introduction of electronic document management, the authorities promise to lift the ban within 24 hours through faster transfer of information to control points and the migration service. But so far there is no official confirmation of a guaranteed lifting of the ban within 24 hours. Therefore, it is recommended to take care in advance of putting all documents in order, paying debts, and notifying the bailiff about this.

Is it possible to leave the Russian Federation without paying debts?

This possibility exists when extremely valid reasons arise that prompt a Russian to urgently travel abroad. These include:

  • the need for urgent medical intervention, without which there will be a serious threat to human life;
  • serious illness of a close relative;
  • the need to urgently go to the funeral of a loved one;
  • immediate resolution of business issues.

In this case, an emergency decision is made to lift the ban.

Checking documents at the airport

There is another theoretically feasible way to leave the country with unsettled financial matters. This means traveling through another country. For example, first go to Belarus or Ukraine, where there are no strict border controls (the existence of a ban on leaving citizens is practically not checked). And from there, head to another desired foreign country.

Thus, upon returning to their homeland (and this cannot be avoided), an inspection is quite possible, then the ingenuity of such a person will become known and the debt will still have to be paid.

It is safer, safer and calmer to take care in advance about the absence of overdue financial obligations and to freely make the desired tour.

The country's authorities have a lot of leverage over their citizens. Some of the methods used to force people to pay off debt and regularly pay taxes to the state treasury are quite harsh. One of the ways to influence is to restrict travel abroad. Many Russians do not even suspect that they have been banned and cannot travel abroad.

To avoid unpleasant situations during border control, it is recommended. This can be done online.

Some Russians believe that this is nothing more than a “horror story”, and in reality there were no cases of ban. In fact, more than 900,000 people are already prohibited from traveling abroad in 2019 due to debt. Therefore, we recommend that you quickly check all your debts online.

It is important to know that having a small debt or a controversial issue with alimony does not automatically imply a travel ban. If a person with minor debts from a bank faces a ban, this is illegal. In this case, he has the right to go to court.

Practice shows that the decision in such cases is always made in favor of the plaintiff. But you may not be able to go abroad and travel outside the Russian Federation may not be allowed. Most often, novice bailiffs make illegal demands against a person with a small debt.

threatens only in a few cases. So, this is relevant when a person has debts in accordance with a court decision to collect property. A ban is also imposed when proceedings are initiated by non-judicial authorities against a person who has debts.

In the first case, “drastic” measures are not always taken either. This is relevant when a person who has debts has ignored the requirements of the state without a good reason. In the second case, the issue is still resolved in court. If the decision was not made in favor of the debtor, then the ban on traveling abroad is relevant for him.

You can check the ban on traveling abroad due to debt on the website online. To do this, you need to fill out the form that you see below.

Such severe measures are relevant for those who have debt:

  1. For alimony.
  2. For administrative fines.
  3. For a penalty.
  4. For customs payments.
  5. On taxes.

But even if the amount of debt is large, not everything is so simple.

After initiating enforcement proceedings, a person must be able to voluntarily repay the debt. This can be done within 5 days.

If a person who has a debt does not pay it off for an unjustifiable reason, the debtor can file an application with the court. Sometimes this doesn't happen.

Bailiffs can also make a corresponding petition. But this happens extremely rarely. If a person is subject to this measure, they must be notified by mail. In practice, many citizens do not receive such notifications or they arrive with a long delay.

Get up-to-date information

There are several ways to find out whether a person has restrictions on traveling abroad. Previously, debtors received a letter by regular mail. Now the notification procedure has been simplified. The new system is quite convenient and allows hypothetical debtors to find out all the relevant information.

Checking for unpaid fines

Method one, standard

A person planning a vacation outside of Russia can find out about the existence of restrictions on traveling abroad in person. It is easy to verify the existence of a debt. To do this, he needs to find time and visit the office of the Federal Bailiff Service.

Also, everyone has the opportunity to find out important information over the phone. As a result of personal communication, the official informs the debtor of the amount of the debt and how to repay it.

You also need to call the bank branches where you took out the loan and find out if by chance you have any debts.

Method two, convenient

A more convenient way is the possibility. To do this, a person who assumes that he has debts must go to the official page of the relevant organization:

  • website of the Federal Bailiff Service,
  • bank, if there were loans,
  • tax service,
  • Traffic police (to check fines),
  • unified portal of State Services.

E-government website where you can check existing debts online

There are cases when people are not aware of the existence of certain debts (traffic police fines or debts for housing and communal services repairs, which you were not even notified about).

On the page, the debtor fills out an online form. You must provide your personal information and region of residence. Before doing this, it is recommended to agree to the processing of your personal data.

If, as a result of the check, a person learns about the existence of debts, then he needs to get rid of them as soon as possible, otherwise travel to foreign countries may be prohibited. Repayment methods can also be viewed on the official website. Today it is very convenient to pay off debts. Today, everyone can make a payment online.

Method three, the fastest

The fastest way to check the ban on traveling abroad online without registration is to use a proven service that checks all websites and databases for your debts, which may prevent you from leaving the country. You will receive an answer within 2 minutes.

Important point

Some Russians complain that border guards demand a receipt for payment of debt. This is an illegal requirement.

The banking affairs of a person traveling abroad do not concern border guards at all. Only an employee of the bailiff service can verify the fact of repayment of the debt.

Curtain Falls

Some Russians, faced with such an unpleasant phenomenon as a ban on traveling abroad, could successfully circumvent the “sanctions” several months ago. All they needed was to come to Belarus and travel abroad from there.

But in March of this year, the authorities of the Belarusian state ratified two agreements concluded with Russia. These agreements concern the entry and exit of citizens of both countries into the territory of Belarus and Russia. According to the newly minted agreement, a person with a debt is not able to travel abroad through Belarus.

To date, the authorities of both countries have introduced the so-called “common bank”. This applies not only to Russians, but also to Belarusians who have problems with debts to the state.

Cancellation of the ban

The period of “sanctions” for Russians is usually 6 months. At the end of 6 months, the period can be extended. But this injustice can be challenged. If a person who wants to travel abroad does everything legally competent, the court may make a decision regarding the lifting of the existing ban.

What are the conditions?

The travel ban can be lifted if the following conditions are met:

Features of these conditions

The first method is the simplest and most reliable. This is also good in a moral sense. Having paid the debt, a person can vacation abroad with a clear conscience. In the second case, lifting the ban is possible only when the creditor does not make a corresponding demand. After a person makes several payments, he can draw up documents to travel abroad.

The third method has many disadvantages. If a person cannot provide correct evidence of the need for a foreign rendezvous, lifting the ban is impossible.

The correctness of the data is determined by the lender. If they do not satisfy him, the person will have to either repay the debt in full or change his place of employment. In the fourth case, the official makes a decision that the enforcement proceedings are terminated. Thus, the ban is lifted automatically.

This method has several more serious pitfalls. Thus, a person has no right to own any property. Also, he cannot permanently reside in the place where he was once registered. The debtor also does not have the right to officially work. The waiting is quite tiring - sometimes it drags on for a whole year.

The fifth way to fight for your rights is also deservedly popular. To do this, a person who has a ban on traveling abroad must hire a highly qualified lawyer. It is important to understand that the measures taken by the authorities violate the constitutional rights of citizens. It is also important to understand that FSSP employees often act incorrectly and make many serious mistakes.

One common mistake is that a person is not notified of the existence of a corresponding prohibition. A person going abroad may not even suspect that a trial has already taken place in his case and a decision has been made. A person can find out what is “restricted to travel” at a consular office or even during passport control at the border.

If this happens, the debtor has the right to appeal to a higher authority with a correctly drawn up complaint. There is also a risk of stumbling upon a sharp underwater rock.

So, if FSSP employees can prove that a person knew about the existence of a debt and for an unjustifiable reason delayed payment, you should not hope for a positive court decision.

Russian citizens may be prohibited from traveling abroad. This measure is taken by authorized bodies for various purposes, but the most common reason for establishing a ban is the evasion of debtors from fulfilling obligations. Many people do not pay off their debts, forgetting about their existence, and therefore, before planning a trip abroad, everyone should check whether they are subject to a ban on crossing the Russian border. Unfortunately, not many people know how to find out if there is a ban on traveling abroad in 2019.

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Vladimir Kolokoltsev, has approved a list of countries where employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are allowed to travel in 2019. The list lists 13 states that are considered safe for police officers. Among them: Vietnam, Cuba, China, Abkhazia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and South Ossetia. According to the approved list, civil servants can also go on vacation. I would like to recall the fact that Russian police officers were prohibited from going on vacation in the spring of 2014 due to the international political situation.

Grounds for banning travel abroad

Current Russian legislation provides for a number of cases when residents of the country may be restricted from traveling abroad. This may be due to the person belonging to special categories of citizens or because the authorities suspect him of trying to avoid responsibility and obligations.

The restriction on travel abroad for debtors is temporary. Moreover, in the case of unfulfilled obligations, debts not only to the state, but also to legal entities and individuals are important.

A refusal to provide the opportunity to travel abroad may result from the absence of any significant documents or the indication of deliberately false information in them. also implies compliance with certain requirements, if violated it will be impossible to leave the country.

Categories of persons subject to a ban on traveling abroad

The list of persons for whom travel abroad of the Russian Federation may be temporarily restricted is given in the text of Federal Law No. 114-FZ of August 15, 1996 “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation.” Among those who are prohibited from traveling abroad are the following categories of citizens:

  • declared insolvent (bankrupt);
  • employees and workers in the FSB;
  • those who knowingly provided false information about themselves when preparing documents for traveling abroad;
  • those convicted of a crime;
  • suspected of committing a crime or brought as accused in accordance with the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • or sent to alternative civil service;
  • admitted to top secret data and information of special importance and who have entered into an employment contract prohibiting temporary departure from Russia.
  • Let's look at each case in more detail and figure out what conditions must be met in order for the restriction of the right to leave to be imposed legally.

    Servants and employees of the Federal Security Service

    Persons who have provided false information about themselves

    If, when checking the documents required to travel outside Russia, information is discovered that does not correspond to reality, the person’s rights to travel abroad are limited for providing false information about himself. When filling out papers, all citizens sign for the authenticity of the data they provided, and therefore it is not possible to prove the absence of malicious intent.

    Persons with debts and unfulfilled obligations

    The most common reason why Russians cannot travel abroad is evasion of obligations imposed by the court. The procedure for imposing a temporary restriction on debtors traveling abroad is set out in the text of Article 67 of the Federal Law of October 2, 2007 No. 229-FZ “On Enforcement Proceedings”. Citizens may intentionally or through carelessness fail to pay off debts for:

    • payment of taxes and fees;
    • payment of utility bills;
    • traffic police fines;
    • credits and loans;
    • payment of alimony.

    A restriction on a person’s travel outside Russia may be imposed if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

  1. There is an executive document (a judicial act or a document issued on its basis) indicating the reasons for the restriction on travel.
  2. A copy of the decision was handed over to the debtor himself and to an employee of the border service and the territorial tax authority no later than the next day from the date of the decision.
  3. The judicial act entered into legal force (the existing complaints were rejected, the deadline for appealing expired).
  4. The writ of execution is not expired: at the time it was submitted for execution, the three-year period from the date of entry into force of the judicial act had not yet expired.
  5. The writ of execution does not imply the fulfillment of property obligations or the amount of debt under this document exceeds 10,000 rubles.
  6. If the claimant decides to file an application, a restriction on the debtor’s departure may be imposed at the same time as the commencement of enforcement proceedings, regardless of whether the latter fulfills his obligations or continues to evade them. The decision may also be issued before the deadline established for voluntary execution has expired.

    In such cases, the restriction on traveling abroad will be lifted only when:

  • obligations will be fulfilled in full;
  • the parties reach an agreement;
  • enforcement proceedings will be terminated;
  • the proceedings on the case will be completed (if the end of the proceedings on the case is associated with its transfer to another division of the bailiffs, the order not to leave may continue to be in force).

In all of the above cases, the bailiff issues a ruling according to which the citizen is no longer restricted from traveling outside the country. The document indicates that the citizen’s obligations have been fulfilled; if they were not fulfilled, a reason will be indicated, which must be valid. The travel ban will be finally lifted on the day when the resolution is received by the Border Control Department of the Border Service of the FSB of the Russian Federation.

Suspected of committing a crime, brought as an accused, convicted

Citizens are suspects if one of the following cases occurs:

  • after an investigation, a notification was received that a person was suspected of criminal acts;
  • preventive measures were applied;
  • the person was detained on suspicion of criminal acts;
  • a criminal case was initiated.

Citizens are recognized as accused if:

  • there is a resolution to charge a person as an accused in the case;
  • Based on the results of the investigation, there is an indictment.

Convicts have the right to leave the Russian Federation only if they were released from punishment for any legal reason. Parole does not give the right to travel abroad, despite the fact that the punishment itself was avoided. The same applies to persons sentenced to probation. You can find out more about this.

Conscripts and those called up for alternative civilian service

Representatives of the male part of the Russian population may be limited in leaving the country from the date the draft commission makes a decision on their conscription for military service or on assignment to alternative civilian service.

If a person of military age is not in the reserves, he can be called up for service in the periods from October 1 to December 31 and from April 1 to July 15. The following cannot be restricted in leaving Russia:

  • men of military age who have received a deferment or exemption from conscription;
  • contract employees who have permission to travel from their command.

Persons admitted to state secrets

Only citizens who have access to state secrets of the “special importance” and “top secret” degrees are allowed to restrict their travel abroad. The third degree – “secret” – does not give the right to establish a requirement not to leave, unless there are other grounds for this.

Access to a secret should not be formal - the person must actually be familiar with the contents of the secret. The fact of signing an employment agreement or contract does not matter - the law allows for restrictions on the right of a citizen to leave even in the absence of the specified documents.

In order not to find out at the last moment whether travel abroad is closed by the border guards when everything is ready for the trip, it is better to use all available methods of checking debts before planning a trip abroad, especially since citizens have the opportunity to check debts for free online.

Where and how can you find out if there is a ban on traveling abroad?

Online checking of the ban on traveling abroad through the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is impossible. It is possible to find out through this department about the presence or absence of a ban on crossing the country’s border only if a person applies for it. If a restriction has been imposed, the document will not be issued to him at the Main Department of Migration of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (formerly the Federal Migration Service).

Many commercial Internet resources offer checks for the presence of a name on the list of persons prohibited from traveling abroad, but entrepreneurs are not given access to the Border Service database, and therefore information on unofficial sites cannot be trusted. You can check the ban on leaving Russia for free only through official sources.

People know that they belong to special categories of citizens for whom travel abroad is restricted. There remain citizens who doubt whether they have the opportunity to leave Russia due to unfulfilled obligations. In such cases, you can personally contact the nearest tax office and obtain information about debts to the state.

In the territorial branch of the Federal Bailiff Service, you can find out whether a case has been initiated against the citizen who applied. Even if the paperwork is ongoing, you can find out whether departure is allowed, since there may not be a protocol on the imposition of a temporary ban.

You can find out whether the ban on leaving Russia has been lifted from you after you have paid off your debts and fulfilled other obligations from the Border Service. Temporary restrictions on the right to travel abroad are imposed by the bailiff. A copy of his decision will be received by the FSB Border Service, after which the debtor’s data will be included in the database of “restricted” citizens.

When the obligations are fulfilled and there are no other grounds for restricting travel abroad, the bailiff closes the enforcement proceedings and again sends the resolution to the FSB, this time to lift the ban. Only then is the information removed from the database and the citizen is able to cross the Russian border.

To make sure that after paying your debts you have been removed from the database, before planning your trip you should contact the FSB:

    If a refusal to issue a permit to cross the border was received by a person with access to state secrets, he can file a claim with the court at the level of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation at the place where the negative decision was made. Military personnel who wish to challenge the command’s decision regarding the issuance of permission to travel abroad can appeal to a military court.


    In order not to spoil yourself or disrupt other plans related to traveling abroad, you should be careful about the timely fulfillment of obligations to government bodies, individuals and legal entities. Debts to the state will be discussed in official letters from judicial and tax authorities.

    Information can be clarified by freely using one of the Internet resources of government authorities. This is the only way to be sure that there are no unpaid bills. If payments have been made, but there has been no confirmation of payment, you can always notify the concerned authorities about the repayment of the debt.

    How to avoid a ban on traveling abroad: Video

In 2019, clause 1 of Article 67 of Federal Law No. 229 was legislated for the amount of debt limiting travel abroad - 30 thousand rubles. For citizens with debts regarding the collection of alimony, compensation for harm caused to health, compensation for harm in connection with the death of a breadwinner, property damage and (or) moral harm caused by a crime, travel abroad is prohibited if the amount of debt exceeds 10 thousand rubles.

A citizen of the Russian Federation has the right to freely leave the territorial borders of the country for the purpose of recreation or business meetings, provided that they have the appropriate documents. In 2019, state legislation established restrictions on traveling abroad. The basis for a ban on traveling abroad is financial debts for payment of utilities, fines, alimony, customs duties, and credit loans from banking organizations.

Normative base

In accordance with Art. 2 of the Federal Law “On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation of August 15, 1996 No. 114-FZ, a citizen of the country has the right to unhindered travel outside the state with a foreign identification document. Article 15 No. 114-FZ outlines temporary restrictions that in 2019 apply to a certain category of the population:

  • the citizen has access to classified information;
  • an individual has entered into an employment contract, the condition of which is a ban on traveling abroad;
  • person liable for military service;
  • accused of an illegal act before sentencing;
  • convicted of a crime serving a prison sentence in a prison;
  • the citizen evades the duties assigned by the court;
  • an individual provided false information when preparing documents.

Types of debts

In 2019, a citizen of the Russian Federation will not be able to leave the country if there are financial charges that have not been paid on time:

  • alimony for the maintenance of the child/children;
  • tax obligations;
  • contribution on a mortgage, credit loan in a banking organization;
  • payments for the provision of utility services;
  • compensation for damage to health;
  • property penalties;
  • administrative fines.
For your information

Debt to government organizations and private individuals is the basis for a temporary restriction in accordance with paragraph 1 of Art. 67 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” dated October 2, 2007 No. 229 - FZ in the official order established by the court at the request of the plaintiff or on the bailiff’s own initiative, if the citizen does not attempt to pay the specified amount. If an individual entrepreneur has unclosed financial obligations to the Federal Tax Service, the institution has the right to decide to collect funds without the permission of executive authorities.

Who can impose a travel ban in 2019?

In the event of a financial debt to an individual for failure to pay alimony, moral compensation, or property penalties, only a court can restrict departure. If a citizen has obligations to government organizations or administrative offenses, then the institutions petition for the independent issuance of a writ of execution.

  1. State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  2. Customs Service.
  3. Border authorities, FSB.
  4. Police.
  5. The Federal Tax Service.
  6. Labour Inspectorate.
  7. Banking organization.

After 3 days from the date of receipt of the petition, by decision of the court, the bailiff issues a resolution to restrict crossing the state border in 2019 without the personal presence of an individual in accordance with paragraph 8 of Art. 30 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” dated October 2, 2007 No. 229 - Federal Law.

The process of imposing a ban on leaving the country

At the request of a private individual or government organization, a court hearing is scheduled, at which a writ of execution is issued - an order for the mandatory payment of financial resources. In 2019, a decision can be made without the presence of the defendant. After the verdict is passed, a writ of execution is prepared, which is transferred to the Federal Bailiff Service for reporting to the debtor. The document indicates the amount of money, details of an individual or government agency, the deadline for voluntary payment of the debt, which, in accordance with clause 12 of Art. 30 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” dated October 2, 2007 No. 229 - Federal Law is 5 days from the date of receipt of the resolution by the claimant.


If, after the specified time, the amount is not deposited into the plaintiff’s account, the bailiff in 2019 imposes a ban on leaving the country for debts. The approved resolution is sent to the defendant, the Federal Migration Service, and border authorities, who enter the citizen into the “black list” of a special database.

For how long is the ban imposed?

In accordance with clause 2.3 of the document “On the procedure for temporary restrictions on the debtor’s departure from the Russian Federation” dated January 29, 2008. No. 12/01–830–НВ, developed on the basis of Art. 67 of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” dated July 26, 2017 No. 190 - Federal Law, the bailiff can make a decision on the debtor’s inability to leave the territorial borders of the country for debts for 6 months

If the debtor in 2019 pays a sum of money earlier than the established maximum period, the ban is automatically lifted. If the defendant does not comply with the terms of the court decision within six months, the Federal Bailiff Service re-issues a decision to restrict travel abroad.

How to check the ban on traveling for debt in 2019?

Before planning a trip or business trip outside of Russia, it is recommended to make sure that there are no financial debts. In 2019, there are several ways to obtain information about personal financial difficulties.

  1. Register of the Federal Bailiff Service.
  2. Official website of the Federal Tax Service.
  3. Traffic police
  4. Banking organizations.

The FSSP electronic register allows you to find out information about debts at home. On the page of the official portal, you must enter personal data (full name, date of birth) to view current executive documents that have not yet expired. The website allows you to get acquainted in real time with the procedure for repaying unpaid bills.

The electronic page of the Federal Tax Service provides access to personal information after registration, which only involves entering the TIN number. In the personal account, after indicating the missing data about the owner, which is processed by the site for a short amount of time, information about debts on fees and mandatory contributions is reflected.

To clarify information on unpaid fines and receipts for administrative offenses, you must contact the traffic police. At the moment, the procedure for obtaining data has been simplified: on the official portal of “Public Services”, a citizen of the Russian Federation, after pre-registration, receiving a personal code at the post office, through a telecom operator, can find out about personal debts.

For your information

To check the status of payment of a mortgage or loan, you should contact the banking organization where the amount of money was taken. You can obtain information on financial debt through the personal account of a government agency user or by calling a hotline by providing personal passport information.

How to get rid of a travel ban for debt?

The temporary restriction on the right to visit foreign countries for debts in 2019 can only be lifted by repaying the monetary debt to a private individual, department, or organization. You can use several methods to pay:

  • personal account in Internet banking;
  • electronic payment systems: Qiwi, Webmoney, Yandex Money, etc.;
  • mobile application of the Federal Bailiff Service;
  • bank branch, terminal.

A receipt of payment must be submitted to the FSSP to remove the restriction. No more than 21 days are allotted for consideration of the case on enforcement proceedings for permission to leave. After confirming that the debt has been repaid, the bailiff sends a corresponding notification to the Federal Migration Service and border authorities.

When will the travel ban be lifted?

The temporary restriction is valid until the financial debt is repaid. After payment of funds, documents confirming this fact are transferred to the bailiff to close the claimant’s case. Notifications are sent to government organizations that control the departure of citizens outside the Russian Federation. The period for receiving documents by the Federal Migration Service and the FSB is at least 2-3 weeks. Thus, in order to leave the country in 2019, the defendant must wait for a confirmation notification from the FSSP.

Is it possible to travel abroad with debts in 2019?

A temporary restriction is a ban on crossing the state border for debts issued by executive authorities. Violation of a court decision is subject to administrative and criminal liability. But in 2019 there are exceptions to the rules established by law.

  1. A valid reason for leaving is illness, death of a close relative, inheritance, urgent treatment.
  2. The time interval between the issuance of a new decision on a restriction on crossing the territory of a state.
  3. Crossing the borders of friendly countries.

A serious reason related to the health of the claimant himself or his close relative, or the resolution of important legal issues, may be a reason to travel abroad in 2019 if there is an unpaid bill. The decision to lift the restriction is made by the senior bailiff at his own discretion, subject to the availability of appropriate documentary evidence.

The duration of the temporary ban should not exceed 6 months from the date of sentencing. If the debtor has not paid, a new document is issued. It takes 7 to 14 days to issue a repeat writ of execution. During this period, the claimant can freely cross the state border of the Russian Federation.

For your information

Citizens with a monetary debt not exceeding the established minimum threshold have the right to travel abroad. To clarify the information, you must contact the relevant departments: FSSP, Federal Tax Service, State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Ministry of Internal Affairs, banking organizations.

Since February 2017, traveling through Belarus if you have debts is not possible.


When a decision is made on a temporary restriction on crossing the state border, the defendant has the right to appeal the verdict if the amount does not exceed 10,000 rubles per writ of execution, the personal data of an individual is incorrectly indicated, the resolution is not approved by a senior bailiff, or there is no corresponding notice of the prohibition.

To travel abroad unhindered in 2019, citizens of the Russian Federation must follow the following advice:

  • before the trip, update data on possible financial debts on the website of the FSSP, Federal Tax Service, and State Traffic Safety Inspectorate;
  • pay fines, utility bills, and compensation to individuals on time.

Bailiffs have the right, on their own initiative, to issue a ruling on a temporary ban on traveling abroad if there is a large unpaid amount.