Folk recipe. We treat lung diseases ourselves. We treat any disease ourselves - in the spring! Living seeds! We treat ourselves

Grandma's recipes

The path from health to illness is the life of an ordinary person, it is a path that a person does not even feel. He doesn't think about it, he just lives. He was born and lives because he was born. At the beginning there is youth, hobbies, then manhood, children, work and much more, but not a single person thinks about what kind of path this is? We just walk, illnesses come, and we begin to sink lower and lower, without even trying to fight. “I’m getting old,” we say, and old age can only be overcome by your will, your courage and desire.

Run away from fake pills that don't help at all! Traditional medicine is experiencing a rebirth today, and grandmother’s recipes come to our aid.

We somehow forgot that “onions cure a hundred ailments,” “elecampane gives nine strength,” “scalysthorn will stop scabs,” and the herb St. John’s wort is a balm for 99 ailments. And how many other different useful herbs! Traditional medicine is becoming more and more part of our everyday life, changing our views on our own health and lifestyle.

How many such examples: a person is discharged home to die, but he, having tried traditional methods of treatment, lives for several more years! And the doctor who sentenced him to death was in shock. So let's remember simple and reliable medicines!

Herpes (colds) can be treated with valocordin. It is enough to moisten the rash several times during the day, and the herpes will go away. You can treat herpes with raspberry branches. Cut off the branches, cut into pieces 1-2 cm long, chew and apply to the sore.

You cut your finger, it's bleeding, but you don't have iodine on hand? Blood can be calmed very quickly with crushed yarrow herb.

Let us remember that blueberry leaves and berries treat diabetes and eye diseases, but sore throat can be treated with celery, and hypertension with beets.

Tansy relieves hypochondria, and lemon balm improves your mood. And all these grandmother’s recipes are not superstition.

So let's try to take the path from illness to health. We will feel warmth, and space will open before us. This will be a real battle against the disease. Absorb this battle like a sip of pure spring water, breathe in the atmosphere of true intolerance for your own suffering, feel the joy, inspiration and happiness of a healthy person!

Zhidkova Nina

We treat many diseases ourselves

2. Blood sugar is reduced by taking earthen pear, or topi-nambour, since it contains inulin in large quantities. Jerusalem artichoke is unpretentious; in my garden it grows on its own, like a weed. I throw away its tubers, but it still grows. They eat it raw in salads, fry it, steam it, and store the tubers like potatoes in the basement for the winter. Lingonberries also reduce sugar.

3. To wounds healed after operations on diabetics, use sea buckthorn oil and kalanchoe tincture. They are sold in pharmacies and are inexpensive. Lotions with sea buckthorn and sea buckthorn oil should be tied to the wound and changed frequently.

4. Kidneys ( colic and nephritis) I fly like this:

I brew anise seed in a thermos (1 tbsp of seeds per glass of boiling water, take 4 tbsp after meals), you need to drink all this in a day. If the infusion is hot, dilute to 0.5 cups with boiled water. Also brew 1 tsp of half-palu. for 1 glass of boiling water in a thermos, drink often - 3 times a day (brew 3 times). Take tea only warm, before meals.

There should be lemon and honey all the time. You should drink tea with it constantly, then your kidneys will not hurt.

At night before bed, take 1 tablet of no-shpa. Do not lift anything more than 1.5 kg, and most importantly - do not do heavy work.

5. Haemorrhoids treated with fresh lard. Keep it in the freezer, make candles from it and insert it into the anus before bed (wash first) until it is completely cured. And no one will need surgery after these procedures.

6. Pain in knees and joints due to arthritis Treats with simple “O” (coarse) salt. You need to dissolve 1 glass of salt in 1 liter of cold water. Tie a cotton cloth soaked in this brine to the sore spot, cover the top with a torn plastic bag, then cover with a woolen cloth overnight. 10 sessions - and nothing hurts.

The main thing is to avoid getting sick, spend more time in the fresh air. Drink different juices every day, including vegetable ones. Eat as little salt as possible (remove the salt shaker from the table altogether). In summer, eat fresh vegetables.

I wish everyone a happy, disease-free life!

Karpechenko Tamara

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When I was 2 years old I had pneumonia. I don’t know what my mother treated me with as a child. But during the war there was one remedy for all the hardships that befell the children of the war (I was 7 years old when it began). I lived with my mother in the occupied territory in Bataysk.

But we were lucky. Before going to the front, my father worked in a pharmacy as a caretaker and manager. And so that the Nazis would not get the pharmaceutical supplies, he distributed them to everyone. We got a whole bottle of fish oil. And in 1942 there was an unprecedented harvest of onions in the garden. We ate these onions fried in fish oil. As it turned out, they also treated their illnesses. Not only the lungs, but also the heart (for my mother), and many other ailments.

My brother wasn't so lucky. He was 14 years old, and so that the Germans would not kill him, his mother sent his brother to relatives in Salsk, where he tended cows until the end of the war. He returned completely ill - pulmonary tuberculosis. And there was almost no fish oil anymore. But my mother (may she rest in heaven) spent her whole life treating herself and all of us only with what was at hand, as she said. She made such compositions for her brother.

Mix 1 glass of vodka (or moonshine), honey and dry birch buds. Leave for 9 days and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day (necessarily before bedtime).

Grind 200 g of aloe, add the same amount of honey, butter and internal pork fat. Boil everything for 20 minutes, stirring, over low heat. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

In addition, before being drafted into the army, my brother was treated twice with kumis at the Manychsky sanatorium on the Don. And he went into the army healthy, and after his service he was a quartermaster for 3 years.

A new generation appeared, and again I was faced with lung disease. My daughter, born in 1957, fell ill. After finishing school, she seemed to just catch a cold. But when she was examined, she was admitted to the hospital allegedly with bronchitis. And later I heard (they spoke behind my back) that she had pleurisy. Good people helped us here too, they simply gave us 20 g of propolis and 0.5 liters of alcohol.

It was necessary to grate the propolis and leave it for 2 weeks in a dark place, shaking it daily. But time was running out, and the train stood for only 1 week. I took him to the hospital. Every morning before breakfast, my daughter drank 100 ml of hot boiled milk, which I brought from home, with 1 tsp. tinctures. And in the evening the same thing. The hospital only provided milk for dinner, and the doctor did not know about our treatment. My daughter was discharged healthy after 10 days, and she went to school. She is now 52 years old and has a daughter herself (24 years old). Our health is not entirely good, but we all try to support ourselves. Like my mother, I study simple home remedies and use only them. I am 76 years old. It’s good to say: we don’t go to doctors. And since I retired in 1989, I have been expanding my knowledge and this is the second time I am sharing it with you. With all my heart I wish everyone good health!

If you have been sick, even for a long time and seriously, the time has come for you healing. Now you can gain the necessary fortitude to overcome any disease. People still know very little about the capabilities of the spirit! If you claim at least a small part of the potential power that your spirit possesses, if you can fill the cells of your body with the power of the spirit, then there will be no disease left that can resist the powerful healing effect of the energy of the spirit!

Illness has always been a lesson for you. Illness was also a test designed to increase your energy vibrations. You cannot overcome illness with old energy. To overcome it, you must rise to a new energy level. In this way, illness makes you more perfect beings, and you can express your gratitude to your illnesses. You had to look for new means to live and be healthy! You have found these means within yourself - in the form of new qualities of your energy. Without illness, you would not rise to the next level.

More recently, it was difficult for you to fight illness by raising your vibrations and attracting the power of spirit to help your body. It was difficult because it was the path of loners, pioneers, an almost untrodden path. You had to make a lot of mistakes and stumble along this path before you could find your health on it. In addition, few people possessed new vibrations of energy - those whom you called enlightened, and it was difficult for an ordinary person to achieve enlightenment; it required more than one life. There was too little new energy in your world; it only made its way.

Today, enlightenment comes to you much more easily. Any person can achieve this in a short time; all you need to do is express your intention! To become enlightened means to connect with your spirit, filling all the cells of the body with the strength and energy of the spirit. This means becoming an angelic luminous being, with your strength and your light capable of eliminating any illness, any adversity and everything dark that is in yourself and around you. At the same time, you can continue to live on Earth, but it will be a completely different life, the life is no longer a victim of circumstances, not the one who suffers, but the life of the creator of your own destiny, your health and prosperity. Moreover, by filling the cells of your body with light and strength of spirit, you can rejuvenate it and significantly extend its life! Cells filled with the light of spirit reprogram themselves. The aging program leaves them. They begin to live according to the laws of the spirit, for which there is no old age.

You deserve it! Humanity has earned this through its many thousands of years of work. You have brought new energy into your world. There is so much of this new high and pure energy that you can easily call it to your aid and easily transform yourself and your life with its help.

Don't be afraid to open up to the spirit! Don't be afraid to let its power into your body! The spirit is very close to you. He is just waiting for you to express your intention to open up to him. And then the spirit itself will begin to create healing and rejuvenation of your body with virtually no effort on your part.

Gone are the days when you could turn to doctors, healers, and medicines for healing, but you yourself did nothing for it. The angels are pleased to inform you that you have the strength to self-healing! And no one else will do it for you unless you do it for yourself. To recover, you cannot be a passive patient with whom the doctor does something, who completely trusts the action of the drugs, believing that no effort is required from him. Health is something that can only come to you from the inside, but not from the outside! From the outside you can only find aids that will help you activate your inner source of health.

It may seem to some of you that there is no health inside you - that there is only one continuous illness there. But that's not true! You may be focused on the illnesses of your body and not notice that you have a spirit that carries the matrix, or program, of your health. The strength of your spirit is inexhaustible, believe it! They are even enough to restore life and health to a person recognized by doctors as hopeless, whose death is expected from day to day. The miraculous transformation of illness into health can happen at any time, even a moment before possible death!

What is needed for this? Express your intention to reclaim the strength of your spirit to renew your body. Express your intention and let the strength and energy of the spirit into your body, into every cell of it. This power is material. It's like giving the body new blood, new cells, giving it an electrical charge of new strength.

Your illness is not something God sent you. Your illness is not something the spirit sends to you. God and spirit send you only health. Illness is not a punishment that comes from somewhere outside. Disease - this is what you yourself, on a subconscious level, allowed to appear in your body in order to take the lesson you need. Illness is a lesson and an experience you need. And if you have completed this lesson and gained this experience, then you can allow yourself healing. You yourself allowed the disease to enter your body, although you may not realize that you did this. Now you yourself can let the disease go away. Since you created it yourself, you can get rid of it yourself! It was not the doctor or the healer who created the disease in you, and they cannot save you from the disease. And can you.

The soul always feels when the lesson has already been completed and it is possible to be freed from the disease. If liberation does not occur, then this life lesson has not yet been completed. Don't beat yourself up over it! If you have illnesses, it does not diminish your dignity. You are even more worthy of respect for bearing the burden of illness and at the same time carrying out great work of spiritual growth, honorably fulfilling your earthly duties. Just don’t be angry with yourself or your illness. Thank the disease for its lessons. Turn to your Higher Self with a request to help you complete the lesson properly and thereby get rid of the disease. Remember that any disease is not forever.

What is a disease? This is a disharmonious energy structure of a certain configuration. She cannot become attached to you if your body is balanced and its energy is harmonious. The disease seems to be looking for that “notch” in your body to which it will fit in its shape. And if there is such a “hole” in the body, the disease enters this hole, fills it with itself, and the body begins to hurt.

Harmonize your energy - and such notches will disappear! The disease simply will have nowhere to reside in your body. When you use the energy of your spirit, it produces a powerful harmonizing effect in your body. The energy levels out, you become harmonious, and the disease goes away.

Call on the strength of the spirit to enter your body, fill every cell of it with your light! Call upon the powers of healing to enter your body! Say these words out loud. You can actively manifest the creative powers of your spirit by directing it towards healing. Express your intention to heal. Ask the spirit for healing and allow it to heal you. All that is needed is for you to allow this to happen: for the healing power of the spirit to enter your body, balance you and drive away the disharmonious energies of illness.

You say that there are hereditary diseases, how can you overcome them, does it really depend on you? Yes, you can overcome it now, it's up to you. If you inherited diseases, this is not accidental. This was received by the soul in a past life, and the soul chose in this life parents who suffer from similar “notches” in their energy bodies. This happens because like attracts like. You have similar lessons in life to those your parents had. And if your parents didn’t take these lessons, don’t blame them for it. They might not have had favorable conditions for this, such as you have now. They could have completely different concerns in life - for example, about how to survive and how to help you survive. They might not have the information they need, the same as you have now. The time may simply not have come for them to be freed from the lesson they passed on to you. That time has come now—it has come for you. You have everything to get rid of your hereditary diseases. By doing this, you help not only yourself, but also the souls of your parents! You fulfill their lesson too - and this burden falls from their souls.

The angels are happy to inform you that you are living in such a wonderful time when burdens are being lifted from very, very many souls! You are living in a time of transformation. At a time when the karmic burden accumulated by many generations subsides. And with your own life you can help many generations of people free themselves from this karmic burden! You can do this, first of all, by freeing yourself from this burden, throwing off the burden of hereditary diseases.

You can make your choice to be liberated right now. You can choose to follow a different path than your parents did. You can make a choice not to make their mistakes, to get out of the situation in which they lived, not to repeat the circumstances of their lives and their illnesses. You just need to express your intention about this to the spirit out loud! And then you will choose the path of your own spirit, individual, unique, only your path, and not the path of your parents.

It will be even easier to get rid of those diseases that you acquired in the course of your life.

The energies of the spirit correct all the indentations of your energy body! Just please don’t expect the spirit to do it itself, without your participation. You must make an internal effort, be active, appeal to the spirit! And he will come down to you and come to your aid. And with spirit, nothing is impossible for you!

Verbal codes for self-healing

I awaken the creative power of the spirit, I allow powers of healing enter my body, fill every cell with the light of health. Healing is happening! I allow the healing powers to work in my body as needed for my health.

Every day, every minute, every moment my health improves. Every day I feel better and better. I am a young, healthy person and will always be so, despite my age.

No external influences have any power over me. I am resistant against them! They only make me tougher and stronger.

My body is working better and better. He is strong, he is healthy. The power of my spirit enters my body and neutralizes all infections, eliminates all causes of disease, and improves the proper functioning of all organs.

My nervous system is absolutely healthy and works normally, my circulatory system is strong, healthy, works normally, the hematopoietic system creates young, healthy, clean blood, my immunity is becoming stronger and stronger.

My spiritual strength is strengthening, I am becoming more and more resilient. My body is recovering its strength perfectly. I am stronger, younger, healthier every day!

Exercise “Light of Health”

Lie on your back or sit so that you can lean back in a chair or comfortable chair. Breathe measuredly, calmly, deeply. Mentally turn to the Higher powers, angels and your Higher Self - spirit - with a request to help you open to the highest source of love, higher energy.

Your attention is directed high up into another dimension, and there you meet luminous beings filled with love and kindness. You come into contact with the light of their love, and this love, in the form of a stream of warm light energy, descends on you, fills your entire body, and begins to flow through it. You turn your attention to the area of ​​your heart and imagine that warmth and tenderness are spreading in your chest, as if you feel that someone is very softly and affectionately touching your soul. In response to this touch, a warm, clear light also lights up in your chest, it begins to emit its light inside your body. Imagine that this light is the source of healing energy within you. This is how your inner creative power, your source of health, manifests itself.

The light begins to pulsate gently. As it pulsates, it increases in size and fills your entire body. Bright, pure white light penetrates you from the top of your head to the tips of your fingers and toes. This luminous energy penetrates into every cell, all cells begin to pulsate with a healing light, they all breathe and pulsate in unison, thanks to which your whole body acquires harmony, balance, unity and proportionality of body functions. Imagine how the light fills the body and goes beyond its limits. The light comes from within, from every cell, and merges into a single beautiful glow, which cleanses the body of diseases and brings health, and also forms a powerful protective energy shell around you.

This shell takes the form of a cocoon and becomes larger and wider, its rays seem to spread to the whole world. Thanks to this glow, you are one with the world, you connect with the Universe, with God, with all the creative energies of the world. Thank your spirit for this, thank God and the angels. Keeping the feeling of glow in your body, open your eyes.

based on materials from the book: Ageeva Olga - “Code of Heavenly Protection”.

“A blister again,

Callus rubbed on the heel

It whines. It burns with fire..."

Corn! There is hardly a person who does not know what it is!

They spoil the appearance, cause discomfort, inconvenience and pain.

“Calluses are lumps that form due to friction or pressure on the skin. This is a kind of protective function of the body."

For farmers, summer residents, gymnasts, and rowers, the calluses formed are protective in nature, as they protect the skin from the formation of watery blisters and wounds in places of constant friction.

In ordinary people, lumps most often occur on the soles of their feet. Calluses are not contagious, but they must be treated. Especially with circulatory failure and uncompensated, since infection and the development of an inflammatory process, which is very dangerous in this category of people, are possible.

Pharmacies offer a lot of products for the treatment of calluses.

Maybe start treatment with a trip to the pharmacy?

Not necessary! You can deal with them using home remedies, but... The main thing is to understand which callus has decided to “settle” on your body.

The callus may be:

  • water (wet, soft)
  • dry (hard)
  • core

Why do calluses appear?

“Why should I know what causes calluses if I just want to get rid of them?” many earthlings think.

But, as popular wisdom says : “You need to know the enemy by sight!” And it is true!

There is no secret why calluses appear: an area of ​​the body rubs against something hard for a long time and often. The skin is forced to defend itself! And what is she doing? Accumulates additional layers of keratinized epidermal cells.

For example, if you wear tight shoes for a long time, calluses on your toes will certainly appear on your feet. And if you work with a shovel for a long time, calluses will appear on your palms.

The callus may harden into a pit. The “bone” itself is painless, but if it begins to put pressure on a nerve or bone, it feels like stepping on a pebble...

Treatment of calluses

How to treat calluses? It depends on the type of callus.

You can just go to the nearest pharmacy and buy patch for reducing calluses, preferably containing salicylic acid.

After washing, attach the patch and do not remove it until the next wash. However…

When changing the patch, you MUST inspect the skin around the callus, as salicylic acid irritates the skin and can easily cause an ulcer that can become infected.

Good old aspirin

Aspirin is almost like salicylic acid, only slightly weaker.

Take a few aspirin tablets and crush them into powder. Dilute lemon juice half and half with water and add to the powder to make a paste.

Spread the resulting paste onto the callus, cover the top with film, put a towel on top and hold for 10 minutes.

After 10 minutes, remove and carefully remove the stratum corneum using a pumice stone.

Senor tomato

You can deal with calluses using a tomato. It is enough to wipe the callus with a piece of tomato or tomato paste.

Rub calluses with tomato paste or a slice of tomato

Salt bath

A salt bath is effective and beneficial. If you have calluses on your hands, place your hands in a bowl of cold salt water. Soak your hands in the water for 20 minutes, take them out and hold them for several minutes without wiping them off before washing off the salt.

If the callus is on your foot, place your feet in a bowl of salty cold water. After 20 minutes, without wiping your feet, walk around the house barefoot.

Salt and a little potassium permanganate

This bath will help relieve pain.

Dilute potassium permanganate in water until pink. Add a little salt to the water, stir and soak your feet or hands for 20 minutes. Don't wipe!

Onion pulp

Prepare a paste from onions and milk and apply to the sore spot.

You can simply lubricate the callus with onion juice.

If the callus is old

An aloe compress will help deal with old calluses. Cut along the aloe leaf and apply the inside to the callus. Apply aloe compress after taking a bath.

Instead of aloe, you can use onions, garlic, lemon, potatoes, oats, Kalanchoe, bread...

For wet calluses

You can get rid of it with the help of plantain.

Rub a plantain leaf with your hands and apply it to the callus. Secure with adhesive tape or bandage.

After removing the bandage, treat the wound with an antiseptic.

Repeat the procedure until the water callus heals.

To pierce or not to pierce

You can puncture a bubble only in rare cases: if it reaches a large size and is fraught with rupture.

It is IMPORTANT to follow certain rules to prevent infection:

  • disinfect the skin area with iodine or brilliant green
  • sterilize the needle (heat over a fire or soak in alcohol)
  • puncture the callus and treat with an antiseptic

It is forbidden!

Under no circumstances should you tear off broken skin!

To avoid the appearance of calluses on your feet, soak your feet in hot water every day and then apply a moisturizer. And of course, comfortable shoes.

My pet peeve...

Oh, how I hate you!

You cause me such pain

I don't see white light.

Look also

Seed treatment or seed therapy is becoming popular all over the world. And this is the great merit of the founder and developer of the method, Korean doctor and scientist Park Jae Woo, who established the fact that a tiny seed can defeat a serious disease... THE MAIN THING IS TO FIND THE RIGHT SEED FOR YOUR ILLNESS

I know many people who prefer natural methods of health and healing. Moreover, all these people have good health and avoid so-called “age-related” ailments. And they look 15-20 years younger than their passport age.

I recently got into a conversation with one of these long-livers - my neighbor in the country. He noticed that his palm was covered with a plaster and asked if he had injured his hand.

And the neighbor only smiles slyly in response. “Patch,” he says,I have a secret, it heals not physical wounds, but “mental” ones - it evens out the energy of the body.Thanks to this procedure, for the last five years I have not known which side my heart is on. And before, angina pectoris was so annoying that an ambulance had to be called even to the dacha.”

He peeled back the edge of the patch and showed a seed attached to his palm: “Here is my panacea!”

To be honest, at first I didn’t believe these words, I thought my neighbor was joking. And a couple of days later, when tachycardia suddenly arose, before swallowing the pill as usual, I decided to restore; benefit from your neighbors' experience. The patch was found in the home medicine cabinet. I made the application according to all the rules. And I was incredibly surprised thatAfter some time, seed therapy gave a positive effect.


The seed therapy method was first formulated in 1998.A tiny seed, it turns out, can work a miracle - overcome a disease!However, the person treating (or treating himself - in this case, self-medication is not forbidden) must know three main points. Provided that in principle he knows about the Su Jok therapy method.

Let us briefly remind you: translated from Korean “Su Jok” means “Brush - Foot”.The main idea of ​​the method is to treat a person through energy channels and points of correspondence, which are located at the level of the hands and feet.In other words,Su Jok therapy is a multi-level biological system that is given to a person for his recovery, allowing him to influence the body on the physical, energetic, emotional and even mental levels.

There are no books yet that reveal in any detail the essence of Su Jok seed therapy. But that doesn't matter. Since we will talk in some detail about the methods seed therapy.


1. Firstly , there are certain places where seeds should be applied, which in this case act as massagers, stimulants, transmitters of healthy energy to the diseased organ. These are the foot and hand, which are real “remote controls” for health.

2.Secondly , each seed, in essence, is a clot of energy of enormous power. This is where the body receives the energy necessary for healing when we bring the seed to a certain point of correspondence.

3. Thirdly , necessaryknow what's in the human bodyThere are energy channels, otherwise called meridians. They are located throughout the body and are the passageways for “qi,” blood, and body juices. Due to the connecting functionsRidians, internal organs are connected to external ones - skin, tendons, muscles, hair, etc. This is from the concepts of ancient Eastern medicine.From the point of view of Western medicine, one might say , that the meridian system includes the functions of the circulatory, lymphatic, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems, in mutual action with which the living seed enters...


Plant seeds are the most commonly used natural correspondence point stimulant for healing.For this purpose, seeds that are intact and capable of germinating are selected.apples, buckwheat, millet, radishes, small beans, grape seeds, etc. . After a thorough massage of the healing points, plant seeds are applied to them and secured with an adhesive plaster.Mature seeds with an intact shell are best.

Seeds are used not only as a means of mechanical stimulation. Each such seed contains natural information about the entire plant and has certain energetic properties, which are manifested in their shape and color. During the stimulation process, energy exchange occurs between the seed and the point of correspondence.

The first signals of the impact of the natural energy of seeds on the human body are often throbbing pain, itching, tingling, and a feeling of warmth at healing points.

In addition, in seed therapy, not only the type of seed is important, but also its color, shape, methods of distribution...


So, seed therapy expertsclaim:seeds for massage should be selected taking into account the natural properties of the plant, its shape, size and color . And the more accurate the selection, the higher the therapeutic effect.

Let me explain. Our organs, as you know, have different shapes: the head, the mammary glands are round, the kidneys are more elongated, resembling a bean, the gallbladder is pear-shaped, and the heart generally gave its “name” to a geometrically similar shape - we say “heart-shaped”... Experts recommendfor treatment and prevention using seed therapy, choose seeds that are shaped like an organ in need of “repair.”For example, in case of kidney problems, you can influence the correspondence pointseedbeans, and for heart ailments, use viburnum seeds, which are shaped very much like a heart.

Depending on the nature of the disease, the color of the seeds is selected.Some general recommendations include the following:

for inflammationIt is better to use black, brown or white seeds.

During destructive processes and stone formationIt is advisable to use red or yellow seeds.

For swelling, dull pain and a feeling of heavinessGreen and black seeds work well...


Here is space for imagination, given to us by Nature. We just need to take a closer look at these “gifts”.

The seeds of some plants fly through the air like parachutes with the help of the wind - dandelions, for example, or poplar fluffs. The seeds of other plants have “wings” - maple or ash, for example. Su Jok seed therapy specialists believe that both

"flying" seedsIt is best used to treat diseases of the joints, ligaments and muscles.

Seeds contained in pods, most often used in the treatment of diseases accompanied by spasms, such as renal colic or painful menstruation.

The properties of plants should always be taken into account in seed therapy. Known, for example,diuretic effect of parsley, melon or watermelon. Seeds of watermelon, melon, parsley, applied to the area corresponding to the kidneys, will enhance the diuretic anti-inflammatory effect.

Miracles can haveseedsMay lily of the valley, if they influence the points of correspondence to the heart. Such “lily of the valley” seed therapy can bring relief in mild forms of chronic heart failure. Everyone knows about hawthorn, the tincture of which doctors recommend taking for cardiac disorders.

Hawthorn seeds, applied to the area corresponding to the heart, can also provide good assistance in the prevention of cardiac pathologies.

Bird cherry and blueberry seeds, which by their nature have astringent properties, can be used for diarrhea: you just need to place them on the zones corresponding to the small and large intestines.

horse chestnut- an excellent massager for the areas corresponding to varicose veins. Moreover, the massage should be carried out from the periphery to the center.

Have healing powersrosehip seeds. If they are attached to the area corresponding to the sternum, this can bring relief from blood diseases. For hepatitis, rosehip seeds can be beneficial as a choleretic agent - in this case, they need to be attached in the areas corresponding to the liver and gall bladder. If bile stagnation can be usedoat seeds.

Almost any seed can be a healer.Pomegranate seedshelp with hearing loss, rice- for bronchitis and bronchial asthma,barley- for hemorrhoids and gout,flax- for constipation and toothache,marigoldfor inflammation of the eyes,peas- for anemia and urolithiasis,corn- for diabetes and so on.

By the way, take note: As a massager, you can successfully use any natural “material” - nuts, cones, a wooden rolling pin cut from oak, birch, pine. Moreover, each person has “his own” tree- the one that is most suitable for him due to its natural properties. Removes excess energy or painaspen,will nourish you with its juicesbirch,strengthens bones and musclesoak... However, this is a special science that is not directly related to the topic of today’s story.

So, you have determined what hurts you, decided which seed will help you, and... have you thought about how to attach the seed to your body? It's very simple - with an adhesive plaster.But first you need to accurately determine on the hand or foot the point of correspondence to the diseased organ that you need. And this is a more difficult task...


You remember, of course, that the structure of the hands surprisingly accurately corresponds to the structure of the entire human body.The thumb corresponds to the head and neck, the index and little fingers with the arms, the middle and nameless ones with the legs, and the palm with the torso.

Just as points of correspondence were found on the hand, repeating the structure of the body, on the foot: the thumb corresponds to the head and neck, the second and fifth fingers to the arms, the third and fourth to the legs.

When any organ becomes ill, so-called information points of correspondence are formed. When exposed to them, therapeutic electromagnetic waves are generated, which help eliminate pain and ensure restoration of the affected organ.

In short, all you have to do is study the location of these points and engage in useful and safe self-medication. What is good about Su Jok is not only its effectiveness in application.This system was created by Nature itself, and it is always protecting you and me. Even incorrect influence on the point of correspondence will not cause harm. In this case, it simply will not give the desired effect.

Start by examining your own hand or foot.If the point of correspondence to the diseased organ is determined correctly, you will feel some painful signals when pressing on it. . Now you are fully armed, and the rest is a matter of technology...


In other words, we take a seed or many seeds and attach them to the correspondence zone on the hand or foot. We use a medical adhesive plaster as a “fastening material”.Having fixed the seeds, we leave them on the body for several hours or even one or two days. If necessary, we repeat the process, replacing the used seeds with new ones.

In Su Jok seed therapy, seeds work in two directions: firstly, they act on the diseased area bioenergetically, and secondly, they produce a mechanical effect, as if massaging a point. That's whyIn some pathologies, seeds with sharp edges, such as, for example, buckwheat seeds, have a particularly good effect.

By the way, seeds are biologically living structures, and when they come into contact with the correspondence zone of a diseased human organ, they seem to give up their power, restoring the healthy energy of the affected organ. Sothat do not be surprised if after the procedure you find that the seeds attached to your hands or feet have changed their structure or changed shape and color.. . They may become soft, shrink or, conversely, increase in size - and this is a good indicator: it means that the seeds have coped with the task and given you their healthy energy.

Everyone is well aware of the life-giving power of germinating seeds.. Surely you have also been surprised more than once by how a thin green sprout breaks through the stone ground in the spring - and where does the strength come from? Yes, from Mother Nature, who took care of it, giving us something from her “arsenal” - homeopathy, herbal and aromatherapy... And now we are opening a new page for ourselves - seed therapy