Holidays wisely. How to prepare your child for summer holidays? Back to school soon: how to prepare your child for school after the summer holidays


During the summer holidays, it is necessary to give the child the opportunity to relax. He must take a break from the daily workload during classes in order to gain strength for the new school year. It is unlikely that you will be able to stick to the usual schedule from 7:00 to 21:30. Therefore, there will be a gradual restoration of the usual schedule. For example, in August, return 15 minutes every day. The child will imperceptibly return to the work schedule, and will not experience discomfort on the first day of school.

Arrange a shopping trip with your child. Let him participate in the selection of new clothes for school. Children like to choose bright, stationery. New clothes will help you feel more joy from the anticipation of the start of a new school year. Don't make class preparation a routine.

Children usually get homework for the summer. It is necessary to control the implementation of all lessons. You can do all the tasks at the beginning of the holidays, and then rest carefree all summer. Or distribute tasks for the whole summer and gradually, without straining to complete it, devoting 20-30 minutes a day. The child will not feel the increased load, and it will be easier to return to classes. Just don't let your child put everything off until the last days before school.

Arrange for the child the right rest. He should spend more time outdoors, play outdoor games and improve his health. Limit your child's stay at the computer or TV, help fill his time with more useful activities. A good rest in the summer prepares the child mentally and physically for the stress during the new school year.

At the beginning of the school year, you should not load your child with activities other than studying. Postpone visiting circles, sections. The child needs 2-3 weeks to fully adapt to the educational process.

After the holidays, especially summer holidays, it is difficult for children to rebuild their routine. Waking up in the morning becomes a problem, getting ready before school is also quite difficult, and actively answering and remembering information during the lesson is almost impossible. Such a sudden change in activity can negatively affect children and even serve as the basis for depression. Not only parents, but also teachers should help to return to working mode. Here are some tips on how to get your child into the right mode the easiest way.


You need to plan your day. The child must know what he needs to do and at what time it needs to be done. At the same time, it is important to include rest and walking in the regimen.

The child must be encouraged. The parent needs to encourage the kid, set him up for good academic performance, and encourage him for good grades, for example, going to the cinema, museum, zoo or an interesting toy.

A place to study. It should be comfortable for the child so that it is convenient for him to carry out home building. Do not store toys and other entertainment items on the table, they will distract you from your studies. But if the baby has any wishes for the arrangement of his workplace, then it is better to take them into account.

Forcing a child to study for hours is also not worth it. It is necessary to take short breaks, for example, for a snack or exercise.

It is better to pack a backpack with your parents in the evening. This process must be controlled so that the student does not forget anything, including that homework is done.

The shops sell a lot of bright stationery. These items will make the learning process more interesting for the student. For example, it can be pens, pencils, bookmarks with your favorite characters.

Before the start of the school year, there is still (or already only?) A whole month. Expert "Oh!", psychologist Anna Skavitina believes that now is the time to start preparing for school in a calm mode.

Yesterday I saw how the bird leaders began to prepare their flocks for a long flight for wintering in warm countries and circle in the sky, making turns. For me, this is an annual sign: it's time to collect the children for school. Yes, from the end of July-beginning of August, it's time to gradually prepare for the return to a clear work and school schedule. It seems that there is still a lot of time before September 1, almost half of the summer and everything will be in time, but adaptation is not a quick thing. It lasts not a day or two, but a month and a half. Transitional periods are not easy even for adults, and even more so for children.

I know many parents who bring their children home from vacation on the last day of summer to "recreate to the maximum." To be honest, I did the same a couple of times. Bottom line: the child needs at least 5-6 weeks to build up and get used to the schedule, you still need to remember how to write and what mathematics is, and here the first quarter ended with not very good results. The child has a feeling of failure, unwillingness to go to a terrible school, and then attempts to "take up the mind" in the second quarter with varying degrees of success. Therefore, it is better to start adaptation in advance.

Rearrange your sleep schedule

Two to three weeks in advance, start shifting your sleep schedule toward school hours by going to bed and waking up earlier. You should not make sudden changes, it is better to shift by 15 minutes every day. The most radical parents go on vacation with their children to countries where the time is shifted by 2-3 hours so that the return to the regime goes naturally. I don't know how "natural", but it really works. If you are not ready for such measures, then you can plan various family outings and activities for the morning, give special morning tasks and responsibilities.

Think about summer assignments

It would be nice to remember that for the summer they asked something and, probably, even gave a list of references. There is still time to read books and do what the teacher asked. Even if the school did not give special notebooks or worksheets with tasks for the summer, you can easily find them on the Internet or the nearest store and start doing an hour a day. This is especially true for children who do not study very easily. We sometimes play ahead of the curve with them: we not only repeat what we have covered, but also go through 2-3 (no more!) New topics from the textbook: “Let's see what you will go through, oh, interesting!” Our task is to make sure that the child comes to school prepared and immediately feels competent and successful.

Get ready for the new school year, but don't get carried away

You should not force your child to sit over textbooks during the summer hours against his will, even if in your opinion he needs to catch up with the program. Then the school will cause hatred even before the child comes to it in September.

Support the child

The beginning of the school year is associated with changes and separations. New classmates, new teachers, schedule, parting with friends at the dacha or summer camp. Young children often need parental support, especially if the child is shy or withdrawn. Try to find out at least some of the changes that are coming to the child in order to prepare him for them in advance.

Talk heart to heart

Children look forward to the beginning of the school year with different, often conflicting feelings. Some look forward to school dreading early rises, homework, or relationships with classmates. Someone is looking forward to meeting friends and favorite teachers. Talk to your child and find out what he expects from the beginning of the school year, what he fears, what makes him happy. Perhaps there are problems that can be solved in the summer, or at least find ways to solve them. Sometimes in the summer the child is ready to talk about what he could not talk about during the year. As a result of such conversations, it happens that parents change schools, look for tutors or summer courses for their child, send him to a psychologist.

Pass medical examination

Before school, it would be good to visit the main doctors to make sure that the child is in good health, and holes in the teeth or that nothing can be seen from the blackboard will not interfere with learning. At the same time, you can begin to deal with the problems of schooling: with dyslexia, dysgraphia, school neuroses. In August, many specialists come out of vacation and it is easier to get to them.


August is scheduling time. Discuss the circles and sections that the child would like to attend this year, what he would like to do outside of school. Try to create a tentative schedule with your child, even if you don't know exactly when and where classes will take place.

Go shopping
Organize joint preparation for school: buy school uniforms and stationery together. Let the child express himself and choose what he likes. You can make a list of necessary purchases and allocate a certain amount of money to the child so that he can practice keeping within the budget, and at the same time remember math. New rulers and pencils will add joyful expectations for the coming school year.

Say goodbye to summer

You can organize a special ritual of "farewell to the summer." For many children, transition rituals are important, showing the reality of change. It can be a family picnic, because the summer is needed, among other things, in order to communicate more with the family. Or a meeting with classmates - familiar faces and established relationships will make you feel calmer in September. Maybe it will be a meeting with friends at a summer camp, where children often become very close friends.

Try to turn the preparation for school into a joyful event, and not a boring job, then the adaptation to the new school year will be easier.

Seems , Most recently, we talked about how to help the child and parents survive the last month of the school year without a nervous breakdown. But somehow summer flew by imperceptibly, and now September 1 is very close, and time inevitably brings this moment closer.

How to tune in to a working rhythm when it's still summer, and you don't want to think about studying at all? After all, even adults find it difficult to immediately enter into a working rhythm after a vacation, and even more so for schoolchildren after a long summer vacation.

The main task of parents at the end of August is prepare children for school not only in terms of "equipment", but also in terms of psychology. During long holidays, children lose the ability to quickly concentrate on one lesson, their body tunes in to an active pastime and “forgets” about lessons, books and desks.

And on the first of September, the children run with joy not to school, but to meet friends. But a few days pass and fatigue falls on the schoolchildren, they are no longer in a hurry to attend classes, it is difficult to get them out of bed early in the morning. According to experts, this is how the “September 1 syndrome” is expressed.

* nervousness and capriciousness of the child,
* quick fatigue and refusal to obey parents,
* unwillingness to talk about school,
* it is difficult for the child to concentrate while doing school homework,
* restless light sleep,
* loss of appetite or excessive desire to eat a lot and constantly, especially sweet,
* Frequent complaints of headache.

During this difficult period for a child, one should not accuse him of irresponsibility and laziness, scold him for low grades, compare him with other children, humiliate him and show impatience with his behavior. Not only its successful completion, but also the life of your child depends on how the adaptation period of the beginning of the school year goes.

So, what will help in this situation?

1. The most important thing is that the child should be positive about learning, because usually everything is the other way around. It is necessary to tell that school is good, because again he will meet friends and learn a lot of interesting and useful things.

2. During the summer holidays, the child relaxes, so it is unlikely that he adhered to the usual schedule. At least two weeks in advance, you need to return to the correct daily routine: often children go to bed late in the summer, and I get up at whatever time they want. But it’s better to do everything with encouragement and various surprises so that the child prepares for school joyfully.

3. Going for office supplies and new clothes, take your child with you. Let him choose a lot for himself - participate in the selection of new clothes for study, stationery. New clothes will help you feel more joy from the anticipation of the start of a new school year. Don't make class preparation a routine.

4. Talk with children. About parting with the summer, about the obligation to study at school, about relationships with classmates. The purpose of such conversations is to create and maintain an incentive to "start a new life." By September 1, many schoolchildren are determined to study better, to correct some shortcomings in their behavior. You can make a photo album "How we spent the summer."

5. Spend the last pre-school weeks in the form of games and competitions.

For example, when paying at the cash register, a child can practice mental counting. When pouring sugar into tea, remember the properties of substances, opening a tin can - about the lever.

Set tasks for each day. For example, the same reading. What and how much will you read today? - clarify and be sure to check, talking about what you read. It is useful to read aloud in turn or arrange reading in roles.

Many children lose the habit of writing over the summer. It's not scary. To help your hand remember spelling, write a little every day. For dictation, choose funny passages from books, funny sentences.

7. It is necessary for the child to prepare a gift by the first of September, so his school year will start on a positive note and he will be happy to learn and try. It can be anything and even an important and necessary thing.

8. At the beginning of the school year, you should not load your child with activities other than studying. Postpone visiting circles, sections. The child needs 2-3 weeks to fully adapt to the educational process.

Many parents worry about how their children will adjust to school after the summer holidays. Families of first-graders are especially worried, because their beloved kids are taking a step into adulthood for the first time. About how to overcome children's fears of school, when to start the transition to a new daily routine and how to avoid a lack of attention - in the material of the Moscow 24 portal.

Fear of school

First of all, when going to school, a child (especially in the primary grades) is faced with the expectations of parents and teachers, which are often much higher than his abilities. The school now gives a huge list of literature for the summer, as well as assignments in mathematics and the Russian language. Some parents add their own puzzles so that the child "does not fall behind" during the holidays. It turns out that he has been working all summer, and if he doesn’t work or hasn’t done everything to the end, he comes with a feeling of guilt that thunder struck, but he didn’t do something (often summer assignments are not checked in schools, but this the stone is hanging).

Some parents try to make the child understand the material, but at the same time they leave their direct duties. To convey knowledge to students is the task of the school. Parents, on the other hand, should also provide their children with a productive rest: go to a museum, go on excursions, spend interesting time, talk about something exciting - this is no less useful. The parent forms the absence of fear of school in the child: let your beloved child understand that you are his rear, and if he has difficulties, you are always ready to help.

The most important thing to give your child over the summer, and especially in the last week before school, is the opportunity to relax. If the child is small and still does not read well on his own or reads without pleasure, you can start a tradition of reading aloud with him. It is important not to focus on what he must read. Just tell them what interesting books you have at home, and offer to look at them together.

And secondary school students usually have no problems with adaptation anymore, they go to an educational institution more to communicate with peers and exchange emotions.

The beginning of the school year is rarely difficult. Children meet friends they haven't seen all summer, rejoice at some teachers. Fears can occur in those who did not finish the last year well, with emotional problems or academic problems.

Victoria Yurkevich

Professor of the Department of Developmental Psychology named after Professor L.F. Obukhova, Moscow State Pedagogical University

In high school, the main concern is the exam. The guys are already thinking about which direction to choose, what subjects to focus on and where to go to work. It is important for parents not to put pressure on teenagers, but to try to listen: give advice, talk about their experience and support in choosing a future profession.

attention deficit

Photo: depositphotos/Syda_Productions

Often, parents of first graders are very worried that their children will experience a lack of attention at school. Indeed, for six or seven years they were surrounded by the love and care of mothers, fathers, grandmothers and educators, and now they fall into the rigid framework of the class, where you need to sit at your desk and raise your hand only when you know the correct answer or want to ask toilet.

Actually this is not true. Children of the first and second grades are people for whom school is a kind of absolute. And they are much more attentive to the teacher than to the parents. There is little attention when children face difficulties, and their parents do not support them and say: "The teacher said - then do it." Some parents force the child to rewrite it again for a clean copy, some insist on completing an additional task in order to consolidate the material.

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Department of Designing Psychology, Institute of Psychology. Vygotsky Russian State Humanitarian University Zhanna Sugak advises parents not to substitute themselves for school in any case. "To avoid a lack of attention, keep your personal relationship with the child. Talk about what is difficult, find out with whom the child is friends and with whom not, what kind of guys are in the class. Ask what difficulties arise and if you can do something help. Don't demand from your child what the school demands of him," recommends Sugak.

Changing the daily routine

During the holidays, children are completely disconnected from their usual school work. And, of course, there are far fewer organized children who are able to adapt to a new rhythm on their own than those who naturally suffer from a strict regime.

The task of parents is to help the child gently and harmoniously adjust to school biorhythms, start getting up and going to bed earlier. Calculate in advance what time you will have to raise your child to school, and begin to gradually accustom him to the new regimen. It is also important to talk to the student and explain that now he will have to go to so-and-so and get up at so-and-so so that he does not perceive the changes as an order from his parents, but understands the importance of the transition.

In addition, in the first month of education, it is very difficult for children to "sit out" the lessons, this is especially noticeable in primary and secondary schools. It is difficult for them to answer at the blackboard and do their homework daily. In this situation, it is important for parents not to scold the child, but to help organize, allocate time, suggest in what order to complete the tasks.

"The main thing is to do everything gently, without reprimands. It is necessary to interest the children and help them organize themselves. No matter how busy you are, you are always close to the child. Difficulties usually occur only the first month after the summer holidays, then all the students adapt."

Evgenia Abelyuk

Transfer to a new school

If it so happened that you moved to a new area, and the child has to change schools, be sure to prepare him for adaptation in an unfamiliar team. It is advisable to talk in advance with the future class teacher, tell about the child, his features. If, for example, he has a weak nervous system, and he is afraid of strict teachers, you need to warn about this and ask the teacher to report if something goes wrong. It is important to establish a trusting relationship with your child, then he will share everything that happens at school, and not be afraid to tell if he is offended in the class. The child will understand that there is an adult on his side, and then nothing is scary.

"It is important to look closely at the child's behavior, teach him to analyze the situation and his actions, and also adequately respond to the situation. Read Tolstoy's Childhood with him, where such episodes are taken that are part of the child's personal, inner experience."

Evgenia Abelyuk

Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, GBOU School No. 1525

Despite all the advice, the most important thing a child needs is your love. Love your children, not because they are good at school or good behavior, but simply because they are your children. The school will always demand, and the parents will support with their love. In such a tandem, the child will not feel abandoned, and the learning process will become a joy, no matter how difficult it is.

So the warm summer, fun holidays and free time are over. Soon the school year will start again and we need to prepare for it. But in addition to buying school uniforms and stationery, it is more important for children to be mentally and emotionally prepared for school life. Returning to school after the holidays is stressful even for those children who do not have any problems with their studies and relationships with classmates. Any child needs time to adjust after a long rest. If you take care of this in advance, then the beginning of the school year will be calm, and the child will feel much more confident.

Psychologist Svetlana Roiz spoke about how to properly prepare a child for school in order to avoid emotional overload and psychological difficulties. She also wrote a memo for parents, reminding them of the most important thing: school is not the whole life, and grades do not reflect the real knowledge and talents of the child. And do not forget that children take an example from us, including in relation to learning, knowledge and success.

Soon to school. How to prepare your child for the start of the new school year

Daily regime. Now - three weeks before September 1, it's time to gradually return to the "school" mode of the day. A sharp transition from a state of rest to a working mode is stressful for both children and adults. You can now gradually wake up in the morning and go to bed a little earlier in the evening.

Summer rollback in knowledge. Our brain needs training. During the summer months there is a “rollback in knowledge”, on average, by the second quarter of the previous year of study. And that is why the first few months of the school year, teachers engage in repetition with children. Holiday homework is often given to keep the child “in the process” of learning. It's great if in the summer a child systematically studied (for example, foreign languages) on a free vacation regime. Three weeks before school, you can at a calm pace, without pressure or coercion, flip through notebooks and, possibly, reference books from the previous year. (Or download a curriculum on the subject from the Internet and at least just look at the titles of the topics)

If during the school year it is planned that the child will go to circles and sections, it is better to start studying in August.

First academic months(especially in a new school, in a new class) is stressful. The education system is changing, but so far many children are afraid to go to school, and the life of teenagers (as it happened physiologically) is always stressful. When a person is under chronic stress, their brain is deficient in zinc. Zinc affects the hippocampus, which helps us and our children process and remember large amounts of information. Now is the time to use what you believe in - eat foods containing zinc, if you believe in vitamins or supplements - use them.

For introverted, shy kids who also spent the summer months alone– returning to the team is a burden and a possible source of tension. You can suggest that on some day remaining until September 1, the whole class meet and go to the movies or to a picnic. This will help to reduce anxiety and possibly help children to show the facets that they find difficult to show in school.

Before the first of September it is important to come to school, walk along the corridors, look at the new (or remember the old) office. If a child brings some of his own thing to class - a book to the library, a flowerpot, a poster, a photograph - he seems to put an imprint “I am here”. This makes it easier to adapt and get used to the class.
It's great if a common “newspaper” is made in the class - with photographs of all students.

For those who tend to focus on the negative, who “has nothing good and will never have”, who tends to ignore resourceful events and joys - make a collage of photos (even those taken with a mobile phone camera) from the most joyful moments of summer. Write down all the most significant in the “journal of memories”, thanks, successes. (Great to put this into practice)

Sometimes, when a child arrives from the camp, we get the feeling that he "did not return."
Sometimes it is also important for us, adults, to consciously “put an end” to various processes. this way it is easier to make a “transition” to other actions and “acclimatize” psychologically. You can, for example, celebrate the return from the camp, from vacation, celebrate the end of the holidays. Meet even an adult child from the camp or after any absence - a surprise - a balloon, a gift, a handmade poster, a cake.

The child returned from the camp and changed. It is important for us to give ourselves the opportunity to get used to the child that has changed over the summer. The child's life is constantly enriched with new relationships, new roles, new knowledge, words and "systems". The focus of his attention will shift to other adults and children. Our role next to the child, on the one hand, is unchanged, on the other hand, it also transforms with its facets. It is important for us to try not to worry and “by force” not to return our power and authority.

The child fell in love. Falling in love with a child is always a new level of relationships with parents. It is important to be respectful of the feelings of the baby or teenager. It is important to keep secrets if shared with us. It is important not to invade personal space if it is protected from us.

  • often a “feeling”, experiencing falling in love child ceases to be “thinking”.
  • not all adults are able to cope with the “load of feelings”.
  • it is important for our children to go through their first experience of love, charms and disappointments. (And yes, academic performance drops during this time)

Buying important and useful things for school. A child has very few choices in life. If financially possible, it is important that he be able to choose at least the design of covers and diaries and the model of pens. It is important to remember that the choice of many goods in the store scares the child. (sometimes children have tantrums when they are offered to choose whatever they want).

The child is in a dual state. On the one hand, the new class of the school is an increase in status. On the other hand, the fear of this new, the fear of growing up, may manifest itself. It's great if, in addition to rational and obligatory purchases, if a child wishes, you buy something “childish” from an adult point of view.

School uniform- as a psychological element - is important for many children. It, with an unformed inner core, gives support to the outer one. (External “crutch” - rules - code, daily routine, bell schedule, uniform) School uniform should have caused pride from belonging to us - a class, a gymnasium, a school. It should be modern, beautiful, comfortable.

Important for parents:

  1. So that parents are not an extension of the school. The child must have a safe space. need our support. Our trust in his Fate and faith in his potential.
  2. So that parents do not sacrifice themselves for the success and realization of their children. If we put “the energy of sacrifice” into a child, we put more expectations into the result, endowing the child with responsibility that is sometimes unbearable for him, we are unnecessarily tense. Where there is sacrifice, there is less joy. Sometimes I suggest that parents look at the word upbringing - upbringing - how do we feed a child? What we feed - so it is filled. And sometimes "does not digest".
  3. We all learn, including thanks to the mirror system functioning in our brain. Can our child “mirror” what we demand from him? - learning, responsibility, self-care, respect, gratitude. It is important for a child to see us - students doing exercises, doing their “homework”, responding constructively to criticism, able to confront ...
  4. It is important not to transfer your feelings and experiences of the past academic year to the next. The child develops and changes. Some subjects, tasks will be easier for him, some more difficult. It is important to try not to form an "image" of school life - this image itself - our expectations - can become a "self-fulfilling prophecy" - a program for the child.
  5. Very often a child wants to but cannot or makes excessive efforts to master some skill. Sometimes these difficulties are caused by the peculiarities of work or asynchrony in the work of various parts of the brain. Sometimes the child is not important assessment and "motivation" and help. Now more and more popular is neuropsychology, kinesiology - with simple practices and exercises that stimulate the brain.
  6. We remember that school grades are very subjective and do not reflect the real knowledge of the child.
  7. She wrote many times that the education system is geared towards measuring and “pumping” IQ. - simplistically - verbal-logical intelligence. Howard Gardner proposed the theory of multiple intelligences. “ Verbal intelligence- the ability to generate speech, including the mechanisms responsible for the phonetic (speech sounds), syntactic (grammar), semantic (meaning) and pragmatic components of speech (the use of speech in various situations).
    musical intelligence- the ability to generate, transmit and understand the meanings associated with sounds, including the mechanisms responsible for the perception of pitch, rhythm and timbre (qualitative characteristics) of the sound.
    Logical-mathematical intelligence- the ability to use and evaluate the relationships between actions or objects when they are not actually present, i.e. to abstract thinking.
    Spatial intelligence- the ability to perceive visual and spatial information, modify it and recreate visual images without recourse to the original stimuli. Includes the ability to construct images in three dimensions, as well as mentally move and rotate these images.
    Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence- the ability to use all parts of the body when solving problems or creating products; includes control over gross and fine motor movements and the ability to manipulate external objects.
    intrapersonal intelligence- the ability to recognize one's own feelings, intentions and motives.
    interpersonal intelligence- the ability to recognize and discriminate between the feelings, attitudes and intentions of other people.”
  8. It is in our power to become "agents of change" in the school. Perhaps you yourself can come to school and conduct seminars for children there, conduct workshops, invite them to work with you.
  9. School is just a part of life. Important. But "behind" her child should expect a full and joyful life. With free time, communication and inspiration.

Our children are bigger and wiser than any systems. The education system is gradually changing. And, hopefully, we will have many discoveries soon.