Is it possible to drink chicory before bed? Soluble chicory - medicinal properties and contraindications

A perennial herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family, chicory. Its stems have flowers that are blue, pink or white. The leaves of cultivated species are used to make salads and side dishes. The root is thick and strong, it is used to make a unique drink - a coffee substitute. Store shelves have a large selection of such a product as soluble chicory, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which remain an open question.

What is instant chicory made from?

The root of the plant is dried and processed. It goes through an extraction method in several stages - excess moisture is removed in an evaporation unit, and as a result, the resulting raw material is sifted through a special sieve and packaged. In past times, natural coffee was in short supply. The main available option for the majority of the population was a drink made from chicory; everyone knew how soluble chicory was beneficial for the body.

Which chicory is healthier - ground or instant?

Today, market offers have formed 3 main types on sale:

  • liquid;
  • soluble;
  • fried or ground.

How to decide what to buy - instant or ground chicory? It’s a matter of taste and choice for everyone – individual preference. The usefulness of instant and ground products is the same - the processing method maximizes the healing properties, rich taste and full-fledged aroma. Freeze-dried is more convenient to prepare.

How is instant chicory beneficial for the body?

The soluble version is saturated with useful substances and contains vitamins and microelements. The benefit of soluble chicory lies in its presence in the drink. They promote a good mood and excellent well-being, and the formation of strong immunity. The root is rich in vitamins: A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, PP, choline.


  • K - Potassium;
  • Ca - Calcium;
  • Mg - Magnesium;
  • Na - Sodium;
  • P - Phosphorus;
  • Fe - Iron;
  • Mn - Manganese;
  • Cu - Copper;
  • Se Selenium;
  • Zn - Zinc.

When making a choice, you should carefully study what it is made from. A drink without additives is the most ideal option. A number of manufacturers include additions in the list of ingredients: ginseng, rose hips, cinnamon, lemongrass. Unscrupulous people may add ground acorns, and if the consumer has not tried the real thing, he may be disappointed, and the consumer may have contraindications to certain components.

What are the benefits of instant chicory for men?

Men spend a lot of time outside the home. They have a catastrophic lack of time to take care of their health. A good stimulant to maintain health and gain energy is to take a drink made from chicory. Drinking a few cups throughout the day will help improve the functioning of internal organs and prevent certain diseases, if there are no contraindications to its use. Benefits of instant chicory for men:

  1. Beneficial effects on the digestive organs - will support the normal functioning of the pancreas, liver and intestines.
  2. Promotes the development of bifidobacteria in the gastrointestinal tract - providing an anti-inflammatory effect on the membranes of internal organs, it can have a therapeutic effect on stomach ulcers, cirrhosis, and hepatitis. Eliminates dysbacteriosis and constipation.
  3. Normalizes the functioning of the heart and blood vessels - which is important for those suffering from atherosclerosis, tachycardia, coronary heart disease and dilates blood vessels.
  4. Maintains normal functioning of the central nervous system. Will relieve migraine attacks, lack of sleep, depression.
  5. It has a positive effect on brain function due to the presence of vitamin B.
  6. has a diuretic effect, which has a positive effect on the functioning of the urological system.
  7. Reduces blood sugar levels in diabetic patients and serves as a preventative against the disease for a healthy person.
  8. As a preventative against osteoporosis.

What are the benefits of instant chicory for women?

The natural components that the root of the plant contains have endowed it with a number of medicinal properties. It is widely used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals. During industrial processing of the initial raw materials, the usefulness of soluble chicory is preserved. Therapeutic effect and preventive effect:

  • has antioxidant properties;
  • relieves muscle pain;
  • relieves stress;
  • treats insomnia and migraine;
  • supports healthy microflora;
  • increases immunity;
  • cleanses cholesterol;
  • promotes the removal of toxins from the body;
  • lowers blood pressure.

The benefits of instant chicory for weight loss

It is impossible to say that instant chicory for weight loss is an ideal remedy. Chicory contains inulin - it prevents constipation, absorbs toxins, promoting the development of bifidobacteria, and has a diuretic effect. Passing through the digestive system, inulin, like a sponge, removes heavy metals. Changing your diet, adding sports or exercise plus - consuming chicory without sugar will have a positive effect on your figure. Soluble chicory has beneficial properties and contraindications that must be taken into account when using it for any purpose.

How to brew instant chicory?

There is no special secret to how to brew instant chicory correctly. When preparing for the first time, you should not add a large amount of powder, trying to get a rich color. Although it is healthy, not everyone will fall in love with its taste from the first sip. But super coffee that was prepared without taking into account taste preferences can disappoint.

How to drink instant chicory correctly?

The drink is characterized by astringency and bitterness. After several uses, you can easily determine a more pleasant combination and proportion. As with regular coffee, add sugar as desired. For those who are interested in how to drink instant chicory to benefit their figure, there is one rule - do not add anything. If the taste initially disappoints, you can reduce the dose of the sweetener gradually, and then eliminate it altogether.

Is instant chicory good for you with milk?

The benefits of consuming instant chicory are due to the presence of protein and fructose. The lack of caffeine allows you to consume it before bed. It is excellent for toning the body. If you drink instant chicory with milk, you can reduce your appetite. A high concentration of inulin will put the intestinal microflora in order, and antioxidants will have a rejuvenating effect on the body. It is allowed to be used in small doses during pregnancy and lactation, unless there are contraindications from doctors.

Chicory root is very rich in vitamins and microelements. In particular, it contains large amounts of vitamin C, B1, B2 and B3. The root of the plant contains a large amount of inulin, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the entire digestive system, and also accelerates the metabolism of carotene and proteins.

Roasted granulated chicory is very similar to instant coffee, both in smell, color and even taste. The main difference between the drink and natural coffee is the complete absence of caffeine in it. In this regard, chicory can be consumed by people suffering from hypertension.

Drink a cup of chicory with honey and lemon on an empty stomach. This helps treat hypertension.

How many times a day can you drink chicory?

Like any other medicinal herb, chicory requires caution when used. You can't drink it uncontrollably. The optimal amount of this drink is 2 cups per day. If this dose is exceeded, carefully monitor the body's reaction. Some people tolerate a coffee drink just fine, and even 5 cups a day will not cause any deterioration in their well-being, while some may experience all sorts of allergic reactions.

Regular consumption of chicory root will help a person rid his body of toxins and wastes, heavy metals and radioactive substances. Due to its anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties, chicory is successfully used as a wound healing agent. Decoctions and infusions from this root are effective for the treatment of seborrhea, neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, acne, allergic dermatitis, diathesis, chicken pox, furunculosis and vitiligo.


It is impossible not to mention the contraindications that this product has, there are very few of them. It is not recommended to combine chicory with antibiotics; it may interfere with the absorption of the medicine. People who have problems with veins should avoid using chicory. Since chicory is rich in vitamin C, and some people are allergic to ascorbic acid, you should be careful when drinking the drink from the root of the plant. You need to give up chicory if you have spasms of the respiratory system.

Like any medicinal herb, chicory can be collected and dried yourself. You can also purchase a ready-made product at the pharmacy. The root has the most beneficial properties and is what imitates the taste of coffee (it does not contain caffeine). Therefore, the drink is safe for hypertensive patients. The plant contains inulin, which allows it to be consumed by diabetics.

A variety of vitamins (especially group B and microelements) give chicory beneficial properties that contribute to:

- strengthening the immune system – chicory acid improves immunity and is used as a means of prevention against ARVI;

- restoration of the digestive process after fighting obesity;

Strengthens the heart and nervous systems - chicory contains magnesium, potassium and reduces cholesterol in the blood;

Cleansing the body of purulent wounds;

Has a calming effect;

Treatment of intestinal diseases;

The likelihood of diseases of the genitourinary system is reduced.

Eating chicory for pregnant women will not bring any danger. On the contrary, it can overcome anemia, as it contains iron.

In addition, chicory contains folic acid (using just one cup, the body will receive half of the daily requirement).

Drink contraindications:

Since chicory contains ascorbic acid, it can cause an allergy to vitamin C;

Individual intolerance.

You should pay attention to expiration dates and composition. A quality product should contain crushed plant root. The most important thing is not to dissolve the product in boiling water (the water should be just hot). There are 2 tsp per cup of water. chicory. You can add milk or honey with sugar, jam or cocoa - this will not change the quality and properties. To enrich the body with useful substances, it is enough to drink up to 4 cups a day. In addition, chicory can be included in the diet of children.

Normalizes blood glucose levels

Thanks to inulin contained in chicory, glucose levels gradually decrease at elevated levels, which is important for people with diabetes.

Helps cope with colds

A drink rich in vitamins and microelements helps restore strength, alleviate the condition and reduce the duration of the disease.

Reduces caffeine addiction

Frequent consumption of coffee, especially natural coffee and without milk, can lead to a number of health problems, for example, the development of hypertension, insomnia, increased anxiety, and nausea. Chicory does not contain caffeine, but is otherwise an excellent alternative to coffee.

Promotes rejuvenation

A drink made from chicory helps the production of our own collagen, which means it makes our skin smoother and tighter.

Contraindications for consuming chicory

In the last 5–6 years, chicory has become widespread on the Russian market, the benefits and harms of which are discussed in this material. This is a soluble product (powder) that is poured with boiling water to prepare a drink that is reminiscent of coffee in its taste characteristics. Therefore, it is preferred by many people who want to give up caffeine due to hypertension, stomach diseases, or to maintain white teeth. This drink contains vitamins and minerals, and is therefore beneficial for the body.

General information

Chicory is a herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. The Mediterranean is considered to be the birthplace of this herb. It is currently cultivated on an industrial scale for further processing and production of a powdered soluble product for preparing a drink.

Before the instant drink became widely available, it was prepared by hand. With this preparation, the benefits of chicory were preserved. To do this, it was necessary to collect and clean the roots, then cut them and dry them. After this, the particles were fried and ground into powder. Currently, there is no such problem, since the root of this herb in ground, whole or soluble form is widely available on sale.

Useful material

The benefits of chicory are explained by the vitamin content it contains. Contains 12 vitamins:

  1. beta-carotene (3430 mg) has a powerful antioxidant effect, strengthening the cell membrane so that free radicals do not penetrate through it, forming insoluble compounds in cells that can contribute to the development of cancer;
  2. vitamin C (24.0) helps strengthen the immune system, therefore it is useful for pregnant women who especially need strong immunity to protect their own body and fetus from infections (daily value 120–150 mg);
  3. choline (12.8) is involved in fat metabolism and actively cleanses the liver of fats;
  4. vitamin E (2.26), like beta-carotene, has antioxidant properties, strengthens cell membranes and prevents the penetration of free radicals into them, which reduces the likelihood of developing cancer; its molecules surround red blood cells that carry oxygen to cells, protecting them from destructive effects these same free radicals;
  5. vitamin B5 (1.16) promotes skin healing, participates in the production of antibodies by the immune system, corticosteroids and adrenal hormones;
  6. vitamin PP (1.02), together with B vitamins, is involved in the conversion of nutrients into energy;
  7. vitamin B6 (0.11) is involved in fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism, promoting the conversion of nutrients into energy (with its help, enzymes are formed in the liver, which break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins);
  8. vitamin B2 (0.1) is involved in cell division and body growth processes, therefore it is necessary for women during pregnancy for normal fetal growth (daily requirement 2.2 mg);
  9. vitamin B1 (0.06) strengthens cell membranes, protecting them from the negative effects of peroxidation products (essentially, it is an antioxidant);
  10. vitamin K (297.6 mcg) normalizes the process of blood clotting, accelerates the healing of cuts and wounds, and is therefore necessary for the restoration of the body after operations (daily norm 2 mcg per kg of weight);
  11. vitamin A (286) is part of rhodopsin, a visual pigment that helps the eye distinguish dark from light, see in the dark and distinguish color shades, therefore daily consumption of the daily requirement of the vitamin (1000–1500 mcg) helps maintain visual acuity;
  12. vitamin B9 (110) is indispensable for pregnant women, as it participates in the formation of the fetal nervous system (daily intake 200–500 mcg).

The second thing that chicory is useful for is the minerals it contains:

  • Potassium (420 mg) is involved in the normalization of muscle function, including the heart muscle. In this regard, it has medicinal properties for arrhythmia, because it helps to even out the heart rhythm and reduce the severity and frequency of attacks;
  • Calcium (100) is an important “building” material for bones, teeth and nails. Necessary for normal skeletal development;
  • Phosphorus (47), along with calcium, is involved in bone formation. Helps them maintain strength, protects them from deformation;
  • Sodium (45) is an important substance in the intercellular fluid. Involved in the processes of transfer of useful substances to cells;
  • Magnesium (30) promotes complete absorption of calcium and potassium;
  • Iron (0.9), after entering the human body, interacts with oxygen, this is necessary for hemoglobin, the oxygen carrier. This explains its healing properties for anemia (low iron content in the body);
  • Manganese (0.43), together with calcium and phosphorus, is involved in the formation of bone tissue. Promotes complete absorption of vitamins A, B and C;
  • Zinc (0.42) is also involved in the formation of bones, and therefore is necessary for children during the period of active growth (daily intake up to 11 mg);
  • Copper (0.3) promotes collagen production. Thanks to this, the elasticity of the skin increases. This also explains its healing properties for vascular diseases - the presence of collagen increases the elasticity of their walls and restores their tone;
  • Selenium (0.3 mcg) is indispensable for men, as it stimulates testosterone production.

The calorie content of a drink made from instant powder is very low. 100 g of dry product contains 21 kcal, and one teaspoon contains 7 g of soluble powder and less than one and a half calories. Thus, depending on the richness of the drink, one glass of it (without sugar or milk) contains from one and a half to five calories (5-7 in black tea, up to 37 in coffee).

Preparing the drink

Liquid chicory (powder diluted with boiling water) replaces coffee for many people who are forced to give up caffeine (pregnant women, those with increased nervous excitability, hypertensive patients). It not only tastes like coffee, but also has an invigorating effect due to the herbs and roots containing inulin, a polysaccharide that acts as a natural energy drink.

The process of preparing the drink is usually described on the powder packaging. Most often, it is recommended to pour 250 ml of boiling water into one dessert spoon of powder and let it brew for two minutes. Then drink the drink.

There are also ways to brew chicory extract in milk. In this case, a dessert spoon of powder is filled with 250 ml of hot milk, not water. This method allows you to make the drink taste more like coffee, since chicory brewed with boiling water has a characteristic taste that not everyone likes.

Important! The benefits and harms of chicory diluted in milk should be considered separately. The presence of cow's milk complicates the absorption of iron. Therefore, in case of anemia, it is worth replacing it with a plant analogue, for example, soy milk.


The main beneficial properties of chicory for weight loss are explained by the presence of inulin in its composition. Up to 60% of the powder volume is inulin and fiber. The inulin content is reduced to 30% if high temperatures (above 60 degrees) were used during harvesting, since inulin is destroyed at them. Inulin prevents glucose from falling, thereby suppressing the feeling of hunger. It also promotes complete absorption of vitamins and minerals. It invigorates no worse than coffee.

The main benefit of chicory exclusively for men is its selenium content. It promotes testosterone production. The hormone, in turn, helps increase potency. The diuretic properties of a drink made from this herb have a positive effect on the genitourinary system, preventing the development of infections. This is an important feature, because according to statistics, about 50% of men of reproductive age suffer from diseases of the genitourinary system.


Before use, it is important to find out the contraindications of chicory, because sometimes a healthy drink can cause harm. The reason to stop drinking instant chicory root drink is taking antibiotics. Chicory extract negatively affects their digestibility, as it contains calcium salts, which reduce the degree of absorption of tetracycline drugs by up to 80%. The effectiveness of antibiotics decreases to the same extent and their healing properties decrease.

Chicory also has contraindications for varicose veins. Daily use expands the veins even more due to the presence of vitamins A, C and E, which can influence the walls of blood vessels, increasing the lumen. They also increase capillary permeability. This property complicates the course of the disease and causes aggravation of current symptoms. For the same reason, you should not use chicory extract for hemorrhoids.

Due to excessive vasodilation and blood thinning under the influence of magnesium and vitamin C, which prevent red blood cells from sticking together, liquid chicory is contraindicated in case of hypotension (low blood pressure), or when blood pressure jumps in both directions. Even a single dose causes a decrease in blood pressure, which in hypotensive patients leads to dizziness, nausea, and weakness.

Chicory also harms the body of allergy sufferers. A high content of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) can provoke an exacerbation of an allergic reaction. Also, if you drink more than three glasses of the drink daily, there is a risk of vitamin C hypervitaminosis.

Despite the fact that many of the benefits of chicory are due to the high calcium content in it, this same fact also explains its harm to people suffering from urolithiasis. Liquid chicory contains calcium oxalates, which reduce the acidity of urine. This is what leads to the formation of sediment in the kidneys and bladder, the growth of stones or their formation.

  • increased sweating;
  • weakened immunity, frequent colds;
  • weakness, fatigue;
  • nervous state, depression;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • I want sweet and sour;
  • bad breath;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • problems with losing weight;
  • decreased appetite;
  • night grinding of teeth, drooling;
  • pain in the abdomen, joints, muscles;
  • cough does not go away;
  • acne on the skin.

If you have any of the symptoms or are in doubt about the causes of your ailments, you need to cleanse your body as quickly as possible. How to do it .

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The beneficial properties of chicory for the human body have been known since ancient times. The healing root of the plant and its flowers were used as a medicine to treat many ailments. In addition to being widely used in folk medicine, the plant is used in the cuisines of many nationalities: its vitamin-rich leaves are added to salads, and the root is used as a coffee substitute.

Today you can see chicory on sale in several forms: in liquid form (an extract isolated from the root), ground roasted root of the plant, or in the form of a soluble powder for making a drink.

An invigorating and healthy drink made from the roots of the plant has gained immense popularity among consumers due to its taste and aroma, which resembles coffee, but does not contain caffeine, which is a very valuable property of the plant. How much you can drink this aromatic and healthy drink, who it is useful for and whether it has contraindications, this article will tell you.

Chicory beneficial properties and contraindications

The popularity of the plant is increasing every year due to the content of inulin, an important component belonging to the group of polysaccharides - a source of fiber and a sugar substitute.

Its beneficial properties are actively used in dietetics for safe and effective weight loss, since one of its properties is to absorb cholesterol and fats in the digestive tract. In addition, this healthy product cleanses the liver, promotes bile secretion and normalizes cholesterol levels.

The root of the plant contains protein, tannin compounds, a large amount of organic acids, riboflavin, thiamine, folic and ascorbic acid and minerals.

Soluble chicory beneficial properties and contraindications

Particularly popular is a freeze-dried soluble powdered drink obtained from the root, which can be drunk instead of coffee, and it only brings benefits to the body. It is not recommended to drink more than 1-2 cups per day.

Benefits and beneficial properties of instant drink:
1. Has an invigorating effect, charges energy for the whole day, as it contains protein.
2. Strengthens the nervous system due to its high content of B vitamins.
3. Has a beneficial effect on the skin, restores collagen in skin cells, saturates them with calcium, potassium, magnesium.
4. Accelerates hair growth, reduces fragility, improves structure. In addition to drinking the drink internally, you can rinse your hair with chicory root tincture.
5. The instant drink benefits patients suffering from diabetes.
6. Helps with dysbiosis and constipation.
7. Cleanses the kidneys, liver, normalizes the condition of blood vessels, fights anemia.

It is worth noting that chicory is a medicinal plant, so consuming soluble powder can be harmful.

1. Drinking the drink is not recommended for people with gallbladder pathology, gastritis, pancreatitis, or stomach ulcers.
2. The product has the property of increasing or decreasing blood pressure. Drinking the drink before bed can cause insomnia.
3. Not recommended for children under 3 years of age.

Chicory benefits and harm for children

The benefit of an instant drink for children is that its healing properties strengthen the immune system, increase the tone of the body, and give strength and energy, so necessary for children of preschool and school age. You can drink it with milk, so it will bring even more benefits. In addition, the soluble product improves blood counts and liver function. But for children under three years old it is not recommended.

Use of chicory in folk medicine recipes

In folk medicine, the plant and its medicinal properties are used for stomach diseases, diabetes, and obesity.

Chicory during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Experts have different opinions about whether pregnant women or during breastfeeding can drink instant drinks. Some confidently claim that you can drink it instead of coffee, thereby strengthening your immunity.

Everyone knows that coffee is prohibited during pregnancy, and a chicory drink is an excellent substitute with a coffee aroma. Others claim that the plant can cause allergic reactions in a newborn or harm the fetal nervous system.

Drink with milk for children

Chicory with milk is a great option for breakfast or afternoon snack; you can drink it with cookies. To prepare the drink, you need to take 1-2 teaspoons of dry powder and add boiled milk to it, adding water, and mix. The milk should be hot.

Chicory tea for blood pressure

Due to its ability to normalize blood pressure, the crushed root of the plant can be brewed as tea.

Tea recipe to increase blood pressure:
Pour 2 tablespoons of crushed root into two glasses of water and cook for 20 minutes. Then remove from heat and let the broth brew for another 15 minutes. Filter the tea through cheesecloth. Wonderful tea for blood pressure is ready!

It is important to remember that drinking tea for people suffering from hypotension will be harmful.

How to prepare a weight loss product

How to cook chicory for weight loss? There are several ways to prepare a healthy drink that helps you lose weight and reduce your appetite, which is very important when trying to lose weight. You can pour 1 teaspoon of crushed roots into 0.5 liters of water and boil them for 10 minutes, strain. The decoction is taken 3-4 times a day, between meals. Or brew instant powder with skim hot milk.

Treatment for diabetes

Chicory has a quick healing effect in the treatment of diabetes. Having a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body, it reduces blood sugar. The dried root of the plant is used to prepare a medicinal decoction.

You need to take 2 tablespoons of the root, pour a glass of water over it and put it in a water bath, boil for 10 minutes. Strain the broth. Take 1 tablespoon of the decoction before meals, up to 6 times a day.

For pancreatitis and stomach diseases

Chicory is successfully used in folk medicine for pancreatitis and stomach diseases, due to its ability to increase gastric secretion. There is a contraindication to treatment with chicory during the acute form of the disease.

It is necessary to use a decoction of it during remission or to prevent pancreatitis. You need to take 20 grams of powdered dry raw materials, add 1 glass of water and cook for 10 minutes over medium heat, cool and strain. Take 1 tablespoon before meals for a month.

Chicory plant: how to collect and prepare

A useful medicinal plant grows everywhere, where there is a lot of sun: in wastelands, along roads, hills and in summer cottages, where it is considered a weed. In nature there are both wild varieties and cultivated varieties.

Harvesting of roots is carried out in early spring or late autumn, when all the beneficial properties accumulate in them as much as possible. The roots need to be dug, not pulled out. Then they are cleared of soil, washed and dried in the open air. Then the root is cut into small pieces and dried in the oven at a temperature of 60 degrees, with the door open. Healing roots are stored in paper bags or boxes for up to three years.

Today, most nutritionists recommend that women and men consume an instant drink such as chicory. Moreover, it is an excellent alternative to coffee. The root of this plant energizes the body and invigorates. In terms of taste, chicory is practically no different from coffee, which is why many people prefer it. But is it possible to drink chicory at night?

What does the product contain?

The most useful substances are found in the underground part of the plant. The root contains many components that have a beneficial effect on human health. To answer the question “can you eat chicory at night,” you must first find out what is included in its composition.

The main advantage of the plant is the presence of inulin (a polysaccharide) in it. This component is used as a sugar and starch substitute in diabetic products. It also accelerates metabolism and improves digestion processes.

Tannins in the root have bacteriostatic and bactericidal properties, helping to destroy typhoid, paratyphoid and dysentery bacilli, staphylococcus.

The glycoside intibin in chicory eliminates signs of tachycardia, dilates blood vessels and has a positive effect on the nervous system.

The plant also contains other beneficial components:

  • bitter, protein and resinous substances;
  • carotene, nicotinic acid and tocopherol;
  • B vitamins;
  • micro- and macroelements (calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, potassium and manganese);
  • essential oil;
  • pectin;
  • organic acids;
  • ascorbic acid.

Thanks to its rich composition, a drink made from chicory root is a “healing potion” that helps not only improve well-being, but also preserve beauty and youth.

If you drink tea from the root of this plant in the morning, it will start the metabolism, energize the body, protect against emotional stress and stress, normalize intestinal function, and improve heart function.

Is drinking chicory at night good or not? Experts recommend drinking this drink before bed. It's caffeine-free, so you don't have to worry about it causing insomnia.

Healing properties of chicory

The root of this plant has many benefits. A drink from it promotes:

  • restoration of intestinal microflora;
  • improving digestion and reducing appetite;
  • normalization of heart rate;
  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • reducing high temperature;
  • normalization of the liver, nervous system and kidneys;
  • eliminating inflammatory processes in the body;
  • increasing the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • relieving symptoms of alcohol poisoning;
  • strengthening the immune system.

This product is a real salvation for coffee lovers. Is it possible to drink chicory at night? Of course. The drink, as already mentioned, does not contain caffeine, so it can be taken before bed. It will help relieve stress and relax.

It is not recommended to drink coffee while pregnant, but chicory in a pregnant woman’s diet, on the contrary, is even welcome. A drink from this plant helps get rid of heartburn, improve digestion and the well-being of the expectant mother.

Positive effects of chicory on the body

The plant has many beneficial qualities. For example, a drink made from it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system. It contains vitamins B 1, B 2 and B 3, which give vigor and lift your spirits. A drink from such a plant calms, but coffee, on the contrary, excites. In addition, it is allowed to take chicory at night.

The product is recommended for use in the treatment of tachycardia and other cardiac pathologies, as it is rich in magnesium and potassium. It also helps improve intestinal motility, since the plant contains a special type of dietary fiber - inulin. If you constantly drink a drink from it, you can forget about constipation and digestive tract disorders. The plant helps cleanse the kidneys and liver. If you drink chicory at night every day, your body will slowly begin to excrete bile.

The drink is often used for weight loss, since chicory contains pectin, which dulls the feeling of hunger. Those who want to lose extra pounds just need to drink 200 ml of this drug in the morning and at lunch to prolong the feeling of fullness after eating. Chicory reduces appetite, so hunger, as a rule, will not bother you. The inulin it contains helps lower blood sugar. If you really want something sweet, it’s better to wash down your desserts with a chicory drink.

The plant has a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin, so try to drink chicory at least occasionally. Its benefits are as follows: the plant contains many vitamins and microelements, including magnesium and calcium, which maintain skin tone and restore collagen fibers. For the health and beauty of hair, the root is useful not only to consume internally, but also to use as a mask: an infusion of the plant is applied to the curls and left for 10 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. Chicory improves immunity. Inulin is especially useful for the human body. This component speeds up metabolism and removes toxins. It also helps to avoid colds and viral diseases.

This product is a natural sedative, so you don’t even have to wonder: “Can I drink chicory at night?” It has been noted that a medicinal drink drunk before bedtime eliminates insomnia more effectively than some sleeping pills. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about side effects like with medications. The plant is also not addictive.

A drink made from chicory powder can be drunk by those who suffer from diabetes, since the inulin present in it is a natural sugar substitute. This organic substance not only reduces blood sugar, but also improves metabolic processes, and therefore normalizes weight. Chicory is an indispensable product for diabetes.

Why is chicory dangerous?

This drink can be harmful if consumed in too large quantities and uncontrollably. Before adding this product to your diet, you need to pay attention to your well-being. Chicory should not be taken for chronic diseases, especially during their exacerbation. For such ailments, it is better to first consult a doctor before consuming it.

Chicory cannot be combined with antibacterial drugs, as it interferes with their absorption. Excessive consumption of the drink can lead to hypervitaminosis. It should not be taken if you have asthma or bronchitis, so as not to provoke their exacerbation. Moreover, it must be remembered that chicory lowers blood pressure, so if you have hypotension, it is better to avoid it.

People suffering from the following ailments should not drink chicory tea:

  • vascular pathologies;
  • bronchitis;
  • varicose veins;
  • asthma;
  • disruption of the gallbladder;
  • heart diseases.

If, after taking a chicory drink, weakness occurs, the heartbeat quickens, nausea or dizziness appears, you need to consult a specialist and stop drinking it.

The effect of chicory on the children's body

If the baby is not allergic to this herbaceous plant, then a drink from it can be given to a child older than 2-3 years. It is not recommended for very young children to drink chicory. The root of the plant is known to have many beneficial qualities. A drink made from it strengthens children's immunity, increases body tone and normalizes the digestive system. But in babies it is imperfect, so it’s better not to risk it.

Chicory tea helps normalize liver function and improve blood counts. A drink with warm milk is especially useful to give to a child in the autumn and winter periods, as it helps prevent colds. Children are allowed to drink a maximum of 1 cup of instant chicory per day.

Preparing the drink

Now any store sells ready-made chicory powders. They can be purchased with various additives. The drink is prepared in the same way as instant coffee. By the way, you can and even need to drink chicory at night. To do this, pour 1-2 teaspoons of powder into 150-200 ml of boiling water and mix. To improve the taste of the drink, you need to add cream or milk to it. You don’t need to add a lot of sugar—the tea is already sweetened by the root itself.

When preparing the raw materials for the drink yourself, use 5-6 roots of the plant. The first step is to rinse and clean them well, after which the roots should be dried in the oven at 100 °C for 5 hours, leaving the door ajar. Before doing this, you need to lay foil or parchment paper on a baking sheet. Of course, the best option is to dry it outside in direct sunlight.

Dry raw materials are cut into small plates and fried in a frying pan until brown without adding oil. Then the roots are ground in a coffee grinder or blender. The resulting powder must be stored in a tightly closed container for no more than 6 months. Add one small spoon of ground chicory to a cup, add hot water and stir. The drink is ready to drink.

Chicory powder with rose hips

Chicory contains many beneficial components. Rose hips also contain minerals and vitamins. Its fruits lower blood cholesterol, strengthen the immune system and tone the body.

The healing effect of a drink made from chicory with rose hips is higher. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it for various pathologies.

This tea is very popular, and it is easy to prepare. You will need the following components:

  • milk - 200 ml;
  • chicory powder - 1 teaspoon;
  • honey - 20 g.

The milk is put on fire and brought to a boil, chicory is added to it, stirred and left to cool. Honey is added to the warm drink. It turns out not only tasty, but also healthy.

Daily norm

Many experts advise consuming no more than 3-5 grams of chicory per day. In one mug of drink, as a rule, there are 2-4 grams. You are allowed to take no more than 2 cups per day. It is also necessary to remember that chicory has soothing and relaxing properties, so it is better to use it before bed.