Can menstruation affect blood tests? Best time to explore. Blood test results during menstruation

Sometimes the test date may fall at the beginning of your period. And here the question arises: is it possible to take tests or is it better to postpone the study to another day of the cycle.

This question is relevant for most women, since the need to undergo laboratory tests may arise even during menstruation. To understand whether it is possible to donate blood to a woman during her period, you need to know what studies will be conducted. The following types of blood tests are available:
1. General clinical analysis - a blood test for such basic indicators as erythrocytes and their sedimentation rate, platelets, hemoglobin, a group of leukocytes and the components of this group.
2. Biochemical blood parameters.
3. Blood test for glucose levels.
4. Hormonal blood tests.
5. Serological studies.
6. Diagnosis of allergies.
7. Immunological blood test;
8. Determination of blood clotting level.
9. Blood test for the presence of cancer.
10. Blood diagnostics using polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

As you can see from the list, there are quite a large number of different blood tests. Some tests can only be taken on a certain menstrual day; some types of tests can only be taken outside of menstruation.

Why you shouldn't donate blood during your period
Menstruation is a process in which the endometrium that has grown during the previous menstrual cycle is shed. Each menstrual cycle begins with a slight blood loss, which lasts on average 4-5 days. As a result, some blood parameters in a woman may change.

1. Hemoglobin decreases during menstruation.
2. ESR increases due to the inflammatory process as a result of endometrial rejection.
3. The number of red blood cells will increase while platelets and white blood cells decrease markedly.

Some women feel quite severe pain in the abdominal cavity during menstruation and take painkillers. They may also cause changes in some blood parameters.

What blood test during menstruation will be informative?
Taking tests during menstruation is the most informative way to find out the amount of hormones in a woman’s body. A girl can safely go for a blood test during her period if the study is carried out for the following hormones:
- Estradiol
- Anti-Mullerian hormone, which determines a woman’s ovarian reserve.
- Progesterone.
- Prolactin.
- Luteinizing hormone.
- Testosterone.
- Cortisol.
- Other hormonal studies.

Blood tests during menstruation for hormones are taken on days 2-3 of the cycle. Some doctors ask their patients to take hormones on certain days of the cycle outside of menstrual flow. For example, prolactin can be taken either on days 2-3 of the cycle, or on day 21.

How and when to donate blood
If the doctor did not indicate certain days of the cycle for taking the tests, and the woman can choose the day for taking the tests, then it is best if at least 3-4 days pass after the end of menstruation. That is, on average, from 7-8 days until the start of a new cycle, blood and urine indicators will be most reliable.

Blood must be donated on an empty stomach; a couple of sips of water are allowed after brushing your teeth. In some cases, the doctor allows you to eat before taking tests. If the specialist did not mention permission to eat, then you should refrain from eating for at least 8 hours before the test.

Do not cross your legs while drawing blood.

After taking the test, it is advisable to eat candy or drink sweet tea. Then the blood glucose level will rise slightly, which means your health will improve.

The question of whether it is possible to donate blood during menstruation is relevant in two versions: in the case when a woman decides to become a donor, or if she is scheduled to undergo tests. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the following factors: for what purpose the blood will be donated and what research method will be used when examining the blood.

What should you consider when donating blood during menstruation?

There are no contraindications to this method of examination during menstruation. But if a woman wants to become a donor, it is not recommended to donate blood during this period. Why? Because on critical days in the female body, the total hemoglobin in the blood decreases, which means the donor’s well-being worsens. Donated blood means additional blood loss, which is undesirable.

During menstruation, first of all, the ESR rate increases significantly. The doctor, not being aware of blood donation during menstruation, may perceive changes in blood parameters as a reaction to inflammation occurring in the body.

We cannot ignore the fact that during this period the test result may be significantly distorted due to blood clotting during blood donation. In addition, in the first days of menstruation, the result of a general blood test may show increased hemoglobin and red blood cells, which then sharply decrease.

Due to illness, the doctor may prescribe tests. You should consult your doctor about whether this should be done on critical days. If you did not do this, or your period began on the very day you are scheduled for testing, remember the following. During this period, you can donate blood. The test results will be identical to what they would be if you donated blood on other days. You should not do tests only in cases where you are taking medications to alleviate the condition.

Explain the situation to the doctor and ask for a referral for another day.

You can get tested for infections in the same way as for hormones.

This is strictly prohibited during this period. The fact that during menstruation the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases significantly has a negative effect on the body. The body is subjected to severe stress. While donating blood, a woman may become ill, and this is fraught with severe bleeding, which means significant blood loss. Immediately after your period, you should also not rush to donate blood, because the body has not yet recovered.

When is the best time to donate blood?

Experts say that this can be done no less than three days after the end of menstruation, when all blood parameters are normalized. So is it possible to donate blood during your period?

But while critical days last, this is not worth doing, because:

  • As already mentioned, during this period, due to natural blood loss, hemoglobin decreases, as a result of which blood clotting is activated. This affects its viscosity, which may lead to unreliable results of biochemical analysis.
  • The platelet content changes, again due to activation of the coagulation system. This is a kind of protection of the female body from excessive blood loss. As a result, the analysis will show a significantly reduced platelet concentration.

Certain rules must be followed:

  • Donate blood five days after your period, not earlier.
  • 12 hours before the test, stop eating - the procedure must be done on an empty stomach.
  • To determine the level of hormones in the blood, the test must be taken in the morning.

Almost any medical examination cannot be done without blood tests, urine tests, and in women, vaginal smears. The study of biological substances allows us to study the condition of the patient’s body in more depth and identify certain causes of disorders that have arisen. Today there are a huge number of laboratory tests, but they all have certain rules of conduct, compliance with which ensures the most accurate result.

Let's look at some of the subtleties of getting tested by women during menstruation.

Are laboratory blood tests performed during menstruation?

In the female body during menstrual bleeding, serious changes occur, hormonal levels change, it experiences excessive stress, in addition, since during this period many ladies suffer from quite severe pain, they take painkillers, and this can also affect blood counts during research. It follows from this that when contacting a doctor, when issuing a referral for tests, it is necessary to warn that the woman is menstruating, so that, firstly, there is an understanding of whether this or that study can be carried out, and secondly, even if the analysis is extremely necessary, then its implementation should take into account menstruation.

And so, remember, you should not take the following blood tests:

  • general;
  • biochemical;
  • for sugar;
  • for clotting;
  • immunological;
  • for tumor markers;
  • to allergens.

This is due to the fact that during menstruation the blood levels are not constant and some may change significantly, which naturally will not show the true picture.

As an example, when testing blood for general indicators during critical days, it is possible to detect rapid erythrocyte sedimentation. Such results are indicators that there is an infection in the body and an inflammatory process has begun. In addition, an underestimation of platelets and white blood cells is possible. Therefore, this study should be carried out on other days of the cycle.

As for blood clotting, the level will be significantly underestimated during the study.

Since the composition of the blood changes during menstruation, the biochemical analysis will be false.

Based on the above, we note that it is best to take blood tests on the seventh day of the cycle, in this case it is most likely to get real results.

In addition to contraindications for testing, there are also indications when it is during menstruation that one or another indicator can be accurately monitored. In this case we are talking about hormones. Since all processes in the female body are closely related to hormonal levels, their maximum concentration can be seen during menstruation or between the fifth and eighth days after the critical days.

During menstruation, blood tests are performed for the following hormones:

  • follicle-stimulating;
  • luteinizing;
  • prolactin;
  • testosterone;
  • estradiol and others.

In addition to hormones, regardless of the day of the cycle, tests can be carried out for syphilis and infectious diseases.

It should also be remembered that the results of the study are also affected by the medications that the woman takes, so this point should also be discussed with the doctor.

Are gynecological examinations performed during menstruation?

To get a complete picture of women’s health, in addition to blood tests, a number of vaginal smear tests are also prescribed, especially when it comes to the health of the reproductive system and genital organs. The most common test performed by gynecologists is a vaginal smear. When examining a woman in a chair, a doctor takes a smear from the vaginal mucosa and sends it to the laboratory for testing.

This analysis is not recommended during menstruation; there are a number of objective reasons for this:

  • difficulties in collecting material related to female physiology;
  • the presence of blood in the vaginal mucosa gives a biased result;
  • Taking painkillers at this time blurs the real picture.

But in this case, there are still exceptions when the woman’s health condition requires immediate diagnosis or constant monitoring, which is why a smear test is done daily, regardless of the day of the cycle. These are the moments that cannot be called a planned study, so there is simply no time to wait for favorable conditions.

In general, a woman should take care of her health, consult a doctor in a timely manner and plan in advance the procedures for laboratory tests of any biological fluids.

May 2

During menstruation, donating blood specifically for donation is not recommended. On critical days, the hemoglobin content in the blood of females decreases and the immune system becomes more vulnerable than on ordinary days. When donating blood during menstruation, there is a chance that you will simply faint and the blood donation will be much worse than if you donated blood during a period when there is no menstruation. A week before the start of menstruation and a week after the end is the period during which you should not donate blood in order to avoid unnecessary stress on the body. You can donate blood for a general analysis, but only if it is needed urgently. If it is possible to wait until your period ends, then it is better to do so. When donating blood for tests during menstruation, you should notify the doctor who is interpreting the test results. The best time to donate blood is just seven days after your period or seven days before your period - at this time you can go to the blood collection point. Before donating blood to an appointment, doctors usually ask about the cycle, but for those who have never donated blood to a point, this may not be known. Menstruation is, according to information from free sources, a contraindication for donating blood as a donor, and if you are going to donate blood for tests during your period, then opinions differ. Some people think that it is not advisable to take the exam “these days,” but it is possible.
When donating blood during your period, as a donor you may feel slightly dizzy and your eyes may become dark and you may develop cold sweats. Keep in mind that these consequences are purely individual, and donating blood during menstruation may be less noticeable for you. Remember that after donating blood you should not smoke for three hours, as this can lead to fainting and it is better to abstain from cigarettes during this period.

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A woman’s life and well-being are tied to the menstrual cycle – mood and daily activity often depend on it. At this time, changes occur in the body that prepare it for a possible pregnancy. In addition to external changes during the month, internal ones also occur - they are reflected in all liquid media of the body.

Is it possible to donate blood during menstruation? Studies of this biological environment are presented in the widest range - they can be used to most fully assess the processes occurring in the human body.

When a woman has her period, mechanisms arise that are reminiscent of bleeding and recovery after it. By not informing your doctor about your condition, you may lead him to misinterpret your tests.

Therefore, it is important to know what intervals must be maintained before and after menstruation in order to undergo an examination. Since the physiology of each woman is individual, standard recommendations have been created for preparing for testing. If they are followed, the maximum accuracy and reliability that the attending physician needs is achieved.

Changes in a woman's body during menstruation

The influence of menstruation on blood tests includes two periods - initial and recovery. The first reflects the slight blood loss that occurs during discharge. Then the mechanisms for restoring the inner lining of the uterus (endometrium) are turned on, which activate the immune system.

  • A few days before menstruation, preparation of the circulatory system begins - coagulation processes increase slightly. The blood becomes thicker and more viscous to quickly close the lumen of damaged endometrial vessels.
  • During the period of rejection of the inner membrane, slight blood loss occurs. This occurs due to the removal of a significant number of small vessels of the mucous membrane. The damaged surface is an extensive bleeding “wound”. Normally, up to 60 ml of blood is lost - the volume of a small glass. But for small and fragile women, this is enough to cause weakness and dizziness.
  • Simultaneously with the loss of blood, it is instantly released from the depot - the vessels of the internal organs. The main source is the small capillaries of the liver and intestines. The body is designed in such a way that it compensates for losses in excess - “spare” blood is released more than lost.
  • In the last days of menstruation, recovery begins - the immune system is stimulated to protect the damaged surface from germs. Its “working” cells – leukocytes – activate the growth processes of new tissue. They end a few days after the discharge ends.

Menstruation is released through the woman's genital tract, which is directly connected to the urethra.

Why can the results of a urine test be seriously spoiled if you prepare incorrectly for a urine test? This is due to the possibility of menstrual fluid getting into the urine, and subsequent incorrect interpretation of the results in the laboratory. Its employees have no information about your condition and provide only an independent assessment.

Why can't you undergo a medical examination during your period?

Currently, doctors recommend against taking any period tests unless they are needed urgently. In any acute condition, the influence of the cycle is erased by the clinic of the underlying disease. Plus, the presence of menstruation is not a problem for examination when it comes to preserving the life and health of a woman.

There are time restrictions for undergoing tests as planned or “for yourself”.

You cannot donate blood or urine during menstruation, as well as a week before and after the onset of discharge. This period completely covers the time of preparation and restoration of the woman’s body.

Changes in blood tests during menstruation

The greatest changes concern the general blood test and coagulogram - an indicator of coagulation. They quickly react to the approach of menstruation, changing their values ​​throughout the entire period of discharge. Moreover, all values ​​are affected, since the main characteristics of the blood change.

Why are menstruation not reflected in biochemical test results? Their values ​​are too specific and do not fluctuate in a healthy woman. It is only possible to change the concentration of some hormones - in response to an increase in the activity of estrogens and other biologically active substances.

Changes in general blood test

Includes the characteristics of formed elements (cells) - red blood cells, leukocytes and platelets. The former are necessary for the transport of oxygen and nutrition of tissues; for this they contain a special protein - hemoglobin. It gives human blood a rich red color.

White blood cells are cells of the immune system; their increase indicates the presence of inflammation in the body. There are six varieties of them, which are responsible for comprehensive protection against foreign substances. Platelets ensure normal blood clotting and restore damaged vessel walls:

  • A few days before menstruation, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), an indicator of the inflammatory process, increases. In this case, it is regulated by sex hormones - the woman’s body prepares for blood loss. The ESR level is maintained throughout the discharge and for several days after its end.
  • When menstruation occurs, the hemoglobin level decreases slightly - this is due to blood loss. But after a few days its quantity already exceeds the original one.
  • White blood cells gradually increase and reach a maximum towards the end of menstruation. Their role is to restore the endometrium after its rejection. They not only accelerate the growth of young tissue, but also protect it from microbes.
  • The platelet count increases at the beginning of the discharge and then returns to normal as it ends. Their role is to stop bleeding and stimulate the growth of new blood vessels.

Changes in coagulogram and the possibility of being a donor

This study plays a role in planning the operation - the possible blood loss is assessed. It includes the number of platelets and special proteins - clotting factors. Its reaction to menstruation is more noticeable, since any bleeding sharply activates these proteins.

Both temporary and quantitative indicators of the coagulation system change. Their numbers are subject to abrupt fluctuations - first they increase, then they decrease. For these reasons, you cannot be a donor during this period:

  • The condition of the blood resembles a pathological process - inflammation combined with blood loss.
  • Such blood will cause problems when processed at transfusion stations and will be disposed of.
  • And the additional volume removed from the bloodstream will cause a woman to feel worse.
  • Dizziness and weakness will increase, and even loss of consciousness is possible.

Why is this happening? It would seem that a woman’s body should be prepared for monthly blood loss and recover more easily after donation. But everything happens the other way around - he becomes even more depleted. When all body systems are activated by menstruation, the additional load is stress for them.

Changes in urine test during menstruation

The functioning of the kidneys remains almost unchanged during menstruation, so the changes are caused by the ingress of particles of vaginal discharge. An experienced laboratory technician can easily distinguish a pathological element from impurities that arise from insufficient hygiene of the genital organs. The main changes concern only the number of cells that are detectable and normal:

  • The most common occurrence is the appearance of red blood cells in the urine. They are distinguished from real bleeding by their single occurrence and location in the form of clots.
  • An increase in white blood cells can occur after menstruation - they come from the vaginal contents.
  • Many epithelial cells are contained in the discharge from the uterine cavity. They, along with cervical mucus, can end up in the urine. They are different from the cells of the vaginal wall and are easily identified by a laboratory assistant.

In the best case, the doctor will recognize a urine test during menstruation and prescribe a repeat test a few days later. But it is possible to interpret these signs as a disease, and then useless treatment will be prescribed.