The best seats on the plane: what to choose? Location of seats on the plane. Airplane cabin diagram

Issues of a comfortable flight are of concern to beginners who are traveling this way for the first time and want the trip to be enjoyable. The relevance of the topic increases when you have to travel to distant countries or have to fly with a child. Choosing a good seat on board determines the passenger’s comfort, so let’s figure out how to find your seat on the plane.

Let's start with general information about the interior design. Considering that most people prefer to fly in economy class, let's consider the arrangement of passenger seats on boards of this type. After all, in order to find out where it is better to sit on an airplane, you will need to clarify the nuances of the seats and figure out which one is potentially the best choice.

When developing the interior of the airliner, the designers plan to divide the side into three parts: bow, middle and tail sections. Moreover, traditionally, the best seats on the plane are located immediately behind the cockpit. According to reviews from travelers who fly frequently, there is less shaking in the first compartment of the cabin. Turbulence is most pronounced in the tail of the airliner.

On different models of aircraft, developers install seats according to several possible schemes - on small airliners, the seats are attached to the sides. Modifications of aircraft that are adapted for long-haul flights require additional installation of seats along the central center line.

Typically, designers design chairs in a 3:3 or 3:4:3 format. Thus, another evaluation criterion appears. In addition, it should be clarified here that on any board there are chairs, the distance between which is large enough and allows you to sit comfortably. Also, on all airplanes there are seats where there are small defects: restrictions in folding, curvature, close placement with the adjacent seat. Let's look at the details of how to choose a seat on a plane, and learn the secrets of experienced tourists.

We sit on the edge

The seats on the farthest aisle are a bad choice for a person who wants to get some sleep during the flight. After all, the passenger who occupies such a seat is forced to let his neighbors pass when they want to leave the seat. In addition, there is a risk that the stewards will hit you with a trolley while serving food and drinks. Travelers say the only advantage here is mobility and the ability to sit comfortably, stretching out to your full height.

Middle seats

The seats that are installed in the middle of the block can hardly be called comfortable due to the lack of a “personal” armrest. Here you will have to let your neighbor through, who takes a seat at the porthole. In addition, leaving the seat inevitably requires disturbing the person sitting on the edge. This place is not suitable for single travelers.

Watching the flight from the window

The good thing about window seats is that no one will disturb the passenger who is flying in this seat. Moreover, in such areas of the cabin the lighting is much better than in the seats next to the aisles. The only drawback is the difficulty of getting out - you can leave the seat only by lifting your neighbors.

Such seats are good for people who like to watch the flight from the window. True, flights at night deprive travelers of such an opportunity. Although you can sleep or work well here, the certain distance of the seats from the center of the plane, where it is always too noisy, contributes to this.

Selecting a cabin compartment

Now we’ll find out which part of the plane is best to fly in. As we have already briefly described, the forward bow compartment is traditionally more comfortable. Since kitchen blocks are located here on small boards, food and drinks are offered to passengers in the first rows. True, on liners where several catering units are installed, the relevance of this point is somewhat lost.

In addition, airline customers flying in these rows are the first to leave the cabin after the plane's boarding announcement. Equipment for installing baby carriers is also located here, so the bow compartment is occupied by passengers with children. However, other travelers assess this factor ambiguously. After all, babies often cry, which disturbs the peace of their seat neighbors. And parents of infants are forced to periodically go out with the baby to warm up, which also does not have the best effect on the comfort of neighbors.

The middle part of the cabin is considered a neutral choice. Tourists cite the lack of portholes on several rows in some airliner models as a disadvantage here. In addition, on large board models it is always quite noisy here, especially near the seats that are installed close to the catering areas or bathrooms.

If the neighboring seats are empty, company employees will be loyal to the passenger’s desire to take them

The last compartment is considered the cheapest. There are usually no comfort elements here, and there are restrooms at the end of the cabin, so passengers occupy the seats in the last rows only if there are no other options. However, the tail section of the airliner is characterized by high safety relative to the rest of the cabin.. In addition, there are situations when seats here remain free. So, the passenger has the opportunity to occupy several seats in order to get a good night's sleep. On large airliner models, customer service begins both from the bow and the tail, so on such boards the client will also have a good selection of food and drinks.

Seats near technical blocks

We will separately highlight the groups of seat lines that are installed in front of the emergency evacuation hatches and between them. Here the seats closest to the exits are slightly curved. In addition, all such places imply the impossibility of fully reclining the chair. Considering that the passengers sitting in front are unlikely to refuse the opportunity to travel reclining, the situation is further complicated by the difficulties of entering the cabin. After all, the back of the front seat blocks the exit of a person and creates discomfort during the flight.

Although there will be an advantage - an increased distance between the rows of seats. This moment slightly eliminates the described inconveniences and allows you to periodically change the position of your legs.

A similar situation occurs with chairs that stand in front of technical blocks - dressing rooms, kitchens, restrooms. In addition, there is also extra noise caused by other passengers and staff frequently passing by you. When occupying these seats, be prepared to patiently endure slamming doors and constant crowding of people next to the chair. Such shortcomings are especially pronounced in the last row of the cabin.

Passengers call the best seats on the plane the rows located immediately behind the airliner's emergency hatches.

Now let's look at the best seats to choose on the plane. Travelers and airline employees unanimously claim that in economy class cabins, the best option is the seats located immediately behind the emergency exits. Some airliner models suggest the placement of twin, rather than three, seats. In addition, ample space in front of the seats contributes to a comfortable journey. Such seats cannot be booked when purchasing an electronic ticket - after all, airlines require an additional payment for such seats. In addition, childless and physically strong passengers will be able to take these seats; a similar opportunity will not be available for other categories of citizens.

In order for the trip to be remembered as pleasant impressions, it is advisable for a beginner to take care of the comfort of the trip in advance. Today you can buy air tickets online and check in yourself. This method is recommended by experienced travelers - after all, the passenger chooses seats by looking at a schematic representation of the aircraft’s interior in a calm home environment. It is worth remembering that different aircraft models are characterized by individual layouts. Therefore, look for the cabin layout of your aircraft on the airline portal.

To choose a seat in the cabin that suits you, when checking in for your flight, clarify the details you are interested in with an airline employee

When buying a ticket at a branch of the carrier company, ask the employee about the number and quality of class service, the number of seats on the line, and the space between the rows. It is advisable to find out about the availability of monitors, the ability to charge gadgets, the layout and specific location of technical units on board and the immediate proximity of the proposed location to these elements. Feel free to voice your personal preferences - if you want to take a chair by the window, ask about this opportunity. In addition, arriving at check-in on time will guarantee successful and comfortable seat reservations.

Keep in mind that the airliner’s workload varies with the seasons of the year, days of the week and hours, so try to choose a departure date and time with the least amount of people. This method increases the chance of finding a good seat on board. Airline employees note a decrease in demand on weekdays except Friday. Accordingly, it is appropriate to plan the departure time at lunchtime, since morning and evening flights fly with a full cabin load.

Focus on choosing a place where you will be comfortable flying. When planning to spend your flight reading a book, it is appropriate to choose the sunny side of the cabin. You won't be short of natural light when flying south on a morning flight while sitting on the left side of the aircraft. Other tasks will determine the choice of a chair on the opposite side.

How to fix the situation

In cases where check-in has been completed and the boarding pass indicates a bad seat, experienced passengers correct the unpleasant situation. When planting, pay attention to the places that would suit you and remain empty. The passenger has some time to take his favorite free seat after the end of boarding is announced. Airline employees are loyal to such situations, so there will be no difficulties here.

Buying air tickets in advance and checking in for your flight yourself is a smart choice. Typically this function is available one day before the flight’s departure. Remember, the comfort of a flight is an individual criterion, so it is important to focus on personal needs and preferences.

Cabin seating safety diagram
The seats furthest to the aisle are not suitable for travelers planning to sleep during the flight
The window seats allow you to watch the clouds, but leaving these seats along the way is quite problematic
Each compartment of the aircraft has positive and negative characteristics, so the choice is determined by the needs and preferences of the passenger.

How to choose the most comfortable and safest seats on a plane? What should you pay attention to based on your needs?

Spending several hours in the sky is quite difficult. Therefore, airline passengers try to make themselves as comfortable as possible. The first step is to choose the optimal chair. Of course, you need to arrive at the airport at the start of check-in, and not 30 minutes before departure. Otherwise, you will get not the best, but the worst seat in the cabin.

Another option: check in for the flight yourself using an online service - there will definitely be a place to show your skills in practice.

How to choose a comfortable and safe place?

There is heated debate about the tail section of the aircraft. Proponents argue that seats in the rear of the aircraft are the safest. Air crash statistics confirm this. In addition, most of the rear seats are often left empty, so on a night flight you can always fold out several seats and go to bed in comfort. But many passengers don't like the tail section of the plane because the toilets are located there. Therefore, you will constantly have to endure a queue of people in the immediate vicinity of your place. This is not always convenient.

Many passengers choose exclusively a seat near the window. Some people like to look at the sky and earth through the clouds, while others value natural light. And luggage from the upper compartments will never accidentally fall on your head. But if you have to go to the toilet, you will have to disturb two neighbors at once.

Near the passage the places are the most restless. Flight attendants with trolleys and other cabin passengers will constantly walk by. But during quiet hours, you can easily put your feet into the aisle and fly in more comfortable conditions. When leaving the plane, you will not need to wait or disturb anyone. The most uncomfortable chairs are those located in the middle of two neighbors.

If you come across a 3-lane salon, then it is especially important to choose comfortable seats.

At the front of the aircraft, mounts for cradles are often installed. Therefore, passengers with babies are most often seated there. And this does not make the adjacent seats comfortable for other passengers.

Onboard service most often begins from the bow, less often from the tail. Therefore, passengers occupying the front seats have more options for choosing food and soft drinks. The gangway is also located closer to the front of the aircraft. When disembarking from the plane, passengers sitting in the forward section have a slight advantage over other people.

Are the emergency exit seats comfortable?

There is another type of unusual seat that you can also intentionally choose on an airplane: emergency exit seats. For example, in airbus 320/321 they are located in the area of ​​row 10. Many travelers consider them to be the most advantageous in the entire cabin - the distance between the seats is wider, and therefore it is possible to comfortably stretch out your legs. True, there are three nuances that may warn you against flying on these specific rows:

  • The distance to the seats in front, although impressive, is the backrests do not recline . Be prepared to spend the entire flight sitting at an angle of almost 90 degrees. There's no time for stretched legs here!
  • Passengers who unexpectedly received tickets for “emergency” seats, on foreign flights knowledge of English will be required . The flight attendant will certainly ask you how “do you speak English”? And if you don’t immediately understand what this pretty girl wants from you, she will strongly suggest that you change the comfortable and certainly the safest seat on the plane to the one that comes to her hand first.
  • In the rows of seats near the emergency exits you will be asked to send all your hand luggage upstairs prepared for flight. This applies to absolutely everything - even women's handbags. Getting anything - water, pillows, books, tablets, napkins, warm clothes, comfortable shoes, etc. - will have to happen during the process. And the flight attendants will not be happy about it. This is because the passages in these rows should be as free as possible and ready to provide access to emergency hatches at any time.

The most comfortable seats on the plane

The right seat on the plane means both comfort and safety!

Now let's summarize. What seats to choose on the plane to make the trip comfortable, and at the same time protect yourself and your loved ones?

  • Seat by the porthole . The advantage is daylight. In addition, passengers enjoy the most breathtaking views. The disadvantage is the neighbors who will have to be disturbed every time they leave the chair. But in the end, these are not your problems 😉
  • Seats in the rear section at a relative distance from the toilets . The advantage is that they often remain free, and therefore give the opportunity to get comfortable! Again, getting to the toilet is not difficult 😉
  • Seats near the aisles towards the front . These are the most comfortable seats on the plane for short flights. If you don’t want to waste extra time when going out, choose them!

The most uncomfortable seats on a plane

Based on the results of the article, it turned out that there are seats on planes that you shouldn’t rush to occupy:

  • Seats in the middle of the row . There may be 1 or 2 of them (if it is a large airliner, like a Boeing 777). No particular advantages were found. There is only one drawback, but a significant one - neighbors, neighbors and again neighbors.
  • In the popular airbus 320 and 321 airliners catastrophically uncomfortable 8th and 9th rows , where not only the distance between the seats is narrowed, but also the trajectory of the reclining backrest is limited. All thanks to the 10th row, where the emergency exit is located (see plan below).
  • Seats in the front with provisions for carrycots . The advantage is comfortable seats if there are no children under 1-1.5 years old on board. If they are present, then the advantages turn into one continuous disadvantage.

The most controversial places on board

These, of course, are the rows of seats at the emergency exits - the same 10th row. We found a lot of disadvantages in such accommodation, but passengers continue to snap up these seats like hot cakes. This is partly explained by the layout of the classic airbus 320, where the seats near the emergency exits are called “increased comfort seats” (see plan).

Question “How to book seats on an airplane” Many travelers are interested, because this opportunity provides an excellent chance to make their trip more comfortable. This is due to the fact that not all seats on airplanes meet the requirements that a particular air passenger places on them. Below we describe all the options that allow you to book exactly those seats in the aircraft cabin that, in your opinion, will provide the maximum level of comfort during the flight.

THE CONTENT OF THE ARTICLE (you can click on the link for a quick transition)

Detailed information about what kind of seats there are on airplanes, the advantages and disadvantages of such seats for various categories of passengers can be found on the page. Having determined, based on the available information, which option is most preferable to you, you can choose one of three options, each of which is likely to allow you to book the seat on the plane that suits you best.

Selecting a seat during check-in

The classic way of choosing a place, which was the only possible one before the opportunity arose. The idea is to arrive at the airport at the start of check-in for your flight, to be one of the first to go to the counter and ask an airline employee (usually girls) for the seat you want to get. Sometimes the check-in desks themselves are interested in your preferences in this regard, but it is better not to risk it and, without hesitation, immediately tell us about the seats where you would like to sit during the flight. In most cases, your wishes will be fulfilled and you will get the place you asked for without any problems. For example, near the window at the front of the plane or near the aisle at the rear of the cabin.

The easiest way to book seats is as described, provided that you are flying alone or as a couple. It is more difficult for three or four people to choose seats nearby, but it is possible: again, provided that you arrive early for registration, before all the best seats have already been taken. If you are flying two or three people, I advise you to approach the check-in counter together and present all your passports at once (if you approach one by one, someone else may well take the seat on the plane next to the first passenger, having booked it at another check-in counter or online).

As I already wrote, usually, if there are free seats, airline workers at the check-in counter meet passengers halfway and provide them with the desired seats, however, in order to increase the likelihood of a favorable outcome, I advise you to be polite and smile. In other words, try to win someone over with your personal charm. But it’s better not to give a bribe, because now airlines often control their employees in this regard, and no one wants to lose their job because of an extra 500 rubles (that’s how much they used to put in their passport to book the right seat).

A few years ago, it was early check-in that I used most often and usually got the desired seat. However, in connection with the development of the electronic check-in system and online purchase of air tickets, there are ways that provide a greater guarantee of getting your preferred seat on the plane.

Reserving a seat on an airplane when purchasing a ticket

If you purchase a plane ticket on the official website of the airline, even before payment you will be offered a map of the plane with free seats marked on it. Of course, the earlier you purchase a ticket before departure, the more comfortable seats there will be, so in a situation where there are several weeks left before the flight, airline websites often no longer have designated available seats at the window (the most interesting thing is that later, when choosing a seat at the check-in counter , they “appear”).

So, right on the airline’s website you can select seats for all parts of your trip at once. For example, when purchasing air tickets departing from Moscow using special offers from airlines from the Persian Gulf (Emirates, Etihad or Qatar), with the help of which it is often possible, you have the opportunity to pre-book seats on four planes at once. For example, Moscow-Dubai, Dubai-Bangkok, Bangkok-Dubai and Dubai-Moscow. Later, during the check-in process, just tell the airline employee (just in case) that your seats have already been selected when purchasing air tickets.

However, in addition to the advantages of this method, there are also some disadvantages. For example, some airlines, when purchasing a ticket, do not allow you to choose seats located near emergency exits, where there is more legroom, preferring to give these seats to tall and well-tracked passengers only at the check-in counter. Therefore, if you want to book exactly these seats in the aircraft cabin, you will still have to contact the check-in counter.

Additionally, some airlines charge extra for the ability to select your seat on the airline's website. For example, British Airways prices a similar service from $16 to $32 for choosing a seat in economy class for medium and long-haul flights, respectively. If you choose a seat in business class, you will have to pay almost $100 (IMHO, a waste of money, because all the seats in this class have increased comfort and are located only in the front part of the plane).

Increasingly, online air tickets at the best prices can be purchased not on the official websites of airlines, but using a special service (the search form is located above) that searches 728 airlines at once, including low-cost airlines. As a result, in the process of purchasing air tickets, you have to deal with intermediaries - special agencies. As a rule, this does not increase the cost of the air ticket (and sometimes makes it cheaper), it just eliminates the possibility of choosing your own seat on the plane. The best way out in this situation is to write in the notes about your requirements regarding the selection of seats during the process of applying for a ticket on the agency’s website or inform the agent about this by phone.

Booking seats on an airplane with online check-in

More and more people do not use the classic check-in for a flight, which I wrote about above, but the more convenient, in some cases, online check-in. To do this, you can either use special online check-in counters at the airport where you are flying from (pictured above), or you can perform such check-in and select a seat directly on the airline’s website. This opportunity usually appears one day before the departure of your plane or another period of time depending on the policy of the airline you choose. For example, Etihad allows this procedure to be done 24 hours before departure and blocks this opportunity two hours before the aircraft takes off according to the approved schedule.

On the one hand, the advantage of the latter method is obvious: there is no need to come to the airport several hours before departure and stand in line to register there. You can arrive an hour before departure and immediately go through the necessary procedures (passport and customs control). Just don’t forget your boarding passes at home or at work with your selected seats, which you need to print after completing the online check-in procedure.

However, there are also disadvantages: online check-in with some airlines is not possible for passengers with small children, for passengers with luggage and for passengers carrying animals on the plane. On the other hand, some airlines, on the contrary, provide bonuses for online registration. For example, Etihad allows you to increase the maximum baggage weight by 7 kg (though not for all airports and Minsk is not included in this list). By the way, in any case, I recommend arriving at the airport early, because if online check-in with baggage is allowed by your airline, this same baggage will still have to be weighed and checked in at a special counter, so it’s better not to be late, because nerve cells are poorly restored.

At the end of the article, one more useful tip: before online check-in for a plane with a choice of seats, familiarize yourself in advance with the layout of these seats directly in the model and modification of the aircraft that is declared for your flight (usually such information is provided in the printout of your electronic ticket). As a rule, similar diagrams (on which rows and seats are numbered, emergency and regular exits are indicated, the location of galleys and toilets) are available on the websites of all major airlines.

Booking airplane seats through a mobile application

In our time, when information technology is rapidly developing, and most people can no longer imagine their lives without the daily use of smartphones, it would be wrong not to mention another way to check in for a flight and select a seat on the plane . We are talking about using mobile applications from airlines. Most popular airlines have such branded applications: Aeroflot and S7 in Russia, Ukrainian UIA, Middle Eastern Emirates and Etihad, etc. You can download such applications for Android and iOS directly on airline websites, and their use is not limited only to check-in for a flight and booking seats in the cabin.

Today, mobile applications from airlines offer almost a full range of basic and related services: searching and purchasing air tickets, obtaining insurance, online check-in for a flight, providing information on the status of all flights in real time, delays in departure and arrival, airport services, accrual of bonus miles and ways of using them. Therefore, having such an application on your smartphone (especially if you travel more than once a year) can be very useful. Applications do not take up much disk space, which is also convenient, because you probably want to bring as many photos and videos as possible from your trip.

Aeroflot mobile application - allows you to select seats in the aircraft cabin

The only caveat is that, as in the case of purchasing air tickets on the official websites of airlines, when using a proprietary application for this, the price turns out to be higher than when purchasing from intermediaries. Therefore, if you want to save money, it is better to use branded airline mobile applications not to purchase air tickets, but to search for dates with minimum fares, and only then check these dates in the metasearch. I constantly use Aviasales and over the entire period of use I have probably already saved on a free flight to Thailand. By the way, this metasearch also has, by installing it on your smartphone, you will always have access to air tickets at minimal prices, which include all taxes and fees (at the top of the page you can select a device (iPhone, iPad, Android or Windows Phone smartphones or tablets using the link) ).

Unsuccessful seat reservation

If for some reason you were unable to book a seat on the plane that you thought was comfortable (you didn’t have time for online check-in, you forgot to notify the airline employee at the counter, or she didn’t meet you halfway), then all is not lost. After boarding is completed, when the flight attendant announces this (“Boarding is complete” or “Boarding is over”), you can take a more comfortable seat on the plane, if there is one in sight. You can ask the flight attendant about this, or even better, warn the latter that you would like to change your seat immediately upon boarding and politely ask her to find such a seat for you if possible.

Another possible option is to immediately take a comfortable empty seat: it is quite possible that no one will sit in it. In the end, you will always have time to take your “rightful” place. Thus, there are several ways to reserve seats on the plane according to your preferences. Use them wisely and all your future flights will be pleasant and comfortable. I wish you pleasant air travel and soft landings!

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They are characterized by the fact that the distance to the next row is slightly increased, which allows you to pass the flight time with greater comfort - stretch your legs, stand up if necessary, without disturbing your neighbors. Some types of aircraft do not have a row of seats in front of the emergency exit/hatch seats at all.

Often, airlines, for safety reasons, practice leaving these seats for people who meet the requirements of “a sound body - a sound mind” - it is assumed that in the event of an emergency evacuation such a person will not be confused, will be able to open the emergency hatch and help the staff get people out, but, Of course, not all airlines undertake such “planning”.

In this regard, passengers with children, animals and elderly people are not allowed here.

Another disadvantage is that the approach to the hatches cannot be blocked by hand luggage.

The row that is located in the section between two emergency exits also has a plus. In this case, there will be additional space in front of you.

Seats located in the front of the cabin

Most often, food service begins from the “nose”, so the front rows offer convenience and a wide choice of drinks and food offered. As a rule, if the seat is located at the rear of the plane, then the passenger is limited in the choice of assortment (everything is sorted at the very beginning).

In addition, the first row is an excellent opportunity to be one of the first to go down the ramp.

But there are also disadvantages here - often mounts for baby cradles are installed in the bow, and there may be passengers with small children. This does not contribute to comfort if you are going to work or relax.

Anyone who has flown near a child who does not tolerate the flight well and cries for 7 or 12 hours knows.

Places in the tail

The only significant advantage of this place is its relative safety. According to statistics from the US National Transportation Safety Board over more than 30 years, the number of surviving passengers in plane crashes, depending on where their seats were located in the aircraft cabin, is as follows:

The highest percentage of passengers who survived was in the rear section of the cabin (behind the edge of the aircraft's wing) with 69%, the section above the wing with 56% survivors, as well as in the economy class section in front of the wing. In the forward section of the cabin, where business and first class are typically seated, the average survival rate was 49%.

Since when falling from a great height, the plane falls nose first, the clearances cover the tail section least of all. This was the reason for placing the “black box” in the tail of the plane, and this also led to the opinion that this is the safest place.
In my opinion, this is more of a psychology of self-hypnosis (IMHO - there is no chance of surviving in a fallen plane from a height, no matter where the passenger is sitting), but this also has its advantages: as a rule, on not very popular flights, there are much fewer passengers, that will bother you. The same applies to passengers with children - as a rule, you won’t see them here unless it’s a charter somewhere to places of mass Russian tourism in the high season.

But the largest number of accidents often occurs during takeoff/landing, as a result of mistakes by pilots or airport staff, due to poor coverage and condition of the runway or other factors. In this case, you can be saved. Think about where the plane will hit first when landing or taking off? It seems to me that most likely the nose, accordingly, the main impact will be on the front seats, which will slightly dampen the force of the impact, then the impact will be on the middle of the cabin and on the wings, from which fuel will leak out and ignite. The shock wave will reach the rear seats with the least power, which will allow passengers to survive.
Thus, the rear seats are the safest in the cabin, since the plane takes the main impact on the nose, but again, this all depends on the situation.
Central seats on an airplane are typically located above or close to the wing, which contains aviation fuel, which can ignite in the event of a plane crash. Therefore, the most dangerous places are the seats in the middle of the aircraft cabin. If we compare the front and middle seats in terms of safety, then the number of deaths in both the front and middle seats is approximately equal.

From the point of view of the safe side - left or right, statistics give equal chances; the probability of the plane lateral roll in one direction or another during landing is the same.

This is what they mostly write on the Internet. Honestly, it’s difficult for me to judge, but in my opinion, if you are primarily concerned about your safety, then it is better to choose a place close to the emergency exit. This, in most cases, is still safer, although less convenient.
Imagine a situation where there was a plane crash, the plane was partially damaged, everyone was alive, but a fire started in the plane and the cabin was filled with black toxic smoke, from inhaling which you could die. What will happen? That's right, most likely panic, but now think about who will leave the plane first? And the first to leave will be the one who sits in the seats closest to the emergency exits, which means they will have a greater chance of escape.

For the same reason, people whose seats are located closer to the aisle are in a more advantageous situation during emergency situations
You can find out what seat will be near the emergency exit on a particular plane from the seat layout diagrams.

This is about safety, but when it comes to comfort...

It is believed that The most comfortable seat on the plane is the second to last row, on the right side of the aisle. The fact is that it is at the end of the cabin that there is the greatest likelihood of free/empty seats, and therefore it is quite possible that you will get a lot of free space by sitting on three seats at once: you can get free seats to the right and left of you, on which you can arrange not only your bags, but generally lie down and sleep

Why do you need to take seats on the right? Because air tickets are sold strictly by row (except in cases where the passenger himself requests a specific seat), rows A, B, C come first, which are located on the left side, so the likelihood of a large number of people there is higher.

After them come the right rows, D, E, F, which are usually empty when the plane is not fully loaded (this is important!!!). Well, it is clear that if the download is complete, then all the above recommendations will be meaningless.

An important advantage is safety, because it is no secret to anyone that there is simply no more secure place than the tail of the aircraft. There may also be a kitchen located close to these places (not always), and all your orders will be delivered as quickly as possible.

Why is it necessary to choose an aisle seat? In order for fewer people to show a desire to sit next to you. If you sit near the window, then nothing will prevent other passengers from sitting near you, and then all the comfort will come to naught.

But when you sit down by the aisle and place your bags on the next seat, such a sight will subconsciously be perceived by other passengers as a barrier, so the number of people wanting to sit next door will be minimal.

An even better option would be to get a pillow and a blanket immediately after landing, and lie down to sleep on two or three chairs at once, in which case it is unlikely that anyone will disturb you so that you move away and let him sit in the same row.

First row/row in front of which there are no seats

If your row is the first (this can be not only the “first row” physically, but also the first row, after another class of service, or the first row in one of the sections of the cabin, in front of which there are no seats), then a significant advantage of this arrangement is that No one will throw back their seat on you. With short row spacing in economy class, this can be very important.

Of the minuses, we note that most likely there will be a partition or a kitchen/toilet in front of you. Some passengers find it not very convenient to look at the “wall” for the entire flight. Also, there may be mounts for baby cradles in the wall. What this entails - read above.

Last row/row behind which there are no seats

Most likely, the backs of the seats in this row do not recline or are very limited in this. This happens when there is an emergency exit, toilet, kitchen, other technical room or wall behind you.


Here, in brief, is a list of good/bad places that a traveler can expect. But it is worth noting that the internal layout of aircraft differs significantly from each other, and this factor must also be taken into account.

In addition to the fact that there are 2, 3, 4 seats in a row, it is necessary to take into account the distance between the seats, the number of classes in the cabin, and other features. After all, the same company uses different types of aircraft for flights.

1. The model of the airliner, the smallest details of the comfort of the cabins (the presence of a TV, electrical sockets, spacing between rows, location of toilets) can be easily found on the airline’s website.

2. If you specifically know which seat you would like to get, you should ask this question when checking in for your flight at the airport (seats that remain unoccupied after online check-in are allocated there).

If you have no idea about the location of the seats, ask to see a diagram of the aircraft’s interior - all free seats will be highlighted in the appropriate color.

Also, when checking in at the airport, you can simply ask for a window seat, an aisle seat, etc. Usually the staff does not refuse.

3. At modern airports you can use the services of self-check-in kiosks and choose your seat. Also, this can almost always be done when registering online on the website of the airline of your choice - this will significantly save time.

The largest Russian airlines already provide this service.

The traditional check-in method is best done two hours before departure. If seats are booked this way, the first registrants have a wide choice of available seats.

4. If possible, you should use less crowded flights - in this case, the comfort of the flight will increase significantly, because (if you wish) you will even have the opportunity to sleep in three free seats; the main thing is not to forget to ask the flight attendant to bring a pillow and a blanket.

The busiest days are Sunday and Friday, with morning and evening flights. If you have time, choose Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday, midday or afternoon flights.

5. In order not to get into trouble, you should take into account the spelling of the letters indicating the seat number - they can be either Russian (1A, 1B, 1B, 1G,1D, 1E) or Latin (1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, 1E , 1F), and in certain situations, these are, as they say, two big differences that can overshadow the impression of the flight.

After all, for example, seat 1 “B” will have a different location, meaning both a chair near the aisle and in the middle of the row. This must be taken into account so as not to end up with seat 1B (which you thought was near the aisle) in a seat in the middle (since it turned out that this is not the Russian “B”, but the Latin “B”).
Also pay close attention to the letter “E”.

Therefore, it is better to choose seats with unambiguous letters: 1A is always a seat by the window, 1C will be an aisle seat in any cabin layout.

Advice. If you fly often, then you know the main stress of everyone (who does not fly in business class;) is sitting in the middle seat in a row of three seats. Knowing and understanding this phobia, you can turn it to your advantage and less often have a neighbor nearby when flying.

At check-in, if you are flying together, ask the staff to seat you in seats near the window and on the aisle. Nobody likes to sit in the middle, and unless the plane is packed to capacity, you won't have an unwanted neighbor. If you are flying solo, you can negotiate this maneuver with another person you like who, like you, is traveling solo. Or simply ask to be seated in the aisle where the window seat is available.

The only problem here is that if the plane is full, you will be separated by a stranger. All that remains is to negotiate with him so that he can move.

6. Be sure to take into account the direction of flight - with the right choice of place, the sun will not blind your eyes: East - West (the sun always shines on the left), West - East (on the right).

If there is a need to take a morning flight, the direction North - South will be pleased with the sun on the left side, and South - North - on the right.

How to avoid accidentally taking the worst seats

  • Study the diagram of the airliner you will be flying on, if possible.
  • Check with your airline representative if possible.
  • Before the flight, decide what is more important for you - looking out the window or the ability to freely get up from your seat, for example, to the toilet
  • While studying the interior layout, choose the optimal seats, guided by the same rules that we gave in this article
  • Do not take seats at the very rear, close to the toilets, galley and other technical areas.
  • Do not take seats in which the seats do not recline or are limited in this
  • Do not take seats between emergency exits or behind which they are located.

If you still find yourself in an uncomfortable chair

If you nevertheless received a ticket for a not very convenient seat, then immediately after boarding you have a few minutes to take a more convenient free space (if there are unoccupied seats, of course).

Moreover, it is better not to be shy and change seats yourself, rather than wait for the services of a flight attendant.

After the last person appears on board and the flight attendant announces “Boarding is over”, you have 5 minutes to find a comfortable free seat.

There is little time, because after the plane reaches the required speed, getting up from the passenger seat will be strictly prohibited. Well, after gaining altitude, it is likely that everything is most comfortable seats on the plane will be occupied by faster and smarter passengers. Yes, and don't worry about it. You will always have time to sit in your rightful (according to your ticket) seat.

But it’s still better to choose the most comfortable seat immediately when purchasing a ticket and checking in for the flight.

All the tips described above are suitable for standard passenger, narrow-body aircraft, such as Airbus A-319 and 320, Boeing-737, SSJ-100, Yak-40, etc., and for wide-body airliners. In addition, there are many more options to occupy a comfortable passenger seat.

I hope that these simple tips will help you fly comfortably without unnecessary stress.

It didn’t seem like the flight was long, but it felt like we’d spent a day in a crowded minibus. Do you feel familiar? You were just sitting in the wrong chair.

Which seats on the plane are best to choose to fly as comfortably as possible? You will probably be disappointed, but, alas, there is no ideal or most comfortable seat in the economy class cabin. It all depends on personal preferences, so we will look at all sorts of options, and which one to choose is up to you.

The first row has many advantages. Let's start with the fact that there are no seats in front of you, which means no one will rest their reclined back on your knees. Even the tallest passengers can easily stretch their legs and relax in a comfortable position. You will receive food and drinks first, which means you can choose from the entire range available.

Passengers with small children It will be especially comfortable to sit here, since there are mounts for strollers directly opposite them. Plus, it's a stone's throw from here to the restroom. And after landing, you have every chance of being the first at the exit.

Now about the shortcomings, where would we be without them? For the above reasons, the front seats on the plane are usually occupied by travelers with children under two years of age. This means that you may not only be able to get enough sleep, but also relax. Being close to the toilet also has its own “charms”, in the form of a constant queue and slamming doors.

Thus, it is better to choose seats on the first row on the plane:

  • tall people;
  • passengers with a child;
  • those who are in a hurry to get out;
  • those for whom the quality of the flight is inextricably linked with the assortment of what they were fed.


We are talking about the seats in the front of the economy class cabin. They have all the pros and cons of a front row, except for the lack of front row seats. Accordingly, it is better to choose these seats on the plane for all of the above categories, with the exception of the “giants”. It is perhaps worth mentioning one more feature of the bow: turbulence is felt the least here. It’s not for nothing that business class is located right here.

Golden mean

The seats in the middle of the cabin do not stand out with any significant advantages or disadvantages. The toilets are far away, but here, as they say, it’s a matter of taste. But what you should pay attention to is the fact that it is in this part that the engines are located, which will emit an annoying hum. In addition, the view from the window will be partially or completely blocked by the wing.


The seats at the rear of the plane are, not unreasonably, considered the least comfortable, because this is where turbulence is felt the most. In addition, again, the proximity of the toilet with constant queues. In particular, you should not take the last row, because there the backrests may not recline at all or have a limited angle. Well, the worst news for gourmets: by the time the flight attendants get to you, the choice of food and drinks may be considerably thinned out.

However, the seats in the rear are not completely hopeless. Firstly, by taking a seat in the back on an empty flight, you have the opportunity to take, in addition to your own seat, also the empty ones next to it, and stretch out to your full height, to the envy of everyone. Secondly, the “stern” is considered the safest part of the aircraft.

View from the window or freedom of movement?

Most passengers prefer to take window seats on the plane. Undoubtedly, watching the clouds and cities flashing below is very exciting. You have only one neighbor, and even if you want, you can turn away from him, pretending that you are sleeping. It’s comfortable to read a book here in daylight; you don’t need to let anyone out.

However, this medal also has another side. If you need to go to the restroom or just warm up, you will have to disturb two people at once. And, sitting on the aisle, you don’t have to be afraid to straighten your legs and get up whenever you want. After landing, you won’t have to wait for your neighbors to come out. Plus, you won't feel cramped on all sides, which is especially important for people suffering from claustrophobia.

The seats in the middle are usually chosen by sociable people, because there is a chance to chat with two neighbors at once. Even if the person sitting at the porthole pretends to be asleep, the poor fellow on the aisle will not go anywhere.

Places near emergency exits

Many experienced tourists choose these seats on the plane. The main thing is not to get confused; we are not talking about the last row before the emergency exit, in which the backrests often do not recline. The next one going immediately after the emergency exit is considered comfortable. There is additional space here, allowing you to calmly straighten your legs and stand up without disturbing your neighbors.

Taking those comfortable seats on a plane is no easy task, because there is an unspoken rule among airlines that they choose physically strong men to fill them, based on the fact that, in the event of an emergency, they will be able to open the hatches themselves and participate in the evacuation.

Other nuances of choice

Pay attention to what font is used in the numbering, because the letters can be either Latin or Cyrillic. It's easy to figure out just by the first three letters. If it is A, B, C, then the Latin font is used, respectively, A is a window seat, B is a middle seat, C is an aisle seat. It’s the same with the Cyrillic alphabet, only the letters are A, B, V.

If you don’t want to squint your eyes from the blinding sun the whole way, you need to take this factor into account. When flying west, the sun will be on the left side, and if you are flying east, it will be on the right. When flying south, early in the morning the light will be on the left, and in the evening - on the right. When moving north, the opposite is true.

How to book selected seats

So, following the above recommendations, you have chosen the best seat on the plane. Or rather, not the best, but the one that’s right for you, since, as you can see, the most convenient place really doesn’t exist. All you have to do is book your treasured seat, because other passengers may also apply for it.

The choice of seat on the plane is made during check-in for the flight. Please note that airport employees are not at all obliged to ask about your preferences, and “by default” they seat passengers according to their own scheme, known only to them. Therefore, if you want to choose a specific place, it is better to say this in advance.

In order to get ahead of other hunters for comfortable places, there are several simple but effective ways.

If the airline provides such an opportunity, use electronic check-in services, during which you will see a diagram of the aircraft.

If possible, try to choose less busy flights that depart at lunchtime, from Monday to Thursday. The busiest days are usually from Friday to Sunday, especially morning and evening.