Shiatsu gymnastics: a scheme for rapid facial rejuvenation. Shiatsu - acupressure body massage

The author of the massage is Japanese doctor Takuiro Namikoshi. Working with his patients, he noticed that pressing on certain points of the body activates the internal forces of the body, resulting in healing from various diseases. It is for this reason that we subconsciously rub the sore spot after a bruise, stimulating blood circulation in the sore area. Shiatsu is an improved version of classic acupressure. The name of the massage technique consists of two words - “shi” and “atsu” - “fingers” and “pressure”, but the secret of effectiveness lies not only in improving blood circulation. The fact is that mechanical irritation of certain areas of the body leads to proper circulation of qi energy. And if the internal energy is in order, it is immediately reflected in the appearance. The effect of smoothing out even the deepest wrinkles is explained simply - according to Takuiro Namikoshi, over the years, muscles get tired and lose their ability to contract, which leads to the appearance of wrinkles, which are a consequence of muscle hypertonicity. When pressed, lactic acid is converted into glycogen, the muscles restore their ability to contract, and wrinkles on the face and neck are smoothed out.

Health Benefits of Japanese Shiatsu Massage

Alternative medicine specialist Vladislav Orishchenko talks about the benefits of shiatsu. “Pressing on certain points not only activates blood circulation, but also accelerates the outflow of lymph from this area of ​​the muscle, so swelling disappears, and the functioning of all vital organs improves, which instantly affects well-being and health,” he shares his knowledge and experience. It turns out that shiatsu protects the body from colds and gastrointestinal diseases, normalizes blood pressure, treats insomnia, headaches and nervous disorders, improves vision, increases performance and enhances concentration. In addition, shiatsu affects the endocrine system, normalizes hormonal levels and libido. It is enough to press on a certain point to correct any problems in the body, but you should not practice this technique on your own.

Vladislav Orishchenko

Alternative medicine specialist

“The choice of points and intensity of exposure is selected individually for each person, otherwise you can harm your body or stretch the skin, thereby contributing to the appearance of new wrinkles.”

Japanese types of massage against wrinkles

Japanese massage has long been included in the list of the most popular services in beauty salons. The four massage techniques that have taken root the best among us are amma, kobido, asahi and shiatsu. Now it’s clear why Japanese women look so good at any age, and the secret of their eternal youth is simple - acupressure of the face, which is more effective than creams and other anti-aging procedures.

Elena Shevtsova

Massage master at a cosmetology clinic

“If you regularly perform shiatsu facial massage sessions, you can slow down the process of skin aging. Already existing wrinkles are smoothed out, and new ones do not form, as the skin begins to produce collagen and elastin in increased quantities. However, not everyone benefits from such a massage, so in our clinic all patients first visit a therapist and a dermatologist, who decide on the advisability of the Japanese technique.”

Contraindications for shiatsu are acne, rosacea, herpes, dermatitis, allergies, problems with intracranial pressure. It is also worth refraining from procedures in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, in the presence of malignant tumors, in case of fever and viral infections.

Features of anti-wrinkle facial massage technique

The magic points through which the massage therapist influences the energy flows of the body are located in small pits on joints, bones and tendons, on arteries and between muscle fibers. It is difficult for a beginner to detect these points, but Japanese specialists find them intuitively; they only need to see the person’s face and body to understand which areas should be pressed. Pressure can have different intensity - depending on age, skin type and depth of wrinkles. The duration of the massage also varies, because each person’s body is a unique system. In addition to their fingers, massage therapists also use other devices - metal ki-gong balls and special sticks that are pressed to the skin and rotated in different directions. This gives a powerful surge of energy and perfectly tones the body.

The massage therapist often uses rubbing and massaging techniques; he may also ask the patient to puff out his cheeks or stretch out his lips. By the way, during a massage session, the master influences the points not only with the pads of his thumbs, but also with three fingers or the entire palm, while the time of pressure on one point does not exceed 7 seconds. The procedure itself lasts about 10-20 minutes, and the massage course is designed for 7-10 days, after which you should take a short break.

Once Marilyn Monroe, while traveling in Japan, became very ill, and no medicine helped. Takuiro Namikoshi himself came to the aid of the star, who gave her a shiatsu massage and got her back on her feet in just half an hour, as a result of which the actress shone on stage and the audience did not notice the ailment. It is not surprising that Japanese technology soon became popular in the USA and Marilyn Monroe used it to preserve her beauty and youth.

How to do facial massage against wrinkles

Despite the fact that many experts do not recommend doing anti-wrinkle facial massage yourself at home, you can learn some massage techniques yourself.

It is better to do a massage in the evening, after a working day, when the skin especially needs relaxation. Before the massage, clean your face with any means, such as milk or tonic, and then slightly warm up the skin - you can hold your face over the steam or apply a hot towel to it. This is necessary to dilate blood vessels and relax muscles. Turn on calm music, light the aroma lamp, apply nourishing cream to your skin, relax. The most common points for pressure during a shiatsu massage are the inner corners of the eyes, the pits along the edges of the wings of the nose, the beginning of the eyebrows, the temples, where hair begins to grow, the pit just above the auricle, the hollow under the nose and many others.

Three royal points for beauty and youth

It is enough to know where the three most important points on the face are and learn how to influence them in order to get rid of wrinkles and improve the line of the face.

The first point, Tenyo, is located in the hole just below the earlobe - where pressure causes maximum discomfort. Place your middle fingers on these points on both sides, take a deep breath through your nose, smiling as you inhale, exhale through your mouth, still smiling, and press on the Tenyo point, slowly counting to three. Relax and repeat the exercise two more times. Tenyo improves complexion, eliminates swelling and forms a beautiful oval chin.

The Koryo point is located strictly on the line of the pupil under the cheekbones - at the level of the wings of the nose. Place three fingers at a time in this place - index, middle, ring - and again find the most painful point. The technique of pressing and breathing is the same as in the previous exercise, only you should press as if from top to bottom. Koryeo lifts sagging cheeks, smooths out wrinkles and helps cure runny nose.

The Sokkoku point can be found in the depression two fingers' length above the ear. Find the point where pressure causes discomfort, place your thumbs on it and repeat the procedure in three approaches, slightly pulling the skin upward. Sokkoku stimulation not only rejuvenates the face, but also relieves headaches and stimulates mental activity. If you do a shiatsu massage regularly every day, the results will not take long to arrive, and the reflection in the mirror will please you with pleasant changes. In addition, your well-being will improve, you will have the strength to live and enjoy every day!

“There are many active points on the face, thanks to which this massage has a beneficial effect not only on the place of pressure, but also on the entire body as a whole. Now more and more specialists agree with the Chinese principles of treatment that it is necessary to treat the body as a whole, and not a separate organ. It is especially important to note that the doctor performing this procedure must be a qualified specialist trained in specialized institutions. It is also important that the pressure force is correctly selected (to the point of a slight sensation of pain), and that the movements should be leisurely and clear, without stretching the skin. After a session of such a massage, for a more pronounced effect of moisturizing and nourishing the skin, it is recommended to apply an alginate or lifting mask to the face. For older ladies, before or after a course of massage, I recommend performing such manipulations as biorevitalization, plasma lifting, and mesotherapy.”

Shiatsu is a type of Japanese therapy based on various types of massage. Translated from Japanese, “shiatsu” means “finger pressure,” so it’s not difficult to guess how the massage is performed.

Shiatsu facial massage is completely different from the traditional one used in European countries, where a set of actions aimed at smoothing out wrinkles is offered as a rejuvenating procedure.

Shiatsu is not massaging as such, but pressing on certain points with the pads of the fingers. Thanks to this, you can not only improve your health, get rid of many diseases, but also look significantly younger. The whole process occurs in a certain sequence, which is the main guarantor of an excellent result.

The author of the method is considered to be the Japanese T. Namikoshi, who began to practice massage using a new technique at the beginning of the twentieth century. He spoke in detail about the new type of massage, its effect on the human body, consequences and prospects in the book “Shiatsu - Japanese finger pressure therapy.” Here he explained in detail that pressing on certain points can awaken the body's reserves, and each point is responsible for a specific organ. Already in 1940 of the last century, a Shiatsu college was opened in Japan, and not only connoisseurs of oriental medicine, but also sports, television, and film stars from the USA and Europe began to resort to the technique.

Shiatsu massage became especially popular after actress Marilyn Monroe and boxer Muhammad Ali experienced it.

Operating principle

Now Shiatsu massage is recognized at the official level in its homeland. This technique is studied for at least three years in order to obtain a certificate and the right to work in Japan and foreign countries.

Despite the fact that many Japanese women know how to do a Shiatsu massage on their own, it can only be truly done by a specialist who thoroughly knows the physiology of the processes in the human body that follow pressing on a certain point.

During the procedure, finger pressure and optimal pressing are carried out at right angles to the facial muscles, while the skin should not be stretched. Thanks to the activation of certain points on the face, general relaxation of the body is triggered, which leads to normalization of blood supply in small vessels, relief of tension, and disappearance of swelling.

Indications and contraindications

Women and men use Shiatsu facial massage as a rejuvenating procedure, since the effect of the massage can be compared to the work of an expensive anti-aging cream. If you massage regularly, the aging process of the skin will slow down, since collagen and elastin will be produced 2 times faster. The face will acquire a healthy appearance, the process of formation of new wrinkles will stop, and facial wrinkles will noticeably smooth out due to the strengthening of facial muscles.

But in addition to the rejuvenating effect, it can relieve headaches, cure insomnia, improve emotional state, relieve chronic fatigue, facial nervous tics and the first manifestations of a cold. In fact, all these indicators are a consequence of the relaxation that massage leads to, since in the modern rhythm of life people have simply forgotten how to relax.

But not in all cases massage can be beneficial. There are diseases and conditions in which Shiatsu massage is contraindicated:

  • in the presence of open wounds;
  • with low intracranial pressure;
  • in the presence of tumors on the skin;
  • with dilated facial vessels;
  • during rashes of an allergic or cold nature;
  • during inflammatory processes such as herpes, furunculosis, dermatitis, etc.


Before a facial massage, you need to cleanse the skin with herbal products, then apply a hot compress for a few minutes, which will help relax the muscles and expand the pores. After this, a moisturizer with vitamin supplements is applied to the skin. Experts say that the maximum effect of a massage can be achieved in the morning, when a person is relaxed after sleep, but practice shows that the face especially needs relaxation in the evening.

The massage should be carried out according to a clear pattern, pressing on certain points in turn and without changing the order throughout the procedure. You can apply finger pressure to each point for no more than 5-7 seconds. To help a person relax, you can play music or light a scented candle.

The most accessible type of facial massage, Shiatsu is quite suitable for self-performing.

Massage scheme:

  • We press on the points in the middle of the forehead above the eyebrows and press with our fingertips for 7 seconds, after which we move our fingers closer to the eyebrows and repeat. In 4 steps we get to the temples.
  • We lower the index, middle and ring fingers onto the eyebrows and press. Using the pads of your thumbs, press the point on the outer corner of the eyes and then on the point on the inner corner of the eyes.

  • We go to the point on the bridge of the nose, between the eyebrows, and press it with three fingers at the same time.
  • We lower 3 fingers of each hand onto the upper eyelids slightly below the eyebrows, but without touching the eyeball, and press lightly. The skin towards the bridge of the nose should not move, otherwise this will contribute to the formation of new wrinkles.

  • The same is done with the lower eyelid.
  • Press with three fingers on the points under the cheekbones, approximately at the level of the nostrils.

  • Using your thumbs, press the area near the nostrils from the outside.
  • Next, click on the points above the upper lip under the nostrils in the middle.

  • We press with our thumbs on the points on both edges of the lips. You need to clearly feel the muscle and not go beyond it.
  • Next, click on the point located right in the middle under the lower lip. There should be gums underneath, not teeth.

  • Next, you should raise your head, place three working fingers under the chin, apply pressure, and then apply three more pressures along the entire edge of the lower jaw.
  • Then you should go down to the neck, to the sides, and apply three pressures one above the other for no more than 3 seconds. There is no need to press hard.

  • Place the thumb of one hand on the jugular cavity and press for 3 seconds.
  • Using your thumbs, press on the points at the base of the ear on both sides.

If pain appears when pressing the point, the procedure cannot be continued, as there should be no discomfort. Either you are doing something wrong, or there is some kind of inflammatory process going on. It is also worth remembering that you need to apply equal force to the points with both hands.

A facial massage may take about 10-15 minutes and about 10 minutes to prepare for it.
After the procedure, the skin should warm up, and the comfortable sensation can be compared to a very noticeable flow of warm energy that passes through the entire face.

Shiatsu massage training video

Effect and reviews

  • The effect of the massage may not be immediately noticeable. After one session, a person can relax, their complexion will change to healthier and fresher. Due to this, you can look younger. But more significant changes will come only after 7 – 10 sessions. In particular, if the purpose of the massage was a therapeutic effect, for example, getting rid of a runny nose, then it will not be possible to get rid of it in a session.
  • “It was difficult to believe that with a facial massage you could achieve the same effect as from expensive creams or Botox. But as a person prone to experimentation, I decided to try an unfamiliar method on myself. I didn’t expect a quick effect, but after the third session it noticeably decreased.” crow's feet" on the outside of the eyes. In addition, I learned to relax, which at the same time solved the problem with insomnia." - Nastya, 36 years old.
  • “Due to age, wrinkles began to appear in the corners of my lips and eyes. I decided to approach the issue radically and tried to inject Botox. I liked the effect, but I didn’t want to constantly take “health injections,” and besides, I couldn’t shake the feeling that my face was like The wall, cracked from age, was covered with putty, which sooner or later will fall off anyway.
  • A friend told me about Shiatsu massage, but I was skeptical about the massage, because I was sure that massage could not compete with Botox. But after the massage course, my face was noticeably smoother and the effect was almost the same as from injections, and I did not experience any discomfort. but only one pleasure from both the process and the effect." - Inna, 44 years old.
  • I suffer from frequent colds and have already spent a fortune on medicine. At a certain point, I realized that this could not continue like this, and that I needed to look for alternative methods of dealing with constant runny nose and colds. And this method for me was Shiatsu facial massage. I forgot not only about the cold, but also about the headache, and a pleasant bonus was my rejuvenated appearance and healthy complexion

Shiatsu massage is a specific Japanese method of physical influence, in which the fingers and palms apply pressure to certain areas on the human body in order to bring regulatory processes in the body to a normal state, preserve and strengthen health, as well as treat certain pathological conditions.

Japanese shiatsu facial massage is used not only for the treatment and prevention of diseases, but also in cosmetology in many European countries and Russia for men and women, especially after 45 years. This method allows you to slow down the processes of premature aging and eliminate many of the symptoms of the latter in the form of swelling under the eyes, swelling of the entire face, small and large wrinkles on the forehead and in the periorbital area, ptosis of the soft tissues of the face and the formation of nasolabial folds, etc.

Benefits of acupressure

The technique is based on the use of the body's internal reserves. It has been refined over a long period of direct observation, practical experience and impact studies.

The effect of most other manual therapeutic methods of treatment and prevention, including the effect of classical massage, is, as a rule, only a short-term restoration of range of motion in various parts of the body. Classic massage consists mainly of three techniques - stroking, rubbing and kneading. All of them are relatively superficial and are not able to have the same deep and effective effect on tendons, ligaments and muscles that can be achieved through the shiatsu system.

As a result of deeply direct pressure with the fingertips on the tissue at certain acupuncture points, short-term compressive ischemia (bleeding, malnutrition) and lymph outflow occur, accompanied by irritation of nerve endings and activation of bioenergetic zones. In addition, lactic acid is removed from the muscle and replaced with glycogen, as a result of which the muscle relaxes. As a result of these processes, after the cessation of pressure, blood flow to the affected areas significantly increases, a long-term improvement in blood and lymph microcirculation occurs, and an increase in the intensity of metabolic processes in tissues.

By stroking, rubbing and kneading, you can also improve blood circulation and increase skin tone. However, the delayed effect of other types of massage requires long-term (at least ten sessions) therapy to obtain any positive results, which ultimately turn out to be very short-lived.

In the presence of painful areas of the body, pain relief through traditional massage is, in most cases, purely psychological in nature and disappears after completing its courses. Moreover, the disadvantage of other types of massage is the possibility of not reducing, but even activating pain areas and aggravating pain symptoms.

Shiatsu acupressure facial massage is distinguished precisely by the fact that in a fairly short time, with the help of just a few procedures, it allows you to achieve not dubious and short-term, but reliably better and lasting positive therapeutic and cosmetic results, and pain areas seem to disappear. In this case, the correct identification of energy points and dysfunction of muscle groups is of no small importance. Of course, this massage is not a panacea in all cases, but it is still a highly effective method of therapy and treatment of certain pathological conditions.

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Basic rules for rejuvenating shiatsu facial massage

The most favorable time for the procedure is morning. Its total duration is 5-15 minutes. In order to prepare, it is necessary to cleanse the facial skin with regular cleansers, after which it is advisable to warm it up using a compress with an infusion of medicinal plants or over a steam bath, and then apply a moisturizer (5 minutes before the start of the procedure).

Execution technique

The general meaning of the procedure is to influence certain points on the body or face with the “pads” of the fingers by pressing, sometimes alternating the latter with stroking them or with the palms. Three fingers are mainly used - index, ring, middle and (less commonly) thumb. The pressure should be firm until a slight sensation of pain occurs. In this case, the pressure force should be directed to the skin surface strictly perpendicularly, and its duration should be 5-7 seconds.

It is advisable to apply pressure after slowly inhaling through the nose (counting up to 4) while exhaling slowly through the mouth (counting up to 8). When removing your fingers from the site of exposure, you must not “rotate” them around their axis and stretch the skin. Massage must be carried out in a certain sequence given below.

Shiatsu facial massage scheme

To perform a rejuvenating massage, the following groups and individual points of influence are used:

1. On the forehead, located on each of the eight vertical lines (three - 24 in total).

The lines are located four on each side of the midline of the forehead. Every first vertical line corresponds to the level of the beginning of the eyebrow, every fourth line corresponds to the tip of the eyebrow. The distance between each line is about 1.5 cm.

Pressure is applied simultaneously on both sides of the midline with the “pads” of the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands, with a delay of 5-7 seconds and then with subsequent movement outward to the next vertical line. Pressing movements should be directed slightly upward. After performing these exercises, using the same fingers of both hands, but placed on the skin parallel to its surface, smooth the skin with repeated movements for 30 seconds, pressing lightly on it. Smoothing is carried out from the midline of the forehead towards the temporal areas. Exercise helps reduce the severity of wrinkles on the forehead or slow down their formation.

2. Three points on the line of each eyebrow - at the beginning, in the middle and at the tip of the eyebrow.

The exercise is carried out in the same way - simultaneously with three fingers of the corresponding side. This and subsequent exercises in the eye area help remove swelling from the eyelids and tighten the skin, making the eyes “young”.

3. The point at the outer corner of the eyes, where “crow’s feet” form, is massaged with the “pads” of the index fingers, directing the pressing movements slightly upward and towards the temples.

4. At the inner corner of the eye (“beauty point”) it’s the same, but the direction of the pressure force is strictly perpendicular, and the duration is 3 seconds. The number of repetitions is three times.

5. Three points (“third eye”). Exposure to them prevents the appearance of wrinkles on the bridge of the nose. They are located on a horizontal line connecting the beginning of the eyebrows above the bridge of the nose. Pressure is carried out with the same three fingers (index, middle and ring), but joined together. This area can also be massaged in a circular motion.

6. Three points under each eyebrow line, located at the level of the corresponding points on the eyebrow line. The effect is provided in such a way as not to affect the area of ​​the eyeball.

7. The same thing, but on a horizontal line located approximately 1.5 cm below the lower border of the eye socket and corresponding to that in the 6th point.

8. Three points in the area of ​​​​the projection of the lower parts of the zygomatic bone - pressure with three fingers.

9. Symmetrical points located at the wings of the nose. Pressure on them is carried out with the pads of the thumbs of the corresponding side.

10. The point located in the middle of the line connecting the nasal septum with the upper lip is the effect of the “pad” of the thumb. Helps maintain the elasticity of the skin in the perioral area.

11. Near the corners of the lips - also massaged with the thumbs.

12. In the area of ​​the hollow under the lower lip.

13. Three points on the lower jaw, located on both sides of the chin - impact with three working fingers of both hands simultaneously.

14. Paired points under the mandibular bone, located at the level of the midpoints indicated in the previous paragraph.

They are pressed with the “pads” of the thumbs simultaneously on each side, followed by movement along the lower jaw to the temporal zones. In this case, it is necessary to direct the pressure force to the top in order to obtain a tissue lifting effect. Exercise helps to form a beautiful oval face.

15. Three paired points in the area of ​​the lateral sections of the neck. Light pressure with three working “fingers” of each hand for no more than 3 seconds. This effect helps to rejuvenate the neck. It is necessary to exclude pressure on the carotid arteries.

16. One point above the manubrium of the sternum in the area of ​​the jugular cavity. Light pressure with the “pad” of the thumb also lasts no more than 3 seconds.

17. Points at the level of the lower edge of the earlobes: one - in front of the earlobe, the second - in the hole under the earlobe, the third - behind it. They can also be massaged with three fingers. This exercise ends the massage. It promotes complete relaxation and stimulation of self-healing processes of the entire body and its rejuvenation.

Exercises can be done daily continuously or for one week every day and then 1-2 times a week. The choice of courses and frequency of implementation is carried out depending on the desires and severity of facial changes.


For cosmetic purposes, influencing shiatsu points on the face cannot be used in cases of:

  • skin damage in areas of intended exposure;
  • inflammatory processes on the face;
  • rashes of an inflammatory or allergic nature;
  • skin neoplasms of various types on the skin of the face;
  • and telangiectasias at sites of intended impact;
  • increased or decreased intracranial pressure.

A good idea of ​​this method and its use at home can be obtained by watching a 2-hour video course entitled “Japanese facial massage SHIATSU in 1 minute a day” by A. Sobol.

The system of influencing the patient presented in the article is a deep and serious methodological approach, very close in its fundamental principles to reflexology, manual therapy and, in some way, to bioenergy therapy.

Shiatsu massage is a Japanese technique of applying pressure to certain points in order to restore energy reserves in the body. This is a very popular alternative treatment option with a large following in Asia.


  • "Shi" means "fingers" and "atsu" means "press."
  • The first mentions of massage date back to 1912-1915.
  • Tokujiro Namikoshi developed the finger pressure technique as a child, when he was helping his sick mother.
  • Tempeki Tamai was the first to publish a book about such massage, in which he used the term “Shiatsu”.
  • The first therapy clinic of this kind was opened in 1925.
  • The use of massage has led to such incredible results that the Japanese medical community officially recognized shiatsu therapy in 1957.

Key Ideas

  • The human body consists of 12 meridians corresponding to the functions of the body. It is along these meridians that special points are located.
  • Pressing the meridians in a certain order restores their energy reserves.
  • Restoring energy at one point leads to better energy circulation throughout the body, which leads to good health.
  • Massage does not eliminate health problems, but mobilizes the body to resist diseases.


  • Shiatsu is a source of vitality and activates a person’s creative abilities.
  • The emotional background improves and headaches disappear.
  • Massage stimulates rejuvenation processes in the body.
  • Shiatsu activates the human immune system.
  • The pressure technique allows you to recover from neuralgia, cardiovascular diseases, stomach diseases, and damage to the musculoskeletal system.
  • Massage brings a person to harmony with the world and his own body.
  • After the procedure, pain is easier to bear and sleep improves.


  • Blood clotting disorders.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Severe infectious or purulent diseases.
  • Skin inflammation.
  • Oncology.
  • Fractures and acute pain.


According to the specifics of its implementation, massage can be divided into the following types:

  • Professional – Shiatsu massage in the salon will be performed by a specialist.
  • Mutual massage – sessions are carried out by close relatives to improve general condition.
  • Self-massage - using your own capabilities. This type of massage is the most useful because blood circulation accelerates and the likelihood of stagnation decreases.

Depending on the area of ​​influence, massage has its own special classification:

Execution techniques

The Shiatsu technique consists of several pressing options:

  • Pressing with thumbs. This is the most common technique and involves pressing down with the pad of your finger, perpendicular to the skin. You need to press firmly and do not use the tip of your finger, otherwise your hands will quickly get tired and the skin may be injured.
  • Three finger technique. Three main fingers are used when working with the area of ​​the abdomen, back and face - ring, middle and index. You should avoid pushing pressure on the skin; you should press with soft areas of your fingers.
  • Using the entire palm. Used for the abdominal area and restoration of vision, as well as in vibration treatment. There should be no rubbing movements here.

The above pressure techniques lead to a fairly strong effect. For lighter pressure on the skin, use one index or middle finger. Their combination refers to the impact of a medium level.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia. We recommend that you read them in addition.

Preparing for Shiatsu

If you are going for a special Shiatsu massage session, remember a few simple rules:

  • There is no need to remove clothes for a massage session. But it is better to wear something loose and comfortable so that you can perform the exercises at the request of a specialist.
  • There is no need to eat before going for a massage. It is believed that the digestive process sends all the energy to the stomach, so it becomes difficult to determine the state of the meridians.
  • It is worth refraining from alcohol and vigorous exercise a couple of days before the session.

In the case of self-massage using the Shiatsu technique, you should pay attention to the following steps:

  • Warming up the skin to relax the muscular system and dilate blood vessels. You can take a bath, make a hot compress, or do a steam bath for your face.
  • To relax completely, including psychologically, you can use aromatic oils and music for relaxation.
  • Before the massage, it is good to apply a moisturizer with vitamins to the skin.
  • If you do facial Shiatsu, then do not forget about cleansing the skin with a mask or peeling.

Massage procedure

  1. A full Shiatsu session begins with a diagnostic part. This includes an initial examination of posture, movements and face, light touching of different areas by a specialist to determine the conditions of the meridians, questions about your health and lifestyle. The picture of the disease is often drawn up on the basis of a sensory diagnosis, that is, with the help of a specialist’s intuition.
  2. Since shiatsu is a Japanese finger pressure therapy, the main part of the session is spent on influencing certain points. Typically, one pressure lasts from 5 to 7 seconds, and in the neck area no more than 3. Pain syndrome can be relieved by increasing the pressure even up to 10 minutes. However, the specialist does not have any specific restrictions, so gradually the duration of the pressure and their strength will increase. In total it takes 35-45 minutes. For severely ill patients, the total exposure time may be increased to an hour.
  3. During the massage, other techniques are also allowed. The therapist, for example, may rub and twirl your limbs. He may also ask you to stretch your muscles or do some exercise.
  4. Typically, a massage course lasts at least 4 sessions, maximum 10. After this, you definitely need to take a break.

Massage points

Diagram of points on the body for shiatsu (shiatsu) massage of the back.
Diagram of points on the body for shiatsu massage (shiatsu) chest in front
Diagram of points on the hands for shiatsu massage (shiatsu)

To properly conduct acupressure body massage or facial massage, a diagram of points located along specific energy meridians is required. In Shiatsu, the points always correspond to a specific human organ or a specific biological system of the body. The main points for pressure in the human body are presented in the diagram: Particular attention should be paid to the massage points for the face. Most often, the forehead, eyes, neck and mouth area are involved. The correspondence of specific points to internal organs is presented below. Remember that in addition to therapeutic massage, Shiatsu is a quick gymnastics for facial rejuvenation. Therefore, for preventive purposes, a light cosmetic massage of the facial skin using a pressure technique can be done daily. To learn the technique, videos and training diagrams are perfect.

Modern skin care has many techniques. This includes medicinal cosmetics and hardware cosmetology. There is also a range of massage techniques. One of them is shiatsu, acupressure facial massage for skin rejuvenation.

The practice came to us from ancient Eastern medicine. In Japan, it is used not only for anti-aging procedures, but also for rehabilitation therapy.

Effect on the body

Clinical picture

What doctors say about wrinkles

Doctor of Medical Sciences, plastic surgeon Morozov E.A.:

I have been practicing plastic surgery for many years. Many famous people who wanted to look younger have passed through me. Currently, plastic surgery is losing its relevance because... Science does not stand still; more and more new methods for rejuvenating the body are appearing, and some of them are quite effective. If you do not want or do not have the opportunity to resort to plastic surgery, I will recommend an equally effective, but most affordable alternative.

For more than 1 year, the miracle drug for skin rejuvenation NOVASKIN has been available on the European market, which can be obtained FOR FREE. It is several times more effective than Botox injections, not to mention all sorts of creams. It is easy to use and the most important thing is that you will see its effect instantly. Without exaggeration, I will say that fine and deep wrinkles and bags under the eyes disappear almost immediately. Thanks to intracellular effects, the skin is completely restored, regenerated, the changes are simply colossal.

Find out more>>

The use of Shiatsu techniques for general health can strengthen the body, relieve fatigue and relax tense muscles.

Massage stimulates the body's immune system, increasing resistance to external irritants and infectious diseases.

Shiatsu facial exercises can relieve migraines and help with stress and insomnia. This has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin.

With regular exposure to active points, the following effect is achieved:

  1. Blood circulation is normalized;
  2. Metabolism is stabilized, cell regeneration is enhanced;
  3. Facial swelling disappears, as the intercellular fluid begins to circulate evenly in the deep layers of the dermis;
  4. The oval of the face, double chin and sagging skin on the cheeks are tightened;
  5. Both deep and fine wrinkles, as well as facial wrinkles, are smoothed out;
  6. Skin color improves, face becomes fresher.

INTERESTING! Acupressure for wrinkles can have a therapeutic effect for a runny nose or sinusitis.

Advantages of the technique

Regular exposure to reflexogenic points transforms the face, making it younger and fresher.

The method has several advantages:

  • Shiatsu facial acupressure massage is very effective in restoring elasticity to the skin. Its constant use tightens the skin so much that there is no need for corrective plastic surgery.
  • The positive effect affects not only the appearance, but also the emotional sphere of the body.
  • The method is very simple, so you can perform the massage yourself.

IMPORTANT! Before you start massaging active points, carefully study their location.


There are several pathological conditions in which the shiatsu technique can cause even greater harm.

It is contraindicated in the following cases:

Points on the face for rejuvenation also act as activators of all systems. This can cause infections and cancer cells to spread throughout the body through improved lymph and blood flow.

Shiatsu rules

To achieve the desired result, facial acupressure for wrinkles must be performed in compliance with certain rules. Shiatsu, like any other acupressure technique, is carried out by influencing active reflexogenic points.

The effectiveness of the technique depends on how and on which points the influence is applied.

Active points

A beneficial effect on the skin occurs if biologically active areas are stimulated. For the full effect, you need to know where the points on the face are located for massage for rejuvenation. The corresponding reflexogenic point is responsible for the functionality of a certain area.

Single points:

  • In the central part of the forehead;
  • 1-2 cm above the center of the bridge of the nose (Third eye);
  • At the point where the nose and upper lip meet (at the top of the nasolabial fold);
  • Center of base of chin;
  • The middle (hole) of the chin.

Paired points:

Massage points on the face for wrinkles are active reflexogenic zones. To the touch they look like pits or tubercles. To correctly perform acupressure facial massage for rejuvenation, the picture clearly demonstrates the location of the points.

Execution technique

In order to do shiatsu acupressure facial massage for wrinkles correctly, you need to know the technology of performing the procedure.

The main rule is to massage using your fingertips. In this case, not stroking, but pressing movements are performed.

By consistently applying pressure, you can activate the points and start the process of restoring the area that is being affected.

INTERESTING! The Japanese perform shiatsu massage through a soft cotton or linen cloth to prevent the fingers from slipping.

Massage points on the face for rejuvenation should not be stroked or kneaded during a shiatsu session. Pressing the active point should be clear and strong enough. The force of pressing fluctuates between the definitions of “painful” and “pleasant”. The pressure should start slowly and smoothly, with a gradual increase in force. It is necessary to release the point with a sharp movement.

The best effect is achieved when the active points are impacted with the thumbs. Apply pressure with your fingertips, applying vertical force.

You need to maintain stable pressure on the point for 3-7 seconds, or for 2-3 breaths. For each zone it is permissible to do 5 repetitions. It is enough to carry out the procedure 3-4 times a week, and within a month you will feel a noticeable change in your skin for the better. The massage course can last 2 months, after which a short break is necessary.

NOTE! The same acupuncture points on the face for rejuvenation are used for acupuncture as for the Japanese technique.


Before you begin the procedure, take care to prepare your hands and face for the massage. Wash and dry them thoroughly. Applying cream or oil is not recommended, as this interferes with the application of pressure. Your fingers may slip and the result will not be achieved.

Before the massage, make sure the skin of your face and hands is warm. You can warm up the skin on your face with a hot compress. To do this, brew an infusion of chamomile, calendula and nettle, soak a cloth in it and apply it to your face. Lie with the compress for about 5 minutes. For the same purpose, you can use a steam bath with sea salt and herbal infusion.

Order of conduct

Since shiatsu is a quick gymnastics for facial rejuvenation, you can do it at any convenient time. The best effect is achieved in the morning, before the skin has received additional stress. In the evening, massage techniques will help you fall asleep faster.

ADVICE! It is advisable to perform the massage in a lying position. This way the muscles will be more relaxed.

Correct massage order:

  1. You need to start the procedure by influencing a point in the center of the forehead, moving horizontally to the temporal points;
  2. Next, the points in the middle, eyebrows, their end and beginning are stimulated;
  3. Warm up on the bridge of the nose and along the upper edge of the eye sockets (under the eyebrows);
  4. Activation of points in the lower part of the arches of the eye sockets;
  5. Warm up the areas near the base of the nose;
  6. Nasolabial fold;
  7. Massage of the corners of the mouth;
  8. Working on the chin area and the middle part of the lower jaw bone;
  9. Development of points near the auricle.

At the end of the cycle, it can be repeated again. One session should not include more than two cycles. To make the steps of the massage more clear, read the video instructions.

Drawing conclusions

If you are reading these lines, we can conclude that you are still looking for a method to rejuvenate your face and get rid of wrinkles, the sight of which in the mirror makes you feel uneasy.

We conducted an investigation, studied a bunch of materials and, most importantly, tested most of the methods and remedies against wrinkles, ranging from traditional methods to procedures that doctors can offer. The verdict is:

If all the remedies gave, it was only a minor temporary result. As soon as the procedures were stopped, after a few days everything returned.

The only drug that has given significant results is NOVASKIN.

This serum is the best alternative to Botex. The main feature is that NOVASKIN acts instantly, i.e. In just a few minutes you can see significant improvements!

This drug is not sold in pharmacy chains, but is financed by the Ministry of Health and distributed FOR FREE. Reviews about NOVASKIN can be read here.

If you carefully work out the massage points on your face, you can get rid of wrinkles in the shortest possible time. The oriental shiatsu technique can not only tidy up your skin, but also save you from some chronic diseases.