Breathing exercises according to Strelnikova: features of implementation. Benefits, harms and features of breathing exercises using the Strelnikova method

It has long been proven that breathing exercises bring great benefits to the body, because with their help you can get rid of a wide range of diseases. Strelnikova’s breathing exercises are very popular among people. At one time, the author developed it for singers to train their vocal cords. Later, gymnastics became an effective general health complex and is still recommended in the treatment of many diseases.

Treatment with breathing exercises

Strelnikova’s method is suitable for both children and their parents. Breathing exercises are used to lose weight in the abdomen, for asthma, stuttering or bronchitis, and other respiratory diseases. Its effectiveness is explained by the fact that when performing exercises, the functioning of the lungs is stabilized, all human organs are saturated with oxygen. If you are worried about any illness, even a chronic one, be sure to try Strelnikova’s breathing exercises.


  • bronchitis, pneumonia;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • asthma;
  • sinusitis, rhinitis;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • nervous disorders, stress;
  • curvature, other diseases of the spine;
  • stuttering;
  • diseases of the speech apparatus.


Although breathing exercises in most cases deserve positive reviews from doctors, they are still not recommended for:

  • fever, elevated body temperature;
  • brain contusion;
  • spinal injuries;
  • long-standing osteochondrosis of the neck;
  • severe myopia;
  • glaucoma;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • heart disease;
  • high blood pressure;
  • bleeding.

Set of exercises

The basic element of gymnastics is a sharp, short, energetic breath through the nose. You need to exhale through your mouth, slowly and smoothly. If you do this abruptly, hyperventilation will occur. During classes, you must count rhythmically. It is advisable to use the rhythm of march steps and keep a constant pace. While doing breathing exercises, you are even allowed to sit if your body is weakened. When you get used to training, you can double the load.

Strelnikovsky gymnastics is represented by many exercises, but the most common are:

  • "Epaulettes." You should spread your legs wider than your shoulders, clench your fists, and press them to your lower back. Inhaling air, sharply lower your arms, spreading your fingers. Try to stress them out a lot. Do eight approaches 8 times a day.

  • "Palms." Stand straight, bend your elbows, point your palms away from you. Inhaling noisily, clench them into fists. Perform 20 sets 8 times a day.

  • "Pump". Stand, spread your legs, lower your arms freely. As you inhale loudly, make a smooth bend, and as you exhale, slowly rise back up. Do 8 sets eight times a day.

  • "Cat". Spread your legs slightly, extend your arms along your body. Inhaling, squat down and twist your torso to the right. Exhaling, rise up. Accompany the next squat with a turn to the left. Do 12 sets eight times a day.

Everyone knows. Therefore, we offer you a set of breathing exercises.

A set of breathing exercises

1. Stand up straight and relaxed and lower your arms along your body.

2. Exhale. Start breathing slowly. As the lungs fill, the shoulders rise, then exhale without delay, lowering the shoulders.

3. With an inhalation, as your lungs fill, slowly move your shoulders back, bringing your shoulder blades together, bringing your arms together behind your back. Then exhale slowly, moving your arms and shoulders forward, while squeezing your chest. Do not strain your arms and shoulders.

4. Inhale and bend to the right, stretching your left side. Exhale and return to the starting position. Do the same to the left. Do not bend your neck, do not bend your arms, keep your back straight.

5. Exhale. Slowly tilt your head back, bending your spine in the thoracic region, inhale. Exhale, bend your head forward, bending your spine in the thoracic region, and look at your knees. The arms hang freely along the body.

6. Inhale. Slowly, smoothly twist the spine, moving one hand behind your back, the other forward, exhaling. When returning to the starting position, inhale. The hips are motionless. Repeat the same on the other side (the exercise is very effective).

7. Perform circular movements with your shoulders, imitating the movements of a kayak rower. First with the left shoulder, then with the right and both at the same time. Breathing is voluntary.

All breathing exercises can be performed within 6-10 minutes. When finished, relax and unwind.

Basic breathing exercises for the development of various groups of chest muscles and ligaments

Experience and practice have developed systems for breathing exercises for the development of the muscles of the chest, their ligaments, air cells, etc. These exercises are very simple, but their effect is unusually strong. You should not master many exercises at once; choose 3-4 available to you and perform them for 3 weeks, then learn a few more. Yogis consider “cleansing breathing” to be the main breathing exercise they especially love. They use this exercise when they feel the need to ventilate and cleanse their lungs. They end all other breathing exercises with this breathing and recommend it for constant use.

Cleansing Breath

Cleansing breathing ventilates and cleanses the lungs, stimulates all their cells and improves the overall health of the entire body, refreshing it. This exercise is incredibly calming and strengthens tired respiratory organs. The exercise is very useful for speakers, singers, teachers, actors, and all people in professions that require a lot of strain on the lungs.

Cleansing breathing is performed as follows. Take a full breath. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Purse your lips as if to whistle, without puffing out your cheeks, then exhale a little air with considerable force. Stop for a second, holding the exhaled air, then exhale forcefully a little more, etc., until all the air has been exhaled. It is very important that the air is exhaled forcefully.

The exercise will have an unusually refreshing effect on any tired, tired person. Try this exercise and after a short period of time you will notice positive results. You need to practice until it becomes easy and natural. As mentioned above, it is designed to finish off other exercises and can also be done on its own.

Holding your breath

Performing this very important exercise aims to strengthen and develop the respiratory muscles, and at the same time the lungs. Frequent practice of this exercise will inevitably lead to expansion of the chest. Yogis claim that temporarily holding the breath after the lungs are filled with air brings great benefits not only to the respiratory organs, but also to the digestive organs, nervous system and circulatory processes. They are convinced that temporarily holding the breath clears the air that remains in the lungs from previous breaths and promotes better absorption of oxygen by the blood. Yogis also claim that such retained breathing collects the waste accumulated there from the lungs and, when exhaling air, carries them with it thanks to the great force of exhalation. Cleansing the lungs is perhaps the most important thing in holding the breath, and yogis recommend this exercise for the treatment of various stomach disorders, liver disorders, and for the treatment of blood diseases. They also find that doing the exercise helps eliminate bad breath, which very often simply depends on poorly ventilated lungs.

Doing the exercise. Stand up straight. Take a full breath. Hold your breath in your chest for as long as possible. Exhale forcefully through your open mouth. Do cleansing breathing.

A person beginning to practice this exercise can hold his breath only for a very short time at the beginning of practice, then constant practice will significantly increase his ability to hold his breath. If, after gaining experience, you want to check how much your ability to hold your breath has increased, then do this exercise with a watch, noting your progress daily.

Excitation of lung cells

This exercise is designed to stimulate the activity of air cells in the lungs. A beginner should not overuse this exercise; in general, it must be performed with great caution. After the first experiences, some may even feel slightly dizzy. In this case, you should stop doing it and walk around.

The exercise is performed as follows. Stand straight, arms along your body. Inhale the air slowly and gradually. Exhaling, slowly hit your chest with your fingertips in different places. When your lungs are full of air, hold your breath and hit your chest with the palms of your hands. Finish with cleansing breath.

This exercise greatly improves the tone of the entire body and plays a large role in all breathing exercises of yogis. It is necessary for health, since many of the air cells in our lungs become inactive due to our habit of shallow breathing. As a result, many cells almost atrophy.

For a person who has been breathing incorrectly for many years, it will, of course, not be easy to stimulate all the air cells that have been dormant for a long time, but over time this exercise will certainly lead to the desired results, and therefore it is worth using it.

Joyful upper breathing

Improves mood. To control, place your hands on your collarbones. When you inhale, air fills the upper parts of the lungs, the chest rises up, and when you exhale, the chest drops to its original position. In this case, the abdomen is motionless and the chest does not expand.

Calming lower breathing

As you inhale, air fills only the lower sections of the lungs, and the stomach protrudes. As air is exhaled from the lower parts of the lungs, the stomach retracts. The chest remains motionless. If you immediately perform middle breathing after this, the tone of the body will increase. As you inhale, air fills the lungs, the chest expands, and when you exhale, the ribs return to their original position. The stomach is motionless.

Stretching the ribs

The cartilages of the ribs have the ability to expand significantly. Since the ribs play a very important role in proper breathing, it is useful to do special exercises with them in order to give them greater elasticity. Our ability to sit and stand in unnatural positions makes the ribs extremely stiff and inelastic. The given exercise, if performed correctly, can completely eliminate these shortcomings.

The exercise is performed as follows. Stand up straight. Press your hands to the sides of your chest as high as possible under your armpits so that your thumbs are facing your back, your palms are on your sides and the rest of your fingers are facing the front of your chest, that is, as if squeezing your chest with your hands from the sides, without pressing too hard. Take a full breath. Hold the air for a short time. Then slowly begin to squeeze your ribs with your hands and at the same time slowly exhale air. Do cleansing breathing. The exercise should not be overused.

Chest expansion

The chest is greatly reduced from the habit of bending when doing work, as well as from lack of physical labor. The proposed exercise is very useful in order to restore normal conditions for the functioning of the chest and give it the opportunity for the necessary expansion.

The exercise is performed as follows. Stand up straight. Take a full breath. Hold the air. Extend both arms forward and keep both fists clenched at shoulder level. Then, in one motion, move your arms back. Bring your arms forward again, then move your arms back again in one movement. Repeat quickly several times. While performing, keep your fists clenched and tense your arm muscles. Exhale forcefully through your open mouth. Do cleansing breathing.

This exercise should also not be overused; it must be handled very carefully.

Breathing on the go

You need to walk with your head held high, your chin slightly extended, keeping your shoulders back and making sure your steps are of equal length. Take a full breath, mentally counting to 8 and taking 8 steps at this time so that the count corresponds to the steps and the breath is taken as if in 8 steps, but without a break. Slowly exhale air through your nostrils, counting to 8 in the same way and taking 8 steps at this time. Hold your breath while continuing to walk and count to 8. Repeat this exercise until you feel tired. You should stop the exercises for a while and continue after resting. Repeat the exercise several times a day. Some yogis vary this exercise by holding their breath and counting to 4, then exhaling and counting to 8. Try this variation too; if it turns out to be easier and more enjoyable for you, do it.

Morning exercise

The exercise is performed as follows. Stand straight, raising your head, lifting your chest, drawing in your stomach, pulling your shoulders back, with clenched fists and arms at the sides of your body. Slowly rise to your toes, very slowly taking a full breath. Hold your breath for a few seconds, remaining in the same position. Slowly lower yourself to the original position, while exhaling air very slowly through your nostrils.

Do cleansing breathing. Varying it by lifting it alternately on the right and then on the left leg, repeat this exercise several times.

Exercise to activate blood circulation

The exercise is performed as follows. Stand up straight. Take a full breath, hold your breath. Lean forward slightly, pick up a stick or cane by the two ends, squeezing tightly and gradually putting all the strength into the hands gripping the stick. Lower the stick and straighten up, slowly exhaling air. Repeat several times. Finish with cleansing breath. This exercise can be done without the help of a stick, mentally imagining it, but putting all your strength into imagining squeezing the stick with your hands.

Yogis value this exercise very highly as it has the ability to attract arterial blood to the extremities and divert venous blood to the heart and lungs, enabling the body to receive more oxygen and get rid of waste blood particles. If circulation is poor, there may not be enough blood in the lungs to absorb the increased amount of oxygen from exhaled air, and the entire system will not benefit from improved breathing. In such cases it is especially useful to practice this exercise, alternating it with the correct full breathing exercise.

Cleansing ha-breath

Stand straight with your feet apart and breathe like a full yogi breath. While inhaling, raise your arms up and hold your Breath for a few seconds. You need to relax your larynx, open your mouth and exhale vigorously, leaning forward, allowing your hands to fall. At the same time, the sound “ha” is naturally produced. Then slowly begin to inhale, straightening up and raising your arms up again. Exhale slowly through your nose, lowering your arms down. Repeat the exercise 3 times. Exhale air with relief, as if freeing yourself from worries. Exercise stimulates blood circulation and clears the airways, enhancing the rejection of mucus accumulated in the airways. After completing the exercise, a person feels much more energetic.

Blowing out a candle

Take a full breath and hold your breath without straining. Purse your lips into a tube and exhale all the air in 3 sharp exhalations. With the first exhalation, air comes out of the abdomen, with the second - from the chest, with the third - from the top of the lungs. Keep your body and head straight, perform the exercise energetically, with enthusiasm. Perform no more than 3 times.

Abdominal breathing exercises

Stand straight with your legs approximately 30-40 cm apart, feet parallel; tilt your body slightly forward. Keep your arms bent at the elbows, palms against your thighs, thumbs pointing toward your groin. After a full inhalation, exhale slowly and completely, strongly drawing your stomach inward, raising your diaphragm as much as possible so that your stomach seems to “disappear.” It should be noted that this exercise can only be performed on an empty stomach. Holding the air for 5 seconds at first, gradually increase the duration of holding your breath. In order for the diaphragm to rise upward, the lungs must be free of air until the very end of the exercise. Exercise is an excellent remedy against prolapse of the stomach, intestines, kidneys, and uterus. Stimulates the function of the solar plexus and restores the balance of the autonomic nervous system. Has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, lungs and diaphragm. Restores the mobility of the diaphragm and maintains the elasticity of the lungs. In general, abdominal exercises are very effective, especially since they are not difficult to perform. Exercise is contraindicated in all acute forms of diseases of the abdominal organs and heart diseases. If you feel pain while performing an exercise, you should stop exercising and consult a doctor.

Moon Breath

Performed through the left nostril and left lung. It is recommended to close the right nostril and apply pressure to the right lung with something. Doing the exercise brings passivity, peace, and a sense of permanence. The action is creative, enhancing digestion, healing and soothing. Helps with anxiety, sadness and fever.

Earthly breath

It is necessary to strengthen the nerves, with mental and physical fatigue, and bad mood. Used for magnetic force, which can be converted into any type of energy if desired. Earthly or rhythmic breathing is Two Nostrils and Two Lungs Breathing. It is recommended to do this constantly. Stand up straight. Extend your relaxed arms in front of you. Slowly move your arms back, increasing muscle tension. Without relaxing the muscles, slowly move your fists outward, then quickly bring them back to their original position. Do all this while holding your breath. Repeat 3-5 times, exhaling forcefully through your nose.

Stimulating breathing

Take a full breath, hold your breath and exhale slowly through your mouth. The air should come out as slowly as possible and all of it, with a whistling sound, as when pronouncing the sound “s”. Resistance to the sound coming out is created by the tongue. Repeat at least 3 times.

It has long been proven that maximally saturating the body with oxygen helps to get rid of excess weight, as well as cope with certain diseases. This axiom is successfully used by authors, many of whom came to us from the West (for example, or) or even from the East (). The most famous technique developed in our country was breathing exercises by Alexandra Nikolaevna Strelnikova.

It was intended to restore singing voices, but became widespread as a means of healing. Strelnikova’s gymnastics can be put on a par with other breathing practices for weight loss, but it has certain specifics that we have to get acquainted with.

Principles of Strelnikov gymnastics

The main difference between Strelnikov’s know-how is its special breathing technique: vigorous inhalation - passive exhalation. The air is inhaled through the nose quickly and noisily, as if sniffing during a runny nose, and leaves the lungs through a half-open mouth without any effort. Another feature of this technique is that all gymnastics movements are performed synchronously with inhalations. This allows the muscles to strengthen much faster.

The entire lesson from start to finish takes place at the same pace and counting. Inhalation movements are considered approaches (series), and the number of breaths in one series must be a multiple of four (from 4 to 32). There is a short (3 to 5 seconds) pause between series. The norm for the number of inhalations-movements in one exercise is the so-called “Strelnikov hundred” - 96. The method of achieving it depends on the level of training: the higher it is, the more inhalations-movements in one approach - and, accordingly, the less the number of approaches themselves.

Strelnikova’s gymnastics consists of more than a dozen exercises. The “cornerstone” of the complex is three exercises:

  • "palms";
  • "epaulets";
  • "pump".

They are mastered at the first stage of classes, and those who do not want to leave the status of beginners can limit themselves to only them - this will be enough for a positive effect. Those who decide to move beyond the basic level can gradually master other exercises:

  • "cat";
  • “hug your shoulders”;
  • "big pendulum";
  • "small pendulum";
  • "ears";
  • "head turns";
  • "riffles";
  • "Steps".

Having mastered all these exercises, it is best not to break them into parts, but to perform the entire complex in one session. Let's look at each element in detail.

Basic breathing exercises according to Strelnikova in pictures

Warm-up exercise. It is performed while standing; to take the starting position, you need to bend your elbows, holding your palms in front of you and as if demonstrating them to the audience. The arms should be parallel to the body. As you inhale, your palms vigorously clench into fists, and as you exhale, they relax freely. Only the fingers work; the hands themselves remain motionless.​

Shoulder straps

In a standing position, you need to press the fists of your bent arms to your stomach at waist level. At the moment of inhalation, you need to sharply lower your arms down and spread your fingers. Shoulders should be tense, arms should be extended in a straight line. As you exhale, you should return to the starting position.​ To perform the exercise, you need to stand up straight, arms freely lowered along the body. Then - bend towards the floor, lowering your head and rounding your back. At the end point of the tilt, an energetic, quick breath is taken. As you exhale, the body rises, but you cannot straighten completely. The angle of the torso should not exceed 90 degrees.​ Performed standing, the distance between the feet should be slightly less than shoulder width. The arms are bent at the elbows and pressed to the sides, the hands are lowered and are at chest level. As you inhale, you need to sit down slightly and turn your body to the side, while simultaneously making a grasping movement with your hands. Turns are made alternately left and right, and exhalations are carried out involuntarily when returning to the starting position. During squats, your knees should “spring” and your back should remain straight.​

Hug your shoulders

You need to stand up straight and raise your arms bent at the elbows above your chest so that your forearms are parallel to the floor. As you inhale, the right hand should clasp the left shoulder (and vice versa), and at the moment the lines of the arms intersect, they will form a triangle. Since the arms must always remain parallel to each other, one of them will be higher than the other. This position cannot be changed. Exhalation will occur as you move back - and you should not completely bring your arms back to the starting position; your forearms and shoulders should rather form a square. Anyone who has mastered this exercise well can throw back their head at the moment of inhalation.​

Big pendulum

It can be called a synthesis of the “Pump” and “Hug the Shoulders” exercises. As you inhale, bend toward the floor; for the next inhalation, you need to hug yourself by the shoulders, slightly tilting your head back and bending at the lower back. The exhalation “fits” between the main inhalation movements.​

Head turns

While standing, you need to turn your head to the right and left, while simultaneously taking a noisy breath. The air must be exhaled between breaths, without slowing down the pace of movements. The neck muscles are relaxed, the shoulders can participate in turns, but the torso must remain motionless.​ Performed standing or sitting. It consists of alternating tilts of the head to the right and left - as if you need to touch your shoulder with your ear. In this case, the movements should not be too sudden. When bending over, a sharp breath is taken, followed by a free exhalation. The shoulders should not reach towards the head, only the neck muscles work.​

Small pendulum

Similar to the previous exercise, but head movements are performed back and forth. On the first breath, the head tilts towards the chest, on the second, it leans back. Vigorous inhalations alternate with passive exhalations without stopping. Movements should be fast, but at the same time quite smooth.​


When taking the starting position, you need to stand in such a way that your right leg is one step ahead of your left, and the weight of the body is distributed evenly. You need to alternately transfer your weight from one leg to the other, as if “rolling” it back and forth. For each breath, the supporting leg should squat slightly, and the free leg should rise to the toe. Exhalation will be carried out during “rolls”. The exercise is performed smoothly, on “springy” legs. Your arms can be slightly bent and held at waist level. The second version of the exercise is when the left leg is put forward in the starting position. It is desirable that the complex includes both options.​ This exercise resembles walking in place - both forward and backward. When taking a “front” step, while inhaling, you need to raise your right leg bent at the knee towards your stomach, while simultaneously squatting slightly on your left leg. As you exhale, the legs return to their original position - and, without slowing down, they change “roles”: now the left one is stretching upward, and the right one is slightly “springing”. The arms are relaxed and can imitate the movements of walking. The back remains straight.​

"Backward" step is performed similarly to the “front” one - with the only difference that the active leg is bent at the knee and pulled back, that is, the heel tends to touch the buttock. During the lesson, both “front” and “back” steps should be practiced.

Methodology and training program

Gymnastics according to Strelnikova must be performed twice a day: morning and evening, before meals or an hour and a half after it. By the way, you can start eating 10 minutes after finishing your workout, and if breakfast or dinner was not too plentiful, the waiting time can be reduced to 40 minutes.

The first lesson is devoted to three basic exercises, and then every day a new one is added to them. Thus, it takes a little longer than a week to master the full complex.

Standard lesson Strelnikovsky gymnastics includes performing all 11 exercises in the order in which they were presented. Each exercise is performed once - this means that the number of breaths and movements in it should not exceed 96, the “Strelnikov hundred”. The standard scheme for their implementation is 12 repetitions of 8 inhalations-movements (“figures of eight”) with short pauses between repetitions. In the future, the scheme may become more complicated and look like this:

Expert commentary: This video is very useful, since many adherents of Strelnikov gymnastics practice on their own and do not have the opportunity to control their mistakes. Improper execution of exercises, firstly, negatively affects their effectiveness, and secondly, it can simply harm your health. For example, when doing the “Big Pendulum”, you should not bend your lower back too much - this may not be very beneficial for the lumbar spine and will worsen existing problems.

The video is a six-minute lesson on the Strelnikova complex. During this time, all 11 exercises are performed, but each of them is worked out according to the scheme “1 series of 32 breaths-movements”. Breaks are only taken between exercises.

Today, more and more people are coming to the conclusion that no medications, pills, plastic surgeries or other unnatural interventions in the nature of our bodies can have such a beneficial effect on them as leading a healthy lifestyle. And this includes proper nutrition, sports, and the use of various health-restoring techniques and gymnastics. One of these is Strelnikova’s breathing exercises.

This is an independent system of exercises, which at one time enjoyed dizzying popularity among artists and pop stars. The following people trained using it: Alla Pugacheva, Sofia Rotaru, Margarita Terekhova, Laima Vaikule, Andrei Mironov. And this is not a complete list!

If you are the type of person who actively practices healthy habits or wants to give your voice a new, pleasant timbre, then after reading this article you may be inspired and want to try a new experience. Or you are faced with unpleasant respiratory diseases and are looking for a practice that can quickly return you to a high energy state, vigor of body and spirit, then the classes that will be discussed will suit you perfectly!

So, let's start a conversation on the topic - how to become vigorous and healthy if you devote 7-8 minutes a day to it!

The story of an opera singer's healing

Alexandra Strelnikova was initially born in a very creative environment. There was such an atmosphere in the house, in particular, thanks to mother Alexandra Severna. She was a singing teacher at the Stanislavsky Opera and Drama Theater. The daughter decided to follow in her footsteps and also became an opera singer, but fate had slightly different plans for little Sasha.

The thing is that since childhood she was not in very good health - she had a bad heart. Gradually, the disease gave complications to the girl’s respiratory system; first she began to choke, and then completely lost her voice. These complications occurred at a conscious age, when Alexandra was a young singer.

Can you imagine what it was like for her?
Losing your own working tool at that age?

Mom and daughter decided not to give up and, at any cost, return Sasha to her ability to sing. They began working with breathing and, as Strelnikova herself says: “So gradually a complex of vocal gymnastics based on proper breathing was born.” Relying on him, Alexandra managed to regain her voice and worked as an opera singer until old age, giving the Russians this wonderful technique.

Later, a set of exercises developed by mother and daughter is excellent. The system will also be very effective for people suffering from snoring.

System efficiency

Our respiratory system has 4 main functions: breathing, speaking, singing and screaming. Singing is the most difficult action of these 4. Therefore, this therapeutic exercise automatically restores all other functions. And above all, breathing itself. A feature of this approach is a short and sharp inhalation, which is produced while the chest is compressed. This is an absolutely unique technique in its effectiveness, which has no analogues throughout the world.

Elements of the Strelnikova movement system actively involve almost all parts of the body:

  • hips
  • press
  • shoulder girdle

As a result, the body begins to actively need oxygen. A sharp inhalation with a calm and passive exhalation stimulates respiratory processes inside all tissues and organs. As a result, oxygen is better absorbed at the cellular level, and those receptors in the nose that connect the nasal cavity with other organs also begin to work more vigorously and better, beneficially affecting the entire process of inhalation and exhalation.

That is why the method effectively treats a huge number of ailments. He was appreciated at his time by the Soviet doctor of medical sciences, surgeon - otorhinolaryngologist Valentina Aleksandrovna Zagoryanskaya - Feldman. She said that for more than 30 years she had observed what a wonderful healing effect Strelnikovsky physical therapy has on singers and actors with a variety of diseases of the vocal apparatus!

This method of recovery is useful to everyone. Any age. Especially for children who often catch colds. It improves metabolic processes, which means it strengthens the entire immune system.

Therapeutic exercise for breathing in diseases

As mentioned above, for various diseases of the respiratory system, Alexandra Nikolaevna’s complex gives excellent results on the path to recovery. high efficiency is achieved due to the fact that:

1. The blood is better saturated with oxygen due to the fact that more air enters the lungs

2. By working with inhalation and exhalation, natural ventilation of the lungs occurs and cleanses them of gases, dust and harmful allergens

3. Blood supply to the lungs, bronchi, and trachea increases.

4. The respiratory muscles are strengthened and breathing itself becomes freer

5. Due to a large number of exercises on the pronunciation of various sounds, using the diaphragm, spasms are relieved from the muscles of the larynx and, in general, makes the process of inhalation and exhalation easier.

All these 5 reasons make Strelnikova’s method for pneumonia also very relevant. And its function, such as general strengthening of the body and immunity, will greatly help people with hypertension.

Advantages and disadvantages

If we look in detail and talk about the benefits and harms of Strelnikovsky physical education. There are definitely more advantages here. But for some people there are some contraindications, such as:

  • very high temperature
  • internal bleeding

In all other cases, training according to the Strelnikova system will be useful and safe. I would like to especially note the benefits of the method for all people whose professions involve speaking, singing and any stage performances related to the voice and the ability to use it. Since much emphasis in the technique is placed on working the muscles of the diaphragm, this allows a person to achieve the ability to speak “at the bottom.”

This way of speaking should be well known to people in one way or another connected with the theater. Actors and singers are well aware that most people in ordinary everyday life are accustomed to using connectives in the process of conversation, but stage people cannot afford this. This is due to the fact that they have to broadcast to a large audience in large halls and the human connections simply do not have enough power to convey the speech even to the ears of those sitting in the back rows.

But the diaphragm is quite capable of this!

Thus, by training you not only improve your health, but also become the owner of a more pleasant artistic tone.

Choosing a training method

If you suddenly decide to do these exercises under the strict guidance of professional specialists, then contact the one-of-a-kind breathing gymnastics center A.N. Strelnikova. It is there that you will be able to obtain knowledge and the best evidence specifically for your case, practically from the original source. Or rather, from Alexandra Nikolaevna’s student, Mikhail Nikolaevich Shchetinin.

At the same time, beware of scammers and other schools - this is what Shchetinin himself warns due to the fact that recently cases of speculation on the fundamentals of the skill of the Soviet opera singer have become more frequent. And there were even cases when incorrect execution of movements led to deterioration in the health of patients.

For those of you who don’t want to dive too deeply into the basics of the complex, but still want to get a therapeutic and prophylactic effect, there is a set of simple and safe Strelnikov exercises that can be performed based on this video.

11 exercises

You need to start classes from the first three levels, preferably 2 times a day. Add 1 exercise every day. At the beginning, you can rest between movements for 10 seconds, then reduce it to 2-3. The movements are performed in 12 sets of 8 breaths.

Inhalation is done through the nose. It should be sharp, short and deep. Exhalation through the mouth should be passive.

You can take 3 basic exercises. These are exercises No. 5, 4, 3.

Exercise Description
No. 1 - Palms
Stand up straight, bend your elbows, palms forward. Take rhythmic breaths through your nose (4 in a row), clenching your palms into fists. Lower your arms and rest for 4 seconds. Exhale freely through your mouth. 24 approaches in any position (lying, standing or sitting). If difficulties arise, increase the rest to 10 seconds.
No. 2 - Epaulets
Stand straight, press your hands to your stomach, clenching your fists. Inhaling, you sharply push your fists down, tensing your shoulders. Return your arms back to waist level, relax your shoulders as you exhale. 8 breaths – pause 4 seconds. (12 x 8).
No. 3 - Pump
Stand straight, feet at shoulder distance, arms down along the body. Perform a slight bend forward (back rounded, head down), stretch your hands to the floor without reaching it. Inhale at the same time as you bend over. Then exhale, not straightening up completely. The rate of inclines is from 100 per minute. (12 x 8). If you suffer from head or back injuries, do not bend over too much.
No. 4 - Cat
Stand up straight, feet shoulder-distance apart. Squat down a little, turning to the right and taking a sharp breath. Return to your original position. Repeat the movement to the left. The knees are slightly bent, the hands perform grabbing movements. Keep your back straight and turn at the waist. (12 x 8).
#5 - Hug your shoulders
In a standing position, bend your elbows and raise them to shoulder level. Take a sharp breath, hugging yourself by the shoulders without crossing your arms. (12 x 8). If it’s hard, perform 4 movements.
No. 6 - Large pendulum
Stand straight, legs apart, narrower than shoulders. Lean forward, stretching your arms toward the floor and inhaling. Then you come back, wrap your arms around your shoulders and inhale again. (12 x 8). Can be performed while sitting. If you have diseases of the spine, you should not bend backwards.
No. 7 - Head turns
Stand straight, legs narrower than shoulders. Turn your head to the right - inhale, to the left - inhale. Exhale between breaths. (12 x 8).
No. 8 - Ears
Stand up straight, legs narrower than shoulders. Tilt your head to the right, touching your ear to your shoulder - inhale, head to the left - inhale. Exhale between breaths. (12 x 8).
No. 9 - Pendulum head
Stand straight, legs narrower than shoulders. Tilt your head forward, looking at the floor, inhale, back (looking up) – inhale. Exhale between breaths. (12 x 8).
No. 10 - Rolls
Stand up straight, left leg forward, right leg back. Transfer your body weight to your left leg, bend your right leg and place it on your toe. Squat on your left leg while inhaling strongly. Straighten your leg and shift your weight to your right. Squat on your right leg, inhaling. (12 x 8).
#11 - Steps
Front step. Stand straight, feet at shoulder distance. Raise your left leg, bending it at the knee, to your stomach (the toe stretches down). Squat on your right leg while inhaling noisily. Take the starting position. Repeat with the other leg. 8 times 8 breaths. Rear step. Bend your left leg at the knee, reaching your buttocks with your heel. Squat on your right leg and inhale. Repeat with the other leg. 4 times 8 breaths. For limb injuries, thrombophlebitis, heart disease, raise your legs low, pause for 10 seconds.

Strelnikova’s world-famous breathing exercises date back to 30-40 years, and were then positioned as a way to restore the voice (A.N. Strelnikova was a singer). Officially registered in 1972 and received a patent examination: the author, Alexandra Nikolaevna, was issued a special certificate recognizing the method as therapeutic.

The respiratory organs are responsible for 4 human functions/capabilities: breathing, speaking, screaming and singing. The most difficult part is singing. This means that if breathing exercises can restore the voice, then they can also restore simpler functions, including relates to breathing, will have an even greater positive effect. The guess was proven in practice - thanks to this method, Strelnikova’s student and follower, Mikhail Shchetkin, got rid of bronchial asthma, which tormented him for many years.

The essence and positive effects of gymnastics

Gymnastics is one of a kind in its technique and gives truly amazing results.

  • Inhale - during all exercises short, sharp, noisy inhalation through the nose(3 breaths within 2 seconds), which is performed at the peak of movements (exercises) compressing the chest.
  • Exhale - you need to exhale voluntarily, through the mouth. Exhalation is passive, or rather, you cannot concentrate on it at all: it is believed that the body itself will throw out excess air.

During classes, all parts of the body are involved in work, which causes a general, pronounced physiological reaction of the body and, accordingly, an increased need for oxygen.

  • All exercises are performed in parallel with breathing. This leads to increased tissue respiration and helps all tissues of the body better absorb oxygen and activate all metabolic processes.
  • A special inhalation leads to irritation of a large area of ​​receptors located on the nasal mucosa. The receptor zone provides reflex connections between the nasal cavity and almost all organs. This determines the widest range of effects of exercises, helps in the treatment of various diseases of almost all organs and systems, but they have the strongest effect on the respiratory system and are especially relevant for bronchitis, asthma, and acute respiratory viral infections.
  • Inhalation “sends” the inhaled air to the deepest parts of the bronchi, due to which the lungs are completely filled with air. The vital capacity of the lungs increases by 0.1-0.3 liters after the 1st lesson. The gas composition of the blood is normalized, arterial blood contains more oxygen. Since inhalations occur parallel to active movements, the diaphragm is also fully involved in the work. As you know, this is the strongest muscle that is involved in both breathing and sound production. The so-called diaphragmatic massage of almost all abdominal organs is also implemented.
  • At the same time, the cerebral cortex is also saturated with oxygen, which leads to an improvement in the functioning of all centers that regulate the functions of the body.
  • The process of self-regulation of metabolic processes is being implemented.

Mechanism of action

The most important feature of the exercises is the use of forced inhalation involving the diaphragm. During training, concentration on the breaths is mandatory: you need to think about them, you should concentrate on them, and you should count them.

A large number of repetitions (1-5 thousand breaths-movements in 60 minutes) and regular, daily training (twice a day, morning and evening) within 12-15 sessions guarantee strengthening of the respiratory muscles, restoration of respiratory function, strengthening of the chest muscles, and the beginning of elimination of spinal deformities (full normalization will require more time).

A significant load does not lead to the accumulation of lactic acid in the muscles, which means there is no pain during and after exercise.

Let us dwell in more detail on the benefits of exercise for diseases of the bronchopulmonary system. An increase in the excursion of the chest leads to an increase in its suction effect. This improves lymph and blood circulation. Hyperventilation of the lungs leads to mechanical stretching of the broncho-alveolar link and activates the resorption of exudate. The development of the adhesive process is stopped, atelectasis is straightened out. Regular exercises can significantly reduce the amount of drug therapy, and in some cases, completely abandon it (for bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis).

Advantages of the method

  • No material costs or special conditions for classes.
  • There is an almost complete absence of contraindications, which we will mention below, including age-related ones. The exceptions are severe, bedridden patients, patients in a coma, very young children who, due to their age, are not able to understand the technique.
  • In addition to the direct therapeutic effect, exercise relieves fatigue, increases vitality, gives a great mood, invigorates, and improves memory. These “bonuses” are especially important for students, schoolchildren, and people employed in stressful professions.
  • Combination with familiar cyclic exercises such as running, walking, swimming.
  • Possibility of parallel drug treatment.
  • Restoration of altered organs and systems and prevention of diseases.
  • Breathing, which occurs during movement, allows you to restore the energy balance of the body.
  • The preventive use of the method in schoolchildren can reduce the incidence of ARVI by 2-4 times.
  • In just 10-15 minutes of the most simple activities, a completely different feeling appears: a person feels light, cheerful and in a great mood. This means that in a minimum period of time, completely free of charge, you can get the maximum result. And at the current pace of life, this is very important!


“Paradoxical gymnastics” (that’s what it’s called) is indicated for almost all diseases and any health problems. Main indications for breathing training:

  • neurotic conditions and chronic depression;
  • stuttering;
  • myopia;
  • inflammation of the lungs and bronchi;
  • bronchial asthma, COPD;
  • vasomotor rhinitis in acute and chronic forms;
  • ARVI;
  • diseases of an allergic nature, including;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • heart diseases;
  • hypertension;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • history of heart attacks and strokes;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • headache;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including scoliosis;
  • disorders of the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • inflammatory skin diseases;
  • pregnancy period;
  • obesity. Recommended for weight loss with slight excess body weight;
  • smoking.

In addition to improving the condition of various respiratory diseases: bronchial asthma, COPD, chronic bronchitis, etc., gymnastics helps:

  • For the spine- training helps eliminate stoop, helps create a springy, easy gait, makes the body flexible and flexible. With regular and constant practice, Strelnikova’s gymnastics for children and adolescents with scoliosis and postural disorders give very good results.
  • Restoring nasal breathing even in those patients who did not benefit from surgery - one of the many positive effects. Even with free nasal passages, patients continue to habitually breathe through their mouths due to the fact that they have formed a complex of conditioned reflex connections in which the higher parts of the central nervous system take part. To consolidate the once lost skill of nasal breathing, time and perseverance of the patient are required. It is in this case that a special breathing technique is simply irreplaceable and helps to significantly shorten the recovery period.
  • Vision - exercises stop the decline in vision, and in a good situation they can improve it by 2-3 diopters. This allows children and adults with myopia to preserve their vision and improve its sharpness.
  • Stuttering - breathing exercises change the breathing pattern, producing an extremely deep breath. If you also carry out special sound exercises in parallel with this, you can achieve good results with stuttering.
  • Smell - stimulation of the large reflexogenic area of ​​the nasal mucosa provides a reflex connection with the olfactory center. This allows you to improve your sense of smell.
  • Genitourinary system— Strelnikova’s gymnastics exercises have an excellent tonic and strengthening effect on the genitourinary system:
    • Eliminate enuresis, help normalize the menstrual cycle and eliminate pain during menstruation.
    • Training has an excellent therapeutic effect for varicocele in adolescents and young men. Exercises from the “Urological Complex” and special massage can eliminate phimosis and cryptorchidism.
    • In most cases, deep breathing helps to normalize sexual function and increase potency, especially in young men.
    • With regular use of the same “Urological complex” it is possible to get rid of such a diagnosis as chronic prostatitis.
    • The so-called “Gynecological complex” helps in the treatment of female diseases - uterine fibroids, tubal obstruction, endometriosis, ovarian cysts.
    • Numerous positive examples of the use of training during pregnancy make it possible to use it in this category of the population.
  • Postoperative period— for some time, this technique was actively used in the surgical departments of City Clinical Hospital No. 50 in Moscow. All patients showed a high healing effect after interventions for excision of inguinal hernias. In general, training in the early postoperative period after gastrectomy, removal of the gallbladder, hysterectomy, and appendectomy helped facilitate the fastest and complete healing of postoperative sutures.
  • For tuberculosis - at the Central Research Institute of Tuberculosis of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, at the beginning of 1992, a scientific experiment was conducted to introduce the Strelnikovsky breathing technique into the complex of treatment and rehabilitation of adolescents suffering from pulmonary tuberculosis. Significant improvements in ECG, hemodynamics and respiratory function were noted. There was a rapid resorption of infiltrative foci and the healing period of decay cavities was shortened. Until now, this method is officially used in the complex treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis in children and adolescents.

Positive reviews from doctors about Strelnikova’s gymnastics and the official recognition of the method as therapeutic are the best guarantee of the effectiveness of the training. But, like any other treatment method, training requires regularity and adherence to technique.

Training can be done simultaneously with the use of drug therapy. Completely healthy people can use Strelnikova’s method for prevention.


  • Acute conditions with elevated body temperature;
  • Severe pathologies and general unsatisfactory condition;
  • Acute thrombophlebitis;
  • Internal bleeding.

In any case, if you have a chronic or acute pathology, it is not recommended to prescribe this training yourself without first consulting your doctor.

Features of the exercises and what is needed to perform them

How to learn to breathe according to Strelnikova?

To learn special breathing techniques and exercises, it is best to watch Strelnikova’s gymnastics on video: the proverb is relevant here that it is better to see once than to hear 100 times. Plus it's free. The technique is simple, both children and elderly people can easily master it.

The main condition for exercise is access to fresh air, that is, it is best to conduct training in the fresh air or on the balcony, at least with open vents or windows.

What is the paradox of the method? During inhalation, the chest is in a compressed state, and not in its usual expanded state. Despite this, the workout does not cause fatigue, and ventilation increases fivefold.

  • Breathing technique: vigorous inhalation - passive exhalation.
  • Air is inhaled through the nose noisily and quickly, like sniffing; exhalation occurs through a half-open mouth without effort.
  • All movements are performed synchronously with inhalations.

How often to do breathing exercises

As a method of treatment, training is carried out twice a day, 1500 breaths each, morning and evening, before meals or an hour after eating.

As a method of prevention, “breathe” in the morning, replacing the generally accepted morning exercises, or in the evening to eliminate the fatigue that has accumulated during the day. Simple and affordable exercises perfectly train the entire body, from head to toe, providing a rush of blood to the internal organs. This determines the wide list of indications for Strelnikova’s breathing exercises.

Timetable of classes:

  • It’s better to start with the first 3 exercises and perform them 2 times a day.
  • Every day you need to add one exercise from the complex until all 11 techniques are included.
  • The rest between movements should initially be 10-15 seconds; by the end of mastering the complex, this break should be 3-5 seconds.
  • Training is carried out throughout life: they replace traditional morning exercises, fitness and other sports.

A set of exercises according to Strelnikova in pictures

In just 8 minutes a day, you can gradually recover from diseases that have deprived a person of a normal and fulfilling life for a long time and required serious drug therapy (or, at least, significantly improve your health). Below we will describe all the exercises, but it is better to watch the video for a more clear and understandable technique. You can also watch Strelnikova’s gymnastics in pictures.

Under no circumstances should you independently cancel medical prescriptions or refuse medications prescribed for treatment. You should also discuss the possibility of using the Strelnikova method with your doctor.

Remember: you need to inhale strongly, sharply, through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, arbitrarily. The frequency of movements is 100-120 per minute, the duration of the lesson is half an hour. Movements (exercises) from 2 to 10 are done in 12 approaches of 8 breaths (total 96).

1. Palms

Stand straight, bend your elbows and place your palms up. Take 4 rhythmic breaths, clenching your palms into fists. Lower your arms and rest for 4 seconds. Exhale freely through your mouth. Do 24 approaches.

2. Shoulder straps

Stand straight, clench your hands into fists and press them to your stomach. As you inhale, push your fists down, tensing your shoulders. Then return your arms back and relax them as you exhale. 8 breaths - then 4 seconds of rest.

3. Pump

Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along your body. Bend forward and stretch your hands towards the floor, but do not reach it. Inhale simultaneously with the tilt, and you need to exhale while straightening, but you should not straighten completely. Bend over 100 times for 1 minute.

4. Cat

Stand straight, legs narrower than shoulder-length. Sit down a little, turn to the right and take a sharp breath. Return to original position. Repeat the movement to the left. At the same time, the hands perform grasping movements. Keep your back straight, turn at the waist.

5. Shoulder Hugging

In a standing position, bend your elbows and raise them to shoulder level. Take a sharp breath, hugging yourself by the shoulders, but without crossing your arms. If it’s hard, do 4 movements.

6. Big pendulum

Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-length. Lean forward, stretch your arms towards the floor, while inhaling. Then go back, wrap your arms around your shoulders and inhale again.

7. Head turns

Stand straight, legs narrower than shoulder-length. Turn your head to the right - inhale, turn your head to the left - inhale. Exhale between breaths.

8. Ears

Stand straight, legs narrower than shoulder-length. Tilt your head to the right, touch your ear to your shoulder, inhale, head to the left - inhale. Exhale between breaths.

9. Pendulum head

Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-length. Tilt your head forward and look at the floor, inhale. Back, stroking upward, inhale again. Exhale between breaths.

10. Rolls

Stand straight, put your left leg forward and take your right leg back. Transfer your body weight to your left leg, bend your right leg and place it on your toe. Squat down on your left leg while inhaling strongly. Straighten your leg and shift your weight to your right leg. Squat down on your right leg, inhaling.

11. Steps

  1. Front. Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-length. Raise your left leg, bending it at the knee, to your stomach (while the toe is pulled down). Squat down on your right leg while inhaling noisily. Return to starting position. Repeat with the other leg. 8 times 8 breaths.
  2. Rear . Bend your left leg at the knee, while reaching your buttocks with your heel. Squat down on your right leg and inhale. Repeat with the other leg. 4 times 8 breaths.

Such a simple complex is a real treasure trove of health for the patient and persistent. We will be glad to hear your feedback about Strelnikova’s breathing in the comments to the article and the results that were achieved with this or that disease.

Video set of gymnastics exercises by Strelnikova