If a woman has increased hairiness. Hypertrichosis - hairiness in women, men, boys, girls: signs, causes, treatment. How to get rid of excess hair? – Why does such hairiness appear?

- This is excessive growth of hair shafts in women, caused by male sex hormones - androgens.

There are two types of hair in humans: vellus and shaft. Cannon hair grow from one type of hair follicle. The structure of vellus hair is delicate, thin and short. Shaft hair they sprout from another type of hair follicle. This type of hair is pigmented, the hair is hard, coarse, and thicker. Under the influence of male sex hormones, hair bulbs (follicles) of the first type can turn into bulbs of the second type, and, accordingly, coarse hair of the rod type will grow from them.

Where do hair shafts normally grow in women?

Where do the hair shafts grow on the body of normal adult women? First of all, such shaft hair is present on the scalp and eyebrows. Associated with the action of androgens, such hair grows in the armpits and pubic area. The growth of shaft hair on the shins and forearms is considered to be unrelated to the effects of male sex hormones. The occurrence of hair shaft growth in other areas of the body can be regarded as hirsutism.

The difference between hirsutism and hypertrichosis (excessive hair growth)

It should be noted that hirsutism must be distinguished from excess hair growth ( hypertrichosis). Hypertrichosis in contrast to hirsutism, it is characterized by increased growth of vellus hair. This growth of vellus hair is not associated with the action of androgens and may be the result of various metabolic and endocrine disorders (for example, with insufficient thyroid function), taking certain medications (minoxidil and others), and, finally, hereditary and constitutional characteristics. The exception is the so-called idiopathic hirsutism, which is not associated with hormonal imbalance. It must be said that slight hair growth on the upper lip, around the nipples, along the midline of the abdomen from the pubis to the navel or just above the navel is often observed in endocrinologically healthy women.

The connection between hirsutism and hyperandrogenism (increased levels of male sex hormones in the blood)
Hirsutism is one of the most persistent and often one of the earliest symptoms of hyperandrogenism.

Hyperandrogenism is a condition of the body in which there is an increase in the concentration of male sex hormones (androgens). That is, the concept of hirsutism is closely related to the concept of hyperandrogenism. Hyperandrogenism is the result of significant disturbances in the complex system of regulation of sexual function, which includes the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, ovaries and adrenal glands.

What can hyperandrogenism lead to?

This condition is usually accompanied by a number of consequences and complications, including, in addition to hirsutism, menstrual irregularities, metabolic disorders, miscarriage, and quite often, infertility. The most common cause of lack of ovulation in women suffering from infertility is hyperandrogenism. Depending on the age at which the factors leading to hyperandrogenism begin to act, various clinical manifestations of the disease develop. These manifestations range from disruption and prolongation of the second phase of the menstrual cycle to chronic absence of ovulation in combination with hirsutism, all kinds of metabolic disorders, miscarriage and infertility. In addition to disorders of sexual and reproductive functions, hyperandrogenism can lead to the development of pathologies of various non-genital organs. This condition significantly increases the risk of developing cancer of the mammary glands, uterine mucosa (endometrium), diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, and myocardial infarction.

How common is hirsutism?
Among the adult population, the incidence of hirsutism is 25-30% (with the exception of Asian women and residents of northern countries). Hirsutism is not always associated with androgenism. However, the presence of hair growth on the back, shoulders, chest and upper abdomen may indicate that in this case hirsutism is accompanied by hyperandrogenism.

The main causes of facial hair in women

The main reason is hormones
Since increased body hair growth is often accompanied by other skin changes, namely, an increase in oiliness, as well as the appearance of acne, pimples and seborrhea, women often turn to a dermatologist or cosmetologist for help. These specialists regard the skin manifestations described as hyperandrogenic dermatopathy. However, many studies show that patients with hyperandrogenism are treated for a long time and, often without effect, by therapists, dermatologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, pediatricians and neurologists. What is the reason for this state of affairs? It's all about the very wide variety of clinical manifestations of the disease.

Types of hormones that lead to the appearance of facial hair in women
The fact is that determining the source of increased androgen production is quite difficult. The situation is complicated by the fact that androgens in the female body are produced by both the ovaries and the adrenal glands. And hormones produced by the ovaries and adrenal glands have similar clinical effects.

What organs and what diseases cause excess hormones in hirsutism?

Why does such a malfunction occur and the ovaries or adrenal glands begin to produce androgens in increased quantities? In other words, what are the main causes of hyperandrogenism? There is a so-called adrenal androgenism And ovarian.

  1. – is caused by increased synthesis of androgens by the adrenal cortex, which occurs with congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex. This condition of adrenal hyperplasia is observed in the following pathologies:
  • congenital adrenogenital syndrome
  • premature puberty
  • congenital dysfunction of the adrenal cortex
  • hormone-producing tumors of the adrenal cortex
  1. Ovarian hyperandrogenism– is caused by increased production of androgens in various types of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), as well as the synthesis of androgens by hormonally active ovarian tumors.
In addition to ovarian and adrenal androgenism, there are two more types of this pathological condition, which are also associated with increased production of androgens. However, the increase in synthetic activity does not occur due to direct damage to the ovaries or adrenal glands. These types of hyperandrogenism include the following:
  1. Hyperproduction of androgens caused by damage to various central levels of regulation of the reproductive system. Such central regulators of the reproductive system, localized in the brain, include the hypothalamic-pituitary system. Due to damage to the hypothalamic-pituitary system, pathological conditions such as Itsenko-Cushing's disease, Morgagni-Stuart-Morel syndrome and others develop.
  2. Hyperandrogenism, caused by a violation of the exchange of male sex hormones in peripheral tissues (skin), as well as a violation of the receptor interaction “androgen - hormone receptor” in the skin.

What are steroid hormones? Where and from what are steroids synthesized?

To better understand the processes occurring in the body with an excess of androgens, let’s consider the general concepts of what androgens are, the mechanism and places of their synthesis, as well as the biological effects of male sex hormones.
Androgens are steroid hormones. In addition to androgens, steroid hormones include estrogens and corticosteroids (adrenal hormones). The main representatives of androgens are testosterone and androstenedione. Steroid hormones are produced by the testes, ovaries and adrenal glands. These glands have a common embryonic origin. Subsequently, during embryonic development during pregnancy and complex stages of development, each of the mentioned glands (testes, ovaries, adrenal glands) begins to specialize in the primary synthesis of one of the types of steroid hormones - estrogens, androgens or corticosteroids. Estrogens and androgens are synthesized from a precursor common to all steroid hormones - cholesterol.

The entire process of formation of each steroid hormone in the entire synthesis chain is controlled by a strictly defined set of enzymes. Due to this control, differences in the form of the synthesized steroid, which predominate in the ovaries, testes, and adrenal glands, begin to appear already at the stage of development of the gonads (testes and ovaries) and adrenal glands during embryonic development in the womb.
Both the ovaries and adrenal glands, as well as peripheral tissues, contribute to the production of male sex hormones by producing androgens in varying quantitative ratios.

Where and how androgens are formed in ovaries?

Mainly, the process of androgen synthesis occurs in the stromal tissue of the ovary, and in the cells of the thecal membrane of the follicles at certain stages of follicle development. Androgens are formed from progesterone, followed by transformation into cholesterol. From the androgens themselves, estrogens are synthesized, which enhance the growth of the follicle and lead to the formation of a dominant follicle. The importance of androgen synthesis by the stromal component of the ovary is especially evident during the period of extinction of menstrual function, when the so-called “cellular” component of the ovaries - a set of follicles at different stages of their development - contracts.

With hyperplasia of the ovarian stroma or the appearance of a hormone-forming tumor, testosterone begins to be synthesized in increased quantities.

Where and how are androgens formed in the adrenal glands?

The main adrenal androgens are dehydroepiandrosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate. Adrenal androgens begin to be formed in the adrenal glands of the fetus during intrauterine development. The site of androgen synthesis is the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex. If before puberty this zone is poorly developed, then in the period from 5 to 10 years its intensive development occurs with the production of androgens and the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics (hair growth of the armpits and pubis).

What effects do androgens have on peripheral tissues?

Hormones exert their influence in places where there are receptors for them. Androgen receptors are present in the structures of the central nervous system, male reproductive tract, bones, muscles, sebaceous glands of the skin, hair follicles and mammary glands.

It is believed that testosterone, together with estrogens at the level of the central nervous system, affects sexual desire (libido). Androgens have an effect on the mammary gland that is opposite to the effect of estrogens, as a result of which the gland tissue does not develop enough. This picture is observed in women who had an excess of androgens at the beginning of puberty (for example, with adrenal hyperplasia).
The influence of androgens leads to an increase in muscle mass, growth of long bones in length, and an increase in bone density.

The target of androgens in women is the skin. As a result of the effect on the hair follicles localized on the face and body, delicate vellus hair turns into coarse and hard, pigmented hair.
As mentioned above, hyperandrogenism is not an independent disease. It is part of a complex of metabolic disorders that are inherent in one or another pathological condition. And hirsutism, we repeat, is the most characteristic manifestation of increased androgen production.

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) as a cause of hirsutism

Incidence of polycystic ovaries. Clinical symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome. Triad of Stein-Leventhal syndrome

Let us consider the increased production of androgens by the ovaries, since this pathological condition occurs most often in the population compared to other hyperandrogenic syndromes.

The classic manifestation of this pathological condition is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). This pathology is quite common in gynecological practice, mostly in women with infertility and menstrual irregularities. The phenomenon of so-called “cystic ovarian degeneration” was noticed back in 1845. Also at the end of the 19th century, wedge resection or removal of the ovaries was proposed to reduce the level of androgens they produce. In 1935, a triad of symptoms was described that included obesity, polycystic ovaries, and failure to ovulate. This triad is called Stein-Leventhal syndrome. The frequency of this syndrome among women of fertile age is 3-11%, and among patients with infertility - 18-20%. In women suffering from various menstrual irregularities and having hirsutism, polycystic ovary syndrome is detected in more than 60% of cases.

Causes and mechanism of development of polycystic ovary syndrome

This syndrome is based on primary damage to the central structures (hypothalamic-pituitary system) that regulate menstrual function. A connection has been identified between the onset of the disease and the debut of sexual activity, change of place of residence, physical and mental overload, childbirth, abortion, various intoxications - that is, various stressors. Violation of central regulatory mechanisms can occur due to acute or chronic infection, poisoning in the periods before and during puberty.

Of great importance is the increased level of androgen secretion several years before the onset of the first menstruation (menarche). Excess adrenal androgens are converted to estrogens, and their increased levels ultimately stimulate increased production of androgens in the ovaries, the overproduction of which becomes self-sustaining. That is, the so-called vicious circle closes.

The onset of the disease, as a rule, coincides with the onset of menstruation (menarche) or at a time close to it. Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) in the vast majority of patients with similar disorders in the system of regulation of sexual function reveals polycystic changes in the ovaries. On the other hand, many authors attach great importance in the occurrence of cystic changes in the ovaries to disorders of fat metabolism (obesity), since the transformation of androgens into estrogens occurs in adipose tissue. And an excess of estrogens produced in the periphery leads to disruption of the hormone-producing function of the ovaries. Additional factors in the development of polycystic ovary syndrome are: increased insulin production and insulin resistance. This means that during a glucose loading test there is a significant increase in the amount of androgens. An important role in the development of polycystic ovary syndrome is played by defects in specific enzyme systems that ensure normal synthesis of steroid hormones.

With such types of endocrine pathology as, for example, decreased thyroid function, the development of polycystic ovary syndrome can also occur.

How to determine the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome?

In isolation, neither an ultrasound examination (cystic ovaries according to ultrasound data), nor a hormonal study, which determines the levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) with the calculation of the LH/FSH ratio, can be the only criteria for the diagnosis - “polycystic syndrome.” ovaries". The situation is such that this diagnosis is made much more often than it actually occurs. The criteria for the diagnosis of polycystic ovary syndrome are divided into clinical, hormonal, ultrasound and histological.

TO clinical symptoms Polycystic ovary syndrome should include menstrual irregularities with lack of ovulation, the presence of hirsutism, and an increase in body mass index of more than 25 points.

Ultrasound criteria(ultrasound criteria) - a decrease in the size of the uterus in combination with an increase in the volume of the ovaries.

Hormonal criteria of this syndrome are as follows: hyperandrogenism (increased concentration of testosterone, dehydroepiandrosterone in the blood), an increase in the LH/FSH ratio of more than 2.5, a decreased content of progesterone in the luteal phase (second) of the menstrual cycle.

Histological criteria polycystic ovary syndrome - examination of the condition of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity after separate diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity and cervical canal reveals atrophic or dysplastic changes in the endometrium or, on the contrary, endometrial hyperplasia. Pathomorphological criteria - thickening of capillaries in the ovarian tissue, thickening of the ovarian membrane, an abundance of ripening and atretic follicles (after surgical treatment).

Adrenal hyperandrogenism

Forms of adrenal hyperandrogenism

Let us now consider the increased production of androgens by the adrenal glands.
As a rule, it occurs with congenital hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex. This pathology is a hereditary disease and is associated with a congenital defect of enzyme systems necessary for the synthesis of sex steroid hormones. This defect can be complete or partial. With a complete defect, the organism is not viable. In case of incomplete blocking, as a result of interaction in the adrenal glands - hypothalamus - pituitary gland, excessive synthesis of androgens occurs with simultaneous hyperplasia (relatively speaking, an increase in volume) of the adrenal cortex. These disorders form the clinical picture of this syndrome.

Distinguish viril, salt-wasting and hypertonic forms hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex. We will dwell in more detail on the viril form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia syndrome.

Viril form of adrenal hyperandrogenism

This form is diagnosed in 90-95% of cases. The diagnosis can be made immediately after birth after examining the girl’s genitals (enlarged clitoris, underdevelopment of the labia, etc.). However, in 43% of girls the diagnosis is made with a significant delay. The reason for visiting a doctor in these cases is the signs of premature puberty that appear, usually at the age of 4-5 years. The development of this syndrome at a later date indicates a hidden or compensated disorder in the synthesis of androgens. As a rule, the impetus for the manifestation of the disease is stressors, neuroinfections, various intoxications, traumatic brain injuries, hormonal stress (abortion, spontaneous miscarriages), and sometimes childbirth.

There is a hereditary predisposition to congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Signs of a burdened heredity are the presence in the family of short women with menstrual dysfunction, infertility, and impaired sexual development.

Principles of treatment hyperandrogenism

In the treatment of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome, great importance is attached to the correction of endocrine disorders - weight loss and the use of insulin-lowering drugs. In the presence of hyperprolactinemia (increased concentration of prolactin in the blood) - dopamine agonist drugs, glucocorticoids and antiandrogens.

First of all, to begin treatment for polycystic ovary syndrome, it is necessary to normalize body weight. This is the first and key step in the treatment of this pathological condition, since normalizing body weight will indirectly lead to the normalization of all types of metabolism. When drawing up a diet for weight correction, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the maximum calorie content of daily food should not exceed 2000 kcal. Moreover, the ratio of the main nutrients should be as follows: carbohydrates - 50%, proteins - 18%, fats - 32%. Moreover, 2/3 of consumed fats should be represented by polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3, omega-6).
In the treatment of patients with congenital adrenal hyperplasia, the main role belongs to hormone replacement therapy. Treatment is most effective if started before age 7 years. For this purpose, glucocorticoid preparations are used.

It must be remembered that all issues related to the diagnosis and treatment of hyperandrogenism often lie within the competence of doctors of various specialties (gynecologists, endocrinologists, dermatologists, pediatricians), therefore adequate therapy is the result of an integrated, balanced approach to solving the diagnostic and therapeutic problem.

Excessive hair growth often occurs in those women who suffer from an excess of male sex hormones, which have the common name androgens. As you already know, they are normally produced by both male and female bodies and play an important role in their life.

Their participation in the maturation of bone tissue, the production of growth factors, insulin and other biological substances has been proven. Along with this, they are responsible for sexual desire (libido) and potency (in men), stimulate the functions of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. When their content is normal, they determine the growth of hair on the pubis and armpits.

But when for some reason there are more of them in the female body (hyperandrogenemia) than is necessary for physiological needs, all sorts of troubles begin.

Clinical manifestations

With a pronounced increase in androgen production, women begin to acquire some external characteristics characteristic of men. Erased forms of increased androgens often cause infertility, menstrual irregularities, miscarriage and other problems in women. Hyperandrogenemia poses the greatest danger as an increased risk factor for the development of various diseases, including such serious ones as diabetes, obesity, tumors, cardiovascular diseases, etc.

Purely cosmetic manifestations of this problem cause a lot of trouble for women. The fact is that androgens increase the activity of the sebaceous glands. This often leads to their blockage and inflammation. As a result, acne appears in excess on the face and body - acne, which cannot be dealt with either by wiping, or masks, or micro-polishing.

Excess androgens can also lead to the development hirsutism- excess hair growth according to the male type. The woman begins to grow a mustache, and coarse dark hair appears on her chin, chest, arms and legs.

In addition, oily porous skin, increased hair loss, and often weight gain are a concern.


As New Zealand researchers found out, most of the great discoveries were made by young bachelors who, after getting married, “give up” on science. Moreover, the same situation is observed with robbers - most of them become law-abiding,

In the world, according to literature, 15-30% of women have certain signs of hyperandrogenemia. To date, no explanation has been found for such a high frequency of increased androgen levels among women, especially the European race. Of course, the worsening environmental situation, the widespread and sometimes uncontrolled use of medications, including during pregnancy, play a role; some attribute this to excessive insolation (suntanning) and other factors.

Diagnosis and treatment of this condition is at the intersection of many branches of medicine: obstetrics and gynecology, endocrinology, dermatology, etc.

Androgens can be formed in the ovaries, adrenal glands and other organs and tissues. And therefore, the main task of the doctor - identifying the source of increased hormone production - is often very difficult.

Tumors of the adrenal glands and ovaries, hermaphroditism, testicular feminization syndrome, adrenal hyperplasia, polycystic ovaries - this is an incomplete list of those complex diseases that are associated with a significant disruption in the production and synthesis of androgens.

Therefore, I would like to emphasize how important it is to consult a specialist in time, before the disease has progressed too far. If you begin to notice any changes in your appearance, unmotivated weight gain, or your menstrual cycle is disrupted, do not delay, visit a gynecologist-endocrinologist. He will prescribe an appropriate examination and help you cope with the disorders occurring in your body.


To eliminate the symptoms associated with increased androgen production, medications called antiandrogens are currently used.

However, the treatment of each of the above conditions requires careful diagnosis, and the use of antiandrogens in some cases is certainly not the leading method of treatment.

Complex treatment involves a number of medical interventions: from removal of tumors of the adrenal glands or ovaries to long-term (sometimes lifelong) use of corticosteroids (,).

The use of antiandrogen drugs is an effective remedy for mild forms of hirsutism or acne.

Among these drugs there is a unique drug of its kind that can be used not only for the treatment of hyperandrogenism, but also as a combined oral contraceptive. Many of you have already realized that we will talk about Diana-35.

The main indications for the use of Diane-35 are contraception in women suffering from mild to moderate hyperandrogenism (acne, hair loss).

Diane-35 has also found use in the treatment of women with polycystic ovaries. It is necessary in this case to regulate the menstrual cycle and reduce the size of the ovaries.

The traditional regimen for using Diane-35, like any combined contraceptive, involves taking it on a 21-day regimen, followed by a 7-day break and repeating the regimen of the previous cycle.

As a rule, with mild degrees of hyperandrogenism, the effect of the drug appears after 3 months (the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized and acne begins to subside, the skin gradually becomes smooth and clean).

A slowdown in hair growth is observed after 6-12 months from the start of treatment. A good effect was observed by women who performed epilation (hair removal) while taking the drug, after which the hair not only grew more slowly, but also became thinner and lighter.

I would like to emphasize that you should not focus on the rapid effect of the drug in relation to hirsutism, on the effect of “hair loss”. Of course, in addition to using the drug, the use of appropriate cosmetic procedures is usually required.
With severe excess hair growth a combination of Diane-35 with the drug Androcur, which has a stronger effect, is prescribed.

In conclusion, I would like to note that treatment for this condition must be long-term, it is not always possible to achieve the desired effect, and after cessation of treatment, some signs of the disease may reappear.

Sevostyanova Oksana Sergeevna

Medical experts call severe hair growth in women hypertrichosis or hirsutism. The terms refer to a disease in which hair grows excessively on the patient's body and face.
Hirsutism is a disease in which women develop male pattern hair. Hair begins to grow in unnatural places - on the back, stomach, décolleté and chin.

The main causes of hypertrichosis in women

Increased hairiness in a girl usually occurs due to a large amount of male sex hormones in the body. Hair follicles are extremely sensitive to androgenic (male) hormones.
Often, excessive hair growth is caused by the development of tumors in the adrenal glands or ovaries. In another case, a woman has been taking certain medications and is experiencing side effects. Therapeutic therapy should include elimination of tumors or discontinuation of medications. Additionally, the doctor may prescribe the girl glucocorticosteroid medications.
In addition to drug therapy, a woman can use cosmetic treatments, such as removing excess hair on the body and face or camouflaging it. If the excess hair is light and there is not very much of it, you can bleach it with hydrogen peroxide. Other women prefer to use epilation or depilation.
Increased hairiness can manifest itself in rapid growth of hair above the upper lip. If a young girl, before reaching puberty, begins to grow quickly and abundantly hair on her arms and legs, doctors talk about pathology.
Hypertrichosis manifests differently in women of different races and ages. Europeans and Asians have always differed from each other in terms of hair growth. Increased hairiness can be acquired or congenital.

Possible causes of hypertrichosis in girls:

Malfunctions of the ovaries;
Development of polycystic ovarian changes;
Diseases of the adrenal glands;
Beginning of menopause;
Hormonal therapy;
Skin diseases;
The emergence of oncological pathologies;
Changes in metabolism.
There are many reasons for hair growth, so only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis and only after a series of studies.
With hirsutism, the excess hair growing on a woman's body is noticeably dark and coarse. Often, such a disease develops against the background of cancer, with an increased concentration of male hormones, with an unfavorable family history, with certain drug therapies, or due to an unknown etiology.
Increased hairiness in a girl is treated completely differently than in a mature woman. The doctor may advise the girl to take oral hormonal contraceptives, which inhibit the secretion of male sex hormones. In this case, the dose of estrogen is usually low to prevent the development of side effects. Treatment for a fifty-year-old woman, for example, requires a different approach. If the patient suffers from high blood pressure, smokes a lot and has a history of predisposition to thrombosis, then under no circumstances should she take hormonal contraceptives. After the hormonal levels are cured, patients begin cosmetic procedures.
Some women suffer from increased hairiness before menopause due to irregular menstrual cycles and lack of ovulation.

Treatment of increased hairiness in women

Excessive hair growth is not just a cosmetic problem. Hypertrichosis always signals serious malfunctions in the body and therefore requires careful examination and treatment from the inside. Therapy is always carried out under the close supervision of a physician. After determining the exact cause of the pathology, the specialist prescribes appropriate treatment, often hormones.
In order to remove excessive hairiness in a girl, you can use camouflage. So, under the supervision of a specialist, you can bleach excess hair with hydrogen peroxide.
Many ladies use depilation. This is a process that destroys the visible part of the hair but does not damage the hair follicle. Depilation is carried out using an ordinary razor or a special depilatory cream. The cream dissolves the hair using strong chemicals, so it can cause irritation on the skin.
Epilation allows you to remove both the hair and its follicle – the bulb – at once. When a small area of ​​the body becomes hairy, a woman can pluck the hairs with tweezers. Hair removal with wax is even more effective. Almost all hair removal methods are painful.
Treatment from the inside blocks the production of unwanted male hormones. Under no circumstances should therapy be interrupted halfway through recovery. A woman runs the risk of severe hormonal imbalance. Increased hairiness in a girl requires additional cosmetic measures.
Drug therapy will stop the growth of new unwanted hair, but it will not remove the hairs that are already there. After treatment is completed, the girl can undergo cosmetic procedures to improve her appearance.
Folk experience in the treatment of increased hairiness
People widely use the juice of unripe walnuts. They need to lubricate the skin and the excess hair itself. It is best to use a nut that has just been picked from the tree.
If it is not possible to pick a nut from a tree, a girl can burn the walnut, and grind the resulting ash in a teaspoon of water and rub it into the desired areas of the face and body.
Another way is to pour a glass of vodka into the partitions of ten walnuts and leave them in the sun for a month. The infusion is filtered and consumed every day, a teaspoon.
Some women got rid of increased hairiness by lubricating the skin and unnecessary hairs with milkweed juice. You need to treat with milkweed for two weeks, lubricate problem areas several times a day.
You can take half a glass of datura herb and pour a liter of boiling water along with the roots, then simmer over low heat for half an hour. A cloth napkin is moistened with the decoction and applied to problem areas of the skin. Keep the compress until the napkin is completely dry. The procedure is carried out four times a day. The decoction can be stored in the refrigerator.

Modern trends suggest an almost complete absence of hair on the female body, except for the head. But, unfortunately, some representatives of the fair sex have to turn to specialists regarding excess hair growth in places where they should not be.

This is already hirsutism, that is, hair growth occurs according to the male type. Increased hairiness in girls is observed on the back, décolleté, face and abdomen. In this article we will try to understand the reasons for this phenomenon and describe how to deal with it.

Types of increased hairiness

In medicine, there are several definitions of this pathology in women:

1. Hirsutism. With this phenomenon, hair growth is observed above the upper lip, on the chin, chest, back, lower abdomen, and in the nipple area. The reason most often lies in too many male hormones that are released in the female body.

2. Hypertrichosis. In this case, vellus hair grows rapidly, covering almost the entire body, and terminal pigmented thick hair in the places intended for it.

Each type of hairiness has its own reasons. Only by installing them can you choose the right course of treatment to get rid of the problem.

Causes of the problem

If hirsutism develops, then soft vellus hair turns from thin and almost invisible to hard and pigmented. Increased hairiness develops in girls, the reasons can be very diverse, here are some possible options:

1. In the first place is hyperandrogenism - increased production of male sex hormones-androgens. This condition can develop against the background of several factors, for example:

  • Ovarian function is impaired. This can be caused by neoplasms, polycystic ovary syndrome, chronic anovulation, hypothalmic aminorrhea. Not only does menstruation disappear, but infertility and ovarian atrophy also develop.
  • Problems in the functioning of the adrenal glands as a result of the appearance of tumors, congenital or acquired hyperplasia of the adrenal cortex. All this leads to increased production of androgens.
  • The functioning of the pituitary gland is disrupted. This may be a concomitant symptom of acromegaly, Itsenko-Cushing syndrome.

2. Familial hirsutism. In this case, the decisive factor is hereditary and chromosomal characteristics that are passed on from generation to generation. Caucasian and Mediterranean women are most susceptible to this.

3. Taking certain groups of medications, for example, corticosteroids, progestins, cyclosporines, androgens, interferons, can lead to the development of increased hairiness in a girl.

4. Idiopathic syndrome of excessive androgen production. This is how they are expressed when it is not possible to determine the cause of excessive hair growth. In such cases, the menstrual cycle is usually not disrupted, the hormonal levels are slightly changed, and external manifestations are not so pronounced.

5. A separate point is made regarding age-related and physiological changes in the female body. This usually occurs during postmenopause and pregnancy.

The choice of treatment will depend on what causes the girl’s increased hairiness.

Consequences of high androgen levels

Increased hair growth on the body causes women not only cosmetic problems, but also has a strong impact on the functioning of the entire body. Excess male hormones can lead to:

  • To the development of infertility.
  • The appearance of uterine bleeding.
  • Menstrual irregularities.

If treatment is not started on time, then increased hairiness in a girl, as the photo demonstrates, is accompanied by the appearance of masculine features:

  • The voice becomes rougher.
  • Muscle mass increases.
  • The chest loses its usual shape.
  • Fat deposits are redistributed according to the male type.
  • Changes in the genital organs are observed - the clitoris enlarges, the labia decrease, and the production of vaginal lubrication decreases.

If at first excess hair growth is not a dangerous factor for health, then in the absence of the necessary treatment such a danger appears.

Before starting a conversation on the topic “Increased hairiness in girls: what to do,” you need to familiarize yourself with what you absolutely cannot do. If you neglect this, you can harm not only your appearance, but also your health:

  1. You should not attempt to remove hair by mechanical means, such as shaving or plucking. This technique can not only damage the skin, but also lead to even more increased hair growth, which will become coarser and darker each time.
  2. Do not use various bleaching agents: ointments, masks containing mercury, as well as exfoliating agents, such as bodyagu. All of them only irritate the skin more, cause blood flow and, accordingly, increased hair growth.
  3. Try to avoid exposure to direct sunlight.
  4. Do not use nourishing creams and masks containing hormones and biostimulants - they nourish the skin and enhance hair growth.

How to assess the degree of hairiness

In order to do something against excess hair, it is necessary to determine the degree of hairiness. It usually depends not only on the amount of male hormones, but also on ethnicity. For example, the beautiful half of humanity in the Mediterranean differs from women from the Far East in the large amount of hair on their bodies.

Often, increased hairiness in girls with dark skin and dark hair is the norm, unless other abnormalities are observed.

In order to determine whether excessive vegetation on the body is normal or abnormal, the Ferriman-Gallwey scale is used. The amount of hair is determined in several places: above the lip, on the stomach and chest, on the back and pubic area, on the arms and on the inner thighs.

The degree of hairiness is determined on a scale from 0 - no hair, to 4 - pronounced hair growth. If the result of calculations is 8, then we can talk about hirsutism, that is, male-type hair growth.

Diagnosis of the disease

People often ask: “If girls have increased hairiness, which doctor should they consult?” Several doctors can help solve this problem: a dermatologist, a gynecologist and an endocrinologist. Consultation with several specialists is often required.

After a conversation and examination, the doctor will find out the reason for the increased growth of body hair. During the appointment, the doctor determines the following:

  • What medications is the patient taking?
  • Are there any irregularities in the menstrual cycle?
  • Do you have any relatives with the same disease?
  • How quickly the problem develops.

As a rule, to establish the exact cause it is necessary to undergo some tests:

  • Blood for hormone levels.
  • Blood for sugar.

An ultrasound of the ovaries is also performed.

If these tests do not provide an accurate picture of the disease, then a CT or MRI will have to be prescribed to rule out adrenal tumors.

What to do if you have excessive hairiness

Representatives of the fair sex always find a way out of any difficult life situation, so increased hairiness in girls is immediately tested for strength by various means. Among them are the following:

1. Cutting. Manicure scissors are used for this, but this method gives a very short-term effect and requires a long time to remove every hair, especially on open areas of the body.

2. Galvanic electrolysis. It is carried out in a beauty salon. Under the influence of a weak electric current, the hair follicles are destroyed. This method is considered quite reliable and effective, but the duration and cost of treatment will depend on the amount and rate of hair growth. The disadvantage of this method of combating hairiness is not only the high cost, but also the pain during the procedure and the need to repeat it frequently.

3. Laser hair removal and photoepilation allow you to achieve quick results, but their side effects are the danger of burns and scars.

4. Wax hair removal gives a long-lasting effect, hairs grow more slowly and become thinner. It is advisable to have the procedure done by a specialist, although it is possible to do it at home. To do this, you will need special wax, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. It must be heated to 37 degrees, applied to areas with increased vegetation in a layer of 2-3 centimeters, and after hardening, jerk it off the skin.

5. You can use special creams and lotions that slow down hair regrowth.

6. Bleaching with hydrogen peroxide. To do this, add 1 tsp to 50 grams of peroxide. ammonia and dilute shaving cream. Apply the mixture to problem areas, and after drying, rinse with water.

If a girl has increased hairiness, then these remedies can only temporarily get rid of the problem, while the cause of the disease is not eliminated.

Traditional medicine in the fight against hirsutism

Despite the fact that traditional healers offer their own equally effective methods of combating excess body hair, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using them. What if she has increased hairiness? Traditional healers advise using the following recipes:

  1. Periodically lubricate your skin and hair with walnut juice (from its green peel).
  2. You can use the ash left after burning walnuts. It is diluted in a spoonful of water and applied to problem areas.
  3. Pour 200 ml of vodka over the walnut partitions and leave for 14 days. You need to take this drug 1 tbsp. l. every day.
  4. An effective way is to lubricate areas with increased hairiness with milkweed juice.
  5. To carry out the procedure, you can use dope along with the root system. You need to take 150 grams of raw material, add 1 liter of boiling water and simmer for half an hour over low heat. Cool, and then moisten the napkin and apply to those places where there is increased hair growth, and leave until completely dry. Do this 3-4 times during the day.

Therapy for increased hairiness

Increased body hair growth in women is not only a cosmetic problem, but also an indication that some kind of malfunction in the hormonal system has occurred in the body. Therefore, hirsutism is treated primarily with hormonal therapy.

Oral contraceptives with antiandrogenic effects are often prescribed as medications. Products such as Finasteride and Spironolactone are very effective.

Metformin can be used as an auxiliary drug; it increases sensitivity to insulin and is used in the treatment of diabetes.

If a girl is diagnosed with a congenital form of the disease, then Prednisolone and Cortisol are prescribed. Hormonal medications are taken for a long time, at least 3 months.

If a woman decides to become a mother, then hormonal medications must be discontinued. But it is often necessary to stimulate ovulation, and in some cases IVF and ICSI procedures will be required, otherwise it is impossible to get pregnant.

There are cases when increased hairiness in a girl is not a sign of any disorder, so you don’t need to use special treatment methods, but use only cosmetic products and methods.

In the treatment of hirsutism, increased physical activity and sports, adherence to the principles of a healthy diet can help. This will increase metabolic status and improve insulin sensitivity, thereby significantly reducing excessive hairiness.

It is worth considering that if increased hairiness is observed in girls, complex treatment will be required, since often hirsutism is not an independent disease, but a symptom of a more serious problem in the body. It needs to be identified and eliminated.

Once the cause of increased hairiness has been identified, treatment can be carried out in two directions: with an endocrinologist, who will select medications for oral administration, and with a cosmetologist, who will help cope with the cosmetic problem.

Every woman who seeks help in the treatment of hirsutism should know that the course will be long, it cannot be interrupted in the middle, otherwise a severe malfunction will occur in the body, and the consequences will be more dire.

The influence of various factors on hairiness

Many representatives of the fair sex are frequent visitors to solariums, trying to make their skin tanned and attractive. But they don’t even realize that ultraviolet exposure to the body can also trigger increased hair growth.

Almost every woman at home uses tweezers to remove excess hair or shaves, but these manipulations actually increase hair growth. It turns out that what we fight with is what we get, only with even greater effect.

Before visiting solariums or performing depilation, you must visit a doctor, consult about the consequences of such procedures and find out if you have any contraindications to them.

Excessive hairiness and heredity

It has already been scientifically proven that increased hairiness in girls will definitely manifest itself in future generations. This phenomenon can be congenital. During embryonic development, it does not disappear, but, on the contrary, develops.

But only a predisposition is inherited, and a malfunction in the endocrine system can provoke and give impetus to the development of this phenomenon. The most alarming symptom is the appearance of excessive hairiness during puberty and menopause.

The development of hirsutism may also be accompanied by frequent headaches and seborrhea. It has also been established that hairiness depends on the race and climatic conditions in which the woman lives.

Increased hairiness during pregnancy

If increased hairiness is observed in girls, the reasons may be hidden in an interesting situation. Often, expectant mothers are horrified to discover that their stomachs have become too hairy and hairs have appeared on their faces. They rush to the doctor for help.

But the question of why girls have increased hairiness during this period is very easy to answer. During pregnancy, the body experiences increased production of androgens by the adrenal glands, and the hormonal activity of the pituitary gland increases.

Most often, the doctor reassures his patients and assures that after childbirth everything will return to normal. But the gynecologist may be wary if increased hairiness was observed before pregnancy. Too much male hormones can negatively affect the development of the baby. If the tests confirm the increased content, then even during gestation the fetus will have to be adjusted and treatment thoroughly taken after childbirth.

Women's health is vulnerable, and their condition largely depends on hormonal levels, which are not constant. If you find abnormalities in yourself, feel unwell, or have excess hair where it is not supposed to be, you must not sit at home and blame everything on menopause or pregnancy and adolescence, but go to the doctor, find out the cause and undergo treatment.

Only in this case can you be sure that women’s health and beauty will be preserved for many years.

The thicker, blacker and stiffer a woman's mustache is, the more fertile she is, some men say. It is also believed that mustachioed girlfriends do not betray their husbands and remain faithful to them until death. At the same time, most ladies do not intend to show off their insignia, and beauty salons relieve women of excess hair from morning to evening. So what kind of misfortune is this – hairiness? Tells Tatiana Vasilyeva, endocrinologist.

– Tatyana Vasilievna, why do women with mustaches enjoy increased male attention? Is it true that this is a sign of passion?
– Some men really find piquancy in this, considering a mustache an indicator of temperament. In fact, this indicates problems with hormonal levels. As a rule, such women have increased testosterone, the sex hormone.

– How does male testosterone affect sexual desire in women?
– With increased testosterone levels, sexual desire increases. Another thing is that with an excess of this hormone, male hair growth also occurs. Due to the growth of terminal hair in the female form, a sign of masculinity, or hirsutism, appears. With increased hair growth in women, they also talk about hypertrichosis.

– What is terminal hair?
– Dark, hard and long, in contrast to the weakly colored soft and short fluff. They appear in areas sensitive to male sex hormones, where normally a woman develops only a small amount of vellus hair.
To classify hirsutism, the body is divided into nine androgen-sensitive hair growth zones: upper lip, chin, chest, abdomen, pubis, shoulders, thighs and back. Typically, women have several hairs in these areas. It is considered a pathology if the hair becomes thick, long and chooses a permanent place of growth on the face, chest, upper back and abdomen, cheeks, located there in the form of sideburns, in the ears.

How to distinguish normal hirsutism from pathological?
Using special methods that determine the level of androgens in the blood plasma, namely:
testosterone (TS), a powerful hormone synthesized in the ovaries, adrenal glands and formed from androstenedione in adipose tissue;
androstenedione (ASD), produced in equal quantities in the ovaries and adrenal glands;
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), produced mainly in the adrenal glands.
In addition to the three main hormones, the amount of DHEA sulfate (DHEA-S), as well as 5a-DTS, ACTH, and prolactin is determined.
To do this, on the 5th – 7th day of the cycle (the 1st day of menstruation is the 1st day of the cycle), the following hormones are taken: LH, FSH, estradiol, prolactin, testosterone, DHEA-S, DHEA, cortisol, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, TSH and free T4.
If the results show an increase in stress hormones: prolactin, cortisol, then they should be retaken, since these values ​​may not be related to the disease and are caused by elementary anxiety due to going to the hospital or fear of donating blood from a vein. The diagnosis of hyperprolactinemia, for example, requires three measurements of elevated prolactin levels.
It makes sense to take progesterone only in the middle of the second phase of the menstrual cycle. With a regular 28 - 30 day cycle - on the 20th - 23rd day.
All hormones are taken on an empty stomach, as are any blood tests.
A biochemical blood test and a general blood test are also required.
An ultrasound scan of the adrenal glands and pelvic organs is performed, and, if necessary, nuclear magnetic tomography.
In case of symptoms of polycystic ovary syndrome, a vaginal examination should be performed, since endometrial cancer is often accompanied by this syndrome.

– Why does such hairiness appear?
– Hair growth is the first sign of disorders in the body’s hormonal system, possibly a manifestation of life-threatening diseases.
Hirsutism is most often a consequence of damage to the adrenal cortex, their tumors, or polycystic ovary syndrome.

– That is, if there are coarse hairs on the chin or above the upper lip, you should run to an endocrinologist rather than a cosmetologist?
– First of all, don’t panic. The severity of hirsutism can vary, both due to the increased production of male sex hormones, and due to hereditary factors, as well as due to medications and environmental conditions. The causes of hirsutism can be simple smoking, obesity or serious diseases: malignant neoplasms, congenital adrenal dysfunction, insulin resistance syndrome, hyperprolactinemia, polycystic ovary syndrome, hypothyroidism, prolactinoma.
Each pathology has its own distinctive features. For example, hyperandrogenism, or increased levels of male sex hormones, occurs in diseases of the adrenal glands, often as a consequence of a tumor process, resulting in the proliferation of cells that produce male sex hormones responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics. When a tumor occurs, there is an increased release of precursors of male sex hormones, which are already converted into testosterone in the body tissues.
The same release occurs in case of disease of the adrenal cortex, when their increased stimulation from the central nervous system begins. An increase in body hair can also cause lung cancer. Sometimes such tumors begin to synthesize hormones that regulate the functioning of the adrenal glands. Sometimes hirsutism is observed during pregnancy and menopause, as well as with brain lesions - tumors, encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy. In some cases, it is caused by some local effect on the skin or skin diseases.
By the way, the fact that not everything is in order in the body can also be signaled by the manifestation of oily skin, acne, hair loss on the head, menstrual irregularities, and weight gain. As a rule, these are also signs of increased levels of male sex hormones in the blood. If this condition is not corrected, then hormones quietly do their job: gradually the woman’s voice becomes rougher, the redistribution of fatty tissue in the upper part of the body changes, numerous stretch marks appear, the clitoris enlarges, and libido increases. There is a diagnosis for such masculinization of a woman’s appearance – virilization. As a rule, this is a consequence of the presence of an androgen-secreting tumor.

Educational program
Polycystic ovary syndrome
- one of the hormonal disorders that lead to infertility due to the fact that ovulation does not occur in a woman’s body in a specific phase of the cycle. It is observed when the function of various organs is impaired: the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, adrenal glands, thyroid gland and the ovaries themselves.

– So even drugs can provoke such mutations?
– Of course, that’s why we urge the population not to use drugs without a doctor’s prescription, the effect can be exactly the opposite. There are “hair enhancers” with side effects: weight gain, swelling and reduction in breast volume, oily skin, hirsutism and decreased voice. Hirsutism is sometimes provoked by poorly selected hormonal contraceptives and steroids. Therefore, you need to be very picky. It is easier to damage the body, but it is more difficult to restore it. The results of the treatment of hirsutism appear only after six months to a year. And this does not mean that the androgenic areas become tender, like a baby's. The treatment will not completely eliminate excessive hair growth, although it will slow down the rate of hair growth. Only over time, having normalized, the hormonal background will allow the body to free itself from excess vegetation.

Acquired vellus hypertrichosis always requires careful evaluation due to the possibility of an occult cancerous tumor. A study of nine patients with generalized velvety hypertrichosis (aged 34 to 78 years) showed that 56% of them had gastrointestinal tumors and 22% had lung tumors.

– Tatyana Vasilyevna, it turns out that Eastern women always have elevated hormonal levels? After all, not only do they have mustaches, but also sideburns that look quite organic on their dark skin?
– Indeed, so-called familial, or genetic, hirsutism occurs among representatives of southern peoples. It is not dangerous to health and is a completely normal condition. When assessing the severity of hirsutism, ethnic differences must be kept in mind. There is also the most mysterious type of hirsutism - idiopathic. According to scientists, it is associated with increased activity of certain enzymes and too much sensitivity of the hair follicles to the effects of androgens. This diagnosis is made to women with clear signs of androgen excess, but with preserved menstrual function, unchanged ovarian size, no signs of adrenal or ovarian tumors, and normal adrenal activity. They usually have slightly elevated testosterone levels, but it is less than in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome.

– Are there any obvious signs of hirsutism, in addition to hair growth?
– Increased muscle mass, temporal baldness, obesity, moon face, bull neck, supraclavicular fat pads, stretch marks on the chest, abdomen, thighs and buttocks, thinning skin, bald eyebrows, swelling, dry skin, slow reflexes. During palpation, formations in the abdominal area are felt, usually caused by a tumor of the ovaries or adrenal glands. In this case, bimanual palpation of the pelvic organs should be performed.
With tumors of the pituitary gland, visual fields may be impaired. With acromegaly, rough facial features and enlarged limbs are observed.
But the most sensitive are the hair follicles: they react sharply to the slightest changes in hormonal levels. Unexpectedly increased hair growth can signal not only an excess of testosterone, but also a number of diseases, even a cancerous tumor.

– Is it possible to cure hirsutism?
– Subject to getting rid of its cause - removal of ovarian or adrenal tumors, stopping smoking or quitting medications. For some patients, drugs are selected that suppress testosterone levels in the blood and reduce the sensitivity of hair follicles to androgens. For example, some oral contraceptives also have a suppressive effect on the production of male sex hormones secreted by the ovaries and reducing testosterone levels in the blood. But the correction process is not quick. With long-term treatment of hirsutism, the prognosis for stopping the growth of new hair is good, but treatment does not eliminate existing ones.

– How effective are cosmetic procedures for hirsutism?
– In combination with medications, they give a good aesthetic effect. If hirsutism is idiopathic or constitutional, then only cosmetic procedures are recommended. Nowadays there are many of them - plucking, but if the hair is long, this can lead to the formation of pustules (blisters with purulent contents) and scars. For example, thermolysis is popular - in which alternating current is supplied through a needle inserted into the skin, heating and destroying the follicle. The procedure is painful, requiring local anesthesia, and is quite risky, since overheating of the skin, scarring, inflammation or follicles may occur. For those for whom needles are contraindicated, as a rule, these are the owners of very light, sensitive skin prone to scarring, chemical hair removal using active substances - enzymes - is more suitable. They gradually destroy the structure of the follicle, so a certain course is required, after which the effect becomes stable.
The essence of the methods is that they remove the hair shaft before the drugs begin to take effect, reducing new growth and transformation into the hair shaft. After which new growth of thinner and lighter hair occurs. Side effects of some procedures include local swelling and redness within 24 to 48 hours, and hyperpigmentation may occur within six months.

– Is it possible to reduce androgen levels with diet?
- Necessarily. Moreover, as practice shows, obesity is observed in 75% of patients with hirsutism. It often accompanies the diagnosis of polycystic ovaries and hypothyroidism. The recommendation to patients is simple: reduce the number of servings and reduce the content of easily digestible carbohydrates in food, and increase physical activity. Exercise and proper nutrition help balance hormonal levels.

– Are infertility really typical for women with hirsutism?
- Not necessary. It happens that from the very beginning of the progression of hirsutism, most patients experience irregular menstruation. However, even with a regular cycle, patients with hirsutism are diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome. A significant proportion of those diagnosed are also overweight. Ultrasound examination in this case shows a characteristic chain of small, pearl-like cysts. This condition usually leads to infertility, as ovulation practically does not occur. There is also a potential risk of developing endometrial cancer.
With idiopathic hirsutism, the normal menstrual cycle and libido are maintained, and pregnancy occurs in a timely manner with a favorable end result. It all depends on the level of excess hormones.

– Tatyana Vasilyevna, tell me, is it a myth or reality – the birth of completely hairy children, more like animals?
– This phenomenon, unfortunately, occurs when a child is born completely hairy, except for the palms and soles of the feet. As a rule, this is the result of frequent exposure to alcohol to the fetus during intrauterine development, as well as with viral encephalitis, thyroid disorders, and dystrophy. Hypertrichosis may appear as a reaction to stress in the body during deep peeling or other serious cosmetic procedures, as well as with constant injuries or exposure to chemical reagents. People suffering from anorexia (lack of appetite) and schizophrenia are often susceptible to hypertrichosis.

– How to distinguish hypertrichosis from hirsutism?
– Excessive growth of vellus and terminal hair in places where normal hair growth is the norm in both women and men, taking into account national characteristics and age - this is hypertrichosis. For example, hair growth on the lower legs of women is normal. But in case of their excess, the situation is called hypertrichosis. In men, chest hair growth is considered normal. However, the appearance of too much hair is hypertrichosis. To distinguish hirsutism, it is enough to understand that the appearance of terminal hair on the chest in women is already a symptom of hirsutism.

– How to treat certain hair patches on the body, face, for example, furry moles?
– Congenital hypertrichosis can also manifest itself in the form of tufts of hair in the neck and lower back. It is also found in hamartomas (tumor-like formations) and nevi (birthmarks). A pigmented nevus is noticeable immediately after the baby is born, but excess hair growth may begin later. Hypertrichosis is sometimes associated with congenital spina bifida.

Larisa Sinenko