Homemade ways to remove the evil eye. The most powerful conspiracy to remove damage using water

It happens that a person seems to feel bad for no reason. This state can occur some time after major quarrels, scandals at work or at home, sharp arguments with someone. You may feel dizzy or have a headache, body aches appear, and your legs and arms become heavy. Often the temperature even rises, and general fatigue is felt. In such cases, many people immediately take pills, but when they don’t help, they ask the question: “What is this?”

If you feel bad for no reason, you may have been jinxed.

If you've been jinxed

Often the cause of such ailments can be a common evil eye. Often a person does not want to do anything bad to you, but nevertheless he was envious, simply praised, and your energy protection is disrupted. Scientists have proven that each of us has several etheric bodies. And when these shells, which envelop our physical body like a cocoon, are intact, then everything is fine. But as soon as this “cocoon” is broken, a person will have problems. This “gap”, a breakdown, is an accidental evil eye or deliberate damage. If you feel that you have “caught” someone’s negative influence, then clean the house and sprinkle the room with holy water. It’s good to read the prayer that you know, and best of all, “Our Father.”

Our grandmothers “saved” family members or acquaintances with the help of holy water and reading prayers. They could also read special spells, which they repeated several times after a certain time, because it can be very difficult to immediately remove damage, and sometimes it is simply impossible. That is why it was necessary to visit the whispering grandmothers 3, 7 or 12 times, every day, every other day or once a week. The healer herself told the man how exactly everything should be done. You can try to cure yourself if you are sure that you have been jinxed.

If you suspect damage, you can try to remove it by bending low over the water and read the spell

As soon as you feel that you may have the evil eye, you need to read the spell, bending low over the water that you collect in a basin or bucket, and then douse yourself with this spelled water. You need to read the following:

“Deliver me, servant of God (name), from a monogamist, a bigamist, from one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed, from one-toothed, two-toothed, three-toothed, from one-haired, two-haired, three-haired, from your own eyes, from your thoughts, from the oncoming one, from the fleeting, from the transverse, from every dashing person: from the young, from the single, from the crooked, from the blind, from the old, from the empty-haired, from the hairy girl, and from their own eyes, and from their thoughts. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen, Amen, Amen."

There is also a proven and reliable way to get rid of the evil eye. To do this, you need to take a bath with warm water, into which you pour 0.5 kg of ordinary salt. Salt should not be iodized. You can also use flavored salt. You should lie in such a bath for at least 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly to wash off any remaining salt. If you have the evil eye, then this procedure helps a lot. And when the Lord’s Prayer is read over a filled bathtub and holy water is added, this will only enhance the effect. With this procedure, a person’s positive energy is well restored.

To restore energy you need to take a bath with warm water

Go to the bathhouse - wash away the evil eye

Our ancestors loved the bathhouse and often took steam. It turns out that in addition to hygiene procedures, visiting a bathhouse has a good effect on restoring energy in the body. It was with the help of the bath that our ancestors got rid of the evil eye, and often damage. It is best if the bathhouse is built of birch, but if it is not possible to visit just such a bathhouse, then take at least a birch broom with you. When you wash or steam, you can say any spell that will help get rid of the evil eye. Here's one:

“I will stand blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from gate to gate, into an open field into the ocean. On the brink of the sea there is a golden chair; Saint Nicholas sits on a golden chair, holds a golden bow, pulls a silk bowstring, lays a red-hot arrow, begins to shoot lessons and prizes, begins to shoot the father's Duma and the mother's Duma and the brothers' Duma, all the people of the Duma, yellowish, oppressive and bitter; from a girl from a blackhead, from a terrible one. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The Lord's Prayer, which can be read quietly while washing with water, will also have a good effect.

Going to the bathhouse will help against damage

I wash myself with charmed water - I get rid of troubles

There is a fairly short plot that is easy to remember. It is read over water, which is then used to wash:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. King of the earth, king of the sea, king of heaven, save and have mercy on the servant of God (name) from the evil eye and from the dashing man. Amen".

There is a longer plot that also helps in such cases. It is read over water, which must then be drunk by the person who has been jinxed:

“The water queen, the beautiful maiden, rolled and fell. From the Jordan rivers washed the steep banks, gushing roots and gray stones. Wash and cleanse the slave (name) from his violent head, from his clear eyes, from his light brown braids, from his rosy face, from his zealous heart, from his spinal bone, from his middle part, from his veins, from his joints. Lessons and vices, and envious, and joyful, and meeting from the front, and looking from the side, and catching up from the back, and old men, and young women, and a girl’s son, and a girl’s daughter, say goodbye, bless yourself. I send you slave (name), where the sun does not shine and the moon does not shine, golden mosses, rotten logs, not by herself, but by the Lord and Jesus Christ, the Most Pure Mother. Amen".

First, a spell is read over the water, and then they wash themselves with it.

It happens that a person has jinxed himself, so we also need to take measures to discard everything superficial, unnecessary, superfluous.

Go to the temple - remove the evil eye

Our ancestors have long believed that the evil eye and damage can be removed if you regularly visit the temple. Scientists have experimentally proven that bell ringing literally kills many germs and viruses. It was not without reason that during epidemics in the Middle Ages, bells were rung and prayer services were held. Therefore, if you are sure that there is an evil eye, then you can stand in front of the temple when the bells ring. You want the ringing of the bell to seem to envelop you entirely and “remove” the negative energy. After this, go to the temple and listen to the prayer service. Your sincere prayer near the icons will also help get rid of all evil.

When I jinxed myself

It often happens that a person rejoiced at a successful purchase, completed a difficult task, or was cured of a serious illness, and lo and behold, the troubles returned again. They say then that the man himself jinxed himself. Then you need to perform a special ritual. He takes a lighted candle in his hand, stands in front of the mirror and pronounces the spell three times, looking at his reflection in the mirror:

“Mirror world, take away the cursed evil eye, put it with you, hold it tightly, don’t let go anywhere, don’t bring it back.”

After prayer, the candle should be left on the windowsill so that it burns out completely.

After these words, the candle is placed on the windowsill. It cannot be extinguished; it must burn out completely.

I will take away trouble with water and remove the evil eye

There is also such a ritual to remove the evil eye. To do this you need to prepare:

  • a small basin or wide bowl;
  • plain water;
  • silver or cupronickel spoons (3, or 5, or 7).

Holding all the spoons in one hand, you need to scoop up the water and pour it into the container again, and read the spell over the water:

“Like water from spoons, so from the servant of God (name of the child) all the evil eyes, lessons, fears, commotions will come away!”

This should be done in the evening, when they are going to put the child to bed. They wash him with this water. This procedure will also help an adult. You just need to wipe the child, as well as the adult, with the hem of the shirt or robe that the person who will be speaking the water is wearing.

Before going to bed, wash your child with charmed water.

Removing spoilage with water is carried out as follows. Water that no one has ever drunk is poured into a cup and a spell is read over it:

“When the servant of God (name) was born, he received relief from all illnesses, from all sorrows, from lessons, from ghosts, from fears, from commotion, from burdens, from aches, from the oncoming eye, from the white, black cover, from the woman’s sister-in-law , from a simple-haired girl. May my words be molded and strong. In those words, the lock is the sea, the key is the teeth.”

Then they give water to the one who suffers from damage.

If there is damage to loneliness

It often happens that a good person just can’t find a mate, he can’t start a family or have children. Often the cause of this phenomenon is the curse of loneliness, which was brought on a specific person. First you need to carefully inspect the house or apartment, find out if there are any foreign things, “lining”, because it is through this that damage is most often caused.

It often happens that a person cannot find a soul mate

This could be twisted threads, salt or earth in a small bag, a scarf, sticks, pins, needles, or other people’s things in general. If you find something, you should break it or burn it without touching the object with your hands. You can sprinkle someone else's thing with holy water. If you find out that there is a curse on loneliness, then a close blood relative can help the person, but she herself needs to sincerely believe in God. She has to come to the temple for three days and light candles in front of the icons of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, and also St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. When a woman leaves the church, she should say the following:

“Lord, please, take away all the trouble from the servant of God (name) to the swamp and rot. Amen".

The damage caused to a person by loneliness is removed with blessed water. You need to take this water and rinse your eyes several times, quietly saying:

“The head is clear, the mind is clear, the head is clear, if there is damage, go away forever.”

Such water helps not only to remove damage, but also to protect yourself from the influence of ill-wishers in the future.

Wash yourself with blessed water and damage will not affect you

Prayers that will help get rid of damage

If you know that your enemies cast spells, cast spells, and send all sorts of evil upon you, then the Lord’s Prayer will help you free yourself from such negative influences. There is also a special prayer that will help against damage:

“Lord Jesus Christ! Son of God! Protect us with Your holy angels and the prayers of our All-Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross, the holy Archangel Michael of God and other ethereal heavenly powers, the holy prophet and Forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord John the Theologian, the Hieromartyr Cyprian and the Martyr Justina, St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra Lycian Wonderworker, St. Nikita of Novgorod, St. Sergius and Nikon, Abbots of Radonezh, St. Seraphim the Wonderworker of Sarov, holy martyrs Faith, Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, saints and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna, and all Your saints, help us, unworthy, servant of God (name). Deliver him from all slander of the enemy, from all evil, witchcraft, sorcery and crafty people, so that they may not be able to cause him any harm. Lord, with the light of Your radiance, save it for the morning, for the day, for the evening, for the coming sleep, and by the power of Your grace, turn away and remove all evil wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought and did, return their evil back to the underworld, for Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen".

This prayer is read over water, which is then given to a person to drink.

A prayer is read over the water, and then it is given to a person to drink.

Before the icon “The Tsaritsa” a prayer is read to the Most Holy Theotokos:

“O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsarina! Hear our much-painful sigh before Your miraculous icon, brought from the inheritance of Athos to Russia, look upon Your children, those suffering from incurable ailments, who fall to Your holy image with faith! Just as a winged bird covers its chicks, so You, now and ever-living being, have covered us with Your multi-healing omophorion. There, where hope disappears, awaken with undoubted Hope. There, where fierce sorrows prevail, Appear with Patience and Weakness. There, where the darkness of despair has settled in the souls, let the ineffable Light of the Divine shine! Comfort the faint-hearted, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal Your sick people, O All-Merciful Queen! Bless the minds and hands of those who heal us, may they serve as an instrument of the Almighty Physician Christ our Savior. As if You are alive and present with us, we pray before Your icon, O Lady! Extend Your hand, full of healing and medicine. To the joy of those who mourn, to the consolation of those who mourn, and to the miraculous help we have soon received, we glorify the Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

Prayer helps from many troubles

There is also a prayer to the Life-Giving Cross, which also helps from many troubles, including damage:

“May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts in the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and signify themselves with the sign of the cross, and in joy say: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, by force the demons drove out on you the heated Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen".

This prayer is read in front of the image of the Orthodox cross. This could be in a church, near a temple, when domes with crosses are in front of your eyes. It is important that you wear a cross. When reading a prayer, you must cross yourself.

In any case, if you feel unwell for no apparent reason, especially if this happened some time after you visited crowded places, after guests or random people came to your house, then it is best to take preventive measures. To remove possible negativity, read a prayer, drink holy water, take a bath with salt or go to the bathhouse, and on the next day off, visit a temple.

We must remember that prayers or spells are spoken by heart, and not read from a piece of paper. Therefore, if you want to help yourself or someone else, then take the trouble to memorize the chosen spell. These measures will in no way harm you, but will only help get rid of the harm caused. If after some time after all this you do not feel better, then you have severe damage. Then you should contact a professional to find out what exactly happened to you.

Independent removal of severe damage from a person is carried out in various ways, including with water.

Do this as follows: scoop up clean water with a ladle and dip spoons into it. Take one spoon, scoop it out of the ladle with this spoon and pour it into it three times through a door bracket or handle, and through three handles in total. Sprinkle the patient with this water and give him a little to drink. Use the remaining water for ablution. If independent removing damage with water will not help, then you need to take a little earth or snow from a fresh trace left by that person, or brought damage to a black streak in life, pray, dilute the snow or add particles of earth to the water and let the patient drink this water.

And this is another method of purifying human energy - removing damage with water

There are many variations of this technique. For example, this one. You can swim in a lake or river. While in the water, you need to relax as much as possible. It is very good if you can lower your head into the water so that you are in silence. This quickly puts you into a light trance state. You can lie on the water, trusting it, close your eyes, or open them and look at the sky unfolding above you. After some time, you need to go ashore and repeat everything again: relax, lie on the shore, enjoying the peace.

The second method of removing water damage is more adapted to the modern life of most people.
Buy chamomile at the pharmacy. Birch or nettle leaves are also suitable. Place the plant leaves in a container, pour boiling water over it and let it brew. At this time, fill the bath with water, then add the prepared decoction to the water. You can speak to the bathing water something like this: “Mother Water, wash my body, cleanse my soul, give me health and a good mood.” Lie in this healing bath, and when you decide to leave, do not wash off the healing solution. Do not use a towel; let the body dry on its own. This way the healing decoction will be absorbed into your skin, your body will rest, relieve stress, and gain energy. There are options for bathing in salt water, with the casting of a magical spell to remove damage using water.

Helped me cope with difficulties and protect myself from ill-wishers, Amulet from the evil eye and damage. It protects a person from the forces of evil, Energy vampires at work and in the family, specially caused damage, and the evil thoughts of enemies. View and order it only available on the official website

I propose a strong ancient conspiracy to remove water damage

“Water flowed from a water pipe through the city of Jerusalem from a sorcerer, from a witch, from a heretic, from a heretic, from scientists and born, from children and infants, from typhoid and fever, from empty childbirth, from bleeding, from fright, damage, from melancholy. , thorns, prickly, oppressive, sour, fresh, met, transverse, windy, watery, sown and sent (at this point in the conspiracy you need to baptize the water, and continue to say the witchcraft spell): and in the city of Jerusalem, before the throne, the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. Elijah the prophet with his golden rod defeats demons with holy fire-flame and Jordanian water. With passionate fire I challenge you - I expel you: come out, Satan, from the servant of God (name) from the mouth, from the hair, from the voice, from the violent head, from the white bone, from the red blood, from the neck, from the spine, from the heart, from the stomach , from the kidneys, from the liver, from the uterus (if the patient is a woman), from the bladder, from the intestines, from the arms, from the legs, outlived, exuded, from the fingers and joints. You should not be here, you should not drink red blood from the begotten, prayer-baptized servant of God (name). Forever and ever. Amen".

It happens that a person seems to feel bad for no reason. This state can occur some time after major quarrels, scandals at work or at home, sharp arguments with someone. You may feel dizzy or have a headache, body aches appear, and your legs and arms become heavy. Often the temperature even rises, and general fatigue is felt. In such cases, many people immediately take pills, but when they don’t help, they ask the question: “What is this?”

Often the cause of such ailments can be a common evil eye. Often a person does not want to do anything bad to you, but nevertheless he was envious, simply praised, and your energy protection is disrupted.

Scientists have proven that each of us has several etheric bodies. And when these shells, which envelop our physical body like a cocoon, are intact, then everything is fine. But as soon as this “cocoon” is broken, a person will have problems. This “gap”, a breakdown, is an accidental evil eye or deliberate damage.

If you feel that you have “caught” someone’s negative influence, then clean the house and sprinkle the room with holy water. It’s good to read the prayer that you know, and best of all, “Our Father.”

Our grandmothers “saved” family members or acquaintances with the help of holy water and reading prayers. They could also read special spells, which they repeated several times after a certain time, because it can be very difficult to immediately remove damage, and sometimes it is simply impossible.

That is why it was necessary to visit the whispering grandmothers 3, 7 or 12 times, every day, every other day or once a week. The healer herself told the man how exactly everything should be done. You can try to cure yourself if you are sure that you have been jinxed.

As soon as you feel that you may have the evil eye, you need to read the spell, bending low over the water that you collect in a basin or bucket, and then douse yourself with this spelled water.

“Deliver me, servant of God (name), from a monogamist, a bigamist, from one-eyed, two-eyed, three-eyed, from one-toothed, two-toothed, three-toothed, from one-haired, two-haired, three-haired, from your own eyes, from your thoughts, from the oncoming one, from the fleeting, from the transverse, from every dashing person: from the young, from the single, from the crooked, from the blind, from the old, from the empty-haired, from the hairy girl, and from their own eyes, and from their thoughts. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen, Amen, Amen."

There is also a proven and reliable way to get rid of the evil eye. To do this, you need to take a bath with warm water, into which you pour 0.5 kg of ordinary salt. Salt should not be iodized. You can also use flavored salt. You should lie in such a bath for at least 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly to wash off any remaining salt. If you have the evil eye, then this procedure helps a lot.

And when the Lord’s Prayer is read over a filled bathtub and holy water is added, this will only enhance the effect. With this procedure, a person’s positive energy is well restored.

Our ancestors loved the bathhouse and often took steam. It turns out that in addition to hygiene procedures, visiting a bathhouse has a good effect on restoring energy in the body. It was with the help of the bath that our ancestors got rid of the evil eye, and often damage. It is best if the bathhouse is built of birch, but if it is not possible to visit just such a bathhouse, then take at least a birch broom with you.

When you wash or steam, you can say any spell that will help get rid of the evil eye.

Here's one:

“I will stand blessed, I will go, crossing myself, from gate to gate, into an open field into the ocean. On the brink of the sea there is a golden chair; Saint Nicholas sits on a golden chair, holds a golden bow, pulls a silk string, lays a red-hot arrow, begins to shoot lessons and prizes, begins to shoot the father's Duma and the mother's Duma and the brothers' Duma, all the people of the Duma, yellowish, oppressive and bitter; from a girl from a blackhead, from a terrible one. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The Lord's Prayer, which can be read quietly while washing with water, will also have a good effect.

There is a fairly short plot that is easy to remember. It is read over water, which is then used to wash:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. King of the earth, king of the sea, king of heaven, save and have mercy on the servant of God (name) from the evil eye and from the dashing man. Amen".

There is a longer plot that also helps in such cases.It is read over water, which must then be drunk by the person who has been jinxed:

“The water queen, the beautiful maiden, rolled and fell. From the Jordan rivers washed the steep banks, gushing roots and gray stones. Wash and cleanse the slave (name) from his violent head, from his clear eyes, from his light brown braids, from his rosy face, from his zealous heart, from his spinal bone, from his middle part, from his veins, from his joints. Lessons and vices, and envious, and joyful, and meeting from the front, and looking from the side, and catching up from the back, and old men, and young women, and a girl’s son, and a girl’s daughter, say goodbye, bless yourself. I send you slave (name), where the sun does not shine and the moon does not shine, golden mosses, rotten logs, not by herself, but by the Lord and Jesus Christ, the Most Pure Mother. Amen".

It happens that a person has jinxed himself, so we also need to take measures to discard everything superficial, unnecessary, superfluous.

Our ancestors have long believed that the evil eye and damage can be removed if you regularly visit the temple. Scientists have experimentally proven that bell ringing literally kills many germs and viruses. It was not without reason that during epidemics in the Middle Ages, bells were rung and prayer services were held.

Therefore, if you are sure that there is an evil eye, then you can stand in front of the temple when the bells ring. You want the ringing of the bell to seem to envelop you entirely and “remove” the negative energy. After this, go to the temple and listen to the prayer service. Your sincere prayer near the icons will also help get rid of all evil.

It often happens that a person rejoiced at a successful purchase, completed a difficult task, or was cured of a serious illness, and lo and behold, the troubles returned again. They say then that the man himself jinxed himself.

Then you need to perform a special ritual. He takes a lighted candle in his hand, stands in front of the mirror and pronounces the spell three times, looking at his reflection in the mirror:

“Mirror world, take away the cursed evil eye, put it with you, hold it tightly, don’t let go anywhere, don’t bring it back.”

After these words, the candle is placed on the windowsill. It cannot be extinguished; it must burn out completely.

There is also such a ritual to remove the evil eye.

To do this you need to prepare:

*small basin or wide bowl;

*plain water;

*silver or cupronickel spoons (3, or 5, or 7).

Holding all the spoons in one hand, you need to scoop up the water and pour it into the container again, and read the spell over the water:

“Like water from spoons, so from the servant of God (name of the child) all the evil eyes, lessons, fears, commotions will come away!”

This should be done in the evening, when they are going to put the child to bed. They wash him with this water. This procedure will also help an adult. You just need to wipe the child, as well as the adult, with the hem of the shirt or robe that the person who will be speaking the water is wearing.

Removing spoilage with water is carried out as follows. Water that no one has ever drunk is poured into a cup and a spell is read over it:

“When the servant of God (name) was born, he received relief from all illnesses, from all sorrows, from lessons, from ghosts, from fears, from commotion, from burdens, from aches, from the oncoming eye, from the white, black cover, from the woman’s sister-in-law , from a simple-haired girl. May my words be molded and strong. In those words, the lock is the sea, the key is the teeth.”

Then they give water to the one who suffers from damage.

It often happens that a good person just can’t find a mate, he can’t start a family or have children. Often the cause of this phenomenon is the curse of loneliness, which was brought on a specific person.

First you need to carefully inspect the house or apartment, find out if there are any foreign things, “lining”, because it is through this that damage is most often caused.

This could be twisted threads, salt or earth in a small bag, a scarf, sticks, pins, needles, or other people’s things in general. If you find something, you should break it or burn it without touching the object with your hands. You can sprinkle someone else's thing with holy water.

If you find out that there is a curse on loneliness, then a close blood relative can help the person, but she herself needs to sincerely believe in God. She has to come to the temple for three days and light candles in front of the icons of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, and also St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

When a woman leaves the church, she should say the following:

“Lord, please, take away all the trouble from the servant of God (name) to the swamp and rot. Amen".

The damage caused to a person by loneliness is removed with blessed water. You need to take this water and rinse your eyes several times, quietly saying:

“The head is clear, the mind is clear, the head is clear, if there is damage, leave forever.”

Such water helps not only to remove damage, but also to protect yourself from the influence of ill-wishers in the future.

If you know that your enemies cast spells, cast spells, and send all sorts of evil upon you, then the Lord’s Prayer will help you free yourself from such negative influences.

There is also a special prayer that will help against damage:

“Lord Jesus Christ! Son of God! Protect us with Your holy angels and the prayers of our All-Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross, the holy Archangel of God Michael and other ethereal heavenly powers, the holy prophet and Forerunner of the Baptist of the Lord John the Theologian, St.Holy Martyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina, St. Nicholas, Archbishop Myra of Lycia, the Wonderworker, St. Nikita of Novgorod, St. Sergius and Nikon, Abbots of Radonezh, St. Seraphim of Sarov, the Wonderworker, Holy Martyrs Faith, Nadezhda, Love and their mother Sophia, Saints and Righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna, and all Your saints, help us, unworthy, servant of God (name). Deliver him from all slander of the enemy, from all evil, witchcraft, sorcery and crafty people, so that they may not be able to cause him any harm. Lord, with the light of Your radiance, save it for the morning, for the day, for the evening, for the coming sleep, and by the power of Your grace, turn away and remove all evil wickedness, acting at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought and did, return their evil back to the underworld, for Yours is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Amen".

This prayer is read over water, which is then given to a person to drink.

Before the icon “The Tsaritsa” a prayer is read to the Most Holy Theotokos:

“O Most Pure Mother of God, All-Tsarina! Hear our much-painful sigh before Your miraculous icon, brought from the inheritance of Athos to Russia, look upon Your children, those suffering from incurable ailments, who fall to Your holy image with faith! Just as a winged bird covers its chicks, so You, now and ever-living being, have covered us with Your multi-healing omophorion. There, where hope disappears, awaken with undoubted Hope. There, where fierce sorrows prevail, Appear with Patience and Weakness. There, where the darkness of despair has settled in the souls, let the ineffable Light of the Divine shine! Comfort the faint-hearted, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal Your sick people, O All-Merciful Queen! Bless the minds and hands of those who heal us, may they serve as an instrument of the Almighty Physician Christ our Savior. As if You are alive and present with us, we pray before Your icon, O Lady! Extend Your hand, full of healing and medicine. To the joy of those who mourn, to the consolation of those who mourn, and to the miraculous help we have soon received, we glorify the Life-Giving and Indivisible Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

There is also a prayer to the Life-Giving Cross, which also helps from many troubles, including damage:

“May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts in the face of fire, so let demons perish from the face of those who love God and signify themselves with the sign of the cross, and in joy say: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, by force the demons drove out on you the heated Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen".

This prayer is read in front of the image of the Orthodox cross. This could be in a church, near a temple, when domes with crosses are in front of your eyes. It is important that you wear a cross. When reading a prayer, you must cross yourself.

In any case, if you feel unwell for no apparent reason, especially if this happened some time after you visited crowded places, after guests or random people came to your house, then it is best to take preventive measures. To remove possible negativity, read a prayer, drink holy water, take a bath with salt or go to the bathhouse, and on the next day off, visit a temple.

These measures will in no way harm you, but will only help get rid of the harm caused. If after some time after all this you do not feel better, then you have severe damage. Then you should contact a professional to find out what exactly happened to you.

How to remove damage, and can you do it yourself? Damage is a black magic rite, with the help of which a sorcerer can completely destroy a person’s life and even kill. Damage takes away a person’s health, blocks a person’s roads, and separates them from a loved one. Let's consider several effective ones for ourselves and another person.

All rituals for water are done according to the same scheme: the spell is read for spring, holy or well water, and then the person washes his face. The conspiracy is read either at sunrise or at sunset (unless a different hour is specified in the ritual). During the ceremony, a church candle should burn. No one should distract from the action: the door is tightly closed, the phone is turned off.

Scheme of the ritual:

  • reading the prayer ““ three times;
  • prayers to patron saints, for example, to;
  • next comes a call to ;
  • prayer "";
  • spell against damage.

You can use water yourself if you follow all the rules. Women's/men's days should also be taken into account. Women's hours include Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday. For men - Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. On Sunday you can remove damage to a person of any gender, as well as to children.

Prayer to the Saints

Prayer to the Mother of God

Prayer "May God rise again"

When reading, apply the sign of the cross to yourself.

Spells for water from damage

  • drink;
  • wash;
  • sprinkle the bed of the sick;
  • sprinkle the sick person's clothes;
  • sprinkle the sick body;
  • sprinkle the room;
  • take a bath.

Text of spells:

Bath method

To do this, recite spells and prayers on a glass of water or a liter jar, fill the bathtub with water and pour the charmed water from the glass in a cross shape.

While taking a bath, read prayers to God. Don't forget to wear a cross. After a bath, you cannot dry yourself - the water must dry on your body. When to collect water for a spell? Better before the ceremony.

Using salt

This ritual should be performed for seven days in a row, starting with the waning moon. Prepare the following items:

  • a pack of salt specially purchased for the ceremony;
  • cast iron frying pan (you can take the one you use);
  • a white saucer without patterns (glass is possible);
  • a photograph of the patient or your own;
  • church candles - 7 pieces.

In the evening, when your family is asleep, pour a handful of salt into the frying pan, and immediately throw the rest of the salt in the trash. Light a candle and place it next to you. Light the gas under the frying pan and begin to read the Lord's Prayer. When you read the prayer 3 times, read the spell against damage:

When you read the plot, pour salt from the frying pan onto a saucer. Take the saucer into the room and place it on the photo of the person being cleaned - until the next evening. The next day you need to pour salt into the frying pan and repeat the ritual. And so on for seven days. Hide the saucer so that your family doesn't see it.

On the eighth day, the salt should be thrown into the river or simply flushed down the toilet; it is better to throw the saucer into a trash can on the street. If the salt turns black and smokes or the saucer bursts, it means that the person is seriously damaged. In this case, the ritual is repeated on the next lunar cycle.

Roll out the damage with an egg

How ? To do this, you will need a photograph of a sick person or your own, an icon of the Holy Trinity and three church candles. It is better to buy eggs (7 pieces) from grandmothers; it is not advisable to take them from the refrigerator.

Stay alone in the room, put the photo on a clean tablecloth, put an icon and light candles. Roll the egg across the photo with your right hand clockwise without pressing. At this time the conspiracy is read:

After reading the plot, put out the candles with your fingers and throw the egg into the toilet - it should break. Rinse three times. The same steps must be repeated the next day at the same time - and so on for seven days in a row.

If the patient does not feel better, repeat the ritual after three days. Remember that the removal of negativity must be carried out after the full moon: rolling out is not done on a waxing moon.

Pour the damage onto the wax

To remove damage using wax, you need to buy two or three large candles from the church and take holy water. You will also need your own photograph or a photograph of the person from whom you want to remove the exposure, and a glass bowl.

In the evening, stay alone so that no one disturbs you. Melt the wax in a saucepan while reciting the Lord's Prayer. First, pour holy water into a glass bowl and place it on the photo.

When the wax has melted, remove the wicks. Pour liquid wax slowly into water and read the plot 3 times:

When the wax hardens, remove it with a knife and place it on the newspaper. That same evening, you need to take the casting outside and bury it in the ground or throw it into the river. Holy water should be poured under the roots of a dry tree.

If the patient’s condition does not improve, perform the ritual two more times.. The removal of damage can also be observed in the casting - it should be smooth. If the bottom of the casting is lumpy, continue casting.

Keep in mind that after the castings you may feel unwell - either have a headache, or feel nauseous, or feel a loss of strength. This is fine. The condition will improve soon.

Cleansing with a candle

Watch the video of the ritual of cleansing negativity with a candle flame. To do this, it is not necessary to purchase church candles. However, if you want to read conspiracies to remove negativity, it is better to do the ritual with candles blessed in the church.

Method with earth

You can remove the damage yourself using soil and new knives. Land is collected from the doorstep, and knives are bought without change. For the ritual, you need to cover the table with a clean tablecloth at dawn, place a church candle on a candlestick in the center and place a cut glass with earth next to it.

Take the knives in your hands, face west and sharpen the blades against each other. At this time, read the plot:

The words must be repeated three times. Then cross the blades of the knives and hold them over the candle so that the flame touches the steel. After 5 minutes, stick the knives into the glass with the ground and rotate them simultaneously: the right one clockwise, the left one counterclockwise. At the same time say:

“Three times according to this work of mine. Truly!

As you say, extinguish the candle with your fingers. Wrap the knives, a glass of earth and a cinder in a new black cloth. Tie the bundle with a black cord, take it out of the house and bury it in a deserted place.

You need to get rid of the items the same evening; do not leave the package overnight. Once you leave the house, you cannot communicate with anyone. Bury the bundle in silence and return home in silence. You can’t look back either; for three days after the ceremony, you can’t give anything away to anyone from the house.

After performing cleansing rituals, you should wash your hands under cool running water. This will protect you from intercepting negativity. Also read “Our Father” and ventilate the room where the ceremony was performed. The room can be cleaned with a candle.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you about the rituals of damage through water, how you can remove the stealer and return luck and happiness. We will certainly talk about damage through water, and how to bring it on the enemy.

In real magic there are many strong, well-established rituals for getting rid of the harmful effects of sorcerers; There is strong spells for water against the evil eye, and from other influences aimed at destruction, destruction. Water is the blood of the earth; it has extraordinary power. Water will wash away everything, cleanse a person from filth, no matter how heavy it may be. In general, let's look at the issue from all sides. So, let's start with a ritual for the death of our enemy through dead water.

Inflict severe damage on dead water to your enemy

Sorcerers do a lot of things with water. Black rites are used to destroy spring water and rotten swamp water, and also severe damage is done to holy water. Very dead water. If using water from a swamp causes blindness or insanity, then by the power of dead water they put the enemy in a coffin and send him to the next world.

However, they do damage not only to death with dead water.

You can conjure a lot of things if you have water with such powerful energy of sorrow and curses. You can do:

  • damage to wash away good luck,
  • to strict submission,
  • for the soul and body of a person to melt away.

And a lot of other things. Dead water is that water that has somehow had contact with the cemetery and the world of the dead:

  • this is water from cemetery puddles,
  • and water from vases of flowers,
  • and snow from the grave,
  • and that water that stands with the bread at the tomb.

But the water from washing the deceased is much better for magical work. Here is a black ritual of deadly damage using dead water, which must be given to the victim with food. The ritual works very harshly, it is done for the death of the enemy.

There are many ways to get dead water to cause damage.

But for this ritual you need water from the vases that stand on the graves, where they bring fresh flowers. This water needs to be collected from different graves in a glass jar. This can be done any day, but not to remove damage to water, but just for fatal damage to the death of the enemy. This water has power, it is cursed, there are tears on it, and grief, and for the dead. Every time you pour water into a jar, read the words of power, but not in order to remove negativity with water, and to bring mortal damage to those who deserve it:

“Dead water will draw you in like a whirlpool and destroy you.”

With the jar full, go to the grave with the wooden cross. And not just for the cross to stand, but for the crucifix to be attached to it. That cross must be pulled out of the ground, laid on the ground, and the jar placed at the feet of the crucified one and read the spell of water damage, what is being prepared for enemies:

“Born by man, but destroyed by man, the blood on the cross was like a dark river, and in that black river, yes, demons admired, and the dead laughed, and that blood became a curse for a whole generation. It is saturated with pain, replenished with a mother’s tears, and the cries of innocents, and coffin boards, and the creaking of doors. If a curse has fallen on a whole family, now by decree I will destroy the people, if I wish, I will escort anyone to the grave with this water. Either at the feet of Christ crucified, or for the delight of the evil demon, or dead blood, but not resurrected. Yes, from all sides, but one who was born by this graveyard, and who became water, who was dead, and who saved herself, was marked in one place, and so people were killed with one drop, and in the grave with one darling. You will bring others down, but you will lead them to destruction, but then in you there is a hidden stranglehold of a non-human, a cold ax of the royal executioner and a stray bullet with fire, and the destruction of the night is solid, and the destruction of the day is sharp. Yes, thirty-three ailments are dissolved in the water, and the faces of death are smeared with flour, and everything is hidden in this water. By my decree it was buried and released to the public. Amen".

A strong conspiracy, but not a conspiracy of water from damage and the evil eye, but just for creating a curse to the death of your enemy. Having said these words, pour a little on the crucifix. Then close the jar with a lid and leave without looking back. This kind of water cannot be stored at home; it has destructive power. If you decide to harm someone, then water where the enemy walks, and say this:

“From the cross with blood, and blood with water, and water (name) with destruction. Amen".

The same words must be said when you create black spoilage on dead water, add it to a drink, or give it with food, so that the one you are seriously planning to spoil will take this water inside. Clothes that the enemy often wears can be sprinkled. This must be done so that the object comes into contact with this water. Dead water contains mortal power; then death will follow on its heels.

How can you find out if water has been damaged? How to diagnose in order to choose strong withdrawal rituals? We'll talk about this further.

Independently determine damage to water - methods of magical diagnosis

If the diagnosis of magical negativity is carried out on Tarot cards, then the cards in the following combination will tell about damage to dead water: 5 Cups + Death + 9 Cups. Besides, find out damage done to water, the Ace of Cups will also help. This Arcana Tarot will indicate any negative impact with the use of water. Using the Tarot, you can determine not only the presence of negative witchcraft, but also see the author of such influence.

By asking a question and pulling out 1 card from the deck, turning to your intuition, you can understand who acted magically. If clarification is necessary, you can pull out an additional card. However, if you are a beginner tarot reader, I do not recommend taking more than 1 additional card, because... Each subsequent card will not clarify the situation, but will make it more and more confusing.

You can also use Runes for independent fortune-telling. Diagnosis of damage to Runes is concise and understandable. For self-determination of spoilage in water use the three-row Runewax layout.

  • 1st row – four runes
  • 2nd row – two runes
  • 3rd row – one rune

If in this layout the runes Eyvaz, Thurisaz, Hagalaz, Laguz and Laguz (pp) are in the first row in the first position, it means that damage is definitely present.

  1. First row: here are runes showing magical negativity (not just damage); if so, in what area of ​​life is it reflected, and how does it affect the querent.
  2. Second row: what or who caused the negativity, if any; here you can see someone who is capable of causing harm.
  3. Third row: the rune shows how the harm was caused; Here, damage is diagnosed by source.

Subsequent runes will indicate what the negative affects.

  • Eyvaz (damage was done by a person who is related to magic, or this person has a special interest)
  • Turisaz (damage done for the purpose of revenge)
  • Hagalaz (the querent was verbally cursed)
  • Laguz (love magic, love spell on menstrual blood for the purpose of revenge)
  • Laguz (pp) (damage done through dead water, or earth from a cemetery)

As you can see, it is the inverted Laguz rune that helps to recognize damage done to water. If the indicated runes are not present in fortune telling for the negative, then there is no direct damage. However, runes can indicate external problems of a domestic nature, or health problems. If Odal is first in the first row, followed by negative runes, this may indicate long-standing damage that has roots in the past.
The runes in the second row can tell us who or how the negativity was brought into the querent’s life. If the Manaz rune appears in the second row, we can conclude that the person himself is a source of negativity. What could this mean? For example, in the past you acted meanly and unfairly, picked up something in a crowded place or at a crossroads, and thereby took upon yourself the damage thrown off, or moved into a damaged house - there can be many options. If the runes Gebo, Odal, Perto, Fehu appear in the second row, this means that the negativity is not on the querent, but on a thing, deed or relationship. If Berkana or Laguz falls out, the damage was initiated by a woman. If Teyvaz or Turisaz is a man.

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The third row of negative diagnostics to clarify how the damage was done: if Gebo falls out, it means the damage was caused through a gift, Odal indicates a lining, Fehu - done through something that the querent was holding in his hands, a transfer is possible. Laguz or Berkana will talk about magical feeding or feeding, so these runes help independently determine damage through water. It is clear that when you see a magical negative on yourself or another person, you need to remove it.

Does holy water help against the evil eye and damage?

Water in witchcraft rituals is used both to induce damage and to remove it, cleansing a person from all negative energy. If the situation is not critical, and the negative is not very strong - household unprofessional damage, then you can independently remove the evil eye with the help of holy water.

Holy water provides so-called egregoric help and protection.

But, if you are not an active believer, do not go to church, do not pray, do not pay, do not feed the church egregor, i.e. you, as they said in the old days, are not Christ, the egregor is not interested in you, and you will not receive any help from holy water. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will sharpen this point, you need to understand this. So, holy water is not a panacea for black magic, no matter how loudly it is advertised. And vice versa, if you fall under the jurisdiction of the church egregor, then you can, if necessary, wash with holy water from the evil eye, read prayers and white spells on water, and, indeed, the power of energy damage (evil eye) will be extinguished.

The evil eye is a form of negative energy that can be easily removed. Basically, people, even those not related to magic, cope by using holy water against the evil eye and energy negativity. Some use the help of practicing magicians. The main thing here is to be a believing Christian, to have Orthodox icons at home, holy water and to know the necessary prayers. Sometimes it is enough to wash a baptized baby who has suffered from the evil eye with holy water in order to remove the destructive energy sent by envious people and evil people.

How to wash off the evil eye with holy water at home

If you feel weak and there are signs of the evil eye, take a warm bath and add holy water, while reading the words of the white spell against the evil eye:

“In an open field, a white birch tree stands, sways, and bends in the wind. Korov does not know reproaches, does not suffer from envy, does not wither from anger, rejoices in the sun, bows to the rain. So I too can be free with this watery love. Amen".

Then step into the water, read the Lord's Prayer and dive headlong, repeating the prayer. People who did it themselves at home speak of this white ritual as effective, allowing them to remove the evil eye from themselves with water. There are cases of severe evil eye, in which a person’s energy shell is significantly damaged. In this case, you can light church candles and place them along the edges of the bath.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, believe that there are many ways in witchcraft remove the evil eye with water at home. White magicians usually use holy or spring water. Black sorcerers also, with good results, work with spring water, relieving victims of the induced effects of curses aimed at destruction.

Good ways to remove the evil eye using water and salt.

But the evil eye is not the worst effect. Often people find themselves in much more serious situations. However, everything can be fixed. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, want to offer you a powerful ritual for removing damage to water; This witchcraft ritual is not for independent use. It is performed by a practicing magician or a person well versed in the aspects of real witchcraft. Removes severe damage, and also helps a person get back his property after theft.

Read the spell for water against the evil eye and damage - to return what was stolen by sorcerers

Different people come to a practicing magician. And the problem of removing damage is one of the most pressing. How to return your destiny, luck, health after damage? Here is a ritual for removing negativity and returning stolen property, which is done at dawn. Is not home spell for water to remove damage, the magician carries out all his work at a natural spring. Do it on the waxing moon. The horizon and the rising sun should be clearly visible.

Here's what you need to have for the magical ritual of removing damage to water:

  1. container with water from a source
  2. ritual knife
  3. wormwood decoction

Clothes are loose, without belts, for both the magician and the victim. Both are barefoot. Both have their hair down and without jewelry. Add wormwood decoction to a container with spring water. Place the patient on his knees, facing the sunrise. Knife and water in the hands of a sorcerer. Summon the protective Forces. And begin to walk around the patient at sunrise, alternately sticking the knife into the ground: in front of the patient, then to the right, then behind and to the left. The blade of the witchcraft knife is directed flat towards the patient, not with a sharp edge, this is important. Go three circles with water clockwise. Every time, taking a knife out of the ground, dip it in water and read out loud, looking at the victim, for the sake of which the ritual of removing damage to water is performed:

“As the clear sun rises in the east, and there are no obstacles or obstacles to it, so your life (name) has a clear path. How strong and strong is the Mother of cheese, the Earth,

Completing the third circle, the magician makes a prostration, touching his forehead to the ground and pressing the knife to his chest. The patient gets to his feet, spreads his arms to the sides and, looking at the rising sun, says:

“My time has come, my sun has risen! Everything that was stolen came back.”

Then the magician takes a container of water and begins to walk 3 circles clockwise, splashing water with his hand in a circle, reading the spell for water against damage:

“Do not stand across (name), yes, do not push dirty tricks, neither weak nor strong, neither young nor old, neither sorcerer nor witcher, nor woman or man. Whoever crosses (name) will fall on his face, he will become like a feather grass of the field, soot and dust from the ashes and an empty ear. He closed it, closed it, whoever needed it, returned it, with the help and power of Wind, Water, Mother of the damp Earth.”

Having made 3 full circles, bow to the sun, forest, water and silently go home.