What do you need to open a culinary business? How to earn? Culinary business: how to open a culinary business. Cooking business plan: equipment and necessary documents

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Business plan

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The presented culinary business plan is a document containing current information and calculations that will help a person who dreams of such a business. Such an establishment as a culinary establishment is needed in any city: big and small; it will be visited by adults and children. According to experts, the demand for confectionery and culinary products will continue to grow, so such good quality goods will be sold out with pleasure.

A ready-made business plan for organizing a culinary studio is available on the website, intended for those who would like to take it as a basis and make their own calculations. This is quite possible, but you immediately need to decide on the proposed premises and the list of services and goods that your establishment will be able to offer. It makes sense not only to sell products, but also to produce a certain range on our own, so that people always have the opportunity to buy something fresh, “in the heat of the moment.” This applies to both desserts and salads, appetizers, and ready-made main courses.

After studying the document, you can immediately begin to look for the right premises and think about what equipment you will need. It is also necessary to take into account that this activity requires permission from regulatory authorities. You will find all additional information and calculations in the proposed document, which was created taking into account modern realities. Don’t forget that often in culinary establishments visitors buy food both to take home and have a snack on the spot, so your establishment or store should be neat, freshly renovated, have excellent ventilation, and also be modern and convenient for customers.

The more people who do not want or do not have time to prepare full-fledged homemade lunches and dinners, the higher the profit from cooking. Meanwhile, such a business as pure cooking has found numerous competitors in our time. Any supermarket will offer the discerning modern buyer dozens of varieties of salads, cutlets, fish dishes, and a variety of baked goods. The organization of the work of the culinary department, culinary workshop, and supermarket is, as a rule, carried out on a grand scale. Their assortment is designed both for buyers with modest incomes and for people who can afford to purchase expensive delicacies without wasting time on preparing them.

If you are the owner of a grocery store, then opening your own production - a culinary department - will become an additional source of profit for you. This is also convenient because you can use products that you purchase for sale in the store in the production of ready-made dishes. The larger the range of ready-made dishes, the easier it is to interest the buyer, the main thing is that the quality of the products always remains at a high level.

One small deli section in a supermarket can increase the overall profit of the store by 3-5%, which is actually not that little. It is important to study the buyer’s demand, offering him the most popular products. This way, you will be able to avoid a situation where food expires before you can buy it. Opening a salad production workshop should include the use of exclusively fresh products. Options when products that are not the freshest are sent to the salad have no right to life. One poisoning incident is enough for the reputation of your brainchild to be damaged for a long time.

When opening a culinary business as a separate independent enterprise, it is necessary, first of all, to carefully study the level of competition. To open a culinary shop, you need to prepare all the necessary documents so that in the future you do not have troubles with regulatory structures. This is a very complex and time-consuming process, because for each product that will be produced within the walls of your kitchen, you need to obtain technical specifications plus many other permits.

When compiling an assortment of your own culinary products, focus on your potential buyer, his needs and financial capabilities. In conditions of intense competition, you can attract people only with the highest quality products, prepared with soul, better than at home. It is clear that this is only possible if you have experienced professionals working for you. If you don’t have them, you can’t do without organizing culinary courses or a school. How to open your own culinary business, where to start - step-by-step instructions for organizing this process are contained in a competent example of a business plan for opening a culinary business with ready-made calculations. With its help, you will be able to effectively implement your business idea and recoup your initial investment in the shortest possible time.

Previously, people could afford the luxury of preparing home-cooked food. Each had a large kitchen equipped with the necessary equipment, where they could “produce” culinary masterpieces. But everything has changed in the age of speed and information technology. There is practically no time left for yourself, let alone cooking. Many people don't even have a kitchen at home. Due to its uselessness. And even if there is a kitchen, this does not mean that it is actively used. People (especially in big cities) are actively switching to consuming ready-made meals, semi-finished products that can simply be heated in the microwave, or eating in cafes and restaurants (but not everyone can afford this luxury).

As a result, a situation arises when thousands of people almost completely stop consuming tasty, healthy and so beloved food from childhood. Hamburgers, hot dogs, pizza, pies replace and replace mashed potatoes, cabbage rolls, meatballs, various salads, etc. But after all, even the most inveterate "fast fooders" at one time or another necessarily have a desire to eat normal homemade food.

It would seem that a way out of this situation is possible from two sides. You can somehow organize time for cooking and prepare food in your own kitchen. The second option is to earn more and eat in good cafes or even restaurants. But this method will remain an unattainable dream for most.

How to help these people?

It will help in resolving this issue. This is such a kind of ready-made food store, where all the food, as a rule, is prepared right on the spot. In front of buyers. Or in the next room, where the kitchen is equipped.

Nowadays, in large cities, culinary shops have become so popular that they are able to compete with ordinary grocery stores. People love the opportunity to buy home-cooked meals. They can simultaneously save their own time and eat tasty, fresh and healthy food.

The good demand for this category of goods makes the business idea of ​​opening a culinary business an excellent opportunity for both beginners and experienced businessmen.

Opening a culinary shop - looking for premises?

Naturally, you should start by finding a suitable premises. Or rather, the most important factor is not the room itself, but its location. It all depends on targeting a particular customer audience. There are two ideal options. The first is business districts, where there are many offices of various companies. The second is sleeping areas. Close to large residential complexes. It is advisable to choose the most elite high-rise buildings. It is their residents who always have a lack of time, which you can compensate for by offering fresh, ready-made meals.

Opening a culinary store next to a large supermarket or hypermarket may also be a good option. But there is one common problem here. Very often, the owners of such retail chains themselves organize culinary departments inside their stores. And, I must say, the food there is often very good. It’s probably not worth opening a ready-meal store next to such retail establishments.

As for the room itself, it is desirable that it consist of at least two rooms. In one you equip the kitchen. The second will have a sales area where your employees will serve customers. If the trading floor is large enough, then you can organize a small “dining room” here. As a rule, high tables are usually placed in such places for express eating while standing. Students (and not only) will be very grateful to you.

Opening a culinary shop - registration and permits

The first step is to register your culinary store with the tax authorities. No one will have any problems with this.

The only difficulty can be in coordinating and obtaining all the necessary permits. After all, you are going to be engaged in the “production” of food products. And here you will have to try hard to ensure that you are given all the necessary papers to carry out your activities. You will most likely be able to get all this, but it will cost either money, time, or good connections. In general, as always.

Opening the culinary industry - creating an assortment

Naturally, the most important factor in the success of any store selling ready meals is the right assortment. Your task is to create a list of dishes that your customers are ready to buy daily, in large quantities.

Of course, it will not be possible to immediately provide for all the wishes of clients. Only observations and experiments will help with this. But, nevertheless, there is a certain list of ready-made dishes that are always in demand.

Firstly, these are various potato dishes. Well, what can I say, we love potatoes. In the assortment of your cooking should be fried, boiled, baked potatoes. As well as various dishes based on these products.

Secondly, these are all kinds of meat dishes. Chops, cutlets, schnitzels, cabbage rolls, stuffed peppers, empanadas, etc.

Thirdly, fish dishes. Fish cutlets, fish baked with vegetables, fried, steamed, etc.

Fourthly, salads. Start with the usual Olivier salad, crab salad, etc. They are always in fashion. And gradually add something more exotic to them.

And, of course, you should have enough sweet and pastry dishes - pies, buns, cookies, cakes, cakes, etc.

Let's discover cooking - what was not included in the previous paragraphs

Here we will talk about some rather important points that we have not yet covered. Let's start with the packaging. Your clients must somehow deliver the finished dishes to their apartment or office. Therefore, you need to solve the crucial issue of packaging.

Fortunately, today this does not pose any problems. You can always purchase the required number of bags or plastic boxes of various sizes. Moreover, you can order packaging with an individual design, including the name and logo of your cooking.

Since food is sold by weight in culinary stores, you will have to purchase several units of scales. We need high-quality electronic devices that can accurately weigh down to the gram.

As for personnel, everything depends on volumes. But in any case, you will need a chef, assistant cooks and cashiers serving customers. In addition, an administrator is needed who will solve organizational issues and work with dissatisfied clients.

A few words in conclusion

When starting a culinary business, you should remember the two most common mistakes that even experienced players make in this business. Firstly, you shouldn’t skimp on products. Your dishes should be based on high-quality and fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, etc. Believe me, now is not the time when customers are ready to eat low-quality products to save money. And most importantly, any savings you make, sooner or later, will be noticed. And then the client will definitely leave you. This cannot be allowed.

Your goal is completely different. You must ensure that your customers recommend your culinary store to their friends, relatives and acquaintances. Having achieved this, your business will grow and your profits will constantly increase.

And the second important point is to monitor the freshness of the dishes. If the expiration date has expired, you should not try to re-stick the stickers and sell the client a low-quality product. The minimum that can happen is the client leaving. Maximum – serious poisoning. And then you cannot avoid trial and a large fine. It is better to throw away expired salad, but maintain an impeccable reputation. After all, loyal customers are the most important component of this business. And they cannot be neglected. We wish you successful business!

Even a housewife who loves and knows how to cook may well wonder: how to open a culinary business? Since you still have to deal with minced meat, potatoes and salads every day, why not make an income from it?

Indeed, cooking can be a profitable business. Sales volumes of semi-finished food products are growing from year to year; in the record year of 2011, an increase of 40% was recorded. Intensification of work and increasing employment leave people less and less time for cooking, and the widespread use of microwave ovens speeds up and simplifies the transformation of semi-finished products into finished dishes.

But it's not that simple. The success of your own culinary business depends not only and not so much on your desire and perseverance, but on a combination of external circumstances that are in no way dependent on you. Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Initial conditions

What type of culinary business to open: with or without production – you don’t have to worry about it. The question “How to open a culinary business without a production cycle?” meaningless. All those semi-finished products that you can buy from wholesale suppliers are already available in supermarkets and branded outlets. Buyers are tired of them, and for the success of your business you need to offer something of your own.

Assortment and production

There are several possible approaches:

  • A proven and reliable method of average effectiveness is “homemade”. Sometimes it is enough to slightly change the appearance (shape, size) or packaging of the product so that it does not look like the eyesore of standard products, and people will buy it at least to try. And if it’s prepared with soul, then more will come later.
  • Regional - national. This approach can be called “Anti-McDonalds”. The idea of ​​standardizing tastes throughout the world comes from standardizing the way of life, but people still live in their own way everywhere, but there is no friend according to taste and color. From the most ordinary broiler you can prepare tobacco chicken, satsivi, traditional Russian chicken noodles, Siberian shangi with chicken and many other ready-to-eat portioned dishes after quick heating.
  • Retro. The pressure of Western mass culture has pushed into the background many previously widespread achievements of national cuisines. You can play well on this. Read in the old Soviet “Book of Tasty and Healthy Food” what Wiener schnitzel or Metro cutlets are. Suitable for sale as semi-finished products or chilled for reheating? But they are not available in supermarkets.
  • An unexpected idea. Everyone is also tired of advertising glamor, and advertisers themselves take advantage of this circumstance. Once upon a time in England, a boxer with a face so ugly that it was impossible to look away from him became an advertising supermodel. After the first fee, he said: “For that kind of money, now even my wife considers me handsome.” Let's apply this principle. The most ordinary boiled or fried potatoes, cooked at home and sprinkled with herbs, but a portion in a box with the inscription: “From grumpy Pelageya.” If it turns out that the grumpy Pelageya works effectively in the kitchen, sales are guaranteed.
  • Thoughtful product complexes. Let’s imagine a person walking home from work after a hard shift or from the office after a day of being bullied and scolded by his boss. His mind flashes: “Shouldn’t I accept it?” I don’t even want to go to a supermarket with a crowd of people. He looked into the small cozy kitchen and saw: next to them were potatoes “From Grumpy Pelagia”, pickles, herring under a fur coat and a sign: “Discount on the complex.” That’s it, there’s a snack, no need to cook, your mouth is watering, and you have a regular customer. He’ll also have schnitzel to go with it, I’d like some meat too.


Let's remember "A man is walking home from work." This is the most important condition for a good culinary trade. Take a closer look at how people leave work in the surrounding area, how many of them there are, how many go into supermarkets, how many come out with full bags and sagging packages. Simply, track the flow of potential buyers.

Also go to the market, walk around, see what there is in cooking there, and whether there is a place for a point with your “zest”. See if there are hostels, inexpensive hotels and boarding houses in the area, read advertisements for housing rentals. In addition to the hourly rate, this is understandable for what, and there is no time for cutlets. That is, keep track of the location of potential customers.

Finally, take a closer look at educational institutions, in addition to schools - how students leave after studying, what they buy on the way. In resort settlements we also look at seasonal flows of vacationers. This is the third possible flow of buyers.

It is better not to keep flows and dislocations in mind, but to mark them on the plan of the city or region. Then you will immediately see where it is better to position yourself so as not to burn out.


Having dealt with strategic issues - assortment and clientele - the question is: “How to open your own culinary establishment?” can be translated into practical terms. The most important tactical task is choosing a location for a specific retail outlet.

Having determined from the plan with your marks the places where customer flows intersect and converge, you need to look around the place. It’s better to start where the highest flow density coincides with the locations of customers. The goal is to find a suitable premises.

To begin with, it is better not to chase large areas of former Soviet canteens and culinary shops: large areas mean large rent. Also, contrary to popular recommendations, do not avoid supermarkets. There is yours, you have yours. There is a standard and a crush; You have delicious comfort.

Once you have found suitable premises, contact landlords, arrange a viewing and have them inspected. You need to know if they can be made sanitary and how much it will cost you. It is better to invite a local SES specialist for an inspection; as a paid service or privately, in a comradely way, you decide on the spot. You need to get recommendations for repairs and equipment for your future cooking area.

It is also very useful to visit other areas of the city, look into the culinary shops there and see how they sell. The best one is where there are always 1-3 buyers. You should open your own in a similar place.

Possible income

For a business such as cooking, a business plan can only be drawn up if you know exactly the amount of the rent. A culinary store will be profitable only in a busy place, but the rental of retail space there is not low. In Moscow, for example, in “bedrooms” five or six metro stations from the center, if you can find a rental for 12,000 rubles per sq. m. m per month, then this is incredible luck.

At the same time, 100 visitors per day will give no more than 600,000 rubles per month. profit, from which you still need to pay taxes, salaries and pay for utilities. Therefore, for a game to be worth the candle, you need to count on at least 20 buyers per hour, i.e. one or two in line.

If the establishment is popular and the queue is longer, you need to tighten your belt and take another assistant. The main income from cooking comes at the end of the working day, from people too tired to cook for themselves. They're already annoyed, and if they have to wait more than 2-3 minutes for service, your store will soon be empty. During the day, of course, local talkative (and often quarrelsome) old ladies will come, but don’t expect much income from them.

Based on the expected flow of customers and monthly net profit, we determine the costs of repairs and equipment. The price ranges here are such that it would be reckless to give any recommendations in advance. A gas stove can cost 5,000 rubles or 50,000. The same applies to refrigeration equipment, display cases, and other things. Statistics show no stable demand for cooking; it all depends on you - how you cook and serve.

We determine the profitability and payback period of the establishment. If you get 25-30% and 2-3 years, then this is a good indicator for cooking. With the “twists” (see above), you can count on a payback per year, but as an assumption, there is no calculation base yet.

As you can see, a business plan for cooking has to be drawn up “from the opposite direction.” The reasons for this are the instability of demand as a consequence of the saturation of the market with standard Western-style culinary products and at the same time the lack of civilized cooking based on domestic and national traditions.

In any case, the initial cost of renovating the premises and equipping the culinary store will be at least 450,000 rubles.


Having previously agreed on a lease (or better yet, in parallel, while searching for premises), you need to resolve the issue with the staff. The minimum is one unit with culinary education, if you will be standing at the stove or behind the counter.

The best option is a reliable culinary friend or just a good housewife with free time. By taking it as a share, you don’t have to worry about a fixed salary.

Also a good option is a young graduate of a culinary school or college. Of course, a successful person, without bad habits and not looking for a “cover” for some side activities. Here, a successful choice entirely depends on your observation and life experience.

Consider experienced employees applying for your ad last. Experienced workers very rarely leave for a new place with an unknown future. In any case, ask for information about your last place of work, or better yet two or three, and inquire there. Even if they don’t say directly that she was stealing or that she was drunk and rude to the visitor, but they answer evasively, it’s better to refuse.

Select several candidates. Here it turns out to be a fork - you shouldn’t start a business without a reliable assistant, but while you are registering, repairing and equipping, she may already find a job, and you will find yourself having to pay rent without having any cash flow.

Registration and registration

Having decided for yourself, in principle, how to open a culinary business, collecting documents will not be so difficult. Licensing for food production has now been abolished, so there is no need to present a certificate for each cutlet. To finally open up and start working, you need the following:

  • Submit to the local Rospotrebnadzor a notification of the start of activity with an assortment list of products and semi-finished products separately and with a list of technological and refrigeration equipment.
  • Receive permission to start activities in response.
  • With this permit and the individual entrepreneur’s documents, contact the SES and firefighters, and obtain permission from them.
  • Obtain permission from the local environmental service for the removal and disposal of industrial and household waste.

As a rule, all these chores are entrusted to specialized law firms - this is easier and cheaper, considering how much time it will take an inexperienced person to run around with paperwork. A “paper” start of activity will cost 6,000 – 12,000 rubles, including state duty.

If you intend to go through the thorny path of formalities on your own, you will have to study the Federal Law of August 8, 2001 N 128-FZ “On licensing of certain types of activities”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 16, 2009 No. 584 “On the notification procedure for the start of implementation certain types of business activities" (as amended on April 14, 2010) and related regulatory documents and acts.

Bottom line

Now we can roughly summarize.

For a culinary store with 25 sq. m of retail space, the initial costs will be about 460,000 rubles, including documentation. The payback period is 1-3 years, depending on local conditions. After promotion, you can count on a monthly net income of 50,000 - 200,000 rubles, again depending on local conditions.

  • Production plan
  • Monthly store expenses
  • Which OKVED code must be specified for cooking?
        • Similar business ideas:

Sample business plan for opening a culinary store with its own kitchen (food to order)

How much money do you need to open a culinary store?

According to preliminary calculations, to open a business you will need to invest about 1,958,800 rubles:

  • Purchase of equipment (kitchen, commercial) - RUB 1,400,000.
  • Purchase of household goods equipment, dishes, workwear - 100,000 rub.
  • Deposit for renting premises - 88,800 rubles.
  • Repair of premises - 120,000 rub.
  • Purchase of products and creation of an assortment of goods - 70,000 rubles.
  • Advertising budget (advertising sign, advertising in the media, promotion on the Internet) - 80,000 rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 100,000 rubles.

Step-by-step plan for opening a culinary store

The opening of a culinary establishment will be accompanied by the strict implementation of a plan, including the following sequential actions:

  1. Search for sources of project financing
  2. Search for premises
  3. Registering a business and concluding a lease agreement
  4. Carrying out cosmetic repairs, coordination with regulatory authorities
  5. Purchase of commercial and kitchen equipment and household items. inventory
  6. Personnel search
  7. Procurement of products and ingredients
  8. Development of an advertising company
  9. Opening of the establishment

Cooking store product range

Our cooking will earn money in three main areas: Trade directly in the store (sales to retail customers). Delivery of ready-made meals to order (to offices, home, etc.). The demand for ready-made food is growing from year to year, especially in large cities, so we will allocate additional funds to develop delivery. The development of such a service will be facilitated by the favorable location of our point (there are many offices and elite areas of new buildings nearby) Fulfillment of large orders for preparing food for holiday buffets, banquets and other events. In this area, we will work with banquet halls in the city that do not have their own kitchen. The main culinary range will include:

  • Baked goods (pies, pizza, belyashi)
  • Salads
  • Pickles
  • Snacks
  • Hot dishes
  • Side dishes and pastas
  • Dessert
  • Cakes and cookies
  • Drinks (tea, coffee, juices)
  • Banquet dishes
  • Alcohol, excluding strong drinks

How much can you earn by opening a culinary store?

The average sales receipt for our establishment, according to preliminary calculations, will be 200 rubles. The average number of visitors in the retail department will be 70 people, with another 20 people. will purchase culinary products to order. Potential daily revenue is 18,000 rubles, monthly (22 working days) - 396,000 rubles. It is also worth considering the profit from large orders for banquets. In total, we plan to serve up to three such orders per month, for a total amount of 100,000 rubles.

Download a culinary business plan from our partners, with a quality guarantee.

Production plan

Since our culinary department will have its own kitchen, this will require compliance with the relevant premises requirements from Rospotrebnadzor. We have selected a room containing two entrances, with proper ventilation and all necessary communications, including water supply, heating, electricity (of sufficient power) and sewerage. The premises do not border any industrial production and have been transferred to the appropriate type of permitted use. Only cosmetic repairs are required. The size of the rented area is 74 sq. m. m., rent - 44 400 rubles. per month.

What equipment should you choose for a culinary store?

All necessary kitchen equipment will be purchased: cutting table, refrigerator, convection oven, pizza oven, frying surface, stove, coffee maker, microwave oven, dishes and utensils. About 1.4 million rubles will be spent for these purposes. The hall for receiving visitors (trading hall) will also be properly equipped. A sales display, shelving, and a sales counter will be installed here. There will also be several high tables for quick snacks. Ingredients and products for cooking will be purchased from local suppliers and farms. Some of the products are planned to be purchased at wholesale stores in our city, as well as from bakery organizations.

Monthly store expenses

  • Supply manager with personal car -20,000 rub. per month
  • Senior cook - 25,000 rub. per month
  • Assistant cook - 18,000 rub. per month
  • Administrator (manager) - 25,000 rubles. per month.

It is planned to hire an accountant and a cleaner under an outsourcing agreement. The total wage fund per month will be 120,000 rubles. RUB 40,000 will be transferred to the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund (extra-budgetary funds). monthly.

Which taxation system to choose for a culinary store?

As an organizational and legal form, it is planned to register an LLC - a limited liability company consisting of two founders. Taxation system - simplified tax system, 15% of profit. A cash register will be installed.

Marketing and promotion of cooking

The main advantage of our cooking is that it will work in a fairly advantageous location. Nearby there are many large office buildings, where hundreds of enterprises of various profiles operate. Office workers are one of the main clients (always busy people). It is also worth noting the presence of a higher educational institution in close proximity (200 m). Special marketing techniques for business promotion will be applied only to food delivery. For this, according to the business plan, we plan to use the media, the Internet and banner advertising. To attract retail customers, it will be enough to place a bright advertising sign above the entrance and distribute leaflets to nearby office buildings.

Financial plan (best result)

Let's move on to calculating the main economic indicators of a business. Monthly cooking expenses

  • Premises rental - 44,400 rub.
  • Products and ingredients - 150,000 rub.
  • Salary - 120,000 rub.
  • Insurance deductions - 40,000 rubles.
  • Utility bills - 18,000 rub.
  • Advertising - 10,000 rub.
  • Fuel and lubricants and other expenses - 15,000 rubles.

Total - 397,400 rub. Revenue per month: 496,000 rub. Profit before tax: 496,000 - 397,400 = 98,600 rubles. simplified tax system, 15% of profit: 14,790 rub. Net profit: 98,600 - 14,790 = 83,810 rub. per month. Business profitability is 21%. With such indicators, investments in the business pay off in 24 months of cooking.

This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Which OKVED code must be specified for cooking?

Any business entity, regardless of its organizational and legal form (individual entrepreneur, legal entity), when submitting documents for registration in the necessary documents, must indicate the code of the activity that it will engage in. To open a culinary business, we indicate 56 as the main code, which, according to OKVED, corresponds to activities related to the provision of drinks and various food products. Further, depending on the specific direction, additional codes are indicated.

What documents are needed to open

To open a cookery you will need to register. If you initially set up a large business, then we register a legal entity in the form of a limited liability company. When opening a small culinary business, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneurship. The following documents are submitted for LLC:

  • application for registration and charter of the company;
  • decision of the meeting of shareholders and information about the director, chief accountant;
  • legal address and receipt of payment of state duty;
  • register with government authorities and obtain the appropriate permits;
  • open a current account in any bank.

For an individual entrepreneur A simplified registration procedure is provided for individual entrepreneurs. An application and a document confirming payment of the state duty, a photocopy of the passport and obtaining permits are enough to register and receive a bank account.

Do I need permission to open?

This area of ​​activity is associated with obtaining a number of permits:

  • To carry out culinary activities, we obtain permission from Rospotrebnadzor. To obtain it, you will need to collect a certain package of documents, which includes not only an assortment list, but also requires education;
  • Having received permission from the named government agency, we go to the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspectorate for permission.

In addition to the above permissions, it is necessary to conclude agreements for:

  • removal of waste and other garbage;
  • carrying out work on disinfection of premises;
  • documents confirming that all employees of the facility have undergone a medical examination;
  • in cases of delivery of ready-made meals or semi-finished products, you will need to obtain a sanitary passport for the vehicle;
  • undergo certification and receive appropriate documents for the quality of prepared dishes.