A big war with a small enemy, or how to destroy bacteria. A tasty seasoning and a healing plant: does garlic help against viruses? What about our body?

Does the microwave kill bacteria and germs? and got the best answer

Answer from the Chairman of the Homeowners Association[guru]
Answer: yes. In the West, researchers conducted experiments and EXACTLY established that heating for 1 minute at 100% power kills ALL bacteria and microbes.
So this is practical advice for housewives who use foam sponges (a breeding ground for germs...) from time to time, just warm it up for 1 minute in the microwave and it’s a sterile sponge

Answer from Magomed Akhmedpashaev[newbie]
For a year now, every morning I make myself scrambled eggs with whites; they do not decompose during heat treatment. Mix 2 raw yolks with a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or oxidized wine. Ugh, haven't been sick yet. You should throw the microwave in the trash, it kills everything, the food becomes tasteless.

Answer from Mikhail Novorossisky[newbie]
the fact that waves kill vitamins link plz, and don’t blah blah blah

Answer from Hdfh dfhdfh[newbie]
How can you kill vitamins? if these are chemical compounds and not living beings like microbes and others

Answer from Zhenya Viktorov[newbie]
Science says it affects bacteria, can both kill and increase population growth

Answer from . [guru]
By the way, it destroys vitamins and microelements contained in products... this is not a myth, this is scientific data.

Answer from Elena m[guru]
Do you want to make dead boiled water even deader?

Answer from Albina Zakirova[guru]
definitely kills vitamins...

Answer from Alex[newbie]
Maybe if it's your microwave

Answer from MilaYa[guru]
The problem is that the microwave kills food! And for some reason this doesn’t bother us much - that’s where the paradox lies.

Answer from Yotasik[guru]
Yes, the temperature there can reach up to 200 degrees, but we know that microbes die in hot water and water can heat up to a hundred degrees, which means the microwave kills germs!!!:)

Answer from Nadya Egorova[guru]
Kills some bacteria. There are different microwaves. There are porous ones, there are some with all sorts of clever bells and whistles that supposedly kill all bacteria and do not spoil food...

Answer from FST[guru]
no, it doesn't kill

Answer from Vitamin[guru]
The principle of microwaves is that substances with less resistance heat up more strongly. That is, distilled water heats up very weakly. But microorganisms are stronger.
But the water will not BOIL anyway. Exactly until the moment you add sugar/coffee. Then it starts to foam. For boiling centers will finally appear... Still, the difference between a kettle and a m/v is that the kettle heats everything, including the microcosm, to the point of killing it. And the m/w heats the water, which in turn heats the microbes. So is this “water” heating enough?

Before we begin discussing methods of combating microorganisms, I would like to note that many of them are very useful for the human body. The destruction of bacteria that normally live in the large intestine usually leads to the rapid proliferation of various pathogens. Therefore, differential methods are becoming increasingly popular, allowing targeted destruction of harmful bacteria without affecting or timely restoring the normal microflora to which a person owes his health.

Methods for controlling bacterial populations are divided into chemical, biological and physical, as well as aseptic and antiseptic methods. Asepsis is the complete destruction of bacteria and viruses, antiseptics are measures aimed at reducing the growth of harmful microorganisms as much as possible. Physical methods include the following:

  1. Steaming and autoclaving. Allows you to significantly reduce the number of bacteria in food. This method is also successfully used in crop production, making it possible to reduce the content of unwanted microorganisms in the soil. Surviving bacteria and viruses may be present as spores.
  2. Pasteurization is prolonged heating at temperatures below the boiling point of water. Allows you to preserve some vitamins and organic compounds and the taste of food products. Invented by Louis Pasteur and named after him.
  3. Treatment with ultraviolet radiation. It involves the use of a special lamp that emits light in the short-wave (ultraviolet) range. It allows you not only to get rid of bacteria living on surfaces, but also from harmful microorganisms in the air. Recently, lamps have been created that can operate indoors without causing harm to humans, plants and animals in them.

  1. Exposure to high temperatures. Allows you to effectively get rid of heat-sensitive microbes, as well as destroy bacterial spores.
  2. Exposure to low temperatures. Effective against thermophilic bacteria and viruses. Preference is given to quick freezing methods, the use of which does not give microbes time to form spores. Rapid freezing is also used to study the native (living) structure of fungi, bacteria and viruses.

Chemical destruction of bacteria is also divided into asepsis and antiseptics. The range of substances used is very wide and is annually replenished with new, increasingly safe means for people and animals. Their creation is based on knowledge about the structure of bacteria and viruses and their interaction with various chemicals. Methods for distributing chemical disinfectants are also constantly improving. So, it can be used:

  • soaking (sanitation),
  • fogging (a great way to destroy germs in the air),
  • washing dishes and surfaces,
  • combination with physical methods of combating bacteria, fungi, viruses and spores (using hot solutions, boiling, turning on a bactericidal lamp, etc.).

Operating rooms and laboratories. Asepsis

In this case, the most stringent methods are used to get rid of almost all bacteria in the room. Treatment of premises with disinfectants is combined with the use of quartz treatment. Lamps with hard ultraviolet radiation are turned on in the room, which is harmful to all living cells, including those in the air.

Considering the aggressiveness and toxicity of the methods used for humans, the treatment is carried out using special clothing, and turning on the lamps assumes the absence of people and animals in the room.

Selective destruction of microorganisms. Food industry

The production of many healthy food products is impossible without microorganisms. Cultures of beneficial microbes maintained for the production of fermented milk products, hard cheeses, kvass, beer, wine, baking, tea and coffee fermentation and other purposes tend to become contaminated with third-party microflora. This leads to disruption of production technology and a decrease in the quality of food products. To combat polluting microflora, special media are used, control of the composition of which is the key to the purity of the crops grown. At the same time, dishes and equipment in the intervals between technological cycles are subjected to the same treatment as laboratories and operating rooms (disinfectants and quartz lamps). Control of the content of microbes and spores on surfaces and in the air of work areas can be carried out using inoculation on nutrient media.

Destruction of microorganisms with drugs. Infections and dysbiosis

The advent of antibiotics allowed doctors to make a significant breakthrough in the treatment of severe infectious diseases of humans and animals. However, it soon became clear that the destruction of antibiotic-sensitive bacteria in the human large intestine is fraught with the occurrence of digestive disorders and its symptoms may be similar to intestinal infections. Moreover, some conditions that were not treatable with antibiotics were easily cured by using bacterial cultures living in the human large intestine.
On the other hand, the discovery of bacteria in the stomach responsible for the development of gastritis destroyed the myth that bacterial microflora cannot exist in the acidic environment of gastric juice. The study of the mechanisms that protect these pathogens from destruction and digestion in the stomach has opened a new page in the study of microbes. The advent of tests for the sensitivity of pathogenic microflora to antibiotics has made it possible to select those that are most effective and cause minimal damage to the beneficial inhabitants of the large intestine. Preparations consisting of spores of beneficial microbes and live fermented milk products that restore the microflora of the large intestine have become the final stage in the treatment of all infections. A separate area is the development of synthetic materials for capsules that can withstand high acidity in the stomach and dissolve in the alkaline environment of the intestine.

In the crosshairs of viruses

The task of preserving the microflora of the large intestine is perfectly accomplished by treating bacterial infections with the help of bacteriophages. These are viruses that are very specific in their structure and have a high degree of selectivity in destroying target bacteria. Phage preparations are especially effective for children during the neonatal period, when antibiotics can cause more harm than good, destroying the young and not yet formed microflora of the baby’s large intestine.

What about our body?

Studying the ways in which the human body protects itself from infections is very useful for understanding the processes of interaction between the bacterial ecosystem of the large intestine and the immune system. As is known, microorganisms and their spores living in the large intestine are able to protect themselves from destruction by neutrophils, since there are no receptors on the surface of these cells to which they respond.
Having the ability for chemotaxis (directed movement towards certain chemicals) and phagocytosis, neutrophils carry out the body’s main defense against bacteria and their spores, making their way through the walls of blood vessels into the site of inflammation. The details of the relationship between the immune system and the inhabitants of the large intestine are still being studied. It is known that healthy microflora in the colon improves the body's immunity, and also competitively displaces pathogenic invaders and their spores, keeping their numbers under strict control.

Organic waste recycling and farming

Microbes living in the large intestine work quite effectively outside it, being forced out of composts as their nutritional base disappears. A certain amount of them is preserved in the form of spores that can survive unfavorable conditions and form a new generation of bacteria when the composition of the nutrient medium changes. All of the above methods are used to obtain pure cultures of microorganisms and spores that can improve soil fertility, both free-living and symbionts. Control of organic and fecal contamination of soils is most often carried out by the presence of Proteus in them, which readily settle in the large intestine and are considered its conditionally pathogenic microflora.

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Thanks to the presence of powerful essential oils and phytoncides in its composition, garlic is able to destroy viruses and microbes in the air, preventing them from multiplying.

Benefits for the human body

Garlic and preparations made from it are effective against viral infections and influenza, and can also prevent some complications that may arise after ARVI. This product contains the substance acillin, which can block the formation of enzymes that help viruses enter the human blood.

Attention: Once inside the gastrointestinal tract, garlic has a detrimental effect on many viruses and inhibits pathogenic microflora. To do this, garlic can be consumed with food, as well as take various folk remedies prepared on its basis.

What bacteria and viruses does it destroy?

In the course of a large number of studies, it was found that garlic has powerful antiviral and antifungal properties. Experiments have shown that this miracle vegetable is able to fight viruses and bacteria that cause the following diseases:

Taking into account that antibiotics are ineffective against viral infections, and can also aggravate the course of the disease, the use of garlic for these diseases will contribute to a faster recovery.

Substances such as natural sulfur, nearly two hundred biologically active components, including phytoncides, various minerals (selenium, potassium, magnesium, iron), and vitamins were identified in garlic cloves. All these substances give the vegetable healing properties.

The vegetable kills the pathogens of plague, typhoid fever, diphtheria, cholera. And garlic can destroy the tuberculosis bacillus faster than carbolic acid. Garlic phytoncides can compete with antibiotics such as biomycin and tetracycline.

Even in ancient times, herbalists valued garlic so much that its white flowers were made symbols of some apothecary guilds in Europe and Asia.

Does it matter how it's cooked?

Garlic is useful for consumption in any form, the main thing is not to exceed the norm, since excessive infatuation with this vegetable can bring not only benefits, but also harm to human health.

Experts advise choosing a fresh vegetable, since During any heat treatment, some of the beneficial substances evaporate. An exception may be intolerance to this product in its fresh form. This could be heartburn, increased gas formation in the intestines, etc. Then it is better to eat garlic fried, boiled or baked.

There are also biologically active food supplements created on its basis. Typically these are capsules or tablets made from dried garlic. Of course, they are not so active in the fight against viruses, but they do not have an unpleasant odor and do not irritate the walls of the stomach and intestines.

Important: People suffering from stomach ulcers, gastritis, liver and kidney diseases, and epilepsy should use garlic with caution.

For those who have no contraindications, raw garlic can be used to season sauces, marinades, salads, and meat.. In order for garlic to share its healing properties as much as possible, it is better to add it finely chopped or chopped into prepared dishes.

Garlic added to salads, first and second courses has the following effects on the body:

  • antiviral;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunostimulating (read about strengthening the immune system with garlic);
  • antifungal (you can find out how to cure fungus on toenails);
  • decongestant.

Step-by-step instructions on how to spread it around the apartment to disinfect the room

The ability of garlic to improve immunity and fight viruses and bacteria can be used at home, especially during epidemics of influenza and other viral infections. To do this, the head of the vegetable is divided into cloves, cut into several parts and placed on saucers, which are placed throughout the rooms, and certainly at the bedside of a sick family member. Cut cloves will dry out, so they should be replaced daily with fresh slices..

Volatile compounds (phytoncides) and essential oils contained in the plant lobes will disinfect the room and fight pathogens floating in the air. This is a kind of aromatherapy.

Garlic can also be used to disinfect a room. This is very important during the period of colds. You need to peel 7 cloves of garlic, chop them, and leave them in a room you often visit, for example, the kitchen. Garlic can fight germs in the air.

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The beneficial properties of garlic are not limited to fighting viruses and bacteria. This affordable vegetable is the main component in the preparation of folk recipes and for other diseases. When helping the body fight illnesses, garlic should be consumed carefully and within acceptable limits so that the effect it has on a person is extremely positive.

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This type of microorganism is characterized by enviable fertility and can double its number every 20 minutes. To do this, in addition to a nutrient medium - food - bacteria require certain conditions: humidity and a fairly wide temperature range - from +5 to 63 ° C, with the most comfortable temperature for them being room temperature.

Therefore, if you do not kill pathogenic bacteria, then you can at least stop their reproduction by placing products in temperature conditions in which this process is completely inhibited. If you store foods at temperatures above 0°C but below 5°C or heat them at temperatures above 63°C, you can not only keep them fresh for a long time, but also preserve all their beneficial properties.

Freeze or fry?

In the case when you are determined and are fighting pathogenic bacteria tooth and nail, low and high temperatures will help you with this too. The temperature at which certain bacteria will die depends on their species or type. Most bacteria and protozoan microorganisms die if you hold them for 10 minutes at a temperature of 70°C, but some viruses survive even after prolonged boiling in water whose temperature is 100°C. If you use the sterilization mode in an autoclave at a temperature of 165-170 ° C, all spores and microorganisms will die within 1 hour. Some especially tenacious spore-forming viruses can withstand several tens of minutes at a temperature of 200°C.

Microorganisms easily adapt to low temperatures. There are those that retain their viability at temperatures from -20 to -45 ° C, but at the same time, naturally, the development of pathogenic microorganisms does not occur in them. Psychrophilic microorganisms die at temperatures below -5 or -7°C. Molds and yeasts are the most frost-resistant; they do not die completely, retaining the ability to reproduce when transferred to more favorable conditions. Bacteria that do not form spores die the fastest at subzero temperatures.

If you freeze food slowly, bacteria will die in large numbers, since the resulting ice crystals will destroy their protoplasm and cell walls. Therefore, at temperatures of -3 or -4°C, microorganisms die in greater numbers than at lower temperatures. It has been established that at temperatures from -5 to -10°C only 2.5% of bacteria survive, at -15°C - more than 8%, and if they are placed immediately in a chamber with a temperature of -24°C, 53% of microorganisms will survive.

What spices kill harmful bacteria and protect the cells of our body?

Spices act as powerful antibiotics, blood thinners, anticancer agents, anti-inflammatory factors, insulin regulators and antioxidants

Anti-inflammatory: Ginger.

Inflammation is a suspected cause of heart disease, stroke, cancer, Alzheimer's disease and arthritis. Here's the exciting news: the active ingredients in ginger (gingerols) reduce pain in animals and act as COX-2 (cyclooxygenase) inhibitors, just like anti-arthritic drugs like Celebrex. In addition, gingerols, like aspirin, thin the blood, which is useful for heart disease.
The best evidence that ginger is an anti-inflammatory agent comes from University of Miami researchers: Patients with knee osteoarthritis who took 255 mg of ginger extract twice daily for six weeks had significantly reduced knee pain compared to those who did not receive ginger. . As a side effect, they also had fewer cases of gastrointestinal disorders.

Anti-germ: Oregano

"It's not surprising that oregano has been used since ancient times to fight infections," says Dr. Preuss. He recently discovered that oregano oil is as effective as the antibiotic vancomycin in treating staph infections in mice. In addition, it destroys fungal infections.

Anti-Cancer: Turmeric

Yellow turmeric, a spice found in curry powder, contains high concentrations of the powerful antioxidant curcumin. According to recent research, curcumin helps suppress cancer. In in vitro (test tube) experiments, 80% of malignant prostate cancer cells self-destructed under the influence of curcumin.

Adding curcumin to the diet of experimental mice dramatically slowed the growth of implanted human prostate cancer cells. The same thing happens with colon cancer and lung cancer cells. Researchers believe that curcumin blocks the activation of genes that cause cancer.

Additional benefit: By reducing inflammatory activity, curcumin reduces joint swelling and progressive brain damage in animals. In a University of California study, supplementing small doses of curcumin into the diet of mice with Alzheimer's disease reduced S-plaques in the mice's brains by 50%.

Anti-diabetes: Cinnamon

Adding cinnamon to foods, especially sweet foods, helps control blood sugar spikes, says researcher Richard Anderson of the US Department of Agriculture. "Cinnamon helps normalize blood sugar levels by increasing insulin sensitivity," he says. He recently isolated the active component of cinnamon - methylhydroxychalcone, or MHCH, which in a test tube accelerated the processing of blood sugar by 2000%, or 20 times!

Thus, adding cinnamon to your food in small quantities - for example, sprinkling it on desserts - you make insulin work more effectively. Cloves, turmeric and bay leaves also have this effect, but weaker.

This is a very important discovery. This way, you can avoid increasing blood sugar and insulin levels, and thereby prevent diabetes. It has been established that in animals, a consistently low level of insulin is a factor that slows down aging and increases lifespan.

The strongest spices.

The strongest antibiotics. The strongest killers of 30 types of bacteria, according to Cornell University researchers, were (in descending order) onions, garlic, Jamaican peppers, marjoram, thyme, tarragon, cumin, cloves, bay leaves and cayenne pepper.

The strongest antioxidants. Topping the list are oregano, thyme, sage, cumin, rosemary, saffron, turmeric, nutmeg, ginger, cardamom, coriander (cilantro), basil and tarragon. Researchers from the University of California (Davis) believe that thyme has antioxidant activity similar to vitamin E.

Dried spices or fresh? Dried and fresh spices have similar properties.