Bioptron, indications for use. Bioptron instructions: Spot treatment of nail and skin fungus

Among the advanced technologies of hardware medicine, light therapy occupies a special place. It is based on an innovative device from the Swiss company Zepter called Bioptron - indications for use include a wide range of diseases of the internal systems of the body and dermatological pathologies, diseases of muscles and joints.

Indications for use of the Bioptron device

The essence of the effect of the device in question is that the light beam is polarized, creating a stream of photons with the same direction. Therefore, the use of Bioptron for light therapy produces three proven effects:

  • restoration of plasma proteins and blood cells in the lymphatic and capillary network;
  • normalization of the functions of the mucous membranes and superficial layers of the skin;
  • activation of acupuncture and biological points of the body.

Thus, the described device can be used to treat the following disorders:

  • abscess;
  • inflammatory eye diseases;
  • periodontal disease;
  • herpes;
  • pain of various localizations - in the back, throat, head (with overwork), ears, lower abdomen (with menstruation);
  • diseases of the gums and oral cavity;
  • bursitis;
  • rheumatism;
  • inflammation of the shoulder joint;
  • cough of any origin, including reflex;
  • wounds, abrasions and cuts;
  • redness of the eyes;
  • allergy;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • depression;
  • eczema;
  • inflammation of the big toe;
  • rheumatism;
  • toothache;
  • curvature of the spine in the cervical region;
  • inflammation of the mammary gland, including nipples;
  • heel spur;
  • infections;
  • warts;
  • large-porous hernia;
  • migraine;
  • hammertoe syndrome;
  • sleep disturbances;
  • burns;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • bruises;
  • leg ulcer;
  • runny nose;
  • scars;
  • hoarseness;
  • muscle cramps;
  • perineotomy;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • scaly lichen;
  • psoriasis;
  • sprains, ligament tears;
  • sunburn;
  • joint injuries;
  • frontitis.

In addition, the indications for the use of Bioptron allow it to be used in cosmetology to combat wrinkles, sagging skin, intense hair loss and alopecia. The effectiveness of the device in eliminating cellulite, stretch marks and stretch marks, especially in the early stages of development, has been proven.

Treatment using the Bioptron lamp

Depending on the specific diagnosis and the severity of the disease, from 5 to 20 light therapy sessions are prescribed, the duration of which varies from 1 to 8 minutes. You can use the device daily, 1-3 times a day. Consolidation of the results obtained and strengthening of the therapeutic effect is achieved by repeating the course, which is carried out, as a rule, after 14-15 days.

The nuances of light therapy are as follows:

  1. Do not move the beam during the procedure.
  2. Pre-clean and degrease the skin in the affected area using a Light Fluid or Oxy Spray solution.
  3. Be sure to strictly adhere to the specified time frames.

Additionally, you can purchase a set of filters for color therapy using Bioptron. These devices are handmade from glass. The use of filters allows you to stimulate self-healing processes and enhance the work of the body’s energy centers.

During the work of our physiotherapy room, which is equipped with an electrophoresis apparatus, an inhaler, tube quartz, a UHF therapy apparatus, a Sollux lamp, and a Bioptron lamp. I want to talk about the changes that have occurred in children's health.

The Bioptron device, intended for light therapy, has no age restrictions in its use. I would like to note that, unlike UHF therapy, which can be used no more than twice a year, and therapy with an ultraviolet component (tube of the pharynx and nose), which requires a break of at least 1.5 months, the light of the Bioptron lamp can be used without restrictions on the frequency of courses and their duration.

Under the influence of polarized light, the energy activity of the cell membrane increases. Regeneration processes are activated, the bioenergetic potential of cells increases. Bioptron light has a direct effect on nerve endings, the energy membrane and the nervous system. During the period of treatment with polarized light, we do not observe any side effects or complications. The treatment process is carried out without contact, so the child is insured against the transmission of infection.

Penetration into the depths of the skin area is achieved thanks to warming infrared light. The exposure temperature is approximately 37 degrees, that is, 1 degree higher than normal body temperature. Longer light irradiation times cause deeper tissue penetration. And this helps us in the treatment of residual effects of bronchitis and tracheitis.

When working with Bioptron, I adhere to the methodological recommendations, which indicate the fields and points that need to be affected when treating a particular disease, as well as time limits. So, for example, when you have a runny nose, illuminate the left and right half of the forehead and the bridge of the nose on the left and right sides for 6 minutes per field, 2-4 times a day.

The optimal duration of light exposure on one area is not very long - from 2 to 6 minutes. To avoid overdose, the device has a built-in timer that beeps every 2 minutes.

In our preschool institution, we actively use the light from the Bioptron lamp to treat children’s skin injuries of various types.

We get good results in the treatment of dermatitis of allergic origin. Itching disappears in most cases after the first procedure, but to obtain a positive reaction (disappearance of rash, redness, irritation) it takes 10-15 cases, sometimes more. I would like to note that rashes related to chronic processes and allergies, in which a hypoallergenic diet is not followed, require a long course of treatment.

We see positive results when shining a lamp on abrasions and cuts. Using Bioptron light after initial treatment, we prevent the occurrence of an inflammatory process at the site of damage and significantly, by one third, accelerate the regeneration process. So, after removing the stitches, we treat a child with a cut lip with a lamp. In the first days of taking the procedure, the swelling of the lip noticeably decreased, and further use of Bioptron helped to achieve a cosmetic effect - the scar is almost invisible.

For labial herpes, immediate treatment with the appearance of the first symptoms helps localize the process and speeds up healing. In practice, we also note the analgesic effect of polarized light. It manifests itself both with pain of an inflammatory nature (inflammation of the middle ear, toothache), and with bruises and sprains.

For general diseases of the child's body, we use Bioptron primarily for colds and other everyday complaints.

Treatment of acute diseases with polarized light gives quick and good results, while treatment of chronic diseases requires longer-term use. When treating rhinitis and pharyngitis, we use the Bioptron lamp both separately and in combination with other therapeutic methods: inhalation, throat and nose tube, herbal medicine. The use of a lamp during the recovery period after illness has a beneficial effect.

We have noticed the effectiveness of using polarized light not only in treatment practice, but also in disease prevention. "Bioptron" affects the body's defense system, increases and maintains immunity in weakened and frequently ill children. This method, along with others, has proven itself in the prevention of acute respiratory diseases. In particular, use of "Bioptron" for prophylactic purposes(effects on the tonsils and nose) helped us prevent a flu outbreak in the kindergarten this year.

Analyzing the incidence of illness in sanatorium groups, I would like to note the effectiveness of complex treatment. We have positive dynamics: out of 30 people on the payroll, 10 children have a decrease in the number of illnesses and a decrease in the number of days missed due to illness. These indicators indicate that by strengthening the immune system, the body copes with infection faster and the disease passes without complications.

Nowadays, technology does not stand still. New designs, new inventions and systems are created every day. Medicine, as a science, does not lag behind other industries in development.

One of its new directions was the use of a light therapy system called Bioptron. New inventions are always of interest. Everyone wants to know what's new in the world of science; humanity always strives for ideality in everything. At the same time, the emergence of any innovations is always accompanied by some skepticism.

Many people show a certain uncertainty about the latest techniques and devices. People are confident that it is better to continue using time-tested knowledge and equipment.

And when applying new knowledge, the question always arises: “Is this dangerous?”, “What consequences might there be?” Understanding that they always have the right to choose, people study new drugs very carefully.

Light therapy of the Bioptron system is one of the strongest in its field. It has existed for about 20 years and during this time it has proven itself only from the best side.

Therapeutic properties of the Bioptron system

The devices of the Bioptron device are of high quality and reliability. It does not contain ultraviolet rays that have a detrimental effect on the human body. The range of applications of Bioptron is very wide.

It is suitable for prevention, rehabilitation and treatment. Polarized waves of light emanating from the device are directed only at parallel planes.

It is thanks to them that the apparatus system has a beneficial effect on the human body, stimulates it and has a good effect on the human cellular level.
The operation of the device makes the human body work better.

Metabolic processes improve and energy increases, the body's strength is restored and, therefore, protective properties increase, and this leads to improved well-being.

After using the Bioptron device, your mood significantly improves, your sleep normalizes, your blood pressure returns to normal, and even your skin improves its appearance.
The use of Bioptron light therapy may be needed for diseases such as herpes, rhinitis, osteoporosis.

Thanks to it, the use of medicinal devices is reduced to a minimum, and there are cases when there is no need to use them at all. But these are not all cases when the system can help. In dermatology, he showed excellent results.

After using the device, there was a reduction in scars and scars, wounds, cuts and burns began to heal better.

In case of difficulties with the musculoskeletal system, bone tissue, or dislocations, the use of the device can lead to an improvement in the condition.

Instructions for use of Bioptron

The system can be used not only in hospitals and clinics, but also at home.

But before this, it is still advisable to consult a doctor; his advice will help improve the outcome of therapy.

  • For best results, use the device only in a relaxed state. The ideal time for a session would be the morning or a few minutes before bed.
  • The area of ​​skin where the therapy will be performed should be thoroughly cleaned.
  • Take a comfortable position, relax and begin the procedure. The device should be kept at least 10 cm from the place of use and at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Time to use the device: 5-10 minutes daily in the evening and morning
  • If during the entire procedure you want to treat several places at once, then simply repeat the described steps 2 and
  • When using the device in the eye area, keep them closed.
  • At the end of the session, the device must be disconnected from the network.

Disease Prevention

The use of the drug is possible for the treatment or simply prevention of certain diseases.

Bioptron treatment for acne

The device is used for 5-10 minutes, at a distance of 3-5 cm from the problem area, once a day.

If you have warts

Clean the wart area with Bioptron lotion, use a lamp, pointing it specifically at the wart.

The course of treatment is carried out 2-3 times a day until the wart completely disappears. The procedure takes 5-8 minutes.

For herpes

Apply for 2 minutes on the affected areas, once or twice a day, also at a distance of 3-5 cm.

Prevention of aging with the device

Direct the device to the places where wrinkles appear, hold for about 2 minutes and repeat the procedure several times a day.

Allergy prevention

Clean the skin, apply oxy-spray to the skin, treat the area with a lamp, apply 2-3 times a day

For back pain

Take a comfortable position in which your back is straight, relax and point the lamp at the painful area, hold for about 5-8 minutes. Repeat the procedure 2 times a day

Treatment of hemorrhoids

Direct the lamp directly to the required area, treatment is carried out 2-3 times a day for 6-8 minutes.

For dermatitis

Before use, clean the skin and direct the lamp to the desired areas. The number of required fields may vary, depending on the stage of the disease.

Session time is 2-4 minutes, several times a day. The distance from the lamp to the skin should be at least 3 cm.

For toothache

Direct the light from the lamp onto the diseased area of ​​the tooth through the cheek. Keep the lamp on for at least 6 minutes per session. Carry out the procedure 2-3 times a day.

If after a few days the toothache does not subside, you should immediately consult a dentist.
It is possible to describe all aspects of the use of the light therapy system endlessly. Use the device as intended depending on your disease.

Contraindications of the device

Despite the uniqueness of the system and its widespread use, like any device, it has its contraindications. The first prohibited rule is the state of pregnancy.

As you know, during the period of bearing a child, it is prohibited to use and use many medicinal devices. Bioptron was no exception. If you are worried about abdominal pain, then you should also limit the use of the device, at least until a visit to a specialist.

It can also be attributed to those moments when the use of a light therapy system is prohibited. Some kidney, heart and liver diseases may prohibit the use of light therapy.

Diseases of the nervous system, hormonal imbalances and blood diseases lead to failure of the system. Taking into account all the nuances, before deciding to use the drug, it is still necessary to consult a doctor.


Referring to all the beneficial properties, as well as the widely used applications of Bioptron, we can come to the conclusion that it is an excellent solution to many problems and diseases. Its beneficial properties and the absence of ultraviolet rays allow the drug to be used in many areas of treatment.

Thanks to it, the body receives new strength, the condition improves, blood pressure normalizes, the skin condition returns to normal, and wound healing accelerates.

Looking at all these positive properties, it is worth saying that the development and appearance of the Bioptron light therapy system was one of the best moments in the field of medicine.

Video: Treatment with Bioptron lamp


Skin allergies, itching, redness of the skin.

Used: cleaning solution, Bioptron Compact, oxy-spray.

Treatment method:
1. Clean the damaged area of ​​skin with a mild cleanser
2. Spray the affected area of ​​skin with a thin layer of oxy-spray.
3. Treat the skin along the margins with a Bioptron lamp. Each field
illuminate for 4 minutes.
4. Irrigate the affected area of ​​skin again with a thin layer of oxy-
spray and let the skin air dry.

Course of treatment: 2-3 times a day.

Attention! Itching disappears in most cases after the first procedure. Oxy-spray can be used in the interval between treatment procedures. Oxygen helps accelerate the regeneration process. It is very important to get an explanation from your doctor about what caused the allergy in order to avoid any recurrences later.


Abscesses of the skin and oral cavity.

Used: Bioptron Compact, oxy-spray.

Treatment method:

1. Apply a thin stream of oxy-spray to the abscess. This operation is not performed during dental treatment.
2. Illuminate the abscess with a Bioptron lamp for 4 to 6 minutes. For an oral abscess, illuminate the oral cavity directly for 6 to 8 minutes, or direct the light through the cheek to the affected area.

Course of treatment: 1-3 times a day.

Attention! Start treatment immediately when the first symptoms appear. Abscesses occur due to improper functioning of the kidneys and intestines. If there is no improvement after 5-7 days, contact your dentist.


Eczema of all types.

Used: Bioptron Compact, Bioptron Pro 1, Bioptron 2, oxy-spray.

Treatment method:

2. Treat the skin with a Bioptron lamp along the fields. Illuminate each field for 4 minutes.
3. Spray the damaged area of ​​skin again with a thin layer of oxy-spray and allow the skin to air dry.

Course of treatment: 1-2 times a day.

Attention! Start treatment immediately when the first symptoms appear! Oxy-spray can be used in the interval between treatment procedures. Oxygen supports regeneration processes. Avoid spicy foods, cheese, sausages and chocolate. If there is no improvement after 7 days, consult a doctor.


Herpetic blisters, herpes.

Used: Oxy-spray, Bioptron Compact.

Treatment method:

1. Clean the damaged area of ​​skin with a mild cleansing lotion.
2. Spray the damaged area of ​​skin with a thin layer of oxy-spray.
3. Illuminate the damaged area of ​​skin for 4 minutes.

Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

Attention! If treatment is started immediately when the first symptoms appear, the process is localized.



Used: Bioptron Compact, Bioptron Pro 1, oxy-spray.

Treatment method:

1. Spray the damaged area of ​​skin with a thin layer of oxy-spray.
2. Illuminate each point of the damaged area for 4 minutes.

Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

Attention! Start treatment immediately when the first symptoms appear!


Labial herpes and other types of herpes.

Used: Bioptron Compact, oxy-spray.

Treatment method:

1. Spray the damaged area of ​​skin with a thin layer of oxy-spray.
2. Illuminate the damaged area for 4 minutes
3. Spray the damaged area again with a thin layer of oxy-spray and allow to air dry.

Course of treatment: 1-2 times a day.

Attention! Start treatment immediately upon the appearance of the first symptoms. It localizes the process.

Before starting polarized light treatment, it is extremely important to thoroughly clean the area to be treated. After cleaning, use (precisely before and after light therapy). The use of oxy-spray in most light therapy methods is necessary primarily for dry skin.

For general diseases of the body, Bioptron is used primarily for colds and other everyday complaints. Treatment of acute diseases with polarized light quickly produces good results, while treatment of chronic diseases requires a longer period.

It should be borne in mind that Bioptron can be used as an effective additional therapy in combination with conventional treatment methods. Bioptron can be discontinued at any time; this decision must be made by the patient's doctor.

When treating chronic diseases, the patient himself can carry out long-term therapy with the Bioptron lamp (that is, home therapy). However, the patient should see a doctor regularly to monitor the healing process. The portable lamp "Bioptron" was designed for use at home; it can be used by people who do not have special medical knowledge.

Before starting treatment, you need to be sure of the correct diagnosis of the disease, for which a meeting with a doctor is required.


Inflammation of the eyes, redness of the eyes, irritation of the eyes (the same with allergic reactions).

Used: "Bioptron" and natural-based eye drops. Treatment method:

  1. Remove contact lenses, if any.
  2. Shine the light directly onto the eye for 4-6 minutes.
  3. After this, apply 1-2 eye drops.


Depression, "spring fatigue"

Used: Bioptron 2, refreshing facial gel or mask on a natural basis. Treatment method:

  1. Place "Bioptron 2" approximately 60 cm from the face.
  2. Illuminate your face (close your eyes) for 15 minutes.
  3. Apply a refreshing cream or mask to your face. Remove the mask after 5-10 minutes.
  4. After applying the gel or mask, expose the solar plexus (under the sternum) to light for 6 minutes.

Course of treatment: 1 session per day for 10-20 days.

Attention! After just 7 days, the first signs of improvement appear. Experiments have shown that light treatment significantly reduces depression. Stay outdoors as much as possible and move as much as possible.


"Massage" of the reflex zones of the foot to strengthen the entire body.

  1. Apply light to all points of the forefoot.
  2. The treatment period for each point is 4 minutes.

Course of treatment: 1 session daily.

Attention! As a maintenance treatment, the front of the feet can be lightly massaged with a foot massager for 3-4 minutes.


Inflammatory sore throat

Used: "Bioptron", Treatment method:

  1. Spray oxy-spray into the mouth 2-3 times and swallow slowly.
  2. Again
  3. Direct the light directly to the middle of the sternum for 6-8 minutes.

Course of treatment: 2-3 times a day until the sore throat goes away. Attention! provides relief without light therapy.


  1. Inject oxy-spray into the mouth 2-3 times and swallow slowly.
  2. Light the neck from the left and right sides (each side for 6 minutes).
  3. Inject oxy-spray into the mouth 2-3 times and swallow slowly.

Course of treatment: 2-3 times a day until signs of hoarseness disappear.

Attention! As a maintenance treatment, it is recommended to regularly gargle with natural remedies.


Cold cough, reflex cough

Used: "Bioptron", . Treatment method:

  1. Inject oxy-spray into the mouth 2-3 times and swallow slowly.
  2. Light the neck from the left and right sides (each side for 6 minutes).
  3. For a cold cough, shine the light directly on the thymus gland (middle of the sternum) for 6-8 minutes.

Course of treatment: 2-3 times a day until the cough stops.


Abdominal pain, pain in the sacral region

Used: "Bioptron". Treatment method:

  1. Direct the light to the middle of the hypogastric region and illuminate for 6-8 minutes.
  2. Illuminate the sacrum for 6-8 minutes.

Course of treatment: 2-4 times a day during menstruation.

Attention! As a maintenance treatment, you can take aspen oil daily for 10 days (before and during menstruation).


Ear pain

Used: "Bioptron".

  1. Treatment method: Light the ear directly for 6-8 minutes.

Attention! If the pain does not disappear within 3 days, be sure to consult a doctor.


Inflammation of the frontal sinuses

Used: "Bioptron" (start treatment immediately at the first appearance of symptoms). Treatment method:

  1. Illuminate the right and left frontal sinuses, each for 6 minutes
  2. Illuminate the nasal septum from the right and left sides, each side for 6 minutes. Course of treatment: 2-3 times a day.

Attention! To clear the airways, inhale eucalyptus vapor. If there is no improvement after 4-5 days, consult a doctor.


Sleep disorder, insomnia

  1. Illuminate the spine at individual points, starting from the cervical vertebrae to the tailbone, each point - 4 minutes.

Course of treatment: Every day before bedtime until the condition improves. After improvement, treatment can be continued for only 2-3 days.

Attention! Check your sleeping area for pathogenic zones.


Runny nose, inflammation of the nasal mucosa.

Used: "Bioptron" (start treatment immediately when the first symptoms appear). Treatment method:

  1. Light the left and right half of the forehead for 6 minutes each.
  2. Light the bridge of the nose on the left and right sides for 6 minutes each. Course of treatment: 2-4 times a day until the runny nose goes away.

Attention! As a maintenance treatment, you can use a natural nasal spray.


Sunburn, red skin

Used: "Bioptron", special moisturizing creams. Treatment method:

  1. Clean the affected skin area with neutral soap and water.
  2. Apply a thin layer of oxy-spray to the affected area of ​​skin.
  3. Illuminate the affected area of ​​skin at individual points, each point for 4 minutes.
  4. Apply a thin layer of oxy-spray to the affected area of ​​skin again and allow to air dry.
  5. Apply a special moisturizer to the affected area of ​​skin. Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

Noise in ears

Noise in ears.

Used: "Bioptron". Treatment method:

  1. Shine the light directly onto the auricle for 6 to 8 minutes.

Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

Attention! As a maintenance treatment, massage along the meridians should be performed to unblock.


Before starting polarized light treatment, it is extremely important that the area of ​​skin to be treated is thoroughly cleansed. Apply to cleansed skin before and after light treatment. Oxy-spray disinfects the outer surface of the skin and promotes the regeneration process.

The field of application of Bioptron in dermatology primarily covers skin damage caused by infection or allergy. Treatment of acute diseases with Bioptron gives good results faster. Chronic cases of disease require longer treatment.

In the clinic of skin diseases MMA named after. THEM. Sechenov, during September 1996 - February 1997, studies were conducted to determine the clinical effectiveness of the Bionic Compact lamp in dermatological practice.

During the above period of time, 50 patients aged 16-79 years received LB treatment, among whom there were 36 women and 14 men. LB irradiation was carried out daily, except Saturday and Sunday, once a day for 2-4 minutes. for each field.

During clinical trials, symptoms such as erythema, edema, weeping, lichenification, desquamation, papules, vesicles, pustules, fissures, erosions, ulcers, itching, burning, and soreness were assessed.

Contraindications to LB treatment were: 1. Pregnancy; 2. Oncological diseases and other volumetric processes; 3. Decompensated diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, endocrine, nervous systems, blood diseases; 4. Use of highly active drugs (antibiotics, immunomodulators, cytostatics, etc.) by the patient.

Treatment with Bioptron should also be considered as an effective complementary therapy in combination with conventional dermatological treatment procedures. Treatment with Bioptron can be canceled at any time; this decision must be made by the patient's doctor. When treating chronic diseases, the patient himself can carry out long-term therapy using the Bioptron lamp (home therapy). However, the patient should see a doctor regularly so that the doctor can monitor the healing process. The portable Bioptron lamp was designed for use at home, which means that you do not need to have medical knowledge to use it.


Abscesses of the skin and oral cavity

Used: "Bioptron", . Treatment method:

  1. Apply a thin stream of oxy-spray to the abscess. This operation is not performed during dental treatment.
  2. Illuminate the abscess with a Bioptron lamp for 4 to 6 minutes. For an oral abscess, illuminate the oral cavity directly for 6 to 8 minutes, or direct the light through the cheek to the affected area
Course of treatment: 1-3 times a day.

Attention! Start treatment immediately when the first symptoms appear. Abscesses occur due to improper functioning of the kidneys and intestines. If there is no improvement after 5 days, you should consult a doctor.


All types of acne

Used: "Bioptron", a mild cleansing solution, a face or body mask. Treatment method:

  1. Clean the affected area of ​​skin well.
  2. Apply the mask to your face or body and then rinse thoroughly with warm water after 5-10 minutes.
  3. Illuminate each point of the affected skin area for 4 minutes.
  4. Apply a thin stream of oxy-spray to the affected area of ​​skin and allow to air dry.
  5. Apply appropriate skin cream.

Course of treatment: 1 time per day with a mask and 1 time per day without a mask.

Attention! Start treatment immediately with the appearance of the first symptoms!


Skin allergies, itching, redness of the skin.

Used: cleaning solution, "Bioptron", . Treatment method:

  1. Clean the damaged area of ​​skin with a mild cleansing solution.
  2. Spray the affected area of ​​skin with a thin layer of oxy-spray.
  3. Treat the skin along the margins with a Bioptron lamp. Illuminate each field for 4 minutes.
  4. Spray the affected area of ​​skin again with a thin layer of oxy-spray and allow the skin to air dry.

Course of treatment: 2-3 times a day.

Attention! Itching disappears in most cases after the first procedure. Oxy-spray can be used in the interval between treatment procedures. Oxygen helps accelerate the regeneration process. It is very important to get an explanation from your doctor about what caused the allergy in order to avoid any recurrences later.


Eczema of all types Used: "Bioptron", Treatment method:

  1. Treat the skin with a Bioptron lamp in each field. Illuminate each field for 4 minutes.
  2. Spray the damaged area of ​​skin again with a thin layer of oxy-spray and allow the skin to air dry.

Course of treatment: 1-2 times a day.

Attention! Start treatment immediately when the first symptoms appear! Oxy-spray can be used in the interval between treatment procedures. Oxygen supports regeneration processes. Avoid spicy foods, cheese, sausages and chocolate. If there is no improvement after 7 days, consult a doctor.


Herpetic blisters, herpes.

Used: , "Bioptron". Treatment method:

  1. Clean the damaged area of ​​skin with a mild cleansing lotion.
  2. Spray the damaged area of ​​skin with a thin layer of oxy-spray.
  3. Illuminate the damaged area of ​​skin for 4 minutes. Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

Attention! If treatment is started immediately when the first symptoms appear, the process is localized.


Treatment method:

  1. Direct the light onto the lateral surfaces of the nose (2 minutes each) and directly under the nasal septum (2 minutes). Once a day for 8 minutes. per session. Distance 3 cm.

Course of treatment: Up to 10 sessions, regardless of the form of rhinitis.


Treatment method:

  1. 1. Direct the light directly onto the eyeball (you don’t have to close your eyes). Once a day for 2 minutes. each from a distance of 3 cm.

Course of treatment: Up to 10 sessions.


Treatment method:

  1. Direct the light onto the affected areas. The number of fields processed depends on the intensity of the lesion (on average 4-6 fields) for 2-4 minutes. on the field from a distance of 3 cm.

Course of treatment: At least 12 sessions.


Treatment method:

  1. Cleanse affected areas of skin.
  2. Direct the light to the location of the rashes. The number of treatment fields depends on the degree of damage. Once a day for 2-4 minutes. on each field from a distance of 3 cm.

Course of treatment: Up to 10 sessions.


Treatment method:

  1. Direct the light onto the affected areas of the skin. The number of fields treated depends on the intensity of the lesion.

Course of treatment: Once or twice a day for 2 minutes. on the field from a distance of 3 cm. At least 20 sessions.

Note: After 2-3 weeks, repeat the course. In the treatment of atopic dermatitis, the result is satisfactory in 50% of patients.


Labial herpes and other types of herpes. Used: "Bioptron", . Treatment method:

  1. Illuminate the damaged area for 4 minutes.
  2. Spray the damaged area with a thin layer of oxy-spray.
  3. Spray the damaged area again with a thin layer of oxy-spray and allow to air dry.

Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

Attention! Start treatment immediately upon the appearance of the first symptoms. This treatment localizes the process.


Treatment method:

  1. Direct the light directly onto the affected areas of the skin.

Course of treatment: Once or twice a day for 4 minutes. on the field from a distance of 3-5 cm. The number of fields depends on the size of the affected area. At least 20 sessions. Repeated course of treatment after 2-3 weeks - up to 15 sessions.


Treatment method:
  1. Clean and degrease affected skin areas.
  2. Direct the light directly to the affected areas. Once or twice a day for 4 minutes. on the field from a distance of 3-5 cm. The number of fields depends on the size of the affected area.

Course of treatment: At least 15 sessions.


Treatment method:

  1. Clean and degrease affected skin areas.
  2. Direct the light directly to the affected areas. Once or twice a day for 4 minutes. on the field from a distance of 5-7 cm. The number of fields depends on the size of the affected area.

Course of treatment: up to 20 sessions. If necessary, after 2-3 weeks, repeat the course for up to 15 sessions.


Treatment method:

  1. Direct the light onto characteristic vesicular formations, such as those on or near the lips. Once or twice a day for 4 minutes. on the field from a distance of 3-5 cm.

Course of treatment: 10-12 sessions. For preventive purposes, especially with recurrent forms, after 2-3 weeks a repeat course of at least 10 sessions.


Used: "Bioptron", . Treatment method:

  1. Spray the damaged area of ​​skin with a thin layer of oxy-spray.
  2. Illuminate each point of the damaged area for 4 minutes.
Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

Attention! Start treatment immediately when the first symptoms appear!


Some types of fungal diseases

Used: "Bioptron" Treatment method:

  1. Direct the light directly onto the affected area for 4-6 minutes.
  2. Course of treatment: 2 times a day until the fungus disappears.

Attention! Start treatment immediately when the first symptoms appear! Feet should be washed daily.


Squamosal lichen

Used: "Bioptron", . Treatment method:

  1. Spray the affected area of ​​skin with a thin layer of oxy-spray.
  2. Illuminate each point of the damaged area of ​​skin for 4 minutes.
  3. Spray the damaged area of ​​skin again with a thin layer of oxy-spray and allow to air dry.

Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

Attention! Start treatment immediately when the first symptoms appear! The itching disappears immediately after the first procedure. Oxy-spray can be used in the interval between treatment procedures.


Skin abrasions

Used: "Bioptron", . Treatment method:

  1. Spray the abrasion with a thin layer of oxy-spray.
  2. Illuminate the abrasion directly for 4 minutes.
  3. Spray the abrasion again with a thin layer of oxy-spray and allow to air dry.

Course of treatment: 2 times a day until the wound heals.

Attention! Oxy spray can be used between light treatments.


Warts, styloid warts.

Used: "Bioptron", cleansing lotion. Treatment method:

  1. Clean the wart with a mild cleansing lotion.
  2. Shine the light directly on the wart for 4-6 minutes. Course of treatment: 2 times a day until the wart disappears.

Attention! Start treatment immediately when the first symptoms appear! Some styloid warts are difficult to treat. Treatment can last up to 3 months. Bioptron is a reasonable alternative to surgical removal of warts.


Periodontal disease, gum inflammation (gingivitis).

Used: "Bioptron", . Treatment method:

  1. Squirt oxy-spray into your mouth, strain through your teeth for 1-2 minutes and spit it out.
  2. Illuminate the gum directly for 4 minutes or through the cheek for 6 minutes.

Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

Attention! Start treatment immediately when the first symptoms appear! It is recommended to massage your gums with a toothbrush every time you brush your teeth and use dental soap daily.


Before starting polarized light treatment, it is extremely important to thoroughly clean the affected area. Treatment of pain with oxy-spray is carried out only for dry skin. The scope of application of Bioptron in the treatment of pain primarily covers inflammatory pain, joint pain and soft tissue pain, as well as traumatic pain. Treatment with polarized light quickly gives good results for acute pain; for chronic pain, longer treatment is required. The use of Biontron should also be considered as an effective additional therapy in combination with conventional methods of pain treatment (for example, in the treatment of rheumatism, arthrosis and arthritis). The use of Bioptron can be discontinued at any time, this must be decided by the patient's doctor. When treating chronic pain, the patient himself can carry out long-term therapy using the Bioptron lamp (home therapy). However, the patient should see his doctor regularly so that the doctor can monitor the treatment process. The portable lamp "BIOPTRON" was designed for use at home, and therefore it is accessible to persons who do not have medical knowledge.


Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the knee joint

Used: "Bioptron". Treatment method:

  1. Illuminate the joint space of the knee from the sides for 6 minutes.

Course of treatment: 2-3 times daily until the pain disappears.

Attention! The knee joint should not be subjected to heavy loads during the entire treatment period. If there is no improvement within a week, consult a doctor.


Sprained ligaments in the knee joint.

Used: "Bioptron". Treatment method:

  1. Illuminate from the side of the knee joint space for 6 minutes.
  2. Direct the light directly to the popliteal fossa for 6 minutes.

Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

Attention! A support bandage should be applied to stabilize the knee. If you have a severe sprain, you should definitely consult a doctor.


Back pain, pain in the sacral area

Used: "Bioptron" Treatment method:

  1. Lie on your side, keep your back straight without straining. For 6-8 minutes, direct the light to the painful area. For pain all over the back, direct the light point by point for 6-8 minutes.

Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

Attention! During treatment, avoid placing heavy loads on your back. If pain persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor.


Pain and difficult healing after childbirth.

Used: "Bioptron", . Treatment method:

  1. Apply a thin layer of oxy-spray to the perineal incision.
  2. Shine the light directly onto the perineal incision for 4-6 minutes.

Course of treatment: 1-2 times a day.

Attention! Treatment should begin immediately after birth. Pain is reduced very effectively and incision healing is accelerated. Due to the risk of infection, hygiene must be observed!


Prostate, prostatitis.

Used: "Bioptron". Treatment method:

  1. Shine the light directly on the prostate under the scrotum for 6-8 minutes.

Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

Attention! If you have prostate disease, you should definitely consult a doctor.


The reason is primarily breastfeeding.

Used: "Bioptron". Treatment method:

  1. Apply a thin layer of oxy-spray to the affected area.
  2. Shine the light directly onto the affected area for 4-6 minutes. Course of treatment: 2-3 times a day or after each feeding.

Attention! Treatment should begin immediately after the first breastfeeding.

HEALTH Spur (sharp calcaneus bone)

Heel pain.
  1. Shine the light directly on the heel bone for 6 minutes.

Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

Attention! Be sure to order shoe insoles from your orthopedist.


Used: "Bioptron". Treatment method:

  1. Direct the light directly onto the affected area for six minutes.

Course of treatment: 2 times a day.


Arthritis of the hip joint, one of the causes of which may be rheumatism.

Used: "Bioptron". Treatment method:

  1. Shine the light directly on the hip joint for 8 minutes.

Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

Attention! Treatment is complicated for overweight people (difficulties with light penetration depth). Maintain proper nutrition.


Headaches caused by overwork.

Used: "Bioptron". Treatment method:

  1. Direct the light to the back of the head at the base of the hair for 4-6 minutes:

Course of treatment: If necessary, repeat the procedure after an hour.

Attention! In most cases, headaches disappear within 5-10 minutes after the procedure.


Used: "Bioptron". Treatment method:
  1. Direct the light to the back of the head at the base of the hair for 4-6 minutes.
  2. Shine the light onto the bridge of the nose on both sides for 4 minutes.
  3. Shine the light onto the pulsating area on the forehead for 4 minutes. Course of treatment: 3-5 times a day.

Attention! Light therapy is a reasonable alternative to the many pills commonly taken for migraines.


(First of all for children)

Used: "Bioptron". Treatment method:

  1. Shine the light on the thymus gland for 6-8 minutes.
  2. Shine the light directly onto the auricle for 6 minutes. Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

Attention! Avoid cold and drafts. Put cotton wool in your ears!


Sports injuries.

Used: "Bioptron" Treatment method:

  1. Shine the light directly onto the injured area for 4-6 minutes.

Course of treatment: 2 times a day.

Attention! The recovery period is significantly reduced (by approximately 50%).


Inflammation of the shoulder joint due to rheumatism or excessive stretching.

Used: "Bioptron". Treatment method:

  1. Shine the light directly onto the painful area for 6 minutes.

Course of treatment: 2-3 times a day.

Attention! If you complain of rheumatic pain, pay attention to the correct diet. Exclude pork, sour drinks and fruits, alcohol - in small quantities.


All muscles.

Used: "Bioptron". Treatment method:

  1. Direct the light at individual points on the muscles for 6 minutes.

Course of treatment: 2 times a day.


Used: "Bioptron" Treatment method:

  1. Shine the light on the aching tooth through the cheek for 6 minutes.

Course of treatment: 2-3 times a day.

Attention! If the tooth does not stop hurting after a few days, you should contact your dentist.


Before irradiation, the patient's skin is thoroughly cleansed. The body position is as relaxed as possible in the “lying” or “sitting” position. The number of fields (or “points”) of exposure to the Bionic lamp for each patient is determined by the location of the most pronounced pain or other manifestations of the disease (swelling, hyperemia, vascular and thermal changes). After each procedure, a rest of 30-40 minutes is recommended.

Note: each field of influence corresponds to the area of ​​the light circle of the Bionic lamp, which is approximately 5 cm at a distance of the lamp from the illuminated surface of 3-5 cm



Treatment method:

  1. Direct the light to the lateral and medial surfaces of the joints, the kneecap, the posterior interarticular surface and other pain points.
  2. Once or twice a day for 2 minutes. per field (up to 10 fields) from a distance of 3 cm. Total session up to 20 minutes. 2. Direct the light to the reflexogenic zone above the sternum below the sternal fossa.

Course of treatment: Once a day for no more than 1 minute. A total of 15-20 sessions. For preventive purposes or to achieve stable treatment results after 2-3 weeks, a repeat course of at least 10 sessions is indicated.


Treatment method:

  1. Direct the light to the pain fields on the lateral and medial sides of the shoulder and to the muscles of the shoulder girdle. Once or twice a day for 2 minutes. on a field (up to 6 fields) from a distance of 3 cm. Total session up to 12 minutes
  2. Direct the light to the reflexogenic zone in the area of ​​3-7 vertebrae. Once a day no more than 1 minute


Treatment method:


Treatment method:
  1. Direct the light to each metacarpophalangeal joint of the dorsal and palmar surface of the hand (or foot) and to the fields of other manifestations of the disease (swelling, hyperemia, etc.). In severe cases, maximum immobilization of the joints, for example, with an elastic bandage, is advisable. Once or twice a day on a field (at least 10 fields) from a distance of 3 cm.


Treatment method:
  1. Direct the light to areas of localization of vascular changes in the hand and foot (blue discoloration, whitening, change in temperature, etc.), to compacted areas of fascia and tendon attachments.
  2. Direct the light to the reflexogenic zones located for the feet in the lumbosacral region, for the hands from the 3rd to the 7th vertebrae. Once or twice a day for 2-4 minutes. on a field (at least 8-10 fields) from a distance of 3 cm. Once a day on the reflexogenic zone for no more than 1 minute.


Treatment method:
  1. Direct the light to the lateral and medial surfaces of the joints, the kneecap, the posterior interarticular surface and other pain points. Once or twice a day for 2 minutes. per field (up to 10 fields) from a distance of 3 cm. Total session up to 20 minutes.
  2. Direct the light to the reflexogenic zone above the sternum below the sternal fossa. Course of treatment: Once a day for no more than 1 minute. A total of 15-20 sessions.

For preventive purposes or to achieve stable treatment results after 2-3 weeks, a repeat course of at least 10 sessions is indicated.


Treatment method:

  1. Direct the light to the pain areas on the lateral and medial sides of the shoulder and to the muscles above the shoulders. Once or twice a day for 2 minutes. on a field (up to 6 fields) from a distance of 3 cm. Total session up to 12 minutes,
  2. Direct the light to the reflexogenic zone in the area of ​​3-7 vertebrae. Once a day no more than 1 minute.

Course of treatment: A total of 15-20 sessions. For preventive purposes or to achieve stable treatment results after 2-3 weeks, a repeat course of at least 10 sessions is indicated.


Treatment method:
  1. Direct the light to the lateral and medial sides of the joints, on their surfaces and other painful points. In severe cases, subsequent maximum immobilization of the joint, for example, with an elastic bandage, is advisable. Once or twice a day for 2 minutes. on a field (up to 4 fields) from a distance of 3 cm. Total session up to 12 minutes.

Course of treatment: At least 15 sessions. After 2-3 weeks, a repeat course of at least 10 sessions is indicated.


Treatment method

  1. Direct the light to each metacarpophalangeal joint of the dorsal and palmar surface of the hand (or foot) and to the fields of other manifestations of the disease (swelling, hyperemia, etc.). In severe cases, maximum immobilization of the joints, for example, with an elastic bandage, is advisable. Once or twice a day on a field (at least 10 fields) from a distance of 3 cm.

Course of treatment: At least 15 sessions. For preventive purposes, a second course of at least 10 sessions is indicated after 2-3 weeks.