B vitamins - indications for use. Contraindications and side effects of B vitamins Group B vitamins are contraindicated

In pharmacies you can buy B vitamins in ampoules from a variety of manufacturers. These substances support the functioning of the nervous system, normalize metabolism in the body, strengthen memory, have a beneficial effect on hair, skin and nail plates, make blood vessels strong and elastic, and eliminate symptoms of mental and physical fatigue. With a deficiency of these vitamins, a person becomes irritable, suffers from chronic fatigue, and develops neurological pathologies and metabolic disorders.

Indications for the use of vitamins in ampoules

Injections of B vitamins are painful, but they are vital. Injectable medications work faster and more effectively than oral tablets and capsules. Injections of B vitamins are prescribed to prevent the development of neurological pathologies, to treat muscle pain, convulsive conditions, neuropathy and other disorders of the nervous system. Doctors often prescribe a complex of vitamins in ampoules to patients suffering from nerve and heart diseases.

But you need to understand that drug injections are not complete sources of nutrients and cannot replace a high-quality and balanced diet. In order not to experience a deficiency of B vitamins, you need to regularly eat certain foods: meat, legumes, liver, seafood, cereal sprouts, nuts, leafy greens.

Cyanocobalamin or vitamin B 12

Vitamin B 12 in ampoules is prescribed for the following pathologies:

  • anemia;
  • certain disorders of the nervous system;
  • deterioration of liver function;
  • consequences of radiation exposure.

Sometimes cyanocobalamin injections are given to enhance the effect of anesthetic medications. When an excessive dose of the drug is introduced into the body, headaches, dizziness, and disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal or intestinal tract may occur.

Pyridoxine or vitamin B 6

The substance is also called pyridoxamine or pyridoxal. The drug is prescribed for neuralgia, neuritis, dermatitis of various origins, and liver diseases. The vitamin normalizes protein metabolism, strengthens muscle tissue, activates the production of hemoglobin and the formation of red blood cells. Since the substance helps reduce blood glucose, injections of the drug are prescribed as an additional medicine for people suffering from diabetes and diabetic retinopathy.

According to the instructions, the dosage is determined by the diagnosed disease and the patient’s condition. The minimum dosage is 100 mg twice a week, the maximum is 400 mg every day. The injections are tolerated normally; a possible side effect is mild numbness of the limbs.

Thiamine or vitamin B 1

The second name of the drug is Thiamine chloride. The vitamin has the following effects on the human body:

  • increases the activity of many enzymes;
  • controls the breakdown of carbohydrates;
  • regulates the metabolism of lipids and proteins;
  • participates in the transmission of signals by nerve fibers;
  • protects cells from decay products.

Vitamin injections are prescribed mainly to people who have problems with the digestive system or who are forced to eat through a tube. Doctors recommend injections for patients suffering from alcoholism, nervous disorders, heart and vascular diseases, some skin diseases, as well as pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers.

The daily dose of the drug for adults is from 25 to 50 ml. Therapy usually lasts a month. The pediatric dose is calculated based on the child’s weight: 2 ml of solution is taken per kilogram of body weight. For children, the course of treatment does not exceed two weeks. Thiamine injections can cause a decrease in blood pressure and an allergic reaction accompanied by itchy skin. If the dosage of the drug is exceeded, headaches, sleep disturbances, and tachycardia are observed.


A complex of B vitamins in ampoules, including thiamine, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin, as well as additionally lidocaine - a local anesthetic. Therefore, the main purpose of the drug is to relieve various pains. Typically, the medication is prescribed to people suffering from pain caused by diseases of the peripheral nervous system.

The standard daily dose is 2 ml. The therapeutic course lasts two weeks, then the patient must switch to the tablet form of the drug.


A complex preparation in ampoules, including thiamine, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, pantothenic and nicotinic acid. The medicine is prescribed to people experiencing a deficiency of nutrients due to a strict diet, suffering from neuralgia, eye and skin diseases. The dosage may vary, depending on the diagnosed disease. But usually doctors prescribe 1 - 2 ampoules per day to patients.


A German drug for intramuscular injection, including pyridoxine, thiamine and cyanocobalamin. The vitamin complex is prescribed as an additional drug in the treatment of the following diseases:

  • neuralgia;
  • sciatica;
  • plexopathies;
  • radicular syndrome;
  • prosoparesis.

For severe diseases, the medicine is used one ampoule per day, injected into the deep layers of muscle tissue. The course of treatment continues until the symptoms of the disease disappear completely. For mild to moderate pathologies, the drug is used one ampoule 2 – 3 times a week. It is prohibited to give injections to pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, people prone to allergies, and children under 12 years of age.

Compligam B

A Russian drug in the form of an injection solution, including vitamins B 1, B 6, B 12, as well as lidocaine, an anesthetic that relieves pain when the drug is injected into the muscle. The medicine has a fairly wide spectrum of action and is prescribed for the following pathologies of the nervous system:

  • neuropathy;
  • Do not lie;
  • polyneuritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • peripheral paralysis;
  • radicular syndrome;
  • nocturnal convulsive states;
  • herpes zoster;
  • plexopathies;
  • radiculopathy;
  • lumboischialgia.

The drug is prohibited for use by children, pregnant and breastfeeding women.


Russian drug in the form of an injection solution containing vitamins B 1, B 6, B 12. The vitamins are combined with the anesthetic lidocaine to ease the pain when the medicine is injected into the muscle. Injections are prescribed to people suffering from the following neurological pathologies:

  • neuralgia;
  • neuritis of the facial nerve;
  • polyneuropathy of any origin;
  • radicular syndrome;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical-shoulder joint.

For severe diseases, injections are given at a dose of 2 ml per day, therapy lasts a week. After the symptoms have subsided, treatment continues for about two more weeks, but injections are given 2 to 3 times a week. For mild pathologies, injections are given 2–3 times a week, the duration of therapy is 10 days. The drug should not be used by children, pregnant women, or breastfeeding mothers.

It is prohibited to use vitamin preparations in ampoules at your own discretion. These medications have quite a lot of side effects, so you should consult a medical specialist before using them. It is imperative to consult with your doctor about the use of injections of vitamin complexes for pregnant and breastfeeding women. With extreme caution and carefully following the instructions, injections should be given to children under 12 years of age. It should be remembered that an excess of vitamins is just as dangerous as a deficiency.

Vitamins are widely used for disease prevention and as part of complex therapy. Exhibiting high biological activity in very small doses, they are necessary for normal cellular metabolism and tissue trophism, plastic metabolism, energy transformation, normal functioning of all organs and tissues, maintenance of such vital functions as tissue growth and regeneration, immunological reactivity of the body (http:/ /www.vitamini.ru).

Vitamin B 1 (thiamine).

Application: hypovitaminosis and vitamin B1 deficiency, as part of complex therapy - neuritis and polyneuritis, radiculitis, neuralgia, peripheral paresis and paralysis, chronic liver damage, various intoxications, coronary circulatory disorders, gastric and duodenal ulcers, dermatoses (eczema, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, lichen planus) with neurotrophic changes and metabolic disorders, prolonged physical and psychological stress, during pregnancy and lactation, maintaining diets.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, premenopausal and menopausal periods in women.

Side effects: allergic reactions (urticaria, skin itching, angioedema, rarely - anaphylactic shock), increased sweating, tachycardia. Pain (due to the low pH of solutions) with subcutaneous injection, less often with intramuscular injection.

Vitamin B 2 (riboflavin).

Application: prescribed for vitamin B2 deficiency and increased need for this substance in the following conditions: conjunctivitis, photophobia, dysbacteriosis and intestinal dysfunction, malignant neoplasms.

Contraindications: in case of nephrolithiasis, hypersensitivity, vitamin B2 should not be taken simultaneously with streptomycin.
Side effects: After taking riboflavin, the patient may experience impaired vision or kidney function, or allergies may develop.

Vitamin PP (nicotinic acid, nicotinamide, vitamin B 3).

Application: nicotinic acid is prescribed as a specific remedy for the prevention and treatment of pellagra, for gastrointestinal diseases (especially in patients with gastritis with low acidity), for liver diseases (acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis), for spasms of blood vessels of the extremities, kidneys, brain, for neuritis of the facial nerve, for atherosclerosis, long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers, infectious and other diseases.

Contraindications: stomach or duodenal ulcer (in the acute stage), atherosclerosis, gout, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, decompensated diabetes mellitus.

Side effects: a rush of blood provokes redness of the face and upper half of the body. There may be a slight burning or tingling sensation. It is possible that you may experience a headache. Long-term use of the drug can cause fatty liver, asthenia, and decreased glucose tolerance.

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B 5).

Application: polyneuritis, neuralgia, paresthesia, eczema, bronchitis (acute and chronic), bronchial asthma, allergic reactions (dermatitis, hay fever, etc.), trophic ulcers, burns, toxicosis of pregnancy, hyperthyroidism, tuberculosis, circulatory failure, chronic liver diseases, chronic pancreatitis, gastrointestinal diseases of non-infectious nature.

Contraindications: individual intolerance.

Side effects: Pantothenic acid is well tolerated. When taken orally, dyspeptic symptoms are possible; with intramuscular injections - pain.

Vitamin B 6 (pyridoxine).

Application: for hypovitaminosis, toxicosis of pregnant women, diseases of the blood, nervous system (radiculitis, neuritis, conditions with increased convulsive readiness, neuralgia, parkinsonism, etc.). Vitamin B6 is also prescribed for sea and air sickness, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, mild liver diseases, gastric and duodenal ulcers. The drug is used in the clinic for skin diseases, as well as for disorders of the cardiovascular system.

Contraindications: the drug is not prescribed for severe liver diseases, gastric ulcers, duodenal ulcers, hyperacid gastritis, coronary heart disease.

Side effects: when using the drug, allergic reactions are possible in the form of skin itching and rashes, increased acidity of gastric juice.
Biotin (vitamin H)

Application: Vitamin H is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats. With its help, the body obtains energy from these substances. It takes part in the synthesis of glucose. Biotin is necessary for the normal functioning of the stomach and intestines, affects the immune system and nervous system functions, and promotes healthy hair and nails.

Contraindications: increased sensitivity.

Side effects: When consuming large doses, allergic reactions are possible.

Folic acid (vitamin B c, B 9).

Application: hyperchromic anemia caused by folic acid deficiency.

As part of combination therapy for the following diseases: anemia and leukopenia, chronic gastroenteritis, intestinal tuberculosis. Prevention of folic acid deficiency in the body (including during pregnancy and lactation).

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to folic acid.

Side effects: allergic reactions (skin rash, itching).

Vitamin B 12 (cobalamin).

Application: chronic anemia occurring with vitamin B12 deficiency, as part of complex treatment of anemia. Chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, liver failure. Alcoholism, prolonged fever. Polyneuritis, radiculitis, neuralgia, peripheral nerve injuries, cerebral palsy, Down's disease. Skin diseases (psoriasis, photodermatosis, dermatitis herpetiformis, atopic dermatitis).

Contraindications: hypersensitivity, thromboembolism, erythremia, erythrocytosis, pregnancy (there are separate indications of the possible teratogenic effect of B vitamins in high doses), lactation. Tendency to form blood clots.

Side effects: allergic reactions, mental agitation, cardialgia, tachycardia, diarrhea, headache, dizziness. When used in high doses - hypercoagulation, disruption of purine metabolism.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid);

Application: infectious diseases (including influenza and other respiratory infections). Treatment of diseases accompanied by vitamin C deficiency in the body: scurvy (vitaminosis C), hemorrhagic diathesis, hemorrhagic stroke, bleeding; acute radiation sickness; chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, cholecystitis, achylia, enteritis, colitis, helminthiasis; adrenal insufficiency; erythroderma, psoriasis, chronic widespread dermatoses, sluggishly healing wounds, trophic ulcers, bone fractures. Contraindications: increased individual sensitivity to ascorbic acid. Thrombophlebitis, tendency to thrombosis.

Side effects: ascorbic acid is usually well tolerated. However, with long-term use in high doses, it can cause: irritation of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), the formation of urinary stones, increased excitability of the central nervous system, allergic reactions.

Vitamin P (bioflavonoids).

Application: diseases accompanied by increased capillary permeability - hemorrhagic diathesis, hemorrhagic vasculitis, radiation sickness and x-ray skin damage, rheumatism, hypertension (to prevent bleeding), allergic diseases, thrombocytopenic purpura. For the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis R.

Contraindications: Contraindicated in cases of increased blood clotting, vascular thrombosis, thrombophlebitis.

Side effects: Long-term intake of vitamin P sometimes leads to increased blood clotting and increased blood pressure.

B vitamins are essential for the human body. They support the functioning of the nervous system and brain, improve thinking abilities, participate in hematopoiesis, and regulate metabolism. A deficiency of these substances in the body causes the development of various serious diseases. Fortunately, hypovitaminosis today is easy to overcome with the help of pharmaceuticals. People of all ages are advised to periodically take B vitamin tablets.

How do B vitamins benefit the body?

Group B includes the following beneficial compounds:

  • B 1 or thiamine;
  • B 2 or riboflavin;
  • B 3 or nicotinic acid;
  • B 4 or choline;
  • B 5 or pantothenic acid;
  • B 6 or pyridoxine;
  • B 7 or biotin;
  • B 8 or inositol;
  • B 9 or folic acid;
  • B 10 or para-aminobenzoic acid;
  • B 12 or cyanocobalamin.

Of the above vitamins, the most necessary for the body are B 1, B 2, B 6 and B 12. They should be taken periodically in tablets. A person needs other substances in small quantities, so they enter the body in abundance along with food. The main symptom of a lack of B vitamins is chronic fatigue syndrome. In this regard, multivitamins based on group B are recommended to be used in the following cases:

  • under high intellectual and mental stress;
  • with constant stress;
  • for diseases of the nervous system;
  • for disorders of the functioning of the heart and circulatory system;
  • for any chronic pathologies;
  • for skin diseases;
  • for disorders of the digestive tract.

The main function of B vitamins is to provide the body with energy. It is these substances that play a major role in the formation of glucose from carbohydrates and the metabolism of proteins and lipids. Group B is quite unstable, the compounds are not able to accumulate in tissues, quickly leave the body, and in the current realities it is not always possible to eat a nutritious and varied diet. Therefore, both adults and children are periodically recommended to take vitamin complexes.

Typically, doctors prescribe B vitamins to patients either in injection solutions or tablets. Tablets are more convenient to use than injections. In addition, many people do not like to take vitamin injections because they are quite painful.

List of the best vitamin preparations containing B vitamins

Pharmacies today sell a huge number of good and effective vitamin complexes for adults and children. Below are the names and characteristics of the best B vitamin tablets.

  1. . A complex preparation based on B vitamins. The tablets also contain retinol, tocopherol, ascorbic acid, mineral elements, and ginseng extract. The medication is recommended for the prevention and treatment of nervous disorders, improving physical and intellectual performance, and eliminating the effects of stress. One tablet is taken at breakfast with water. Admission lasts from 30 to 40 days. Contraindications: hypertension, epilepsy, hypercalcemia, increased nervous excitability, iron deficiency anemia. The drug should not be taken by children under 16 years of age. Price: from 489 to 700 rub.
  2. . The drug contains vitamins B 6, B 9 and B 12. The complex is intended for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, ischemia, angiopathy, and deterioration of blood circulation in the brain. You should take one tablet per day. The reception lasts from 20 to 30 days. If the dosage is exceeded, side effects may occur: allergic reaction, dizziness, headaches, sleep disturbance, nausea, excess gas formation. Price: around 218 rub.
  3. Neurobex. Dragees containing vitamins B 1, B 6, B 12. Indications for use: disorders of the nervous system and digestive tract, poor circulation, dermatitis and acne caused by a deficiency of B vitamins. Adults take 1 - 2 tablets three times a day, children - one tablet once or twice a day. The drug should not be used by children under 2 years of age, as well as by people suffering from erythrocytosis, polycythemia, or thromboembolism. The medication may have side effects: nausea and an allergic reaction, accompanied by redness and irritation of the skin. The cost of the drug varies from 300 to 350 rubles.
  4. Neurovitan. A complex of vitamins including thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine and cyanocobalamin. Prescribed for pathologies of the nervous system, liver, heart, blood vessels. You can also use the drug to treat anemia, dermatitis, baldness, alcoholism, and addiction to cigarettes. The daily dose for adults is 1 – 4 tablets, for children – up to 3 tablets, depending on age. The course of treatment is from 2 to 4 weeks. It is prohibited to combine the drug with alcoholic beverages. Price: 400-900 rub.
  5. Blagomax Vitamin B complex. Dietary supplement containing riboflavin, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, inositol, nicotinic, folic and pantothenic acids. Indications for use: constant stress, intellectual and physical overload. Take one capsule per day with meals. Reception is carried out over a long period of time, at least 6 weeks. The drug is contraindicated for people prone to allergies, pregnant and breastfeeding women. Price: about 160 rub.
  6. B-complex 50. Vitamin complex, including all B vitamins, as well as medicinal plant components: parsley, rice bran, watercress, alfalfa. It is recommended when disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system and digestive organs occur, vision weakens, and the condition of hair, skin, and nail plates worsens. You should take one tablet per day after meals. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, and a tendency to allergies. Cost: about 1500 rub.
  7. Doppelhertz active Magnesium + B vitamins. The drug contains thiamine, pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, folic acid, magnesium. The complex is recommended for cardiac dysfunction, physical and mental fatigue. You need to take one tablet per day. The appointment lasts a month. The drug is contraindicated for children, people prone to allergies, pregnant and breastfeeding women. Price: 244-282 rub.

Which vitamin complexes for children contain B vitamins?

For children, B vitamins can be purchased not only in tablets, but also in syrup. The best children's vitamin preparations: Pikovit, Multi-tabs Malysh, Adivit.

B vitamins should be taken correctly so that they are absorbed well in the digestive tract. The medications should be taken at the same time of day. You need to take the tablets with water; you should not drink anything too hot or cold. Vitamins can cause an allergic reaction, so you should carefully look at the instructions to see how many tablets make up the daily dose and how long the intake should last.

We get B vitamins from food: cereals, vegetables and fruits, herbs, milk and eggs. If there is not enough of them in food, we compensate for the lack with vitamin tablets from the pharmacy.

But there are times when emergency “vitamin help” is needed, when it is necessary for the drug to be absorbed as much as possible. In this case, help will be provided by B vitamins in injection ampoules.

Some of the products contain only one of the vitamins, some contain a complex of them. Consult your doctor and choose which ones can help you.

This drug is also produced under the name “Vitamin B12”. Actually, this vitamin is the active ingredient of the drug.

Some people receiving high doses of the drug may experience headaches or dizziness. There is a negative reaction to cyanocobalamin from the stomach or intestines.

  • for various types of anemia (take from 30 to 100 mcg, 2-4 times a week until improvement);
  • for certain disorders of the nervous system (administer from 200 to 500 mcg once every two days, the course of treatment is from 2 to 6 weeks);
  • to restore liver function (dose - from 30 to 60 mcg daily, injected for 3-6 weeks);
  • in the treatment of the consequences of radiation injury (prescribed from 60 to 100 mcg daily for 3-4 weeks);
  • as a substance that improves the effect of painkillers (from 100 to 200 mcg).

If there is a risk of an allergic reaction, cyanocobalamin injections should only be administered as prescribed by a doctor.

Vitamin B6

The drug is indicated for various dermatitis, neuralgia and neuritis, liver damage.

This vitamin is also available in the form of a single drug. It is also called pyridoxine, pyridoxamine or pyridoxal.

By improving protein metabolism, it effectively affects muscles, stimulates hemoglobin synthesis and the formation of blood cells. By activating factors that lower blood glucose levels, it serves as an adjuvant in the treatment of diabetes and reduces the risk of vision damage from diabetic retinopathy.

The dosage of the drug varies greatly depending on the diagnosis and the specific condition of the patient: from 100 mg 2 times a week, to 400 mg daily.

A good result is achieved by combining vitamin B6 with asparkam or glutamic acid.

Typically, pyridoxine injections are well tolerated and are even prescribed to children. Only in some cases may there be some numbness in the limbs, as if wearing tight gloves or socks.

In nursing mothers, vitamin injections can lead to a decrease in milk production, although for mothers planning to stop breastfeeding, this property of the drug will even be useful.

Thiamine chloride

Another name for this substance is vitamin B1. By regulating metabolic processes, it has a diverse effect:

  • activates a number of enzymes that regulate the functioning of organ systems;
  • optimizes the level of carbohydrate breakdown products;
  • regulates the synthesis of fats and proteins;
  • participates in the transmission of nerve impulses;
  • serves to protect cell membranes from oxidation products.

Therefore, the drug is prescribed to persons with disorders of digestion of food in the intestines and absorption of nutrients or who are on tube feeding.

Thiamine chloride is prescribed to people who have problems with the digestive system.

It is useful after fasting, during pregnancy and breastfeeding, for those suffering from alcoholism and nervous disorders, having problems with the digestive or cardiovascular systems, to get rid of a number of skin disorders.

The vitamin solution is prescribed to children and adults. For children, the dosage is calculated based on body weight: per 1 kg of body weight - 1-2 ml of the drug every day for 10-14 days. Adults receive 25-50 ml of solution, and the course can last up to 30 days.

In some people, injections cause skin itching (it is necessary to determine the allergic status), in others - a decrease in blood pressure. Exceeding optimal doses can lead to palpitations, headaches, and insomnia. Side effects are more often observed during menopause.


This is a complex drug that contains cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine and thiamine (thiamine hydrochloride).

The combination of these active ingredients allows the drug to be used for the treatment of both inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the peripheral nervous system and musculoskeletal system, as well as used as an adjuvant against pain and a hematopoietic stimulator.

The dosage of BoriVita depends on the severity of the disease. In difficult cases, it is recommended to make deep intramuscular injections of 2 ml of the drug daily. In less severe cases, it is enough to carry out procedures 2-3 times a week with a sequential transition to taking a vitamin complex in the form of tablets or dragees.


This complex of B vitamins for injection, in addition to the vitamins themselves (B1 - 10 mg, B6 - 10 mg, B12 - 1 mg) in high doses, also contains lidocaine.

The Trigamma complex includes vitamin B1, B6, B12 and lidocaine

Accordingly, the main purpose of this remedy will be to relieve pain of various origins.

A complex based on B vitamins is most suitable for reducing pain in diseases of the peripheral nervous system.

The advantage of this drug is explained by a small amount of lidocaine (20 mg), which reduces the possibility of developing a toxic reaction.

The medicine has a small volume (2 ml), this reduces the pain of the procedure. The usual dosage is 2 ml per day. The course lasts two weeks, with a gradual transition to tablets.

Analogues of the drug include “Milgamma”, “Vitagamma”, “CompligamV” and the “Kombilipena” solution.


This complex product contains five B vitamins:

    • 100 mg nicotinamide;

The drug is produced in powder form, which dissolves in water for injection.

  • 40 mg thiamine;
  • 10 mg pantothenate;
  • 8 mg pyridoxine;
  • 4 mg cyanocobalamin.

The product is used widely, ranging from the primary lack of vitamins due to dietary errors to the treatment of neuralgia, dermatoses, and eye diseases.

The variety of uses also implies variability in doses. The doctor can prescribe from 1 ampoule per day, up to two 2 times a day.

"Vitamin B-complex"

The name of the drug speaks for itself. It contains 10 mg of vitamin B1 and B6, 2 mg of vitamin B2 and 100 mg of vitamin B3.

Since the action of these vitamins covers almost all body functions, recommendations for the use of “Vitamin B-complex” are extremely broad:

"Vitamin B-complex" has very wide indications for use

  • primary and secondary deficiencies of B vitamins;
  • polyneuropathy due to diabetes;
  • neuralgia and neuroses;
  • dermatitis, neurodermatitis and diathesis;
  • psoriasis and lupus;
  • spastic conditions of various origins;
  • furunculosis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • anemia;
  • hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver.

The drug is usually administered intramuscularly, but for some serious diseases intravenous administration is used.

The dosage of the drug is related to the characteristics of the disease and the patient’s condition. This can be 1-2 ml per day or the same amount every other day. Treatment lasts from 5 to 10 days.

Like all of the above remedies, Vitamin B-complex can cause allergic reactions in people who are predisposed to them.

All B vitamins should be used with caution by nursing mothers and pregnant women, people who have been diagnosed with malignant tumors or arterial hypertension.

The wide range of effects of B vitamins make them an important tool for fighting illness and improving quality of life. Due to the good solubility of vitamins, they are quickly absorbed and reach all structures of the body. The ability to use B vitamins not only in tablet form, but also in injection ampoules makes the effect of active substances even faster and more effective.

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The modern lifestyle of many people is closely tied to alcohol, tobacco and unhealthy diet. For this reason, the average person is deficient in B vitamins.

It is these vitamins that are responsible for good mental well-being, beautiful hair, skin condition and much more. Synthetic analogues of group B are used for medical purposes.

Beneficial properties of B vitamins

Group B includes 8 vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12) and 9 vitamin-like compounds (B4, B8, B10, B11, B13, B14, B15, B16, B17). Most of these substances can be synthesized by human intestinal microflora, including B12.

In their natural form, vitamins are safe and an overdose never occurs. The excess substance is removed from the body and does not cause harm. In food, the vitamin is always supplemented with a set of necessary proteins and microelements - it does not need to take them from the body.

B vitamins

NameBeneficial features
B1, thiaminePromotes brain function, improves blood flow, regulates muscle tone, metabolic processes and cell function, slows down the aging process
B2, riboflavinMetabolism, blood, oxygen supply to the skin, hair and nails, improves vision, wound healing, necessary for the mucous surfaces of the digestive and respiratory systems
B3, nicotinic acidRegulates metabolism, lowers cholesterol, is necessary for the synthesis of a number of hormones, participates in digestion, dilates small blood vessels
B5, pantothenic acidStimulates hair growth, antioxidant, improves skin health, participates in metabolic processes and synthesis, important for digestion and mental health
B6, pyridoxineParticipates in many metabolic processes and the synthesis of substances (serotonin, adrenaline, lipids, etc.), lowers cholesterol levels and improves fat metabolism in general, good for the heart and blood vessels, strengthens hair, activates B9
B7, biotinThe most important element in metabolic processes (fats/proteins/carbohydrates), stabilizes blood sugar, improves the condition of hair, skin, nails, and is necessary for the synthesis of digestive microflora and hormones
B9 folic acidMaintaining immunity, synthesis of proteins, blood cells, DNA, regulates fetal development during pregnancy, necessary for the functioning of the brain and spinal cord, responsible for skin pigments
B12, cyanocobalaminAffects protein synthesis, memory function, vestibular apparatus, ability to concentrate, performance of the brain and nervous system as a whole, protects the liver from obesity, prevents cellular hypoxia, helps the absorption of B9

B vitamins - indications for use

Medicine is ambivalent about the use of vitamin complexes and synthetic vitamins in general. Vitamins are not harmless substances and can cause irreparable damage to health.

Situations in which it is advisable to use specific substances or a vitamin complex:

  1. Sports and increased physical activity;
  2. Difficult working or living conditions;
  3. Medical indications:
    • hypovitaminosis;
    • cardiovascular system (ischemia, hypertension, atherosclerosis, etc.);
    • diseases of the nervous system (headaches, speech impairment, depression, stress, signs of schizophrenia, etc.);
    • diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, cirrhosis, colitis, pancreatitis);
    • metabolic disorders;
    • diseases of the visual organs (day blindness, cataracts, infections)
    • metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalances;
    • non-healing wounds and ulcers;
    • skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea).
  4. Cosmetic purposes (strengthening hair, nails, skin care)

Contraindications and harm from use

A number of diseases are associated with a lack of certain vitamins in the human body (scurvy, polyneuritis, pellagra, rickets, paresthesia, etc.). Some vitamins may prevent cancer.

In order to prevent vitamin deficiency, synthetic vitamins have become widely used. Statistics on the use of these drugs have accumulated.

Studies conducted on large experimental groups of people and animals yielded results that dramatically changed the attitude of medicine towards the mass introduction of vitamin complexes for the worse.

Negative properties of synthetic vitamins of all groups were discovered:

  • the ability to cause hypervitaminosis (various signs of poisoning, there is a possibility of death);
  • hormonal imbalances occur;
  • mortality increases (the reasons are not always clear);
  • autoimmune reactions are possible;
  • Various processes at the cellular level are disrupted (complications during pregnancy, cancer, etc.).

The balance of multivitamin complexes is only an advertising statement by the manufacturer. Only natural sources of microelements and vitamins will not harm your health. A complete synthesis of a natural element is an expensive and pointless pleasure.

Note! Artificial vitamins only partially imitate natural substances (there are exceptions). Modern synthesized vitamins are medicines that are used for their intended purpose.

The safety of such a product depends on the degree of purification of the final product, because aggressive substances are used in the synthesis (sulfuric acid, etc.).

In addition to individual intolerance, there are contraindications for synthetic drugs:

  1. B1 – organic brain damage, menopause in women;
  2. B2 – absent;
  3. B3 – in the form of injections (constant high blood pressure, angina pectoris, atherosclerosis), peptic ulcer, gout, steatosis (obesity) of the liver;
  4. B5 – absent;
  5. B6 – ischemia, peptic ulcer, liver problems;
  6. B7 – pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  7. B9 – malignant anemia;
  8. B12 – chronic leukemia, angina pectoris, elevated levels of red blood cells and hemoglobin, pregnancy and breastfeeding, high blood clotting (risk of vascular blockage);

How to take vitamins correctly?

In ampoules

Injections are necessary in different situations:

  1. the absorption properties of the intestine are impaired - tablets, syrup, etc. will not get into the blood. The exception is tablets that dissolve under the tongue.
  2. healing period after gastrointestinal surgery;

There are a few things you need to know:

  • determine the lack of specific vitamins through a blood test;
  • find out the daily dose of the drug to avoid poisoning (for medical reasons, the dose may be increased);
  • you should not inject the entire group B in a row at the same time,
  • Pharmacologically incompatible vitamins are sometimes produced in the form of a complex (for example: B1-B6-B12) - perhaps the composition contains substances that solve this problem;
  • The duration of the course is 1 or 2 weeks;
  • the injection is given intramuscularly in the upper thigh or buttock;
  • strictly required:
  • squeeze out all the air from the syringe;
  • only disposable needles are needed - the point becomes dull after the first use, with repeated insertion the subcutaneous tissues are injured and seals are formed, which will then be impossible to get rid of;
  • the injection area is treated with alcohol.

In liquid form, vitamins are added to shampoos and hair masks. One ampoule per 200 milliliters is added to the shampoo. B vitamins are highly soluble in water, so the composition of the shampoo will be uniform and its cleaning properties will not change in any way.

B3 is often used for hair growth, as it increases blood circulation and awakens hair follicles, but this is more of a side effect. The contents of the ampoule are rubbed into the scalp.

B3 helps deliver microelements and nutrition to the bulbs. If hair falls out for an unknown reason (hormonal imbalances, toxins), then B3 can increase hair loss. Pantothenic acid (B5) directly affects hair growth.

In tablets

It is more natural to consume vitamins in their natural form through the digestive system. The lack of vitamin B can be compensated for by proper nutrition. There is no need to take synthetic multivitamins under normal circumstances.

If the need arises, then:

  • renatured (return of natural qualities) preparations obtained from natural raw materials (vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries) or by fermentation with probiotics are preferable;
  • tablets/granules/syrup are usually taken after meals to improve absorption;
  • More does not mean better - an overdose provokes a lack of a number of microelements and vitamins, which is expressed in the form of allergies and side effects.
  • group B cannot be mixed with vitamins C, D, K, A;
  • Group B should not be mixed with each other (especially B12), with the exception of the combinations B6-B9, B12-B9, B2-B6.

Cost of the drug

Synthesized vitamin substitutes are affordable. Elite natural vitamins (New Chapter, MegaFood, SunWarrior, IHerb) are very expensive and not all pharmacies have them.

  • red meat – it contains all 8 vitamins and some vitamin-like substances;
  • tuna – only B5 and B7 are missing;
  • beef liver – no only B7.

The simplest foods contain all group B and other nutrients necessary for the body:

  1. rye, whole grain or bran bread;
  2. eggs and dairy products;
  3. nuts and legumes;
  4. meat (including internal organs), poultry, fish (caviar);
  5. buckwheat and oatmeal, brown rice (unpolished and unrefined);
  6. potatoes, turnips, beets, carrots, cabbage, sorrel, lettuce, cilantro, green onions, apples, strawberries, bananas;

Separately, we can mention flaxseed porridge made from raw seeds. It contains many micro- and macroelements, including B3, B12, B6, B1.

Let's celebrate! Under normal living conditions, there is no need to take B vitamins. Proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle - without alcohol and tobacco - provide the body with these substances in sufficient quantities. You should not independently resort to synthetic vitamin substitutes for oral administration - these are medications that are prescribed for medical reasons.