Types of rare human skin diseases. Skin treatment Skin diseases and their treatment in people

  • Date: 04/30/2019
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Skin diseases have their own specific development. They are an inflammatory process that can affect any area of ​​the skin. The type of disease and its progress directly depend on the reasons that caused it. This problem can have both internal and external roots. Therefore, if a person experiences any specific skin condition that has not previously been observed, then it is necessary to urgently seek help from a dermatologist.

Etiology of the disease

Skin diseases can occur in people for completely different reasons. In medicine, they are divided into two large groups - endogenous (internal) and exogenous (external). Depending on what exactly provoked the problem, treatment is selected for the person.

Let us first consider the internal causes of the development of diseases. These include:

  • metabolic problems - when the metabolism in the body due to certain problems does not occur as it should;
  • hormonal imbalances - this situation is especially common in adolescents, which is why they suffer from rashes and acne during this period;
  • intestinal dysbiosis - all nutritional components cannot be absorbed properly;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - in this situation, intoxication of the body may occur;
  • stress - constant emotional and physical tension requires the use of all the body's defenses, which makes it too vulnerable to other diseases.

The individual characteristics of the human body also play an important role in the development of diseases. These include genetic predisposition, the presence of any allergic reactions, including to medications, and infection. These moments can increase or decrease the intensity and strength of the lesion.

In medicine there is such a thing as psychosomatics. It implies a psychogenic origin of skin problems. What is meant here is that if a person is constantly or for a long time in a state of psycho-emotional tension, then the body can react to such stress in the form of skin diseases. Here, medication treatment may not produce results, so the patient is recommended to undergo psychotherapy courses.

Now let's look at the causes of external skin diseases. These moments include the following:

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Symptoms of the disease

Skin diseases, unless they are burns, may have gradually increasing symptoms.

And you need to be able to recognize the first manifestations so that you can react to the situation in time.

Most skin diseases in humans are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • itching - this symptom tends to increase in intensity as the disease progresses;
  • rashes - here the nature of the manifestation largely depends on what exactly caused it, so the shape, color and scale help the doctor make a diagnosis faster;
  • A burning or tingling sensation may occur.

All dermatological diseases are accompanied by insomnia. Why? The fact is that such ailments cause noticeable discomfort in people when something comes into contact with the affected skin. This is why it becomes quite difficult to fall asleep.

Of course, environmental conditions must also be taken into account. For example, in winter, the skin on the face often flakes off, which can cause it to itch. But this does not mean that a person has eczema. You just need to take proper care of your skin.

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Skin diseases and localization

So, what kinds of diseases are there? People may experience the following types of skin diseases:

Leprosy. Dermatology calls this disease leprosy. This disease is considered quite severe, since it has a chronic form, which is associated with mutational changes in the mucous component of the skin. The incubation period can stretch from a year to 10 years. In addition to the fact that the skin suffers, the patient may experience nosebleeds, dryness and soreness in the mouth, and swollen lymph nodes during the post-incubation period.

Tuberculosis. This disease is popularly called lupus. The risk group includes people who have a history of pulmonary tuberculosis. On the skin, this disease can manifest as ulcerative, warty or vulgar type. It can be recognized by such signs as the appearance of spots and bumps on the skin, which can later develop into red-blue sores. If cutaneous tuberculosis is not treated in time, such ulcers progress to the scarring stage.

What else is known

  1. Eczema. This disease can be chronic or acute. It can be recognized by skin swelling and redness. Red nodules begin to appear on the surface of the body, which subsequently tend to burst. This condition is dangerous due to erosion, when the nodules turn into a continuous wet layer, and this is fraught with easy infection. Such areas may become crusty, which comes off on its own. If a child has eczema, then parents should ensure that the child does not scratch the sore spots, as they are very itchy. There is no way to avoid this situation without the help of a doctor.
  2. Psoriasis. This disease is also called scaly lichen. Unfortunately, modern medicine has not come to a consensus on what exactly provokes the development of psoriasis. This disease is chronic, so it is not treated, but healed. It shows itself in the form of papules, which look like dense red nodules.
  3. Lichen. There are two types - pink and flat red. In the first case, the disease manifests itself on the skin in the form of red-pink spots that constantly peel off. Often this situation occurs seasonally - in spring and autumn. The second type manifests itself as a nodular rash and severe itching. In this case, there is no inflammation on the skin as such.
  4. Problems with skin glands. There are a number of diseases that attack the glands, which can cause problems with the skin. These include seborrhea and acne. The first disease is characterized by excessive production of sebum, which is why the pores cannot breathe easily. The second problem is very common in adolescence, when hormonal levels stabilize. Very often, acne and seborrhea develop against the background of problems with normal sweating.

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As is clear from all of the above, skin diseases can be quite diverse. That is why it is important to diagnose and identify the true cause and type of problem. This is the only way to prescribe effective treatment.

Therapeutic measures

First of all, you need to make an appointment with a dermatologist. This specialist will prescribe a series of tests that will help clarify the problem. Based on this, the doctor will prescribe a course of treatment. This may consist of the following measures:

  • diet - aimed at saturating the body with all useful substances;
  • medications - help improve immunity;
  • antibiotics - prescribed to those patients who have severe forms of disease;
  • local therapy - ointments, creams and sprays help to affect the disease from the outside.

If the disease is in a severe stage, the patient may be prescribed hormonal medications, but in other cases they can do without it. And despite the fact that such drugs have quite strong side effects, they are considered one of the most effective.

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Preventive measures

The treatment of skin diseases itself is sometimes not only difficult, but also lengthy. Therefore, in order to avoid this, it is necessary to remember that there is such a thing as prevention. If you follow hygiene standards, eat well and properly and lead a neat lifestyle, then no skin problems will arise. It is very important to convey these points to children, since they are a separate risk group.

Because of their age, children do not understand how dangerous it can sometimes be to come into contact with stray animals or eat unwashed food. Therefore, it is the responsibility of every parent to explain to the child the consequences of such behavior. And what could be better than timely preventive measures?

Actinic dermatitis occurs against the background of radiation exposure to the skin in the form characteristic of dermatitis - in the form of inflammation. Such exposure includes sunlight, ionizing radiation, and artificial sources of ultraviolet radiation. Actinic dermatitis, the symptoms of which appear based on the duration of exposure to a particular factor, as well as on the intensity of this exposure, is particularly susceptible to welders, farmers, radiologists, foundry and smelting workers, etc.

Allergic urticaria is considered a fairly common skin disease, which is diagnosed in people regardless of gender and age category. Most often it occurs in an acute form, less often it becomes chronic.

Allergic dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that occurs as a result of direct exposure of the skin to an irritating substance (allergen). Allergic dermatitis, the symptoms of which manifest themselves in the form of itching, redness of a certain area of ​​the skin, as well as the formation of bubbles with liquid on it in combination with erosions, occurs, like other types of allergic diseases, in those patients who have a predisposition to this type dermatitis, as well as in patients predisposed to allergic reactions to the exposed allergen.

Angioma (red mole) is a benign tumor that consists of lymphatic and blood vessels. Most often, the formation is formed on the face, skin of the torso and limbs, and on internal organs. Sometimes its appearance and development may be accompanied by bleeding. In most clinical situations, this pathology is congenital and is diagnosed in newborns in the first few days of their life.

Angiofibroma is a fairly rare disease characterized by the formation of a benign neoplasm that includes blood vessels and connective tissue. Most often, the pathology affects the skin and nasopharynx, less often the base of the skull is affected. The exact reasons for the formation of the disease remain unknown today, however, clinicians have developed several theories regarding the possible mechanism of its occurrence.

What is atheroma? This is a benign neoplasm that can affect the human body in various places: on the head, arms, back. If treatment is not started in time, such wen can lead to serious consequences. Self-medication is also not recommended, since professional help is indispensable.

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease that develops in people from various age groups who are prone to atopy. Many people confuse allergies and this disease. But they have significant differences, in particular, in the pathogenesis of development and in symptoms. In some clinical cases, a predisposition to the development of atopic dermatitis in the human body is accompanied by some risk of developing other atopic pathologies, for example, hay fever or bronchial asthma.

Basalioma is a malignant formation on the surface of the skin. It originates from the basal layer of the epidermis, which is located very deep. In medicine, it is considered the most common type of facial skin cancer, which affects adults over forty years of age. This tumor destroys skin cells and can appear again, even after proper treatment. The positive side of this disease is that it does not metastasize to the internal organs of a person, unlike other types of cancer tumors.

Basal cell carcinoma is a benign formation characterized by slow cell division, most often localized on the nose, lower eyelid, and ear area. Transformation to a malignant form is extremely rare.

Bowen's disease is a rare form of skin cancer. The pathology is localized in the cells of the epidermis. Scientists, as a result of studying the clinical features of the pathology, were divided into two camps. The first group claims that this type of skin pathology does not cause metastases and does not harm surrounding organs, however, the second group believes that this deviation, depending on the location, can contribute to the occurrence of skin cancer.

Devergie's disease refers to chronic keratosis, characterized by follicular hyperkeratosis. This disease is localized on the skin and manifests itself in the form of lichen pilaris. The course of the disease alternates between stages of exacerbation and remission; lesions can cover large areas of the skin.

Schamberg's disease (syn. Schamberg's purpura, hemosiderosis of the skin, chronic pigmentary purpura) is a chronic dermatological disease, against which the vascular wall of the capillaries localized in the skin is damaged, causing characteristic symptoms.

Warts are fairly common and benign in nature formations that appear on the skin. Warts, the symptoms of which, in fact, consist in the appearance of characteristic formations, are provoked by certain types of viruses; their transmission occurs either through direct contact with its carrier, or through common objects used with it.

Epidermolysis bullosa (syn. mechanobullous disease, butterfly disease) is a rare hereditary dermatological disease, which is characterized by skin damage even with the slightest injury. Pathology includes dozens of varieties. The prognosis in most situations is unfavorable.

Vesiculopustulosis is a bacterial infection that causes inflammation of the sweat glands. Localization of inflammation is observed in the folds of the skin, on the head under the hair, on the back, in the area of ​​the collarbones, between the buttocks. The child becomes restless, refuses to eat, and the body temperature rises. Vesiculopustulosis is diagnosed quite simply: it is necessary to study the history, symptoms and laboratory results.

Vitiligo is a disease that affects the skin and is characterized by the complete disappearance of pigment in certain areas, as well as discoloration of the hair located on them. In rare clinical situations, this disease may be accompanied by discoloration of the retina. The exact causes of the disease have not yet been established, but scientists have several developed theories in this regard. The pathogenesis of vitiligo consists in the rapid destruction of melanocytes - specific cells whose main function is the synthesis of pigments that color the skin a certain color.

Many people have heard about such a disease as dropsy. But few people know what this disease is and how it manifests itself. It is also worth knowing the answer to the most exciting question - how to get rid of dropsy? This information is necessary to know, since the pathological process can occur in absolutely any person. Even a newborn baby can develop dropsy. Causes Types Symptoms Ascites Hydrocele of the gallbladder Hydrocele in pregnant women Congenital hydrocele Hydrocele of the testicle Hydrocele of the spermatic cord Complications of hydrocele Recommendations of a specialist Hydrocele or hydrocele is a pathological process in which transudate (excess fluid) accumulates in the subcutaneous tissue and the space between the tissues. Most often, this pathology develops in the body against the background of diseases of the following organs: heart; endocrine glands; kidney; liver.

Infectious skin diseases are predominantly bacterial in nature, less often the causative agents are fungal spores. The most common types of skin infections are folliculitis, felon, impetigo and dermatomycosis. These inflammatory processes can occur at any age, regardless of a person’s gender. External signs of infectious diseases of the skin and hair, as well as the causes of their occurrence, are described below.

Infectious inflammatory disease of human skin folliculitis

When bacteria get on the skin, they can cause infectious diseases of the human skin - this is facilitated by a weakened immune system or the presence of various lesions that serve as a gateway for infection.

Folliculitis is an infectious-inflammatory skin disease, the cause of which is most often a bacterial infection, less often a fungal one.

Superficial folliculitis- a mild disease, expressed in the appearance of small pustules around the hair and developing most often on the face, arms or legs.

The symptoms of this skin infection are gradually growing pustules. Initially, a small red spot or nodule appears on the skin around a hair, from which an abscess forms, filled with yellowish-green pus. The abscess opens or dries out. Often it can cover large areas and turn into. This disease is especially dangerous in newborns.

To treat folliculitis, as a rule, it is enough to follow the rules of personal hygiene and local use of antiseptics.

The causes of this infectious disease of the skin and hair are:

  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • friction of skin on clothing;
  • dissection of the skin due to itching, after improper application of compresses, and excessive sweating.

The cause of deep folliculitis - a boil - is usually the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus). Boils are usually localized on the face, scalp, neck, armpits and buttocks. The accumulation of pus leads to the appearance of a painful, warm-to-touch follicular pustule accompanied by red erythema with a white core (necrosis) in the center. It is necessary to touch the boil with great caution, as this carries the risk of spreading infection.

Attention! Boils on the face require immediate medical intervention due to the risk of severe complications (purulent meningitis, sepsis).

The appearance of boils at different stages of development is called. If several boils appear in one area, around which a purulent-necrotic process develops, this is called a carbuncle.

Acute inflammatory infectious skin disease felon

Felon is an acute infectious disease of the skin of the fingers, less commonly of the toes, caused by Staphylococcus aureus (Staphylococcus aureus) and manifested in purulent inflammation of the tissues.

As you can see in the photo: an infectious skin disease, felon, can sometimes occur after a manicure, when the nail fold is inadvertently injured:

Penetration of the pathogen occurs through small wounds, injections, abrasions, scratches, hangnails, splinters, which often go unnoticed and are not given due importance.

A symptom of an infectious skin disease, panaritium, is a painful inflammation, usually localized at the edge of the nail. If pus from this acute inflammatory infectious skin disease appears under the nail, urgent surgical intervention is required to prevent the spread of infection.

Infectious disease with skin rashes impetigo and its external signs

Impetigo- a bacterial infectious disease with skin rashes caused by staphylococci or streptococci. Impetigo is often a secondary infection to eczema.

Impetigo is a highly contagious disease that primarily affects children under 10 years of age.

The disease is characterized by the formation of superficial vesicular-pustular rashes. Impetigo usually begins with the appearance of painful red spots that develop through the blistering stage into honey-crust-like scabs.

Most often, rashes appear on exposed parts of the body - the face, legs, hands, but can also appear on other areas of the skin, at the site of damage to the skin.

The rashes are scattered or crowded in groups, surrounded by a narrow rim of reddened skin. They open quickly. After the blisters rupture, weeping, superficial red ulcers appear; later they are covered with honey-colored crusts, which fall off after 5-7 days.

Erysipelas: what a skin infection looks like

Erysipelas (mug - from French rouge - red)- an acute infectious disease, the causative agent of which, as a rule, is streptococcus. Characterized by acute, sudden inflammation.

Most often the face (primary erysipelas) and legs (recurrent erysipelas) are affected.

In the vast majority of cases, erysipelas is well cured, but tends to recur. The disease can leave behind pigmentation, peeling, pasty skin, and the presence of dry dense crusts. It is possible to develop a complication such as lymphostasis, leading to elephantiasis of the extremities.

What does erysipelas look like on the skin 6-12 hours after the onset of the disease? The following symptoms appear first:

  • burning sensation and bursting pain in the area of ​​inflammation;
  • redness and swelling at the site of inflammation, here the formation of blisters containing a light and transparent liquid is possible (they later subside, forming dense brown crusts that fall off after 2-3 weeks);
  • a raised, sharply painful ridge separating the affected area from healthy skin.

Symptoms of erysipelas on the first day:

  • strong;
  • chills;
  • general weakness;
  • possible nausea, vomiting;
  • increase in body temperature to 39-40°C.

Erysipelas requires immediate antibiotic therapy.

Infectious skin disease dermatomycosis: photos and symptoms

Dermatomycosis often begins after various injuries to the skin, although sometimes they manifest on apparently healthy skin. This is facilitated by poor personal hygiene, a weakened immune system, excessive heat and sweating. In rare cases, mycoses can spread into the underlying tissues, causing a generalized infection with a severe course.

The symptoms of this fungal skin infection are as follows:

  • inflammation (redness, blisters);
  • itching, burning;
  • pain;
  • scales;
  • change in the shape and color of nails;
  • hair damage and loss.

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The skin is the largest organ of the human body (about 2 square meters in area). Accordingly, the list of skin diseases is very wide.

In addition to its protective and immune functions, the skin serves to regulate temperature, water balance and sensations, so protecting yourself from the occurrence of skin diseases is one of the primary preventive tasks.

Below you will find out what skin diseases people have and what their symptoms are. You can also look at photos of skin diseases and read their descriptions. Let us note right away that most skin diseases in people have no symptoms and are easily treatable.

What skin diseases are there: acne, blackheads, eczema, herpes

Acne (“pimples”) considered as the most common skin disease. Almost all adolescents (about 85%) are familiar with the description of this skin disease. Essentially, acne is an inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

Acne vulgaris- This is a typical skin disease for most people, one of the first places on the list of such diseases. Mainly characterized by a mild course, they are found (mainly on the face) on fatty areas of the body and manifest themselves in the form of pimples, purulent ulcers and comedones. Fat forms clogged sebaceous glands where bacteria can colonize and cause inflammation. The main causes are hormonal changes, usually during puberty or pregnancy. Male sex hormones (androgens) promote development and therefore affect men more than women. In addition, medications, cosmetics, and stress factors, among other things, can contribute to acne. Severe forms are characterized by scar formation, otherwise acne is treated without leaving marks before the age of 25.

Every young mother will tell you about what other skin diseases there are.

Eczema (atopic dermatitis) usually begins in early childhood and manifests itself in periodic inflammatory reactions of the skin. This is one of the most common skin diseases. Due to the body's defensive reactions to allergens, it leads to inflammatory processes, insatiable itching acts as a trigger. Triggers may include stress, certain foods, mechanical irritations, infections and climatic influences. Scratches can cause inflammatory reactions and the skin loses its protective barrier.

It comes in many forms, the most famous being herpes simplex. The primary one usually goes unnoticed. Only further infection manifests itself in the form of typical blisters with crusting and inflammation. The reasons can be different, injuries or sunburn, stress and hormonal fluctuations.

What other skin diseases are there: bedsores, eczema, scabies?

Bedsores, as a rule, arise from prolonged bed rest with simultaneous immobility. Pressure on a specific, unprotected area of ​​the body contributes to the formation of ulcers in the deepest layers of the skin with a simultaneous lack of nutrition. Bacteria can penetrate and destroy the layers completely. Sufferers complain of itching, burning and severe pain.

Eczema is a superficial inflammation of the skin. Its symptoms are shown in the photo above: redness with occasional blistering. The causes of eczema are many and varied.

Scabies caused by mites (mainly during sexual contact). Ticks make holes in the stratum corneum of the tissue and lay eggs there. It mainly affects the wrists, between the fingers, navel, chest, armpits or genital area. Scabies is treatable, but can also cause other diseases (eg, cellulitis, sepsis).

List of other skin diseases: keratosis, carcioma, hemangioma

Elderly people are also familiar with the types of skin diseases. For example, actinic keratosis is caused by constant and intense sun exposure; the increase and change in skin keratinocytes is painful. It is considered an early stage of skin cancer. Reddish spots appear on areas of the body exposed to the sun. Requires immediate treatment.

Basal carcinoma also recognized as white skin cancer, has the same trigger others. With early treatment, basal cell carcinoma has a good prognosis.

Hemangioma is a benign tumor that occurs most often in young children (approximately 30% at birth).

Skin diseases in humans: melanoma, shingles, hemorrhoids

Melanoma (cancer) is a malignant tumor based on pigment cells of the epidermis. It develops as a result of excessive sun exposure and appears most often on the face, neck or forearms. It can be treated well at an early stage.

Shingles (shingles) as a consequence of immunodeficiency.

Hemorrhoids occur with various reasons such as constipation, lack of exercise, pregnancy, liver disease.

What are the types of skin diseases: warts, diaper rash and others?

Warts There are often infectious, benign epithelial tumors caused by a virus. The lesions form over several months or years, sometimes spontaneously.

Diaper rash is one of the most common skin diseases in infancy, which is diagnosed in almost two-thirds of all children and manifests itself in various forms.

Hair loss, which can be caused by organic disorders and poisoning.

Varicose veins are also visible on the skin (usually the legs) but are not counted as a skin condition.

Weakness in the veins of the legs leads to leg ulcers. As a result, wounds heal poorly, which leads to slow tissue destruction. There is a risk of losing the affected limb.

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