Becoming a runic energetic to gain energy. Runic channels - academy of esoteric Internet education "energy magic". Evaz in reverse position

Becoming a Battery - energizes the biofield

Becoming Energy Recovery 1

Algiz is energy from above and protection so as not to pull what is not necessary, Soulo is energy.
Protestin formula. Works. There is no excess energy

Becoming Energy Recovery 2

Becoming to restore the free flow of positive energy. Work “purely” when there is little energy during energy injection. Rise + Sovelo + Nautiz + Salt - restoration of the free flow of positive energy. Disclaimer: “this rs restores and maintains the free flow of positive energy in. .. From to..."

Becoming a squeezed lemon gives strength and energy

Stav was written for “squeezed lemons,” that is, people who are very tired in soul and body. If, for example, there is a lack of sleep, or a person has overworked, and he urgently needs to be brought back to normal and given strength. The basis of the stav is the well-known “Sons of Gefyon”, which needed to be modified from a battery into something more complex. There are 4 Uruz, we stipulate for an increase strength in all respects, Lagus + Perth - “Wash away” the heavy layer of fatigue and negativity accumulated during the day and Renew. Salt - Treat the consequences of fatigue such as migraines or sore legs
Tyurt + Algis - Cheerfulness and feeling of being rested

Becoming Endurance

The formula is similar to “Energy Replenishment” but a little different. I wanted to post it yesterday after spontaneously creating it and testing it, but somehow it didn’t work out.
A little background on the test. Yesterday, before digging the garden, I applied “Energy Replenishment”, about an hour later I went to dig, I dug quickly, but there was muscle fatigue, pain and my stomach hurt because as soon as I ate I immediately went to dig the garden. Purely improvised, I completed the missing runes and this is the formula I got. Now about feelings)))) My stomach stopped hurting almost immediately after adding runes and muscle pain, there was almost no fatigue. I dug the garden in about an hour and a half, with the expectation that without the formula I would have been digging for at least three hours, or even more, and there would be absolutely no fatigue. Usually after work I feel sleepy, but this didn’t happen; I felt invigorated))) This formula is similar to “For laziness,” but the principle of operation here is different. If the “laziness” formula forces you to work, then this one does not force you, but gives you strength and endurance. It is good to use for those who have hard work in production, builders, loaders, helpers, etc. The surge of strength to do the work always remains at the level that even after half a day there will be no fatigue and there will be enough strength to work the whole day without break.
Algiz + Soulo - we already know what it is
Manaz - we and our body
Uruz - Endurance during hard work so as not to get tired often and severely
Isa - gathers the pain into a bundle and freezes it, holding it in this state all day

Becoming Charging

A simple but working charger that you can carry with you at all times. Soulo will maintain and increase the Energy-creative potential, and Yera will distribute it in doses and constantly, as the body needs, keeping the energy level at the desired level, due to costs. Apply well to the stone that is closer to you. I tried it yesterday. I drew on my left wrist. And I immediately had an idea in the right direction.

Becoming Personal Power

Purpose:1. Protection 2. Elimination of negativity 3. Increase in personal strength and power.
The name of the person for whom the amulet is being made is entered into the rectangle; it is completely optional; you can take the initial letters of the full name. It’s better to use runes or another system (the same alphabet of magicians), so that it’s not clear what is written). It’s better to consecrate with the elements.

Becoming Energy Storage

Becoming recharge Heaven and Earth (NiZ)

“Heaven and Earth” is a symbolic and even schematic structure that is needed to facilitate the work of the Heaven and Earth channels, the receipt and accumulation of NiD energies. In this symbolism and schematism it is similar to “Rose”. Runes: Mannaz is a person. Legs are legs. The top of Mannaz is the head and crown. Eyvaz - grounding that goes from each leg to the center of the Earth, through which Earthly positivity enters. Sovelo - Heavenly positivity pours onto the top of a person’s head
Algiz - filter, Fehu - accumulation of energies

Disclaimer: by the power of this r.s. a grounding channel opens with the center of the Earth, through which the purest positive energy of the Earth flows into me in huge quantities, and through the crown - the purest positive energy of the Sky, overflowing my subtle bodies. Work from... to... without harm, but with great benefit.

Becoming a sharp increase in strength

Consists of runes: Uruz - Ansuz. A sharp increase in strength, the use of reserves.
Only for important occasions!!!

Becoming a Rocket (Energizer)

Description of the author: having become a "Rocket", having become tested many times. Gives a colossal boost of energy, activates the third chakra and the brain, can be used for exams, important meetings, presentations, etc. After the creation, I spent 4 days running around sweeping dirt out of all hard-to-reach places in the apartment, sleeping in neither eye until 3 o’clock in the morning, and the next day no fatigue. A kind of energizer option.

Working runes.

Teyvaz - breaks through the ceiling

Vinyo - the joy of being at a new level and the availability of new opportunities

Fehu - benefits from new opportunities

Turisaz - opening all possible doors for new opportunities

Uruz - strength, energy for life and the realization of new opportunities

Apply to paper, wood, etc. Be careful on yourself as the effect is very strong.

Solar Battery

Forced gain of strength from solar energy.
Runes: First Uruz, then Soulo and Nautiz fit into it. Yera is drawn. Raido appears in the background. And Kenaz
The task of the stav: With every walk in the sun, including direct or diffuse exposure of a person to the sun’s rays, the necessary charging with Soulo energy occurs, both for immediate needs and for future use, providing the human body with magical power and health on all planes of existence. Constant and balanced. Provides a person’s mental and mental strength with a certain expansive surge or expansion.

Becoming a Solar Shield

Runes: Algiz - Sovilo - Vunyo
Powerful protection, solar shield, increasing immunity, giving strength.
Burns all negativity directed at you. People with bad intentions simply avoid you. Strengthens intuition, will lead you away from dangerous situations or tell you how to emerge victorious.

Becoming an energy engineer

3 runes of all
Soul energy storage
Mannaz - here in different ways, you can use:
- how to get energy from being in a group of people
- a stupid indication that the energy of the body is
- operator
in general, depending on the situation and as you like. (I don’t bother at all, since becoming myself forms 3 souls, then I stipulate that becoming in general is about receiving energy)
zer.Uruz is a kind of bag in which excess energy is collected
Naud - opening of these ACCUMULATED energy resources at the request of the operator.
Those who are especially meticulous can also stipulate a cap of mannaz eider-dagaz, so that the resulting energy is most efficiently transformed for the operator.

Montana: I’ll share my experience. I just needed energy to carry out the ritual, so I drew it on paper and put a candle on it, from which I drew energy from the stave using my left hand. As a result, I couldn’t sleep until 3 am, I was idle, I searched the entire Internet, I woke up at 5. I’m in excellent condition, although, as usual, I react to lack of sleep, my joints ache a little. + 3 days attack of terrible spermotoxicosis))) straight Viagra.

The rune attracts the energy of money, increases well-being, and makes it possible to feel the need to purchase real estate or other valuable things. Under the energy of the Fehu rune, an irresistible desire appears to become a wealthy person. This desire is never passive. Fehu makes a person act, create, gives a person ideas and interesting people. But most importantly, Fehu gives the opportunity to gain material wealth, make a dream come true, and fulfill any reasonable material desire. The moment Fehu fills your energy body, events unfold rapidly. Situations begin to create themselves that lead to enrichment, people are attracted who can help in this by making lucrative offers, new ideas arise that lead to an increase in material wealth, the necessary information about ways to purchase real estate and make money is received in a timely manner. Moreover, Fehu can help you understand the value of your wealth and what exactly is true wealth for you. This is not always money - it is quite possible that this wealth will be people, knowledge, experience, feelings, relationships or home. Fehu will help you preserve and increase what is important and dear to you. The energy of the rune allows you to fill a person’s life with a healthy desire to become richer, and makes it so by creating favorable situations.

If you want to increase your wealth, develop a business, create serious savings, acquire property with the greatest benefit or manage what you have, Fehu’s energy will help you with this. Property can be intangible things - knowledge, talent, as well as intellectual property.


A rune that carries a huge energy charge, strength, pressure, perseverance in achieving a goal. The energy of the rune gives impetus to any undertaking and a person under the influence of Uruz can do many important things in a short period of time. Things that have accumulated and have been waiting for their turn for a very long time can be realized under the Uruz rune in a very short time. Moreover, a person has an indomitable desire to fulfill them, and Uruz will not allow him to stop halfway towards his intended goal, but will bring all things to the end. The energy of the Uruz rune fills a person with determination and even a certain obsession in realizing his goal, which negates the attempts of strangers to convince a person to leave this activity. Under this rune, a person feels strong, he can handle any task, no matter how old he is in reality, therefore it is also used as an energy boost, but only for the implementation of a specific action. Uruz pushes a person to perform an action, but not to contemplate himself sitting on the sofa.

It is very good to use it in solving ordinary everyday issues, when you are too lazy to study homework or don’t get around to deep cleaning the house or to fix the TV, etc. A person under the Uruz rune will approach any issue like a bulldozer with characteristic pressure and power, and this will be the work of his whole life at the moment.


The rune activates a person’s strong-willed qualities, makes him courageous, strong and courageous, and gives him a readiness to take decisive actions to achieve his goals. A person under the Thurisaz rune is in a state of combat readiness, he is fast and will never miss his chance, he is brave and will never be afraid of resistance, he is strong and nothing can be an obstacle in his way. A person under the energy of the rune has unshakable faith in his actions; he broadcasts around himself the energy of a leader, a manager, a person who is convinced of the correctness of his actions and his decision is indisputable. The Thurisaz rune promotes the subjugation of others, because the person under the rune is perceived by others as a warrior, a leader, capable of protecting the weak and achieving justice, capable of leading people with full responsibility and unconditional victory.

Rune Thurisaz gives determination in carrying out affairs in any sphere, both material and personal, is capable of solving both everyday and social issues, its energy is appropriate both in intellectual disputes and in actions using physical force. Therefore, when working with a rune, it is always necessary to give direction, i.e. setting in what area and to solve what issue it is necessary to send Turisaz, and therefore to show will.


The rune fills a person with energy, which is focused not in physical strength, but in words. Any word spoken under the Ansuz rune gains power and leads to action. Even conquerors who are accustomed to winning with physical strength alone bow before the power of words. The rune gives words decisiveness, confidence, globality and steadfastness of what is said. There is no doubt about the powerful energetic message of words; they are perceived as a fact, as a law. Under the auspices of the Ansuz rune, a person “knows without words” how information can be used, so he can easily manipulate it. At the right time and to the right people, pronouncing the right words, putting energy and strength into them in order to get the desired effect immediately, at the same moment, is very easy and simple for Ansuz. Just as easily and simply, under the energy of the rune, you can intuitively choose from a huge amount of information the one that is really useful to you; the rune allows you to focus on it and feel confident in disputes, in holding important meetings, conferences, lectures and everything related to the transfer of information. After all, Ansuz is always ready to suggest the right words, ideas, remember facts and present them on time. The rune allows you to feel the capabilities of your interlocutor and grasp the potential course of his thoughts, logical chains and conclusions, which means changing the topic in time, not saying too much, not saying what his interlocutor knows, that is, he can become a winner in disputes, discussions, negotiations.


The rune fills a person with the energy of action, activity, movement. Raido is a path, but a path to a specific goal, a specific task, clearly outlined in the labyrinth of life’s bustle. Raido draws a “red thread” of a given task through a person’s life as a symbol of its importance and indicates the path to its implementation. The Raido rune is used not only to begin vigorous activity, but also to give direction and acceleration to this activity. Under this rune, a person, filled with the energy of movement, feels a surge of strength, determination and lack of doubt in completing the task. The rune creates a certain drive in a person’s life. Whatever problem he takes on, he will complete it, will not miss his chance, he does not doubt anything and therefore does not waste energy on reasoning, all issues are resolved quickly and on time. Raido gives direction to any given task in any field of activity. These can be not only professional matters, but also everyday, social ones, and in all matters the Raido rune will be able to find a way to solve them. The rune, filling a person with the energy of movement, activates not only the methods of action familiar to him, but also those that were not characteristic of a person before that time. In any case, when performing assigned tasks under the Raido rune, energy costs will be minimal and the body will not get tired when performing them. The rune will tell a person the easiest and shortest way to implement any issue and will direct the person to follow this path. The energy of the Raido rune gives speed to the movement of the task at hand, and a person’s activity increases by an order of magnitude, the rhythm of life accelerates, and therefore a person can handle any task. It is important to set a specific task for the rune, and it will help and facilitate its implementation.
It is easy to find an office under the Raido rune; the rune can lead you to the right person, help you find funds to buy a car, etc.


The rune activates a person’s sexual energy. Under the Kenaz rune, a person becomes more attractive, he has the desire and opportunity to dress beautifully and look beautiful. But the point is not even in how a person looks, but in the fact that a flow of energy emanates from him, which can attract glances, attention, arouse the interest of the opposite sex; people have an irresistible and inexplicable desire to always be near this person. His energy field completely absorbs the people around him and they involuntarily begin to reach out to him. Kenaz is love, it is passion, it is a raging inner force that gives attractiveness and charisma, confidence and power. Sexuality is Kenaz and it is under the influence of Kenaz that a person can change his personal life and understand how powerful inner attractiveness can be. Kenaz symbolizes continuation of the family; the enormous energy potential does not dry up, but, multiplying, passes on to the next generation.

The energy of the Kenaz rune also affects the activation of creative potential. A person who is in the rune streams can experience creative insight. There may be a desire to express your spiritual impulses in art, dance, music and other areas, to put your soul and energy into your creations. Under the Kenaz rune, a person plunges into his own world, clearly hears the slightest vibrations of his soul and tries to act in relation to his attitudes, even if they differ from the generally accepted ones.


The energy of the rune allows you to understand and feel how you need to interact with your business colleagues, with your bosses, with your colleagues, and friends. Gebo allows you to resonate with a person with whom you have a common cause. “To resonate” means to “become” this person, i.e. understand his train of thought, what decision he would make in the current situation, how he evaluates his contribution to the matter and what he intends to get as a result. This way you can understand on a sensory level what you can expect from this person and what he is capable of. The Gebo rune allows you to understand your partner and feel his position. In the energy of the rune there is no suppressive effect when volitional pressure can persuade a person to your point of view. On the contrary, Gebo forces one to take into account the partner’s point of view, respect his principles, his opinion, and thereby creates mutually beneficial, equal partnership relations. Being under the energy of the Gebo rune, a person can find a partner who will approach joint activities with the necessary professional qualities and the necessary temperament. The energy of the rune also allows you to establish contacts with unfamiliar people. It will help you choose the right words, the form of dialogue, act on inspiration and prevent misunderstandings. Being under the energy of the Gebo rune, there is a desire not only to take advantage of the contribution to the common cause of your partners, but also to make certain sacrifices for them, not only to accept gifts, but also to make gifts yourself, because the rune reflects the process of equal exchange of energies, energy balance. If cooperation becomes doubtful, then the person under the rune will easily break the agreement for the sake of his own freedom. Rune givesfeeling of free choice.


Introduces a person (people) into a state of joy and satisfaction. The joy of the Vunyo rune is not an external indicator, but an internal state. This state can be compared with the unclouded perception of a child when he sincerely rejoices at the gift of a balloon. A person under this rune enters a state of inner joy, sincerity, openness, and this state at the moment is the most significant for him, the most important in his life. The Vunyo rune directs a person to achieve positive results and gives delight in one’s own activities and the efforts invested. Any activity should bring joy to a person, otherwise there is no point in starting anything. It often happens that while a person is moving toward a goal, he gradually loses enthusiasm and forgets why it was all intended. Vunyo helps to maintain a goal and a state of satisfaction at every stage of activity. The Vunyo rune makes you enjoy life, encourages you to live beautifully, not to deny, for example, gambling, and with such an attitude, luck will always accompany a person. The energy of the rune provokes a person to sincerity, trust, joy, but at the same time, one should not lose control over the situation. Serenity does not belong to the energy of the Vunyo rune.


The rune carries the energy of destruction. Hagalaz personifies symbolic death, the death of anything. The completion and cessation of something is Hagalaz. This can apply to any area of ​​human life (or any other creature), as well as inanimate objects and events. Hagalaz is a weapon for destroying the old and unnecessary. But at the same time, this is an opportunity to fill the emptiness of life with something new - progressive, energetically replenishing a person and giving a new supply of vitality. The energy of the Hagalaz rune causes a state in a person in which he feels the need to abandon what prevents him from further development. Under the energy of the rune, a person is able to make a decision in only one direction - to refuse, destroy, destroy, because Hagalaz is a force capable of fearlessly analyzing any situation. Hagalaz is death and destruction. The object for destruction can be obsessions that pull you back, relationships that have long outlived their usefulness, a job that takes away strength, a business that does not bring satisfaction, a person who has stood on the path of life and does not allow you to move on, a house that is a burden . To destroy means to remove the barrier that prevents you from living and developing further; the energy of the rune is aimed precisely at this.

The rune is actively used for specific actions, for example: to destroy a bad habit (alcohol or smoking), to rid oneself or another of a burdensome problem that requires constant attention. The destruction of obsessions, fears and complexes is also within the sphere of influence of Hagalaz. The destruction of everything obsolete and interfering carries with it the enormous positive potential of this rune, making it interesting both for working with oneself and for helping other people deal with their problems.

The Hagalaz rune is also used in combat magic, where it is part of many runic formulas. Destructive energy can cause harm to both living and inanimate objects. Hagalaz, when used in its negative form, can take away health, destroy feelings and relationships, take away money, deprive one of work and home. Hagalaz is used by battle magicians and to destroy obstacles on the way to the goal. She is able to destroy a business, ruin competitors, and force people to abandon their plans.


The energy of the Nautiz rune carries restrictions and compulsions necessary at a given moment in time, as well as losses, need and constraint in any area of ​​life. But this is not a need in our usual understanding of it. The “need” of the Nautiz rune is the forcedness to live within certain limits and engage only in some specific activity. It is thanks to the obstacles and limitations of the Nautiz rune that a person can find his way, focusing his thoughts on only one goal and abandoning everything unnecessary that prevents him from moving towards the goal. Nautiz puts an insurmountable barrier in the way of any events and actions that are extraneous and distracting from the main task, making it possible for incredible concentration on the only important goal. The ancient magicians said: “Use your destiny, don’t fight it.” Under the influence of the Nautiz rune, a person has the opportunity to cut off everything unnecessary around him and focus only on completing the task of his entire life. Do not waste your energy on trifles, fulfilling unnecessary obligations, but focus only on fulfilling your purpose. The Nautiz rune allows you to turn disadvantages into advantages and thereby develop self-sufficiency, hone skills and professionalism. For example, for a modern person, limited communication is fraught with depression, but forced loneliness can be used to your advantage and you can completely devote your solitude, for example, to study. The energy of the Nautiz rune gives a person endurance, increases resistance to difficulties and gives the ability to survive and create in limited living conditions. Nautiz is an increase in personal strength in conditions of life that are unusual for humans, it is an awareness of one’s own needs in limited situations, it is a deep inner detachment and endless trust in an invisible force that a priori will not cause harm to a person.

Nautiz can be used in any area of ​​life when urgent work needs to be done, but extraneous matters and obligations do not allow you to go deeper into it. Nautiz will bind and limit all extraneous circumstances that interfere with achieving the goal. Under the energy of the rune, a person will easily and calmly communicate with people who are unpleasant to him, he will find a way to adapt to this person and be filled with patience, because his hostility will be constrained by the energy of Nautiz. The rune can be used both on oneself and on another person when it is necessary to concentrate his efforts in one direction and strictly limit all unnecessary events, trends, moods and desires.


The energy of the rune symbolizes immobility, stopping any process, freezing any situation. When a person is tired of vigorous activity, and the matter requires increased activity, the Isa rune will help to stop, slow down the development of events, and at this time you can rest, gain strength, arm yourself with information, facts, and after a while enter into battle again. The energy of the Isa rune can put a person into a trance state. In ancient times, Isa was used for hypnotic sessions, during which it was possible to direct a person’s will and energy in the right direction. During the hunt, using the Isa rune, hunters stopped or slowed down the beast. The energy of the Isa rune is based on the ability to “freeze” everything that surrounds a person, as well as processes within him. Stop the water, stop the storm, calm the bad weather, stop the war - this is what the power of the rune is comparable to. Concentration of attention, unbending intention, willpower - these are the qualities the rune carries and fills a person with this energy, developing him in this direction. The Isa rune is a good helper for those who want to control the situation, as well as their own emotions and habits. Filled with the energy of Isa, a person understands that power is will, it is a huge personal power that makes a person omnipotent. But in order to become such, one must, first of all, achieve power over oneself, and only then everything that opposes him in the spiritual and physical world will be in his power. The Isa rune is used to temporarily stop any process, including in the physical body. It is able to stop the growth of tumors and the development of other destructive processes in the body. The rune does not have a healing effect, but it “preserves” the situation very well, giving a person more time to deal with the problem and creating favorable conditions for victory.


The energy of the Yer rune gives a person such qualities as patience, consistency, and slowness. “He who understands the world is in no hurry” - this wisdom relates to the energy of the Yer rune. The inevitable change of seasons is beyond the control of man, as well as the fact that after night there will definitely be a new day. The energy of the cyclical nature of the entire Universe is embedded in the Yer rune. Yer is balance and justice, it is inevitability and humility, it is wisdom and impeccability. Patience requires courage from a person, therefore the ally of the Yer rune is precisely patience while waiting for its logical conclusion. Being under the energy of the Yer rune, it is easy for a person to be fair and easily maintain a balance between the efforts invested and the due reward. A person can easily analyze the situation and draw appropriate conclusions, and the conclusions are correct, reflecting not personal assessments, but reflecting true, from an energy point of view, justice. Is this the result obtained, and if it is not what was expected, is additional effort required? The answer to this question is achieved in collaboration with the energy of Yer.

The rune symbolizes happiness and harmony, so it can be used when establishing harmonious relationships in the family, in a team, but at the same time one must take into account one’s own contribution to the harmonization of relationships, because a rune can only give what you put in. Yer gives a person a feeling of the inexorability of time: something irrevocably goes into eternity, and something approaches indomitably and it is not possible to avoid it. The rune does not direct a person to fight the inevitable, but shows how to use the current situation.

The Yer rune is used in all situations when it is necessary to restore justice, receive a well-deserved reward, adequately reward a person for his work (or reward for his deeds), etc. It must be remembered that restoring the energy balance that the rune provides can produce results that diverge from a person’s opinion of what justice should be in a given situation.


The energy of the rune carries within it strength, a weapon that allows you to be omnipotent. Everything is subject to the rune Eyvaz. Eyvaz is not just the completion of long work with an inevitable victory, Eyvaz is the destruction of obstacles, the elimination of everything that stands in your way and does not allow you to go further. The rune carries very tough and uncompromising energy, unfettered by anything. Cause pain, destroy, break, remove obstacles if circumstances require it. Unconditional faith in your actions under the Eyvaz rune gives you a feeling of your own freedom, which is worth such actions. The rune gives protection to a business, person or situation from external attack, but this protection comes in the form of a retaliatory strike, which fetters the movements and intentions of the enemy. The energy of the Eyvaz rune can captivate the enemy, paralyze his actions and thereby provide himself with complete freedom of action. Eyvaz is war, it is a fight almost on a physical level. But the war is not chaotic, but as a result of inevitability, and it is this understanding of inevitability that gives determination in making the difficult decision of declaring war on one’s opponents. Among the “opponents” there may be your own principles, habits, complexes, or there may be people, businesses, events, etc. Eyvaz is the rune of transformation and destruction of everything that or who interferes with progress. There is an opinion that there is no death, but only a transition from one state to another, and Eyvaz helps to make such a transition. The energy of the Eyvaz rune gives an understanding of the inevitability of death as a natural process. In the old days, the Eyvaz rune was used during peasant uprisings as help and protection in the war with the enemy. Eyvaz was also used against the attack of a fierce beast as a protective symbol. Moreover, the attack weapon was shaped like the rune itself. In Nazi Germany, the Eyvaz rune was the sign of the SS police division, and this is not without reason. Where there is war, where there is destruction, struggle - there is Eyvaz.


The power of the Perth rune corresponds to the power of the small sprout that appears from the grain. To break through the thick crust of the grain, a small sprout needs enormous strength. The Perth rune contains just such potential. The rune is used when it is necessary to start something new. The new may include an idea in business, a new direction, development, the birth of a person, a new relationship. The power of the Perth rune carries hidden possibilities and helps to activate them. When it is difficult to get off the beaten path of a business that is already collapsing, the Perth rune will help you find an idea, a new approach, update information, and give you a fresh look at the situation.
Literally, the word “Perth” is translated as “that which is hidden” and people under the energy of this rune gravitate toward mysticism, occultism, and esotericism. The energy of the rune envelops them in mystery, which one certainly wants to unravel, look into the future, understand the process of cause and effect, and when a person develops a love for mysticism, this person will be the best of the best in this field. This applies not only to mysticism, but to all other areas of life. The main thing is to feel love for your creation, and the Perth rune creates a feeling of love and happiness for what you yourself have created.

Perth is a good assistant in the birth of something (child, idea, business, etc.). The rune symbolizes inner satisfaction with a new action, gives new sensations that are harmonious with your inner “I”.

The rune brings good luck in gambling.

The Perth rune is one of the few that is used in healing. It is used for problems in the ability to conceive a child.


The energy of the Algiz rune bestows life, protects from troubles, protects from external influences, and eliminates physical blows of fate. The energy of the rune envelops a person or object in a dense energy ring, which softens the blows of fate and guides it only along a path that is safe for life. For a person, such protection is not burdensome.

Algiz will force a person to treat people selectively, clearly tracking enemies and friends, and shows how one can sense danger from a distance and find other ways to achieve a goal. Being under the influence of the Algiz rune, you can safely perform any action, namely, go on a trip and at the same time a person will not end up in any natural anomalies, walk along dark city alleys and at the same time a person is protected from unpleasant encounters with an aggressive company. You can use the Algiz rune to protect your apartment from encroachments, thieves or unnecessary guests, protect what is dear to you, and you will never lose it if you use the energy of the Algiz rune. The rune can activate hidden forces in a person to meet any obstacle in life, and you, filled with determination, will firmly step on the safest path, no matter how unusual it may be for you. The Algiz rune simply will not allow you to get closer to a dangerous situation. The rune protects everything it touches: a person, real estate, a car, relationships.

Being under the energy of the Algiz rune, a person is under invisible protection, which he himself may not even know about. At the same time, the rune may not have any developing effect in the field of intuition; its purpose is to protect. An inanimate object may also need protection.


The rune carries the energy of the Sun, which gives vitality, increases the power and pressure of any action, and gives self-confidence. A person, being under the Soul rune, feels like a hero; he easily succeeds in any actions that lead him to victory. Soul is an opportunity to shine in the arena of life, showing leadership qualities and leading people. This energy can charge a team of like-minded people, unite them, give them the appropriate mood, encouraging them to take action. Soul is a special state of unconditional victory, the correctness of one’s actions, the importance of one’s goal to which a person strives. The rune constantly fills a person with the energy of movement and action, activating the will and creating an internal stable and unyielding feeling of inevitable victory. The rune allows a person to easily endure difficulties and forced restrictions, which only further strengthen his spirit. Soul, filling a person with energy, easily and quickly restores his vitality, helps to prolong youth and activity. Soul is the rune of warriors going into battle, carrying in their hearts the fire of victory and superiority. Nothing can convince them, make them think differently. Soul is able to concentrate and direct a person’s energy in the right direction, while it is necessary to give the rune a certain setting and victory will be ensured. Of course, the use of Soul bears fruit in wars, conflicts and any competition, but not only. This can relate to anything: an important meeting, negotiations, passing an exam, running a business, creating relationships, an important purchase and in all actions you will be a winner. You yourself will initially feel like a winner and, accordingly, your behavior and manner of speaking will reflect this state. People will perceive you as a winner and will not put obstacles in your way.


The rune carries energy that personifies courage, fortitude, and willpower. Teyvaz is the rune of a warrior, providing him with the opportunity to win victory. This is exactly what a warrior should be, courageous and purposeful, strong and unyielding, strong-willed and invincible. Teyvaz determines a person’s path, his ultimate goal, and no matter how thorny this path may be, under the rune a person is not afraid of any obstacles. Teyvaz fills a person with strength, thanks to which he performs actions, specific actions that lead him to his final goal. And no matter how unusual the actions may turn out to be, they will certainly be the only correct ones at the moment. A person under the Teyvaz rune is ready to fight for his ideals and worthily defend his principles to the end. Not a drop of doubt about victory, absolute impeccability of actions make a person under the Teyvaz rune invincible.

Teyvaz’s energy can be directed not only to changing the situation, but also to changing the attitude towards the current problem. A warrior not only struggles with external problems, but also with himself, with his habits, stereotypes that prevent him from getting closer to his goal. This is not easy work and requires an unwavering commitment to change.

Rune Teyvaz carries masculine energy. It helps weak and indecisive people identify their life goals and provides ways to achieve them, filling them with the energy of courage and confidence. For the strong, it clears the way and gives the green light. Any task of the day can be filled with the power of Teyvaz and be successful. This could be an important meeting, an opportunity to earn money, find a family, express yourself in creativity, in partnerships, etc. When a person is under the energy of the Teyvaz rune, people around him perceive him as a strong, strong-willed, purposeful person.


The Berkana rune carries feminine energy. Berkana is a symbol of feminine power, allowing all living things to be born. The rune sign represents the female breast, and is a symbol of fertility, a symbol of motherhood, caring. Under the energy of the Berkan rune, a person feels relaxed and feels invisible protection from all troubles. It’s as if all the questions, unresolved problems, obsessions, endless contacts, difficult goals to overcome are left aside. A person’s feeling of restlessness and anxiety disappears, and his soul is filled with the languid bliss of detachment. “And let the whole world wait” is the motto of the Berkan rune. The Berkana rune fills a person with energy, which gives a state of inner peace and comfort; under the influence of the rune, a desire appears to show love, tenderness and care to loved ones, the rune shows compassion and the ability to sacrifice something important for the sake of the happiness and peace of a loved one. Berkana is a protective rune, although it is used, as a rule, for children. Love, care, in the action of the rune will protect a person from meeting difficult people, from disaster, from negative influences, from dangers. Feeling cared for, a person under the energy of the Berkan rune himself begins to radiate these qualities, the rune activates them and makes him remember the state of carefree childhood, irresponsible actions, remember what sincerity and openness it is, i.e. remember the child in you. People around you perceive a person under the energy of the rune very positively, very trustingly, they believe that you cannot harm and feel protected.

The Berkan rune is used when a person is tired of monotonous, stressful activity, when he needs a complete relaxing rest. However, it is not recommended to place the rune for a long time, because a person under its influence may generally lose the habit of actively thinking, acting, and achieving goals. The Berkan rune is good to use in healing to eliminate female diseases, to eliminate stress and hysteria. Berkana is also actively used in love magic - to attract the desired partner or establish family relationships.


The rune reflects movement and progress, the energy of acceleration, a shift in the situation from a dead point. Under the influence of the Evaz rune, any stagnant problem begins to develop. A person under the Evaz rune begins to adapt to external conditions, take into account all the subtleties and use them for his own purposes, setting himself up for a quick and high-quality completion of any issue. Likewise, the situation under the energy of the Evaz rune gently fits into the general situation and is resolved along the way on a global scale, even if there were no prerequisites for this. The Evaz rune can be used to quickly prepare documents, to overcome bureaucratic obstacles, using non-standard methods that the rune itself will suggest for solving them. Rune Evaz will suggest a way to solve the problem; events will develop in such a way that a person will involuntarily be involved in actions that solve this issue. Evaz works not only for the quick organization of any event, but is also a rune of legislation, i.e. all events will be legal and will be formalized legally. The energy of the rune attracts only law-abiding and influential people. A person under the energy of the Evaz rune thinks and perceives reality from different positions, his perception becomes multifaceted and is progressive. At such a moment, many ideas and non-standard approaches are floating in his head on how to solve a problem, for example, with money, or resolve a conflict with colleagues at work, or how to organize a meeting. Ideas come quickly and do not require special efforts to implement. In the old days, the Evaz rune was considered the rune of duality. It was believed that it reflects the union of two people, harmony of relationships, energetic resonance, fusion. Evaz is not just a relationship as in the Gebo rune, not just sex as in Kenaz, but a legitimate cell that is capable of growing a replacement and taking root. Rune Evaz is a legal marriage and leads to a legal relationship. With the help of the Evaz rune, you can influence legal proceedings and the observance of people’s legal actions.


The rune symbolizes the person himself. Rune Mannaz is man, intellect, ego. Under the influence of the energy of the rune, it is easy to influence the internal qualities of the human personality. For example, to increase self-esteem, to give confidence in oneself as a unique individual and, as a result, in one’s own actions or statements. Mannaz gives you the opportunity to look at yourself from the outside and see in yourself either shortcomings in self-realization or excesses of a smug ego. Both are present in every person, but in some areas these qualities are lacking, and in others there are too many of them. The energy of the Mannaz rune makes it possible to track and balance this imbalance of energy within oneself. Which leads to human harmony. A person under the Mannaz rune always strives to improve himself, his essence - after all, only by knowing his strengths and weaknesses can a person correctly realize his full potential. The Mannaz rune activates a person’s creativity, which gives a craving for the study of philosophical sciences, spiritual development, and knowledge of the truth. This approach to yourself also contributes to the ability to manage your life. People under the influence of the Mannaz rune are quite dexterous and resourceful, they clearly control the situation and feel any change in it, which they immediately use to their advantage. The speed of response increases under the Mannaz rune, and a person will never miss his chance. In ancient times, the Mannaz rune was used to achieve a favorable environment in society, to understand belonging to the human race, to realize oneself as a person, a person in the true sense. The rune reflects the mysteries of human nature, gives a deep understanding, inner feeling and responsibility of such belonging. The phrase “Be a man” reflects the purpose of the Mannaz rune.


Rune Laguz activates and develops human intuition. In ancient times, people were taught to perceive the world intuitively, because this is the only way to understand the laws of nature. Moreover, no discoveries or accomplishments are possible without internal perception, a deep awareness of everything that exists, and the Laguz rune contributed to the development of such perception. The properties of the rune are still active to this day and are aimed at a subtle perception of reality. The rune carries feminine energy and therefore it is more suitable for women, more in tune with their changeable, unstable emotional nature. The rune teaches men to listen to themselves, teaches them the ability to adapt to circumstances without harming themselves, to subtly sense external changes at the energy level and use them for their own purposes.

The Laguz rune is used to find a lost item. Being under the energy of the rune, a person can easily remember where he lost this item, and a strong feeling of confidence may come in the place where he left this thing. The rune allows you to intuitively scan any person, feel his capabilities, his intentions, his thoughts, and also “see” the development of further relationships with this person. The Laguz rune can also tell you how to act in an unfamiliar environment, allowing you to be fluid and easily switch from one emotional state to another. The most important thing in working with a rune is setting a goal. The Laguz rune can guide a person through life and become a barometer for him in any life situations.

The developmental effect of the rune is the development and honing of intuition. Frequent use leads to rapid progress in the field of intuitive perception of the world, and also contributes to the development of clairvoyance and extrasensory sensitivity.


The rune carries the energy of vitality, fertility, and health. Runa Inguz is used to increase potency in men and eliminate frigidity in women. It can also be used to eliminate diseases that prevent the conception of a child or simply to improve a person’s health. Inguz not only activates sexual energy, it is also used to boost a person’s biological strength during periods of fatigue, depression, emotional exhaustion or during a debilitating illness. Perhaps this is the only rune that works comprehensively to restore health. The rune makes you feel your physical body and consciously take care of it, treat it with respect and gratitude. Inguz, filling a person with its energy, makes him want to be healthy, strong and encourages him to fight for life by any means. Inguz gives you the opportunity to realize the value and uniqueness of life, pay attention to your body and take care of it so that it does not suffer. Inguz is the embodiment of youth, beauty and vitality. The rune helps to strengthen faith in yourself and your strengths, gives you a burning desire to absorb every moment of the minute you live.


The Odal rune symbolizes the homeland, connections with ancestors, family roots, people who are dear to you, objects that are inherited and carry the energy of your family. This can be not only people or objects, but also knowledge that has been passed on orally for several generations and was once lost. Odal will help you remember this knowledge, and revive it, use it in life. Under the energy of the Odal rune, you can find your Place of Power, where you feel cozy, comfortable, where you rest your soul and body, and the house or area where you are fills you with vitality and gives you confidence. It’s good to choose a property under the Odal rune - you can immediately determine which apartment or house is really yours, you can feel kinship and peace in your soul while in this place and make your final choice. The Odal rune helps to establish family relationships with people, but only if you really need them or they need you, if you initially have some kind of elusive connection with them, but you cannot manifest it or understand it. It happens that the closest people may turn out to be strangers to you, and those who seem to have nothing to do with your family or clan may be the closest. Odal will help you identify such a connection and will facilitate contacts with such people. Any loss in life under the Odal rune can soften your condition and make you feel, on the one hand, the inevitability of such a situation, and on the other, the inexorable rush of life, i.e. its continuation is gaining new experience, gaining new knowledge, wisdom. In the old days, the Odal rune symbolized belonging to a certain clan; it was used to protect the home, clan, family, and to protect the order.


The rune of spiritual transformation, transformation and breakthrough from one state to another. The Dagaz rune symbolizes the period when a person needs to move to another, higher level of mastering any business, to another level of his development. This applies to all spheres of human life, be it professional activity, career, personal relationships, and besides, the need for such a transition indicates a person’s spiritual growth. When a person has mastered what he is doing so much that he becomes bored and cannot get out of this state, marking time, wasting time and degrading, the Dagaz rune will help to make a qualitative leap to another level. The rune can speed up the protracted process of marking time. This transition may be accompanied by a rejection of the past, certain losses, but the experience that you have gained, the knowledge, skills and abilities, the wealth that you have formed during this period of life, it will remain with you forever and will move to the next level. The Dagaz rune is the final rune in the runic futhark, symbolizing the completion of the path, as well as a new birth. Dagaz is the completion of a passed stage in life, it means the energy of a new day and a complete feeling of making a decision to move on. The rune can be used when a person is in a crisis situation; Dagaz will suggest ways out of it. The rune is good for diplomatic negotiations, when it is necessary to end a protracted conversation and persuade him in one direction or another. the other side.

Uruz, Ur Urus, Uruz, Ur (tur, wild, primeval bull).

Now that wild aurochs have become extinct, and we have almost lost touch with primeval nature and moved to the relatively safe “concrete jungle,” you can feel a deep understanding of this rune by observing the Spanish fighting bulls - the closest relatives of the extinct aurochs.

Energy rune. Strengthens the spirit
gives men strength and women physical attractiveness. Awakens in
best feelings for a person. It is used when wanting to win or restore friendship and love, give Energy and Strength to intention, and receive healing.

The magic of this rune is sympathetic. Uruz itself reflects man's first attempt to penetrate the level of archetypes of deep reality, on which the runes operate, or to act on this level by means of sympathetic magic. In this rune, the masculine and feminine aspects are inextricably fused. Working with this rune in a ritual or act of magic, a person returns to his original essence, as if falling to the source of Urd, in order to quench the persistent thirst for true Power and real, eternal Love. And Uruz helps in this, giving men masculinity, and women femininity, and both - self-confidence, in their strengths and capabilities.

The rune embodies the unbridled power of life, and it is this uncontrollable, overflowing energy, awakened by the Uruz rune, that can serve as a kind of catalyst for events, defuse a tense situation or bring it to an explosion.

A spell created on the basis of Uruz is also good to use in order to create a new situation in your life, to bring new circumstances into it solely through volitional effort and without resorting to more specific and “rough” methods of influencing your destiny. Uruz is also used when deep self-knowledge is required.

In addition, the Uruz rune is used in healing, especially in when the patient is weakened and needs additional strength. The feminine aspect of this rune contains the potential of natural energy with healing properties. Uruz also helps you maintain good physical shape. I tried to apply this rune before going to the gym, heavy physical work or before sex - the result amazed not only me... What's interesting is that this rune literally turns on the “perpetual motion machine” inside - and you “plow” easily and without fatigue, as long as needed. But after such “marathons” you need to give your body quality rest!

I’ll tell you another cool secret - if you quietly draw the Uruz rune on your partner’s back, he will inflame with truly animalistic, uncontrollable passion for you)) This is a kind of “energy Viagra”. But do not forget to erase or wash it off after the date - otherwise the unfortunate person will “blaze” towards all individuals of the opposite sex. How to make an “eternal” talisman to keep passion for you and ignore everyone else - we will tell you directly in the course “Magic of Runes” - you must agree, such a dangerous tool cannot be put out for public use))).

Since the Uruz rune equally embodies both the masculine and feminine principles, this rune is considered especially favorable for spells whose purpose is the creation and strengthening of love or friendship, the conclusion of a lasting marriage, and the emergence of reliable partnerships.

Late Scandinavian - urr - bison
British - ur - bison
Gothic – uruz- bull

Rune of power, area of ​​effect - Physical and subtle worlds. It combines male and female components. Yin and Yang. Receiving a NEW FORM. Something ends, something begins. Where there is strength, there is no stagnation. Indicates success. The BASIC advice is to leave the old Form and allow the force to create a new one.

A sign of completions and new beginnings, your life has grown beyond its FORM, which must die so that the energy of life can be embodied in a NEW Form. WHAT is happening now may undergo death within the personality. Get ready for a NEW OPPORTUNITY that looks like a loss. Search among the ashes.

Difference from Feu
URUZ is the rune of the aurochs, the wild bull, and is in many ways akin to PEHU. However, FEHU represents domesticated, predictable livestock, while URUZ represents the exuberant vitality and energy of the brave wild bull.

And one more important difference - Feu is a vector aimed at increasing (directly) or decreasing (if inverted). And Uruz is a flash - a one-time, sharp and bright release of energy. Each rune has its own special energy. And understanding it is very important for proper use.

The WILD ox was a symbol of strength and masculinity for these peoples, so URUZ is considered a strong indicator of good health and STRONG body resistance.
Basic properties:
Unlimited potential and possibilities for releasing energy. Indomitable power, unexpected changes.
Message of the rune:
Have the courage to give up unnecessary things and it will open up new opportunities for you.
Magic Application:
This is the rune of change. URUZ gives direction to the release of energy.

Use it when you need to hurry up the sluggish flow of life.

This rune, personifying vitality and strength, is also very useful
in magical healing, especially when the patient is weak and some additional source of strength may be needed.
Traditionally, the rune is associated with the activation of sexual energy, desire for the opposite sex and increased sexual attractiveness.
In addition, the rune helps to overcome obstacles on the way to the desired object, cut off interfering connections, and maximize your confidence in your strength and success. The rune allows you to clearly see from the outside what limits you and see the desired object.
Inside a person, Uruz raises active vitality, the strength of physical health, the strength of immunity, and the strength of potency. This is the push of Kundalini that initiates the growth of consciousness. But be careful: aggressiveness and stubbornness are possible.
1.To add variety to your life.
2. To create new circumstances by willpower. But - be prepared for the fact that she can mercilessly “sweep away” what bothers you!
3.To heal and maintain good physical health.

Uruz frees creative energy, facilitates change, and makes the period of activity more intense. Adds strength to men and charm to women, helps to win or return love or friendship. Strengthens the ability to concentrate, accelerates the implementation of plans and intentions.

Rune Uruz can help you:

  • realize your plans, bring them into real life;
  • restore and replenish vital energy;
  • find the strength to discard the unnecessary;
  • protect yourself from negative influences from the past;
  • influence circumstances in such a way as to create the most beneficial situation for you;
  • increase your entrepreneurial spirit;
  • strengthen your determination and self-confidence.

Uruz is an irrepressible vital force. The power of volitional formation. This rune applies to both the physical plane and the spiritual and magical plane. Of course, the main function of Uruz is healing and love magic.

Scope of the rune:

  • — In material terms, the Uruz rune contributes to the personal success of the owner.
  • Organizing any major process, preparing forces for it, mobilizing people and resources.
  • Gathers chaotic currents into one.
  • Combining something.
  • Clearing the situation to build a new one. True, this clearing and building of a new one will be beyond the control of man. Take care of your own protection.
  • — Provides a friendly or love connection, harmonizes relationships, ensures sympathy between partners. In general, it fills all relationships with strength.
  • — Where the power of Uruz is present, relationships will not become poor;
  • — Provides the opportunity for self-knowledge, discovery of internal reserves;
  • — Increasing immunity, giving vitality, opening internal reserves, favorable for sports and physical work.
  • - Good in combination with Sovilo - gives a good healing effect.
  • — Denotes the natural Force itself.
  • — Formation of events by volitional effort. The ability to break into other worlds. Uruz is Power. Power always submits to the Power of the magician.

You should meditate on the Urus Rune when you want to get answers to the following questions:

  • Are my actions constructive?
  • Am I afraid of change and why?
  • what should I change in my life?
  • Isn't my past holding me back?
  • Can I realistically assess the situation and my chances?
  • Can I make decisions?
  • What should my plans for the future look like?

How to work with the Uruz rune:
Enter the flow of this rune if you need a sharp lift in spirit, if you feel the need for a change of scenery, new ideas, replenishment of energy and strength.
But remember: you will need courage to part with old attachments that have lost their value.
IMPORTANT: Uruz will not give you a goal - this is not his diocese. It’s good to set a goal and “hone it” with the help of Feu, for example.
So -
1. set aside time (at least half an hour) so that no one disturbs you
2. Sit comfortably and focus on what you need an “injection” of the colossal primordial energy contained in the URUZ rune.
3. If something is constantly preventing you from achieving your goal, think about what is stopping you - this energy will literally “sweep away” all obstacles from your path
4. If you need help healing or strengthening your physical body, think about what useful things you can do if you get rid of illness and weakness (in a “renewed” body)
5. If you are not satisfied with your surroundings, think about who you want to see next to you - Uruz will “remove” unnecessary people from your life and “bring in” the necessary ones. But you must clearly formulate who you need. Otherwise, he will choose at his own discretion, and you may not like it)))
6. If you want to gain sexual attractiveness and strength, think about why you need it - otherwise the consequences may be unpredictable.
7. When you feel that your intention is clear and consistent, and you are satisfied with the “intended” result, focus on the image of the rune.
8. Begin to mentally “unwind” the rune clockwise.
9. Very quickly you will feel the colossal energy that literally radiates from this vortex into space.
10. “Squeeze” your intention and imagine how it turns into a piece of ice.
11. Place this piece of ice in the vortex formed by the Uruz rune.
12. If you did everything correctly, it will instantly melt in this vortex and turn into a clot of energy.
13. Mentally take this clot and place it in your solar plexus.
14. There may be unpleasant sensations - you are not used to such force of energy - usually it is as if you were hit by a strong electric shock or something like that.
15. After this, you will feel how your body literally “vibrated” - energy spread throughout your body to your fingertips.
16. Thank the Uruz rune and say “O Great One - I thank you for the power given by the Uruz rune”
17. come out of the state of meditation, calm down the sensations
18. To relieve discomfort and overexcitement, take a cool shower (with your head!), turning your face to the streams of water and imagining that you are under a mountain waterfall, which washes away everything unnecessary and unnecessary from you - not only externally, but literally from every cell of your bodies.
19. Buy a bottle of dark beer and pour it under the roots of the male tree, saying “O Great One - accept this Gift as a sign of gratitude
20. Well, now - act in the direction of your goal - otherwise the energy will “tear” you))))

To strengthen your intention - you can write it under the article in the comment - I will correct it, if anything, and answer questions.

But that’s not all... The URUZ rune, like other runes, also has a negative aspect - it is “responsible” for the weakening of the body, chronic diseases, the inability to manage one’s life, weak will and “living in the interests of others”, the inability to say “no”, exhaustion emotions and forces in relationships, moral and physical violence - this is the so-called “Inverted Uruz”. We go into detail about him and how to “turn everything around” back if he suddenly turns upside down in your life. There we will do the above-described meditation “live”. In addition, we will do a meditation on “entering the space of the rune” - and get a deep understanding of the energy of this rune - both direct and inverted.

Let me remind you - if you want to perfectly master the Magic of Runes and make an amazing and full of adventures and discoveries journey to the World of Runes, as well as learn to build your new reality with their help -

Warning— the meditation is the author’s, based on my 20 years of experience and knowledge — and if you find it on the Internet performed by someone else, I can’t vouch for the consequences... Unfortunately, some “copy” such things and, not understanding the responsibility, start “ bring it to the people." But after completing the entire course and receiving the “keys” to understanding the basics of rune magic, you will be able to conduct such meditations yourself. This is an excellent help in the work not only of psychologists, but also of everyone who works with people))

1. Evaz (ehwaz)

The meaning of the Evaz rune in the first position - The rune indicates successfully developed circumstances that you have long expected. Lucky, finally lucky. You are guided by favorable energies, you are in a flow of magical power that can realize any of your desires. Be careful to maintain this magical resonance. There may be a person in front of you whose justice and common sense will help you a lot. It also indicates that you are now moving in the right direction. In the forecast, it indicates a time of major positive changes, such as a safe journey, new love relationships, new habitats.

Evaz in reverse position

The meaning of the inverted rune Evaz in the first position is a rider carrying his horse. The rune indicates that successful events are slowing down; not all opportunities are open now. You have fallen out of the flow of favorable energies and have lost the necessary resonance. The circumstances of your life will most likely result in losses or worries for you. Success is possible through some effort, nothing comes easy, and the absence of pride will make you unusually resilient in achieving your goal.

2. Teyvaz (tiwaz)

In the second position - military actions. You are required to be active and impeccable, purposeful and fearless, or a strong-willed effort. By showing yourself as the god of war and victory, you will only give others a chance to lose. “The rhinoceros runs very fast and has poor eyesight, but with its mass this is no longer a problem.” Being a great rune of victory, it recommends achieving your goal, defending your beliefs and taking what is rightfully yours.

Teyvaz in reverse position

In the second position, find a state of peace. Assess the situation. By immersing yourself in yourself, you can find a way out of the current situation, an answer to an exciting question. Don't expect quick results. Having dropped the anchor of hope, wait until the storm of events calms down on its own. Take up some useful craft, in the process of mastering which it will tell you about you, teach you to hear the eternal within.

3. Soulo (sowilo)

In the third position, the rune indicates changes, the quality of which is symbolized by the first rune of the alignment. That is, if the first rune is positive, then the changes will be of a positive nature, but if the first rune is inverted, then the changes will not please you. Sometimes it foreshadows clarification of the situation, a turn of events.

Suggestions about the existence of electromagnetic waves were first made in 1678, and this theory was mathematically proven in 1865. This concept has become firmly entrenched in everyday life, and today the use of these concepts does not surprise anyone. Every schoolchild knows that energy waves are not a fiction, although they cannot be touched with your hands.

In esoteric practices, energy waves include frequencies of runic energy. These frequencies have an advantage over cosmic energy channels - these are material keys, runes.

The energy of the runes becomes available after the symbols are combined into spell formulas that affect the wearer.

Energy technology

Runic formulas are durable - the service life of the staves depends only on the condition of the material on which the symbols are applied. This technique of working with rune energy provides a reliable and long-lasting effect. Other ways of working with runes are remote and involve direct tactile contact.

The runes of energy form a closed structure that comprehensively affects human life, and individual runes describe its spheres. With the help of fortune telling on runes, the practitioner learns the details of a person’s life and looks for the reasons for the occurrence of a particular event.

Working with symbols in energy technology involves interaction with individual symbols and staves. Runestavs consist of several symbols that are interconnected in a logical order and have a complex effect on the wearer. The range of issues that a practitioner solves is expanded with the help of staves.

Runic scripts are written on objects made from natural materials. Bone, wood or stone are most often used; after applying the symbols, the item is activated. At the end of the ritual, the operator receives an object containing the energy of the cosmos.

Advanced runologists can consciously use external sources of energy to nourish a person or amulet. Runestavs become such a source - after completing the work, the runologist does not interfere with the settings of the talisman. The formula on a physical medium becomes an independent item of Power, a kind of battery that belongs only to the specified owner.

Drawing up runic formulas

Runestavs are created in two ways:

  • Runes of energy influence the current state of a person. This method enhances or creates a new quality. A person is endowed with charm, willpower, and patience.
  • Becoming affects the wearer for a specified time. Using runes in this way creates a sequence of actions around a person that helps achieve the desired goal.

To compose effective formulas using the energy of symbols, the main rule is observed: do not confront the world. Runes of energy interact with the likely paths of future development. Runestavs also realize incredible fantasies, but this takes a lot of time and effort - they have to intensively bring this “zero” option closer with the help of other actions.

To calculate the options you need a mantika. Fortune telling makes it possible to read facts about a person’s life from the energy field in order to carefully consider the composition of the runic formula for him. Thanks to fortune telling, the energy of the runes becomes a way of communicating with the “subtle” world, which fulfills correctly formulated requests.

Scandinavian runes are not sources of power. These are signposts that are used to describe the type of energy associated with each symbol. To perform the energy technique of working with runes, it is important to understand the operating principle of each sign and take into account the compatibility of symbols in the stave.

In Scandinavian futhark, a separate type of energy is “attached” to each symbol.

  1. Fehu attracts material wealth and monetary energy. The use of this rune evokes in a person a desire to increase earnings and pushes him in this direction. The living energy of Fehu brings new projects and useful acquaintances into a person’s life.
  2. Rune Uruz mobilizes a person’s internal energy resources and forces the wearer to move towards the goal with hitherto unprecedented perseverance. The symbol finds successful use for solving everyday issues and clearing away “debris” at work or study.
  3. Turisaz makes a person courageous and decisive. Inspired by the energy of the rune, a person enters a state of full combat readiness and goes ahead. When using this symbol, a runic clause is required, which outlines the scope of Thurisaz.
  4. Ansuz focuses energy on a person's speech. Under the influence of this symbol, the bearer of the rune improves his oratory skills and becomes able to lead a crowd and confidently pronounces the right words. Ansuz's strength helps her to debate and perform brilliantly in debates.
  5. Raido symbolizes movement. The symbol personifies the path and directs the wearer to a given goal. The bearer of the rune feels a surge of energy and begins to move, intuitively choosing the right path. The influence of the symbol extends to all areas; it is important to direct it in the right direction.
  6. Kenaz affects the sexual sphere. A person under the influence of the energy of the rune devotes more time to his external attractiveness, tries to look better and attracts the attention of the opposite sex. People around them feel drawn to the person and note increased charisma and confidence. The energetic influence of Kenaz also extends to creativity - music and dancing become a way to sublimate energy into a creative channel.
  7. Gebo improves interactions with other people. The energy of the symbol helps create equal relationships and predict the thoughts of a partner, and better understand the train of thought of another person. Thanks to the use of Gebo, the bearer of the symbol builds a relationship with a person who will suit him in all respects. The rune restores mutual energy exchange between people.
  8. Vunyo awakens the inner child who joyfully explores the world. The energy of the rune makes you remember the satisfaction from small successes in moving towards your goals.
  9. Hagalaz- rune of the energy of destruction. The symbol is used in different areas of human life and to objects. The energy of Hagalaz makes one realize that the time has come to get rid of the old, to experience a symbolic death in order to fill the vacated space with new events and people. The barrier to renewal is toxic relationships, annoying thoughts and outdated ideas, work, complexes and addictions. The rune is used in harmful spells and combat magic.
  10. Nautiz limits and sets limits. A person under the influence of a symbol is forced to concentrate on moving towards the intended goal, without wasting himself on trifles. Nautiz mobilizes the internal resources of the wearer and places him in an unusual environment, for example, surrounded by unpleasant people, communication with whom is useful for achieving results. The rune is used when it is necessary to adapt to a new situation or perform an urgent task.
  11. Isa is capable of stopping processes around the carrier of the stave. The power of the rune can put a person into a trance and help during a hypnosis session, slowing down the development of processes destructive to the body. Isa does not have a healing effect, but it helps when you need to gain time.
  12. Yera makes a person patient and helps not to rush to conclusions. The sign is used to improve the atmosphere in a team or family. Yera demonstrates the situation in its true form and encourages you to use your strengths to your advantage, although energy balance may lead to unsatisfactory results for the wearer.
  13. Eyvaz- a rune with hard energy. The main purpose of the symbol is to transform the current situation and destroy the obsolete. The carrier will be protected from what slows down development - such factors are habits, principles, people and projects. Eyvaz helps to move to a new level of personal development.
  14. Perth- this is the force that awakens life in the seed, shooting out a green sprout. The symbol is used when a new endeavor is brewing: your own business, a relationship, or the birth of a child. The energy of the symbol helps to find and realize hidden possibilities, to look at the situation from the other side.
  15. Algiz- this is a powerful protective energy. The main purpose of the symbol is to protect the wearer from possible troubles and dubious acquaintances.
  16. Soulu increases vitality, gives a person confidence and leadership qualities. The energy of the sign is solar and victorious. Under the influence of Soulu, a person becomes efficient and optimistic, feels younger and recovers faster.
  17. Energy Teyvaz symbolizes fortitude, courage and determination. It’s not for nothing that the sign is called the “warrior rune” - Teyvaz is capable of bringing victory to its owner. The rune is aimed at changing the current situation and changing the attitude towards it. A person under the influence of a rune struggles with external circumstances and with the dark side of his personality.
  18. Berkana– a restorative rune, a carrier of feminine energy. The symbol gives a person the opportunity to relax and feel protected from adversity and problems. The rune fills you with inner peace and the desire to take care of loved ones. The symbol is often used for young children; it is also suitable for those who are tired of monotonous work and need rest. The rune is used in healing and love formulas to attract new relationships.
  19. Evaz– a rune of progress that helps move the process forward. The carrier of the rune energy learns to adapt to external conditions and use the situation to his advantage. The symbol successfully manifests itself in bureaucratic work and attracts influential people to the bearer; helps to find non-standard approaches to familiar projects, a person is bursting with ideas. Evaz attracts serious relationships that end in marriage.
  20. Mannaz personifies the power of the intellect and influences the internal qualities of a person. The energy of the rune helps you see yourself from the outside and get rid of excessive self-confidence and come to balance. Mannaz pushes the wearer towards creativity and spiritual self-development.
  21. Laguz often used by women, as it carries feminine energy. The strong half of humanity uses the energy of the rune to learn to hear themselves and adapt to circumstances. Under the influence of Laguz, a person’s intuition, paranormal abilities, and the ability to set goals become more acute.
  22. Inguz It has the energy of fertility and is used to eliminate problems in the sexual sphere. The rune helps with low sexual constitution, depressive disorders and chronic fatigue; the symbol restores health and makes you remember the body and take care of it.
  23. Odal helps to establish connections with family members and find peace of mind. With the help of the energy of the symbol, the bearer can successfully choose real estate.
  24. Dagaz acts in all areas of life where a transition to a new level is required. The energy of the rune is applied at the moment when a person has taken everything he could from the current situation and is now simply wasting time and resources without taking a step forward. The symbol helps to brilliantly overcome the crisis and come to rebirth.

Applying staves

Runestavs are applied in several ways:

  • horizontally;
  • vertical;
  • clockwise, mirror the runes when changing direction of writing.

Formulas of three symbols are traditionally placed in a triangle, the first rune is placed at the top, the rest are placed clockwise.

The first character in the stave initiates and sets the direction, it also fills the script with power and removes obstacles. The next two runes are the basis. The last sign means the result. Be careful when selecting symbols so as not to block the action of the symbols by using contradictory forces.

This energy source gives the wearer strength at the level of the body, energy field and consciousness. Before applying, check if this formula is suitable for you personally. The operator draws a runic energetic on a suitable medium or hand.

If the formula is activated with the help of deities, take standard offerings to the forest: sweets, wine or cider, apples, bread. If only the practitioner's personal power is involved, no offerings are needed.

At the end of the action, the formula is destroyed or erased, words of gratitude are said.


  1. Three times Soul is connected to cosmic energy;
  2. Three times Uruz adds energy to the element of Earth;
  3. Three times Ar - Icelandic runes for complete saturation with energy and its multiplication;
  4. Berkana protects the body so that it does not harm the health of the wearer.

Example of a runic slander:

I connect to (full name of the bearer) the energy of the elements of earth and space with the power of runes, let it fill (the bearer) with energy in the required volume until the action of this runestav is stopped. This runic stave works on the power of the deity/personal power harmoniously, without harm to the health of the wearer. This runestav begins to work after activation by breath/blood/elemental power. Let it be so!

Above is an example of a runic slander. Formulation may vary.