A remedy for blackheads that really helps. Remedy for blackheads on the face. Creams, masks, scrubs: review of the best and reviews from cosmetologists

This is the most common facial skin problem that every person faces from time to time. They are a mixture of sebum and small particles of dirt, which gets clogged into the pores and hardens there in the form of dense dark plugs.

The formation of comedones can be caused by hormonal imbalance in the body, neglect of personal hygiene rules, or disruption of the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands.

They can be open or closed. The first look like small black dots, while others resemble ordinary pimples in appearance.

Is it possible to get rid of comedones?

In order to get rid of unpleasant rashes, impurities and restore the skin to a healthy and beautiful appearance, you can use various methods:

  • salon methods of influencing the skin using physiotherapeutic devices;
  • drug treatment;
  • the use of cosmetics aimed at deep cleansing the skin and preventing clogging of the sebaceous glands;
  • home cleaning methods using folk remedies.

Before choosing any of the popular methods, it is best to first consult with a dermatologist. This is necessary in order to identify the main cause of comedones and eliminate the problem from the inside.

If blockage of the sebaceous glands was caused by hormonal changes in the body or became a consequence of improperly selected treatment for a chronic disease, then you will first need to undergo a course of therapy that restores the normal functioning of important organs and systems.

Modern beauty salons offer many effective ways to cleanse the skin of impurities and eliminate regular clogged pores. The beauty salon may offer the following procedures.

Mechanical facial cleansing by hand

Before starting the procedure, the dermatologist steams, opening the pores as much as possible, and thoroughly cleanses and disinfects the skin. Then the blackheads are slowly squeezed out with hands wearing sterile gloves or with a special cosmetic roller. Large white closed comedones are pierced one at a time with a medical needle and their contents are pulled out through the resulting hole.

After mechanical cleaning with hands, the holes left by comedones can close and heal within several days, so the salon client will be required to carefully care for the skin and daily disinfect its surface using antiseptics. In order for the effect to occur quickly and last for a long time, you will need to go through the procedure several times.

Exposure to acoustic waves has a light peeling effect, forcing old plugs of dirt and grease to come out from under the skin without injuring it.

Ultrasound gently exfoliates the top layer of the skin, also triggering metabolic processes and stimulating the skin for subsequent intensive restoration.

Skin cleansing using vacuum

It is a special tube with a cavity inside. By lowering the pressure, such a device is able to absorb small blackheads from clogged pores. Before the procedure, the skin is also thoroughly steamed in order to open the pores as much as possible and facilitate the release of sebaceous plugs from them.

The advantage of the method is that with its help you can get rid of comedones even in the most inaccessible places.

Laser facial cleansing

This is one of the most popular and effective methods of cleansing the skin from unpleasant formations. The laser beam splits any comedones from the inside, eliminating blockages, regardless of their origin.

Chemical peeling

Effect on the skin with purified concentrated fruit acids. During this procedure, pores are simultaneously cleansed of blockages with sebaceous plugs, the surface of the epidermis is completely disinfected and regeneration processes are launched inside.

Cells are renewed, after chemical treatment the skin looks healthier and more radiant.


Intensive massage using small jets of water. Under the mechanical pressure of the solution, the skin pores open and cleanse. There is simultaneous disinfection of the upper layer of the epidermis and stimulation of intense blood circulation, which promotes faster cell renewal. After vaporization, a cleansing and moisturizing mask is usually applied.

Important! Salon methods are the most effective for getting rid of comedones, however, their significant disadvantage is a fairly long rehabilitation period, during which you will need to carefully monitor the condition of the skin, as well as switch to a special diet with a low fat content and a large number of products containing vitamins necessary for the skin and minerals.

Drug treatment

  1. Ichthyol ointment. It has an unpleasant odor, but at the same time, a very pronounced effect. Doctors advise applying it to areas where comedones accumulate at night, under a sterile gauze bandage.
  2. Badyaga or any cream or gel based on it. This is a powder that is extracted from special algae. A paste prepared from a mixture of badyagi powder and boiled water is applied directly to the comedones and washed off after 10-15 minutes. Gels and ointments are also applied to the affected area of ​​the skin.
  3. . It is rubbed over the entire surface of the skin in the morning and evening, after thorough washing. This product should be used with caution as it can dry out the skin.
  4. The same drying and cleansing effect can be achieved if applied precisely. zinc and salicylic ointment.
  5. Products containing. In cases of severe skin damage by comedones, doctors sometimes prescribe external medications, such as Tetracycline ointment, Zinerit, Metronidazole ointment. They are used locally on the area of ​​skin lesions strictly under the supervision of the attending physician, since these drugs can also provoke various unpleasant side effects.

It is worth noting that the modern pharmaceutical industry has a large number of products aimed directly at getting rid of problems associated with disruption of the sebaceous glands and clogging of pores.

These products include Skinoren, Skin-cap and other ointments and gels containing hypoallergenic components to eliminate acne and comedones.

Important! Any medications to get rid of blackheads can only be prescribed by a doctor. Using the wrong product for your skin type can cause serious harm to yourself.

Cosmetics for “blackheads” on the face

Anti-blackhead and anti-blackhead cosmetics are much more popular than medications due to their mild, complex effects. A wide range of products for cleansing the epidermis will allow you to choose cosmetics for any skin type and income level.

These can be various gels and creams for washing, soft cleansing lotions, spot application products, exfoliating scrubs and masks. For the correct selection, it is best to contact a pharmacy for competent advice from a specialist.

To get rid of comedones, cosmetologists recommend choosing 3-4 products from one line to ensure comprehensive cleansing and restoration of the skin.

Most often, pharmacy clients prefer the lines of manufacturers Vichy, La Roche, Lierac. These brands of cosmetics have long proven themselves to be safe and most effective.

Folk remedies for “black dots” on the face

On the Internet you can find many proven folk recipes for combating comedones. Before using any of them, it is best to consult a doctor, since natural ingredients are quite aggressive and can, if used incorrectly, cause allergies, burns and swelling.

In addition, you need to consider your skin type before using any homemade recipe on yourself, for example, you should never use oil-based products if.

The following remedies are used in the fight against comedones:

  • essential oils of tea tree, bergamot, rosemary, grapefruit, eucalyptus, pine trees;
  • various types of colored clays, from which masks are prepared and applied to the face, leaving to act for 30-40 minutes;
  • you can wipe the skin with an infusion of eucalyptus or calendula, or prepare special cosmetic ice cubes from infusions of medicinal herbs and wipe the skin with them after washing;
  • masks made from egg whites and diluted lemon and aloe juice, which help not only cleanse the skin, but also soothe it in cases where there is irritation;
  • use after washing a scrub made from crushed apricot kernels, soda, coffee beans. They must be used carefully so as not to injure the upper layer of the epidermis.

Any folk remedy requires regular use, at least once a week. They cannot completely get rid of comedones, but they will give the skin a clean and radiant appearance.

In order to eliminate the formation of comedones or speed up the effect of the cleansing procedure, you will need to follow a few simple rules:

  1. Under no circumstances should you squeeze out blackheads yourself.. This can lead to infection and worsen the situation.
  2. You will need to use cleansers daily and carefully monitor skin hygiene.
  3. Do not leave decorative cosmetics on overnight.
  4. During the course of cleansing procedures, you should stop taking any medications, in consultation with your doctor.
  5. Try to stop eating fatty, sweet, spicy, junk foods. You should not drink sweet soda or concentrated juices.

Mask with tropical resins, Sisley

The mask has a thick, fresh texture. Absorbs excess sebum, tightens pores, effective against pimples and blackheads (comedones). Heals the epidermis by regulating the secretion of the sebaceous glands. Suitable for oily and combination skin.

Night restorative lotion from the SKIN MAT line, Darphin

Targeted night care based on isolutrol, essential oils of lavender, sage, lemon, effectively cleanses and visibly tightens pores, mattifies. Makes the complexion more even and improves skin condition. By morning, the skin becomes more matte, uniform and smooth.

Daily scrub for blackheads, Clean&Clear®

The unique Quick Break-up complex fights blackheads from the first day of use. Jojoba microbeads instantly exfoliate dead cells, unclogging pores. The scrub removes blackheads from the skin without drying or irritating it.

Gel for deep skin cleansing NORMADERM, VICHY

Deeply cleanses the skin. Frees pores from impurities and has a powerful antibacterial effect. The product gives the skin freshness and health for the whole day.

Cleansing night gel Seaweed, The Body Shop®

The lightweight, non-greasy, soap-free gel is easily absorbed and hydrates the skin without clogging pores. It provides good cleansing and maintains the natural balance of oily areas of the skin and maximum hydration in dry areas, providing reliable protection throughout the day. While you sleep, the gel works, and in the morning your skin will be fresh, smooth and well-hydrated.

Scrub for deep cleaning of pores, Avon

Ideally cleanses the skin without drying it out, exfoliates dead cells and dissolves impurities.

Desincrusting Mask, Chris Farrell

Deeply cleanses pores, removes dead skin cells and excess sebum, has an antibacterial effect and tightens pores.

Cream-Exfoliant for cleansing pores, Сaudalie

Without drying out the skin, it effectively cleanses pores, providing incomparable smoothness and radiant cleanliness. Exfoliating micro-particles intensively cleanse the skin and free pores from impurities. Grape pulp moisturizes the skin, gives it softness and elasticity. Menthol extract provides a feeling of freshness. Creamy texture and exquisite aroma with notes of grapefruit, mint and sweet orange will turn the care procedure into a moment of real pleasure.

Exfoliating gel for washing Teen, TOITBEL

Gently and effectively exfoliates dead cells without disturbing the integrity of the skin, smoothes the skin texture. Eliminates irritation and oily shine.

Cleansing gel “Code of Purity”, Oriflame

clear skin and healthy complexion! The gel removes impurities, dead cells and excess sebum from the surface of the epidermis. The special oil-free formula normalizes the balance of oily skin. Prevents clogged pores and acne.

Women strive to look beautiful at any age. Irregularities on the skin appear during puberty and disappear after two to three years. There are some lucky women who no longer encounter problems on their face and body, but most women, and men too, need to take care of their face and use a remedy for acne and blackheads. A cosmetologist can help make the skin clean with masks, creams, cleansing, and make it velvety.

What are blackheads

Small inclusions of black color measuring 1 mm are called comedones. They appear on the nose, forehead, chin, less often on the cheeks, shoulders, and back. Dust, dirt, and cream particles get into the enlarged pores - and the holes become clogged. The skin stops breathing, and more serious inflammations – acne – may occur at the site of darkening. In order to prevent acne from appearing, it is necessary to remove the spots in time, and cleaning can be done at home. A film mask is well suited for narrowing pores, which hardens after application and, when removed, draws out excess.

Why do they appear?

Comedones occur in people with oily skin and increased sensitivity to external irritants. It happens not only to women, but also to men. They first appear in adolescents aged 12 years and above. During puberty, the work of the sebaceous glands increases, a restructuring of the body occurs, hence the appearance of acne and inflammation. People with normal skin types are susceptible to the appearance of dark spots, but not in such numbers as in women and men with problematic epidermis. There are several reasons for the appearance of comedones:

  • oily, sensitive dermis;
  • poor nutrition, excessive consumption of smoked, salty, spicy, sweet foods;
  • bad habits – alcohol, smoking, caffeine addiction;
  • stress, nervous breakdowns;
  • improper skin care or lack thereof;
  • the cosmetic product was selected without taking into account the characteristics of the dermis;
  • drug treatment - some drugs help remove harmful substances from the body, which remain in the form of fat or sebum and clog pores;
  • a failure in the hormonal and endocrine system, which a doctor can find out about based on the tests taken;
  • bowel problems: frequent constipation;
  • heredity, which modern cosmetics and medications will help to cope with.

First you need to contact a cosmetologist. He will examine the skin and give his verdict. In many cases, proper care, facial cleansing, and peeling are enough. It is recommended to do cleaning in late autumn or early spring, when the sun is not yet too active. A competent cosmetologist will not prescribe such a procedure in the summer, because the epidermis becomes sensitive to sunlight and requires constant protection. During this period, you can limit yourself to soft cleansing compounds.

Anti-blackhead remedy

An effective remedy for blackheads on the face is exfoliation. It removes dead skin particles, removes the top layer, and clears the way for subcutaneous sebum to exit. After the procedure, you should apply a cleansing mask. Cosmetic products that harden and are removed in one layer help a lot. You need to start removing the film from the bottom of the chin towards the forehead. Along with the frozen layer, the dirt remaining in the enlarged pores comes out.

After the procedure, empty holes remain on the skin that need to be helped to stay clean. A regular day or night cream will not be enough; here it is better to use a special gel to tighten pores. It works on the principle of plugging holes, as if closing them with a cork, through which it does not allow external microbes to break through. The skin is covered with an invisible film and remains clean.

Home remedy

It is not necessary to buy expensive creams and masks in the store; remedies for blackheads on the face can be prepared at home. This is especially good to do in the summer, when seasonal vegetables and berries are available. Fresh cucumber rings saturate the dermis with the missing water, moisturize it, thereby making the epidermal cells work twice as well and remove toxins. The release of excess sebum from the pores is not delayed. The strawberry mask saturates with natural pigment, gives a healthy blush and glow.

Homemade masks

It's easy and quick to make a face mask at home. You can preview the recipe and buy the missing ingredients or use what you have in your kitchen. Preparing the composition is not time-consuming, there is no need to wait three days, but rather, on the contrary, home care is done based on one-time use. Four effective recipes:

  • Oatmeal – 1 tbsp. spoons, boric alcohol - 3 drops, soda - 0.5 teaspoons. Mix all the ingredients and add a little kefir or milk until the consistency resembles sour cream. The composition is applied to problem areas - nose, forehead, chin - and left for 15 minutes. After this time, the residue must be washed off with warm water. If there remains a feeling of tightness, cover your face with moisturizer to ensure gentle recovery.
  • Egg – 2 pieces. To prepare this mask you only need protein. It should be whipped into a white foam and applied to problem areas using a wooden spatula or spoon. The protein should be given ten minutes, it should soften the epidermis well, dry a little, and then you need to apply a second layer. After half an hour, remove the residue using a cotton pad moistened with water. Protein has antimicrobial properties, therefore it is used in cosmetology. When applying the mask twice a week, the face will clear.
  • Honey – 2 tbsp. spoons. The product that sticks best to your hands will be suitable. Before the procedure, it is recommended to thoroughly wash your hands with antibacterial soap. Finger pads should be dipped in honey, and then applied to the forehead, nose, and cheeks with gentle tapping movements. The layer should be visible, but not spreading. Honey nourishes, moisturizes, cleanses unnecessary rashes and acne. After 15 minutes, wash with cool water.
  • Clay – 1 package. This safe product is sold in any pharmacy and is well suited for making homemade masks. The contents of the package are poured into a dry, clean container and diluted with water. The clay is applied as a mask over the entire surface, with the exception of the eyes, eyebrows, and mouth. After 15 minutes, when the mass has hardened, it is recommended to get rid of it with one movement of the hand from bottom to top, from the chin to the hair on the head. Rinse off the remaining mask with warm water. After the procedure, apply a nourishing cream, since the clay dries out.


An excellent home treatment is a scrub. It helps exfoliate keratinized particles of the epidermis, removes its top layer, cleanses the surface of the face, thereby opening access to acne and nodular deposits. With regular scrubbing, unwanted rashes completely disappear. You can use the following scrub recipes:

  • For preparation you will need baking soda and finely ground salt. Mix the two ingredients one tablespoon at a time, moisten a cotton pad with water and dip into the resulting powder. You need to be careful when treating problem areas on your face, not allowing baking soda to penetrate into open pimples to avoid unnecessary inflammation.
  • Semolina – 1 tbsp. spoon, liquid honey - 1 teaspoon. Mix the ingredients until smooth. Apply with your fingers to problem areas and rub thoroughly. Afterwards, rinse with water. The face will turn a little red, but it will go away after 10-15 minutes. You can soothe the epidermis by wiping it with ice cubes. The scrub is recommended to be used morning and evening.
  • Natural ground coffee – 1 tbsp. spoon, kefir - 1 tbsp. spoon, honey - 1 teaspoon. Mix the elements together, you should get a thick mixture that looks like ash. Take a small amount of scrub into your hands and massage your nose, paying special attention to the wings and bridge of the nose. There are often rashes of small dots near the lips. These places can be scrubbed; you should avoid getting the mixture on your mouth; its surface is too delicate, which can be damaged by coffee beans.
  • Thick natural yogurt – 0.5 tbsp. spoons, grated lemon zest - 0.5 tbsp. spoons, honey - 1 teaspoon, salt - 0.5 teaspoon. Mix the entire composition into a homogeneous mass, which should turn out thick. Apply and thoroughly treat the entire surface with the resulting scrub. Lemon zest dries out acne, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and prevents the appearance of new impurities. Yogurt has a moisturizing effect, so after this procedure the face does not need additional nourishment or application of cream.


Before all cosmetic procedures, it is recommended to steam. The skin becomes softer and more pliable, and dirt itself jumps out of the pores, that is, it is noticeably easier to remove from the surface. After the procedure, any scrub or mask will work much more effectively. Pour boiling water into a deep saucepan and hold your head over the steam, covering it with a towel.

A more effective substance for steaming are herbal infusions. The dry collection is sold at the pharmacy. Suitable herbs for the steaming procedure include chamomile, sage, eucalyptus, calendula, oak bark, and St. John's wort. Pour one teaspoon into a liter of boiling water and leave to steep for half an hour. You need to breathe over this solution for about 15 minutes. It is recommended to blot any drops of moisture that remain on the face with a paper towel and do not rub them under any circumstances.

The advantage of steaming is that the pores open up as much as possible, and comedones just beg to come out for removal. After this, you can apply a mask or cream. The disadvantage of this method is that some people find it difficult to sit for 15 minutes in a water bath under a towel. If a person has a runny nose, then there is difficulty breathing, which does not allow the face to steam for the prescribed quarter of an hour.

Pharmacy products

In cases where masks and scrubs do not help get rid of unevenness on the face, you can use pharmaceutical products. They have a wide spectrum of action and a healing effect. A popular acne product that you can buy at the pharmacy is an ointment. It comes in different compositions and names: ichthyol, zinc, tetracycline, metronidazole, retinoic. All types have one thing in common - ointments help get rid of excess comedones. For the same purpose, other forms of drugs sold in pharmacies have been created:

  • Salicylic acid. It has a drying effect. When wiped daily with a cotton swab moistened with this alcohol, irritation and the proliferation of acne and comedones are relieved. With more frequent use, burning, itching, and the possibility of drying out the skin occur. If this happens, lubricate the damaged areas with any cream and stop using the acid for a while.
  • Creams against blackheads and acne, such as: Zinerit, Differin. They reduce the production of sebaceous glands, dry out, promote the removal and disappearance of impurities, and contain glycerin. Dosage – applied pointwise to each pimple individually. You can spread a small amount of cream in a thin, even layer on the area of ​​the nose, forehead, and chin; there is no need to rinse off; it is more suitable for oily skin.
  • Zinc ointment. It is an antiseptic and stops the proliferation of bacteria. Zinc dries out the dermis, and the Vaseline included in the composition softens it. The ointment is suitable for sensitive skin, has no contraindications other than individual intolerance, and can be used even for infants. Apply to problem areas once a day.

Cosmetical tools

After scrubs and peels, cleansed skin needs to be moisturized, so the first cosmetic product you should use is a moisturizer. If your pores tend to get clogged, you can choose a light gel or oil-free treatment, such as Garnier. Another assistant in cosmetology is cleansing foam. Makeup should be removed using special gels to prevent your face from drying out. Yves Rocher has excellent options. Exfoliating beauty products, such as Vichy, help relieve breakouts.


To get rid of comedones, it is recommended to use a set of procedures, starting with cleansing, scrubbing, masks, and ending with moisturizing. The well-exfoliated surface of the epidermis becomes a little dry, the sebaceous glands begin to work with a vengeance, which allows impurities and acne to appear. An oil-free moisturizer can help avoid unpleasant consequences. Popular companies:

  • Garnier, “Life-giving Moisturizing”, sorbet cream is valid for 24 hours and has a mattifying effect. The green tea included in the composition acts as an antioxidant, thereby controlling shine, moisturizing like hyaluronic acid, softening the dermis, saturating it with oxygen, and has a woody aroma.
  • Vichy, Normaderm series. Sold in a pharmacy, it is equivalent to medicines. There are two types that help cope with the problem perfectly: active local-action cream-concentrate, triple-action cream-care. They cleanse the face, eliminate inflammatory processes, penetrate deeply into the epidermis, thereby mattifying and making it smooth.
  • Faberlic, a Russian manufacturer that has established itself in the market, is popular among cosmetologists, some of whom work entirely on these cosmetics. This company has a series against acne and comedones. The main substance – Japanese rose extract – eliminates sebaceous deposits and prevents the formation of new ones.


A well-proven remedy for blackheads on the nose is strips. They can be attached to different areas - nose, forehead, chin. The main condition is a clean surface. Before using it, it is better to steam it, scrub a little, and then carefully stick the strip, pressing it with your fingers to the entire face, and wait for the time allotted according to the instructions. The antibacterial sticker should be removed in one motion, thereby removing excess oil from the pores. Well-known strip manufacturers:

  • Nivea, soft cleansing strips, pack of 6. The active ingredient is fruit acid extract. Penetrates deeply into the integument, removes impurities and breaks them down. The strip must be moistened with water and applied to the desired area, removed after 15 minutes. Recommended use 1-2 times a week.
  • Propeller, nasal strips, the main component is activated carbon, which can absorb and capture all unnecessary contaminants. The second active substance is licorice. It has a steaming effect. The strip must be positioned horizontally and removed with gentle hand movements after 10 minutes.
  • SKINLITE, strips for forehead and chin, 6 pcs. Instantly cleanses pores. Special shape for easy gluing to the chin and forehead. With regular use, it helps tighten pores.


Before applying special masks or creams, the surface of the face must be thoroughly cleaned; scrubs help with this. They come in different flavors: coconut, chocolate, almond, fruit, and can be completely odorless. A scrub for the face is different from what is used for the body: it is softer, the grains that make up the bulk are smaller and softer, so you need to have a separate jar for the face. Popular scrubs:

  • L'Oréal Paris, “The Magic of Clay”, facial scrub mask, exfoliation and tightening of pores, 50 ml. The manufacturer has combined three types of clay: kaolin, gassoul, montmorillonite. Together, all three components absorb impurities, fight oily shine and imperfections skin Red algae extract has a splitting effect, due to which comedones disappear.
  • Propeller, pearl gel scrub, 40 ml. Deeply cleanses pores and evens out the texture. This medicine is a very budget option, suitable for young and old people. The scrub must be applied in a thick layer, left for 5 minutes, then massage the entire face with rolling movements, avoiding contact with the eyes and mucous membranes of the mouth and nose. Suitable for frequent use 3 times a week.
  • Alba Botanica, gentle facial scrub with pineapple, USA manufacturer, 113 g. Active ingredients: pineapple, papaya, ginger extracts, jojoba oil, aloe vera leaf juice. The scrub stimulates collagen synthesis, penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, compensates for moisture deficiency, stimulates blood circulation, supplies a rich complex of vitamins to cells. Hawaiian scrub is suitable for sensitive people and can be used on the neck area.

The best remedy for blackheads

If we briefly summarize all of the above remedies, then the leaders in the fight against comedones are film masks. The greatest effect is achieved after steaming and scrubbing. The dermis becomes cleansed and soft. The mask penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, affects the foci of infection, removing them. After the applied substance has hardened and turned into a film, it must be removed in one motion towards the bridge of the nose. Along with the mask, the remaining fat deposits come out from the surface, which are clearly visible after removing the film.

Folk remedies

Modern creams, ointments, scrubs and various anti-pollution cosmetic procedures help get rid of blackheads on the face. But there are always adherents of folk remedies. The advantages are the naturalness of the ingredients, the availability of each of them, and low time costs. If it is difficult to find a good cosmetologist, and even more difficult to choose a time for procedures, then you can use folk recipes half an hour before bedtime.


A parsley-based home remedy for blackheads is perfect for getting rid of comedones. Grind a bunch of herbs in a blender or mortar. To the resulting gruel, add dry lavender, a tablespoon of mineral water or yarrow decoction, a teaspoon of avocado oil, and cumin. All components must be mixed. The mask turns out to be liquid with grains, and in this form it is applied to the face. Usage procedure:

  • Take two cotton pads, divide them in half, and soak each part in the parsley mixture.
  • The disc must be placed on problem areas. Such compresses are perfect for the area around the eyes and will remove dark circles.
  • With a parsley mask, it is recommended to lie down for 20 minutes, relax, think about pleasant things, listen to calm music.
  • The procedure can be repeated daily, there are no contraindications. This mask will not only tighten pores, moisturize and refresh your face, but will help lighten freckles.

Tinctures based on cucumber and medicinal herbs

Cucumber is 90% water, so masks based on it serve as an excellent moisturizing treatment. But its pulp is of great value. It contains many microelements that have an antiseptic effect and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the epidermis. The composition of cucumber pulp includes vitamin A, ascorbic acid, zinc, tocopherol, and potassium. Thanks to the rich variety of elements, the vegetable relieves inflammation, removes irritation, and tightens pores. Recipe for making tincture:

  • chop one young cucumber on a fine grater or using a blender;
  • add dried or fresh herbs of chamomile, sage, eucalyptus to the resulting pulp;
  • mix everything thoroughly and pour a glass of boiling water;
  • leave the infusion for two hours.

After the lotion is ready, wait until it cools completely, moisten a cosmetic napkin or cloth in the tincture, squeeze out the water well, and put it on your face. Rest in a horizontal position for 30 minutes. It is advisable that there are no distracting external influences at this time. At the end of the procedure, wash with cool water.


Attention! The information on the site cannot be used as a basis for making a diagnosis or starting self-medication! No website can replace a visit to a doctor. Do not self-medicate based on information on the Internet, it is dangerous!

The best and most effective remedy for blackheads and pimples is one that gets rid of the problem reliably and for a long time.

But which one to choose, a folk one, prepared at home, from a pharmacy (supermarket) or a salon method?

Metabolic disorders in the epidermis are the most common occurrence for oily skin.

At the same time, the skin on the face does not receive enough nutrients, which is manifested by a dull color, uneven relief and various aesthetic defects in the form of blackheads, pimples, acne and others.

Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands causes the appearance of comedones. They are open and closed. Closed comedones are a blockage of the sebaceous ducts in the thickness of the skin.

When they become inflamed, acne-like lesions appear on the face. Open comedones are blackheads, plugs that clog pores on the surface of the face.

They consist of cells of the stratum corneum that do not have time to be removed, held together by sebum. The color of black dots is given by enzymes formed during the oxidation process.

The peak of increased greasiness occurs at a young age, when the body has the most hormones.

The sensitivity of the sebaceous glands to hormonal levels varies from person to person, which explains the presence of three main skin types. As the number of hormones decreases with age, fat content also decreases.

As a result, dry skin suffers from dehydration and lack of protection, while oily and combination type epidermis normalizes and later ages.

You can just wait until the hormones subside and the processes in your facial skin return to normal without outside help.

But you will have to wait a long time, and 10% of people with an oily type of epidermis do not notice any significant changes in the oiliness of the skin on their face even after 30 years.

Since oily skin has problems with exfoliation of cells of the stratum corneum, that is, with skin renewal, it requires special care.

This includes daily cleansing, regular cosmetic procedures (masks, scrubs, etc.), and the use of special cosmetics for the appropriate type of epidermis.

This allows you not only to look good, despite the peculiarities of the skin on your face, but also helps to maintain youth.

Any external remedy (folk, homemade or purchased at a pharmacy) helps against blackheads for a short time.

After a few days, sometimes even hours, the plugs clog the pores again.

To avoid this, you should influence the causes of the problem. There are two of them: hormonal levels and poor nutrition.

If you replace sweet, fatty, fried, peppered and refined foods with fermented milk products, plant fiber and complex carbohydrates, then after a few months you will notice an improvement in the condition of your skin and a decrease in the number of pimples and blackheads on your face.

Movement helps restore hormonal balance in the body. The most ordinary walks can normalize hormones and, therefore, improve mood, the condition of nails, hair and skin.

True, you need to walk every day, covering at least seven kilometers.

How to deal with blackheads?

Where to look for a remedy for comedones: acne and blackheads? Can a homemade mask against these problems replace pharmaceutical drugs? Reviews on the Internet and recommendations from friends are sometimes contradictory.

Firstly, it's all about individual skin sensitivity to various ingredients. Secondly, under different conditions of the procedure, the same mask can be effective and useless.

For some skin, mechanical cleaning (squeezing) is suitable, not only in the salon, but also at home, or masks made from soda and salt, which are somewhat aggressive.

For some, harmless kaolin (white clay) will cause dryness and tightness of the facial skin - one of the best remedies against blackheads and pimples that can be used at home.

Finding “your” means is a creative, individual process. Reviews from other people will help determine the most popular recipes, and then trial and error will determine what your skin will love.

If you doubt the method you are interested in, then you can try it on the nose, where blackheads appear most often, and only the second or third time proceed to treating the entire skin on the face.

If you have strong concerns and especially conflicting reviews, test on the crook of your elbow or wrist.

You will definitely achieve results if you understand that it is possible only with certain focused efforts and following certain rules:

  • regularity. Masks, scrubs and patches must be used 2-3 times a week;
  • steaming pores before a mask or other procedure is a way to effectively clean them;
  • a combination of various methods, for example, to steam the face, you can use a decoction of medicinal herbs that are beneficial for oily skin;
  • calmness and confidence, even if after the first time there is no result or it turned out not to be what was expected. Mistakes are experiences that will make your skin perfect.

It is incorrect to say that home cosmetics can compete with salon methods for removing acne, blackheads and other aesthetic skin defects.

The main advantage of a professional approach is the presence of a professional who has knowledge and experience in this field.

However, even at home, no one bothers you to obtain the necessary knowledge and gain experience; fortunately, in the modern world there is no shortage of information.

Getting rid of cosmetic blemishes

There are various methods for removing pimples and blackheads that can be done not only in the salon but also at home.

Some are universally recognized, while others are not unanimous even among cosmetologists. The latest techniques include mechanical facial cleansing.

The steamed skin is treated with various tools, for example, an uno spoon, a Vidal loop or fingers; a cosmetologist can also use needles to pick out various defects.

Using your hands, you should never press the skin with your nails, but with your fingertips.

Some cosmetologists use this method, others believe that it disrupts skin tone and pores lose their ability to narrow, remaining enlarged.

Some salon clients regularly resort to this method, others do not see impressive results on their faces, and others take a long time to recover from redness and irritation. Everyone decides for themselves.

Patches against blackheads are quite effective if you buy them from a trusted manufacturer, have a good shelf life and apply them to prepared skin.

There are a huge number of masks against acne and blackheads that will also improve complexion, increase blood circulation in the epidermis, and change its general condition for the better.

This article suggests the main ingredients of masks for acne and blackheads. They can be mixed and matched with each other and with other components, depending on your skin type and additional goals.

Ideal ingredients for perfect skin

Salt and soda perfectly cleanse the skin of any impurities, exfoliate excess dead cells, help with acne and even acne. However, these ingredients have contraindications.

Salt and baking soda can be used separately, in tandem, or combined with other ingredients.

Gelatin is a popular component for film masks. Its beauty is in its versatility: the mask is suitable for any skin type, depending on what you combine gelatin with - fruit juice for oily skin, milk or cream for dry skin, or herbal decoction for any type of epidermis.

A decoction of anti-inflammatory herbs or activated carbon crushed into fine dust makes a gelatin mask effective against acne.

Activated charcoal is another excellent remedy that helps with both blackheads and acne. Charcoal deeply cleanses pores and temporarily makes the skin matte, reducing the activity of the sebaceous glands.

Remedies for blackheads differ from each other in their therapeutic effectiveness, composition, safety of use and cost. If there are several open or closed comedones on the skin, you can use homemade scrubs and masks with natural ingredients - decoctions of medicinal herbs, honey, vegetable juices, essential oils. And if blackheads form along with acne, then you cannot do without the help of a dermatologist. The doctor will prescribe a series of laboratory tests and recommend anti-inflammatory ointments, gels, and creams. The effect of all remedies for blackheads is enhanced by proper drinking regimen and changes in diet.

Pharmacy products for eliminating comedones

Means for eliminating comedones are presented on pharmacy counters in a wide range. They can be in the form of solutions, gels, ointments, creams, balms, lotions, and tonics. Many manufacturers of medicinal cosmetics produce entire lines of products for the care of problem skin - Stop Acne, Propeller, Garnier. Regular use of facial washes, scrubs and cleansing masks, moisturizing and nourishing creams will not only be an excellent prevention of blackheads, but will gradually get rid of existing comedones.

Recommendation: To speed up the cleansing of the face and body from blackheads, dermatologists advise drinking at least 2 liters of pure still water daily and taking vitamin complexes with microelements - Supradin, Vitrum, Centrum.

At the pharmacy you can purchase drugs for local application, which are not only highly effective, but also far from budget-friendly:

  • Skinoren gel and cream with azelaic acid, which effectively relieves inflammation and has a pronounced antibacterial, antifungal and keratolytic effect;
  • Zinerit solution with erythromycin, zinc acetate and ethyl alcohol, which has a comedolytic effect, which manifests itself as a result of the combined effect of its active ingredients;
  • Baziron gel with benzoyl peroxide, which reduces the secretion of secretions in the sebaceous glands, ensuring its complete absorption, helping to moisturize the skin and normalize microcirculation;
  • Differin cream and gel with adapalene, a metabolite of fat-soluble vitamin A. The biologically active substance is characterized by a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect.

The above drugs have proven themselves to be effective in clearing the skin of the nose, cheeks, forehead and chin from blackheads. But before purchasing, you should keep in mind that their main purpose is to treat acne. Therefore, it is not advisable to use such serious drugs if 2-3 comedones have formed on the face. In such cases, it is better to use inexpensive ointments that help get rid of the cosmetic defect in 2-4 weeks.

Ichthyol ointment

Ichthyol ointment for blackheads is a time-tested remedy for improving skin condition. The active substance stops the inflammatory process in the deepest layers of the epidermis. Ichthyol ointment inhibits the growth and reproduction of pathogenic bacteria (staphylococci, streptococci) and pathogenic fungi in the skin pores. A course of applying the product to blackheads promotes their gradual dissolution due to the denaturation of protein molecules. Ichthyol ointment should be used as follows:

  • Mix 15 ml of the product (about a teaspoon) thoroughly with 4-5 drops of glycerin;
  • apply to a sterile napkin and apply to the problem area of ​​the skin;
  • secure the bandage with adhesive tape and leave it for several hours, possibly overnight.

This treatment procedure helps to get rid of not only comedones, but also acne and painful boils. Contraindications to the use of Ichthyol ointment are pregnancy and breastfeeding. The disadvantages of the drug include an unpleasant specific odor and an excessively greasy consistency.

Retinoic ointment

The active ingredient of Retinoic ointment is isotretionine, which exhibits a powerful regenerative effect. After application to an area with comedones, it is quickly absorbed by the skin and penetrates into inflamed pores. Isotretionine is a direct participant in all biochemical processes, inhibits free radicals, and normalizes the production of sebaceous glands. Many women use Retinoic ointment immediately to eliminate blackheads and improve skin condition. After using the product once a day for a week, you can notice its multifaceted effect on the epidermis:

  • disappearance of greasy shine;
  • dissolving the contents of contaminated skin pores;
  • smoothing out irregularities and roughness;
  • reduction in the number of facial wrinkles;
  • elimination of redness and small pimples.

When using this ointment for blackheads, an allergic reaction may occur, so treatment should begin with 0.5% of the product mixed with an equal amount of baby cream. Retinoic ointment should be applied for 1-2 hours, without rubbing or massaging, then remove any unabsorbed excess with a napkin.

This is interesting: The effect of Retinoic ointment can be compared to a kind of peeling. It effectively exfoliates the cells of the upper layer of the epidermis, which promotes the formation of new, young tissue.

Zinc ointment

Indications for the use of this external remedy include dermatitis, diaper rash, trophic ulcers and boils. Zinc ointment for blackheads is actively used in medicine. Its therapeutic effect is based on the ability of zinc oxide to dry and extract the contents of skin pores. The chemical compound also exhibits whitening effectiveness, discoloring comedones. Manufacturers used medical Vaseline to form the ointment base. It prevents zinc oxide from absorbing excess moisture, softens the skin and tightens pores. How to use external remedy:

  • squeeze out the required amount of ointment from the tube onto a sterile napkin;
  • apply to the area of ​​skin with comedones;
  • secure with adhesive tape and leave for 3-4 hours.

The components of Zinc ointment do not penetrate the systemic bloodstream, so side effects occur extremely rarely. It is advisable to use the anti-inflammatory agent for people with normal, oily and combination skin. Zinc ointment stabilizes the production of sebaceous secretions, eliminates unpleasant shine, and prevents infection of the glands. But in a person with dry skin, the product can provoke a feeling of tightness, despite the presence of petroleum jelly in the chemical composition.

Note: Limiting, or best of all completely eliminating, baked goods, sweets, fatty meats, and smoked foods from your diet will help you get rid of blackheads faster. These products provoke the development of putrefactive and fermentation processes, slagging the body, which quickly affects the condition of the skin.

Traditional medicine recipes

Folk remedies for blackheads are mainly represented by masks and scrubs that moisturize the skin and saturate it with nutrients and biologically active substances. They include medicinal herbs, bee products, cosmetic and natural oils. Folk remedies are not as effective as pharmacological drugs, but have a milder and more gentle effect. Long-term use of toning masks and cleansing scrubs improves the structure of the epidermis, helping it to independently and quickly cope with excess production of sebaceous secretions and inflammation. This becomes an excellent prevention not only of blackheads, but also of premature skin aging.

Homemade masks

The best homemade mask is made from chicken protein. Beat it for 7-10 minutes until a thick foam forms, gradually adding a pinch of sea salt. The mask is applied to problem areas of the face or body for a quarter of an hour, and then washed off with warm water and moisturized with cream. A home remedy for blackheads exfoliates the top layer of the epidermis, promoting cell renewal, and draws out hardened contents from the pores. The protein mask dries the skin, stabilizing the production of sebaceous secretions. To eliminate blackheads, you can use the following therapeutic masks:

  • mix a tablespoon of thick sour cream with a teaspoon of honey and 5 drops of aloe juice, apply to comedones, leave for 30 minutes;
  • Add 1 drop of rosemary and sage essential oils to 30 ml of baby cream, apply to problem areas of the skin for 20-25 minutes;
  • Grind whole oat grains to a powder, add cosmetic tea tree oil until an elastic mass is formed, keep on your face for 30-40 minutes.

Pharmaceutical clay masks have proven themselves well in the treatment of acne, which provokes profuse formation of blackheads. The greatest therapeutic effectiveness is typical for natural remedies in green, black and white colors. To prepare the base base, clay is mixed with warm water so that a mixture with the consistency of thick sour cream is obtained. You can add essential and cosmetic oils, lemon juice, and low-fat fermented milk products to it. And to enhance the anti-inflammatory effect, instead of water, clay is mixed with infusions of chamomile, marigold, St. John's wort (10 g of dry plant material per 0.5 cup of boiling water).

Tip: Cosmetic film masks will help get rid of comedones. Under the influence of body temperature, their auxiliary ingredients evaporate, leaving a thin film on the skin. After removing the mask, the contents of comedones and keratinized scales of the epidermis are visible on it.

Homemade scrubs

An effective remedy for blackheads is oat grains, crushed to fine grains. They are mixed with any low-fat fermented milk product (sour cream, Varenets, kefir, yogurt) and massage problem areas for 7-10 minutes. After the cleansing procedure, any nourishing cream is applied to the skin. You can also get rid of comedones using the following homemade scrubs:

  • add thick flower honey to 30 g of granulated sugar until an elastic mass is formed and massage the skin for 15 minutes;
  • grind large-leaf green tea to a powder, mix with honey and 2 drops of thyme essential oil, cleanse the face or body for 15-20 minutes;
  • Brew a teaspoon of chamomile with 50 ml of boiling water, cool, filter, mix with baking soda and massage your face for 15 minutes.

Cosmetologists recommend adding 10-15 ml of freshly squeezed lemon, orange, and grapefruit juice to any home scrub. They contain a huge amount of valuable organic (fruit) acids that improve blood circulation in the skin. Under their influence, metabolic processes are accelerated, promoting complete regeneration of all layers of the epidermis. In addition, fruit acids discolor blackheads, dissolve their contents and remove them from the pores.