Dream interpretation of a dead embryo of a child. Interpretation of the dream of a fetus in dream books

I have this question..do kids get nightmares?? I put Arishka to bed, about 15 minutes later I began to hear squeaking sounds from the room... I came up, and she was squinting in her sleep, tugging her little hands and sobbing... I stroked her on the head, so she burst into tears right in her sleep, but with some kind of crying that was not her own ...thin...so sad...I held her in my arms, she woke up and cried even more...she still sits in my arms and sobs...


Listen, I read that even in the tummy during some weeks of pregnancy, babies see dreams. But only in the form of flashes of pale pink color. Even then I thought that this was probably calculated theoretically, because no one had climbed into the brain of an embryo...

We are almost 4 months old and this situation repeats itself periodically. He falls asleep, and after an hour or two he may start crying in his sleep. Sometimes he sobs without even waking up. I somehow had no doubt that I dreamed something bad...
I’m usually nearby at such moments or come as soon as I hear. I hug, reassure, and give breastfeeding if needed.


Hello, please tell me, this is the second time I have had a non-developing pregnancy, what could be causing this?

02/18/2019 20:53:39, Yuldasheva Zarina

This is a terrible blow for any woman. And not everyone can find the strength to move on. In this article [link-1] I was amazed how the author, having experienced this more than once, managed to pull herself together.

12/20/2018 16:31:55, ivanceva

From the 10th week of pregnancy, reflexes appear caused by irritation of the areas of the skin to which the spinal nerves go. In a word, the baby begins to move in the uterus quite early. True, these movements are not yet coordinated and not conscious, and the relative sizes of the embryo and amniotic sac are such that the embryo floats freely in the amniotic fluid and rarely touches the wall of the uterus so that the mother can feel it. However, already from the 10th week of pregnancy, having stumbled upon the wall of the uterus, the baby can change the trajectory of movement. From 9 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus can swallow amniotic fluid, and this is a complex motor process. At 16 weeks pregnant...
...Most women note some pain in the hypochondrium in the third trimester of pregnancy - and this is not a deviation from the norm. So how to properly monitor and interpret fetal movements? It is necessary to listen to the child's movements. A complete cessation of physical activity for 12 hours or more is a very alarming signal. Starting from the 24th week of pregnancy, the fetus should move on average 10-15 times per hour, it can sleep for 3 hours and still barely move. However, if the baby is too active for several days or, conversely, for several days his activity has decreased, the pregnant woman should contact her obstetrician. There are situations when...


Please tell me, can early fetal movements be a cause for concern? This is my first time giving birth and my baby started moving too early at 17 weeks. Thanks for the answer.

02/07/2014 01:10:15, Anna Sergucheva

I am in the ninth month of pregnancy. Please tell me how many fetal movements are normal for this period and how to count the movements?

09/18/2008 00:16:26, Elena

Is it possible to predict the gender of a child?
...This is not about that now... Which of the observations of humanity, obtained through practical means, can be put together into a fascinating puzzle called “Brother or Sister” even during the entire nine months? Puzzle one. Have you noticed that your spouse has become more sexual during pregnancy? Wait for the boy! The fact is that the male embryo releases androgens, male sex hormones, into the mother’s body. They increase a woman's sexuality. Puzzle two. Are you an emotional woman, prone to excessive worries, able to create problems out of nothing? Wait for the boy! But girls are most often born to calm, happy women with radiant eyes and “wings on their backs.” In all likelihood, everything in this situation is to blame...

Possible malformations of the child Indeed, some malformations in children born through IVF are more common. The reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been clarified; additional research is needed to understand its mechanisms. It is possible that the IVF procedure itself affects the unborn child in this way, but it cannot be ruled out that the reason lies in the drugs that the woman takes, or in some component of the nutrient medium in which the embryo is grown before being transferred to the uterus. But the increased risk of certain defects is unlikely to deter spouses who dream of a child but have problems with fertilization from applying for IVF. After all, the possibility of having a child with some kind of birth defect always exists, but this does not stop people from having children. In addition, all of the listed malformations in our time are not dangerous for...

What is the attitude of various religions towards artificial insemination?
...From this moment on, each of us is a living soul, an image of God, called to meet our Creator. Therefore, when talking about IVF, we must take care of both the parents and the child. That is why three aspects of IVF, from the point of view of Christian teaching, seem absolutely unacceptable. First, the creation and disposal of “spare” embryos. The effectiveness of IVF is low (about 20%), and it is dangerous for women. Hormonal stimulation of the ovaries, with the help of which eggs are obtained, is fraught with serious complications. To avoid risk, “spare” embryos are frozen for repeated implantations. But if these implantations do not occur, human lives often become raw materials from which stem cells are extracted, pharmaceuticals and even cosmetics are made...


I managed to avoid IVF, although I have almost reached this stage. Thanks to the persistence, high qualifications and extensive experience of my doctor, I managed to get pregnant naturally. Karina Grigorievna, thank you very much for not giving up when I was ready to give up! There would be more such specialists.

It’s very interesting to hear if your kids talk about their dreams:) Mine has different dreams: 1. he has wings flying behind his back 2. he gets lost in the subway “You and I went on the subway, and you got off at the station, but I didn’t have time.” The doors closed and the metro started moving... then the metro stopped at the station and stood for a long time. Then it started moving and the tunnel closed. and I woke up next to you" Option 2 "we were on the subway, first dad got out, and then you, but I didn’t have time to get out. I was so scared:(((the metro went and stopped at...


Mine talks more and more about scary things, that a bear scares him in his dreams. Therefore, we fall asleep with the light on and sometimes at night we have to get up and turn it on. One dream she told made her hair stand on end. Little men crawl out of the floor in the corridor and come into our room. (Most likely due to the fact that the neighbors downstairs sometimes listen to music VERY loudly). But there are also good dreams.

They don't say anything. It’s as if I never dream about anything at all... I somehow never thought about this topic. I'll have to ask around.

What incredible dreams do women have during pregnancy! Some of them are pleasant and joyful, others are sad and even scary. Often after such a dream a woman cannot come to her senses for a long time...


I had a dream that I gave birth to 4 children. Three girls and one boy... It’s not clear who to expect.... Now I’m pregnant for the second time and I still don’t know who it will be. But I was so happy that I now have 5 children) in general, can anyone guess who my second child will be a girl or a boy?)

And they reassured me, thank you. I had my first thematic dream at 5 months. I dreamed that my beloved belly was my sister’s child, that now it was her girl. And I’m worried, how can this be - I was pregnant, and the child is definitely hers. It's a shame and there's nothing you can do about it.

By the way, she also dreamed that my child was a boy, only there was something wrong with his face.

I can’t wait until we go for an ultrasound, I want to see as soon as possible who I have and if everything is okay with the sun. For now, we just call the tummy a baby (it turns out to be masculine). Hm...

Only in some people a period of continuous night sleep is established from the first weeks of life, however, even in this case it does not exceed 5-6 hours, and on average is 2.5-3 hours. The sleep of a newborn differs significantly from the sleep of an adult. The sleep of both an adult and a child consists of phases: the beginning of sleep (the period of falling asleep), shallow sleep, deep sleep, which, in turn, can alternate up to 4-6 times, and final awakening. For example, in a newborn, the phase of deep slow sleep does not begin immediately after falling asleep, but only after 20-30 minutes. The duration of deep sleep lasts no more than one hour, then is replaced by rapid superficial sleep, during which the baby can make movements, shudder, change facial expressions...


interesting article. I want to confirm about rocking - light rocking movements are really better than the nervous shaking of a child with the amplitude of the ninth shaft and sentences - when will you fall asleep?! and I remember something like this happened with my cousin, who was rocked on a pillow placed on her knees in such a way that probably not only the child, but also the mother’s head was spinning. Well, what can you do, the child did not fall asleep well and screamed obscenities until he was blue in the face. Now this is an excellent student girl, to the delight of her mother, but for this joy she paid in full with such motion sickness. and today we tried light swaying to calm jazz - not even lullabies, which make me sleepy. We fell asleep like little darlings; we didn’t even need to give them a pacifier to calm us down. so give me some music!

04/21/2010 14:28:47, Ladybug

Wonderful article!!! So on time, just a godsend for me!!! Thank you very much!!!

03/13/2008 01:38:09, Tanya

The reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been clarified; additional research is needed to understand its mechanisms. It is possible that the IVF procedure itself affects the unborn child in this way, but it cannot be ruled out that the reason lies in the drugs that the woman takes, or in some component of the nutrient medium on which the embryo is grown before transfer to the uterus. But the increased risk of certain defects is unlikely to deter spouses dreaming of a child from applying for IVF. After all, the possibility of having a child with some kind of birth defect always exists, but this does not stop people from reproducing. In addition, all of the listed developmental defects in our time are not dangerous for the child’s life - they can be cured...

Studies of the fetal heartbeat during pregnancy: ultrasound, echocardiography, fetal auscultation, CTG
...To assess the cardiac activity of the fetus, ultrasound (ultrasound) and echocardiography (echocardiography) are used. Auscultation (listening) of the fetus, CTG (cardiotocography). Ultrasound of the fetal heart Early in pregnancy, the fetal heartbeat can be determined using ultrasound (ultrasound). Normally, with a transvaginal ultrasound (the sensor is inserted into the vagina), contractions of the fetal heart are detected at 5-6 weeks of pregnancy, and with a transabdominal ultrasound (the sensor is placed on the abdomen) - at 6-7 weeks. During the first trimester of pregnancy (up to 13 weeks), the heart rate (HR) of the embryo varies depending on the stage of pregnancy. At 6-8 weeks, heart rate is 110-130 beats per minute, at 9-10 weeks - 170-190 beats per minute, from the 11th week...

Sometimes the subconscious does even more interesting things to us in our sleep. The process of childbirth is clothed in bright colorful images.
...Masha Before giving birth, I dreamed that a cat with green eyes attacked me and started biting my legs. I fought him off in every possible way that I even woke up. I went to the toilet and on the way I thought it was some strange dream. It turned out that the water began to break (without contractions). Oksana The unborn child also sometimes takes on some incredible forms in a dream. All that remains is to say: “The queen gave birth that night to either a son or a daughter, not a mouse, not a frog, but an unknown animal...” And I dreamed that I gave birth to a dog, and such a large, bald one. And I loved her so much, I loved her so much! In the dream, it didn’t even seem strange to me that it was a dog. Mamaoss To my classmate in her last month...

Depression now all day long...

I did an ultrasound today, and they told me that the child has an umbilical hernia... What is this? I searched the entire Internet - I couldn’t find anything about an umbilical hernia in a fetus... I understand when newborn children have a hernia, but the embryo has a hernia at 10.5 weeks! This is the first time I've heard this. Has anyone had this diagnosis? I'll go to the doctor on Thursday, now I don't know what to think. What this threatens is unclear...

Girls, I had a dream last night, in a pool with dolphins, a beluga whale and my husband, we bathed, swam, looked at each other, the beluga whale looked especially carefully into my eyes! ABOUT! I read the interpretation. In one version, dolphins are bad; you fall under the influence of the new leadership, or government. Maybe it’s because yesterday I watched Putin with journalists out of the corner of my eye? :))) In another version, the dolphin is a phallic symbol (and there were so many of them around me :)))) and says that there is not enough sex in life and...


you know, it has already been proven that embryos dream, so children even more so, but you can dream about anything, for example something incomprehensible that Masya saw during the day :)

This happened to us too - the first time at 1.5 months - I think these were dreams (When Bun woke up, for a long time she could not figure out where she was...)

An embryo, or germ, is a collection of cells that gradually develop into a viable organism. Most dream interpreters agree that for a woman, a dream about an embryo is a harbinger of the birth of a child, even before she feels signs of pregnancy.

The same meaning is put into a similar plot that a man dreamed about. The general interpretation of the embryo is somewhat broader, and coincides with the meaning of “Pregnancy”.

The embryo symbolizes the beginning of new promising undertakings and plans, while the embryo’s belonging to a certain type of living organism can also carry symbolism of the sphere of future activity and effort. In general, such a dream is favorable.

Dream book of Gustav Hindman Miller. How to understand the dream “Embryo”?

A dream in which an embryo appears is a harbinger that something completely new and unknown to you will soon happen in your life. Perhaps you will receive long-awaited news from distant relatives.

Dream book of Sigmund Freud. What does the dreamed fetus symbolize?

For a woman, the appearance of an embryo in a dream means that she may soon become pregnant, and if such a condition is not included in the dreamer’s plans, she needs to carefully observe all possible precautions.

If the dreamed embryo is dead or has some kind of developmental pathology, exactly the same troubles can haunt a future pregnancy in reality, so it must be prevented in advance.

For a man, such a dream means a child that his partner will give birth to.

Dream Interpretation Frost. Interpretation of the dream “Embryo”

Seeing an embryo in a dream is a sign of poverty. If the dreamer himself appears in the role of an embryo, this is a very positive dream that speaks of an increase in his income in the future.

Psychoanalytic dream book. Symbolism of a dream about an embryo

An embryo seen in a dream speaks of someone’s life, which has not yet come or is already greatly suppressed.

Dream Interpretation 2012. The meaning of a dreamed embryo

A dreamed embryo symbolizes new beginnings and prospects for the dreamer, or a transition to a more perfect life. Sometimes he warns about the need to strengthen the immune system.


A dream about an embryo indicates the beginning of development and improvement. For young people who have sexual relations, such a dream most often foreshadows a greater likelihood of conception. However, this symbol can also speak of the emergence of new affairs, relationships, and some life situations.

It is especially favorable if the dreamer himself is the embryo - this indicates his rapid growth and improvement, which will occur without significant effort on his part.

However, in such dreams it is necessary to take into account the size of the embryo, its level of development, resemblance to a person or animal, as well as anatomical correctness.

The more developed and beautiful the dreamed embryo is, the better prospects await the dreamer in the near future, and the environment will only be favorable to it. Conversely, the embryo of something unpleasant, causing you to have a disgusted attitude, is a harbinger of trouble.

In contact with

A child is a symbol of hope and the future.

If you dreamed that a child was bitten by an animal, then this dream indicates that in the future a large number of vampires will appear on Earth, who will primarily pose a serious danger to children.

For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a meeting with the Antichrist, who will want to make him his disciple.

Seeing a pregnant man in a dream is a sign that in the future what has been talked about for many years will still happen, that is, the man will become pregnant and give birth to a child.

Perhaps this will not happen without the intervention of dark forces, but this fact will glorify this man and his child throughout the world.

If in a dream you saw a disabled child, then such a dream warns all of humanity about the danger posed by our polluted atmosphere.

For the dreamer, this dream prophesies a meeting with a person who will greatly need his help.

To see a dirty child in the arms of a fallen woman in a dream - the dream suggests that the Earth is in very great danger.

In the future, an unprecedented number of people will be infected with AIDS, and humanity will be on the verge of extinction.

But when it seems that nothing can change the plight, a person will appear who will invent a cure for this terrible disease.

If you dreamed of a child who has no limbs, then such a dream indicates that the Earth is in a real threat.

Due to the fact that the environment is very polluted, many children will be born with various physical disabilities, as well as mental disorders.

Seeing a healthy smiling child in a dream is a happy sign.

A happy time will finally come on Earth when love will rule the world.

People will stop being afraid of wars, poverty and hunger, and therefore many healthy, beautiful children will be born.

Seeing a child running on the ground in a dream means renewal and symbolizes a new humanity.

A dream in which a child squeezes or kills a snake predicts that humanity will find a way to prevent the threat of nuclear war.

If in a dream you saw yourself as a child, this is a sign that you have come to the point in life when you need to reconsider and change your life.

Seeing a crying child means endangering your future.

Looking for your child in a dream means trying to find lost hope.

Seeing a child picking flowers in a dream means spiritual enlightenment.

Holding a baby in your arms in a dream means trying to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Interpretation of dreams from

Seeing a fetus is an unjustified risk for your child.

Dreaming of "Embryo" in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The embryo dreams of pregnancy.

Embryo - interpretation in the dream book

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

The primary form of life, be it a seed, spore or bud. It can serve as a symbol of the beginning of something new, a push for growth.

Embryo - see in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Reflection of a new beginning. Reflection of the birth of a new life. The need to strengthen the immune system.

Meat grinder - seen in a dream

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Dreaming of a meat grinder symbolizes doubts tormenting you; such a dream on Wednesday indicates that you will put everything “on the shelves” and nip doubts in the bud. In addition, a meat grinder dreams of a desire to completely change your life. Weigh your every step soberly, otherwise...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about the Film?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Symbolizes life in the matrix. But first, briefly about the essence of this phenomenon. The Matrix is ​​not as bad as it is made out to be. The Matrix is ​​a dual holographic program. The goal of the program is to fill the “emptiness” with love. On the one hand, that “emptiness” in the space-time continuum, which is...

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of Curling up?

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This image means a subconscious desire to return to the state that was before birth - complete security and peace. You can call this pose the fetal pose. Seeing yourself in such a position means rejection of your fate, an instinctive desire to start over. See …

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream about the Egg? Number 3 (three)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

Seeing an egg in a dream and breaking it, clearly distinguishing its three constituent parts - the shell, the white and the yolk - means that you are currently busy searching for the meaning of life, but philosophizing does not bring you peace. If the inside of the egg turns out to be rotten...

Dream Interpretation: why do you dream 1. Unit. Number 1 (one)

Interpretation of sleep in the dream book:

This is the number of determination and strength aimed at realizing ideas and fantasies. The unit carries ambition and ambition, aggression and the desire for unknown distances. One is the number of the leader and the egoist. This number encourages a person to pay increased attention to his...

The origin of life is a great mystery, but it seems that we do not know the limits of foresight. Almost every mother, on the eve of conception, saw in her dreams certain signs indicating that this moment was close. However, not all interpretations of what an embryo means in a dream are so straightforward. Dream books reveal the secrets of such prophetic visions.

Miller's Dream Book: lift the veil of uncertainty

The embryonic state is that stage of pregnancy when the mother does not even realize what changes have occurred in her life. According to Miller's dream book, such a dream foreshadows something completely new and unexpected. A nascent life may dream of unexpected news from distant relatives.

Prophetic dreams

According to Freud, even before conception, a woman sees prophetic dreams. If she dreamed of an embryo in her stomach on an ultrasound, this means pregnancy. I saw him alive - the gestation of the fetus will proceed safely, dead - there is a threat of miscarriage or pathology. If having a baby is not in her immediate plans, she has time to resort to modern contraceptives.

If a man saw a human embryo in a dream, he should prepare for fatherhood. I am not happy about such changes - it is not too late to use reliable contraception.

Why does a pregnant woman dream of an ultrasound, in which the sex of the child is visible: this directly suggests whether the baby will be a boy or a girl. If it is alive and mobile, then the pregnancy will be resolved safely; if it is dead, there is a threat of miscarriage.

Harbingers of poverty and wealth

It’s interesting to know why a person dreams of feeling like a fetus in his mother’s belly. This helpless but comfortable state allows one to hope for enrichment without any effort on the part of the dreamer. For a dreamer who is past childbearing age, seeing a human embryo from the outside predicts impoverishment.

Abortion as a warning

For a doctor to perform an operation to remove an early embryo in a dream and see it die is a reminder of his professional duty. Frozen embryo transfer - to professional success.

Why does a woman dream of such an operation? I dreamed about how she changed her mind about getting rid of the child - a reflection of doubts about the choice of the chosen one. If you did, then in reality you will have to submit to circumstances, but dream books say: bitter regret in a dream about what you have done is a sign that you need to be persistent in life.

If in a dream she saw herself having an abortion, and a dead embryo was imprinted in her memory, it means that in reality she was planning something terrible, without realizing the consequences. According to the dream book of the Sorceress Medea, such a dream warns against haste, so as not to jeopardize the implementation of family plans and the very existence of marriage.

A man can also dream of removing an embryo from his stomach. Most likely, deep down in his soul he suspects that his new venture is absolutely futile, but continues to pursue it out of inertia. Helping a surgeon performing an abortion in a dream predicts paying someone else’s bills.

Unexpected interpretations

The spring dream book considers a frozen embryo as a sign of danger for children already in the family. The interpretation of the Summer Dream Book regarding what one dreams of in alcohol or frozen is surprising - this portends a visit to some kind of show.