To see a herd of elephants in a dream. Various dream plots. Longo's dream book - why do you dream about an elephant?

The elephant represents power and strength, thick skin and clumsiness. Seen in a dream, it symbolizes some significant, and sometimes awkward, event in real life. If in a dream a large elephant calf or baby elephants are bathing in the sea or river and they have tusks and a raised trunk, then you should expect bad news. There is another interpretation of such dreams, which is described in detail in this article.

You can find out why he appears to the girl in the window, in the form of a man, eating bread or alive
wants to crush you. It is explained why in a dream he bites, why he dreamed of an elephant bathing in the sea and the one that wants to kill, dead, drawn, on a chain or on the sand near the sea, as well as hugging with its trunk, blue, black, floating in the water, a figurine or figurine .

It is worth remembering that from Tuesday to Wednesday, from Sunday to Monday, such a dream will be prophetic.

Why does a pregnant woman, a man, dream about an elephant, white, without a trunk, angry, toy

If a woman expecting a child dreams of a white elephant, then she will have a smart and handsome son who is destined for a great future.

If a man dreams of a white elephant, he will be promoted up the career ladder.

Dreaming of an elephant without a trunk means that in reality you will have to move to another city.

An angry elephant is dreamed of by those who are in danger, which he brought upon himself.

For a young couple, dreaming of a toy elephant means that they will have a child as a result of artificial insemination.

A dream about a toy elephant can also symbolize changes in the dreamer’s life associated with the realization of his mistakes.

Why do you dream of an elephant in the water, in a house, in a circus, in a cage, in armor, with big ears?

If you dream of an elephant bathing in water, then in reality you will be overwhelmed by emotions and, due to your frivolity, you may commit rash acts.

Dreaming of an elephant in the house means that prosperity and peace will settle in your home, but before that you will have to put up with some inconveniences.

The elephant you saw in a dream at the circus is a symbol of the fact that in real life you will have to deal with many small matters at the same time, but as a result you will receive a huge reward for your efforts.

If you dreamed of an elephant in a cage, and you feed and care for it in every possible way, you will find a rich patron, whose service will bring a stable and desired income, but you will not have complete freedom of movement, but will be “tied” to one place.

Also, this dream about seeing an elephant in a cage can be interpreted as potential hidden within you, but you are so constrained that you are embarrassed or afraid to demonstrate your talents in real life.

If the elephant in your dream was dressed in knight's armor, then in reality you do not know where to start to carry out your planned big task. Just start doing it - fate is favorable to you at this stage of life.

An elephant with large ears symbolizes the enormous amount of information that you need to remember in order to achieve your life goal.

Why do you dream of an elephant that attacks and chases you?

To see an attacking elephant chasing you in a dream means. that in real life so many things will fall on you that you won’t know “which corner to run to.” Hoping for help from others is a waste of time; now they are too aggressive. You will have to cope with the pile of things that have piled up. Believe in your strength, and an elephant seen in a dream will not only cause concern, but will also bring wealth and respect.

Why does Miller dream about the elephant?

In Miller's dream book, an elephant symbolizes the highest honors that can be given to a person. Sleep is considered especially favorable when you are riding an elephant. It means that you will be able to very successfully control all areas of your activity.

It’s also a good idea to see a peacefully grazing elephant in a dream - it predicts a large and stable income received thanks to your wise and fair rule.

Why do you dream about an elephant according to Freud?

If a woman dreams of an elephant, then there comes a period in her life when she will be completely satisfied with her intimate and real life.

If a man dreams of an elephant, then subconsciously he experiences a craving for homosexual contacts.

Also, a dream can predict sexual harassment from an overly influential person.

Miller's Dream Book: Why do you dream about an elephant?

If you dreamed of a lone elephant, you have to take on a large and complex task, which will subsequently ensure your comfortable existence.

Even better, if you dream of a herd of elephants, you will find everything you could wish for if you show wisdom in your decisions.

The egg symbolizes nascent life. Therefore, an egg seen in a dream is considered a powerful sign, indicating an inexhaustible supply of life...

Danilova's children's dream book

Seeing an Elephant in a dream, what does it mean?

Why do you dream of an Elephant - Your friend’s deed will surprise you with its nobility - this is the meaning of what this dream means.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about Elephant?

Elephant - An elephant in a dream portends a small but very stable business. Seeing an elephant grazing means that your spiritual qualities will help you win the favor of your work colleagues. A herd of elephants symbolizes long-awaited and very lasting prosperity. Riding an elephant in a dream foreshadows the rise of your professional career, the acquisition of a considerable fortune, the recognition and respect of the people around you. All areas of activity of your enterprise will be subordinate to you, and your position in the family will become equally authoritative.

Intelligent dream book

What to Expect If You See an Elephant

To dream about an Elephant - To see it in a dream means successful entrepreneurship in business; riding an elephant - receiving an unexpected honor; for a girl - a profitable groom.

World of images: Antonio Meneghetti

We analyze the vision in which the Baby Elephant dreamed

Why do you dream of an Elephant - an independent animal, through which it indicates a situation in which a person can be secretly, slyly captured by the trunk, like tentacles, regardless of his will, and pierced with tusks. This dreamed image is synonymous with a deforming grille, a grill, which affects a person, disfigures his human being, just as a steam roller destroys everything in its path, so what you are dreaming about is deciphered.

Seeing Elephants, how to unravel the symbolism of a dream (according to the Family Dream Book)

I dreamed about an elephant - you will meet a great, kind man who will give you his friendship. If the elephant is aggressive, with its trunk and tusks raised, beware of influential ill-wishers. They can cause you a lot of problems. An elephant bathing in a river or releasing a fountain from its trunk - you will be frightened by upcoming troubles, but problems will pass you by. Elephant with cubs - pay attention to loved ones. Finally, take a break from your favorite car or detective stories and spend some time with your family.

Elephant according to the dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov

Elephant - Exaltation in life.

Dream book of the 21st century

What does an elephant mean in a dream?

Elephant - You dreamed about an elephant - a symbol of wisdom, recognition and high appreciation of your intelligence and abilities. An elephant in your room means inconvenience, interference, short-term negative experiences. Riding an elephant means special happiness in life; you may find yourself under the star of luck. Giving food or drink to an elephant means that in reality you will soon get a good job. Seeing an elephant's trunk in a dream means anxiety due to the precariousness of the situation. If an elephant picks you up with its trunk, you will achieve success in reality. A white elephant in a dream means appointment to a position. Seeing ivory is very favorable for your destiny, success and joy.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Elephants from your dream

Seeing an elephant - Wisdom, merit, success. Riding on horseback means extraordinary luck, exaltation, glory.

I dreamed about ivory - a sign of prosperity and career advancement.

The ABC of Dream Interpretation

To dream about an Elephant, what does it mean?

Elephant – The white (pink) elephant symbolizes the spiritual teacher, the highest spirituality in general. The trunk of an elephant in women's dreams is a phallic symbol. Seeing an elephant means having your talents recognized. Riding an elephant means achieving good luck in life. Feeding an elephant means obeying a powerful, fair person. Running away from an elephant means difficulties.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about an Elephant in a dream?

Elephant - To dream that you are riding an elephant, denotes that you will acquire a highly secure fortune and earn honors; which you will accept with dignity. All areas of activity of your enterprise will be subordinate to you, and your position in the house will become equally authoritative. Seeing a herd of elephants means long-awaited, true prosperity. A lone elephant portends you a small business, but very reliable. Seeing an elephant grazing means that you will rise in your society due to your kindness and justice.

The meaning of a dream about Elephants (Muslim dream book)

Elephant - If anyone sees that an elephant has rushed at him, he will be subject to misfortune, and if someone sees himself riding a tamed elephant in a dream, he will rise in rank.

The Dream Guide by David Loff

Psychological analysis of a dream where an Animal was dreamed

Elephant - In the culture of the Zulu people, the elephant is a symbol of wisdom, patriarchy and sacred relationships (compare with the symbols of BEAR and EAGLE in American Indian culture). Consider the fact that in cultures scattered around the world, their dominant symbols have local overtones, but at the same time reflect the vision and representation of all humanity, regardless of geographical location. In many Western cultures, the elephant is revered as an animal endowed with strength and excellent memory. And if this is so, the appearance of these animals in dreams is related to the process of memorization and MEMORY - perhaps this is a reminder of something forgotten, so what you are dreaming about is deciphered.

The meaning of a dream about a Mammal (Modern dream book)

Elephant – Acquisition of real estate.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of an Elephant

Elephant - Seeing an elephant in a dream means that in reality you have good prospects for the future, and there is no particular reason for concern. Perhaps this is your direct merit - you did a good job. Running away from an elephant in a dream - in reality you are trying to cope with the pressure of the people around you. They all consider it their direct duty to teach you about life, dictate what clothes you should wear and how you should look, who you should date and who you shouldn’t. You are doing the right thing in fighting against external influence, because it is quite purposeful - they want to subordinate you to general canons and deprive you of your individuality and uniqueness. Ride an elephant in a dream - in reality you, without even knowing it, have a strong will, capable of suppressing the will of others and subordinating them to your desires. If you ever discover abilities in yourself, resist the temptation to use them to harm people. Taking revenge on your offenders and enemies is a great temptation, but remember that such evil will certainly return to you or those you truly love. Hunting an elephant means that in reality you are cruel, although you do not suspect it. It’s just that your cruelty is not expressed in physical actions, but has a moral orientation. You, without even realizing it, are causing people suffering. You don’t think at all about the fact that you can casually kill a person’s faith in himself and his strength. Killing an elephant in a dream means that in the recent past you committed an act for which you will very soon have to repent. It is too late to receive forgiveness, but it will not be able to save you from torment. If you dream of a herd of elephants, it means that in reality you are surrounded by devoted and faithful friends on whom you can undoubtedly rely in any situation. Seeing an elephant in a zoo means that in reality you are tormented by complexes that constrain your behavior. You feel squeezed, and this is where your insecurities stem, although deep down you know perfectly well what you could be like if you got rid of these complexes. If in a dream you dreamed of an enraged wounded elephant, then in the reality of your life you are in danger, which you yourself caused by your behavior.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Elephant as an image in a dream

Elephant - Dreaming in a dream - attracting others; riding it means happiness in everything; to kill or see someone killed - dreams of the collapse of plans.

The meaning of the dream about the Chess piece (according to Nostradamus)

Elephant - Is a symbol of wisdom, strength, and in some cases, vindictiveness and cruelty. An elephant with stars on its back is a symbol of the Republican Party coming to power in America. You saw a white elephant - in reality you will make a useless acquisition.

Esoteric dream book

Elephant in night dreams

Elephant - Stability. See, photograph your dreams of stability. Feeding, driving, and riding an elephant will give you a stable position in the family and at work. Beating, killing an unreliable, precarious position, destroying stability, is how the dream book interprets your dream.

Elephant - If someone sees that an enraged elephant has rushed at him, in reality he will be subject to misfortune. And if someone dreamed of riding a tamed elephant, then they can rejoice: such a dream is extremely favorable and promises a real increase in rank (implies climbing, but on the career ladder).

Why do you dream and how to interpret the Elephant according to the “Book of Dreams” (dream book of Simon the Canaanite)

Elephant - Dreaming in a dream - attracting others - riding on it - happiness in everything - killing or seeing someone killed - collapse of plans.

The meaning of a dream about a harmless animal (Vedic dream book of Sivananda)

Elephant - Herald of good health, success, strength, prosperity and education.

The meaning of a dream about a mammoth relative (Gypsy dream book)

Elephant - Seeing in a dream threatens with danger, and sometimes with death itself; riding an elephant portends an increase in wealth, obtaining ranks and gaining fame.

Interpreter of dreams of a Siberian healer

What does it mean to dream with an Elephant based on your date of birth?

In the spring, why do you dream about an elephant in a dream - In the future, promotion to a position.

In the summer, why did you dream about an elephant - They will sit on you and ride.

Why did you dream about an elephant in the fall - A strong person will take part in your life.

In winter, why dream of feeding or watering an elephant - portends a service to an important person who will adequately reward it.

Unusual creatures and exotic animals very often appear in a person’s night dreams. As a rule, such symbols are necessarily associated with events in real life, so you definitely need to know why such dreams occur.

Why do you dream of a majestic elephant?

A majestic and beautiful elephant should certainly become the decoration of a dream. And in fact, having learned what he dreams about, we can understand all the positivity of such a dream. The elephant is a magnificent symbol; it is a harbinger of a favorable life period. But in order to get a complete transcript, you need to analyze the entire plot of the dream.

Watch the elephant from the side

An elephant in a dream can be seen in different ways. For example, you can admire a beautiful animal from the side, or you can come into contact with it. Different storylines have distinctive interpretations.

A very favorable sign is the process of observing an elephant from the outside in a dream. Such a dream indicates that a calm and stable period has begun in your life.

An elephant seen in a dream emphasizes your attractive natural character traits, such as integrity and honesty. Sometimes night dreams with a strong animal foreshadow a meeting with a pleasant and powerful person.

Herd of elephants

A herd of elephants, seen from afar in night dreams, portends an improvement in the dreamer’s well-being. In addition, such a dream plot is interpreted as support in real life from management and colleagues. But such a dream can also be a warning that you should not take on several things at once and you should avoid people whose honesty you doubt.

Elephant in his own apartment

But if you saw an elephant in your own apartment, then this is a hint that at this time in your life you are experiencing some inconvenience and discomfort. Perhaps such feelings are associated with oppression by other people. You just need to survive such a period, because an elephant in a dream indicates that the situation will resolve itself.

Dreams in which, in addition to adult elephants, little frolicking baby elephants are dreamed of, foreshadow conversations with wise people in real life. It may very well be that you will have to spend some time in the company of worthy and intelligent people. This will allow you to enrich your inner world and get true pleasure from communication.

I dreamed about a maddened elephant

To understand why you dream about elephants and to decipher it correctly, you should try to remember all the actions that were present in the dream. If in your night dreams you saw a mad elephant, then this is a warning that in reality you have deviated from the right way. This is a very valuable dream; it focuses the dreamer’s attention on the fact that he needs to stop for a while and reflect on his actions and actions in real life. Other dreams can be interpreted as follows:
    A peacefully grazing elephant foreshadows that in reality you will soon rise to the occasion and take a worthy place in society thanks to your kindness and compassion for other people; When an elephant walked past you, this indicates that you will have to come into contact with very powerful people, and such communication will very successful; White elephants foreshadow career growth; A black elephant indicates that the dreamer, succumbing to addictions, may lose his authority in society; A pink elephant emphasizes a person’s sociability and friendliness, which helps to establish business connections.
A dream in which you ride on the back of an elephant portends great happiness in real life. And the most valuable gift from fate in reality can be expected when you dream that you are swimming with elephants and getting true pleasure from it.

Elephant ride

Traveling on an elephant means feeling confident in life. This indicates that you are a very good specialist and know how to use your knowledge. In addition, you are a respected person and other people completely trust your opinion, so they often turn to you for help.

Elephant in the circus - dream book

If you dreamed of an elephant in a circus, then this portends a fun time with friends. But such a dream also indicates that the dreamer dreams of becoming famous.

Angry elephants are chasing you

A dream in which angry elephants are chasing you carries a warning message. This is a sign that you have lost your way. And to get back on the right path you will have to work hard. But you need to do this, because otherwise your life will completely collapse.

Why dream of offending an elephant?

If you offended an elephant in a dream, then this is an unfavorable sign indicating the instability of your life. During such a period of life, you need to exercise increased caution in your actions and actions.

Owning an elephant - meaning of sleep

The most positive dream with an elephant are night dreams in which you see yourself as the owner of the animal. Why do you have such a dream and what does it portend? You will become a rich and respected person in society thanks to your intelligence and efficiency. There will be no limit to your possibilities, and you will be able to feel true happiness.

Elephants have long been perceived as a sign of prosperity, longevity, balanced character and worldly wisdom. Depending on the quality or identification in which the elephant is dreamed of, night vision is interpreted. What the elephant is dreaming about will help you figure out the events that happened on the eve of the dream, who the animal was associated with, its size, actions, decorations, the similarity of the animal to its symbolic images.

Elephants have long been perceived as a sign of well-being

Dream books and the works of psychologists foretell various events to those who see an elephant in a dream. Some dream books take into account the character of the animal, others are based on the legends and traditions of different nationalities, for others the size of the animal, its behavior and emotions caused by its appearance are of particular importance for interpretation.

In general, elephants appearing in dreams are considered by sages as a symbol of prosperity, good news, and peace.

  • In oriental fairy tales, an elephant is a friend, a helper.
  • The ancients identified the elephant with chastity. His images, according to believers, adorn the gates of Paradise.
  • Ganesha is an Indian god whose face is hidden by a mask in the form of an elephant's head.

Dream books take a somewhat broader look at the sign.

Elephants are dreamed of as harbingers of events:

  1. On the eve of completing a transaction, making an important business decision, this is a symbol of long-term, reliable, profitable cooperation that will bring a stable income for a long time.
  2. Difficult life situation, and an elephant appears in a dream? This suggests that among your acquaintances there is a reliable, wise person who feels a friendly disposition. With advice or patronage, he will help correct financial affairs and restore good relations in the family or work team. There's no such thing? It is possible that this friend will be a psychoanalyst, a random travel companion, a person who told his story in the media. You just need to hear the advice and heed it. It is not difficult to draw a parallel between an incident heard from a respected, albeit unfamiliar, person. The main thing is to believe the WTO, that all coincidences are not accidental.
  3. An elephant, decorated in Indian wedding style, most likely represents a life partner. Such a vision of a lonely woman or girl is a prediction that she will meet a rich person who has weight in society, wise with life experience, and a wealthy person. Perhaps a cunning, but certainly a kind and zealous owner.
  4. Identifying an elephant with oneself, which the subconscious clearly suggests in a dream, is the result of introspection. Are you an elephant? This is cool! This means wisdom, fortitude, healthy self-irony, balanced decisions, physical health - this is your portrait.

These are the basic tenets used by dream interpreters regarding the appearance of a single adult animal in a dream. These are general interpretations that are not divided into categories into men and women.

Elephant in the dream book (video)

Why does a woman, girl, or man dream about an elephant?

Freud's dream book offers women, both married and single, a rather bold interpretation. According to a psychologist, stroking an animal’s trunk in a dream is a sign of lack of variety in sexual relationships and dissatisfaction. Not only the trunk, but the entire animal as a whole, in his opinion, is associated with the phallus, and foreshadows a new acquaintance that will bring variety to intimate relationships and allow her to reveal her hitherto hidden sexual potential.

  • An elephant that a girl dreams of does not foretell a quick marriage; it promises an influential admirer who is generous with gifts. A white elephant is also not dreamed of as a wedding dress. He often visits men in visions, because it is a symbol of career growth, as a result of which income will increase.
  • If a girl dreams of a white animal, in reality she will have to prove by her behavior that she is worthy of becoming the wife of a high-status groom. Wisdom, modesty, chastity are the benefactors that will help you marry a chosen one worthy in all respects.
  • A dead elephant in a girl’s dream is a missed opportunity to get married profitably. It is obvious that some character traits or behavior patterns in society and family require revision. A dead elephant is a warning about the loss of interest or disappointment of a profitable admirer in a person into whose dream such a vision is wedged.

An elephant that a girl dreams of does not foretell a quick marriage; it promises an influential admirer, generous with gifts.

Seeing a big elephant in a dream

  1. Seeing a big elephant, of which you feel fear, means that the dream is betrayed by the subconscious, which indicates that your boss or influential patron does not have complete trust in you. You will have to earn his trust and prove your advantage over many other job seekers.
  2. Riding a giant means that career growth is expected soon.

If an adult elephant with a baby elephant appears in a dream, strolling and peacefully grazing, this is a sign that a long-established business will bring a small but stable side income.

Seeing an elephant in the water in a dream

Seeing a bathing elephant in your dream is an ambiguous symbol. The transparency of water in this dream, with any interpretation, has great meaning. Transparent splashes scattering in different directions, the fountain that the elephant creates falls on him - this indicates the absence of a threat in business, the financial sphere. It's possible to enjoy a well-deserved vacation.

Seeing a bathing elephant in your dream is an ambiguous symbol

Is the girl or woman in this dream making friends with the elephant, stroking it, and in return the elephant wraps its trunk around her or otherwise shows concern? In this case, many interpreters agree with Freud. This means:

  • harmony in the intimate sphere of life;
  • cloudless family happiness;
  • happy secure marriage.

The silted water in which the elephant has to bathe indicates that everything is not perfect. Disappointments are expected in relationships or affairs.

Baby Elephant – to be happy or wary?

Did a confused, lonely baby elephant appear in a dream? If we consider its appearance in terms of prospects for career growth or justification of investments in any business, then this sign is a warning sign.

  • The gray little elephant is a warning that the expected benefits from the business are not expected, the income will be more modest than expected.
  • Identifying yourself with this baby means confusion, lack of confidence in yourself and your own strengths.
  • This sign can be good, promising friendly support, guardianship and other benefits, only when other, stronger, larger animals appear in a dream and will take the baby elephant under their protection.

A gray little elephant is a warning that the expected benefits from the business are not expected

I dreamed about a pink elephant: interpretation

The pink elephant is the dreams of dreams. This is roughly how the healers explained the appearance of such a vision. This is how the dream should be viewed:

  • Pragmatic people;
  • Unable to give up practical spending;
  • Seeking profit in everything;
  • Incapable of spontaneous decisions and selfless help.

A pink animal will bring real rewards to extroverts - open-minded people with a light character who can provide a service even to a stranger. The pink dream symbol will provide protection in real matters related to business and love.

Ride an elephant, ride it

In a dream, you can ride a giant in different ways, which determines the interpretation of the dream. If you dream of a vacation in Egypt, a walk on an elephant can only mean a dream of a vacation with a lot of positive emotions.

In a dream, you can ride a giant in different ways, which determines the interpretation of the dream

The presence of an elephant in a dream speaks of the reality of a dream come true. In order to consider a dream as an omen of dramatic changes, when riding in a dream you need to feel triumphant. Then the dream foretells:

  1. Success, great joy, happiness.
  2. The greatest pleasure is prepared by fortune, according to Chinese soothsayers.
  3. Miller's dream book considers this vision as a harbinger of receiving a well-deserved reward.
  4. Freud guarantees a surge of irrepressible sexual energy.
  5. It is not uncommon after such dreams to experience rapid leaps up the career ladder and the favor of superiors.

Why do you dream about the elephant Ganesha?

Seeing a god or deity in a dream is a sign that does not bode well. The duality of the situation is ensured:

  • If we are talking about the love sphere of life, then you cannot do without betrayal.
  • Elements of betrayal will appear in friendships.
  • Intrigues in the work team.
  • Even from long-time business partners, after such a dream, you can expect that they will simultaneously work with you and your direct competitors, which will result in a loss of profit.

So, let the colorful mask of Ganesha be a warning that you need to be vigilant and not trust anyone unconditionally. The mask is not an elephant, but just its image. Hence the similarity of the situation with folk wisdom: trust in Allah, but tie the donkey.

Large, balanced animals do not portend troubles; they either warn or promise good news. Even a herd of animals rushing towards you in a dream is a warning that the next decision is contrary to the foundations. The correctness of your assumptions will be confirmed by a dream if a herd of running giants goes around you without causing harm.

Why do you dream about an elephant (video)

If the gray flickering mass is very large, nothing is visible beyond its boundaries, then it will be futile to prove that you are right. If sand is visible, then there is a hope of convincing management of the need for updates. If elephants were not crushed in a dream, then your opinion has the right to life. If you had to run away, but were not without injuries from meeting the herd, then you need to adjust your own actions in reality.

Attention, TODAY only!

When you see an elephant in a dream, it means that in reality you are about to have an important event, or a meeting with a high-ranking and generous person. At the same time, the nuances of a dream vision have a great influence on the explanation of what such an animal is seen as. So, when you tell him where to go, it means you will keep the situation under control. The dream book explains a horseback expedition as a sign of upcoming good luck.

Universal dream book

An elephant seen in a dream is a signal that a large monetary reward awaits you from an influential person. When you dreamed of different ornaments being put on an elephant, it means that you will be respected and revered. For young ladies, the Universal Dream Book prophesies the acceptance of an offer from a wealthy representative of the stronger sex.

Buying an elephant for money means, in reality, becoming the owner of a huge property based on the results of a lucrative contract.

This dream interpreter also provides an explanation of why a dead elephant dreams. When you dream about something similar, be careful! A threat emanating from a risky enterprise looms over you.

Seeing a full herd in a dream is a symbol of danger to life. You should be wary of risky matters and incidents in which you may let down high-ranking individuals.

As the dream book says, an elephant in the house means you will be in an agitated and uncomfortable state.

Riding an elephant is a sign of joy in life and accompanying success. When you dream that you are giving food or drink to an elephant, you will get a good position.

The universal dream book says that an elephant's trunk is considered a sign of good luck and conquest. An animal bone is seen as a sign of happiness and fortune.

Miller's explanation of the dream

Miller also provides an explanation of why an elephant dreams. When you are lucky enough to ride an elephant, it means that you will receive wealth and the respect of others, which you truly deserve. Miller's dream book indicates with confidence that you will be able to control all areas of your work activity. You will be able to deservedly earn authority in your family.

Seeing a herd in a dream is a sign of desired financial wealth. One individual prophesies a promotion among familiar personalities due to your good qualities and justice.

Opinion of Loff and Nostradamus

Loff's dream book indicates: such an animal in the Zulu culture expresses prudence, traditionalism and truth in relationships. It is worth noting that in different cultures around the world, the main symbols represent local meaning, but they correctly reflect the images and dreams of all humanity, regardless of their location.

Many Western cultures give the elephant power and long-lasting memory. Therefore, a dreaming animal can express human memories. So, this may be a mention of something valuable in life, but in vain you forgot.

The dream book of Nostradamus says that the elephant embodies reason, and sometimes prejudice and fury. If you dreamed of a white mammal, in real life you will become the owner of an unnecessary thing.

Esoteric and Muslim interpreters

An explanation of why a similar plot is seen is also presented by the Esoteric Dream Interpreter. If you are attacked by an elephant in a dream, this means that you are in for a big trouble on your life’s path. If you dreamed that you were on the back of an elephant, expect happiness and career growth in the near future.

The Muslim dream book says that if you happen to become a victim of a mammal that attacks you, you will actually suffer misfortune. And when you ride an elephant, you foresee a high position.

Various predictions

A dream with an elephant expresses the dreamer's endurance, remarkable memory, intelligence and trustworthiness. It is especially favorable to look at yourself from above on an animal. If you dreamed that strangers were riding an animal, for you such a plot could mean receiving a lot of support from a rich person or old comrades.

Giving food to an elephant in a dream means you will meet an important person whose future will depend on him. When you see that you have to run from a herd of elephants, you should beware of enemies who are very dangerous. In some cases, such a dream may mean that in the depths of your soul there is a huge reserve of possibilities that you do not want to use out of fear.

The Dream Interpretation of Wanderers informs that a herd running away from you means that in reality it is worth assessing your intuition, which brings confusion into life. If you don't try to control your emotions, your life could fall apart.

When you dream about elephants, one of the first questions you should ask yourself is: can you cope with the power hidden deep within you?

Some dream interpreters interpret the elephant's trunk as. The greater its length, the more sexual character the sleeping person enjoys.

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