The heart beats intermittently in the throat. Other factors that cause palpitations in the larynx. Other Possible Causes

During normal heart function, a person does not actually feel its beating. But sometimes each shock is heard very clearly, and you can feel your heartbeat in your throat. It appears to be pulsating at the bottom of it. Often such a symptom appears during severe anxiety or stress, but it may also have other causes, both pathological and not.


A rapid heartbeat with pulsation in the larynx can also occur in a healthy person, for example, after intense physical activity or a surge of emotions (both negative and positive). This condition is often accompanied by ringing in the ears due to a sharp increase in blood pressure. In this case, it is enough to calm down, breathe deeply and evenly. After some time, the pulse will recover and the discomfort will pass. Pulsation can also be caused by drinking alcohol, coffee or other stimulants. When a symptom occurs spontaneously, it may indicate a health problem. This is how anemia, endocrine disorders, heart and vascular diseases, and neurological disorders signal themselves. Each of these disorders has a number of characteristic manifestations.

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Palpitations in the throat area are not just an unpleasant sensation. Only a specialist can determine the exact cause of “throat palpitations”.

Neurotic disorders

If increased pulsation in the throat area occurs against the background of neurosis, then the rhythm will be rapid, but even. In neurotic disorders, arrhythmia will be accompanied by other symptoms:

A lump in the throat may appear suddenly against the background of a psychogenic disorder.
  • Constriction, lump in throat. The patient experiences problems swallowing saliva, but there is no difficulty swallowing solid food.
  • Difficulty breathing. A person cannot breathe freely, and sometimes feels an attack of suffocation.
  • Visual impairment. A veil or dark “spots” appear before the eyes, which is often accompanied by dizziness and “floating away.”
  • Numbness of the extremities: hands, less often - feet.
  • Panic attack. This symptom appears both in disorders of the nervous system and in VSD and diseases of the thyroid gland. It can manifest itself even in a state of inactivity as tremors of the limbs, hyperhidrosis, and dry mouth.

Heart diseases

Doctors also believe that various types of arrhythmia are the root cause of the sensation of a pulse in the throat. A high percentage of symptom manifestations is observed in diseases such as myo- and endocarditis, congenital or acquired heart defects. If the “heart in the throat” condition is caused by myocardial diseases, then it will be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pain in the heart area, which is projected onto the right shoulder blade, radiates to the left arm and neck.
  • shortness of breath that appears after eating or even minor physical exertion;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • temperature jump.

Chest pain, lump in the throat, fear and hyperhidrosis of the extremities are symptoms of many life-threatening conditions, such as myocardial infarction or stroke. In some cases, they do not pose any danger and are the result of a condition called a panic attack. Also, some gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal and nervous disorders can cause these symptoms.

Every year, 600,000 Russians develop a heart attack

Why does aching pain in the heart and a lump in the throat occur?

An external or internal effect on internal organs that disrupts their normal functioning is called a somatic disorder. Diseases of this origin do not depend on the human psyche and are treated with conservative and sometimes surgical methods.

Thyroid diseases

An enlarged thyroid gland (or goiter) is one of the common causes of sore throat, lump in the throat and chest pain. Later the following symptoms may appear:

  • accelerated heartbeat;
  • mood lability;
  • hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating);
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • insomnia;
  • bulging eyes.

Swelling of the neck is the main symptom of this disease. Early diagnosis is a vital condition for starting effective therapy, so you should not wait for the gland to grow, you should immediately go to your doctor.

Diseases of the ENT organs

Often, a common cold can cause a feeling of a lump in the throat and severe chest pain. Abscesses, inflammation, sore throat and other throat diseases are often accompanied by such symptoms. If the symptoms of the disease go away, but the discomfort only worsens, you need to consult a general doctor to clarify the diagnosis. You should not self-medicate or take over-the-counter medications - all of this can worsen the situation.


In extreme cases, benign tumors may appear in the throat, and sometimes malignant ones. If benign neoplasms can be surgically eliminated, then with the second category everything is much worse, and sometimes it ends in death. However, any tumor disrupts homeostasis and can cause complications if not treated in a timely manner. Growing in the patient’s throat, it disrupts swallowing functions and often feels like a foreign body.

Benign lung tumor

Symptoms associated with the tumor:

  • persistent cough;
  • hypersalivation;
  • insomnia;
  • migraine;
  • pain of unknown etiology.

Attention! The feeling of pain in the chest, a lump in the throat, a feeling of fear and anxiety does not always indicate a serious pathology of the cardiovascular system. Such conditions are characteristic of a certain type of sensitive people with hypochondriacal or panic disorder. A panic attack is accompanied by cardiac and respiratory pain, so it is often confused with myocardial infarction or stroke. The whole difference is that there is not a single recorded case of death due to causes related to a panic attack.

Cardiovascular diseases

Angina is one of the serious reasons to seek medical help. It develops against a background of strong negative emotions, increased blood pressure and after or during intense physical activity. Blood flow in the heart muscle is disrupted, the tissues do not receive proper nutrition, and pain occurs. Sometimes the pain radiates to the shoulder or left arm. Myocardial infarction is a consequence of this disease, since blood flow in this part of the heart is completely blocked.

Typical symptoms of myocardial infarction:

  • panic attack;
  • burning in the middle of the chest;
  • pain that can radiate to different parts of the body;
  • loss of consciousness.

Some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are accompanied by pressing pain in the chest and discomfort in the throat. Gastroesophageal disease and gastric ulcers are common causes of such symptoms.

Gastrointestinal diseases

Violation of the motor, secretory and protective functions of the stomach leads to the formation of ulcers. Diseases of internal organs, hormonal changes, hereditary factors, psycho-emotional stress are the reasons for the formation of ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract.

Stomach ulcer

Symptoms that occur with a stomach ulcer:

  • feeling of heaviness in the lower region;
  • belching with an unpleasant odor;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • increasing pain when eating fatty foods;
  • internal bleeding;
  • acute pain in the gastrointestinal tract.

Hospitalization in “mild” cases is not required, treatment is outpatient. Treatment table No. 1 is of great importance in the treatment of ulcers. If the cause of the disease is eliminated, the symptoms usually subside, but often a pathological focus of excitation appears in the nervous tissue, which provokes new pain. In this case, you need to consult a general doctor, who will most likely prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs.

Other possible causes of symptoms

Infectious diseases of the heart muscle are characterized by severe stabbing and pressing pain in the middle of the chest. Pericarditis is a common inflammatory disease of the heart muscle that causes pain in different locations (in the neck, abdomen or throat). A burning discomfort appears that worries patients day and night.

Aortic aneurysm is a medical emergency that causes severe heart pain and is often fatal. There are problems with breathing, swallowing and a severe cough. Seizures occur during intense physical activity or emotional shock.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is the most common cause of pressing pain behind the chest. In addition to the main symptom, it is accompanied by numbness and discomfort in the throat. Check with your doctor if your back pain gets worse or changes.

When should you seek medical help?

Some diseases in their final stages can be fatal. Contact your doctor immediately if you experience more than one of the following symptoms:

  • severe and continuous cough with a sharp rise in temperature above 39 degrees;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • pale face;
  • hemoptysis;
  • general malaise;
  • confusion or feeling lightheaded;
  • loss of consciousness (syncope);
  • sharp pain in any part of the body.

If the underlying disease causes new symptoms, then you need to consult a doctor to clarify the cause that caused them.

How are the causes of chest pain and lump in the throat diagnosed?

If symptoms occur, you should contact your general doctor, who will refer you to specialists - a neurologist, cardiologist, pulmonologist or psychiatrist, depending on the etiology of the disorder.

It is necessary to undergo a number of mandatory examinations:

  • clinical and biochemical blood tests;
  • sputum culture;
  • chest x-ray;
  • MRI of the head or chest;
  • endoscopy;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

Important! Neoplasms in the lungs are excluded by histological examination of the organ tissue. If pharyngitis, tracheitis or other bronchopulmonary disease is suspected, a mandatory x-ray of the chest cavity is performed. A sputum test is done to rule out a bacterial pathogen.

How are the diseases that cause these symptoms treated?

Different pathologies mean different treatment, but self-medication is strictly prohibited. Therapy depends on the etiology of the disease.

For cardiovascular disorders, the doctor prescribes drugs that reduce the myocardium's need for oxygen, improve vascular elasticity and blood circulation. For arrhythmogenic disorders, antiarrhythmic drugs are prescribed - beta blockers, calcium channel blockers and others. For high blood pressure - antihypertensive drugs.

Respiratory diseases, depending on the pathogen, are treated with general antibiotics. In case of resistance, sputum culture is done to test sensitivity to multidisciplinary antibiotics. If the blood supply to the lungs is impaired, drugs are prescribed that improve the rheological properties of the blood - this helps facilitate the flow of blood through the vessels.

Antispasmodics, antacids and adsorbents are indicated for disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. For neuralgia, physiotherapy and symptomatic treatment are prescribed - taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Treatment of mental disorders is usually divided into medication and psychotherapy. For panic disorders, antidepressants with anxiolytic properties are prescribed. Psychotherapeutic intervention involves ongoing sessions with a psychologist. In the long term, the most effective treatment for neurotic mental disorders is cognitive behavioral therapy. Hypochondriacal schizophrenia is treated with typical (first generation) and atypical (second generation) antipsychotics.

How can I prevent these symptoms from occurring?

Prevention of cardiovascular diseases

Tips to help prevent many diseases:

  1. Do aerobic exercise 3 times a week.
  2. A dynamic stereotype is alternating stereotypical actions that help organize your day correctly. Develop the following “correct” stereotypes: eat, walk, study and work at a clearly allotted time.
  3. Ventilate the room you are in more often.
  4. If you have allergies, avoid the allergen and take antihistamines prescribed by your doctor during the season.
  5. Change your toothbrushes every month to prevent gum infections.
  6. Watch your diet and do not neglect vitamins.
  7. Stop using psychotropic substances: nicotine, caffeine and alcohol.
  8. Control the humidity level in the room you spend most of the time.

Advice! Acute pain in the chest or throat can be a symptom of diseases of various etiologies. Do not self-diagnose, visit your doctor to determine the right course of treatment and get rid of the above-mentioned symptoms.

Usually a person hears how his heart works only by placing his hand on his chest or the places where the pulse is felt. But sometimes it happens that you feel a palpitation in your throat. This condition may be accompanied by difficulty breathing, dry mouth, sweating and tremors of the limbs. Such symptoms frighten the patient, and fear leads to an even greater intensification of the phenomena causing discomfort.

Causes of palpitations in the throat

Events not related to health problems

  • Strong physical activity. Running, intense sports exercise or work that requires severe muscle tension always leads to increased heart activity. As a result, its knocking is felt not only in the chest. This is why the feeling of a pulse in the throat occurs. This unpleasant phenomenon may be accompanied by ringing in the ears and a feeling of “wobbly legs.”
  • Drinking alcohol, coffee, energy drinks. Frequent consumption of these products leads to physiological arrhythmia. Some medications also have a similar effect.
  • Great fright. When a person experiences a feeling of fear, a large amount of adrenaline is released into the blood, as a result of which the heart rate increases. There is a feeling that it is bursting out of the chest.

After experiencing fear, you need to try to calm down, sit down or even lie down, and drink some water. Drinking the liquid in small sips helps you relax.

Cardiovascular diseases

The symptom can develop against the background of an inflammatory process in the heart muscle.
  • Myocarditis. The disease is characterized by an increase in the size of the heart muscle and liver. With this pathology, there is a rapid pulsation of the heart, which is also felt in the throat area. Unpleasant symptoms are complemented by increased sweating.
  • Acquired or congenital heart defects. In addition to severe pain in the organ itself, pathological changes in its various parts lead to shortness of breath, swelling and provoke a high pulse, which radiates to the throat.

Other factors that cause palpitations in the larynx

  • Iron-deficiency anemia. A decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood causes oxygen starvation of tissues. With this disease, the patient is bothered by a rapid pulse, severe dizziness and constant increased weakness.
  • Disorders of the thyroid gland. Diseases such as thyrotoxicosis and endemic goiter are accompanied by an enlargement of this organ, discomfort in the cervical spine - the so-called lump in the throat, excessive fatigue, sweating and an accelerated pulse, radiating to the area where the gland is located.
  • Panic attacks. The uncontrollable feeling of fear that arises during their manifestations causes difficulty breathing, discomfort in the left half of the chest, trembling of the limbs and dry mouth. Fear for one’s own life at such a moment leads to a strong heartbeat that goes into the throat.

Diagnostic methods

To find out the cause of this sensation, the patient is prescribed an ultrasound of the thyroid gland.

A knock in the throat itself is not a disease. Therefore, when a patient comes with such complaints, the doctor prescribes a study to identify diseases that lead to the appearance of such symptoms. To determine the pathology that causes rapid heartbeat near the larynx, the following diagnostic methods are used:

  • Study of anamnesis. It is important to tell the doctor about any bad habits, addiction to coffee or energy drinks, or previous illnesses.
  • Ultrasound and ECG of the heart. Will allow you to identify disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Ultrasound of the thyroid gland. Deviation from normal sizes and changes in the echostructure of this organ will allow us to make an assumption about the presence of a disease.
  • Blood test for hormones. Serves to confirm the diagnosis of thyroid problems.

If, according to the doctor’s assumption, the cause of this syndrome is panic attacks, the patient will be referred for consultation to a psychologist.