Pimples on the cheeks. Causes and treatment. How to quickly get rid of acne on the cheeks Acne on the left cheek

The most A terrible problem that can arise on the face is pimples on the cheeks! Basically any Acne on the face is a problem, but it is on the cheeks that the whole essence of acne is revealed. Why? Yes, because the skin is too sensitive, and the slightest wrong action will leave a scar.

Your chin can forgive incorrect treatment, your forehead too, but your cheeks cannot (: What to do? Treat! Quickly, productively, effectively.

Well, I, your humble servant, will help with this problem. I will tell you the most effective and fastest ways to treat acne. Well, first, let's look at it causes! As they say, know your enemy better than yourself :)

Cause of pimples on cheeks in women

Traditionally, pimples on the cheeks are attributed to lung problems. I think everyone has noticed that young smokers get it mostly on their cheeks? This happens due to a strong accumulation of toxins, and our body tries to remove everything unnecessary. In this case, our cheeks suffer!

Do not forget that smoking has a bad effect on blood quality and also weakens the immune system. All these factors will worsen the course of acne.

Whats up need to remember. Pimples will appear when the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum. As you already know from the article (something tells me? No one will read an additional article, so I’ll tell you the basics here), such increased production occurs during puberty, it is at this age that testosterone burns.

  • Testosterone stimulates the sebaceous glands to secrete sebum.
  • Excess of this oil clogs the pores.
  • Bacteria accumulate under the pores.
  • And acne is born.

Here is a simple scheme for the appearance of acne.

Why am I saying all this? The point is that during adolescence, your skin becomes a mirror of the body. Any changes will affect the skin in the form of a pimply rash.

What you need to remember from this note.

When you eat a lot of fatty foods (fast food) or a lot simple carbohydrates(Coca Cola), then all this affects the skin of the face, including the cheeks. This happens due to the fact that there is a lot of fat in the body, which accumulates in cells, including in the sebaceous glands. Therefore, the skin begins to fatten faster, the pores become clogged, and of course, as a result, acne appears.

The most interesting here is that acne begins to cover the entire face as a whole, and if you previously had problems with acne on your cheeks, then with heavy consumption of fatty foods, problem will worsen significantly.

Acne on the right cheek, why on the right

Have you noticed that acne mainly covers the right cheek? I think everyone has made such observations. Now let's try to figure this out.

There are three main factors that contribute to this distribution.

1. Right cheek constantly in contact with foreign objects. This could include: the phone or you just like to sleep on the right side, there can be many factors, watch yourself.

2. You prop it up with your hand cheek. This also should not be done, because it will introduce extra bacteria onto your skin.

3. Well, the third reason I will express my IMHO. Physiologically right lung larger than the left, this difference is due to the fact that the heart is located on the left side and therefore the left lung is smaller than the right.

Therefore you can do conclusion, if the right lung is larger, then the toxin accumulates more, hence the pattern that acne is predominantly concentrated on the right side.

Accordingly, the greater the impact of unfavorable conditions on our lungs, the more inflammation there will be on the right side.


The treatment is divided into two parts: we remove the pimples themselves and prevent their further appearance.

Point No. 1: Remove acne.

At this point everyone starts to panic, how? how to do this? Friends, there is no need to complicate things! Your main task is to kill bacteria, how to do this? Of course, with antibacterial drugs.

For myself, I have identified two main tools that will 100% help. Their main advantage is the presence of an antibiotic in the composition.

You can talk a lot about the dangers of taking antibiotics, but in this case you will not take them internally, but use them externally.

1. Chatterbox with chloramphenicol . Let me guess, half of the readers are already closing the article, saying they heard somewhere that the chatterbox has not been comme il faut for a long time. Nothing like that, this is one of the most effective acne remedies of all times!

If you compare price and efficiency, the efficiency is simply enormous. I have already written about this medicine. You can read all the details of preparation and usage tips.

2. Zenerite. I’m sure everyone has heard about this much-hyped product, because there is a lot of advertising everywhere: television, the Internet.

My opinion about this drug. Effective, easy to use, kills bacteria quickly. These advantages are what you need for proper treatment, but the price is too high! 700 rubles for a month of use is a lot(: Many acne fighters will say that it makes sense to buy a medicine for 700 rubles if you can do the same for 70 rubles.

The conclusion in terms of treatment is very simple. If you want to overpay, then buy zenerite, but I believe that there is no need to spend extra money in such a time of crisis! Chatterbox is the optimal medicine with amazing effectiveness at an affordable price.

Point No. 2. Let's prevent it.

First of all, you need to consider your age. If you are a teenager and you have a lot of acne, then sort out your lifestyle.

  1. If you have bad habits, give them up.
  2. If you eat an abundance of fatty foods, then learn to eat correctly.
  3. Limit fatty and fried foods, and don’t forget about simple carbohydrates
  4. Don't touch your cheeks with your hands.

Point No. 3. Prevention.

To cleanse pores and remove traces of acne (post-acne), I can recommend a white clay cleansing mask


As you can see, by following simple recommendations, you can quickly get rid of acne. Pay special attention to prevention, because if you only remove the external problem, the acne will return.

Do you have your own observations about this?

Pimples on the cheeks are a common and extremely unpleasant phenomenon. Where do they come from and why? And most importantly, how to get rid of them when all your cheeks are covered with pimples? After all, we all know that healthy, fresh, rosy cheeks are the first sign of a beautiful face.

Types of acne on cheeks

Small white pimples on the cheeks indicate poor personal hygiene, metabolic problems and poor diet. Such pimples are closed comedones, and with proper care and a healthy lifestyle, they go away on their own and painlessly. If you want to deal with them as quickly as possible, contact a cosmetologist for professional peeling: two or three procedures, and you will see the result.

Large red pimples on the cheeks appear mainly during puberty. If you are over 25 years old and still suffer from single pimples on your cheeks, and even more so if the rashes are profuse, then you should get examined and find out if you have hormonal disorders.

Deep subcutaneous pimples indicate metabolic and hormonal imbalances. They are formed from blockage of the sebaceous glands and the development of a pathological process under the epithelial layer. Normally, in adulthood, this should not happen often and in large quantities.

Inflamed purulent pimples on the cheeks are the second stage of the “development” of red pimples. After the duct of the sebaceous gland is blocked, the dead cells, leukocytes, and bacterial waste products that have accumulated inside must find a way out. This whole aggregate forms suppuration, breaks through the skin and comes out. As a rule, this process goes away painlessly on its own, without the use of medications.

Constant pimples on the cheeks that itch and do not go away clearly indicate the presence of some disease: hormonal imbalance, metabolic disorders, disease of the lungs or gastrointestinal tract.

If the pimple is inside the cheek, that is, in the mouth on the cheek, then herpes can be suspected. This is also a common occurrence for heavy smokers and for those who, on the contrary, quit smoking - this is how the body reacts to nicotine withdrawal in the first week and a half.

Location of acne on cheeks

Acne on the cheekbones and cheeks is usually associated with increased oiliness of the skin in these areas. In some special cases, the increased number of sebaceous glands is pathological. Also, the cause of acne on the cheekbones can be seborrhea, hormonal imbalances, and disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

Most often they talk about malfunctions of the liver and gallbladder, as well as the pancreas. In no case can one rule out hormonal disorders.

Pimples on the lower cheeks often appear from the habit of propping up your head with your hands. In this way, bacteria are transferred from dirty hands to the delicate and sensitive skin of the face.

It is generally accepted that pimples on the right cheek reflect the condition of the left lung, and pimples on the left cheek reflect the condition of the right lung. Of course, you should not rely on the condition of the skin in diagnosing pulmonary diseases, but the appearance of acne on the cheeks should be a cause for concern. This is especially true in cases where there are a lot of pimples, they are red and inflamed.

Causes of acne on cheeks

  • Heredity. If you have naturally oily skin with wide pores, then acne on your cheeks is guaranteed. All that can help you in this situation is systematic facial skin care using special products and constant monitoring of your general health.
  • Disturbances in the activity of internal organs. The skin reflects all changes in the body, taking on the blows of toxin poisoning, overeating and other things. Therefore, any malfunction in the functioning of internal organs leads to rashes on the cheeks.

  • Constant stress, lack of sleep. They weaken the body and make it unable to resist bacteria, leading to acne.
  • Hyperkeratosis: cells of the outer layer of the epithelium die faster than they have time to mature and are not removed on their own. White lumps appear first, and then inflammation.
  • Touching your face with unwashed hands. The habit of touching your face has a detrimental effect on the condition of the skin: the spread of bacteria provokes the appearance of acne.

  • Individual reaction to medications. Pimples on the cheeks in men are often associated with the use of anabolic drugs: acne is one of the side effects of these generally far from harmless chemical drugs.
  • Hormonal imbalances are often the cause of acne on the cheeks of teenagers, as well as women, including during pregnancy. The causative agent of the rash is testosterone. Teenagers and some women are especially sensitive to it. Sometimes an excess of male sex hormones in the female body causes a rash and hirsutism, and you should definitely consult a doctor: according to statistics, hyperandrogenism and polycystic ovary syndrome often accompany each other.
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse, and a generally insufficiently healthy lifestyle: predominantly sedentary, without the proper amount of walks in the fresh air, provoke the development of a rash.

Pimples on the cheeks of a child

Despite the fact that pimples on a child’s cheeks are a very common occurrence, not every parent is ready to reassure himself with thoughts about the percentage of pimply and non-pimply babies.

Newborns often develop red papules on the second or third day of life. There can be so many of them that the baby’s skin will resemble a pimply teenager.

We invite you to watch a video on this topic:

These acne are hormonal in nature: the child’s skin reacted to the mother’s hormones, in particular to estrogen, which is found in large quantities in the blood of pregnant women in the last trimester. Therefore, acne on a baby’s face really does not pose a danger, although it is better to calm your conscience and consult a pediatrician.

Pimples on the cheeks of a teenager become the talk of the town: the phrase “pimply like a teenager” is incredibly popular. It is widely known that the origin of such acne is hormonal; moreover, during puberty, skin secretions are produced many times more than required. At the same time, the skin is sensitive like a child; under no circumstances should it be overdried: after cleansing and toning, teenage skin needs to be moisturized. Acne brings psychological discomfort, so you should not laugh at your child, on the contrary, encourage him and explain that the pimples on his cheeks will soon go away.

How to get rid of acne on cheeks?

External signs are the first signal that you should pay attention to. Pimples on the right cheek or a pimple on the left cheek indicate dysfunction of internal organs or damage caused.

Superstitions help or harm a person every day in making important decisions. Signs can be heeded or ignored, but the result of negative actions manifests itself in simple diseases or barely noticeable symptoms.

Popular signs related to skin

Why does an ugly pimple appear on the face? A skin rash (on the right or left cheek) manifests itself in the form of an allergy or as a result of poor nutrition. Pimple does not occur in people with proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract or leading a healthy lifestyle. Doctors say that the location of the rash on the skin indicates the type of problem that has arisen within the body. If not one, but several pimples appear at once, then it is necessary to treat the skin without delay.

Skin rashes are not the only problem that is a warning sign. Such warnings are used to improve one’s own life or protect against adversity. Superstitions have taken root in people's lives over the centuries. Empty buckets, black cats, small change abandoned on the road - they will take a lot and it is not necessary to believe in all superstitions. What signs are important to follow?

Pimples on the cheeks spoil the appearance of an adult or child. Teenagers have been suffering from rashes for several years. The rash leads to constant discomfort. If just one pimple appears, there is no need to worry ahead of time. Single rashes may be the result of consuming large amounts of chocolate or salty foods. Persistent acne that leads to tissue scarring cannot be ignored. What does such a temporary or permanent sign mean?

A pimple is a tricky sign to listen to.

You should not remove a rash on your right or left cheek, forehead or chin without consulting a doctor. Such actions will not help or even harm. To combat the problem, you need an integrated approach and a complete examination of the body. The cause of acne does not always lie in the magical effects of the enemy on a person. The sign of a rash on the face does not exclude further medical treatment.

Skin diseases - a reaction to negativity

An ugly pimple has popped up, what should I do? A question that worries both teenagers and adults. Not one person is able to insure against skin problems. Pimple is the result of negative factors affecting the human body. Why does a rash appear and how to get rid of it without harm? There are three types of rash:

  • physical;
  • psycho-emotional;
  • the result of magical influence.

For each type of rash there is treatment and prevention. The physical causes of acne are known to literally every person. Allergies and rashes occur with the slightest problems with the stomach or appear as a result of poor nutrition. Lumps on the skin signal to a person that negative processes are occurring that harm the entire body. It is not so important, from the point of view of doctors, that a rash appears on the right cheek or on the cheekbones or forehead. A pimple is a consequence of hormonal disorders or dysfunction of internal organs.

If several pimples appear at once after experiencing stress, experts talk about the psycho-emotional cause of the rash. Pimples appear from the stress experienced, against the background of lack of sleep and constant apathy. If stress bumps appear, it is impossible to cure the physical manifestation of the disease without help at the psycho-emotional level. Psychologists say that a rash appears in people who want to protect themselves from the world. Pimples as a defensive reaction are quite common.

Pimples appear from damage caused to a person. The victim, suffering from the envy of enemies or hatred, feels a general malaise and begins to systematically get sick. If a tubercle appears on the face, chin or cheeks, the victim rarely thinks about damage or the evil eye. Skin is a reflection of all components of personality. His physical condition (hormonal levels, work of the gastrointestinal tract), morale and magical protection, which the person worried about in advance. Why does a rash appear?

Pimples on left and right cheek

A person’s face reflects his character, bad habits or the life he has lived.

The path that a person, man or woman, has taken cannot be hidden. The face shows aging, fading, emotions and reactions. The appearance of a rash can tell a person a lot. Why do red inflammations appear all over the face or on individual parts of it? The human body works as a coherent system, and when a failure occurs, every minute of delay can cost a person his health or even his life.

Discoloration of the skin or the manifestation of an inflammatory process is an important sign if the location of the rash is:

  • cheeks (right and left);
  • lip border;
  • chin or temples.

Pimples that appear on the right side of the face in the cheek area promise new exciting acquaintances.

New meetings will not only be useful for personal growth, but also interesting. The emerging bump does not need to be carefully hidden; being a warning about an important meeting, it will go away on its own. A positive omen promises a lot of joy, happiness and inspiration. There is no need to be afraid of such a sign.

Changes on another part of the face, even if they bring discomfort, indicate career growth. There is no need to worry about the rash; as soon as an important event occurs, the pimples will disappear without a trace. Signs that appear as a rash on the face precede promotion and well-deserved promotion. A positive sign can reduce the discomfort from the fact that pimples spoil a person’s appearance and image.

Causes of acne on the cheeks in women?

Pimples on left cheek


Negative meaning of pimples on cheek

Any signs have radically different interpretations. What is important is not the situations that occur on the human body, but the totality of all the conditions under which they occurred. If pimples cover two cheeks at once, you can’t expect good news. People consider this sign to be a harbinger of the worst and most negative changes. Soon, quarrels and conflicts will burst into the life of a man or woman.

A rash on two cheeks at once indicates discord in the family. Lovers face constant conflicts and misunderstandings. If a person wakes up in the morning and notices small abscesses in the cheek area, he will be in trouble all day. Quarrels and constant complaints will ruin your mood.

You shouldn’t interpret a sign as a negative sign if skin problems occur too often. There is also no need to look for the cause of conflicts. Sometimes people simply do not understand each other, and rashes occur due to overeating or eating a lot of sweets.

Spell for healing FROM ACNE

Magic and a simple healing ritual will help you get rid of abscesses. For people who often experience acne, such a simple ritual will be a real salvation. The first rash appears in adolescence, when hormonal changes in the body begin. Boys and girls who are not ready to put up with their appearance are allowed to perform the ritual.

The ritual is performed for any Orthodox holiday. It is best to guess the time of the ritual and Maundy Thursday before Easter. The first thing a person with a rash should do is attend church. The healing power of holy water and prayer has long been known. Having attended the morning service, a person says goodbye to his illness and takes some holy water home. You need to wash your face with a charged liquid every day before sunrise for a week.

The words of the conspiracy should be learned in advance so as not to make unnecessary mistakes: “Your Lord can help me. Give me the purification of my skin and soul. Just as I wash my face with water, I get rid of acne. Amen".

Are acne on the face caused by magic?

An organ such as the skin is the largest in the human body. Allergic reactions are tested using the skin. Any changes serve as a hint for a person where to look for a problem and how to solve it. Signs that relate to acne on the face are not always taken seriously. The rash, no matter how common it is among people, deserves a little attention from the person.

What remedy will help with skin abscesses? Without determining the root cause, the symptom cannot be cured. If it comes to a sign, then the sign promising imminent changes will disappear on its own. To believe in signs or not - the decision always remains with the person and his sincere desire to see a world woven not only from logical arguments or proof of rationality. Signs determine the luck of a man or woman, their capabilities and fateful chances.

Waking up early in the morning, we put on the kettle, run to take a shower, the day promises to be wonderful. But bad luck, looking in the mirror, more and more people notice acne on their faces. Pay attention to acne if it has formed on your cheeks. This phenomenon may signal problems in the body itself.

It is generally accepted that the appearance of acne is characteristic only of adolescents, during puberty, due to a surge in hormones. But this problem can remain even after 20 years; in some people, the rash appears after 30–40 years. In such cases, it is worth visiting a dermatologist or endocrinologist (acne is often caused by hormonal disorders).


A specialist who sees acne will immediately notice the nature of the rash and its location. Why do pimples appear on the cheeks? Often this problem occurs due to hormonal imbalance or problems with the gastrointestinal tract, but there are a number of other provoking factors:

  • gynecological diseases (ovarian inflammation, various infections, etc.);
  • genetic predisposition;
  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • excessive sweating, clogged sebaceous glands;
  • allergic reaction to cosmetics;
  • decreased immunity, transmission of an infectious disease;
  • overweight;
  • poor nutrition;
  • metabolism is impaired;
  • use of comedogenic cosmetics. Masking the rash under foundation only makes the situation worse.

Another reason for the appearance of acne is the surge of hormones in the second half of the menstrual cycle; at the end of the cycle, acne goes away on its own.

Also watch your actions: do not support your face with a dirty hand (bacteria can cause inflammatory processes), constantly dangling hair irritates delicate skin, collect it in a beautiful hairstyle, then you will forget about this problem.

Important! If you notice a sudden appearance of acne, then contact a dermatologist, he will conduct special tests, make an accurate diagnosis, and prescribe treatment.


Like any skin defect, acne has several varieties, today we’ll talk about classification and the differences between them.

Doctors distinguish several types of acne:

  • comedo. This condition is only the beginning of the formation of a full-fledged acne. Comedones are formed as a result of blockage of the sebaceous glands; if the inflammatory process does not occur, then this condition is considered normal. When sebum accumulates, a process begins that develops into a full-fledged pimple;
  • papule. This formation is characterized by a reddish tint, and pain is felt upon palpation. If the deep layers of the skin are not affected, then there will be no traces left after such a pimple; the involvement of other layers of the dermis entails scarring of the skin;
  • pustule. This type differs from the previous one in the presence of pus inside; when squeezed out, a white or yellow liquid appears. These forms are the most common in medical practice, do not require complex treatment, and in some cases go away on their own;
  • nodular cystic acne. This is a long process, the deep layers of the skin are affected, pus is formed, acne can merge, forming inflammatory conglomerates. The patient does not experience very pleasant sensations; in such a situation, it would be advisable to consult a qualified doctor;
  • lightning acne. This type is very rare, but is severe, leaving behind a lot of scar tissue. In most cases, this disease affects young boys, aged 16 to 20 years. The root cause of this pathology is still unknown to science, but there is an assumption that this is the body’s reaction to some kind of irritant, stress or chronic disease of the internal organs. The rash is accompanied by fever, weakness, and acne also spreads to the back and shoulders. This pathology is treated only by experienced doctors; the course of treatment takes a lot of time and effort.

How to treat on the body? Find out everything about effective drugs and traditional recipes.

At this address, read details about treatment with folk remedies at home.

General treatments

How to get rid of acne on cheeks? Treatment is a labor-intensive, long process. First, review your diet. Some products have a detrimental effect on our body, all the problems inside are shown by our skin. Even if the provoking factor is not in diet, healthy food will have a beneficial effect on your overall health.

List of foods that affect the appearance of acne on the cheeks:

  • dairy products, ice cream (refers to products with high fat content). Give preference to low-fat cottage cheese and low-fat milk;
  • coffee. This drink is loved by many, but it is harmful to your health, especially strong coffee with sugar. Switch to green tea, this remedy will calm your nerves, remove toxins from the body, and you will immediately notice a decrease in the amount of acne;
  • sweet. This group of goodies not only adds extra pounds, but contributes to hormonal imbalances, increased sebum production, and as a result, the appearance of acne;
  • excessive consumption of fats (fast food, fried foods). Refuse high-calorie, too fatty foods, lean on vegetables, cereals, fruits;
  • There are different varieties of nuts, in small doses they are very useful for us, but consumption in large quantities has a detrimental effect on the skin.

Do not self-medicate, visit a doctor, In some cases, the help of several specialists will be required:

  • endocrinologist If the problem is disruption of the endocrine system, then you should get tested for hormones. The doctor will prescribe a suitable course of hormone therapy;
  • gastroenterologist By identifying the root cause and treating it, even the most painful pimples will go away;
  • venereologist. Sexually transmitted diseases contribute to disruption of the functioning of many organs; these problems manifest themselves on the skin;
  • therapist. Common infectious diseases undermine the immune system, resulting in acne.

Folk remedies and recipes

Have you completed a full course of examinations, revealing that you have oily skin and blocked sebaceous glands? Traditional medicine methods will be effective treatments for you:

  • plantain. As strange as it may sound, this plant has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Apply freshly squeezed aloe juice to the affected areas of the skin. The course of such therapy ranges from 7 to 10 days, during which time you will see excellent results. Do not forget about contrast washing (first with warm water, then with cold water), this procedure will ensure the flow of blood and beneficial microelements to the skin;
  • calendula tincture + honey. Prepare a mixture of these ingredients (1:1), apply the resulting slurry to your cheeks, keep for no more than 30 minutes. These compresses perfectly draw out all acne, while rejuvenating the skin;
  • aloe. Where would we be without this miraculous plant? It can be used in its pure form (just wipe the juice on the acne every day) or dry the leaves for 10 days in a dark place. Then grind it into a paste and apply to problem areas. The result of such events will pleasantly surprise you;
  • ginger root tea. This product cleanses the body of toxins, excess fats, acne will noticeably decrease, and new ones will not appear;
  • green tea. Choose a drink without additives, pure, brew tea, soak a towel or napkin in it, apply to your cheeks, or even on your entire face (for prevention). After 10-15 minutes, rinse with cool water. All the bacteria that were on your face will die, the pimples will dry out;
  • baking soda. Dilute the product with water until a homogeneous paste forms, apply to each acne, try not to touch healthy skin;
  • viburnum. Squeeze the juice from this berry, wipe your face with it 2 times a day, to enhance the effect you can drink viburnum tea;
  • linden + horsetail Mix these dried plants in equal quantities, make a decoction from them, soak cotton pads in the cooled potion, wipe problem areas morning and evening. Carry out such manipulations until complete recovery.

Important! Before using traditional medicine, consult your doctor; some components may cause an allergic reaction.

Modern hardware cosmetology

Modern technologies help in the fight against acne. Thus, hardware cosmetology offers many procedures, the most popular of which is ELOS - a radiofrequency pulse penetrates deep into the acne, removing inflammation without damaging the skin. Due to such penetration, there are no scars left that spoil the appearance.

Ozone therapy and mesotherapy eliminate inflammation, normalize the production of natural sebum, pathogenic bacteria have nowhere to grow, and acne recedes.

At the beauty salon you will be asked to come in for laser cleaning or resurfacing. Such procedures reduce acne scars, clean pores, do not overdo it, skin that is too clean is susceptible to contamination, and as a result, relapse is inevitable.

Pimples on the cheeks of a child

Acne affects not only adults, but also children. Parents should take a close look at this type of rash. Contact your pediatrician immediately. Scientists divide rashes into two types:

  • in newborns. Even the smallest people can experience this pathology. This happens as a result of a hormonal crisis; the baby has not yet adapted to the environment or the new way of life. Typically, such rashes disappear by 2–3 months;
  • in children older than 3 months. The disease develops against the background of pathological processes, chronic diseases, and is difficult to treat, only by experienced doctors. Any rash on a child’s skin is a reason to go to the doctor.

Dear parents! Do not delay examining your baby; timely identification of the cause will protect you from unwanted consequences and complications.

The simplest thing you can do is lead a healthy lifestyle. In addition, if you have bad habits, get rid of them as soon as possible.

Review your diet and diet. Healthy food is a great ally in the fight against acne. Periodically cleanse the body with decoctions of chamomile, string, and calendula.

During treatment, do not use decorative cosmetics. If you have oily or combination skin, do not use thick foundation or greasy powder, all these substances clog pores and cause acne. Such products are contraindicated for people with oily skin.

Monitor the condition of your skin, it can tell you a lot about your health and will help you identify and cure internal problems in time.

In the next video, Elena Malysheva will tell you even more interesting details about acne:

You can determine whether a person is healthy or not only by the results analyzes and examinations, but also on the skin of the face.

If it is smooth, healthy, and moderately ruddy, then the person most likely does not have serious illnesses.

Judge about health problems, can be due to unhealthy pallor or too bright blush, as well as the presence of acne.

The scientific name of the disease is . Moreover, each area of ​​the face - indicator of a specific organ. Let's find out what pimples on the cheeks mean and how to deal with them.

Reasons for appearance

Why do pimples appear on the cheeks? There is an opinion that acne occurs only in adolescence and young adulthood. However, this is not the case. They appear regardless of age, since they are only a consequence. The reasons for their occurrence may be different:

What are they talking about?

Which organs and systems should pay attention?

First of all, pimples on the cheeks indicate problems with the lungs.

Moreover, acne on right cheek - a reason to pay attention to the right lung, respectively, left cheek – left lung.

If pimples are located on the cheeks closer to cheekbones, this indicates the occurrence of disturbances in the liver.

If small red pimples, as well as stars and pigmentation in the upper part of the left cheek - this is a reason to check the functioning of the heart. The same symptoms in the upper part of the right cheek are a signal of problems in the right mammary gland.

Acne appeared in lower part both cheeks, and the skin has become dry and rough - check the small intestine.

A large inflamed pimple, the appearance of which is accompanied by temperature rise, This .

It is treated not only with external means, but also with antibiotics.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your skin, you should pay special attention to the creams you use. A frightening figure - 97% of creams from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as methylparaben, propylparaben, ethylparaben, E214-E219. Parabens have a negative effect on the skin and can also cause hormonal imbalance. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of natural creams, where first place was taken by products from Mulsan Сosmetic, a leader in the production of all-natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


How to get rid of acne on cheeks? Treatment of acne on the cheeks should be carried out in complex: taking medications, using ointments and creams, as well as folk remedies.

First of all, you need to find out reason their occurrence and immediately begin to eliminate it.

Perhaps after this the acne will go away on its own. If this does not happen, you will have to deal directly with them.


It should only be appointed dermatologist. He will select the optimal course of treatment just for you. There are several groups of drugs for this purpose:

  • antiseptic drugs. Can be used externally and internally;
  • They have a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria and prevent inflammation of the epidermis from developing.

  • adsorbent drugs. They are taken orally and act in the stomach and intestines, binding toxins and removing them out;
  • hormonal drugs. They are prescribed for severe forms of acne and disorders of the endocrine system.

Folk remedies

Burdock root lotion

Peel the root, chop it if it is fresh, or take dried. Pour a tablespoon of root into a glass of boiling water, insist, cool. Soak a clean cotton cloth in the infusion and apply it to your face like a mask. Lie down with a lotion 20 minutes. Do not wash your face for an hour.

Make a mixture from dried herbs yarrow, horsetail, linden flowers, St. John's wort, .

Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a half-liter jar and pour boiling water to the brim.

After two-hour infusion strain and wipe your face with the infusion: for severe rashes 2 times a day, for single pimples - 1 time a day, for the prevention of acne - every other day.

Any folk remedy must be used in combination with drug treatment.

Before use you must pass examination, since without eliminating the cause of acne on the cheeks, it is impossible to get rid of them with folk remedies alone.

Getting rid of subcutaneous bumps

How to cure an internal pimple bump?

Subcutaneous acne more dangerous than external ones, and are less treatable.

You can understand its appearance by the appearance painful lump. Gradually it turns red on the outside, but the abscess does not appear, since it develops from the inside. Most often, a subcutaneous pimple takes at least a week or two to mature.

You should not experiment and try to cure a subcutaneous pimple with folk remedies, as this can lead to serious consequences, including blood poisoning. Moreover, you can’t squeeze it out.

You need to see a doctor immediately. You may have to open such a pimple in the surgeon's office, but this is not necessary. In some cases, it is sufficient to use antiseptic ointments, which should be prescribed by a doctor!

Prevention measures

How can you not get rid of acne? It is known that it is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

As for the prevention of acne, you need, first of all, to establish a nutritional system and eliminate the harmful foods listed above.

Monitor your health and get examined on time. But if pimples still appear on your cheeks, you need to clearly understand why under no circumstances should this be done:

  1. Use folk remedies without consulting a doctor.
  2. Squeeze pimples. Pus can penetrate the skin, causing inflammation or even blood poisoning.
  3. Use medications that were not prescribed by a doctor. They may not be effective if the cause of the acne is not addressed.
  4. Refrain from appearing in places where it is hot and humid at the same time, as sweat on the face will aggravate the situation.

What to do if they don't go away? Treating acne on the cheeks is not easy and quick. It must be comprehensive.

It should be dealt with not by a cosmetologist, but by a dermatologist, and a cosmetologist can help eliminate the consequences of acne: scars, spots, scars.

Timely applied correct treatment will give you a greater chance of success.