A program for changing keys on the keyboard. Reassigning Windows hotkeys

You still don’t know how to set up hot keys on Windows 7, and why are they needed? Hotkeys on Windows 7 are necessary for ease of use of the operating system. They help you quickly perform various operations on your computer by pressing a certain combination.

The operating system contains a built-in database of such commands; they are used by default. Some of them can be changed programmatically or assigned independently.

How to find a list of hotkeys

A list of keyboard shortcuts for quickly operating the OS is available in the Windows Help system. You can find out the entire list of Windows 7 hotkeys by calling the MS Office Help window using the Win + F1 key combination.

Please remember that you will need an internet connection to use the help.

Next, from the list provided by the search engine, you can select the item of interest, for example, “Hot keys and shortcuts.” A website page will open in the browser, which contains descriptions of frequently used key combinations.

Second method: you can find hotkeys on a laptop with Windows 7 using the built-in Help and Support. In this case, no Internet connection is required. Help is available in the “Main Menu”. Then the necessary information is selected from the list using the “Keyboard shortcut” request.

If you select the “Keyboard shortcuts” section through “Help and Support”, we will get all the necessary information. Descriptions of all possible combinations of hot buttons are divided into topics, which makes searching easier.

The keys are designed for quickly searching and editing texts in MS Office, performing any operation on the desktop without using a mouse, calling and closing a program, and other commands specified by the user. All described keyboard shortcuts are configured by default.

Default button combinations allow you to control OS objects. Secret Windows 7 hotkeys:

  • SHIFT+DELETE allows you to delete files from your hard drive without placing them in the Recycle Bin;
  • ALT+F4 or Ctrl + W closes the active program or file;
  • Ctrl + Shift + Esc brings up the task manager;
  • Win + F opens a search window;
  • Win + L locks the computer;
  • ALT+TAB allows you to move from one open file or window to another;
  • CTRL + mouse scroll wheel allows you to change the size of desktop icons;
  • Win + G places gadgets on top of open windows;
  • Win + Home allows you to minimize windows except the active one;
  • Ctrl + P submits documents for printing;
  • Win + X brings up the “Mobility Center” on the laptop;
  • Win + M minimizes open windows;
  • Shift + Ctrl + N allows you to create an empty folder.

How to assign hotkeys

Setting up Windows 7 hotkeys is usually done for programs that are frequently used by the user. Assigning hot keys is done through the “Main Menu” or the shortcut to “ “.

Assigning hotkeys in Windows 7 is not difficult; to do this, you need to go to the “Properties” section of the selected program through a shortcut on the “Desktop” or “Main Menu”. In the “Shortcut” tab, place the cursor in the “Shortcut” line. When you simultaneously press the CTRL or ALT key and the desired letter of the Latin alphabet, the combination CTRL+ALT+selected letter is specified.

Please remember: if the combination used was previously assigned by default by the system, after completing this setting, you can change the Windows 7 hotkeys.

After pressing the assigned key combination, the specified program will open instead of the previously performed default action.

It is no secret that there is specific software on the software market that is available for Windows and not available for OS X. In this regard, some users of Apple equipment are forced to install Windows on their computers as a second operating system. And although Windows runs smoothly on Macs without any problems, there is one annoying thing that I encountered a few days ago.

As you know, on Windows keyboards, the Alt keys are located directly to the left and right of the spacebar, and on Mac keyboards, the Command (or cmd) keys are located on either side of the spacebar.

Since I am a regular Windows user and rarely use Apple computers, whenever I used Windows 8.1 on a work MacBook, out of habit, I pressed the cmd key, assuming it was the Alt key.

Another issue is that Mac keyboards don't have a shortcut key to quickly take a screenshot, unlike Windows keyboards. Thus, to take a screenshot in the Windows operating system running on a Mac via Boot Camp, you have to use the combination Fn + Shift + F11. And if you need a screenshot of the active window, you should press Fn + Shift + Alt + F11. Agree, it is not as convenient as on a Windows keyboard.

To make it easier to use Windows on a MacBook, I decided to remap the keys on my keyboard using programs that allow me to do this. I tried several tools and decided to settle on the SharpKeys program, which seemed to me the simplest and most convenient solution in this category of programs.

Using SharpKeys to reassign keys

Changing key assignments using SharpKeys is very easy, but if you have any difficulties, follow the instructions below.

Step 1: Visit this page and download SharpKeys. Run the installation file and follow the on-screen instructions to install the program.

Step 2: Launch the program, click the “Add” button. On the left, select the key you want to reassign, and on the right, select the function that the key selected in the left column should perform.

For example, if you want to use F8 as the Print Screen key, select the F8 key on the left, then select PrtSc in the right column and click OK. Next, click “Write to Registry” and then when you see the warning dialog, click “OK.”

Step 3: Restart your computer to reassign the selected keys.

There is one drawback - the program does not detect the function key. In other words, if your keyboard has a Function (fn) key, SharpKeys simply won't see it and you won't be able to reassign it.

The program is available for free and supports all versions of Windows, including Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1.

Have a great day!

The keyboard is a device that is at particular risk when the user is working with a computer. It is the keyboard that most often suffers from frantic gamers, lovers of meals in front of the monitor screen, or slobs who are not used to keeping their equipment clean and tidy. What could be simpler than replacing a damaged keyboard when it comes to a desktop PC? A connected keyboard is far from the most expensive device, especially if we talk about simple models. A laptop keyboard is a completely different matter. Repairing a laptop that has been subjected to a mechanical shock or on which liquid has been spilled can cost a significant amount of money. If, after an incident with a laptop, the result is only a couple of non-working or missing buttons on the keyboard, while the device continues to function fully, we can safely talk about luck. After all, broken or missing buttons can be reassigned and others that are not affected can be used instead.

Below we will look at how to reassign keys on a keyboard with broken or missing buttons on Windows devices. A small free program called MapKeyboard will help in solving this issue.

About MapKeyboard

MapKeyboard is a minimalistic portable utility designed to solve one specific problem - the system replacement of some keys with others. The program is also able to help if the right mouse button does not work. The latter can be reassigned to selected keyboard keys.

MapKeyboard does not need to be constantly running in the background on Windows. The program works on the principle of making changes to the system registry. It starts up once, does its job and no longer needs activity. MapKeyboard is launched only when it is necessary to reassign keys or return the keyboard layout to its original state.

You can download the program completely free of charge on the website of its developer.

Key remapping

MapKeyboard is downloaded from the official website in an archive. After unpacking the archive, run the program as administrator.

We will see the MapKeyboard interface in the form of a virtual keyboard.

How do I reassign missing or broken keys? First, you need to decide which keys will be reassigned to those that have fallen out or do not work. Since reassigned keys will work like missing or non-working keys, it is natural that the first ones must be unused or rarely used. These keys are typically Scroll Lock, Pause (Break), Insert, Home, End, Page Up and Page Down. Also, for reassignment, you can sacrifice the number pad keys along with its Num Lock activation key.

Having selected the best options for replacing keys, we can proceed directly to the process itself. The first thing on the keyboard of the MapKeyboard program is to press the replacement key - the one that will act as the missing or non-working key. In our case, one of the rarely used keys is selected for reassignment - Scroll Lock. This key can now be pressed instead of the missing key of the letter W, and with it the letter C in the Russian-language keyboard layout. Next, in the drop-down list box at the bottom of the MapKeyboard window, you need to select, in fact, the missing or non-working key itself - the letter W in our case. After this selection, the reassigned key will light green.

After which we will see a window where it is notified that when confirming the changes, you will be logged out of the system. Click “Yes”.

After logging out, you must log in again. And you can already test the operation of the reassigned keys.

Returning the keyboard layout to its original state

After replacing or repairing the keyboard, the layout with reassigned keys can be returned to its original state. This is also done in the MapKeyboard program. On the program’s virtual keyboard, click “Reset keyboard layout”. Then, in the dialog box that appears, confirm the return of the keyboard layout to its original state - click “Yes”.

But there will be no exit from Windows, but a reboot of the computer. After a reboot, the keyboard layout will be returned to its original state.


Reassigning keyboard keys in Windows 7

A broken or tea-stained key or keys often means you need to buy a new keyboard. And if replacement is not difficult for a desktop PC, then for a laptop this can become a serious problem, since you need to select a specific model. But don’t rush to the store, try reassigning the non-working key first.

Key remapping

Let's look at programs that allow you to reassign keys. This is necessary not only in case of a button failure, but also for convenient customization of the keyboard.

Method 1: MapKeyboard

The utility is free, but its support has ended. Now it is part of the HotKeyControl project, which allows you to freely use the program for 15 days. However, MapKeyboard itself can still be downloaded online.

Download MapKeyboard

Changes will only take effect after you log in again.

Method 2: KeyTweak

KeyTweak is a simple program that has more functionality compared to MapKeyboard. Requires installation on a computer.

Download KeyTweak from the official website

Method 3: SharpKeys

This program has the greatest number of possibilities - it not only reassigns, but also allows you to add certain functions to any key.

Download SharpKeys from the official website

Method 4: "Registry Editor"

The most difficult method, since all registry changes will need to be done manually. Suitable for those who are especially curious and for those who for some reason cannot or do not want to install third-party software on their PC.

  • 8 pairs of zeros;
  • number of reassigned keys +1;
  • 3 pairs of zeros;
  • key scan codes;
  • 4 pairs of zeros.

Let's look at this with a specific example. Suppose we want to swap the “Page Up” and “Page Down” keys and disable the “End” key. First you need to find out their scan codes. You can do this on Wikipedia. We are interested in the first column “Keys” and the second “Press code XT”. Let's write down the codes of the keys we are interested in:

  • Page Up - E0 49;
  • Page Down - E0 51;
  • End - E0 4F.

Now you need to make small transformations - swap the bytes. Thus we get:

  • Page Up - 49 E0;
  • Page Down - 51 E0;
  • End - 4F E0.

If the code consists of one byte (for example, “Enter” - “1C”), it must be supplemented with two zeros: “1C, 00”, and then swapped: “00, 1C”.

To change the values ​​of the keys, you need to perform two operations: first assign the value of the second to the first, and then assign the second to the value of the first. To disable a key function, you must write 2 pairs of zeros before its code. For our example it will look like this:

  • replacing Page Down with Page Up - 49 E0 51 E0;
  • replacing Page Up with Page Down - 51 E0 49 E0;
  • shutdown End - 00 00 4F E0.

Let's fill in the value of the binary parameter completely. For our example it will look like this

00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 49 E0 51 E0 51 E0 49 E0 00 4F E0 00 00 00 00

  • Now click OK and restart your computer for the changes to take effect. If things don't work, remove the Scancode Map option and start again.
  • Remember which keys you are reassigning so you don't get confused. You can always return the default values, but then you will have to start the setup procedure again.

    We are glad that we were able to help you solve the problem.

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    How to customize the keyboard using Windows 10 as an example

    Setting up the keyboard in any computer system is one of the key factors influencing comfortable work. This applies not only to regular typing or entering commands. Very often, certain keys on the keyboard are used in computer games to simplify control of characters or actions performed by the player. But further we will dwell on the basic settings that are carried out directly in the operating system (the on-screen keyboard, special features and drivers will not be considered).

    Keyboard customization: basic directions

    Now we do not take into account the subtleties of setting keyboard parameters for playing games, since such settings are made either in the game itself or using special gaming utilities.

    The main directions on how to customize the keyboard are:

    • installing, adding or removing languages;
    • setting parameters for changing language or layout;
    • changing the language switching order;
    • setting the type of language bar.

    How to customize the keyboard in Windows 10: adding languages

    Let's look at this type of settings using Windows 10 as an example. In principle, they are the same for all versions of the system, however, in the tenth modification, access to the parameters is carried out somewhat differently.

    So, how to configure the keyboard in the “ten”? Since it has two main settings panels, you can use either the settings section, called up from the main Start menu with a choice of region and language settings, or the standard “Control Panel”, which in the simplest case is accessed through the “Run” console with by entering the Control command.

    In the first case, on the right side of the window where the installed languages ​​are displayed, you just need to click the button to add a new language and select the one you need from the list.

    In the second option, select the “Language” menu in the “Control Panel”, after which you use the add language item, which is located in the top panel on the right. Again, you simply select the desired language and layout from the list.

    Please note that language and language layout are not the same thing. For example, for the English language, both the English classical and American layouts can be used. The Russian layout can correspond to both Russian and Ukrainian languages, etc.

    Nuances when installing a language change

    Now, in the question of how to configure the keyboard, it is worth paying attention to the sequence of switching languages ​​if more than two are installed on the system.

    Probably, many people noticed that when using any combination of changing the language, the switching occurs in a strictly defined way. For example, the first switch with the combinations Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift on the left corresponds to the installation of the English language, the second (also on the left) – to another language. But what if the user wants to use such a switch to install not English at the first stage, but some other language installed in the system?

    Windows 10 has introduced an interesting feature to shift languages ​​according to their switching priority. In the language section of the Control Panel, languages ​​can be moved up and down, which changes the language of the first switch when using the left one or a combination. For example, if Russian is the first language, English is the second, and any other language is used as the third, for this sequence the language change will occur in the specified order. By moving the third language to the place of English (in the second position), the user will receive its activation the first time he switches from the left side of the keyboard and vice versa.

    In addition, if you go into the settings for each language, you can see several additional settings, including even checking spelling when entering text with strict matching. You can immediately change the language of the operating system itself, configure handwriting input, etc.

    Changing keyboard shortcuts

    Now a few words about how to configure language switching on the keyboard using button combinations. This is done in the language section of the regular “Control Panel”, where you use the transition to additional parameters, and in the settings window, click the hyperlink for changing the keyboard shortcuts of the language panel.

    After this, the user is taken to the standard settings window, which is present in all versions of Windows. Here the button for changing combinations is pressed, the most convenient one is selected from the list (for both language and layout), after which the changes made are simply saved. After this, the installed keys on the keyboard for quick change will be activated automatically and without rebooting the system.

    Displaying the language bar

    The appearance of the language bar can also be customized for ease of use. This is done from the section that was described for changing keyboard shortcuts, but only on the “Language Bar” tab.

    Most users prefer to use the pinned option in the “Taskbar” (in this form, the language icon appears in the system tray next to the clock). However, you can place the language bar in any other place on the Desktop or even hide it completely. It is better to leave the display of language labels, but you can leave the display of additional icons or the use of transparency when the panel is inactive.

    Possible malfunctions and methods for eliminating them

    Finally, regarding the question of how to customize the keyboard, it is worth talking about situations when the assignments of the keys need to be changed (for example, when the buttons break or when the letters are randomly changed or an action involving reassigning the buttons).

    Without the use of third-party programs that allow reassignment, only the system registry can be used in Windows. But without knowing the codes corresponding to each button or action, the order of creating string parameters and entering data, this will be quite problematic.

    Therefore, in most cases, as a simpler solution, it is suggested to install special utilities like Microsoft Keyboard Layout Creator, Media Key, SharpKeys or MapKeyboard. In such programs, you can reassign any key within a few seconds. As is already clear, this is both simpler and faster.


    Reassigning Keyboard Keys

    Hello Dear Friend.

    Today we will look at one small useful program called MapKeyboard.

    The program is engaged in reassigning the functions of keys on the keyboard, which are used by default in the Windows operating system.

    For example, there is an Esc key on the keyboard, you can reassign its function to any other key.

    Why might this be needed? For example, some key is broken, and you need its functions right now.

    In this case, the free MapKeyboard program will help you.

    Download the program: http://www.softportal.com/getsoft-22115-mapkeyboard-1.html

    After you install the program and run it, the following window will open in front of you:

    key assignment

    In this window you select the key whose assignment you want to change. Then, in the Remap selected key to field, you select the new command that this key will execute. In this case, in the screenshot, when you press the x key on the keyboard, the number 0 will be written.

    key assignment

    To restore all default settings again and make the x key display the letter x, simply click on the Reset keyboard layout button. Then a window will appear, click Ok in it, then a second window will appear in it, click Ok again.

    The computer will reboot.

    It's that simple. I think the program will be useful to you.

    A large visit to the site = development of my project.

    Good computer knowledge to you.

    Best regards, Artem.

    Rate this Note: (Average score: 5.00 out of 5)


    How to reassign keys on the keyboard: step-by-step instructions. Keyboard shortcut

    As you know, most PC and Mac computers or laptops use standard keyboards with preset key layouts and language layouts. For many users, for example, when changing the operating system or the equipment itself, it is quite difficult to get used to the new position of the buttons. In this case, you can reassign the keys on the keyboard so that they correspond to the layout to which the user is accustomed. But most often this applies only to those situations when, when entering text, the user does not look at the characters, but uses so-called touch typing.

    Why is it necessary to reassign keys on the keyboard?

    But the matter is not limited to the above situations. Quite often you can come across cases when some key on a computer or laptop is out of order.

    In the case of standard equipment in the form of PS/2 keyboards, the issue can be resolved quite simply by simply purchasing a new one. But what to do if a breakdown occurs on your laptop? Replacing keyboards on laptops is not a cheap pleasure. Here, as an alternative, you can simply reassign the keys on the keyboard, abandoning rarely used buttons. However, you can also encounter even more primitive situations when it is necessary to change combinations corresponding to switching languages ​​and layouts.

    How to change the keyboard shortcut: Windows tools

    First, let's look at the simplest option related to language layouts. By default, in all recent Windows systems, switching based on the left Alt button in combination with Shift is used to change the language. But many users prefer to change the language and layout using the Ctrl/Shift combination, considering it more convenient.

    To change the switch, you must use the standard “Control Panel”, in which you select the language section (Windows 10) or languages ​​and regional standards (Windows 7, for example). Next, you go to additional parameters and select to change the language bar key combination by pressing the corresponding button in the new window, after which you simply indicate the Ctrl/Shift combination from the list.

    In principle, you can reassign keys in the sense of changing a character or action using a small keyboard and mouse control program, MS Keyboard Layout Creator, which can be downloaded directly from the Microsoft website. After starting the application, it is enough to select a list of all actions, and if necessary, change them for each individual button, up to completely disabling the keys. Here you can change the assignment of operational keys like Shift, Alt, etc.

    Reassignment via the system registry

    You can also reassign keys on the keyboard using a more complex method without using third-party utilities, using for this purpose the settings and parameters of the system registry, the editor of which is called by the regedit command through the “Run” console.

    Here you need to find the KeyboardLayout directory in the HKLM branch through the SOFTWARE directory. Here you will have to create string parameters indicating the button codes for reassigning from one key to another. The process is quite labor-intensive, so it will not be useful to most users, since without knowledge of the reassignment, disabling codes and the order of entering characters, such operations will be quite problematic. The methodology is simply given for general understanding that this can also be done in the registry.

    The most popular third-party applications

    But suppose the user's keyboard Shift or some other key does not work. It is much easier to reassign using special applications that are designed just for this.

    Among the many programs of this type, the following are especially popular and are distinguished by the ease of performing the necessary operations:

    • MapKeyboard;
    • SharpKeys;
    • MKey.


    This program allows you to reassign keys on your keyboard as quickly and easily as possible. After starting the utility, an on-screen keyboard will appear.

    Let's say you need to reassign the Caps Lock or Shift button. On the (virtual) keyboard, press the desired button, through the Remap selected key line, select a new symbol or operation of another key, and then save the settings by pressing the Save Layout button. Upon completion of all actions, a system reboot is required.


    Before us is another simple program. The procedure is almost the same as in the previous case. First, a key is added (Add), then a new character or action is selected from the list (complete shutdown - Turn Key Off), after which the changes are saved by pressing the Write To Registry button, and then, again, a complete restart of the system is performed.

    The only and most important problem with this utility is that it does not work with the Fn key, and the reassignment of Cyrillic characters must be done using their counterparts in the English layout.


    Finally, another small application (this time in Russian) that allows you to reassign any button and even change standard combinations or set your own combinations.

    As usual, the original key is first added, then the press emulation line is used, the letter or action of another key is selected from the list, and the changes are saved by clicking on the button with the image of a floppy disk. By the way, this program differs favorably from the two previous ones in that it allows you to not only reassign keys, but can also be used when setting up various kinds of manipulators, gamepads or actions with software players.


    That's all for reassignment operations. In principle, depending on the situation, the system’s own tools can be used. In the literal sense, you can only reassign standard combinations that were initially included in the OS parameters. If you do not use third-party utilities, you will have to deal with the system registry, but this is quite difficult. Therefore, if the question arises of quickly carrying out all the necessary operations, it is better to still give preference to the applications described above. And the MKey program (short for Media Key) in this regard looks more convenient in all respects, only it constantly “hangs” in the system tray. But its resource consumption is minimal, so this will not affect the performance of the computer or laptop.

    Of the applications that make it easy to set a new value for the keys on a laptop or detachable keyboard, MKey deserves special attention. The interface is in Russian, the utility is freely available on the official website, the new version 1.3.5 was released on November 23, 2015 and works on all Windows platforms (from XP to 10). The developers present their product for free as a replacement for standard programs for multimedia and conventional, plug-in and built-in keyboards. The utility is also used for mice, joysticks and other input equipment.

    Free or rarely used keys can be assigned the functions of other buttons or combinations with the Ctrl, Shift or Alt operators, and can also be assigned to perform actions to launch programs, open files, and control media players. Changes are saved in the application, not in the system registry, as with other utilities, and no restart is required.

    Installing MKey (MediaKey) for Windows 7/8/10

    Go to the developer portal, click “Download from the official website” and save the installer. Open MKey by double clicking, run the file and follow the installation wizard. If your keyboard uses special programs, you will need to disable them. The MKey utility works correctly with standard Microsoft drivers. In the “Advanced Options” window, check the “Save settings in the program folder” line. When you start it for the first time, a help window automatically appears and you can close it.

    How to reassign Ctrl + C to the Page Up key

    Click “Add” and click the button to which you want to set a different value. In the pop-up window, check its name and confirm the action. In the middle column of the MKey app window, click Keyboard and select Keys. Place a checkmark in the “Emulate click” line and open the drop-down list by clicking on the “Backspace” button. Select the letter “C”, check the box next to the desired operator, click the floppy disk icon in the lower right corner to save the changes. Similarly, assign the hotkey combination Ctrl + V to the Page Down button.

    In the life of any computer keyboard, hard days come over time - the buttons no longer cope with bread crumbs, and the contacts can no longer overcome the substance of dust and sweet tea (or coffee).

    Most users do not dare to disassemble the information input device and clean it - they simply buy a new one. What should owners of laptops or expensive keyboards do? It's very simple - you can reassign keys on the keyboard that stopped working. There is a small, free and portable computer program for this. MapKeyboard.

    My case of keyboard resuscitation

    As always, I write this article based on personal experience. My beloved wife has a very good keyboard, which costs $150 (for the wife and children - all the best), so my wife, having previously agreed with our cat named “Red”, decided to test it.

    Spilling sweet tea on the keyboard would be too simple and trivial - the criminal group took a different, more sophisticated route. An open bottle of nail polish remover (solvent!!!) was left near the keyboard, and the cat, running about his business and cheerfully wagging his tail, knocked it over... that's right - onto that very unsuspecting, expensive keyboard.

    I will skip my comments on this matter and say only that disassembling and cleaning three times could not save two keys - A and G (they stopped working). The fact is that solvent is a terrible enemy of office equipment - it dissolves everything in its path, like a radish.

    A tiny (only 74 kb) free computer program MapKeyboard came to the rescue, which you didn’t even have to install on your computer.

    MapKeyboard - replacing buttons on the keyboard

    We launch as administrator (right-click on the shortcut and “Run as administrator”) the saving miracle program and proceed to reassigning keys...

    Next, carefully indicate in the program window the first button with which you want to replace the faulty one. For example, for you, like me, the “G” button does not work - I click on “PageUp” in the program, and from now on it will perform the functions of the “G” key...

    After selecting a new button, you need to indicate to the program the old (not working) button. The interface in the MapKeyboard window is English, so we are guided by our keyboard - the “U” button is the letter “G” in the Russian layout, and we indicate it in the “Remap selected key to:” menu. The “PageUp” value in the program window will change color to green - that means everything is correct and the buttons have been reassigned.

    All you have to do is click on “Save Layout” in the bottom right...

    A warning window will appear informing you that you need to log in again with your account - click “Yes”...

    Congratulations - you have reassigned a key on your keyboard.

    By the way, it is not necessary to save the changes after each replacement - you can immediately reassign all the necessary buttons and only then click on “Save Layout”...

    You can return the default values ​​of all keys by clicking on “Reset keyboard layout” - after this the system will be completely rebooted and everything will return to how it was before the replacement.

    The MapKeyboard program makes changes to the operating system registry and is not needed for the further successful operation of the keyboard - you can delete it, “throw it” onto a flash drive, or put it in the “far corner” of the disk.

    You can also physically replace the keys on the keyboard if they are the right size and you are not afraid of breaking the fragile mechanism. Over time, the fingers will remember the new location of the buttons and I personally don’t see any urgent need for this - keyboard trainer To help you.