Paid consultations with a gastroenterologist. Appointment with a gastroenterologist. Modern endoscopic equipment

The specialist provides advisory assistance to children of all age groups with diseases of all parts of the gastrointestinal tract, including functional digestive disorders in infants. Conducts diagnosis and treatment of biliary dyskinesia, gastroduodenitis, ulcerative lesions of the gastric and intestinal mucosa. Performs endoscopic examination of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum.
Doctor of the highest qualification category.
Education: internship, specialty - pediatrics (1988); Krasnoyarsk State Medical Institute, Faculty of Pediatrics (1987).
Professional retraining: Endoscopy (2001); Gastroenterology (2008); Health Organization and Public Health (2012).
Refresher courses: Expertise on the quality of medical care (2008, 2009, 2010).
Advanced training courses for doctors in endoscopy (2010).
Every year he takes part in international and Russian congresses of gastroenterologists.
He is a member of the Russian Gastroenterological Association.


My child has stomach problems. I had contacted pediatric gastroenterologists before, but the child did not receive the necessary help, and I decided to use the services of the website. I typed in the selection of gastroenterologists on the work page, and Lyudmila’s profile came out

Mikhailovna with grades 5+. I called the number provided and they made an appointment for us to see the doctor of our choice. In fact, Lyudmila Mikhailovna turned out to be a very good specialist, I am delighted with her work. The doctor immediately determined what was wrong with the child. She pointed out that her son had problems not only with his stomach, but also with his intestines. She prescribed treatment, combining medications with painkillers. No doctor prescribed this combination to the child. The doctor is sociable, kind, but at the same time strict. She selected a diet and warned that if we want to recover, we need to adhere to the doctor’s prescriptions, then the result will not be long in coming. The doctor ordered many tests in order to have a clear picture of the disease and make the necessary treatment adjustments. Thank you!

Choose one of 1261 gastroenterologists based on ratings and reviews, make an appointment by phone or online.

Gastroenterologist in Moscow: cost of appointment

The price of an appointment with a gastroenterologist in Moscow is from 300 rubles. up to 20380 rub.

Found 589 reviews of the best gastroenterologists.

What does a gastroenterologist treat?

A gastroenterologist is a specialist who diagnoses and treats diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder and liver. He deals with issues such as:

  • disorders of the stomach and duodenum: ulcers, gastritis, lymphoma, stomach cancer, gastroduodenitis, dyspepsia, etc.;
  • pathologies of the liver and bile ducts: cirrhosis and fibrosis, dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, hepatitis, polyposis, etc.;
  • disorders of the pancreas: pancreatitis, pancreatic necrosis, cyst, cancer, pancreatopathy, etc.;
  • diseases of the esophagus: diverticula, achalasia, hiatal hernia, reflux esophagitis, cancer, etc.;
  • intestinal diseases: dysbacteriosis, enteritis, polyps, colitis, tumors, etc.

The gastroenterologist prescribes treatment depending on the characteristics of the disease. As a rule, the doctor prescribes medications and creates a diet. He may also prescribe herbal medicine and physiotherapeutic procedures. In rare and complex cases, treatment requires surgery.

When to go for an appointment

It is better to consult a gastroenterologist at the slightest suspicion of disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. If you do not contact a specialist in a timely manner, the disease will go into a chronic stage and it will be more difficult to get rid of it. In addition to severe complications, gastrointestinal diseases affect performance and immunity. They cause anemia, vitamin deficiency, skin problems and depression.

Therefore, it is worth making an appointment with a gastroenterologist if:

  • abdominal pain;
  • belching and hiccups;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • frequent bowel movements;
  • bad breath;
  • flatulence and bloating;
  • heartburn after eating;
  • skin inflammations and rashes of non-infectious nature;
  • sour, bitter, metallic taste in the mouth.

How is the appointment going?

There is no need to prepare specially for your first appointment with a gastroenterologist. The doctor will ask about complaints and causes of concern. It is worth telling the gastroenterologist about past diseases and infections, about nutrition and lifestyle, about diets and general well-being.

The doctor will then begin the examination. He probes the abdominal cavity - especially where he suspects the focus of the disease. Further, to get more details and confirm or refute the diagnosis, the gastroenterologist may prescribe additional tests and examinations:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • tests for bacterial infections;
  • gastroscopy;
  • CT and MRI;
  • endoscopy, etc.

Centuries ago, doctors were sure that many human diseases have a direct connection with the digestive system. For example, in Ancient China an entire teaching was devoted to this, which still resonates with the population.

On the other hand, if you pay attention to more scientific data, you can note that diseases of the digestive system are an extremely common problem that half of the world's population has encountered to one degree or another. And in this case, the statistics are extremely depressing. For example, every second adult suffers from gastritis, and a quarter of all people aged 25 already have a stomach ulcer.

Thus, we can conclude that people need the services of a specialist in the field of digestion, who could identify diseases and draw up a treatment schedule. Therefore, the profession of a gastroenterologist is extremely relevant, and qualified specialists are in great demand in the labor market.

The essence of the work of a gastroenterologist

A doctor's professional responsibilities include studying the digestive system, examining patients, and prescribing appropriate treatment. Moreover, such a specialist works not only with adults, but also with children.

It is also worth noting that quite often a doctor in the field of gastroenterology is called a gastrologist, which is not entirely correct, but the name has already become firmly established in everyday life.

In addition, it is important to understand that gastroenterology is a fairly broad field that has narrower specialties:

    hepatology – diseases of the liver, gall bladder;

    coloproctology – diseases of the colon;

    proctology – diseases of the rectum and anus.

Another feature of the specialty can be considered the use of instrumental examination. Gastroenterology is one of the few specialties where, regardless of the nature of the complaints, the doctor conducts an examination using special equipment:



    endoscopy of the gastrointestinal tract.

This is necessary for several reasons. Firstly, palpation will never give an accurate idea of ​​the condition of the internal organs. Secondly, quite often a superficial disease may hide a more serious problem, which is impossible to guess without examining the organs of the digestive system.

In this regard, it is also necessary to note several related specialties:




    pediatric gastroenterologist.

Responsibilities of a gastroenterologist

The functional responsibilities of a gastroenterologist must include the following:

    consultation and diagnosis of patients;

    maintaining the treatment process, making adjustments and amendments if necessary;

    coordinating the activities of junior and mid-level medical personnel;

    work with special documentation.

In order to perform all these duties, a gastroenterologist needs to know:

    symptoms of digestive diseases;

    principles of working with medical instruments;

    rules for filling out medical documentation.

Requirements for the profession of gastroenterologist

Persons who meet the following requirements can work in this specialty:

  • have a specialized higher medical education;
  • medical record with valid data;

    absence of serious medical contraindications that could have a negative impact on the work of a specialist.

Gastroenterologist's place of work

Since the knowledge and skills of this specialist are necessary for all people, regardless of their age, the doctor has enough options for places to work.

In other words, a gastroenterologist can work:

    public or private hospitals and clinics;

    specialized and multidisciplinary centers;

    children's and adult institutions.

Thanks to this variety, a doctor can either work in shifts, periodically taking on night shifts, or a standard work week, which will take into account weekends and public holidays.

It is important to take into account that specialists in government agencies have the right to social benefits, including increased leave.

Where can I learn to be a gastroenterologist?

There are two options for mastering a medical specialty. The first is to enroll after the 11th grade of school at a medical university in one of the specialties:



After completing training, undergo a two-year residency in the specialty of interest: Gastroenterology.

The second option is to receive secondary medical education at a specialized college after the 9th or 11th grade. After which, again, admission to the university and residency.

Of course, the second option will take much more time, but it is suitable for those who were unable to immediately enter a medical school, since the competition for such educational institutions is very high.

It should also be noted that every five years a doctor must undergo mandatory certification in order to receive a certificate confirming compliance with all professional competencies.

Personal qualities of the gastroenterologist profession

Work in this field requires a specialist to have the following qualities:




    ability to provide emotional support to the patient;


    emotional stability;

    advanced logic;

    good memory;

    Analytical mind.

Salary level for the gastroenterologist profession

Thus, a qualified specialist with work experience can earn about 60,000 rubles per month while working part-time. If we talk about a gastroenterologist who has three years of experience and works full time in an institution, then his salary can be 100,000 rubles.

Pros and cons of the gastroenterologist profession

The positive aspects of the profession include:

    relevance and relevance;

    high level of income;

    opportunity to work in various institutions.

  • not the most aesthetically pleasing activity;
  • high level of responsibility.

Gastroenterologist– a specialist who deals with problems of the digestive tract (esophagus, stomach, intestines, gallbladder and pancreas).

Diseases of the food tract have various syndromes, which only professional doctors can notice and, most importantly, interpret correctly. Junk or unbalanced food, constant consumption of fast food, drinking pills, smoking, regular stress and much more negatively affect the digestive tract.

All diseases are classified by rapid development and the presence of additional pathologies, with the treatment of which only gastroenterologist in Moscow.

Why contact a gastroenterologist?

Statistics show that diseases of the esophagus are extremely common and are second only to cardiovascular pathologies. Many people don’t know when to make an appointment with a doctor, but your body knows very well, and the following symptoms indicate the disease:

  • Regular abdominal pain or discomfort;
  • Bad breath, nausea, heartburn, belching;
  • Constipation, diarrhea, bloody stools;
  • Skin diseases (acne, furunculosis, dermatitis, etc.);
  • Diabetes mellitus, obesity;
  • Chronic pathologies that require constant medication (psychotherapy, neurology, cardiology, etc.).

In addition, examination by a specialist during long-term treatment using chemotherapy and radiotherapy will not hurt.

What diseases does a gastroenterologist treat?

Gastroenterologist will assess your condition, conduct a detailed examination and make a diagnosis, then begin to draw up the most effective treatment course that will quickly get you back on your feet.

Usually, in addition to traditional treatment with pills and antibiotics, you should definitely follow the diet prescribed by the doctor; it will not harm, since it is compiled based on the results of an examination of the body.

In most cases, pathologies of the intestinal tract can be detected through timely examination. If you visit the stomach organs at least several times a year, you can not only detect diseases, but also prevent possible pathologies. Thanks to preventive programs, you can receive information about the state of your digestive system.

A gastroenterologist treats the following diseases:

  • Gastritis;
  • Diseases of the duodenum, peptic ulcers;
  • Hernias and gastroesophageal relux;
  • Gallstone disease and cholecystitis;
  • Flatulence, irritable bowel, colitis;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Hepatosis, steatosis, hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, organ damage by alcohol.

Gastroenterologist can conduct a special test that is designed to detect harmful bacteria in the breath. Bacteria in the breath are one of the easiest ways for the body to become infected.

For example, the microbe helicobacter pylori will always be in the breath of a patient with an ulcer or duodenal disease. In addition, this bacterium is typical for people with gastritis and stomach tumors, mostly malignant.

Modern endoscopic equipment

Thanks to the latest achievements of scientists, gastroenterologists' offices are equipped with only the most modern equipment, which helps in recognizing most diseases even in their initial forms, and doing this completely painlessly for the patient, which is also a significant advantage. Almost always, in order to clarify the diagnosis of the patient, a biopsy and histological examination can be prescribed; a breath test for the bacterium helicobacter pylori is mandatory.

Prices for doctor’s services are affordable for absolutely everyone, and thanks to modern diagnostic equipment (ultrasound, clinical laboratory tests, etc.), it allows for timely detection of pathologies of the digestive organs in the initial stages, and provides the opportunity for quick and effective treatment. Do not put off visiting a specialist if you feel unwell.


A gastroenterologist is a doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents diseases of the digestive system (esophagus, stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver, biliary tract and gallbladder).

The first symptoms of disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract may seem “harmless” (discomfort, bloating after eating), but in the acute phase, many diseases are accompanied by severe pain and serious digestive disorders. A gastroenterologist will help you diagnose the problem in time, adjust your diet and undergo a course of treatment to prevent exacerbation.

There are many clinics in Moscow that provide gastroenterology services, so it is important to make the right choice. If you need a consultation with a gastroenterologist in Moscow, we recommend contacting JSC Family Doctor. Our specialists have extensive experience in treating various gastroenterological diseases; the clinics have modern equipment and use advanced techniques. You can make an appointment with a gastroenterologist through the website’s services or by multi-channel telephone. Please note that if you are faced with the task of finding a hospital in Moscow to undergo treatment, for example, for gastritis, then we can help you here too. Our Hospital Center, which is a multidisciplinary hospital, provides course treatment for diseases that require round-the-clock medical supervision, and also performs surgical operations of any complexity.

Diseases treated by a gastroenterologist

A gastroenterologist is responsible for diseases of the digestive system and conditions accompanied by dysfunction and digestive insufficiency of the gastrointestinal tract (including diseases of an infectious, toxic and neurological nature).

The most common ones are:

    reflux esophagitis;


    peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;


    enteritis and enterocolitis;

  • hepatitis;

    biliary dyskinesia;



    intestinal dysbiosis and accompanying digestive disorders;

    irritable bowel syndrome;

    celiac disease or gluten-dependent enteropathy.

An appointment with a gastroenterologist is necessary if the following symptoms occur:

    frequent heartburn after eating;

    belching sour and bitterness in the mouth;

    belching of air and bad breath;

    heaviness and pain in the abdomen;

    abdominal discomfort not related to food intake;

    stool disorders: constipation, diarrhea;

    frequent bloating, rumbling in the stomach;

    deterioration of skin, hair and nails;

    weight loss not related to diet;

    pale skin, dizziness, weakness, low blood hemoglobin levels;

    nausea, vomiting.

Don’t hesitate, sign up for a consultation with a gastroenterologist at the first manifestation of such symptoms. Modern medicine is able to recognize many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract at an early stage.

Methods for diagnosing gastroenterological diseases

An appointment with a gastroenterologist is only the starting point for solving the problem. The effectiveness of treatment depends on the accuracy of the diagnosis; diagnosis may include various methods, in particular:

    interview, external examination, including examination of the skin, mucous membranes and tongue, palpation and percussion of the abdominal organs;

    If you need examination, consultation with a highly qualified gastroenterologist will help establish an accurate diagnosis and select effective therapy.