Cleaning teeth from plaque at home. How to remove plaque using special products

A snow-white smile always adorns a person. But teeth that have a yellowish or brownish tint do not look very attractive. That is why people whose tooth enamel is not particularly white often wonder how to remove plaque from their teeth so as not to damage dentin and injure sensitive gums. There are many ways to brush your teeth, some of which you can use at home.

Brief information

Dental plaque is usually called soft deposits covering tooth enamel and consisting of microparticles of food and pathogenic microorganisms. If a person thoroughly cleans his teeth after every meal, plaque will not be able to settle on the tooth surface. If cleaning is carried out according to the standard scheme (twice a day), then within 4 hours after the hygiene procedure a thin film of plaque will appear on the teeth, after 7 hours the number of harmful microbes on the tooth surface will exceed ten million. The contamination will gradually penetrate into the deep layers of the tooth, causing the enamel to become an unsightly yellow, brown or even black color.

Dark plaque gives people more than just an aesthetic problem. If the film is not cleaned in time, it can turn into hard tartar, while the tooth enamel can become very thin, and an unpleasant putrid odor will appear in the oral cavity. Eliminating such symptoms will be much more difficult than getting rid of soft plaque.

What is the reason?

Before looking for ways to remove plaque, you need to understand what can cause soft deposits to appear on the enamel. Most often, teeth begin to turn yellow or darken as a result of exposure to the following factors:

  • lack or poor personal hygiene (if a person brushes his teeth once a day, and after meals does not use mouthwash, dental floss, or even simple chewing gum, his smile will quickly lose its whiteness);
  • taking medications with a high iron content (one of the features of iron included in medications is that it can quickly settle on tooth enamel);
  • smoking (brown tooth enamel often reveals heavy smokers; even careful hygiene will not help remove plaque from cigarettes, which contain resins that eat into the enamel);
  • deposition of pigments (drinking coffee, tea, soda water, and other coloring drinks and foods can negatively affect the color of teeth; the pigment quickly penetrates the enamel and stains the teeth yellow-brown);
  • frequent consumption of high-carbohydrate foods (the enamel most often turns yellow in those people who love chocolates, sweets, pastries and other carbohydrate foods).

Removing dental plaque is not an easy procedure; how it will be carried out always depends on the type of deposits. Dentists distinguish several types of plaque on teeth, differing in color and origin:

  • white (most often, whitish deposits appear in a person after a night’s sleep, which is why you need to thoroughly brush your teeth in the morning);
  • light yellow (such deposits usually form during the day for those who do not have the opportunity to brush their teeth after every meal, it will not be difficult to get rid of yellow plaque; for this you will need high-quality toothpaste and a regular brush);
  • dark yellow and brown (such shades are typical for smokers, coffee drinkers, people working in metal smelting enterprises, as well as for those who pay insufficient attention to oral hygiene);
  • gray (gray deposits can indicate not only poor oral hygiene, such formations often indicate the appearance of enamel hyperplasia);
  • green (this color of deposits is quite rare; teeth usually acquire a green tint after a person eats any plant food containing a large amount of chlorophyll);
  • black (this shade of teeth often appears in those who suffer from dysbacteriosis, have gallbladder disease, have recently undergone chemotherapy or have taken a course of strong antibiotics; it is practically impossible to remove ingrained black plaque without the help of dentists).

Home control methods

People who want to remove yellow or brown plaque as quickly as possible at home should know that there are different ways to get rid of this problem. There are several most popular methods for cleaning teeth from plaque:

  1. To remove plaque, you need to take several tablets of black activated carbon, crush them to a powder and add them to your toothpaste. You need to brush your teeth very carefully with this product so as not to scratch the enamel.
  2. You can remove brown or yellowish plaque on your teeth with baking soda. This substance, consisting of abrasive grains, must be mixed with a small amount of toothpaste and carefully clean the enamel. Movements should be smooth and accurate, directed from top to bottom and in the opposite direction (not horizontally).
  3. To remove plaque, you can make cleansing applications. To do this, mix half a teaspoon of lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide, add a little baking soda to them. The mixed paste should be applied to the teeth (do not rub!) and left for 5 minutes, then rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. Such applications are allowed to be made no more than once a week.
  4. People looking for ways to get rid of plaque should know that citrus fruits, strawberries, pineapples, and black radishes will help cope with this problem. By consuming these foods and the juices obtained from them, you can quickly cleanse your mouth of newly formed plaque and prevent the appearance of yellow teeth.
  5. Ash will help clear plaque on the teeth of an adult or child. You can gently treat your teeth with it, leave it on for a few minutes, and then rinse off. Ash can also be mixed with regular toothpaste.
  6. Another way to remove yellow plaque on teeth is as follows: the oral cavity must be periodically rinsed with an infusion of celandine, which has a slight whitening effect. You can also use pharmacy hydrogen peroxide for rinsing.
  7. One of the simplest methods for removing soft deposits from enamel is the use of specialized whitening pastes (which loosen stubborn pymentum or contain abrasive particles). It is important to understand that toothpaste with a similar effect should not be used on an ongoing basis. You can use it 1-2 times a week, the rest of the time you need to use regular paste. To enhance the whitening effect, you can purchase an electric or ultrasonic brush.

Using the above methods at home, you can try to remove soft deposits, but such recipes will not help remove tartar. Hard stones that form on the surface of the teeth should be removed only by doctors who know how to correctly carry out such a procedure and not harm the patient.

Professional cleaning

To quickly and efficiently remove plaque, it is best to contact a dental clinic. Experienced doctors will examine the oral cavity and offer the patient the best cleaning options. Most often, dentists resort to the following methods to quickly and effectively remove even the most stubborn plaque:

  1. Ultrasound cleaning. Ultrasonic waves are directed at tooth enamel, causing soft deposits to be destroyed while the tooth surface remains intact. The removed plaque is immediately washed off with water, which is supplied into the oral cavity using a special device. For such a procedure you will have to pay 3-4 thousand rubles and more.
  2. Laser cleaning. The laser beam is able to clean teeth from severe dirt without pain or unpleasant sensations for the patient. People looking for a way to quickly remove unsightly black plaque on their teeth can confidently give preference to this method. The effect of non-contact laser cleaning lasts up to 12 months, and its cost on average ranges from 3.5-5 thousand rubles and more.
  3. Cleansing using the Air Flow method. With this type of cleaning, the teeth are exposed to a water-air jet with the addition of abrasive materials (for example, soda). Due to intense pressure, plaque easily comes off the surface of the teeth. In addition, this method allows you to remove deposits in hard-to-reach places (between teeth, near the gums, etc.). The price of such a procedure usually varies from 1.5 to 2.5 thousand rubles.

Prevention measures

To prevent the appearance of deposits on the enamel and subsequently not have to look for the answer to the question of how to remove plaque, you need to follow simple rules:

  • stop smoking;
  • do not abuse tea, coffee, foods containing large amounts of dyes and carbohydrates;
  • eat healthy food (the diet must include solid vegetables and fruits, herbs, etc.);
  • brush your teeth in the morning and evening, and, if possible, after each meal;
  • during hygiene procedures, periodically use whitening pastes and hard toothbrushes;
  • After meals, use mouth rinses and dental floss;
  • undergo a preventive examination at the dentist twice a year and, if necessary, have the enamel professionally cleaned (this rule should be followed not only by adults, but also by children).

Summing up

Removing dental plaque at home is a procedure that can take a long time and may not give the desired result. Home cleaning must be done very carefully. At the same time, it is worth understanding that in most cases it is better to entrust your teeth to a professional dentist, who will definitely be able to eliminate the existing problem.

You can get rid of plaque on your teeth using proven home methods. Each of them is effective in its own way, but the choice of the appropriate whitening method is determined individually. In addition, cleaning tooth enamel should not only be effective, but also safe.

What is plaque on teeth

Pathogenic microorganisms and food debris cover the enamel with a film that hardens over time, forming plaque. Its formation after eating is a normal process, so if you brush your teeth regularly, it will not cause any harm. If you do not get rid of darkening on the enamel in time, then this is fraught with the development of various diseases, including stomatitis and caries.

Plaque on teeth

Why does plaque appear?

Tea and coffee

Frequent consumption of coffee, tea and other coloring products causes pigmentation on the teeth. If you don’t take any action, it will become more noticeable and intense each time.


Getting nicotine from cigarettes is one of the main reasons that leads to yellowing of the surface of the teeth. Tobacco has the property of a natural dye, and during smoking it eats into the enamel. Smokers, in addition to plaque, can also observe tartar.

Smoking causes teeth to turn yellow.


If the enamel is damaged, then the presence of microcracks will become an excellent place for food debris to accumulate. Even rinsing and brushing your teeth will not get rid of them 100%. As a result, stains appear on the enamel surface, which disrupt the aesthetics of the smile.

In addition to the dark film on the teeth, bacteria multiply. This is fraught with the development of caries, stomatitis and other dental diseases.

Poor hygiene

If you choose the wrong brush and toothpaste, you will not be able to remove all the bacteria in your mouth. Thus, favorable conditions are created for their reproduction and darkening of the enamel.

How to remove plaque on teeth

Professional help in removing plaque

Ultrasonic cleaning

Ultrasound is one of the most popular ways to clean plaque from teeth. During its exposure, the tissues and oral cavity are not damaged, while the teeth themselves are cleaned and become white. Upon completion of the procedure, apply polishing toothpaste.

The advantages of ultrasound include the absence of pain and a long-lasting effect. And the downside is the high cost.

Ultrasound teeth cleaning

Air Flow

This procedure involves using a mixture of water and air with the addition of soda. The composition is applied to the surface of the teeth under pressure, so that polishing and removing plaque particles is carried out without harm. The method is used to treat hard-to-reach areas. It should not be used by people who maintain a salt-free diet, as well as by asthmatics and pregnant women.

Laser cleaning

This is a modern way to remove plaque. The laser beam has a positive effect on the enamel, making it less sensitive. It gets rid of stones even in advanced cases. The advantages of the method include painlessness and long-lasting effect, the disadvantages are high cost and a long process, because each tooth needs separate cleaning.

How to remove plaque from teeth at home

Daily hygienic brushing of teeth should take place at least 2 times a day. After this, rinse the mouth with a special liquid. Use dental floss after every meal. A special brush is suitable for cleaning the tongue. It is necessary to do this, since it is on its surface that there are many pathogenic microflora.

Use dental floss.

Paste and brushes for removing plaque

When buying a toothpaste, you need to take into account the following point: high-quality products for removing tartar should not simultaneously contain components such as fluoride and calcium carbonate. In tandem, they have an aggressive effect on the enamel, making it thin.

The paste must contain triclosan. This is an antibiotic that suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora in the oral cavity and maintains normal microflora.

The most popular pastes for removing plaque remain:

  • Lacalut White;
  • Glister;
  • New pearls;
  • Jason;
  • Sea Fresh;
  • Dabur Carnation;
  • President White Plus;
  • Blend-a-Med;
  • Royal Denta Silver and Sensitive;
  • Detartrine (detartrin).

The toothbrush should have soft bristles so as not to injure the gums.

Change your toothbrush every 2-3 months, as it contains a lot of germs and bacteria.

Pharmacy products for removing plaque


Such gels contain hydrogen peroxide as the main component. Additionally there is carbamide peroxide. Its main advantage is its gentle effect on tooth enamel. But there is also a drawback - low activity when compared with hydrogen peroxide. When using a gel, whitening occurs with active oxygen, which is released when peroxide interacts with the enamel.

There are several of the most effective drugs:

  • Expert Whitening;
  • Smile4You;
  • Colgate;
  • Opalescencia PolaDay;
  • Lumbrite.

The composition of the gels used in the dental clinic contains similar active ingredients. Only laser relief acts as a catalyst for a chemical reaction. During the procedure, you can whiten your teeth up to 12 shades in one session.


Regular toothbrushes are suitable for applying the gel at home. Although the packages with the drug come with mouthguards that are put on the teeth. The gel is placed in them. The duration of the procedure depends on the concentration of peroxide in the composition. On average it lasts 30 minutes. To obtain maximum results, 3-15 manipulations will be required.


To whiten teeth using such structures, you need to buy them at a pharmacy. Next, apply whitening gel to them and secure them to your teeth. Carry out similar actions while sleeping. Mouthguards are a mobile device that can be reused. But when wearing them, slight discomfort is felt and tooth sensitivity increases.

Whitening tray

Whitening strips

These devices perfectly whiten enamel by 1-4 tones, eliminating yellow and brown plaque. The active ingredient is urea or hydrogen peroxide. Before using flexible plates, remove the protective film from them. This will allow oxygen ions to become active. Whitening Features:

  1. Carry out the procedure at regular intervals - 1-2 times a day.
  2. The composition of the drug affects the duration of this manipulation, on average it will be 5-30 minutes.
  3. Attach a short strip to the bottom row of teeth, and a long strip to the top row.
  4. Each plate is designed for one use.
  5. After removing the strip, rinse your mouth and brush your teeth with paste.

After the manipulation, a slight softening of the enamel is observed, so you will have to give up coffee, tea, and wine for 2-4 weeks.

How to remove plaque with folk remedies

Hydrogen peroxide

The drug has a good whitening effect. Use hydrogen peroxide to prepare the solution. For 100 ml of water, 10 ml of product. Apply after brushing your teeth with paste. But do it quickly - 1-2 seconds, otherwise you can burn your gums. After the procedure, rinse your mouth with plain water.


This product is easy to use and affordable, because it can be found in every housewife’s arsenal. To restore the whiteness of your teeth, you need to combine baking soda with toothpaste and brush your teeth. Do not apply pressure, as the particles of the drug are abrasive. But one procedure will not be enough. The frequency of using soda depends on the degree of contamination of the teeth.

Baking soda

Activated carbon

Crush a tablet of black activated carbon into powder. Mix it with toothpaste and clean the dentin. After the first use you can see the first result. But you should not use the product if you have increased tooth sensitivity, since activated carbon has abrasive particles.

Burdock root

Grind the raw materials and take 20 g in an amount, add 3-5 pieces of dried bean pods, add water. Simmer the ingredients over the fire for 3 hours, and once the broth has cooled, filter it and use it as a mouth rinse. Carry out events 5-6 times a day.


Burn the root vegetable and crumble the ashes to dust. Pour it onto your toothbrush and work on the enamel. There is no need to rub it, just apply and hold, then rinse with water. With regular use, you can not only whiten your teeth, but also eliminate plaque.

Nut decoction

Pour hot water over young walnut branches and simmer for 20 minutes. Filter and use the decoction for rinsing. You can soak a toothbrush in it and clean the plaque. Conduct events regularly for 30 days. During this time, the plaque softens and then easily separates from the surface of the teeth.

You can use nut decoction to prevent plaque on a regular basis.

Decoction of linden and sunflower heads

Grind these components, add water and simmer for 30 minutes. Before brushing your teeth, dip the brush in the infusion and then apply the paste. You can also use a filtered mouth rinse. The prepared product softens plaque and separates it from the tooth surface.


Take 20 g of honey, dissolve in 100 ml of warm water. Use the composition warm to rinse the mouth 2 times a day.

Honey not only removes plaque, but also neutralizes bad breath.

Horsetail decoction

To prepare, use 30 g of dried flowers and pour 200 ml of boiling water over them. Simmer for 10 minutes, wait 30 minutes, filter and rinse 3 times a day.



To prepare, take 30 g of finely chopped raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water, and simmer for 10 minutes. Filter, cool and rinse your mouth with the broth in the morning and evening. Celandine is an excellent disinfectant that guarantees protection against plaque, freshens breath and normalizes the microflora of the oral cavity.

Eucalyptus decoction

This infusion is characterized by a whole range of medicinal properties:

  • disinfectant;
  • elimination of tartar and unpleasant odor;
  • relief of chronic tonsillitis.


To ensure that the above methods of getting rid of plaque on teeth are not useful, and your smile is always snow-white, you need to follow the following preventive measures:

  • carry out oral hygiene in the morning and before bed;
  • do not smoke or do so rarely;
  • do not abuse coffee and tea;
  • change your toothbrush every 3 months;
  • rinse your mouth after every meal and drink;
  • do not use the same toothpaste for teeth;
  • visit the dentist's office to clean your tooth enamel.


It is not difficult to whiten enamel at home, but you will have to be patient, since you will not be able to get a powerful effect from the first procedure. But it is not recommended to get carried away with some drugs (hydrogen peroxide, activated carbon, whitening strips). If you use them uncontrollably, the condition of the enamel will worsen and it will become more sensitive.

The main component of a dazzling smile is healthy teeth with snow-white enamel. However, the color of teeth is largely determined by heredity. The opinion of dentists is that the strongest teeth are covered with yellowish enamel. But I really want to be beautiful like movie stars or television announcers.

Whitening procedures are expensive, but if you know how to clean your teeth at home, you can get a beautiful smile.

Types of pollution

Tooth enamel darkens due to the appearance of plaque, which occurs due to the consumption of coloring foods, drinks, coffee and tea.

Darkening causes the appearance of tartar - it is deposited especially intensively in people with a history of diseases of the digestive organs.

Smokers have to think about how to clean their teeth from nicotine - under its influence, the enamel turns yellow.

The saliva produced by the body creates an alkaline environment in the oral cavity. The alkaline balance is disturbed after each eating process and quenching thirst, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of the oral cavity.

When carbohydrates are broken down by bacteria - about 200 species of beneficial and opportunistic microorganisms constantly live in the mouth - oxidation occurs. Acid corrodes the enamel, microcracks form on it, food particles become clogged in them, and the color of the teeth becomes darker.

Is it possible to solve the problem of how to clean teeth from yellow and black plaque and tartar deposits at home?

Oral care

Mandatory hygiene measures - brushing your teeth 2 times a day and rinsing after meals - are not enough to sparkle with a dazzling smile. And not everyone knows how to brush their teeth correctly.

Children under 6 years of age - until permanent molars have appeared - need to clean the dentition with circular movements on the outer and inner sides, and horizontal movements on the chewing surfaces.

Molars are cleaned according to the following algorithm:

  • first carry out vertical movements from the outside and inside;
  • then the chewing surfaces are cleaned with horizontal movements;
  • Use a soft toothbrush or a special rubber one to clean plaque from the tongue;
  • The gums are massaged in a circular motion with the jaws closed - the toothbrush is held horizontally;
  • Use dental floss to clean the gaps;
  • Rinse your mouth with plain water or a special mouthwash.

Only with such hygiene measures will the problem of how to clean teeth from plaque be solved.

To achieve a snow-white smile, you need to use special whitening toothpastes.

It should be taken into account that they contain abrasive particles, so it is not advisable to use them constantly - you need to take at least a month's break between changes of different types of pastes.

Home Remedies

Home remedies can successfully replace whitening toothpaste - they are even more effective. But if the process of tooth decay has begun, it is not recommended to use it on them. Toothpastes are gentle - most folk remedies consist of abrasive substances.

The most popular and proven remedy is baking soda. Even dentists admit that the product is effective and safe. Baking soda can be used separately, applied to the damp surface of a toothbrush, or mixed with a toothpaste that is constantly used. Too much pressure is not recommended - the enamel can be scratched.

If there is a problem, how to clean teeth from black plaque, use hydrogen peroxide. You need to carefully wipe the enamel with it, trying to ensure that the medicinal substance does not get on the gums - so as not to cause a burn. After treating the jaws with hydrogen peroxide, the mouth should be rinsed with clean water. To achieve the result - a beautiful smile - the procedure is carried out twice a day - morning and evening, for 3 weeks.

Products that contain fruit acids whiten enamel. After oral hygiene measures, teeth should be wiped with a slice of lemon, half a strawberry, or a raspberry. Currants or cherries also contain fruit acids, but they still have coloring properties.

You can also wipe your teeth with the back of the zest of citrus fruits: orange, lemon and grapefruit. The tangerine peel is too thin and cannot cope with the removal of yellowness.

Before using berry-fruit therapy, you need to purchase a sweet paste - after the whitening procedure, you need to brush your teeth to neutralize the destructive effect of fruit acid.

Wood ash or activated carbon are excellent bleaching agents. They can be used alone or mixed with toothpaste. When used without additives, charcoal puree is applied to the surface of the toothbrush - the abrasive agent must be moistened so that it acts softer.

You can clean teeth from tartar at home using this product - baking soda is mixed with charcoal in equal proportions and applied to toothpaste. The effect is achieved after 2-3 weeks.

An old proven remedy - tooth powder - quickly removes plaque of all colors and tartar. You can purchase it without any problems at pharmacies or detergent stores.

Homemade toothpaste

Baking soda, table salt, and regular paste are combined in equal proportions. A few drops of hydrogen peroxide are added to the composition.

After 2 months, there will be no traces or traces of tartar and plaque of various colors left.

Removing yellow plaque - dilute toothpaste with lemon juice and add salt.

A paste made according to the following algorithm will help get rid of plaque and stone:

  • bay leaves are ground into powder;
  • dried lemon zest is also finely ground;
  • the ingredients are mixed with toothpaste and left in a closed container for several hours.

If you don’t have toothpaste on hand, just moisten the product before using to give it a puree-like consistency.

Mouth rinse

After completing the hygiene procedure for brushing your teeth, you need to rinse your mouth.

This process can also be combined with a whitening procedure.

If you use rinses with a whitening effect regularly, you can achieve a snow-white smile without using abrasives - although it will take more time to improve your appearance.

Dental plaque is an accumulation of bacteria, white blood cells, dead mucosal cells, saliva molecules, and food debris. For the most part, it is what creates bad breath. It also causes the formation of tartar, which, in turn, injures the gums and negatively affects the enamel.

Bacteria, which form the basis of dental plaque, often provoke inflammation and caries. Risk factors: smoking, addiction to coffee, tea, consumption of highly colored foods.

The most common reasons for education:

  • ineffective, irregular oral hygiene;
  • predominance of soft food;
  • malocclusion;
  • metabolic disorders that negatively affect the acidity or composition of saliva;
  • negative effects of certain medications;
  • periodontitis (inflammatory processes in the tissues that surround the roots).

It can be soft and hard. Soft plaque is natural and is formed all the time in all people. Occurs when eating and is associated with the characteristics of the microflora of the oral cavity. The bacteria that are present in the mucous membranes do not disappear even after thoroughly cleaning the teeth and tongue and rinsing.

Each tooth has a structureless semi-permeable film (pellicle). It is only 1 micron and contains immunoglobulins, acidic proteins, and enzymes. Exchange processes between saliva and enamel take place through the pellicle.

Microbes of the oral cavity constantly secrete highly adhesive heteropolysaccharides, which allow them to attach to the pellicle. When they accumulate, a soft porous shell is created - plaque. Without regular teeth cleaning, plaque is deposited by bacteria, white blood cells, molecules, dead cells, and food elements. Its thickness will constantly increase, over time it will harden and turn into.

Stages of plaque formation

  1. Stage one lasts 4 hours after brushing the teeth. During this period, the remaining bacteria multiply and spread throughout the oral cavity. After 4 hours, the number of microorganisms in the mouth is approximately 1 million.
  2. Stage two lasts from 4 to 7 hours. During this period, the number of bacteria actively increases and reaches 10 million. Microorganisms, mainly streptococci and lactobacilli, attach to the enamel, forming a thin, soft plaque. The acids that these bacteria produce negatively affect the enamel. This is how tooth decay begins.
  3. Stage three begins at 7 o'clock. Plaque becomes noticeable and its final structure is formed: anaerobic bacteria that do not require oxygen.

It is saliva, or rather the microbes in it, that helps plaque thicken and harden. Soft turns into hard through the process of mineralization. In most people, tartar forms near the mouth of the salivary ducts. Such stones begin to put pressure on the gingival grooves, irritating them, which interferes with the normal metabolism between saliva and tissues. This leads to damage to the enamel, inflammation of the gums develops, and pathology penetrates into the deeper layers.

Preventing plaque requires professional hygiene, which only a dentist can provide. If you try to remove tartar yourself, you can injure soft tissues and enamel.


Only regular, comprehensive cleaning of the oral cavity allows for the prevention of dental plaque. Dentists recommend combining several products to ensure comprehensive prevention.

What to do:

  • drink less coffee;
  • eat more foods with fiber;
  • consult your dentist regularly;
  • choose quality toothpastes;
  • use dental floss and mouthwash.

Means for prevention

  1. Toothbrush. This is the most affordable way to mechanically clean the surface of teeth from plaque and prevent the formation of stones. You need to brush your teeth at least twice a day. First, clean the outer surface by turning the brush from the gums to the cutting edge, polishing the teeth in a circular motion. The inner edge and chewing surface of the lateral teeth are cleaned next. End of cleaning: tongue treatment, mouth rinse. Be sure to wash the brush.
  2. Dental floss (). The floss is pulled with your index fingers and carefully inserted into the space between the teeth. Progressive movements allow you to clear the area of ​​plaque. It is recommended to floss at least once a day before bed, but it is better to do it after meals. Floss is an excellent tartar preventative.
  3. Toothpaste. This remedy must be chosen carefully; it is recommended to seek the help of a dentist. You need to choose a paste: whitening, strengthening, anti-inflammatory, anti-tartar. Doctors often recommend combining different pastes. Only a doctor can prescribe medicinal pastes.
  4. Rinse aid. Many people greatly underestimate the importance of mouthwash. You need to rinse your mouth daily. Medicinal products of this group can influence the process of reproduction of pathogenic bacteria.

In the space between the teeth, alba accumulates to a large extent - white deposits that consist of bacteria and salivary proteins. In this case, caries and gum inflammation can be avoided only with dental floss.

This simple method allows you to clean even the space between tightly fitting teeth from deposits. Only floss can clean the area below the gum line.

An alternative to flossing is a water syringe, which is intended for people with arthritis and tremors.

Types of dental plaque in adults and children


Dark plaque is colored this way due to nicotine tar pigments, which are colored foods. The reason for the formation of such plaque is a violation of the metabolism of phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin D. Saliva protects the oral cavity, it cleans and disinfects. Lack of saliva allows bacteria to multiply and form plaque. In children, dark plaque is not uncommon. It may indicate dysbiosis or.

You cannot deal with dark plaque on your own; you need the help of a dentist. Active cleaning methods only aggravate the process, in this case special therapy is required. Most often, doctors recommend installation to hide the defect.


In children, it may indicate gastrointestinal diseases, dysbacteriosis, helminthic infestation or the presence of. In an adult, black plaque often forms due to the abuse of cigarettes, coffee and alcoholic beverages.

Black plaque can be eliminated by treating its cause. It is impossible to remove black plaque at home; it is not affected by whitening pastes.


Teeth always have natural pigment, so yellow can be a natural color. In this case, we can say that a person has an oversaturation of minerals: then the enamel becomes yellow and hard, and whitening can injure the teeth. Yellow plaque is often hereditary. It is soft and most often forms at the roots of the teeth.

  • bad habits (especially hookah smoking);
  • sugar abuse;
  • diets;
  • injuries;
  • age;
  • poor hygiene;
  • braces.


This type of phenomenon is the most common. Soft white plaque affects all people and accumulates during the day or at night. The formation includes particles of food, mucous, and bacteria. It does not harm your teeth if you clean it regularly. It can be easily removed with a toothbrush.

With irregular or poor hygiene, the white plaque hardens and tartar can form. Pathogenic microorganisms provoke tooth decay and bad breath.

Causes of white plaque:

  • lack of vitamins;
  • unbalanced diet;
  • predominance of soft food.

It is quite possible to deal with white plaque at home, but in some cases you still need to consult a dentist.


A very common phenomenon among smokers and coffee lovers. The components of these products form a film that is very difficult to remove with a toothbrush. Brown plaque is also formed during the production of brown salt due to the abnormal secretion of iron into saliva.

  • rinse with manganese;
  • exposure to chlorinated water;
  • use of iodine;
  • vapors of mercury, lead, nickel, iron or manganese;
  • acid necrosis;
  • Rh conflict during pregnancy.

Brown plaque cannot be removed at home.

Green, orange and red

Greenish and orange plaque is caused by fungi, often in children and adolescents. The green color comes from chlorophylls, and the orange color comes from chromogenic bacteria. Only a dentist can cure the phenomenon.

Reddish deposits may indicate porphyria, a hereditary pathology in which the pigmentation of soft tissues is disrupted. Sometimes the red color is the result of a tooth injury with bleeding and rupture of the pulp sac.

Coffee stain

If you overuse this invigorating drink, a yellow, brown or black film may form on your teeth. If you combine coffee with smoking, a dark film on the enamel cannot be avoided. Such deposits can only be removed in a dental office.

Plaque in smokers

For smokers it is black or dark brown and cannot be removed with a regular brush.

When smoking, nicotine resin, ammonia and phenol components, and tar are deposited on the teeth. Smoke promotes the formation of a film on the teeth, to which germs stick. Smoking stains can only be removed by professional cleaning.

Plaque on a child's teeth

Most often in children, white plaque is found. Regular brushing can help prevent plaque from hardening. Brown and yellow plaque may indicate tooth decay from sucking a pacifier or drinking sugary drinks before bed.

Yellow and green deposits are diagnosed as a fungal infection. Consultation with a dentist is required. Dark types of plaque often appear with dysbacteriosis. In this case, contact a pediatrician.

Prevention in children:

  • air humidification in the children's bedroom;
  • proper oral hygiene;
  • sufficient water intake;
  • eating hard vegetables and fruits;
  • ensuring normal breathing;
  • eliminating milk and juice at night;
  • timely disposal of bottles and nipples.

Plaque on baby teeth can cause tooth decay. It is best to treat diseased teeth rather than remove them. Early removal increases the risk of malocclusion.

How to prevent plaque formation

Plaque on teeth is often a reason to give up bad habits. Quitting smoking and drinking alcohol helps a lot in the fight against deposits on enamel. It is very important to review your diet, add fiber, reduce the amount of coffee and soda. Solid vegetables and fruits allow you to clean your teeth naturally.

It is extremely important to brush your teeth at least twice a day. Fluoride-containing pastes will be the most useful. To fully protect your teeth from plaque, you need to pay attention to the interdental space.

How to get rid of plaque

Whitening pastes can only partially cope with the defect. You need to choose a cleansing method according to the situation, depending on the shade of the deposits, the condition of the enamel, the causes of the phenomenon and the characteristics of the oral cavity of each patient.

The first step is choosing a paste. An ideal product should carefully and effectively remove plaque, restore color without harming the enamel, and normalize the acid-base balance.

Cleaning rules:

  • thoroughly clean the inner surface of the front teeth;
  • With one movement you can brush only two teeth at once;
  • Do not put too much pressure on the gum;
  • When cleaning, the up and down movements should be short.

Comprehensive, complete cleansing is possible only with the use of high-quality toothpaste, dental floss and mouthwash. The brush should be long and its bristles soft and rounded. You need to buy a new brush every three months. To clean the tongue, special brushes and scrapers are used.

There are several types of dental floss: flat ones are needed for tight contact of teeth, round ones are effective for wide interdental openings, and superflosses are applicable in any case.

Ultrasonic cleaning

Cleaning plaque with ultrasound is a painless procedure. The devices are called, when the motor-generator operates, vibrations of 100 million movements per minute are transmitted to the tip. The vibration wave destroys deposits.

Ultrasonic cleaning uses continuous humidification to cool the device and teeth. After cleaning, the roughness is polished.

The ultrasonic method allows you to select the degree of cleaning. You need to repeat the procedure more than 1-2 times a year.

Contraindications to ultrasonic cleaning:

  • frequent colds;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • presence of a pacemaker;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • presence of implants;
  • diseases that are transmitted by contact.

Removing plaque at home

The most effective way to combat plaque is with an electric toothbrush, which removes deposits through vibration. If your mouth is extremely dry, you should use chewing gum without sugar and drink water. Saliva helps us fight pathogens in the mouth and prevents the formation of stones.

Removal methods:

  1. Rinsing. Products such as Peridex and Listerine help remove soft plaque and freshen breath.
  2. Teeth polishing. For whitening, use a paste made from a spoon of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide. The teeth are treated with a cotton swab. Frequent use may damage the enamel.
  3. Drink. A tincture of bean peel and burdock root helps many people whiten their teeth. To prepare, you need to take one tablespoon of raw material and pour a glass of boiling water and leave for half a day. You need to drink the product three times a day in a warm form.
  4. Wiping. Eggplant ash helps to effectively clean enamel. The product can be rubbed with your finger, but it can damage the gums.

Professional cleaning price

The cost of professional whitening will depend on the condition of the teeth, the method and equipment. Laser cleaning costs approximately 100-400 rubles per tooth. An ultrasound procedure costs 30-100 rubles.

In the Middle Ages, it would have been possible to surprise people with a snow-white smile, because then they did not yet know either toothbrushes, powders or pastes for cleaning teeth. Nowadays, with a huge abundance of dental care products and a wide range of dental services, it is surprising to see yellowish or grayish plaque, which can spoil not only a charming smile, but also the impression of its owner.

The main causes of plaque on teeth are:

  • bad habits (smoking);
  • excessive passion for “coloring” drinks (tea, coffee, cola, various energy drinks);
  • side effect of taking medications or decoctions/infusions of certain medicinal herbs;
  • hereditary factor (color of tooth enamel);
  • aging.

It is not in vain that we mentioned the causes of plaque, because before you begin to remove it, you should take care to, if possible, eliminate the cause of its appearance. And if it is almost impossible to fight heredity or aging, then everything else is in our hands.

Dentists around the world offer many ways to remove dental plaque and recommend carrying out such procedures periodically (at least 2-3 times a year), because plaque can not only deprive your smile of its attractiveness, but also threatens to provoke serious problems, for example, destruction of enamel, the appearance of black teeth. edging, tartar, caries and others. Dental clinics offer a wide range of services for removing plaque (and it must be admitted that this pleasure is not cheap, and therefore inaccessible to some), however, if you approach this issue competently, then you can cope with the task at home.

What and how to remove plaque on teeth?

Before we talk about methods of cleaning teeth at home, we would like to immediately warn you that removing plaque at the dentist and home procedures are, as they say, two big differences, because at the doctor it is cleaning the surface of the tooth enamel, and at home it is mechanical action (whitening ), sometimes provided by aggressive means for the condition of the teeth.

We will tell you about methods that are as safe as possible for teeth:

1. Change the brush and paste- the first thing you can do. A hard brush in itself more effectively cleanses teeth of plaque, but it should be noted that it also damages tooth enamel, so it is not recommended to use it constantly, but it is better to use it for several days (courses - no more than a week) 3-4 once a year. Whitening toothpaste will help the brush cope with lightening and cleaning your teeth, but you should choose it not according to the recommendations of commercials, but on the advice of a specialist - a dentist or a consultant at a pharmacy. Using fluoride toothpastes for too long can, on the contrary, cause darkening of tooth enamel. A “hygienic attack” on your teeth will bring more success if you brush your teeth, as recommended by doctors, 2 times a day - morning and evening (before bed), and to top it off, use special rinses - after brushing and after each meal. If you have a problem with food getting stuck between your teeth, use dental floss or chewing gum.

2. Dental guard- a special device, on the inside of which a whitening gel is applied, then the tray is put on the teeth for the whole night. The whitening procedure is thus carried out while you sleep. A dental guard can be ordered from a dentist (he will take an impression of the teeth and make a custom-made mouthguard), which can be used for more than one course. Dental trays can also be purchased at the pharmacy along with teeth whitening gel. However, plastic mouth guards sold in pharmacies are first heated in boiling water before use, then (while the plastic is soft and pliable) they are put on the teeth and allowed to cool. This way you get a mouth guard for your teeth. The further procedure is carried out according to the instructions included with the kit. Unfortunately, this method of teeth whitening weakens tooth enamel.

3. Baking soda- the main bleaching agent at home. However, it should be remembered that with frequent use this substance is not entirely safe for tooth enamel, and the optimal solution would be to use soda once a week, for 2-3 minutes, instead of (or together with) toothpaste or powder, while completing brushing your teeth your usual means. To enhance the whitening effect, baking soda can (sometimes) be moistened with lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide.

4. Activated carbon(same as ash) can remove yellow plaque. Use it as a fine powder, rubbing it into your teeth with a damp toothbrush. After cleaning with charcoal, even tobacco residue is removed. Complete the procedure by brushing your teeth with regular toothpaste and rinsing your mouth thoroughly.

5. Hydrogen peroxide- found in every home medicine cabinet. With its help, you can also clean your teeth of plaque and whiten the enamel. To do this, you need to soak a cotton pad in the solution and thoroughly wipe your teeth with it. If a visible effect cannot be achieved immediately, then you can leave the disc on the teeth for 2-3 minutes.

6. Experts recommend a number of products as a “cleaner” for teeth that can easily remove plaque:

  • It is better to gnaw apples and carrots without chopping them into pieces, because it is the act of biting that mechanically cleanses the surface of the teeth;
  • black radish (you can eat it in pieces or grated with a little lemon juice) even removes tartar.
  • horsetail infusion (30 g of dried raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water and allowed to brew - taken 2 times a day after waking up and before bed for 3-4 weeks);
  • a strong, rich decoction of celandine (semicircular cotton pads are moistened in it and applied to the teeth as a lotion for several minutes) - teeth become half a tone whiter;
  • fresh strawberries or wild strawberries, which are recommended to be eaten before brushing your teeth (fruit acids will soften dense plaque on your teeth). You can make a kind of whitening paste from 1 berry: mash the fruit and add a little baking soda to the pulp, mix and use like regular toothpaste. Use this “paste” for several days. Instead of fresh berries, you can use frozen ones;
  • fresh or dried orange peel, which is rubbed on your teeth every night before bed (the calcium and vitamin C contained in the peel will destroy plaque-causing microorganisms throughout the night);
  • banana peel - rub the inside of your teeth for 3-4 minutes, and then brush with regular paste. The procedure is repeated daily (morning and evening) for several weeks;
  • coconut oil, which is used on an empty stomach before brushing your teeth - put it in your mouth and hold it for 3-4 minutes, then spit it out. The procedure is repeated three times.

To visually “whiten” teeth (if you need to look presentable at a party or at an interview), some tricks are used that will create the effect of lightening plaque:

a glass of milk leaves a thin film on the teeth, creating the appearance of a snow-white smile (unfortunately, the effect lasts until the first meal or drink);

A self-tanner or bronze-colored foundation will draw attention to the skin and distract from the yellowness of the teeth;

jewelry made of silver or white gold with bright stones will also visually “whiten” your smile (but ordinary yellow gold can worsen the impression of yellow teeth).