Hereditary psoriasis: what carriers of defective genes need to know. Causes of occurrence or exacerbation of psoriasis

The disease is one of the most mysterious diseases. In this case, spots appear on the skin in the form of scales that form growths. The scales are mostly white. They can be localized everywhere, even on . The disease begins before the age of 30 and can often cause psychological problems, including social isolation.

The psychological state of the patient is further complicated by the appearance of rashes on the face. Here they also have the appearance of scales and are very itchy.

Psoriasis affects not only the skin, but also the spine, joints, tendons, immune and endocrine systems. Doctors also identify psoriatic damage to the kidneys, liver and even the thyroid gland. The onset of the disease is signaled by chronic weakness, constant fatigue, and depression.

As already noted, the main cause of psoriasis remains unknown today. Noteworthy is the genetic predisposition to this disease, which seems most likely.

Doctors identify the following causes of psoriasis:

  1. Psychological causes of psoriasis, they are also neuro-emotional. It has been noted that after severe nervous shock, the likelihood of psoriasis increases significantly.
  2. According to some doctors, psoriasis can develop as a result of infectious diseases. Among them are influenza, scarlet fever, etc. This group of causes includes herpes infection, as well as fungal infections of the skin.
  3. Psychosomatic causes of psoriasis associated with the state of immunity. Autoimmune genesis is also discussed. Today this is one of the theories that has a large number of supporters. As a result of disruptions in the functioning of the immune system and selective damage to body cells (the protective cells of the immune system attack the skin cell), psoriasis occurs. In this case, the top layer of skin is destroyed, and the cell division cycle accelerates significantly.
  4. Mechanical skin lesions – constant injuries, bites, etc. – contribute a lot to the occurrence of this disease.

Causes of psoriasis

Among the favorable factors appearance of psoriasis The following are distinguished:

  • Excessively thin skin. It contributes to a greater extent to the appearance of psoriatic plaques;
  • Constant contact with chemical reagents, and especially with alcohol solutions of chemically aggressive substances;
  • Fascination with antibacterial soap: it helps to destroy the natural protective barrier of the skin;
  • Alcohol and smoking abuse;
  • Excessive consumption of hot and spicy foods, as well as chocolate;
  • Sudden change in climate zone.

Causes and treatment of psoriasis

Now that the expected ones are known, we need to begin treatment and support the body in every possible way.

To support the body, you need to cleanse it of toxins. They are found in huge quantities in the stomach and intestines, and it is these organs that most need cleansing. A drug like this will completely help us with this. In addition, you need to cleanse your blood and kidneys.

The use of cleansing dietary supplements helps cleanse the body and reduce the manifestations of psoriasis. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, which regulate the activity of blood vessels and improve the nutrition of skin cells, will also be generally beneficial.

Prescribing systemic drugs also gives good results and can slow down the progression of the disease. Immunosuppressants have also been successfully used for this purpose.

Treatment of psoriasis should be comprehensive, so pay attention to other methods: various ointments and creams, as well as special diets and an appropriate lifestyle.

Psoriasis disease and genetics

Because the causes of psoriasis are quite numerous, no specialist can identify the true origin of the disease. This mysterious illness quite often has several underlying factors.

Genetics of psoriasis begins with the proband (initial individual): the brighter and more pronounced the degree of symptoms he has, the higher the likelihood of the disease in his descendants. Molecular genetics studies have identified a number of chromosomes and genes that have a predisposition to psoriasis and are passed on to relatives.

And yet it is still impossible to obtain accurate data on the causes of the disease. The genetics of psoriasis directly depends on the degree of family relationship with the proband.

Psoriasis and psychosomatics

Controls the state of the immune system psychosomatic causes of psoriasis. Thus, failure of the protective function allows the disease to progress confidently. Selective damage to the cells of the skin layers significantly accelerates cell division.

Psychosomatics of psoriasis, as a rule, is caused by the dissatisfaction of the person himself. Moreover, this dissatisfaction can be expressed in any form.

The symptoms of psoriasis build a barrier between the patient and others. Ashamed of his shortcomings, a person is in constant fear and anxiety, thereby further aggravating the disease. Experts say that due to low self-esteem, the psychosomatics of the disease worsens and psoriasis progresses.

Playlist of videos about psoriasis (video selection in the upper right corner)

A disease that has been known for a long time and brings a lot of inconvenience even with the availability of the best treatment methods is generalized psoriasis. Skin pathologies of this type are not confirmed either in terms of confirming the etiology or as the main hypothesis in order to carry out adequate therapy.

The Book of Books - The Bible also mentions skin rashes, which cause inconvenience and make a person very dependent on how others look at him. Where does psoriasis come from and why in certain people? It is worth talking very carefully about the causes of the disease, and since the causes are quite numerous, it is necessary to consider everything. The most mysterious dermatological disease that the greatest healers of antiquity tried to unravel. It was described by almost everyone - the father of medicine Hippocrates, and the great healer of Asia - Abu ibn Sina, and the famous infectious disease specialist of the Middle Ages Paracelsus, Doctor Botkin, Pavlov, Mechnikov. All of them, one way or another, tried to find the sources of this very mysterious disease, which was the true scourge of society. The etiology of psoriasis could be very different. At some times, psoriasis was considered a disease unique to the common people. In other periods, pathology of this type was considered a special disease of individuals belonging to royal families. The disease was called the “devil star” as a symbol of the mark of evil forces or the “pearl” as a sign of belonging to the highest strata of society.

And this is completely justified by the clinical picture, when a lot of spots appear on the skin - scales, which subsequently form large-scale growths. The peculiarity of the scales is that they are white and localized everywhere, especially often on the scalp. Rashes begin to appear in middle age - around thirty years of age. It is precisely due to the less aesthetic appearance that extremely serious problems of a social nature arise, up to the complete isolation of a person. This is especially true for complications of the patient’s psychological state due to the appearance of a rash on the skin of the face. Severe itching and burning, cracking of the skin under the scales leads to macerations subsequently appearing, which later turn into wounds. The peculiarity of psoriasis is that psoriasis affects both the skin and the area of ​​the spine, joints, tendons, the immune and endocrine systems. Psoriatic lesions of the kidneys, liver, and thyroid gland are many levels more dangerous. It is also necessary to emphasize that the primary signs of pathology are neurotic somatics, manifested in chronic weakness, constant fatigue, depression and a neurotic state. It is these signs that can be signaling in the area of ​​​​the appearance of psoriasis, as well as many other skin pathologies.

About causes and symptoms

The causes and possible reasons for the appearance of this rather serious, dangerous and mysterious disease remain very little studied today. The etiology and pathogenesis of psoriasis is still not well defined. Today, there are several groups of possible causes for the appearance of this serious pathology:

Genetics and prospects

As mentioned above, the main cause-and-effect relationship between the occurrence, course, and further development scenario of the pathology depends on how accurately the reason due to which this pathology appears is established. When contacting a specialist - a therapist, dermatologist or pediatrician, you should remember exactly which of your relatives and friends might have psoriasis, since complicated genetics can affect the appearance of pathology in a particular person.

Long-term studies of psoriasis and its etiology have proven the correctness of one of the versions regarding the appearance of pathology. It is transmitted in most cases hereditarily and only in a certain sequence - through generations. It is in this case that before you see a doctor, it is worth remembering whether the patient’s grandparents had a similar disease. They are not always diagnosed, but any skin rash can be a confirmation of the possibility of psoriasis.
And if you begin to understand that your nerves are far from ideal, and stress is increasingly overtaking in a variety of situations, you should take care of yourself and limit such cases. In the vast majority of registered complaints, oddly enough, the provoking factor is significant stress, a neurological disease, or psycho-emotional trauma. The initial factor in psoriasis and its pathogenesis is the so-called proband, that is, the initial individual who usually suffers from psoriasis. Subsequent generations also usually suffer from varying degrees of pathology. Subsequent studies of the pathological condition make it possible to determine a fairly large number of molecular changes that are hereditary.

Symptoms and features of manifestation, external appearance repels society from the patient, shortcomings become a real scourge for a person. Fear and anxiety, worry and excessive suspiciousness lead to additional stress, which, in turn, increases the manifestations of the disease. Thus, the progress of an already disturbing disease begins.

Many conscripts ask themselves the question: Should they join the army if they have psoriasis? Or not? No, people with psoriasis are not accepted into the army. Psoriasis is not a conscript disease! According to the law, fitness category “B” is assigned and a deferment from the army is given (untimely). To avoid being affected by this skin condition, please read the information below carefully. You ask why people with psoriasis are not accepted into the army?

geographical differences in the incidence of psoriasis and found that the prevalence of psoriasis in different countries correlates closely with historical mortality from epidemics of streptococcal infections such as scarlet fever and erysipelas, and suggested that changes in genotype in response to streptococcal infection reduce mortality from these infections and cause predisposition to psoriasis.

Many people ask whether psoriasis gives them disability? How to get disability? I will try to answer these and other questions. Because often doctors don’t give a clear answer. Basically they say that psoriasis does not qualify for disability. They themselves know little about this and are misleading the people. Disability gives the patient certain benefits for housing and communal services, receiving free medications, free travel to the place of treatment, and a trip to a sanatorium.

Biopsy is the only test for today skin psoriasis, others have not yet been invented. The remaining tests are additional, since psoriasis is a systemic disease that affects many organs.

The first signs of psoriasis symptoms on the body are red, scaly patches that look like large dandruff on the body. The diameter of the spots at the first stage of psoriasis is usually from 2 mm to 5 ruble coins, in the initial stage. For clarity, there are photos with the first symptoms of psoriasis in pictures. As the disease progresses, plaques on the skin increase to large sizes and merge with those spots that are nearby.

It is known that patients with psoriasis have a reduced quality of life due to the presence of rashes on both open and closed areas of the skin, and difficulties in social contacts are of greatest importance for them; Patients with psoriasis are characterized by low self-esteem and shyness.

Taking probiotics once a day for four weeks improves the skin condition of young, healthy women, scientists have found. In a previous study on a similar topic, researchers found that probiotics, defined as live microorganisms, or beneficial bacteria, could be used to treat skin conditions.

In Chelyabinsk, a Center for Immunallergopathology was opened on the basis of the advisory clinic of the regional clinical hospital. The decision to create the Center on the basis of the allergy clinic, which has worked at the Chelyabinsk OKB since 1972, was made by the chief physician of the institution, Dmitry Altman.

Egis is launching local production of the biosimilar infliximab Flammegis® at the Russian production site in the Kirov region. Flammegis® is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis, psoriasis, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis.

In ancient Greece, Olympic athletes smeared themselves with honey, hoping to increase their strength, writes Gloria Havenhand. Honey contains glucose and fructose, which lead to the accumulation of animal starch in the liver, writes The Daily Mail. Then, just one spoon of honey contains 22 calories, and the same amount of sugar contains 15 calories.

Psoriasis is a chronic dermatosis of unknown etiology with a very complex pathogenesis and relapsing course. Most researchers currently share the view that this is a systemic disease of the body of a multifactorial nature with the participation of genetic and environmental factors. This same point of view prevails, based on experience and observation, among the participantsforum "Psoriasis? Let's be treated together!" .

There are many theories about the causes and mechanisms of psoriasis development. Next, we will dwell on the genetic (hereditary) theory of etiology, noting that, among many other theories and hypotheses of the occurrence of this disease, it is currentlyis one of the main. The prerequisites for it were numerous reliable observations of mass cases of familial manifestations of this dermatosis with a high risk of severity of the disease in the first two decades of life . At the present stage of our knowledge, psoriasis can be represented as a chronic relapsing systemic disease, moreover, developing, as a rule, in genetically predisposed individuals. The basis of the clinical symptoms of psoriasis is the increased reproduction of epidermal cells throughout the skin of patients, which indicates a disruption in the activity of the central neuro-endocrine parts of the regulatory system that controls the functional state of cells.

When studying the role of heredity in the occurrence of psoriasis, data were obtained that clearly support this concept. It was found that metabolic disorders in the blood and skin of patients are persistent, occur early, precede clinical manifestations and are detected in clinically healthy blood relatives with familial psoriasis. Changes in the metabolism of proteins, fats, enzymes and electrolytes in psoriasis are also inherited, which creates a predisposition to the disease. It is believed that this process is based on enzymopathies of genetic origin. The manifestation of the disease is observed under the influence of exo- and endogenous factors (physical exposure, infectious diseases, social factors, etc.).

In the skin vessels of patients with psoriasis and their blood relatives, the same type of ultrastructural pathological changes were discovered, which appear long before the clinical manifestations of the disease. The empirical risk of inheriting psoriasis was determined. For siblings of the proband, i.e. siblings for whom comparison is being made, the risk is 6.1-7.75% (siblings are brothers and sisters and have 50% of common genes); if both parents are healthy - 4.7%; in the presence of one sick parent - 14.5-16.7% (with a theoretical probability of 25% for the child in this case, and 75% if both parents are sick). 60% of patients have relatives and ancestors who suffer or have suffered from psoriasis.

Recent studies have established that psoriasis is associated with various genetic markers, the presence of which is a risk for developing the disease. Some researchers also do not exclude the influence of viruses on the genetic apparatus of the cell. As a result of the introduction of a virus into the genome of a cell, the code of hereditary information is disrupted and a new genome of transformed cells with altered hereditary properties is created.

However, being multifactorially inherited, psoriasis is not, strictly speaking, a hereditary disease. It has been proven that psoriasis is inherited in an autosomal dominant manner, with incomplete penetrance. The study of the molecular genetic basis of the development of lichen planus has made it possible to establish an important role in the determination of predisposition to psoriasis for many genes. To date, several chromosomal susceptibility loci to psoriasis have been mapped. The most significant in this group is considered to be the PSORS 1 locus in the 6p21.3 region, extending from the MICA gene to the CDSN gene, where the genes of the HLA system (Human Leukocytes Antigens) are located, among which the HLA-Cw6 antigen shows a significant association with the disease. It is possible that the PSORS 1 locus does not contain a single main gene responsible for the occurrence of psoriasis, but rather a cluster of alleles that are associated with the development of the disease. Currently, an association of allele 2 and a set of alleles 1/2 of the M6S190 marker with severe psoriasis has been shown. An association of histocompatibility antigens HLA-B13, HLA-B17 with vulgar psoriasis, and HLA-B27 with arthropathic psoriasis has been established.

Several stand outetiological and pathogenetic factors thatpredispose to the development of the disease and provoke its clinical manifestations.Today we can say with confidence that the main predisposing factor is genetic. However, the cause of psoriasis is multifactorial, i.e. pathogenic factors are changes in lipid, enzymatic, partially protein and carbohydrate metabolism, shifts in amino acid metabolism, combination with foci of focal infection of streptococcal or viral nature. In essence, as mentioned above, it is not psoriasis itself that is inherited, but a predisposition to it - changes in neuro-endocrine mechanisms, changes in metabolism, and structural features of the skin. In addition, it should be borne in mind that psoriasis is generally quite common, and therefore the presence of the disease in parents (or other relatives) and in children is not always associated with hereditary factors. Based on the above, psoriasis, being a polyetiological disease, requires the same multifaceted approach in its treatment.

Genetic features

Psoriasis and heredity are two interrelated concepts, although the exact cause of the corresponding disease has not been established. It is known that in psoriasis the process of keratinization of keratinocytes is disrupted. Local inflammation of the epidermis occurs.

Psoriasis is not contagious. It is not transmitted through physical contact, and the reason for its progression lies in the peculiarities of the functioning of each organism. Metabolic disorder, autoimmune dysfunction occurs.

If he finds himself in an environment where he is exposed to unfavorable circumstances, then the chance of disease progression increases sharply. On the other hand, the absence of such conditions does not guarantee the elimination of the acquired pathology.

According to statistics, if one of the parents has psoriasis, then the chance of transmitting the pathology to offspring is 14-18%. When mom and dad are affected by the corresponding disease, the likelihood that children will develop psoriasis in the future is 50-70%.

Mother and child

Psoriasis is a non-congenital disease. It occurs against the backdrop of the baby’s development and his interaction with environmental factors. 15-20% of cases of disease transmission occur through the maternal line.

It is difficult to prevent such developments. Doctors teach future parents how to behave if a disease occurs. Whether it can be avoided or not is determined by the individual characteristics of each organism.

Father and child

Psoriasis is a multifactorial disease that is encoded by a specific gene sequence. It can be inherited from the father. After conception, the embryo receives 50% of the genetic material of both parents.

When defective loci are transmitted as part of the genome, then the chance of developing pathology increases. The risk of inheriting the disease from the father is 12-18%.

No one can determine exactly which specific genes a child will receive. After birth, it is important to monitor the condition of the baby's skin. The appearance of the first characteristic symptoms indicates the possible transmission of defective genes.

Psoriasis is not a genetic disease in the classical sense of the term. Its development is additionally controlled by environmental factors. Typical hereditary pathologies progress, regardless of environmental conditions.

Aggravating factors

The disease requires additional exposure to provoking agents. They stimulate local inflammation, impaired maturation, keratinization, and rejection of keratinocytes.

Factors stimulating hereditary disease:

  • weakening of immune defense;
  • contact with chemicals;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions;
  • past infections;
  • bad habits . This factor is typical for children in adolescence and adolescence;
  • congenital dry skin.

Against the background of these nuances, the risk of rapid progression of the corresponding pathology increases. To minimize its occurrence, it is necessary to eliminate their influence.

It is simply impossible to isolate a child after birth from all factors. Parents should constantly monitor the condition of the baby’s skin to identify the presence of pathology.

Psoriasis is a genetic disease, the progression of which depends on various circumstances. The mechanisms of inheritance transmission of pathology are still being studied.

Since a universal mechanism of inheritance of the disease has not been established, the best option for correcting the condition of children suffering from psoriasis from birth is timely, comprehensive therapy.