Lyudmila Rozanova actress personal life children. Biography of Irina Rozanova: unsuccessful marriages, reasons for the absence of children. Biography, life story of Irina Yuryevna Rozanova

Irina Yuryevna Rozanova is a Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. In 2007 she received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Irina Rozanova is a great actress. She plays her roles with great talent and at ease. Her characters seem to come to life on television. It seems that she is capable of playing any role, coping with any task. Directors and screenwriters consider the participation of this talented actress in their film to be advantageous and successful.

It’s hard to imagine, but Irina Rozanova as an actress might not have existed. The thing is that earlier she took criticism of her talent from the capital’s acting teacher too seriously. But, fortunately for the audience, she managed not to lose heart and continued to be creative.

Now Irina Rozanova is quite a sought-after and popular actress; she is invited to various projects. Her biography is full of interesting facts.

Irina Yuryevna Rozanova looks great. She has a lot of fans who want to know as much information as possible about her. Many are also interested in the physical data of the talented actress, such as her height, weight, age. You can’t tell how old Irina Rozanova is right away. The actress looks young. By the way, the request “Irina Rozanova - photos in her youth and now” is quite popular on the Internet.

Today, the actress is 56 years old. Her height is 180 centimeters, the actress weighs about 56 kilograms.

According to her zodiac sign, Irina Rozanova belongs to the sensual and creative Cancer, and according to the eastern calendar she is a hardworking and persistent Ox.

Irina Rozanova leads an active lifestyle. He travels often, loves fishing and picking mushrooms. He tries to watch his diet, especially when his figure loses shape. But the actress eats any food, preferring potatoes, in any form.

Biography of Irina Rozanova

The biography of Irina Rozanova began in the quiet town of Penza. The future actress was born on July 22, 1961. Later the family moved to Ryazan. Father - Yuri Albertovich Rozanov, announcer, sports commentator. Mother - Zoya Belova, actress.

The girl did well at school and studied music.

I entered GITIS the second time. Remez believed in her acting talent and took her to his course. Already in her second year at GITIS in 1984, Irina Rozanova joined the troupe of the Mayakovsky Theater and worked there until the end of her studies at the university (1988). Later she became an actress at the Chelovek studio and the Malaya Bronnaya Theater.

Filmography: films starring Irina Rozanova

Irina Rozanova's filmography is quite extensive. “The Scarlet Stone”, “Voroshilov Shooter”, “Mistress”, “Gyulchatai” and others are just some of the films with the participation of the talented actress.

Personal life of Irina Rozanova

The personal life of Irina Rozanova was often discussed in the media. The actress was credited with many novels, especially with her stage colleagues. It's all about the actress's brilliant performance. She got used to the role so much that it was difficult to separate her from reality.

As the actress herself states, she falls in love very often. Although her greatest love is the stage. It was to her that Irina Rozanova devoted herself. The actress parted easily with her boyfriends and for a long time they remained on friendly terms.

The actress never found her man, although she was married more than once. She treats her exes with special warmth and sincerity.

Family of Irina Rozanova

Irina Rozanova’s family is creative and bright. The actress very early felt the spirit of the theater, the bustle before theatrical performances.

Her father is a talented announcer and sports commentator. Was awarded the TEFI Prize. Mother is a talented Soviet theater and film actress who devoted her entire life to art. She died in 2015.

Irina Rozanova's parents never offended her, almost never scolded her and never raised a hand to her.

Irina Rozanova was named after her grandmother, who had many children and was simply a wonderful person.

Children of Irina Rozanova

The children of Irina Rozanova are a sore subject for the actress. In marriage and not only the actress tried to get pregnant, but nothing worked. She was given a terrible diagnosis - infertility. Irina Rozanova was very worried about this and often cried.

In the film “Nine Months,” the actress had to play a pregnant woman, but in real life she did not have the opportunity to experience all the joys of upcoming motherhood. Irina Rozanova loves children very much and simply dreams of her child. Perhaps fate will smile on her and a miracle will happen. Then she will become the happiest woman.

Irina Rozanova's ex-husband - Evgeny Kamenkovich

Irina Rozanova’s ex-husband, Evgeny Kamenkovich, became the first husband of the talented actress. The young people met at GITIS. They got married when they were in their third year and separated after two years of marriage.

The family life of Irina Rozanova and Evgeny Kamenkovich was not ideal. They often quarreled and loudly sorted things out. The reason for the divorce was not stated, but as Irina Rozanova herself claims, they simply did not get along in character.

Today Evgeny Kamenkovich is a famous director.

Irina Rozanova's common-law husband - Dmitry Meskhiev

Irina Rozanova’s common-law husband, Dmitry Meskhiev, became the second chosen one of the talented actress. The young people met in 1989 on the set of the film Gambrinus. Literally immediately a whirlwind romance began between them.

The couple lived together for a couple of years and separated without registering an official relationship. Rumor has it that the reason for the collapse of family life was frequent scandals, constant family quarrels and drunken showdowns

Today Dmitry Meskhiev is a famous director and producer.

Irina Rozanova's ex-husband - Timur Weinstein

Irina Rozanova's ex-husband, Timur Weinstein, a producer, became the second official husband of the famous actress. The young people held a modest wedding ceremony. They invited only the people closest to them. Irina Rozanova and Timur Weinstein not only officially registered their relationship, but also got married.

Their family life was close to ideal. Timur Weinstein loved his wife very much, continued to look after her and pay her beautiful compliments.

After some time, the couple finally separated. The cause of the breakdown of family relationships was Irina Rozanova’s miscarriage, after which she was diagnosed with infertility. The actress left her husband without even taking her things. As she said, she had already lost the most important thing in her life.

Irina Rozanova's ex-husband - Grigory Belenky

Irina Rozanova's ex-husband is Grigory Belenky, a cinematographer. He became the third official husband of the talented actress. The young people met on the set of the movie “Monday’s Children” in 1997. Their relationship was filled with tenderness and romance. Grigory Belenky unexpectedly proposed to Irina Rozanova on the set of the film “Old Nags.”

Their wedding ceremony was quiet and quiet. They played it at Eldar Ryazanov's dacha. But this marriage also did not last long.

Irina Rozanova's common-law husband - Bakhtiyar Khudoynazarov

Irina Rozanova’s common-law husband, Bakhtiyar Khudoynazarov, director, became the last famous chosen one of the talented actress. Their romance began in 2006 on the set of the film Tanker Tango.

Irina Rozanova and Bakhtiyar Khudoynazarov lived very friendly and loved each other. The director proposed to her several times, but Irina Rozanova did not give her consent. So the couple lived together for about five years, and in 2011 they separated.

After this relationship, the topic of Irina Rozanova’s personal life became closed to the public.

Photos of naked Irina Rozanova can be found in the movie “Intergirl” and in a number of other works. During her career, Irina Rozanova stripped off in front of the camera more than once for filming. She has a wonderful figure, and, in principle, she had nothing to be ashamed of.

It is worth noting that all the candid photos were quite chaste. The most that actress Irina Rozanova showed was her breasts. Therefore, there is no point in criticizing the artist for her indecent behavior. Moreover, many people liked such shots.

Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Rozanova

As noted earlier, the actress has a lot of fans, so Instagram and Wikipedia Irina Rozanova are quite a popular request on the Internet.

It is worth noting that the actress does not have an Instagram page. Wikipedia contains general information about the life and creative path of the actress. Here is her biography, filmography, you can get acquainted with her awards and prizes, as well as creative plans. The information is reliable, written in understandable language and accessible to every Internet user.

For many famous directors, Irina Rozanova has become a lucky talisman, because the films in which she takes part will certainly be awarded at various competitions and film festivals. Having played many star roles, the actress always let the fates of her heroines pass through her, while noting many common features with them. Being an emotional and decisive person with original beauty, she is still in love with her work, thanks to which she is adding new works to her creative biography.

Over the years, Rozanova has learned to accept life with all its problems and difficulties, which allows her to build harmonious relationships with the people around her.

Childhood and choice of future profession

The birth of the future movie star took place in 1961 in Penza, but soon the whole family changed their place of residence, settling in Ryazan. The baby was named in honor of grandmother Irina, who raised seven children. Her father, Yuri Rozanov, originally from Kostroma, was a mine trawler in the North Sea in his youth. Having been discharged ashore for health reasons, he returned to his native place, where he met the actress’s mother, Zoya Belova, who, after graduating from the Moscow theater school, did not stay in the capital, but preferred Kostroma. Thanks to her mother’s influence, her father also acquired an acting education, after which Rozanova’s parents served together at the Ryazan Drama Theater. In addition to the actress, her older brother Pavel also grew up in the family.

The actress with her brother Pavel as a child.

Little Irina grew up as a nimble and active girl, often going on forest hikes and fishing with her father. Being a behind-the-scenes child, she and her parents traveled around the cities with performances. It is not surprising that her first appearance on the theater stage happened at the age of 5, when in the play “Jenny Gerhard” a girl was urgently needed to play the role of the daughter of the heroine Vesta. The young actress also studied at a music school, after which she entered a music school. But she was not destined to become a musician, as the girl decided to follow in the footsteps of her parents. She went to Moscow, where she applied to various theater universities. While auditioning at the Shchepkinsky School, Irina could not cope with her excitement, which is why she read the poem poorly and did not qualify for the competition.

She returned home and, in order not to waste time, got a job in the theater, where she not only took part in the crowd, but also put stage costumes in order. The actress’s mother was worried about her daughter and tried to help her in some way, writing a secret letter to a famous theater teacher. After some time, Rozanova was able to enter GITIS: on the recommendation of a professional actor, she prepared a number for the entrance exams that matched her appearance. Having become a student, the girl settled in a room rented by her parents, and her nanny Lisa moved in with her.

Successful film career

Having received her education, the GITIS graduate began serving at the Mayakovsky Theater, where she had to play while still a student. It was within those walls that Irina managed to work and communicate closely with the legendary personality Natalya Gundareva, who played a significant role in the development of her acting career on stage. It was she who advised the young actress to take part in television series, anticipating their great popularity at that time. Later, Rozanova also played on the stage of the theaters on Malaya Bronnaya and Lenkom, and is currently involved in enterprise productions.

The photo shows Irina Rozanova in her youth.

Collaboration with cinema became more successful and fruitful for her than theatrical activities. Irina’s first popularity came at the age of 28, when she played the role of Sima, nicknamed “Gulliver,” in the acclaimed film “Intergirl.” Pyotr Todorovsky immediately noted the talent of the young actress, thanks to which he invited her to his next work - the film “Anchor, more anchor!”, released in 1992.

Still from the 1986 film “The Scarlet Stone.”

For her role as nurse Lyuba Antipova, she was recognized by the jury at the Constellation Film Festival, receiving a prize as the best performer in the leading female role. But even after these bright works of Irina, interest in her talent for transformation among directors and spectators did not fade away, thanks to which such characters as Natasha (aka Baroness von Doering) from the historical film “St. Petersburg Secrets”, successful lawyer Elena from the melodrama appeared in her filmography “The mistress, Mark’s mother from the melodrama “Provincial Girl”, Antonina in the film “Terror with Love”, Lydia Gorina in the series “Katerina. Return of Love”, Catherine the First in the television series “Peter the First. Testament”, Ekaterina Furtseva in the series “Furtseva. The Legend of Catherine" and many others.

“Petersburg secrets”.

Rozanova had to transform herself not only into positive but also negative heroines. In the film “In You I Trust,” she played the role of a cruel orphanage teacher. When this picture was released, the actress had to listen to a lot of unpleasant words, however, there were also words of gratitude, since many viewers looked at themselves from the outside, stopping beating their children after watching the film. For the sake of the role, Irina agrees to a lot: to play an ugly old woman, to cut her hair bald, to dye her hair a different color, but she will never agree to gain a few kilograms.

Among her latest works, we can note her roles in such TV series as “Shuttle Girls”, “Bachelorette Party”, “Once Upon a Time”, “Garden Ring”, where the actress played not only the main characters, but also secondary characters. Currently, she has more than 150 films in her treasury, but she continues to actively act in film. In 2018, Rozanova’s work schedule is still busy, which will allow her to present several roles to the audience at once. She is busy in such projects as “Shuttle Girls-2”, “Badaber Fortress”, “Family People”, “Poor Girl” and others.

Novels and relationships with ex-lovers

The tall, stately beauty (her height is 180 cm) has always enjoyed great attention from the opposite sex. Her first love was classmate Sergei Pantyushin, whom the girl’s parents trusted endlessly. After the school prom, the young people's paths diverged, but for a long time this beautiful and bright novel remained in her memory. Now the former lover lives in Anapa with his family, they sometimes call each other, in addition, Irina knows his wife well.

In the photo, Evgeny Kamenkovich is the ex-husband of Irina Rozanova.

Her first husband was Evgeny Kamenkovich, now a famous director, whom they met while studying at GITIS. This marriage lasted only a couple of years, and then the couple divorced, unable to withstand everyday difficulties. Soon she had an office romance: on the set of the film Gambrinus, director Dmitry Meskhiev drew attention to the young beauty. This relationship lasted several years, but the lovers never went to the registry office. She met her second husband, producer Timur Weinstein, at the Cannes Film Festival. Soon the romance grew into marriage, and both spouses dreamed of adding children to their family. But it turned out that the actress had a miscarriage, after which there was a breakdown in her relationship with her husband. The couple hardly saw each other, as both were immersed in work.

Timur Weinstein is the second husband of the actress.

After the divorce, Rozanova was still able to establish her personal life again, meeting with cameraman Grigory Belenky. Their relationship began during the filming of the film “Monday’s Children,” and after a while they played a wedding, which they organized at Eldar Ryazanov’s dacha. Many colleagues considered their couple strong and friendly, but, unfortunately, this marriage of the actress was doomed. The former spouses never admitted why their family broke up, believing that no one should know the details of their family life.

In 2006, Irina starred with director Bakhtiyor Khudoynazarov in the film “Tanker ‘Tango”, but at the same time their romance developed. The lovers chose not to tie the knot; moreover, the director himself often went to Germany, and the star of the series “Furtseva. The Legend of Catherine" remained in Russia. For five whole years, the common-law spouses went to visit each other, but soon a period came when this relationship exhausted itself. In the spring of 2015, it became known about the death of Khudoynazarov, who died of oncology. During the days of her illness, Rozanova often went to see the director, trying to support him in difficult times.

All her ex-husbands remained devoted and close friends to her. Even without living under the same roof with them, the actress never stopped taking care of them. Irina believes that the main reason for all divorces from her husbands is the fact that she never gave birth to children. Despite the fact that she did not become a mother, Rozanova was able to realize her unspent maternal love. She first babysat her nieces Anna and Natalya, her brother's daughters, and then their children. Now the movie star spends a lot of his free time with his beloved grandchildren, Yegor and Makar. She does not rule out that if she meets an interesting man, she will want to fall in love again, but for now she enjoys peace and tranquility.

Secrets of a slim figure and lifestyle

Even before filming the film “Anchor, more anchor!” Irina decided to quit smoking, after which she was drawn to sweets. Already plump, the actress began filming in the film by Pyotr Todorovsky, who was only pleased with her figure. However, she was still able to significantly lose weight when she starred in the series “St. Petersburg Mysteries.” After the transformation, many viewers did not always recognize her as a famous actress, as they were used to seeing her on screen as a buxom beauty. Rozanova managed to cope with excess weight on her own, without the recommendations of nutritionists and doctors. She began to eat in small portions, but often, making sure to include foods such as asparagus, garlic and meal in her diet.

In her free time, she manages to look after her home, bringing order and cleanliness everywhere. During long evenings, the actress likes to be alone, quietly doing her favorite things, such as drawing. At home, she can afford to be ugly, preferring to wear loose clothes and no makeup. Irina practically never attends social events, and you don’t often see her on the covers of magazines. She does not strive to purchase branded items and is calm about diamonds, so she often wears earrings with simple stones, which she prefers.

Rozanova regrets spending her time on the Internet. She will happily read a book or leaf through a new script. Having crossed the 50-year mark, the actress does not feel her age, as she intends to do a lot more in her profession, as well as solve many life issues.

Irina Rozanova's parents are actors of the Ryazan Drama Theater. The mother, People's Artist of the RSFSR Zoya Belova, appeared on stage even when she was 8 months pregnant. The parents were constantly at the theater or on tour, and they always took their daughter with them. Irina says that she grew up behind the scenes, and from early childhood knew many roles by heart. She first appeared on stage as a five-year-old girl. True, her parents tried in every possible way to get her interested in music. After graduating from music school, she entered a music school, but soon left it and went to Moscow to take exams at the Theater Institute.

“I don’t regret that I left the music school. I understood that I had exhausted both myself and the teachers. Although they predicted a good future for me. But I understood that I was unlikely to become a brilliant performer. If we remember history, we will find that everything "Outstanding musicians are mostly men. Theater is probably the only thing I can do," admits Irina. Although the first admission was unsuccessful, Rozanova failed the exams at GITIS and returned home.

The girl spent a whole year preparing for admission, while simultaneously working as a costume designer in the theater. A year later she entered, Oscar Remez took her to the course, believing in his student’s talent.


While still studying, Irina played in the production of “Blonde” by Kama Ginkas. Largely thanks to her role in this play, she was invited to the Mayakovsky Theater, which remained Rozanova’s place of work until 1988.

Then Rozanova played at the Chelovek Studio Theater. Sergei Zhenovach, then a beginning director, invited her there and immediately gave her a role in “Little Lady.” Since 1991, they worked together at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya. Then she worked for a year at Lenkom. After leaving there, she decided that she would only play in private performances. Now Irina acts more in films than in the theater.


She made her screen debut in the role of limit-maker Lucy in the social melodrama “My Girlfriend” in 1985. This film became the first independent directorial work. Then she played Natasha in the melodrama “The Scarlet Stone” by Valery Isakov, then such films as “The End of Operation Resident” and “With Open Doors” were released.

In the late eighties, Irina Rozanova actively continued to act. Viewers remember her Tatyana in the psychological drama “Having lied once...”; Marusya in “The Bandit and the King” by Vladimir Alenikov; Margarita in "The Servant".

The actress’s successful film career was her work in a film where she was simply irresistible in the role of the main character’s wife. In just a few minutes, she was able to create a rich, complete image of a woman who was completely satisfied with her husband’s endless amorous adventures.

In 1989, Irina Rozanova appeared in a comedy filmed by director Anatoly Eyramdzhan. In the same year, the filmography was replenished with the film. The actress managed to create a complex psychological image of the vulgar and rude woman Sima Gulliver, a former weaver who became a prostitute. “We all already knew the name of Pyotr Efimovich Todorovsky and dreamed not only of touching or acting with him, but at least standing next to him,” says the actress. I dreamed of playing the main role in this film. But when I came to talk to him, he immediately said : “That’s it, our Sima-Gulliver has been found.” Then Pyotr Efimovich asked who I would like to play, and when he heard that I wanted the main role, he joked: “If such women are taken away from Russia, the country will shoot me.” By the way, after this film we became very good friends, and to this day we often film and communicate.”

In 1992, Pyotr Todorovsky again invited her to his film - “Anchor, more anchor!” This story captivatingly tells about all aspects of human life: love, betrayal, squabbles, cowardice, meanness, death. The actress’s work was highly praised at the Constellation-92 film festival and received the prize “For Best Performance of a Leading Role.”

In 1992, Irina Rozanova starred in the psychological drama “I Trust in You,” in which she tried on a negative image. The actress played a cruel orphanage teacher who could easily raise her hand to a child.

In 1997, in the melodrama, Irina created the image of a lonely middle-aged woman to whom her sister “plants” her husband. It was he who was once her first love, and when meeting the past face to face, the feelings of these people flared up with renewed vigor. This film brought her victory in the nomination "For Best Actress" at the festival "Vivat Cinema of Russia!" in 1998.

Since the 90s, Irina Rozanova has constantly appeared in TV series. One of the most popular was "Petersburg Mysteries". It is no exaggeration to say that the whole country watched this television series. In it, Irina got the role of Natalya Alekseevna von Dering. The actress believes that you can act talentedly in TV series, which she herself proves by playing bright roles and creating strong characters.

The 2000s began with the role of the mother of the main character in the film “Two Comrades”. This was followed by brilliant work in. The image of Marya Petrovna in this drama, a deeply unhappy woman, brought her another award for “Best Actress”.

In 2011, a mini-series was released, directed by Vladimir Bortko based on the novel “Evenings with Peter the Great” by Daniil Granin. The film tells about the last two years of Peter I and contains elements of fiction, not literally corresponding to the data of modern historical science. Irina played Catherine the First.

The audience remembered the film "Furtseva. The Legend of Catherine", where Rozanova brilliantly played the main role.

In recent years, with the participation of the actress, the following TV series have also been released: “Zhukov”, “,”. In addition, she has starred in several full-length films, including “Happy New Year, Moms!” and. Irina believes that it is better to get tired of the amount of work than from her absence.

Personal life

“Not a word about personal life!” - Irina's motto. Even abstract questions about her feelings and experiences evoke a harsh reaction: “What are you asking about now? About her personal life or creativity? I’ll answer about creativity...”. However, it is known that the actress was married three times, but she has no children. She treats her ex-husbands with respect and warmth. She got married for the first time in her third year at GITIS to her classmate Evgeniy Kamenkovich. Their marriage lasted only two years. Her next husband was producer and businessman Timur Weinstein, but the actress left him after she lost her child, which became a real tragedy for her. For the third time, Irina registered a relationship with cameraman Grigory Belenky. They got married in 2000 and separated after 6 years, remaining friends. Now Irina is not officially married, but at the same time she assures that “she has never been lonely. It was your journalistic fraternity that decided that I would come to an empty apartment, and so on... But I’ll tell you honestly, I’m a very family person.”

Titles and awards

  • Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1995)
  • People's Artist of the Russian Federation (2007)
  • Winner of the "Stars of Tomorrow" Prize at the acting festival of the same name in Geneva (1991, for his role in the film "Cloud-Paradise")
  • Winner of the Prize "For the best performance of the leading female role" at the film festival "Constellation-92" (for his role in the film "Anchor! More anchor!")
  • in 1993 she was awarded the Golden Aries award in the category “Best Actress of the Year”.
  • Laureate of the Seagull Prize (1995)
  • Winner of the Prize for Best Actress of the Film Festival "Vivat Cinema of Russia!" (1998, for his role in the film "Monday's Children")
  • In 2006, she won the Nika Award for Best Supporting Actress in the film Kolya - Tumbleweed.
  • Golden Eagle Award for Best Actress on Television (Furtseva, 2012).

Based on materials from the sites:,,,, 7 Days,,,, RIA Novosti.

Filmography: Actress

  • In a foreign land (2018), TV series
  • Two tickets home (2018)
  • Crimean Bridge. Made with Love (2018)
  • Shuttlewomen. Sequel (2018), TV series
  • From the Bottom of the Top (2017)
  • Shuttlewomen (2016), TV series
  • Incorruptible (2015), TV series
  • In the name of love (2015)
  • Get to know me if you can (2014), TV series
  • Gyulchatay. For Love (2014), TV series
  • Shores of My Dreams (2013), TV series
  • It all started in Harbin (2013), TV series
  • Ashes (2013), TV series
  • The Invisibles (2013)
  • Vasilisa (2013)
  • Katerina-4: Another Life (2013), TV series
  • Without a Trace (2012), TV series
  • Happy New Year, moms! (2012)
  • To the ends of the world (TV series 2011)
  • Gyulchatay (2012), TV series
  • Without a Trace (2012), TV series
  • Furtseva (2012), TV series
  • Peter the First. Testament (2011), TV series
  • To the ends of the world (2011), TV series
  • Katerina-3. Family (2011), TV series
  • Kamenskaya-6 (2011), TV series
  • Zhukov (2011), TV series
  • Two days (2011)
  • Dowry (2011)
  • Dostoevsky (2011), TV series
  • My Dear Man (2011), TV series
  • Angelica (2010), TV series
  • Irony of Love (2010)
  • Daughter of the Yakuza (2010)
  • Stranger in the House (2009)
  • Terror with Love (2009)
  • Senior Wife (2009)
  • Katerina. Return of Love (2009)
  • Palm Sunday (2009)
  • Kamenskaya-5 (2009), TV series
  • Insight (2009)
  • Provincial (2008), TV series
  • Hipsters (2008)
  • Senior Wife (2008)
  • Seal of Loneliness (2008)
  • Weapons (2008)
  • Private order (2007)
  • Tanker Tango (2007)
  • Detective Putilin (2007)
  • May (2007)
  • Loser (2007)
  • Kamenskaya-5 (2008), TV series
  • Gloss (2007)
  • May (2007)
  • Katerina (2007), TV series
  • Communication (2006)
  • Private order (2006)
  • Infidelity (2006)
  • 9 months (2006), TV series
  • Enchanted Site (2006), TV series
  • Kolya-tumbleweed (2005)
  • Mistress (2005), TV series
  • Big Walk (2005), TV series
  • Women in a game without rules (2004), TV series
  • Spas under the birches (2003), TV series
  • Russian Amazons-2 (2003), TV series
  • Plot (2003), TV series
  • Lines of Fate (2003), TV series
  • Private investigation lover Daria Vasilyeva (2003), TV series
  • Russian Amazons (2002), TV series
  • Kamikaze Diary (2002)
  • Ice Age (2002), TV series
  • Spartak and Kalashnikov (2002)
  • Kamenskaya-2. I Died Yesterday (2002)
  • Savage (2001)
  • Life is full of fun (2001)
  • The denouement of St. Petersburg mysteries (2001), TV series
  • Mechanical Suite (2001)
  • Fatalists (2001)
  • Salome (2001), TV series
  • Fifth Corner (2001), TV series
  • Voroshilovsky shooter (1999)
  • Should we send a messenger? (1998)
  • Hello from Charlie the Trumpeter (1998)
  • Diva Mary (1998)
  • When everyone is yours (1998)
  • Monday's Children (1997)
  • Kill the Actor (1997)
  • Kings of Russian detective (1996)
  • Black Veil (1995)
  • Little Devil (1995)
  • Petersburg Mysteries (1994-1995), TV series
  • Prokhindiada-2 (1994)
  • The Ghost of My House (1994)
  • Lube Zone (1994)
  • The Queen's Private Life (1993)
  • Alphonse (1993)
  • The Fatal Theft (The Shroud of Alexander Nevsky) (1992)
  • Do you remember the smell of lilacs (1992)
  • I Trust in You (1992)
  • Oysters from Lausanne (1992)
  • Little Giant of Big Sex (1992)
  • Anchor, more Anchor! (1992)
  • June 22, at exactly 4 o'clock (1992)
  • Cynics (1991)
  • Cloud Paradise (1991)
  • The Flying Dutchman (1991)
  • Death at the Movies (1990)
  • Nipple System (1990)
  • Hearse (1990)
  • Gambrinus (1990)
  • Sofya Petrovna (1989)
  • Intergirl (1989)
  • Here's to the beautiful ladies! (1989)
  • The Binder and the King (1989)
  • Servant (1988)
  • Seven Days of Hope (1988)
  • I propose marriage (1988)
  • Fathers (1988)
  • Lying Once (1987)
  • Where is nophelet? (1987)
  • With Open Doors (1986)
  • End of Operation Resident (1986)
  • Scarlet Stone (1986)
  • My girlfriend (1985)

Irina Rozanova is a modern theater and film actress, the embodiment of femininity, charm and beauty. Born in 1966, July 22, in Ryazan.

The girl, named after her grandmother, practically grew up behind the scenes, so it is logical that she inherited her love of art from her parents - actors Yuri Rozanov and Zoya Belova. Her mother was so devoted to her favorite work that she played in plays almost throughout her entire pregnancy.

Young years

The future actress Irina Rozanova was accustomed to independence from childhood and knew a large number of roles by heart. And it is not surprising that at the age of five she acted in a play with her mother. The parents, familiar firsthand with the difficulties of their profession, tried to direct their daughter’s interests in a different direction, in particular, music, protecting her from acting.

But Irina did not like the music she performed; the young girl did not feel all the charm of the black and white keys. The craving for reincarnation beckoned her into her arms, so Irina fled to the capital with the aim of entering the theater institute, but failed the exams on the first try. The girl returned home, got a job at the Ryazan Drama Theater in several positions at once - make-up artist, costume designer and extras participant, and at the same time prepared for admission.

At the beginning of the acting career...

The second time GITIS gave in - Irina was accepted; a talented and purposeful girl took a course with Oscar Yakovlevich Remez, who believed in her.

For a short period, Rozanova played at the Mayakovsky Theater, later changing it to the theater-studio “Man”, where she was invited to the play “Pannochka” by Sergei Zhenovich. Since 1991, they worked together at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya and delighted the public with wonderful productions until 1998.

A real discovery for Irina was “King Lear” - a unique performance, while participating in which she became acutely aware that she was a Russian person.

First screen works

The filmography of Irina Rozanova began in the perestroika and post-perestroika periods. Her debut was the role of the shopkeeper Lucy in the melodrama of a social nature “My Girlfriend” (1985) - the first independent directorial work. Then there was the role of Natasha in the melodrama “The Scarlet Stone” by Valery Isakov, then such films with Irina Rozanova as “The End of the Operation” were released. Resident" and "With Open Doors".

The talented actress’s successful film career was her work in the film “Where is Nophelet?” (1987), where in the role of the wife of the main character played by Alexander Pankratov-Cherny, she was simply irresistible. Irina Rozanova, whose films especially appealed to the female sex, appeared in the frame for only a few minutes, but during this short time she was able to create a rich, complete image of a woman who was fully satisfied with her husband’s endless amorous adventures. It was this character that the actress successfully and repeatedly used in many films.

So different Irina

Irina Rozanova's roles are diverse, interesting, and full of character. The actress played a considerable number of them in the late 80s. This is student Tatyana - the mistress of the main character (Yuri Belyaev) in the psychological drama “Having lied once...” Marusya in “The Bindyuzhnik and the King” - a musical tragicomedy by Vladimir Alenikov; Margarita in “The Servant” - a film parable

In 1989, Irina Rozanova, whose filmography is quite diverse and includes dozens of successful works, appeared in the debut comedy “For Beautiful Ladies!”, directed by Anatoly Eyramdzhan. By the way, he is also the author of the script for the film “Where is Nophelet?” In the film, which received audience approval and recognition, the director assembled a wonderful ensemble of actors: Alexander Abdulov, Alexander Pankratov-Cherny, Elena Tsyplakova and others.

"Intergirl" - a revelation film

In 1989, Irina Rozanova’s filmography was replenished with the film Intergirl by Pyotr Todorovsky. The actress managed to create a complex psychological image of the vulgar and rude woman Sima Gulliver - a former weaver who once stumbled. Today the topic of prostitution is unlikely to surprise anyone, but at that time cinema was just lifting the curtain on the unpleasant side of life, so attention to the film was especially heightened. Rozanova played Sima not as a vicious person, but as a woman who, by the will of fate, found herself in certain circumstances. If everything had turned out differently - Rozanova’s heroine would have been able to be in the forefront of production and put five children on their feet.

Since the 90s, Irina Rozanova, whose films the audience enjoys, constantly appears in TV series, and plays her heroines in a bright, extraordinary way. The actress is lucky to have an interesting team, talented directors and wonderful acting partners. In 1990, the actress appeared in the film “Cloud-Paradise” by Nikolai Dostal. This is a true story of an “extra” person of the Soviet period, easily recognizable and filling the soul with aching pain. In this film, Irina Rozanova in a duet with Sergei Batalov created an incomparable married couple; The film also featured Andrei Zhigalov, Anna Ovsyannikova, and Lev Tolokonnikov. 15 years later, Nikolai Dostal gathered this wonderful team again to create a sequel to the film, which turned out no worse and became the logical end to the completion of the first part. The painting was called “Kolya - Tumbleweed.” This is just one example of the actress’s successful work: Irina Rozanova’s filmography is extensive, diverse, and interesting.

Always lucky with the cast

In 1992, with whom Rozanova starred in “Intergirl,” he again invited her to his film - a retro-drama about the life and morals of a military town, “Anchor, more anchor!” This screen story, in which Irina played the role of nurse Lyuba, fascinatingly tells about all aspects of human life: love, betrayal, squabbles, cowardice, meanness, death. And all this again surrounded by real masters of the stage - such as Evgeny Mironov, Valentin Gaft, Elena Yakovleva, Larisa Malevannaya, Alexander Pashutin, Vladimir Ilyin, Andrey Ilyin. The actress’s work was highly praised at the Constellation-92 film festival and received the prize “For Best Performance of a Leading Role.”

In 1992, actress Irina Rozanova starred in Elena Tsyplakova’s psychological drama “I Trust in You,” in which she tried on a negative image. The film tells about the unfortunate fate of a young woman (her role was played by Evgenia Dobrovolskaya), who, on the orders of her father, goes to work in an orphanage. Irina Rozanova played the role of a teacher - a heartless and cruel woman, capable of easily raising her hand against a child, defenseless and deprived of not only parental, but also any kind of love.

These difficult 90s

The 90s were quite difficult in cinematography and left many actors without work. Irina was luckier than others in this regard; she was in demand, although sometimes the films she had to star in were downright weak. But in those difficult times there was little choice. This includes such films with the participation of Irina Rozanova as “Alphonse”, “Little Demon”, the eccentric comedy “The Personal Life of the Queen” by Valery Akhadov, in which the actress played the janitor Ninka Koroleva, who left for the tropical kingdom of Zafucked with her husband, King Ukhotugo ( in the role of Alexander Pankratov-Cherny). During this period, the comedy “When Everyone Is Yours” by Anatoly Eyramdzhan was released, in which Rozanova played Rita, a call cleaner who, by the will of fate, came to the “new Russian”, who demanded her love and kept the woman constantly at gunpoint.

Irina Rozanova: filmography, TV series

And yet, Irina Rozanova had more good paintings in those difficult years. This includes the touching, slightly naive melodrama “Monday’s Children.” In this film, Irina created the image of a lonely middle-aged woman to whom her sister “plants” her husband, played by Igor Sklyar. It was he who was once her first love, and when meeting the past face to face, the feelings of these people flared up with renewed vigor. “For Best Actress” Irina received the prize for this film in 1998 at the “Vivat Russia!” film festival.

"St. Petersburg Secrets" - watched by the whole country

The filmography of Irina Rozanova includes a large number of TV series in which the actress starred. The TV series “St. Petersburg Mysteries” and “Decoupling of St. Petersburg Mysteries” were popular in the 90s, in which she played the role of Natalya Alekseevna von Doering. TV series, which make up the lion's share of the domestic film industry, are perceived by Irina as an inevitable reality characteristic of this time.

But Irina manages to open up here too, giving the film originality with her vivid images. This is Lukerya Yakovlevna in “Salome”, Valeria Astakhova - pilot instructor in “Russian Amazons”, wife of Nurali Aslanbekov in “Gentlemen Officers”, writer Tomilina in “Kamenskaya-2”, Elena Anurova in “Mistress” and others.

Irina about Alexander Abdulov

One of Irina Rozanova’s partners, with whom she was always lucky, was Alexander Abdulov. The first joint filming took place in the film “For Beautiful Ladies!” In 1995, they met again in the erotic melodrama “Black Veil” by Alexander Buravsky, where Abdulov played the role of the Ural policeman Andrei Rokshin, and Rozanova showed herself perfectly in the role of his boss Olympiada Alekseevna. New collaborations resumed after six years: “Ice Age” and “Fatalists,” after which the audience almost married the actors. The personal life of Irina Rozanova has always aroused interest among fans of her talent. Rozanova and Abdulov themselves had warm friendly relations, and nothing more. But Irina Rozanova has extremely bright memories of Alexander as a man. A real man with inner beauty.

This is the life of a workaholic

Working for an actress who has powerful energy and creates very strong characters both on the screen and on the theater stage is the main meaning of life; It is better for her to be tired of constant busyness than to sit idle. That’s why she’s always in demand and films a lot and fruitfully. Films with Irina Rozanova are easily perceived by the viewer, because the actress skillfully conveys the energy of her heroines, their emotions, feelings, problems, experiences. It can be said that the screen image of Marya Petrovna in the drama “Savage”, a deeply unhappy woman suffering from her husband’s indifference, but not for a minute showing this weakness, was transferred from real life. For her work in this film, Irina Rozanova was awarded the “Best Actress” award.

In her free time from filming, Irina reads and walks a lot. The children of Irina Rozanova are a topic that is also of interest to many fans of her talent. The actress does not have her own children, but she devotes a lot of time to her nephews.

Whenever possible, Irina goes to her parents in Ryazan. The actress visits stores only when necessary, but she loves to travel, believing that money is better spent on a trip with a lot of emotions than on some rag that risks getting boring after a short time.

Actress Irina Rozanova: personal life

Irina Rozanova was married several times, but not a single marriage brought her true female happiness. The first family experience was fleeting and happened during my student years; Irina's chosen one was the future director Evgeniy Kamenkovich. Only 2 years were enough to test feelings. Further on Irina’s life path, she met director Dmitry Meskhiev. Their romance was bright, but quick.

At one of the festivals, Irina met her future second husband Timur, a businessman who also did not stay in her life for long. The couple broke up.

The third official spouse was Grigory Belenky, a cinematographer, whom we met on the set of the film “Monday’s Children.” The marriage of creative personalities crashed into family life.

On the set of the film Tanker Tango, Irina captivated director Bakhtiyar Khudoynazarov, with whom she broke up due to the hot character of her partner.

The personal life of Irina Rozanova, with its difficulties and pitfalls, does not detract from the viewer’s great love for her. The actress is in demand, loved, charismatic, charming. Irina Rozanova's children are her nephews. It is to them, her dear people, that she gives in full her unspent love, trying to raise them into worthy citizens of society.

Irina Rozanova is a popular actress who dedicated her biography to a film career and was unable to create a happy marriage with her husband and children: she was married many times, and each time unsuccessfully.

Trina Rozanova: b iography

The famous artist literally began her creative path even before she was born - her mother played in the play while she was eight months pregnant with Irina. It is not surprising that the girl began to dream of an acting career early on.

Childhood and youth

Irina was born in 1961 in the city of Penza to a couple of actors, the Rozanovs. Both the mother and father of the future actress worked in the drama theater, often toured and always took the girl with them. Thanks to such a busy rhythm of life, Ira quickly became independent, learned to understand what she wanted and go towards it.

Behind-the-scenes childhood greatly affected the future life and biography of Irina Rozanova, to such an extent that the dream of having a family, husband and children faded into the background. As a very young girl, she first appeared on stage with her mother and played her first role. Despite little Ira’s passionate love for the theater, her parents did not approve of her desire to devote herself to an acting career and offered other options, such as taking up music. But Irina categorically refused such offers.

Irina Rozanova in childhood with her mother

Actor career

Despite the strong desire to work in the theater, this dream could have been broken into pieces before it had time to come true. When Irina first began to enroll in GITIS, the capital’s teacher doubted her acting abilities and the girl failed the application. However, young Ira was persistent. For a year she prepared for admission, while working part-time as a costume designer in the theater, and on her next attempt she managed to conquer the prestigious university and its teachers.

As a student, Ira played in the play “Blonde”; this role contributed to the fact that the young actress was noticed and invited to work at the famous V. Mayakovsky Theater. Actress Irina Rozanova devoted most of her biography to this theater; there she met a man with whom she later tried to build a family and personal life.

Irina Rozanova in her youth

In the following years, Rozanova changed three places of work - the Chelovek theater-studio, the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya and Lenkom - and played many wonderful roles. In 1985, Irina Rozanova's career in cinema began - the young actress decided for herself that now she would practically not work in the theater, but would devote herself to films.

Film work

Her debut film was “My Girlfriend,” followed by roles with famous directors who saw Irina as a bright and skillful actress. She was invited to their films:

  • Todorovsky;
  • Tsyplakova;
  • Bortko and many others.

“Intergirl,” which caused a strong public response in those years, in which Rozanova played, made the actress even more popular. Her role was very provocative, touching on topics that were not customary to discuss then. The image of a strong, vulgar woman suited Irina Rozanova very well, and subsequently directors more than once invited the actress to play just such roles.

Irina Rozanova in the film “Interdevochka”

The troubled 90s began, and Rozanova began to often appear in TV series. According to the actress, the series is not a second-rate product, and you can also show yourself very talented in it. Irina proved this with her example: the actress plays roles in seemingly ordinary TV series so vividly that they are remembered even more than other roles in films.

Some of the most exciting films in which the artist starred were “St. Petersburg Mysteries” and “Cloud-Paradise.” Subsequently, these films became cult and brought Irina great fame.

Many directors, having once seen Rozanova play, again invited her to their films. So, after “Intergirl”, Todorovsky filmed the actress in the film drama “Anchor, More Anchor!”, where, in addition to Rozanova, other famous actors took part - Ilyin, Yakovleva, Mironov. For her role in this film, the actress received prestigious awards:

  • “For the best performance of the leading female role”;
  • "Golden Aries".

Irina Rozanova at the Golden Eagle award ceremony

But acting in films brought Rozanova not only positive emotions. As you know, the biography of Irina Rozanova does not include the most important thing - children, and therefore the actress’s personal life was not very happy. Unfortunately, there were people who did not sympathize with the famous artist, but tried to make fun of her grief.

So, according to rumors, when Irina played a pregnant woman on the set of the movie “Nine Months,” one of the actresses suddenly approached Rozanova and, poking her fake belly with her finger, laughed: “Since you haven’t had children in your life, at least you can play a pregnant woman in a movie.” It was very difficult for Irina to hear such words, and then for a long time they echoed with pain in her heart.

Irina Rozanova in the film “Nine Months”

Personal life

The actress’s personal life did not work out. Yes, she had men, but she could not create truly strong and trusting relationships with any of them.

Irina Rozanova’s first husband, Evgeny Kamenkovich, took two years from the actress’s biography, but did not bring her children, and only photos and warm memories remained from this union. The next husband was director Dmitry Meskhiev - and again the marriage lasted only two years.

Finally, Irina married businessman and producer Timur Weinstein, hoping that with him she would be able to build real family happiness. But even the wedding did not help save the marriage - Rozanova lost her child and, grieving, left Timur. The miscarriage greatly affected the actress’s state of mind; she was worried for a long time and no longer hoped to get married again.

Irina Rozanova and Grigory Belenky

However, then two men appeared in her life in a row: first, cameraman Grigory Belenky, and then director Bakhtiyar Khudoynazarov. Rozanova got married to Grigory, and lived with Bakhtiyar for almost five years in a civil marriage.

Not a single husband gave Irina Rozanova children; this was not influenced by nationality, religious beliefs, or superstitions like “not showing photos with loved ones” - in the actress’s biography, in place of the “children” column, there remained a single dash.

Irina Rozanova and director Bakhtiyar Khudoynazarov

The interest of the press in the personal life of a famous actress is quite natural - after five unsuccessful marriages, fans begin to feel the excitement of sports: will there be another man in Rozanova’s life? And if so, will they have children?

However, Irina now diligently hides everything related to her relationships with men, and fans can only guess whether the famous actress has anyone. Rozanova had to direct her unspent love for children to her nephews; she always took whatever part she could in their upbringing.

Perhaps the reason for so many failures with men lies in the fact that Irina’s parents were too protective of her in her youth. When she failed to enter GITIS the first time, her mother actively contributed to her daughter’s success by turning to her acting connections. Then they helped her with housing and even sent a nanny to the girl! So that the young actress can devote herself entirely to her studies. Such indulgence, of course, was not in vain.

Actress Irina Rozanova

But as a child, Rozanova was completely different - she even received one of her first roles at the age of six due to her perseverance and self-confidence. The girl simply learned the role she liked and came to the director with a request to take it.

Irina Rozanova now

Today, the actress continues not only to act in films, but also participates in television programs. Together with Ivan Urgant in the “Smak” program, she told how to cook one of her signature dishes.

However, at home, Rozanov, like a real Russian person, loves simple potatoes - in any form: be it boiled or fried.

After such a high-calorie meal, the actress prefers to take a walk, but not aimlessly, but to pick mushrooms or go fishing.

Irina Rozanova with Ivan Urgant in the “Smak” program

In 2017, two films with the participation of Irina Rozanova were released on the wide screen - “Poor Girl” and “Once Upon a Time.” The actress is confident that many more interesting and memorable roles await her ahead.