Therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis. Technique for performing massage for osteochondrosis. What is osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a disease that is very difficult to cure, especially if a person consults a doctor with an advanced form of the disease. However, proper therapeutic treatment, as well as compliance with all doctor’s recommendations, helps reduce the manifestations of osteochondrosis and improves the patient’s quality of life. To achieve the desired effect, treatment of osteochondrosis requires an integrated approach. Therapeutic massage is one of the methods used in the treatment of this disease. This article will tell you about the effect of spinal massage for osteochondrosis and what type of massage is better to choose.

The benefits of massage treatments

When treating osteochondrosis, the use of massage sessions alone will not bring any benefit. Massage must be combined with physiotherapeutic procedures and exercise therapy, as well as drug treatment. Only the combined use of these techniques will give a good therapeutic effect and speed up the patient’s recovery. During the massage, there is an active effect on the muscles of the spine, since with this disease there is a decrease in muscle tone and the occurrence of muscle spasms. The patient feels constant muscle tension, as well as pain and discomfort in the spine, and gets tired quickly.

What does therapeutic massage provide?

Carrying out a course of back massage for osteochondrosis promotes:

  • normalization of muscle tone, since during the session weakened muscles are stimulated, and tight ones, on the contrary, relax;
  • increasing motor activity of the spine by eliminating muscle spasms;
  • normalization of blood supply to the spine;
  • reducing swelling and pain in the spine;
  • improves the patient's overall well-being.

The procedure will be useful only if it is performed by a massage therapist with experience and medical qualifications who knows well which muscles need to be kneaded and with what force. If the massage is performed by a person who does not know the structure of the human body well, he can cause injury to the patient, which will lead to complications of the disease.

Indications and contraindications

Each treatment method has both indications for use and contraindications. The doctor decides to use a course of massage only after a thorough examination of the spine using methods such as: x-ray, MRI or CT.

Indications for massage sessions are as follows:

  • spasms of the deep muscles of the spine;
  • severe pain caused by pinched nerve endings;
  • disorders in the vascular system of the spine;
  • limitation of motor function of the spine;
  • muscular dystrophy.

The doctor may recommend therapeutic massage sessions after the main treatment to consolidate the positive effect. When prescribing the number of sessions, as well as their duration, the doctor takes into account the degree of damage to the spine, the presence of other diseases in the patient and the general well-being of the patient.

However, there are diseases in which massage can worsen the patient's condition. It is not recommended to do this procedure in the following cases:

  • in the presence of a herniated disc;
  • during exacerbation of both osteochondrosis and other diseases;
  • if there are wounds or abrasions on the skin of the back, rashes of various origins, eczema or fungus;
  • if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, as well as varicose veins or high blood pressure;
  • in the presence of an infectious-inflammatory process not only in the spine, but also in the body in general;
  • in the presence of oncological tumors;
  • if you have respiratory diseases;
  • the recovery period after a stroke or heart attack, as well as after any surgical intervention;
  • if the patient has serious diseases of the nervous system.

Before prescribing a massage, the doctor must make sure that there are no indications against this procedure. Otherwise, the patient may experience worsening symptoms of the disease and increased pain.

If the doctor has not identified any contraindications, but the patient feels unpleasant and painful sensations after a session with a massage therapist, the procedure should be stopped and consult a doctor.

In the treatment of osteochondrosis, different types of massage procedures are used. The choice of massage technique should be based largely on the doctor’s prescriptions, but the patient’s preferences must also be taken into account.


This type of massage is done most often, as it has fewer contraindications. During the session, the massage therapist rubs, strokes, and intensively kneads both superficial and deep back muscles. If the cervical spine is affected by osteochondrosis, massage can be performed in a sitting position. But usually during classical massage the patient lies on the massage table.


This type of massage is performed using cups that are moved over the skin. There is a vacuum inside the cans (or special attachments). With its help, blood vessels and nerve endings are stimulated, and this in turn increases the metabolic rate. This procedure has many contraindications, so for diseases such as osteochondrosis, it is used only as prescribed by a doctor. To exclude the occurrence of adverse reactions, you should strictly adhere to the instructions during the session. The duration of one procedure is no more than 10 minutes. Between sessions it is necessary to take breaks for 3-4 days.


The massage therapist presses on active points located on the human body. If the procedure is carried out correctly, this effect helps relieve pain, and also increases the metabolic rate and improves the motor function of the spine. This type of massage should only be performed by an experienced and qualified specialist. The duration of the session is from 10 to 15 minutes. Very often, acupressure is combined with classical massage to achieve better treatment results.


During a Thai massage session, the master combines manual therapy with acupressure and classical massage techniques. It has good effectiveness and is recommended to be done only in specialized centers.


Osteochondrosis can lead a person to disability, since with this disease there is a high risk of spinal curvature. One of the measures that can prevent changes in the spine is cupping massage. Cupping can be performed simultaneously with other medical procedures. Consultation with a doctor about contraindications is required. This technique is effective for osteochondrosis of the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine.

When using this technique, there are no serious adverse reactions that may occur when using medications. Can be used to treat patients of all ages.

Massager for osteochondrosis

For osteochondrosis, using a massager is also effective. It can be used to massage different parts of the spine, including massage of the neck and cervical spine, to reduce pain at any stage of the disease. The massager can be used by a massage therapist during a session, or it can be used independently by the patient at home. Using this device is safe and does not leave any unpleasant sensations.

Using a massager helps reduce fatigue and pain in the affected areas. It also helps to relax the spinal muscles and eliminate disc displacement. Thus, the massager can quickly help when pain occurs in the spinal muscles.

The simplest method that a patient with cervical osteochondrosis can use even at home and independently is self-massage. Before doing it yourself, you need to contact a specialist and learn how to follow the basic rules and techniques.

  1. Sitting in a chair or chair, take a comfortable position and relax.
  2. Start massaging the area behind the ears with light stroking movements, gradually moving to the back of the head and then down to the lower part of the neck and shoulders.
  3. Having prepared the muscles in this way, we perform the following movements more intensely and with greater force: we rub the neck and shoulders from top to bottom.
  4. The procedure should be completed with light stroking, as well as tilting the head from side to side.

Technique for self-massage of the cervical spine

It is recommended to perform self-massage every 2-3 days for 10-15 minutes. Be sure to consult a doctor if pain or discomfort appears during or after the session, and it becomes more difficult to turn your head. After properly performed self-massage, there should be no discomfort at any stage of the disease.

Conditions for massage procedures

To consolidate the results of treatment, the patient should undergo a course of 10-15 massage sessions, although in many cases improvements are noticeable after just one procedure. Each session should last 20-40 minutes. In case of advanced disease, it is necessary to carry out 2 or 3 courses, taking a break of 6 months between them. You should strictly follow the doctor's recommendations and prescriptions, since massage procedures are incompatible with some physiotherapeutic methods.

It is not advisable for women to undergo massage procedures during menstruation, especially if they are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. Massaging should not be carried out at elevated body temperatures.

With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, pain often occurs in various parts of the shoulder region, as well as headaches and dizziness. For osteochondrosis, massage helps improve blood and lymph circulation, relieves pain, and most importantly, promotes the speedy restoration of spinal function.

The functional motor unit of the spine is the motor segment. It includes the following anatomical structures involved in the movement of the vertebrae relative to each other: 1) intervertebral discs; 2) paired articular processes and 3) ligaments connecting the bodies, arches and processes of the vertebrae. To perform movements, the unity of actions of all these structures is necessary, each of which has its own specific tasks. Intervertebral discs are elastic and can change their shape due to the fact that the nucleus pulposus of the disc moves inside the fibrous ring. Thanks to this, the vertebral bodies change their location relative to each other, without interfering with the discs performing their function as an elastic pad that transfers the body weight from vertebra to vertebra. The movement occurs in the intervertebral joints, which determine the direction of movement through different orientations of the working planes of the vertebrae and limit the range of movement through the inhibitory role of the bursae and ligaments.

The spinous processes of the vertebrae serve as levers and support the muscles, which, in turn, perform the task of supporting the body. The back musculature consists of several muscles, united under the general name “erector trunci”. The spine is moved by the contraction of these muscles. However, as soon as the body leaves the state of labile equilibrium (orthostatic state), gravity begins to force it to further movement.

The movements are performed by the muscles associated with the motor levers: 1) the lateral trunk of the erector spinae, originating in the sacrum and on the iliac crest and connecting to the transverse processes of the vertebrae and the posterior surface of the ribs; 2) abdominal muscles, vertically and obliquely connecting the chest and pelvis.

The body's own mobility is necessary only to perform the breathing function, in which, however, under normal conditions the spine does not participate. Thus, spinal mobility is necessary:

1) to orient the head, primarily the sensory organs located in it (for example, the eyes);

2) to expand the range of movements of the limbs;

3) to ensure the transition from a sitting to a standing position and back (remember the patients with ankylosing spondylitis!) and smooth movement (synchronous vibrations of the spine and arms when walking);

4) for gesturing (when a person has a “lumbago”, it is difficult for him to even shrug his shoulders).

Diseases of the spine, this most important load-bearing organ, limit or eliminate the performance of these functions.

The following diseases should be excluded from the list of indications for massage: tuberculous spondylitis and other inflammations, tumors and metastases.

On the contrary, for muscle disorders caused by a violation of the statics and (or) mechanics of the spinal column or one of its parts, massage is necessary.

With the help of massage, acting on muscle fibers, you can relieve local rigidity and hardening of muscles, as well as gelosis and muscle pain using techniques that have a local vascular effect. However, before starting the massage, it is necessary to soften the connective tissue gelotic changes in the skin by intensive superficial stroking and kneading.

Peripheral disorders should also be treated. Improving the blood supply to the tissues of the motor segment promotes the resorption of edema swellings and breaks the vicious circle of articular and arthrosis disorders. At first, a back massage can be very painful, but with daily sessions the pain goes away after 4-5 days.

Massage should be started in subacute stages (in some cases it can be started earlier, during an exacerbation of the disease, but then the task is to reflexively influence the pain localized in the spine by working on healthy areas of the body - on the chest, shoulders, upper part back, shoulder girdle, etc.). The first sessions should be gentle and not cause excessive muscle tension, which causes additional pain.

Massage for cervical osteochondrosis . During the procedure, the optimal position for a patient with cervical osteochondrosis is lying down. If this is not possible, then massage in a sitting position, for which a special massage chair is used. In both positions, it is necessary to achieve extreme relaxation of the back, neck and the whole body in general - this is a necessary condition. The massage begins from the back: stroking, squeezing, forceps-shaped kneading, with the base of the palm, double ring, ordinary kneading are used (3-4 times each time). The upper back, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, requires special attention. Here, first, stroking is done 6-7 times from the lower corner of the shoulder blades up to the neck, first on one side, then on the other.

Then the shoulder girdles are massaged: stroking (6 - 8 times), squeezing (4 - 5 times), ordinary kneading, double circular kneading (3 - 4 times), stroking and shaking on one side or the other (2 - 3 times ). If the patient is sitting, then you can stroke, squeeze and knead the pectoralis major muscles (4 to 5 times).

Continue the massage with the patient lying on his stomach. If stroking from the scalp down to the back (8 - 10 times) does not cause pain in the spine, squeeze along three to four lines, along the back and sides of the neck (3 - 4 times).

On the upper back, near the spinal column, carefully squeeze with the pads of four fingers (4 to 5 times on each side). This is followed by stroking over the entire upper back, after which they begin stroking and squeezing the upper bundles of the trapezius muscles, i.e. shoulder girdles (4 - 5 times).

The muscles of the neck are stroked (6 - 7 times), squeezing, kneading with the edge of the palm and fingertips, squeezing again (3 - 4 times) and stroking (6 - 7 times).

Having repeated the massage of the pectoral muscles: stroking, squeezing, kneading, shaking, stroking (2 times each time), they again move to the neck.

Perform stroking (6 - 7 times), squeezing (4 - 5 times), stroking (3-4 times), kneading with fingertips (5 - 6 times), stroking (4 - 5 times).

Then the spinal column is rubbed: straight with the pads of four fingers (each hand on its side) in the direction from the occipital bone to the back (see Fig. 142) and as close as possible to the spinous processes (4 - 5 times); circular with pads, first one, then two, etc. fingers (3-4 times each time).

When rubbing in the area of ​​the spinal column, the neck of the person being massaged should be extremely relaxed and the head tilted forward. This will allow the massager to better feel the spinous and lateral processes of the vertebrae and work them deeper. After 5-8 sessions, when the pain subsides, it is useful to slightly turn your head in different directions while rubbing the spine. Rubbing is followed by stroking (6 - 7 times), squeezing and various kneading (3 - 4 times). This stage ends with stroking.

In the next part of the session, the massage is repeated on the upper back (2-3 times each time) and on the upper bundles of the trapezius muscles (3-4 times each time) and again return to the neck. It is used for stroking (3 - 4 times), squeezing (4 - 5 times), kneading (5 - 6 times), stroking (2 - 3 times), squeezing (4 - 5 times) and again the spinal column is thoroughly rubbed.

Then comes the chest massage: after rubbing, stroking, squeezing, kneading, stroking are carried out here (3-4 times); The sternocleidomastoid muscle is massaged with the pads of four fingers (5 - 6 times), then kneading (4 - 6 times) and stroking (6 - 8 times) are done.

If pain radiates to the shoulder joint or upper arm, these parts of the body are also massaged after careful treatment of the neck, upper back, and shoulder girdle. In conclusion, a general massage of the neck, back, shoulder girdle is carried out and active and passive movements begin.

After pain in the spine is relieved, the technique changes: the number of stroking techniques decreases, and the number of squeezes, kneading and especially rubbing increases. It is rubbing that should become the main technique of the last sessions. We also note that the duration of the first sessions is 5 - 7 minutes, and the subsequent ones increase to 12 minutes.

Massage for lumbosacral osteochondrosis . The procedure begins after the acute pain subsides. It is always carried out with the patient lying on his stomach, and always on a solid base (table, couch), which does not allow the spine to bend in the lumbar region. For the same purpose, a pillow (rolled blanket, bolster, etc.) is placed under the stomach. The shins should be raised at an angle of 45°, which helps to relax the body, and especially the lumbosacral region.

The arms are extended along the body. The head lies with your right or left cheek on the couch, or better if it is lowered slightly below the couch, with your forehead resting on some support (for example, a chair).

The session begins with a back massage. First, tension and pain are relieved. This purpose is served by combined stroking (8 - 10 times), light squeezing with the edge of the palm (2 - 3 times) and double ring (superficial), which is carried out on both the latissimus and longus muscles (4 - 5 times each). Having completed this stage with combined stroking (5 - 6 times), they proceed to massage the gluteal muscles. The following techniques are used: combined stroking (6-8 times) and double circular stroking (4-6 times), which is accompanied by light shaking in combination with stroking with both hands. Then a thigh massage is performed: combined stroking (6-7 times), kneading combined with shaking (3-4 times) and combined stroking again (4-5 times).

Now it's the back's turn again. After stroking with both hands (6 - 8 times), light squeezing (3 - 4 times), stroking (4 - 5 times) and kneading on the long muscles with the base of the palm (4 - 5 times) and the pads of four fingers (3 - 4 times) are done. . Next - stroking (2 - 4 times) and kneading on the latissimus dorsi muscles (from the iliac crest to the armpit) ordinary (3 - 4 times), double circular (4 - 5 times), completed with stroking and shaking (3 - 4 times each) times).

Only after this can you begin to massage the lumbar region. It includes combined stroking from the gluteal mounds to the middle of the back (5 - 8 times), squeezing with the edge of the palm (3 - 4 times) and stroking again (5 - 6 times). After performing various types of squeezing on the gluteal muscles (4-6 times), and then stroking and shaking (3-4 times), they return to the lumbar region. After stroking here (5 - 8 times) and squeezing (2 - 3 times), begin rubbing.

Rubbing is a deep technique and is performed carefully so as not to cause pain. If rubbing causes severe pain, you should refrain from rubbing for one to two days. If the pain is tolerable, then they begin with light transverse (across the spine) rubbing with the edge of the palm. This technique - often called "sawing" - can be carried out with one or two hands. Next, perform straight-line rubbing with the pads of your thumbs along the spine (6 - 8 times), gradually increasing the pressure; spiral rubbing with the pads of the thumbs (4 - 6 times); again “sawing” (10-15 s) and stroking (4-6 times). Then apply dotted simultaneous rubbing with the pads of the thumbs along the spinal column. It is performed so that the skin moves 3-4 cm along with the massaging fingers, only in this case will the rubbing be beneficial. The reception is carried out 4 - 5 times and each time is accompanied by squeezing and stroking (2 - 3 times). With each session, the number of repetitions of techniques and the strength of the impact increase.

It is necessary to remember: before massaging the sacral region, the gluteal muscles are worked out. Stroking is used throughout the pelvic area (4 - 5 times), squeezing (6 - 7 times), ordinary kneading (4 - 5 times) and with the base of the palm (3 - 4 times), shaking (2 - 3 times), stroking (1 - 2 times), squeezing (5 - 6 times), kneading with fist combs (3 - 4 times), shaking (2 - 3 times), kneading with fist comb, shaking and stroking (3 - 4 times each).

Sacrum massage includes longitudinal stroking with both hands (5 - 7 times), squeezing over the sacral area (6 - 7 times), rubbing with the palms of both hands (5 - 6 times) and the back of the hands (6 - 8 times), stroking (3 - 4 times), rubbing (after each rubbing movement, the hands diverge to the sides to the gluteal muscles) straight with the pads of four fingers from the tailbone up to the lower back (6 - 8 times), circular with the pads of four fingers (5 - 6 times), straight and spiral with the crest of the fist and phalanges of fingers clenched into a fist, performed 6 - 7 times (Fig. 144), stroking (3 - 4 times), rubbing with fists (5 - 6 times) and stroking in all directions.

Having worked the gluteal muscles once again, they return to the lumbar area, where they perform 3-4 main techniques (repeating each 2-3 times).

The iliac crest is massaged like this. The stroking performed from the spinal column to the sides (4-5 times) is followed by squeezing with the heel of the palm (4-5 times), with the hands placed on both sides of the spine, with the fingers facing the hip joint.

After this, they begin to massage the iliac crest itself. Apply circular rubbing with the pads of four fingers (4-5 times) and phalanges of fingers clenched into a fist (3-4 times), squeezing with the base of the palm (3-4 times), straight and spiral rubbing with ridges formed by the phalangeal joints of four fingers (3 each). - 4 times), stroking (2 - 3 times).

The whole complex is repeated 2 - 3 times.

The number of repetitions of stroking and kneading and their ratio in a massage session depend on the state of the person being massaged and the dynamics of the treatment and recovery process. For acute pain, stroking takes up to half the session; as the pain subsides, the massage should become more energetic and deeper (mild pain is acceptable).

When massaging the lumbar or sacral region, you need to pay attention to pain points (areas). Particularly careful treatment should be carried out around these places and directly at the painful point.

With osteochondrosis of the lumbar region, pain often radiates to the back of the thigh. In this case, special attention is paid to massage on the thigh.

They use deep massage - squeezing with weights, kneading (especially double ring, “double bar”), performed with fists, the pad of the thumb with weights and the pads of four fingers. Finish the massage with shaking and stroking.

Massage is performed daily, maybe twice a day - morning and evening. Session duration is 8-12 minutes, if the disease is localized in the lumbar region; if the sacral region is damaged, the session time increases to 15 minutes, and as recovery progresses - up to 20 minutes.

The parts of the body being massaged must be extremely relaxed during the procedure.

Massage must be combined with active and passive movements in the joints.

Massage for lumbosacral osteochondrosis can be carried out with various warming agents. A good effect is achieved by performing a massage after thermal procedures (Sollux lamp, warming with hot sand, sauna, etc.).

Rice. 145. Topography of reflexogenic zones on the human hand: 1 - frontal sinuses; 2 - vision; 3

Hearing; 4 - lungs; 5 - pancreas; 6 - adrenal glands; 7 - heart; 8 - kidney; 9

Shoulder, shoulder joint; 10 - spleen; 11 - colon; 12 - small intestine; 13 -

rectum; 14 - lumbosacral region; 75- testicle, ovaries; 16 - penis,

ureter, prostate; 17 - bladder; 18 - spinal column; 19 - neck; 20 - throat;

Osteochondrosis is a common disease that is most often observed in people over 35 years of age. With pathology, degenerative damage to the intervertebral discs, as well as vertebral tissues, occurs. As a result, the person suffers from unpleasant symptoms and may face dangerous consequences.

Treatment of the disease can be performed using different methods, but it is best to carry out complex therapy. Massage for osteochondrosis gives good results, which is why specialists often recommend it. In this case, a special technique must be used so that the desired result can be obtained.

Osteochondrosis appears under the influence of negative factors, which is why they should be avoided if possible. Often a person is able to prevent the onset of a disease. The main thing is to reconsider your lifestyle in advance so that you don’t have to suffer from illness later.

Main provoking factors:

  • Heredity. If at least one of the parents suffered from osteochondrosis, then the child is likely to encounter the disease. In such a situation, it is recommended to take care of disease prevention so that you do not have to undergo treatment later.
  • Problems with the endocrine system. If the metabolism is disturbed, then problems with the spine may appear.
  • Heavy weight. Obesity leads to osteochondrosis, which is why you should control your weight.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. If a person constantly sits and practically does not walk, then diseases cannot be avoided. If you have sedentary work, you should definitely take walks or play sports.

  • Constant stress. They can cause a person to develop osteochondrosis. This is due to constant overstrain of the neck muscles; this phenomenon is caused by a frequent nervous condition.
  • Having bad habits. Alcoholism and smoking generally have a negative impact on the body. For this reason, it is worth giving up bad habits.
  • Injuries. They quite often lead to a person having to suffer from spinal disorders.

Massage for chondrosis is useful not only during exacerbation of the disease, but also as a preventive measure. It generally has a positive effect on the condition of the vertebrae and also restores blood circulation. If you want to quickly improve your well-being, then you should perform a back massage for osteochondrosis.


Some people may not even suspect for a long time that they have a spinal pathology. Citizens often explain many negative signs with other reasons. For example, they may attribute neck and lower back pain to normal fatigue. In this case, dizziness is attributed to the weather or hunger.

As a result, the pathology continues to develop, but the person does nothing. To start doing therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis, you will first need to identify the disease. To do this, you should focus on specific symptoms that you cannot turn a blind eye to. Signs of pathology:

  • Pain syndrome. It is necessarily present in the disease, and can manifest itself in different areas. Often there are unpleasant sensations in the neck, limbs, and head. In most cases, there is unilateral pain.
  • Muscle disorders. With pathology, compression of the motor nerves occurs, which causes weakness in the arms.
  • Autonomic disorders. There is increased sweating, redness of the skin, and pain in the chest.
  • Sensitivity problems. A person may notice that they feel touch worse, and also experience pins and needles in the limbs or numbness in the arms and legs.
  • Vertebral artery syndrome. When it is compressed, intense headaches, tinnitus, nausea, and dizziness occur.

In general, a person feels worse and may complain of increased fatigue and constant drowsiness. This is due to the fact that with this pathology, cerebral circulation is disrupted, which is why the brain does not receive enough nutrients.

Back massage for osteochondrosis can improve a person’s well-being, restore mobility and get rid of increased fatigue. It is advisable that the procedure be carried out by a specialist so that the best result can be achieved.

What is the purpose of massage?

There are many ways to treat the spine, and therapeutic massage for osteochondrosis is highly effective. Moreover, the procedure is considered accessible and has no side effects. Some people do not understand why massage is performed for spinal osteochondrosis. That is why it is important to understand what positive effects it leads to.

Purposes of the procedure:

  • Reducing pain. With pathology, a person often suffers from nagging and aching pains that can spread throughout the body. At the same time, massaging problem areas allows you to reduce the intensity of this manifestation of the disease.
  • Relaxation of the back muscles. This generally has a positive effect on a person’s condition and helps improve well-being.
  • Supplying oxygen to vertebral cells, as well as restoring normal metabolism. Similar effects are required for osteochondrosis, because they allow you to restore thoracic and.
  • Strengthening muscles. Due to this, a person will become more resilient, and signs of osteochondrosis will be less likely to bother them.
  • Improved blood flow. Considering the fact that during illness, blood circulation is significantly impaired, it is extremely important to restore it. For this purpose, back massage is used for osteochondrosis.

As you can understand, the treatment method is useful in many cases. In this case, only a specialist will be able to tell how many massage sessions should be done for osteochondrosis. It will be necessary to take into account the person’s condition, as well as his individual characteristics. In any case, it can be unequivocally stated that the treatment method in question works.

Main types of massage

Treatment of osteochondrosis with massage is prescribed by a doctor, and certain techniques may be recommended. It all depends on the patient’s condition and what effect you want to achieve. Classic massage is widespread and is used in the first stages of the disease. It is performed on healthy areas of the body that have a direct connection with damaged tissues.

The specialist will knead your back, stroke, tap and rub. As a result, it will be possible to reduce pain, increase muscle tone, and also reduce the likelihood of exacerbation.

The segmental reflex type is used to influence parts of the body that are connected to problem areas with the help of nerve endings. It is used as an addition to the main treatment and is highly effective. With its help, pathological reflexes are eliminated, and the functioning of important human organs is restored.

Acupressure for osteochondrosis is often used because it eliminates pain, relieves muscle tension, and also helps improve blood flow. The specialist will influence special pain points, because of this the patient experiences discomfort during the session.

Wherein acupressure for osteochondrosis is considered highly effective, it is often used together with the classic one. It is recommended to contact a professional massage therapist, because it is quite difficult to master the technique on your own.

The connective tissue type is also used, in this case there is a displacement of the skin in relation to the muscles, as well as to the bones. At first, the procedure is performed on healthy tissue, but then used on affected areas. All actions are performed with soft movements without any jolts.

The periosteal appearance is similar to acupressure for osteochondrosis. The peculiarity is that the technique is used on the surface of bone tissue. A local effect is produced on the bone structure, affecting all tissues, even those that are considered difficult to reach.

The cupping type allows you to relax the muscles as much as possible, increase blood flow, and also remove swelling. The positive effect is achieved due to warming, as well as vacuum effects. Special medical jars are heated and then placed on problem areas.

They should be moved with smooth movements from top to bottom along the spine, and then along the intercostal lines. The procedure lasts on average 15 minutes, and it must be used every day. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to cover yourself with a blanket after the massage.

As you can understand, there are different types of procedures, but it is not allowed to use all of them at once. Only an expert can choose the right massage technique for osteochondrosis, he will also be able to combine several types if necessary. The positive effect will not be long in coming; it should appear after just a few procedures.

How to perform self-massage?

Not in all cases it is possible to visit a specialist, but it is important to treat the disease. In such a situation, self-massage is recommended, which also gives good results. The advantage of this procedure is that you can carry it out at home, and you will be able to independently select the intensity taking into account your well-being.

The following rules should be followed:

  • Massaging the problem area is allowed only in a sitting position
  • Each movement should be performed for at least a minute.
  • It is important to keep your back straight, and your feet should be shoulder-width apart.
  • The intensity of exposure can be gradually increased.
  • The session should begin and end with stroking.

The technique itself is simple, and the benefits of massage for osteochondrosis are invaluable. First, you should stroke your neck from bottom to top, using both hands. Next, rub the problem area with your fingers and then with the edge of your palm.

It is worth pulling the skin on the sides, then stretch the collar area, grabbing the muscles. You can perform tapping with your palm, as well as pinching movements. The session ends with stroking, after which it is important not to go out into the cold for at least half an hour.

It is important to figure out whether it is possible to do massage for osteochondrosis in a specific situation, because there are contraindications. It is not recommended for tuberculosis, blood pathologies and infections, because the treatment method provokes an exacerbation of the listed ailments. Do not perform massage at high temperatures and skin problems.

The procedure is not recommended during pregnancy, as it may be dangerous to the fetus.. Manipulations should be carried out with caution if there are warts and moles on the skin, as they can be damaged. When inflammatory processes occur in the body, massage is also not recommended.

In other situations, you need to look at how you feel to see whether this treatment method is worth using. If it helps, then you can safely use it. If your health worsens, you should refuse the procedure so as not to worsen your condition, or try to find another more experienced massage therapist.

Massage has a great effect on the peripheral nervous system. At the beginning of the massage, irritation of the terminal apparatus of the peripheral nervous system increases, followed by a decrease in its excitability, which is reflexively transmitted to the entire nervous system. Clinically, this manifests itself in a decrease or complete disappearance of pain.

The leading role in the formation of the feeling of pain belongs to the cerebral cortex, therefore the reaction to painful stimulation can be suppressed by a stronger conditioned stimulus, which is massage. The mechanism of its analgesic action is that there is a constant suppression of pain integration at various levels 7,18. Massage has an inhibitory effect on the peripheral focus, which, in turn, extinguishes repercussive foci of congestive pain in the central nervous system, helps improve the functional state of all parts of the nervous system, enhances the regulatory and coordinating function of the central nervous system, stimulates regenerative processes and restoration of the function of peripheral nerves 20.

For lumbosacral osteochondrosis of the spine, massage improves lymph and blood circulation in the muscles and in the area of ​​destructive-degenerative changes in the spine, has an analgesic and absorbable effect, normalizes muscle tone, and increases muscle strength. Massage is used in the subacute stage of the disease 18.

Indications for prescribing massage in this case are 38,48,52,70,88: lumbosacral radiculitis of infectious and toxic etiology; degenerative changes in the area of ​​lumbar discs and vertebrae - discopathy, spondylosis, spondyloarthritis, etc.; lumbosacral radiculitis of post-traumatic origin and as a result of overload of the lumbar spine, as a result of inflammatory processes in the pelvic cavity, in violation of autonomic innervation, etc.

Objectives of massage are 88: stimulation of blood and lymph circulation in the extremities and lumbar region, reduction of pain, strengthening of the hypotrophic muscles of the back of the thigh and lower leg, as well as the gluteal muscles, reduction of tone, tense long back muscles.

Massage plan: impact on the paravertebral zones of all spinal segments from underlying to overlying and reflexogenic zones of the chest and pelvis; massage of the back muscles, iliac crests, costal arches, intercostal spaces and spinous processes; massage of the hip and shoulder joints, selective massage of painful areas and points of the chest. Passive and active movements. Breathing movements. The patient's position is lying down.

Methodology. Massage of paravertebral zones : flat stroking, circular rubbing, planing, sawing; longitudinal kneading, shifting in longitudinal and transverse directions; continuous vibration, clapping. Trapezius muscle massage : stroking, rubbing, forceps-like kneading of the supraclavicular edges. Forceps-like stroking and kneading of the sternocleidomastoid muscles. Lat massage back muscles : stroking, rubbing with the palmar edge of the hand, longitudinal kneading, stretching and squeezing the outer edges of the muscles, vibration stroking. Gluteal massage muscles: superficial and deep stroking, rubbing - with the supporting surface of the hand, shading, sawing, crossing; kneading - longitudinal, stretching and shearing; vibration - continuous, patting, chopping, vibration stroking. Stroking and rubbing with fingers the crests of the iliac bones in the direction from the groin areas to the spine and the costal arches from the sternum to the spine. Rake-like stroking and rubbing of the intercostal spaces from the sternum to the spine. Massage of the interspinous spaces and spinous processes from the underlying vertebrae to the overlying ones: stroking, rubbing and continuous vibration with the ends of the fingers, sawing in the longitudinal direction, intermittent pressure on the spinous processes with the palm. Massage of the hip and shoulder joints: stroking, rubbing the periarticular tissues, bursal-ligamentous apparatus. Massage of areas of spinal overload: in the area of ​​the V lumbar vertebra - circular stroking, rubbing, continuous vibration, puncturing; in the area of ​​the lower cervical vertebrae - stroking, rubbing, continuous vibration and puncture of the VII cervical vertebra. Selective massage: pain zones and points: in the interspinous and intercostal spaces, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, in the area of ​​periarticular tissues of the shoulder and hip joints, supraclavicular areas of the trapezius muscles and acromioclavicular joints, in the area of ​​the sacrum, iliac crests and other areas of pain irradiation - stroking, rubbing, vibration. Concussion of the chest and pelvis, compression and stretching of the chest. Passive and active movements. Shaking limbs. Breathing movements. The duration of the massage procedure is 15-20 minutes. The course of treatment is 12 procedures, every other day.

Acupressure. In the last decade, acupressure has gained widespread recognition, used both independently and in combination with other types of treatment. The technique of acupressure and treatment regimens for various diseases are covered in domestic and foreign monographs.

Acupressure is pressure at a certain point on stretched skin, without moving it. The intensity of the massage depends on the expected result. The pressure is applied with varying strength, massaging deep-lying tissues.

Acupressure is performed either with the fingers of the hand, or with special devices: ebonite, wooden, glass rods with rounded conical ends of different diameters, spherical needles with a diameter of 2-3 to 100 mm. When working with the fingers of the hand, use the tip of one (index, thumb), 2-3 fingers, as well as the fingernail. This was recommended in ancient Eastern manuals as a mandatory procedure before inserting a needle.

During acupressure, the same standard points are used as during acupuncture, and the effect is carried out using an inhibitory or stimulating method.

10 basic forms of linear tissue massage are also used in certain areas: stroking, vibration pinching, pressure (weak, medium, strong), rubbing, reciprocating movement with pressure, rubbing between the thumb and forefinger, rubbing between the palms of the hands, effleurage varying intensity with fingers, palm, etc., flexion and extension, rotation and stretching (given in the interpretation of G. Luvsan, 1986) [cit. according to 68].

Many specialists combine acupressure with classical and segmental massage.

The duration of the massage is determined by the reactivity and general condition of the body. The correct dosage and massage technique causes redness of the skin. The duration of the sedative massage is 10-20 minutes, the tonic massage is 1-3 minutes. Massage sessions can be performed daily or every other day for 10-20 days, with the course of treatment repeated according to indications after 10-15 days (G. Luvsan, 1986) [cit. according to 68].

All of the above indicates the need for individual differentiated selection of reflexology methods, taking into account the patient’s condition, the stage and nature of the pathological process, the severity of pain and concomitant diseases. During and after the session, the patient’s reaction to the procedure, the degree and duration of improvement should be determined, achieving increasing positive dynamics in pain relief.


The word “osteochondrosis” is often heard by a doctor when diagnosing a patient, on average over 35 years old, who comes with complaints of limited mobility of some joints, pain with sudden movements, dizziness or tinnitus. All these phenomena may be symptoms of the “disease of the century” - osteochondrosis, which sooner or later makes itself felt to almost all people - this is how we pay for upright walking.

Is it possible to alleviate the condition or will you just have to accept the gradual wear and tear of the intervertebral discs, taking painkillers during exacerbations? Of course, the disease can and should be kept under control - a back massage developed several centuries ago for osteochondrosis helps a lot. If you practice it regularly, in many cases taking pills and injections will not be necessary. Flexible, strong muscles will act as a corset that keeps the spine in working order.

Indications for massage

  • back pain of various localizations;
  • headaches caused by deformation of the cervical vertebrae;
  • sensations of numbness in the neck and shoulder muscles.

Back massage for osteochondrosis is indicated during the recovery period after an attack of lumbago or lumboischialgia - acute pain in the spine, making any movement impossible, in the case of lumbar ischialgia radiating to the buttock and thigh. Treatment sessions will speed up recovery and help the patient get rid of osteochondrosis, or rather, its most striking manifestations in the shortest possible time.

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What is the reason for the therapeutic effect? Wear and tear of the spinal discs leads to pinched nerve endings, which causes pain and swelling of the surrounding tissues. The discs themselves cannot hurt; the source of discomfort is the nervous and muscle tissue. The body rushes to limit movement in the damaged area - the muscles spasm.

The massage therapist’s task is to restore lymph flow and normal blood circulation in the affected tissues, relieve swelling and restore plasticity to the muscles. As a result, after the signs of inflammation subside, the spinal column regains mobility.

After 35 years, any recovery processes in the body proceed more slowly - which means that back massage (for osteochondrosis, its effectiveness is beyond doubt) will benefit everyone.

Preparing for the session

Before starting a massage, the specialist will definitely find out if the patient has any contraindications:

  • tumors of any location;
  • acute respiratory disease;
  • high-grade hypertension;
  • varicose veins stage IV and thrombophlebitis;
  • large hernias;
  • Massage is not recommended for women during menstruation and while pregnant.

If no contraindications are found, the patient is asked to lie on his stomach on the couch. The back should be exposed. If there is a recovery period after lumboischialgia, the buttocks are also exposed - the effect on them gives a good effect.

The specialist applies a warming cream or oil to the client’s body with smooth, soft movements. If your back skin is very oily, you can use talc.

Sequence of techniques

There are no clear uniform rules regarding how to do a back massage. Each master has his own professional techniques that allow him to quickly and effectively cope with the manifestations of the disease.

Much depends on the patient himself. Meaning:

  • age;
  • muscle tissue condition;
  • the nature of the pain experienced;
  • size of the affected area.

However, there are principles that every qualified professional will adhere to. The techniques may differ slightly, but the sequence of their changes is generally the same.

The first movements are stroking.

Stroking during massage

They are necessary in order to prepare, as massage therapists say, to “warm up” the client’s skin and muscles. The master moves both palms down along the back, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, trying to perform movements so as to direct them to the axillary lymph nodes. At first, the strokes are soft and careful, at this time the specialist performs palpation, that is, he determines the most tense areas that need to be kneaded during the session. Palpation should be as gentle as possible - if everything is done correctly, the muscles will not spasm in response to light pressure, but, on the contrary, will relax a little.

Stroking must be done without removing the palms from the patient’s body, otherwise he will experience unpleasant sensations.
This is followed by sawing and rowing techniques. Their task is to “break” the muscles and remove congestion. Sawing is done with the ribs of the palms, and rowing is done with the pads of outstretched fingers, slightly bent. Both techniques require some strength from the massage therapist and should be performed vigorously.

Important point! When passing the most painful area, you need to reduce the impact. The reason is simple: severe pain (in the absence of a large hernia or other damage in this place) indicates that the muscles are poorly prepared. If you “nag” a patient without paying attention to his complaints, you can get the opposite effect to the desired one: “cold” muscles will contract more tightly, therefore, the pain will only increase.

The techniques must be alternated with stroking. This recommendation will seem logical and understandable if you remember that after vigorous exposure, both participants in the procedure - both the massage therapist and the client - need rest. During stroking, the skin calms down, the body prepares for the next stage, called rubbing.

You can rub your back with the bases of your palms, as well as with your entire palm, pressing hard enough - the effect should be noticeable. If at this point it feels like the cream has almost completely absorbed into the skin, you can additionally apply it a little more.

A slightly modified rubbing technique can be used on the buttocks: you need to clench your working palm into a fist and press several times along the gluteus maximus muscle. This perfectly removes phenomena such as:

  • soreness;
  • numbness;
  • feeling of "crawling goosebumps".

The most important stage of the procedure is kneading. At this stage, the massage therapist will have to put significant effort into every movement. You should deeply grab the muscle and roll it, like a roller, in different directions.

You can do it this way: standing on the left side of the patient, form a roll on the right side of his back in the lumbar region, as close to the spine as possible, but do not touch the spinal column. The roller should be rolled sideways. We form the next roll a little higher - and so on, up to the neck-collar area. Then you need to stand on the other side and repeat the same movements.

Many specialists work differently: they simply knead the back muscles, grabbing and rolling them like dough. This is easier to do if the patient has a fairly large body weight or if he is an athletic person and his muscles are in good shape and are difficult to grasp.

Gradually, the muscles become softer and more flexible, the skin on the treated area turns red.

Final stage

The last actions of the massage therapist should be calming techniques: light tapping and vibration.

Back massage

If the patient has a strong fat and (or) muscle layer, tapping can be done with fists; of course, the blows should be very weak, and in the area of ​​​​the projection of the kidneys they are completely prohibited.

In other cases, tapping with palms folded into a handful is used.

Vibration is done like this: the massage therapist places one hand on the patient’s back, fixing it, and the other, relaxing the hand as much as possible, shakes the client’s body.

After the session is completed, the patient should be asked not to get up for several minutes. You can cover his back with a towel and briefly turn on quiet music, dimming the lights in the office.

What to pay attention to

For massage to bring relief from osteochondrosis, it is necessary to conduct from 7 to 10 sessions. You cannot begin treatment during a period of acute pain; you must wait until it subsides to such a degree of intensity that the patient can already do without painkillers.

When starting a massage, a qualified specialist will not touch the damaged area during the first session. Healthy areas are treated first. Before applying to the painful area, the area located above is massaged.

Massage is an excellent tool that makes it possible to restore spinal mobility without medications. Since osteochondrosis is observed to one degree or another in almost everyone who has crossed the 35-40 year mark. From time to time, therapeutic and preventive sessions will be useful for everyone who cares about their health. The muscles will become flexible, stiffness will disappear, and youthful vigor will appear. You shouldn’t wait for osteochondrosis to go on the offensive; it’s better to prevent its attacks in time!

Do you often face the problem of back or joint pain?

  • Do you have a sedentary lifestyle?
  • You can’t boast of a royal posture and try to hide your stoop under clothes?
  • It seems to you that this will soon go away on its own, but the pain only gets worse...
  • Many methods have been tried, but nothing helps...
  • And now you are ready to take advantage of any opportunity that will give you the long-awaited well-being!

Dear readers! I’ll say right away: osteochondrosis is an incurable disease. But if you choose good treatment, you can achieve stable remission and reverse the destruction of bone tissue. For this disease, complex therapy, in addition to physical therapy, physiotherapy and medications, also includes back massage. To do it, you do not need to be a professional massage therapist with extensive experience. Because the technique of back massage for osteochondrosis is quite simple. It does not involve complex manipulations and can be learned in a few days. “Training grounds” can be the backs and other parts of the body of friends and relatives. And how to properly do a massage at home is what this review will be about.

Action for osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a degenerative disorder of the intervertebral discs. Complications of the disease include their displacement, which is accompanied by pain. Back massage is not only a treatment for osteochondrosis, but also a diagnostic procedure. It is a therapeutic complex of manual influences on specific areas of the body.

The types of such influences are the following: stroking, tapping, rubbing, vibration, kneading, etc. Treatment of this pathology with massage will lead to the following positive therapeutic effects:

  • Eliminate pain.
  • Relaxation of tense muscles.
  • Improving microcirculation.
  • Strengthening the muscle corset, which stabilizes the spine.
  • Increased metabolism in areas of the displaced disc.
  • Increased overall tone.
  • Reducing inflammation in the intervertebral disc.


Back massage, in particular for osteochondrosis, has general contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to carry out any of the procedures described below for people of the following categories:

  • Pregnant.
  • For skin cancer, any skin abnormalities, increased skin sensitivity.
  • Acute stage of development of osteochondrosis and other diseases.
  • With heart problems, heart rhythm, hypertension in the 3rd degree.
  • If there are large or suspicious moles in the area of ​​the manipulations being performed.

Preparing for a massage

Back massage at home is carried out in two poses.

  • The patient lies on his stomach on a hard surface with his arms extended along his body. The palms are turned up, and the head is turned to the side towards the massage therapist.
  • The patient is in a sitting position. The face is turned to the back of the chair. The hands are folded crosswise on it, and the head is tilted on top. For comfort, you can put a small cushion under your hands.

Having assumed a comfortable position, you can begin the procedure. To do this, you should first visually divide your back into areas:

  • The collar part is from the beginning of the skull to the upper edge of the scapula.
  • Back - from the upper base of the shoulder blade to the outer rib.
  • Lumbar part - from the last lower rib to the coccyx.

Back massage technique for osteochondrosis

The therapeutic massage technique consists of a series of sequential influences. Before starting the procedure, the body should be prepared and warmed up. All movements are carried out in the direction of blood flow.

  • Make 3-4 light, straight strokes without pressure.
  • Proceed to rubbing and make 3-4 circular and straight movements.
  • Finish warming up by sawing with the edge of your palm (2-3 repetitions). Use rip and perpendicular cuts along and across the back.
  • With both hands, take the muscles and skin into the fold and move it from the bottom (from the base of the lower back) up (to the base of the neck).
  • Pressing with your fingertips, alternately massage the longitudinal and transverse muscles.
  • Tap the surface of the body with your fingers and the edge of your palm.
  • Pat the skin with your palm, cupping it.
  • Run along the intercostal spaces towards the shoulder blades with spread fingers.
  • Using the heels of your palms, make a spiral squeeze in a circular motion, moving along the body. It’s as if you are rubbing the cream into the skin as deeply as possible.

After you have massaged your back well on both sides, proceed to a classic massage of the neck and collar area. Also perform the procedures for 3-5 repetitions. Since the neck is a fragile anatomical area, all movements must be carried out with maximum care and strength. The main effects are stroking, transverse rubbing and circular kneading.

  • Rub the collar area, as well as the back, with your palms to warm up, stretch and prepare for the massage.
  • Next, cut from the shoulder to the skull with the edge of your palms. Don't press too hard as... The skin in this area is more sensitive than on the back.
  • Using the heels of your palms or the pads of your thumbs, squeeze the skin near the cervical spine in the direction from the shoulder blades to the skull.
  • From the shoulder to the skull, alternating sides, do spiral squeezes with your palms, as on your back.
  • Using the pads of your thumbs, do a point kneading, covering the upper part of the neck, not reaching the hair.

Finish the entire massage session with the same warm-up procedures: rubbing and stroking. The entire procedure should take no more than 30-40 minutes. After completing the manipulations, the patient should rest, lying in a supine position for at least half an hour.

  1. During the procedure, try to establish verbal contact with the patient. This will relax him, he will trust you, and you will be able to better massage the necessary areas of the body.
  2. After warming up the muscle, you can gradually increase the pressure.
  3. Deep and strong compression can be done exclusively in the softest areas.
  4. In the area of ​​the kidneys, you should be careful not to apply too much pressure, tap or press.

That's the whole classic method of general massage. The exercises are absolutely not difficult. All you need to do is follow the algorithm. And to make it easier to master and remember the technique, or if some techniques are not clear, then watch a video of how a massage is done.

Dear readers, as you can see, the back massage technique for osteochondrosis is simple to perform. Practice once or twice and you will remember all the movements and make sure that this can be easily repeated at home. If this helped you, then share with your friends.

Until then, goodbye! Taisiya Filippova was with you.