What could be the causes of snoring? The problem of night snoring in men - the main causes of the unpleasant symptom A man has severe snoring

If in women snoring is most often a marker of diseases resulting from hormonal disorders, then in most men the causes of snoring are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, congenital and acquired craniofacial deformities and ENT diseases.

Among them are:

  • Nasal breathing disorder due to curvature of the nasal septum, polyps and scars in the nose and larynx, hypertrophy of the uvula and tonsils.
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases of the throat and nose: tonsillitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis.
  • Natural aging of the body. After 45-50 years, the elasticity of the soft tissues of the pharynx begins to decrease. They stick together, narrow the airway and lead to respiratory arrest.
  • Taking sleeping pills and antidepressants. These drugs not only calm the nervous system, but also relax the muscles, including the walls of the larynx, which inevitably leads to snoring.
  • Excess weight, excess fat deposits in the neck, chin, as well as a “beer belly”. Even with the first degree of obesity, the possibility of snoring in men increases approximately 8-10 times. In the second and third degrees, snoring almost always becomes chronic and is often complicated by apnea. 80% of men with fourth degree obesity have severe obstructive apnea syndrome.
  • Alcohol addiction. In men who abuse strong drinks, muscle tone also decreases, which also leads to sagging of the palatal tissues. What is especially bad is that under the influence of alcohol, the brain of a sleeping person is not able to respond to holding his breath, and the sleeping person may suffocate from lack of oxygen.
  • Smoking. This bad habit is one of the main causes of snoring in men today. Inhalation of nicotine and heavy metal vapors contained in tobacco leads to obstruction of the respiratory tract, provokes swelling of the laryngeal tissues, impairs air permeability and causes breathing problems.

Why is male snoring dangerous?

Male snoring is classified into three degrees of severity:

  • Easy. As a result of overwork, overeating at night or an uncomfortable position during sleep, almost all people snore. This kind of snoring does not torment us, and to get rid of it, it is enough to remove the factor that caused it.
  • Medium-heavy. Ronchopathy occurs in a person as a result of any disease and is regular. Restless sleep is accompanied by periodic awakenings. In the morning, a person does not feel well-rested and wakes up with a heaviness in the body and a headache.
  • Severe (chronic). Loud nightly snoring, uncontrollable awakenings, drowsiness and headaches become constant companions of a person. It is very difficult for him to control himself and he may fall asleep while driving, while working, or eating.

Mild snoring in men is caused by easily removable causes, moderate snoring requires medical intervention, and severe snoring poses a serious threat to health. In the stronger half of humanity, it occurs twice as often as in women.

Men with chronic ronchopathy have an increased risk of diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system: myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, arterial hypertension; they more often suffer from heartburn, shortness of breath, potency problems, hormonal imbalance and obesity. But the worst thing is that chronic snoring is almost always accompanied by a phenomenon called OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome).

Apnea is a breathing disorder in which pulmonary ventilation stops for more than 10 seconds and oxygen starvation occurs. In the most severe cases, it can last up to 2 minutes and occupy up to 60% of the total sleep duration. In addition to the fact that men with apnea suffer from diseases associated with snoring three times more often than those whose snoring is not accompanied by OSA, prolonged lack of oxygen during sleep can be fatal.

Treatment of snoring

Sleep disorders, including identifying the causes of snoring in men and its treatment, are dealt with by a somnologist. First of all, he diagnoses the patient’s sleep, analyzes the symptoms associated with snoring, and determines how dangerous it is to health (is it aggravated by obstructive apnea syndrome or not). In most cases, the first thing that needs to be treated is not the snoring itself, but the disease that caused it; in addition, the methods of treating rhonchopathy depend on the degree of its severity. The main measures that effectively solve the problems of snoring and OSA are:

  • complete or partial withdrawal from sedatives and hypnotics;
  • cessation of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages;
  • getting rid of excess weight, beer belly and fat deposits in the neck and chin;
  • use of oral applicators;
  • CPAP therapy - creating a sleeping excess positive pressure in the airways, preventing them from sticking together;
  • surgical intervention at the level of the pharynx.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment of snoring gives positive results, mainly when it manifests itself as a result of various ENT diseases: sinusitis, rhinitis, adenoiditis, nasal polyposis and the like. Contrary to the assurances of some unscrupulous pharmacists, there are no effective tablets and aerosols that can relieve rhonchopathy and apnea caused by other reasons. The vast majority of anti-snoring drugs on the market are dietary supplements, the effectiveness of which has not been confirmed by anything. The herbal components in their composition are only intended to alleviate the symptoms and consequences accompanying sleep-disordered breathing, such as:

  • accumulation of mucus in the nose and throat;
  • dry mouth and nose;
  • hoarseness of voice.

Unfortunately, approximately a third of people suffering from sleep-disordered breathing are prone to allergic rhinitis, and dietary supplements for snoring very often cause allergies, and the rationality of their use is questioned by most doctors.

Treatment of snoring with special applicators

In contrast to drug therapy for snoring, the therapeutic effect of oral applicators has been proven, and they are used all over the world as one of the alternatives to the basic treatment of rhonchopathy and OSA. Their positive effect is noted for mild to severe snoring, especially in situations where it is not accompanied by other symptoms, mild and moderate forms of apnea, and in patients with malocclusion.

There are many varieties of this kind of applicators, but they are all divided into two types: devices that support the tongue and repositioning devices that push the lower jaw forward. Recently, oral applicators made from soft thermoplastic using dental impressions of the patient have become widespread.

Tongue applicators are fixed in the oral cavity at the tip of the tongue using a special suction cup. This device widens the air passages and at the same time prevents the tongue from falling back when inhaling. Devices for repositioning the lower jaw are placed in the oral cavity and secured to the teeth. With their help, the jaw moves forward and is fixed. Thanks to this, the lumen of the airways increases.

There are also special bandages that support the lower jaw and thereby prevent snoring.

Treatment of snoring using CPAP therapy

CPAP therapy - artificial ventilation of the lungs with constant positive pressure was proposed in 1981 by professor from Australia Collin Sullivan. Today it is considered one of the most effective ways to treat snoring and obstructive apnea, which does not have any side effects.

A CPAP machine is a small compressor that supplies air into the airways through a nasal mask connected to it by a flexible tube. In this case, air is supplied continuously, with the same intensity and under a certain pressure. This allows you to artificially enlarge the airways during sleep and prevent sagging of the larynx. With its help, the main danger of apnea is eliminated - oxygen starvation, as well as unconscious short-term awakenings associated with it.

In mild to moderate cases, CPAP therapy lasts several months up to five times a week, and in severe (chronic) cases it can be prescribed for life. The CPAP machine is selected individually each time, after a polysomnographic examination of the patient. Thus, it is possible to completely relieve the patient from apnea and snoring at any stage, as well as from their harmful consequences and improve the patient’s quality of life.

Laser surgery

Laser surgery to eliminate snoring is used as a last resort for those who refuse mechanical ventilation using CPAP therapy and who have not responded to treatment with an otolaryngologist. In this case, the work of doctors is aimed at abnormal areas of the upper respiratory tract that complicate the breathing process. It could be:

  • complete or partial removal of the hypertrophied uvula;
  • partial removal of sagging palatal tissues;
  • excision of the palatal arches;
  • reduction of tonsils;
  • elimination of deformations of the nasal septum, and the like.

According to the official recommendations of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM), laser surgery on the upper respiratory tract does not lead to complete relief from snoring and apnea and should be used only as a last resort. In addition, surgical intervention in the pharynx area sometimes has to be repeated, and after it complications cannot be ruled out:

  • nasal speech;
  • change in voice timbre;
  • getting pieces of food into the respiratory tract;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • relapse of apnea.

People who consider night “trills” to be an ordinary phenomenon that does not in any way affect the health of the stronger half of humanity are greatly mistaken. Male snoring is a medical disease that causes serious trouble not only for the snorer, but also for those around him and requires mandatory treatment.

They can be varied:

  • deviated nasal septum;
  • congenital narrowness of the nasal passages;
  • enlargement of the palatine tonsils;
  • elongated uvula;
  • nasal polyps;
  • posteriorly displaced, small lower jaw;
  • obesity;
  • age;
  • bad habits (smoking, drinking alcohol);
  • decreased thyroid function;
  • chronic fatigue.

The trigger for snoring is a nighttime decrease in muscle tone against the background of an existing narrowing of the pharynx.

In a healthy person, the muscles of the pharynx structures (root of the tongue, uvula, pharyngeal tonsils, soft palate) keep the upper airways open, even when he is sleeping. Breathing remains smooth, full, and silent.

Now imagine, for example, an overweight person. Fat deposits in obese people accumulate not only under the skin, but also between organs. Among other things, a “fatty muff” is formed around the pharynx; it compresses the upper respiratory tract, narrowing its lumen.

During the day, when all muscles are toned, a person can breathe freely. But in sleep, the tone decreases, the walls of the pharynx come closer together, begin to touch, vibrate when inhaling and exhaling, creating snoring.

Often, uncomplicated snoring over time turns into a dangerous disease - sleep apnea syndrome (obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, OSA). With apnea, the sleeper snores with frequent pauses in breathing during sleep, because his pharynx not only narrows, but at times collapses completely, blocking the flow of air. The result is episodes of suffocation lasting up to a minute or more, repeated up to 400-500 times per night.

Watch a video that shows how snoring and sleep apnea develop in men.

Why is snoring dangerous in men?

Men often snore is a known fact. But few people think about why this happens and what it means.

Snoring in men is associated with the anatomy of the upper respiratory tract: they have a narrower lumen of the pharynx than women. In addition, men are more likely to smoke and drink alcohol, and these are independent risk factors for snoring. Due to these same features, men have a greater “chance” of developing obstructive apnea syndrome. And this is not only the indignation of sleep-deprived relatives, but also direct harm to health.

Many people with sleep apnea have no idea that they have the disease. During breathing stops, a person usually does not wake up completely, so he simply cannot know what is happening to him at night. He complains of restless sleep, daytime sleepiness, high blood pressure, fatigue, night sweats, and attributes all this to a million reasons, but not to sleep disturbance. He tries to get treatment, fight complaints, visits all sorts of specialists - but this does not help, because the reason is not in the heart, nervous system or anything else, but in night breathing disorders.

Remaining without treatment for months and years, without breathing for a total of 2-4 hours every night, the patient faces increasingly serious problems. He develops arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease, his performance decreases greatly, and he constantly experiences irritability. Drowsiness becomes constant, the problem of involuntary falling asleep appears, which is very dangerous, especially for people who often drive. The risk of heart attacks, strokes, and death during sleep increases 5 times.

The presence of snoring in a man is an indication for examination and treatment.

“Before, men snored too, and nothing! They worked in the fields and lived until they were 80.”

This argument is often heard from patients.

Yes, it is true that some people who snore live long and relatively healthy lives. But, as already mentioned, snoring is different. If it is uncomplicated, then such snoring does not harm anyone except the people who share their home with the “snoreer.” And if this is sleep apnea syndrome, then a person’s life expectancy, as well as its quality, are significantly reduced.

Dozens of major foreign studies have shown the connection between sleep apnea and dangerous diseases (coronary heart disease, heart attacks, strokes), the frequency of hospitalizations and traffic accidents due to falling asleep while driving. It was found that if a patient with severe sleep apnea is not treated, there is a 50% chance that they will die within the next 12 years.

Of course, you can hope for luck, favorable heredity or something else. Or you can take a reasonable precaution - see a doctor and get effective treatment. In conditions of frequent stress, overload, a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition, even a person without any health problems may well acquire them. What can we say about people who suffocate every night in their sleep...

Apnea is a potential risk of acquiring serious illnesses, becoming disabled and a burden to the family, or even dying.


The mechanism of snoring and OSA

Why does a person snore? The cause of snoring is narrowing, curvature, relaxation of the walls of the airways:

  • When you breathe, the air flow changes. In normal breathing, air passes directly through the nose and throat very quickly and supplies oxygen to the body in a timely manner. When the walls are changed (there are obstacles, the walls are curved), the air swirls, creating turbulence, which creates sound. In addition, vibrations of soft tissues (the uvula) may occur, which intensifies the sound.
  • Movement of the soft tissues of the pharynx. The sound of snoring indicates that the walls of the throat are touching, oscillating or vibrating. This occurs due to a decrease in muscle tone, as well as due to a reduction in the distance between the walls.

When does muscle tone change? This is facilitated by age, alcohol, low levels of thyroid hormones, chronic inflammatory processes in the pharynx, smoking (replacement of muscles with connective tissue), disruption of the innervation of pharyngeal tissue.

When does the distance between the walls decrease? This is facilitated by excess fatty tissue in the pharynx, enlarged tonsils (adenoids, tonsil hypertrophy), swelling due to allergic reactions.

What is Apnea? During sleep, overall muscle tone decreases. In particular, the muscles that make up the structure of the pharynx relax. If there are predisposing factors that cause narrowing of the airways, then the sagging soft palate beats against the walls of the pharynx during the passage of air flow. If the airways are completely blocked, a short-term cessation of breathing occurs - apnea. There can be up to 400 such stops per night.

  • During apnea, partial or complete arousal occurs in the brain, leading to a significant deterioration in sleep quality.
  • The patient often wakes up with a feeling of suffocation, sleep becomes restless and unrefreshing.
  • OSA is one of the main sources of nightmares.
  • During the day, the patient feels tired and sleepy, irritability increases, and mood worsens (see why you always want to sleep)
  • The consequence of this situation is an increase in blood pressure, an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Memory deterioration and the development of impotence are also possible.

Causes of snoring

Diseases that cause snoring:

  • Disturbances in nasal breathing, and this disturbance must be significant to force the patient to switch to mouth breathing at night. Among these reasons are: deviated nasal septum, nasal polyps, nasal valve pathology, adenoids in children, Thornwald’s bursa, etc.
  • Benign or malignant tumors of the respiratory tract
  • Inflammatory processes in the nose - narrowness of the nasal passages due to chronic runny nose, sinusitis, sinusitis, chronic tonsillitis (including sore throat)

  • Congenital anomalies of the structure of the nose or pharynx, long uvula, malocclusion, underdevelopment of the upper and/or lower jaw
  • ​Allergic diseases - bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, allergic cough
  • Acromegaly - dysfunction of the anterior pituitary gland
  • OSA - obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
  • Thyroid diseases - hypothyroidism
  • Neuromuscular diseases
  • Injuries leading to damage to the cranial nerves, damage to the pharyngeal nerves during operations
  • Neoplasms or stroke.

Changes in the walls of the respiratory tract are facilitated by:

  • Excess weight is the main cause of snoring. People with stage 1 obesity (BMI>29) are 8-12 times more likely to develop OSA than those without it. In people with grade 3 obesity (BMI>40), OSA is observed in 60% of cases. The mechanism of snoring is the narrowing of the lumen of the pharynx by fat deposited in the organs of the face and neck.
  • Alcohol - sleep occurring under the influence of alcohol leads to a significant decrease in muscle tone, and, consequently, to snoring.
  • Smoking - tobacco smoke has a bad effect on the condition of the muscles of the pharynx.
  • Sleeping pills (see how to fall asleep quickly without medications)

The danger of snoring

In severe cases of OSA, breathing stops occur up to 40-60 times per hour, that is, every minute. As a result, the brain experiences enormous stress, tissues, including the brain, lack oxygen, and acidosis develops (acidification of the body). The result of this situation is the active development of atherosclerosis, and, consequently:

  • High blood pressure - 50% of adults who snore have hypertension. A characteristic feature of the disease is the excess of night pressure over daytime pressure, an increase in diastolic pressure in the morning, and even a decrease in pressure 20–30 minutes after waking up. According to some scientists, in patients whose blood pressure is not treatable (more than 3 medications are required), OSA is observed in 83% of cases.
  • Heart rhythm disturbances - In people with OSA, the incidence of heart rhythm disturbances can be up to 50%. It should be remembered that any arrhythmia puts the patient at risk for sudden death.
  • Coronary heart disease - In patients with coronary artery disease, snoring is observed in 30% of cases, which is significantly higher than in people without coronary artery disease in similar age groups.
  • Diabetes mellitus type 2 - In patients with diabetes, the incidence of OSA reaches 36%. The International Diabetes Federation recommends that all doctors, if they detect obstructive sleep apnea syndrome in a patient, screen him for diabetes (see blood sugar levels).

Snoring in children

A child snores for the same reasons as an adult, namely:

  • Enlargement of the palatine tonsils and adenoids (see treatment of adenoids in children).
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose due to a runny nose, nasal polyps, congenital abnormalities, or some other reason.
  • Obesity.

Snoring in children affects their physical and mental development. Such patients become irritable and whiny, their school performance declines, and their behavior worsens. Snoring and sleep apnea can cause nightmares, enuresis and sleepwalking. Severe forms of sleep apnea in children have serious consequences: retardation in mental and physical development, severe hyperactivity and attention deficit syndrome.

It should be remembered that the causes of snoring in adults, such as obesity and malocclusion, begin in childhood. They are also caused by artificial feeding, which, unfortunately, is very fashionable in our time.

Treatment of snoring - preventive measures

Target : reduce the influence of factors that contribute to snoring - allergens, swelling of the walls of the airways, inflammation.
Pros: safe
Disadvantages: if several causes of snoring are combined, as well as apnea, these remedies are ineffective and also require regular use over a long period of time.

  • refusal or limitation of smoking, alcohol (at least 3 hours before bedtime)
  • exclusion of allergens in the room - dust, pets, woolen products, blankets, feathers, down pillows, flowering plants

  • orthopedic pillows - relieve positional snoring
  • restoration of normal nasal breathing - dilating strips on the nose, vasoconstrictor drops in the nose
  • weight loss - in case of obesity, even a 10% reduction improves the condition
  • air humidification - the use of ultrasonic humidifiers, climate systems
  • moisturizing the mucous membranes of the mouth and pharynx - rinse your mouth with vegetable oil before going to bed
  • throat muscle training

You can get rid of snoring with folk remedies

The most popular of them helps against positional snoring, when a person snores while lying on his back. A pocket is sewn to the nightgown on the back between the shoulder blades, into which a round object is placed, for example, a walnut or a golf ball. It is impossible to sleep on such a “pea”; a snorer is forced to sleep on his side, preserving his health and the sleep of those around him.

Acupressure and special anti-snoring ring

Acupressure is performed with warmed hands and fingertips - this is quick, deep pressure for 30-40 seconds on the special points indicated in the figure. It should be performed regularly both for the treatment of snoring and for prevention; it increases muscle tone, helps normalize sleep, and reduces the degree of blockage of the airways. In addition, you can put a special ring on your little finger at night with 2 bulges on the inside, which press on such points on the finger, simulating acupressure (see anti-snoring ring).

Medicines for snoring - treatment of snoring with tablets

Goal: reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and increase its tone
Pros: simple, not expensive, convenient
Cons: restrictions for allergy sufferers, have contraindications, cannot be used without a doctor’s prescription, strict course and dosage, there is no “magic” pill for snoring.

Medicines used to treat snoring:

  • Treatment with local corticosteroids in a certain course in the form of inhalations. Used for enlarged tonsils and allergies. Local hormonal agents reduce inflammation of the mucous membrane and locally reduce swelling.
  • Drops or aerosols with herbal components that increase the tone of the mucous membrane and reduce the vibrations of the walls during sleep. However, these products have a high risk of causing allergies and are not very effective.

Special devices - mouth guard, pacifier orthoses for snoring

Devices placed in the mouth or nose of a snorer - orthoses, mouth guards - expand the lumen of the airways by moving the jaw forward during sleep. They have different designs (adjustable or not, individual or standard), but have extremely low efficiency and are not suitable for everyone. Not everyone can sleep with something in their mouth. They mainly help those who have a deep bite and a small lower jaw. Considering the possible “customer base” (every third adult), such devices in most cases are a “money scam.” Plus, if your device gets lost or broken, your snoring will return.

Purpose: increase the clearance between the walls of the respiratory tract
Pros: few contraindications, convenient to use while traveling
Disadvantages: not used in children, it takes at least 2 weeks to get used to (many people cannot get used to it at all), unpleasant sensations in the joints and muscles of the jaw.


Goal: expansion of the lumen and elimination of movement of the soft palate
Pros: if the only cause of snoring is eliminated, then there may be a good effect
Disadvantages: many contraindications, high risk of complications, painful recovery period, for several causes of snoring - ineffective.

  • 80% - for uncomplicated snoring
  • 50% - for mild OSA
  • less than 20% - with severe OSA

Allows you to make the soft palate more dense so that it sag less during sleep. To do this, the palate is exposed to laser or liquid nitrogen (cryoplasty), and scarring processes develop in it. Some doctors practice surgical cutting off the uvula. No surgical method provides a complete cure, much less a 100% guarantee.

If a patient is diagnosed with several disorders - obesity with a deviated nasal septum, hypothyroidism and smoking, micrognathia and neuromuscular diseases, etc., then surgical treatment not only may not be effective, but can also cause complications, even death.

The American Academy of Medicine has recognized the use of laser surgery on the palate for sleep apnea as ineffective and contrary to the interests of patients.

Types of surgical intervention depend on the cause of snoring:

  • Elimination of the consequences of rhinitis - submucosal osteoconchotomy
  • Removal of obstructions: adenoidectomy (adenoids), tonsillectomy (tonsils), uvulectomy (uvula), polypectomy (polyps)
  • Plastic surgery of the walls of the respiratory tract - uvuloplasty, uvulopalatoplasty, plastic surgery of the nasal septum or nasal valves,
  • Reducing the size of the tongue
  • Sealing the soft palate to reduce vibration - soft palate implants

Treating snoring is not as simple as it might seem. Don't trust neighbors, girlfriends or colleagues. Seek help from a qualified ENT doctor or sleep specialist.


Causes of snoring in men

The origin of snoring is the curvature and narrowing of the airways, which occurs as a result of organic or functional pathology. At the same time, the air inhaled by a person changes the direction of its movement, creating turbulence. A sound is produced that is amplified by the vibration of the uvula.

In addition to the unpleasant specific sound, during snoring men experience a short-term cessation of breathing. This occurs due to sagging of the atonic tissues of the pharynx and temporary obstruction of the airways. The number of such episodes can reach four hundred per 8 hours of sleep. Sleep is accompanied by periodic awakenings, a feeling of suffocation, the quality of rest and, accordingly, life in general decreases.

What conditions provoke the occurrence of the disease?

Snoring does not occur in completely healthy people.

As a rule, a snoring person has one or another pathology from the list below:

  • organic disorders in the nasopharynx (deviated septum, adenoids, tumors, polyps);
  • congenital defects (malocclusion, abnormal jaw development);
  • hypothyroidism;
  • history of trauma accompanied by damage to nerve trunks;
  • dysfunction of the pituitary gland;
  • chronic inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx and associated narrowing of the nasal passages (sinusitis, rhinitis);
  • obstructive sleep apnea syndrome;
  • age-related changes associated with a decrease in the tone of the upper palate.

Note: the causes of snoring during sleep in men can also be due to alcohol consumption. Ethyl alcohol in quantities that can cause intoxication has a relaxing effect. At the same time, the tissues of the upper palate relax and sag, blocking the airways.

In addition to the immediate causes of the disease, there are also predisposing factors. They do not guarantee the occurrence of snoring, but they significantly increase its likelihood.

Factors that trigger snoring include:

  • long-term smoking;
  • severe obesity;
  • alcoholism;
  • age over 40-50 years;
  • allergic alertness of the body;
  • chronic fatigue and insufficient sleep time.

While awake, people who snore may notice signs such as mouth breathing, ear pain, and changes in voice timbre.

Why is snoring dangerous?

Most people consider snoring, although unpleasant, but not dangerous to life and health. However, in reality, the patient is exposed to some dangers associated with impaired breathing during sleep. The first unpleasant phenomenon that a snoring person faces is lack of sleep and chronic fatigue syndrome. Waking up several times during the night, the patient does not go through all the necessary stages of sleep, and accordingly, his body does not receive proper rest.

The second, more formidable danger is hypoxia. Temporary airway obstruction can last from 3-5 to 30 seconds. In the latter case, the body begins to experience an acute lack of oxygen. As a result, neurons die and are destroyed, chronic headaches develop, a person wakes up feeling exhausted, and his mental abilities decrease.

Frequent episodes of hypoxia affect the functioning of the heart muscle. Snoring patients are at risk for myocardial infarction; many of them suffer from coronary heart disease and episodes of hypertension. In this case, blood pressure exceeds normal levels immediately after waking up, but 30-40 minutes after waking up it returns to normal.

Note: people suffering from snoring often experience sudden coronary death syndrome - cardiac arrest during sleep, against the background of complete health of the cardiovascular system. Such patients die in the vast majority of cases.

From the point of view of social adaptation, snoring also leads to problems. People living in the same room as the patient experience irritation and cannot sleep at night. This leads to conflicts in the family, negative attitudes from relatives, and isolation of a person in remote rooms during sleep, which affects the mental state of the patient.

How to cure snoring in a man?

As has become clear from the above, snoring is a much more serious problem than is commonly believed. Getting rid of it is not easy, but it is possible. How to treat snoring in men? For this, various techniques related to both traditional and folk medicine can be used.

Diet and exercise

The easiest way to combat snoring is diet and exercise. Dietary restrictions for snoring have the following goals:

  • weight loss for obesity;
  • decreased secretion of mucus in the respiratory tract.

To lose weight, you should follow a diet in which the number of calories consumed per day will be less than their consumption by 100-200 units. It is recommended to reduce food portions and switch to six meals a day, which helps speed up metabolism. To reduce mucus secretion, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of fats and simple carbohydrates that have a high glycemic index. It is better if the diet is based on vegetables and fruits, cereals, fortified drinks, and light soups.

To reduce snoring, two main exercises are used to increase the tone of the nasopharyngeal muscles and reduce their sagging:

  1. Rolling air– the patient inflates one cheek, after which he rolls the air in his mouth to the other cheek. The exercise should be repeated up to 45-50 times per cycle. It is recommended to do it before going to bed, as well as when waking up from snoring. To improve the result, it will not be superfluous to use the air rolling method during the day.
  2. Tongue on chin– you should try to reach your chin with your tongue, and then pull it back into your mouth. You need to repeat the exercise 15-20 times before going to bed, as well as when waking up at night. The procedure allows you to somewhat stretch and blur the tissues of the respiratory tract, which reduces the degree of sagging of the palate and the risk of snoring.

Methods associated with diet and exercise aimed at increasing the tone of the palate are effective only if the cause of snoring is functional disorders. Organic pathology is practically not amenable to such types of therapy. Despite following a diet, weight loss and regular exercise, snoring persists. In such situations, treatment is carried out using medications or surgery.

Anti-snoring medications

Pharmacological treatment of snoring depends on the reasons that caused it. As a rule, drugs are prescribed according to the table below:

It is necessary to consider each of the following drugs separately:

  • Asonor - available in the form of nasal drops. Moisturizes the nasopharynx and improves its tone. The drug should be used immediately before bedtime, instilling 4-6 drops into each nostril.

  • Naphthyzin is a local vasoconstrictor. Causes a contraction of the capillaries of the mucous membrane, which reduces the secretion of mucus and increases the lumen of the nasal passages. Apply 1-2 drops in each nostril, 3-4 times a day, until the symptoms of the disease disappear.

  • Hormonal sprays (nasonex) - active ingredient - mometasone furoate. It has anti-inflammatory and antiallergic effects, reduces the proliferation of fluid through cell membranes. Instilled using a special dosing device, 200 mg in each nasal passage, 2 times a day. The course of treatment is 1-2 weeks.

  • Zyrtec is an antiallergic drug that reduces tissue swelling and mucus secretion. In the form of drops it is used for allergic rhinitis. Prescribed 10 drops in each nasal passage 2 times a day.

  • Antibiotics are a wide group of drugs whose action is aimed at destroying pathogenic microorganisms. Used for infectious processes of the upper respiratory tract that cause snoring. The dosage and regimen depends on the specific drug, which is chosen by the doctor.
  • Xenical is a weight loss drug that indirectly affects snoring (obesity is the cause of snoring). Prevents the absorption of fats in the intestines and their entry into the bloodstream. The drug is dosed at 120 mg per dose. The capsule must be taken during each visit to the canteen.

Each of the medications described above has its own contraindications and side effects. Before using them, you should consult your doctor to assess the feasibility and safety of use.

Anti-snoring devices

To prevent snoring, special devices are sometimes used that do not eliminate the cause of the disease, but allow you to get rid of it during use.

These include:

  • Mouthpiece – provides a change in the position of the lower jaw in relation to the upper, which allows you to increase the clearance of the airways and avoid snoring. Sleeping with your mouth open leads to drying out of the mucous membranes, which makes the mouthpiece an unpopular device.

  • Tongue support device - holds the tongue, preventing it from sinking. The device is effective only in cases where snoring occurs with the patient in the supine position.

  • Jaw strap – supports the lower jaw, reducing the likelihood of snoring. The device cannot be used for people with rhinitis of various origins.

The use of such devices, as well as the use of pharmacological therapy, should be done in consultation with a doctor and after the causes of the disease have been established.

Getting rid of snoring with surgery

When talking about how to stop snoring during sleep in men, one cannot fail to mention surgical treatment methods. Intervention is necessary in cases where the cause of snoring is the presence of foci of organic pathology in the nasopharynx. Thus, the nasal septum is straightened, adenoids are removed, and congenital defects are subjected to correction and plastic surgery.

Surgical treatment is carried out in a hospital setting, but hospitalization is not always required. So, after removal of the adenoids, the patient is discharged for outpatient treatment within 2 hours after the end of the operation. Large-scale interventions (plasty of the nasal septum) require monitoring of the patient in the postoperative period and competent medicinal support. Such patients remain in the hospital for several days.


Septoplasty is an operation to correct the position of the nasal septum. In modern clinics it is carried out using the endoscopic or laser method. During the procedure, the doctor removes tissue that prevents the septum from taking its normal anatomical position. The partition itself is not affected. There is no need for long-term hospitalization.

Traumatic injuries to the nasal septum require more complex intervention associated with its destruction. In this case, the cartilage tissue is opened, given the required position, and then fixed with gauze turundas and external bandages until complete healing. This operation is traumatic and requires hospitalization of the patient.

Traditional methods

Since people have been facing the problem of snoring for many centuries, traditional medicine also has its own recipes for treating this disease:

  • Baked carrots - one medium-sized carrot is washed, peeled and wrapped in food foil. After this, the vegetable is placed in the oven and baked for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 200˚C. You need to consume the dish one hour before each meal.

  • Cabbage juice - add a teaspoon of honey to 1 glass of freshly squeezed cabbage juice, then mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. Dosage regimen: shortly before bedtime, 1 time per day.

  • Sea buckthorn oil – 1 drop of oil should be dripped into each nasal passage 4 hours before bedtime. The drug relieves inflammation, disinfects the respiratory tract, and makes breathing easier.

Traditional methods of treating snoring are effective if the disease occurs due to rhinitis, infectious inflammation, or dry nasopharynx. Organic diseases can only be treated surgically.


Reasons why men snore

What are the dangers of sleep disordered breathing?

If the walls of the pharynx are narrowed and completely closed, air cannot enter the lungs when inhaling. In this case, episodes of apnea occur - stopping breathing during sleep. If the breath is held for more than 10 seconds, complicated snoring is diagnosed. In severe cases, the period of apnea can last up to 3 minutes.

With prolonged and regular stoppages of night breathing, important organs suffer from oxygen starvation. This condition poses a health hazard to men and can be fatal. Often, complicated snoring provokes a stroke and heart attack. In men with this disorder, blood pressure increases greatly during sleep and immediately after waking up. Due to hypoxia during respiratory arrest, the brain awakens and the deep sleep phase disappears. As a result of this, a person experiences a loss of strength throughout the day, a decrease in intellectual capabilities, and deterioration in attention and memory. Some men experience erectile dysfunction.

Methods of treating the disease

Snoring is not always harmful to health, but if it is complicated by apnea, a mandatory examination by a doctor is required.

A specialist can recommend homeopathic remedies, which in some cases are very effective. Most of these products are recommended for use before bed, placing under the tongue and dissolving. It must be remembered that snoring cannot be treated in this way without consulting a doctor.

If the cause of snoring is incorrect posture, your doctor may recommend a special orthopedic pillow. There are silicone masks that are applied to the face of a snorer before going to bed. The mask is attached to a device that pumps air into the person's nostrils. To get rid of snoring for a long time, you will need several such sessions.

If men have an anatomical defect, the doctor may advise getting rid of the problem through surgery. Before performing the operation, the specialist must carefully study the results of instrumental and laboratory studies. Plastic surgery is carried out in 2 ways: burning and exposure to cold. As a result of the operation, excess tissue is removed.

Exercises for the respiratory tract

By doing simple exercises every day, you can normalize your night breathing in 4 weeks.

  1. Tensing the palatal muscles as much as possible, pronounce the sounds “o”, “a”, “e”.
  2. Hold the pencil with your lips, close them tightly and do not unclench for 5 minutes.
  3. Try to touch your chin at the lowest point with your tongue, holding the final position for 2 seconds. There should be significant tension at the base of the tongue. Perform the exercise twice a day 30 times.
  4. Imitating biting an apple, make the corresponding movements with your jaws 10 times.
  5. With your mouth closed, clench and unclench your jaws while creating resistance with your hand. Do it morning and evening 30 times.
  6. Before going to bed, hold a plastic or wooden stick between your teeth for 3 minutes.
  7. If the absence of a gag reflex allows, you can perform finger self-massage in front of a mirror, which effectively copes with male snoring. The stomach should be empty. Wash your hands thoroughly, open your mouth wide and use your finger to massage the muscles of the palate, first up to the tongue, then behind it. The massage should be carried out for 3 minutes. Full course - 15 procedures.

Treatment with folk remedies

If snoring is not complicated by nighttime stoppages of breathing, a man can cure it using traditional medicine. Before using home recipes, you need to get rid of the mucus that has settled on the walls of the larynx. This can be done in 2 ways: a fasting diet or drinking distilled water for 7 days. Treatment of snoring with folk remedies must be discussed with your doctor. The following recipes effectively restore night breathing:

  1. Take 1 fresh carrot, onion, 40 g of olive oil. Fry very finely chopped onion in olive oil. Mix it with grated carrots. Eat a delicious and healthy salad every day an hour before lunch.
  2. 3 hours before bedtime, place 2 drops of sea buckthorn oil in each nostril. After 14 days, you will feel that the swelling of the nasopharynx has subsided, your breathing has become freer and smoother.
  3. Prepare the herbal mixture: mix 1 tbsp. black elderberries, 2 tbsp. burdock, 1 tsp. horsetail and cinquefoil root, grind the herbs in a coffee grinder. 1 tbsp. powder, brew 250 ml of boiling water. In an hour, the infusion will be ready for use. It must be taken 1 tbsp. before each meal until complete healing.
  4. Oak bark effectively combats snoring. It needs to be left in a water bath for 20 minutes, pour 1 tbsp. bark 500 ml hot water. Gargle with the cooled infusion before going to bed every day until you recover.

Whatever method you choose to combat snoring, first consult with a specialist. A dentist, neurologist or otolaryngologist will help solve the problem. If you experience sleep apnea at night, be sure to tell your doctor. Finding out the cause of the disease and its proper treatment is the path to good sleep, a balanced psyche, and restored physical and mental performance.


According to statistics, almost half of the world’s men suffer from snoring, while only 21% of women snore. Before you begin treating this uncomfortable illness, you need to figure out why a man might snore.

Ronchopathy is only a symptom of some diseases, and occurs due to severe weakening of the organs of the nasopharynx - the tongue and soft palate. This occurs under the influence of permanent and temporary external factors. What are the true causes of snoring in men?

  1. Features of the structure of the respiratory organs

    In a man, the standard structure of the uvula may differ. Snoring can also be caused by narrowing of the upper airways. Unfortunately, it is impossible to cure such anatomical features by resorting to medicine. You can try only a few traditional methods of treating snoring.

    Cabbage juice helps a lot. To do this, squeeze the juice of white cabbage using a juicer, add one teaspoon of honey to it and give it to the snoring person before bed. You can drink a glass of this product daily when preparing for bed. Some do it in a different way: drink 1 tbsp. mixture 3-4 times throughout the day. The course of such folk treatment should be at least a month, and the juice should be taken regularly. Over time, the person will stop snoring.

  2. Adenoids

    Benign growths on the tonsils, which can be congenital or acquired. Typically, adenoids form in people who often suffer from rhinitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis. Sleep in men with adenoids can be quite restless, and snoring is usually very loud. Effective treatment consists only of surgical intervention, which will completely remove the growths.

    Snoring is not the only symptom of adenoids. Their owners are characterized by chronic headaches, and due to impaired ventilation in the middle ear, a man’s hearing may decrease or disappear over time. Therefore, the sooner you contact an otolaryngologist, the easier it will be to eliminate the problem, and the greater the chance of preventing other serious health problems.

  3. Drinking alcohol and smoking

    Under the influence of these factors, the respiratory organs can atrophy. Drinking alcohol is accompanied by relaxation of the uvula and tongue, so snoring occurs in almost every man who drank alcohol the day before. Chronic smoking can even disrupt the anatomical structure of the respiratory organs. Therefore, first of all, a man needs to give up bad habits, especially if rhonchopathy has become chronic.

    Breathing during sleep in men can also be affected by stress, a general weakening of the body's tone, and the habit of sleeping on a low pillow or a flat surface. If at least one of the listed factors could cause snoring, it should be eradicated completely. If this does not help, the man may have more serious problems, in which case an examination by a specialist is necessary.

  4. Enlarged tonsils

    Persistent respiratory diseases, which lead to complications for the throat, can deform the tonsils and cause them to increase in size. Because of this, a person cannot breathe normally not only at night, but also while awake. Enlarged tonsils are characterized by constant “hard breathing” and a pronounced nasal voice. This is perhaps one of the most dangerous causes of snoring. Because of this, a person’s breathing may stop for several minutes during sleep. Then, the muscles of the larynx reflexively tense, having received a corresponding signal from the brain, and the man wakes up. Apnea may occur many times during the night.

  5. Malocclusion

    This factor also relates to biological characteristics, and it is almost impossible to change it without the appropriate help from doctors.

  6. Age-related changes

    If a man has reached the age of 45-50 years, his snoring may be associated with age-related weakening of the tone of the respiratory organs. Older people take special medications aimed at creating tension in the soft palate and tongue. However, age-related causes of snoring are completely curable by performing light exercises that are accessible to everyone. These exercises restore tone to the organs of the nasopharynx and effectively eliminate snoring.

  7. Overweight

    Obesity leads to many health problems and unpleasant, uncomfortable consequences, one of which is snoring. The fat layer concentrated in the neck area puts pressure on the man’s airways, which is why rhonchopathy occurs. If excess weight is the cause of male snoring, you need to make every effort to lose weight: start minimal exercise and adjust your daily diet.

  8. Deviated nasal septum

    Unfortunately, this defect may not be noticeable to the naked eye, because in appearance the nose appears smooth, except in cases of mechanical damage to the organ. This problem is usually determined by performing rhinoscopy. An otolaryngologist examines the nasal passages and makes a conclusion. If there is the slightest curvature of the nasal septum inside, this can cause snoring. Treatment of this problem can only be achieved surgically - septoplasty. Modern medicine offers laser procedures under local anesthesia.

The causes of snoring are very diverse and individual. Some of them can be eliminated with the help of medications and surgery, others can easily be eliminated using traditional methods. If you notice that your loved one is snoring, consult a specialist to diagnose the exact causes.


Popular wisdom says that a marriage in which the husband snores and the wife cannot hear can be called happy. But not everything is so simple, except for the acoustic effect that prevents others from sleeping, snoring (ronchopathy) is a rather dangerous phenomenon for the patient himself.

Ronchopathy is not an independent disease, but a symptom of other pathological conditions, which occurs in men six times more often than in women.

According to statistics, about 24% of women and 40% of men suffer from snoring.

Snoring in men is dangerous for the development of severe complications, since during sleep a person’s supply of oxygen to the lungs and, accordingly, to all tissues and organs is disrupted.

Mechanism of disease development

What is snoring? When a person sleeps, the tone of the muscle fibers decreases and the muscles relax. The upper palate, which serves as an obstacle to the penetration of food into the nasopharynx during eating, and the tongue descend and block the airways. The patient himself does not feel what is happening and continues to make breathing movements, which are accompanied by a loud sound from vibration of the tissues of the upper respiratory tract.

What is the danger of snoring?

Close people often prefer to sleep in another room, away from the snorer, without even realizing how dangerous snoring is for a man. Ronchopathy disrupts the quality of the patient’s sleep, causing oxygen starvation in the brain cells and other organs, as a result of which sleep does not bring rest and the man feels weak and headaches after waking up. Throughout the day, drowsiness persists, mental activity is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in performance and daytime activity.

The volume of heavy snoring can reach 112 decibels.

In severe cases, rhonchopathy leads to attacks of obstructive apnea (during sleep, air does not enter the lungs for several seconds and even up to three minutes). Such attacks can be repeated quite often during the time spent in sleep.

In addition to the brain, other organs also suffer, and chronic ronchopathy can cause decreased potency in men, cardiovascular pathology, arterial hypertension, and also disrupts the rheological properties of the blood. In severe cases, the patient may develop a stroke and heart attack, which are often the cause of sudden death during sleep; this must be remembered when discussing why snoring is dangerous.


  • Mild: unpleasant sounds appear when the patient lies on his back and disappears when he turns on his side.
  • Moderate: occurs in any position, significantly disrupts sleep quality. In the morning a person does not feel alert and is sleepy throughout the day.
  • Severe: severe snoring in any position forces the patient to sleep in a forced semi-sitting position. During the day, a person is drowsy and falls asleep while performing various activities: at work, while driving, while eating. The quality of life is significantly reduced.

Reasons for development

Snoring during sleep develops due to a narrowing of the respiratory lumen; this phenomenon occurs under the influence of various pathological causes.


Fat deposits appear not only in the subcutaneous layer, but also around the internal organs, which is much more dangerous than external figure defects.

Snoring with excess weight (obesity) excludes the advisability of performing an operation to get rid of snoring, because you need to get rid of the root cause, that is, excess weight, which, as is clear, also requires its own approach and measures.

Internal fat limits the space around internal organs, often interfering with their normal functioning. A significant layer of fat, which appears between the muscular layers of the oropharynx, compresses the upper palate, narrowing the lumen of the respiratory tube.

Diseases of ENT organs

With chronic tonsillitis, hypertrophy of the nasal mucosa, tumors of the nasopharynx and throat, the airway lumen also narrows and, as a result, severe snoring can develop.

Atrophy of the upper palate

In some neurological diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, strokes, myasthenia gravis, the innervation of the muscles of the oral cavity is disrupted, resulting in partial or complete paresis of the muscular structures of the upper palate. During the daytime, this pathological condition is manifested by frequent choking while eating; at night, the upper palate sags, and the wife notices that her husband snores. The same phenomenon can be observed in long-term smokers.

Abnormalities of the upper respiratory tract

Snoring may be a consequence of congenital anomalies in the development of the oropharynx, nasal passages, and larynx. This phenomenon is easy to see in domestic animals: artificially bred breeds of cats and dogs, with a flattened muzzle, often suffer from rhonchopathy during sleep (bulldogs, Persian cats).


Chemical and thermal burns of the oral cavity, esophagus and trachea often lead to the formation of scar changes at the site of injury, deforming and narrowing the lumen of the respiratory tube, resulting in the development of snoring in men.

Treatment of burns of the larynx is a complex, lengthy process and not always effective enough in relation to the consequences of this injury.

Patients with bulimia often suffer from snoring; they get rid of food by artificially inducing vomiting (it should be noted that bulimia develops extremely rarely in men). Permanent injury to the upper respiratory tract also occurs with reflux gastritis, when the acidic contents of the stomach are thrown into the esophagus and can enter the oral cavity. People with alcohol addiction are also susceptible to reflux disease.

Age-related changes

In older people, rhonchopathy can develop as a result of natural age-related degenerative phenomena. Muscle tone becomes weak, which can also cause the upper palate to sag during sleep.

How to treat

Ronchopathy is a pathological condition that is difficult to treat symptomatically (without eliminating the cause of the disease), therefore, in each specific case when snoring develops, the doctor approaches its treatment individually. So, for obese patients, the main solution to the problem is weight loss. In case of pathology of ENT organs, treatment of the underlying disease is necessary. Quitting smoking and alcohol often leads to the disease going away on its own after a few months.

Smoking, as a rule, increases snoring, since smokers often have chronic diseases of the pharynx.

The greatest problem is ronchopathy in patients with neurological diseases, congenital and acquired anomalies and age-related changes. Such patients are treated using surgical methods, laser and ultrasound therapy.

Considering the life-threatening complications, rhonchopathy should not be treated only as an unpleasant noise effect; it is necessary to consult a doctor to identify the causes and treatment. For successful treatment, the time factor is of great importance, since the earlier the patient sought help, the less the risk of developing irreversible consequences from systems and organs.

It is still considered something quite common and natural, as much a part of the stronger sex as a mustache or beard. Men are twice as likely as women to fill their bedrooms with loud noises at night, and they start snoring at a much younger age.

However, snoring in men is not only a “feature of the body” that you can not pay special attention to, and not just a sound that annoys your bed partner, but often also a symptom of breathing disorders during sleep, which can significantly worsen your well-being and disrupt normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. This is an alarm bell, which is better to respond to in a timely manner in order to preserve your own health.

What are the consequences of snoring in men?

You should not think that snoring is harmless; it often indicates the presence of quite serious problems. Even simple, uncomplicated snoring, that is, not yet reaching the stage of respiratory arrest, often creates a tense situation in the family. After all, next to a loudly snoring person, it is almost impossible to get a good night's sleep. If snoring is complicated by obstructive apnea, and even in a severe form, then the consequences can be very dramatic: high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction or stroke. In addition, chronic sleep disorders and nighttime oxygen deprivation of the brain lead to constant drowsiness and fatigue during the day, impaired memory and attention. Irritability, bad mood, absent-mindedness and low productivity become the everyday companions of a person suffering from sleep apnea. In addition, obstructive sleep apnea syndrome can cause a decrease in libido and potency. Sleep apnea can lead to erectile dysfunction even in those men who are still very far from old age.

Causes of snoring in men

Why do men snore? There may be several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • Anatomical features of the structure of the nasopharynx, both congenital and resulting from trauma, various chronic inflammatory or allergic diseases.
  • Excess weight - fat deposition in the neck reduces the lumen of the pharynx. An increase in body weight of just 10-15 kg can lead to regular snoring during sleep.
  • Alcoholic drinks and smoking. Alcohol reduces the tone of the pharyngeal muscles, and tobacco smoke causes chronic inflammation and swelling of the upper respiratory tract. As a result, these bad habits can lead, among other things, to snoring.
  • Decreased muscle tone in the upper respiratory tract caused by age-related changes and hormonal imbalance.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system: for example, patients with hypothyroidism, i.e. People with low thyroid function snore more often.

Sometimes the vibrations of the walls of the pharynx, which actually produce the sound of snoring, turn out to be so great that from time to time I completely block the lumen of the upper respiratory tract, creating an obstacle to the flow of air, and it cannot enter the lungs. Respiratory pauses occur - episodes of apnea. This is no longer simple, but complicated snoring - obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. It is this situation that is fraught with the greatest trouble for a snoring man.

Treatment of snoring in men

Regular loud snoring often becomes a serious problem - both for the snorer himself and for all members of his family. How can a man get rid of snoring in his sleep? Most of the “miraculous” remedies for snoring that the Internet offers us today will, alas, be useless here. Given the variety of causes of snoring, as well as the possible presence of sleep apnea, its treatment in men cannot be the same and standard for everyone. It is necessary, if possible, to identify the reason why a particular person snores, and to establish the presence and severity of breathing disorders during sleep. Only after this can we talk about choosing an individual treatment strategy that will give a lasting positive result.

The first step is to consult a somnologist-pulmonologist. This is a specialist who deals with breathing disorders, including those that occur during sleep. To begin with, the somnologist will conduct an examination to determine the nature of breathing disorders and their degree - polysomnography or cardiorespiratory monitoring during sleep. If the doctor determines that a man has simple, uncomplicated snoring, then the next step will be an examination by an ENT specialist to determine whether there are any serious abnormalities in the nasopharynx. Depending on the identified problems, subsequent individually selected treatment will be prescribed.

Modern medicine today can offer several ways for a man to get rid of snoring and sleep apnea:

  • Oral applicators (or mouthguards) are special devices that are fixed on the teeth while sleeping, provide optimal position of the upper and lower jaws and, thereby, increase the lumen of the pharynx. In relatively mild cases, such devices reduce the intensity of snoring or even contribute to its disappearance. However, for severe sleep apnea, mouthguards are not particularly effective and will not eliminate snoring or pauses in breathing. And one more significant nuance: for a mouthguard to really help even with a mild form of the disease, you should order its individual production based on a cast of the jaws from a qualified dentist. Unfortunately, standard mass-produced devices do not have any other advantages other than low prices.
  • Surgical intervention . If snoring occurs due to obvious and pronounced anomalies in the anatomy of the nasopharynx, then surgical treatment can really be effective. However, this is also not a panacea, and in cases of severe sleep apnea, surgical intervention is generally contraindicated.
  • CPAP therapy is breathing with positive air pressure during sleep. The most progressive method of treating snoring with apnea today. The simple, safe and effective hardware method has only one relative drawback: you will have to sleep in a special mask most of the night. But nothing better than CPAP for the treatment of snoring with severe obstructive sleep apnea has yet been invented. Therefore, a little discomfort from a mask on the face seems a reasonable price to pay for good health and good health for many years.

In any case, whatever treatment method the specialist chooses, this does not cancel the recommendations for losing excess weight, as well as giving up existing bad habits.

It should be understood that it is quite possible to get rid of snoring and the troubles associated with it, and sometimes even without any excessive effort on the part of a man. You just need to start with a consultation with a competent sleep specialist who will help you choose the best method for solving the problem - make the correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment that will be effective and safe.

Most people perceive snoring as a physiological feature, without realizing the possible danger it poses to health. Doctors have found that a person with this disease is at high risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. In this regard, this problem is a reason to contact specialists. To the question “which doctor treats snoring” the answer is simple - it’s an otolaryngologist.

What is snoring

Snoring is medically called rhenopathy. This is the sound accompaniment of a person’s breathing during sleep, resulting from vibration of the soft tissues of the larynx as air flows pass through the respiratory tract. According to medical statistics, this pathology is observed in 30% of the adult population of the planet, and these figures only increase with age.

Often, rhenopathy is a social problem, since it causes a lot of inconvenience to others more than to the person suffering from the disease. For some reason this problem is considered harmless, but this is far from the case. Renchopathy, according to the Association of Doctors, may indicate the presence of such a dangerous disease as obstructive syndrome (OSA). Therefore, you should contact a specialist immediately. We will talk further about how snoring is treated. For now, let’s just note that specialists use different methods, depending on the reasons for its occurrence.

Snoring in men and women

Almost every person has spent the night in the company of a snorer. At the same time, the person suffering from this disease, as a rule, does not hear the sounds it produces. He is not able to control snoring, because nothing depends on it, physiology is to blame for everything: the location of the uvula and the structure of the soft palate.

The uvula is located above the root of the tongue; during sleep it relaxes and comes into contact with the surrounding tissues, creating vibrations. For what reasons can snoring occur? There are many of them:

1. Anatomical feature of the structure of the nasopharynx.

2. Breathing problems caused by rhinitis, enlarged adenoids, congenital narrow nasal passage or deviated nasal septum.

3. After the age of 40, weakening of the muscles is possible, but congenital defects of the pharynx also occur.

4. Too long a uvula or an incorrect bite can affect the development of the disease.

5. Obesity leads to snoring due to the accumulation of fatty deposits in the neck and chin area.

6. Renchopathy appears quite often during pregnancy, especially if there is a cold. How to treat in position should be checked with a doctor. As a rule, rinsing the nose with saline solution is used.

7. Alcohol consumption can cause snoring in people for whom such characteristics have not been noticed before. This is due to the fact that during alcohol intoxication the human body is completely relaxed, including the muscles of the larynx.

8. Banal overwork leads to night snoring.

9. Allergic reactions can cause illness due to insufficient oxygen supply to the lungs.

The specific cause of rhenopathy must be diagnosed by a doctor. Therefore, you should not put off visiting a specialist and ask the question: “Where can I treat snoring?” To do this, you should go to the clinic to see an otolaryngologist and, after consultation, undergo proper treatment.

Snoring in children

Much to our chagrin, snoring occurs not only in adults, but also in children. According to studies by ENT doctors, about 10-15% of children under the age of six snore in their sleep. If this occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Often such deviations are not dangerous for children. But in the case when the child stops sleeping, it signals the presence of apnea syndrome. An accurate diagnosis is made by an ENT doctor after a polysomnographic study. Only after this the doctor will be able to tell you how to treat. If you do not pay attention to the problem, then the baby’s active activity will decrease, and sleep disturbances (or insufficient sleep duration) can lead to deterioration of attention. As a result, such children may lag behind in development.

The main factors influencing the occurrence of childhood rhenopathy:

  • excessive enlargement of adenoids and polyps;
  • problems with excess weight in a child;
  • features in the structure of the skull (with displacement of the lower jaw);
  • epilepsy.

Babies may snore in the first days after birth, and this is considered normal. This effect occurs due to the narrow nasal passages. In this case, doctors recommend clearing crusts from the nasal passages using cotton wool. This pathology should go away on its own within the first two months, but if no improvement is found, a doctor’s consultation is necessary.

Anti-snoring medications

Modern pharmacology offers a large number of medications, the action of which is aimed at reducing inflammation and improving the respiratory process during sleep.

You can use vasoconstrictor drops or sprays that will help with swelling of the nasal mucosa. This problem can also cause a person to snore. A doctor can best tell you how to treat a disease with such means. You should not abuse medications, because they very often cause addiction to the body and can have the opposite effect.

Special aerosol saline solutions are available for sale in pharmacies. They are used to clean and moisturize the nasal mucosa. A special place is occupied by the local hormonal drug Otrivin, the main component of which is cortisol.

There is an anti-snoring remedy made in Denmark that has many positive reviews from patients - these are Asonor drops or spray. This drug has a tonic, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect. The medication must be used 30 minutes before going to bed, the course lasts a month.

If severe snoring is a complication of OSA, then doctors recommend using the drug Theophylline. It normalizes the breathing process and eliminates the symptoms of rhenopathy.

Traditional methods of treatment

In the age of modern technology, people never cease to wonder how to treat snoring at home. There are many different recipes that allow you to get rid of this disease without leaving your home.

Here are some effective methods for treating the disease:

  • Grind the cabbage leaf using a blender, add honey. Take before bed for a month. You can use fresh cabbage: prepare a drink in the proportion of 1 glass of cabbage juice to 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Sea buckthorn oil is instilled one drop into each nostril for 2-3 weeks, four hours before bedtime.
  • Baked carrots. Eat one hour before each meal.
  • Herbal collection: one part each of black elderberry, cinquefoil roots, horsetail and 2 parts of common burdock are crushed and poured with a glass of boiling water. Infuse for an hour, take 1 tablespoon 5 times a day.
  • A spoonful of oak bark is poured with boiling water (0.5 l), left for a couple of hours in a closed container. Gargle, after straining the infusion.

Exercises for snoring

If you have a nighttime illness, you can contact an otolaryngologist, and he will recommend special classes to get rid of the problem, since snoring is treated not only with the help of traditional medicine. If you do such gymnastics on a regular basis, the effect will not be long in coming.

Exercises for rhenchopathy allow you to strengthen the muscles that, when relaxed, provoke the problem:

  1. It is necessary to sing. When pronouncing the sound “I” in a melodious manner, the muscles of the larynx, soft palate and neck tense. Doctors recommend training at least twice a week, thirty repetitions at a time.
  2. Breathing through the nose. Perform the exercise by straining the back wall of the larynx and pulling the tongue towards the throat. Repeat several times a day, 15 approaches.
  3. Circular movements of the tongue. This type of gymnastics is performed in the morning, evening and afternoon, 10 approaches each. It is necessary to make circular movements of the tongue in all directions - left, right, up and down, while closing the eyes.
  4. Reach for the chin. To do this, push the tongue forward, trying to touch the tip to the chin. In this position, count to three. The exercise is performed in the morning and before bed 30 times.
  5. Pressing your hand on your chin, move it from side to side. You need to perform the exercise twice a day for 30 approaches.
  6. Holding an object in the teeth. A pencil or wooden stick is clamped between the teeth and held for several minutes. Perform this exercise immediately before bed.
  7. Breathing exercises. Air is first inhaled through one nostril, closed, and then exhaled through the second. Repeat alternately for 10 minutes in the evenings, before going to bed.
  8. The tip of the tongue is held against the back wall of the palate for several seconds, pressing it with maximum force.

Treatment with special devices

Today, many women ask the question “how to treat snoring in men,” while forgetting that they themselves also suffer from this disease. A special device can help with this - “Anti-snoring” clips. This is a patented latest development of world scientists. The device is absolutely safe, has no contraindications, does not cause adverse reactions and has a long-lasting effect after use.


Rhinopathy can have a negative impact on a person's mental abilities. In addition, this deviation during sleep causes difficulty breathing, which makes proper rest impossible, resulting in lack of sleep and irritability. Pathology also has a negative psychological impact on others.

Snoring can be caused by:

  • hypertension;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • stroke;
  • OSA.


In order not to wonder “how to treat snoring,” you should resort to preventing the occurrence of such a pathology. What can experts recommend?

1. An excellent method of preventing the development of the disease is singing.

2. It is important to create optimal conditions for high-quality and complete sleep: the head of the bed should be raised by 10 cm. The use of orthopedic pillows will prevent the development of the problem.

3. Doctors assure: the best sleep without snoring is on your side.

4. A healthy lifestyle will have a beneficial effect on the quality of your sleep. The problem of excess weight, or rather getting rid of it, will reduce the likelihood of developing such an unpleasant effect as snoring.


The disease can be caused by the natural aging processes of the body. Snoring can occur in anyone at any age, especially if there are favorable conditions for the development of pathology. Moreover, the disease does not depend on gender - it occurs in both men and women, even children suffer from it. We briefly told you about how snoring is treated. It is better to get more detailed advice from a specialist.