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Yes, today's article will be about lies. I want to clarify right away that the article in no way serves as an attempt to teach you how to lie correctly and convincingly. 7 tips on how to lie are rather aimed at helping you protect yourself from this quality, which is unfortunately very common in our society. Take it in its opposite direction, and you will get the truth.

Since childhood, our parents tried to instill in us an awareness of the fact that a person should always tell the truth. The notorious Bible teaches us this, in which it is stated in black and white in one of the commandments that lying is a great sin.

Folk wisdom does not lag behind God's and parental instructions. The sayings “If you lie once, who will believe you”, “Better the bitter truth than a sweet lie” and similar ones have been circulating around the world for hundreds of years, being supplemented and somewhat transformed, but their essence does not change from this.

And it’s not strange, because the essence is the same and it’s painfully banal – lying is bad. Because then you will be called a liar, because they will no longer believe you, because it is a sin... and there are several dozen of them, if you think about it carefully.

And it is worth admitting that neither the representatives of the older generation, nor the Holy Scriptures, nor the people are mistaken, and every sensible person understands this perfectly well.

As Dr. House said from the series of the same name: “Everyone lies” - and as sad as it is to realize, he is absolutely right. I myself have repeatedly lied to people and I must admit I did it quite successfully (that’s it, I’ll lick hot pans in hell). And all the people who surround me and meet me, I am convinced, lied repeatedly. And even you, dear reader, have done this ignoble deed, and you will do it more than once. And it doesn’t matter what reasons you have for this, or what excuses you have.

You will lie because you need to lie, and also do it very convincingly, so that your interlocutor does not have even the slightest doubt about your dishonesty.

I present to your attention seven effective, proven (I have already mentioned that I myself am quite good at lying) tips that will help transform the most desperate lies into truth.

  1. Think through the details. A person who has previously thought out the plot line of his story in detail lies convincingly. In order not to get confused in your own lies, the details of the story can be copied from real prototypes. For example, if you need to describe a non-existent person, copy his portrait from a real character - your friend or distant relative, so as not to get confused in the details if you suddenly have to repeat the above. The same applies to events - let them be as truthful as possible, but interspersed with lies, the truth of which you need to convince your interlocutor.
  2. Believe your own lies for a while. The human brain is designed in such a way that it can really be deceived. And self-hypnosis plays not the least role in this process. Naturally, self-deception is a temporary thing, and our consciousness is able to distinguish the wheat from the chaff, but it can be programmed and for a certain period of time you yourself must believe in your own lie, then you will be able to convince your interlocutor of it and at the same time not be afraid of being discovered much easier. Even if your opponent suspects your words are a lie, your indignation will look much simpler and more confident when you yourself believe in what you said.
  3. Control your gestures. Of course, not every average citizen knows that certain gestures can reveal a person who is telling a lie. And even more so, he cannot know exactly what these gestures are. But still, there is a risk of getting caught by a person savvy in this matter. In addition, some interlocutors, especially people with developed intuition, are able to subconsciously perceive an imbalance between the speech and movements of a person telling a lie. Therefore, take into account that a liar can be given away: crossed arms or legs, overly active gestures, swaying legs, snapping fingers, scratching the nose. Carefully avoid the above body movements. Act as if these are your usual gestures; it will not be difficult if you believe your own lies. And even if you make a mistake, after a while you can repeat the body movement that gave you away in order to confuse your interlocutor. Perhaps your eye is twitching from nerves, or your ear (nose) is itching because it has not been washed for a long time.
  4. Watch the movement and direction of your eyes. I think it is a lie that the person who is lying to you cannot look you in the eye. Believe me, he can, and if he really wants you to believe him, then eye contact is not a problem. The only trick is that the liar does not look into your eyes, but at some specific point, right above the eyes or, as it were, right through (dispersing his gaze) and it only seems to you that the person is piercing you with his gaze. Based on the above, we can conclude the following advice for liars: look calmly openly into the eyes of your interlocutor, at the eyelashes, or as if through the person, but do not overdo it - looking too closely can arouse suspicion.
    For the victims: Do you know why liars look you in the eyes? So they are trying to determine the line of how much more they need to say or not say for you to believe. Even lies have their limits. When there is too much of it, it will always overflow the cup of truth.
  5. Don't smile. If the insincerity of the words may still not be noticed, then almost everyone can distinguish a forced smile from a sincere and sincere one. A real smile is displayed both on the lips and in the eyes, but a fake smile is displayed only on the lips, and even then they look tense.
  6. Remember what was said. If you have already decided to lie, you need to play the role to the end. And to remain convincing, always remember in detail exactly who you lied to. Yes, it is not easy, so good liars, as a rule, have a very good memory, which, in turn, also needs to be developed.
  7. Control your intonation. Remember: what is said loudly is usually more convincing. Uncertainty, timidity, and lowering of tone can raise doubts about your veracity. And also, sometimes lies told under the guise of lies (that’s right, I’m still of my right mind) are perfectly perceived by people. You can smile or change your intonation so that it clearly looks like you are lying and so that the person understands it. In this case, even if the lie is not hidden, the interlocutor may accept it as the truth only because he saw that you are not hiding anything. The only problem is that this method does not work for everyone and the right moment in the context of the conversation appears very, very rarely.

This is such a somewhat contradictory article. I hope all readers take away something useful from it. How each person uses it is his own business. Just remember, the more lies in our lives, the hotter the frying pan will be for your tongue.

More recently, scientists from Canada have found that the ability to lie in childhood has a positive effect on a person’s success in adulthood. In childhood, many people lie; in adulthood, the percentage of people who deceive declines.

Lying is bad. This is what parents say to their children, grandmothers to their grandchildren, and all people who care about you. Childhood is a bright time for any person, and lying during this period of your life is completely unnecessary. However, every person grows up and enters adulthood, where he is faced with various situations. It is at this stage that moral problems often arise.

If a person has been taught since childhood that lying is bad, then it is quite possible that lying will not be so easy. The question arises, is it necessary to lie? Is it possible to learn to lie?

How nobly lies have evolved over the past two hundred years!
Sergey Dovlatov. Compromise.

Ability to lie

The ability to lie is, first of all, a complex thought process. Hiding deception, the ability to convince people around you requires the expenditure of mental abilities.

Do not be mistaken that if you are an honest and decent person, you will never lie to others. Statistics say otherwise. Anyone, even the most scrupulously honest person, lies at least 5 times a day.

It is impossible to exist in a normal society without lies. Have you never hidden unpleasant facts from your past life from others, never told your colleagues how wonderful they are, or hid your problems with your boyfriend, husband, or colleagues from your parents?

All of the above can be attributed to lies that exist in the everyday life of every person.

Several forms of lies

  1. Silencing the truth. Of course, it’s easier not to tell the truth than to invent non-existent stories that can later turn into the real thing. This form of lying makes life easier for a person who does not know how to lie. In addition, you can always say that you did not say something because you were not asked.
  2. “He lies and doesn’t blush.” This is how professionals in the field of lies can be characterized. Such a person knows how to confidently express his thoughts, does not blush when he tells a lie, and knows how to make people believe what he said. A liar behaves calmly, he can endlessly tell you about non-existent stories from his life.
  3. Deliberate lies. Lying is common among colleagues or friends. You've probably noticed how sometimes colleagues take credit for other people's achievements, compliment ugly colleagues, and laugh at unfunny jokes. All these signs indicate that the person is lying deliberately. A person tries to maintain a friendly atmosphere in the team, tries to please the management. And you never know what other reasons there could be.
Those who cannot lie have a rather difficult time living in society. When a person tries to hide any fact from others, his behavior begins to clearly differ from his standard behavior.

In particular, a person will rub his hands, blush, his gestures become more active, and his facial expressions become stiff. In addition, there are some standard phrases, when uttered it is immediately clear that a person is disingenuous. For example, he says that he will not talk about it, that it is stupid to discuss such issues.

The reason for all of the above is conscience for one’s own lies. Therefore, you can learn to lie only by agreeing with your conscience. Naturally, this is difficult to do quickly, but daily training and practice will help you feel more comfortable telling a lie.

1. Start with beliefs. First, believe that everyone lies, from politicians to the average person. Some people generally cannot live without lies and come up with various colorful stories. Listening to them, you may not suspect them of lying. If you rarely had to lie before, then think through your behavior in advance and come up with a story. But don't overdo it. You can first deceive yourself, tell yourself a lie. The main thing is to believe in yourself.
2. During the story, try to control yourself. The main thing is to tell it as if it really happened. The story must be believable. Come up with additional circumstances and details. Be sure to provide yourself with witnesses. Let several people know about your story. Your appearance should inspire confidence in your listeners. Be confident, don't hesitate. Pay attention to friends who constantly lie, to scammers. They behave confidently, make contact with their interlocutor, and there is no thought that they are trying to fool you.

There are several points that listeners first pay attention to when a person speaks.
  • Firstly, This sight.
    Eye contact is an essential part of conversation. A person who does not know how to lie will look away and cannot look his interlocutor in the eyes.

    Learning this art is not so easy. First, try telling yourself a story with elements of deception at home in front of the mirror. Keep your gaze on the bridge of your nose. Looking down means guilt, looking up means aggression. Once you feel confident, tell the story to someone. For example, call a friend. At the same time, do not tell the true purpose of the story.

  • Secondly, a deceiving person can be extradited hands and gestures.
    The fact is that when a person tells a lie, the level of adrenaline in his body increases. It is not so easy to be completely calm at this moment. This is why your gestures can give you away.

    Your facial expression should be calm, your speech should be moderate, and your hands should confirm your words. Again this is not an easy task. During a conversation, pick up a pen and hold it calmly. Watch your gestures; they should not be overly impulsive or nervous.

  • Third, what does yours say? body?
    An inexperienced liar usually gives himself away. In particular, the posture is closed, the person begins to make unnatural movements, including hugging himself by the shoulders or crossing his legs.

    Remember that when you lie, your body should be open and relaxed. Sit straight, you can lean forward a little, do not make any crossing movements. If your body position is correct, then on a subconscious level you will force your interlocutor to trust you.

  • Fourth, first of all, you can be given away by your own words.
    Conclusion - watch your expressions. It’s bad if you’re in a hurry, barely pronounce phrases, quickly change phrases, and blush. This course of events will definitely not promote trust. Likewise, a story that is too long and detailed will raise doubts.

    4. Know that maybe people will find out that you lied, but that’s okay. To prevent detection, do not involve strangers in lies. Let the lie concern only you, and the fact that you told a lie will be known only to you. Prepare emotionally for the revelation. Think about what you will say to the reproachful looks of your colleagues and others.

    5. Don't get caught up in your lies. Lying can often be bad for no other reason than that you may end up confused. Usually what actually happens to a person is remembered better than what he lied about. In this case, the best option would be to come up with your own tactics. For example, lie less, try to remember what you said, or keep a special notebook of lies. In general, it is best to train your memory, then you are almost guaranteed not to screw up.

    Video: How to learn to lie and not blush at the same time

    But what about an honest person?

    An honest person needs to understand that everyone lies. Moreover, lying does not necessarily have bad purposes. If you are constantly afraid of lying and that you will be exposed, then this will happen. Moreover, with such thoughts you will not be able to lie convincingly.

    At the end of the article, it can be noted that modern life forces us to lie. Therefore, do not learn to lie on purpose, it will not benefit you. In order to lie calmly, so that no one suspects you, constant practice is required. Practice your skills, carefully monitor your speech and movements during this “bad deed,” analyze the words you say.

    Good luck to you in this life!!!

    Before we move on to the actual technique of lying, we need to decide on one very important thing. Try to answer the question: what is a lie to you? Fun like telling white lies for a laugh? An immoral action for which you will later be ashamed? A test of strength in manipulating other people? Success in mastering the complex and multifaceted art of deception greatly depends on how exactly a lie is perceived and its purpose. We propose to perceive lying as a weapon that is used primarily for self-defense, but in some cases can also be used for attack.

    By defining lies for ourselves in this way, we solve two serious problems at once. First, this is a moral problem. The correct definition of lying reduces the issue of morality and the permissibility of deception to the issue of morality and the permissibility of using weapons. After which the lie appears in purely technical and legal aspects, losing its traditional ethically negative connotation. At first glance, such a trick may seem insignificant, but in fact it is not. To successfully deceive, a liar must feel absolutely right. Just as a person who uses a weapon for self-defense feels right. Awareness of inner rightness makes lies unrecognizable by technical means that detect stress. It is this feeling that eliminates the need to refine numerous technical techniques to help disguise a lie. An internally right person will never show signs of lying, such as rubbing his face, hiding his palms, or blushing.

    Secondly, lies, like weapons, require the most serious treatment. Countless responsible people have paid the price for their careless attitude towards guns. But those who have seriously suffered from the frivolous use of lies are thousands of times more numerous. Have you ever wondered why the sword is sacred to the samurai? Yes, because a sacred thing cannot be played with or indulged in, it cannot be used for other purposes and thrown anywhere. It’s scary to even imagine what you can do with a meter-long scalpel weighing one and a half kilograms if you treat it as carelessly as slippers. Deception is a high art, no less complex and dangerous than fencing. And any other attitude towards him will sooner or later lead to disastrous consequences.

    Lie technique - preparation

    1. Recognize yourself as a Liar. And realize that this is good. Not shameful, not disgusting, not humiliating, but good. Because it gives you an advantage over those who cannot lie. In exactly the same way that weapons give an advantage over unarmed people. Realize that all attempts to denigrate the art of lying are essentially attempts to disarm you and make you weaker. Don’t listen to anyone and arm yourself, including the ability to lie correctly. Use this weapon like any other - to protect yourself and your loved ones. And be proud that you are a Liar, proud of your power.

    2. Always tell the truth. Except in cases where lying is absolutely necessary. It's like with a samurai sword - don't chop wood with it, don't shave your hair and don't chop nuts with the handle. A skilled liar simply must have a reputation as an honest person. The point is not only that an honest person will be believed faster. Any lie is costly because it requires further maintenance. At a minimum, it is necessary to remember everything that is presented as valid, but is not so. At the most, significant adjustments to behavior may be required, which can be very sensitive. In general, it’s worth gradually accustoming those around you to the fact that your words always mirror reality. To do this, you need to regularly do two things: state undoubted facts, and never make assumptions that may not be confirmed later. After some time, those around you will unconsciously grasp the connection between your words and reality, and you will not only have the opportunity to lie successfully, but you will also be able to more easily convince others - they will believe you.

    3. Constantly practice your lying technique. At first glance, this advice contradicts the recommendation to always tell the truth. But that's not true. The truth must be told about what can be verified. If a fact cannot be verified, it is an ideal trainer for lies. Let's give an example. You can tell friends at work who are not in your home a whole story about what happened to you at yesterday's dinner and what dishes you had to try. Just don’t come up with something out of the ordinary. When lying, you need to be as careful and modest as possible. If you ate meat and drank red wine, lie that you drank white and enjoyed a fish dish. Take the exercise seriously - you are honing your weapon skills, nothing more and nothing less.

    4. Make the lie true. Not in the sense of compliance with reality, but in the sense of one’s own rightness in lies. To do this, one must clearly understand the relativity of moral norms. For example, walking down the street naked is uncivilized, and a well-mannered person will not do that. But when, during a fire in Japan, women refused to jump from the windows onto the rescue trampoline because they were afraid that the kimono would fly open and the firefighters would see their nakedness, it was clearly too much. Another example. Stealing is not good, everyone knows this from childhood. But if a medicine that will save a life can only be stolen, then it necessary steal. And if a mother has only one way out to feed her child - to steal food, then she necessary steal. If it is necessary to lie to protect yourself or your loved ones, then if you lie, you will be absolutely right. Not to lie in this situation means to become a traitor. By the way, in Islamic countries famous for their cruelty in reprisals for theft, this is well understood. Therefore, in them, anyone caught stealing for food will be released without punishment. Remember to apply this principle during training as well. By honing your lying technique, you are absolutely right, because you are preparing one day to skillfully use a lie in a critical situation.

    Lie technique - practical techniques

    If you have succeeded in the preparatory phase described above, you will not need to learn most of the standard techniques for disguising a lie - your nonverbal cues will indicate that you are telling the truth. However, some subtle points still need to be taken into account.

    1. Organize the lie so that as much of it as possible is true. In the most masterly deception, everything must be true separately, but when added into a single picture, the result must be a lie. In practice, for a good, solid lie, you need to take care of a sufficient number of absolutely truthful facts and scenes that naturally and logically fit into the outline of the story. With each confirmed truthful fact, the diligence in searching for possible lies decreases, and usually eventually fades away. But that's not the point. Each lie will require a large number of details linking it to the events that actually took place, and all of them will have to be included in the picture of the story. Therefore, such costly lies must be saved.

    2. Learn your version of reality. This means that you will be able to reproduce the entire course of events an unlimited number of times without discrepancies. Once the sequence is firmly memorized, try playing it in reverse order. If you can’t, you will be caught in a lie - you can remember what happened backwards, but it is much more difficult to reproduce an intellectual structure in the same way. Just don’t get carried away and use this technique solely as a test, no more than twice. Because scrolling events too quickly and confidently in reverse order is undeniable evidence of preparation. You should also avoid memorized phrases that will instantly reveal a liar. Tell about the event repeatedly in different styles and expressions, from different people - yourself, another participant in the events, a witness to the events, a friend of the witness of the events who learned everything from the eyewitness's stories. Don't skimp on vivid descriptions and metaphors. If you want to achieve decent quality, give all these characters different personalities, and perform a small one-man show. And remember: if you constantly tell a fictional version of events, or even better, write it down with an ordinary ballpoint pen many times, at some point it will begin to be perceived by you as the truth. This is exactly what we should strive for.

    3. Bring your version of reality to life. Just learning the content and sequence of events is not enough - this is only the skeleton. If you lie that you spoke on the phone, you will definitely be asked what room you were in, what you were wearing, who was present during the conversation, etc. The same questions may be asked with an interval of several days, and if there is no time wait, immediately after receiving the answer they will divert your attention and ask the same questions a couple of hours later. In order not to be embarrassed and not to fall for such primitive tricks, you should not invent all fictitious events, but take them from life. If you are lying about a telephone conversation, remember the very real telephone conversation, and integrate it in every detail into your version of reality. This will achieve another important effect. While lying, your eyes will move exactly as they should during retrieval, not during reconstruction. The psychologists questioning you will appreciate this.

    4. They say that everything is bad when everything is too good. This is very true for lying. Confident recall everyone details inevitably betray the preparation. Highlight a number of minor details that you seem to have difficulty remembering. The internal representation of most of these details should be variable, that is, have several possible options, from which you find it difficult to choose the one that took place in reality. Pretending to remember, try to reconstruct it out loud. That is, demonstrate attempts to compensate for failure in recall with logic. Declare some very small details forgotten. To retain a detail in memory, a previous concentration of attention on it is necessary, and this only happens if this detail is important. Confident recall of unimportant details may indicate either reconstruction with previous preparation, or the presence of hidden meanings that forced one to concentrate on what should be unimportant moments. Therefore, be prepared to explain the reason for your phenomenal memory for some little things. For example, you can remember exactly the sweater you were wearing on such and such a day, only because your wife scolded you for wearing things that were out of fashion.

    Two Kinds of Lies

    So far we have talked about one type of lie - something that did not happen, but is presented as if it did. For example, in this way you can lie about a day full of work and worries, while in fact the day was spent in more pleasant and relaxing activities. Or about a meeting that supposedly brought one result, while in fact the result was completely different. The second type of lie, on the other hand, refers to denying what you actually did. An example: yesterday you entered into an intimate relationship with the wife of citizen Ivanov? Or: did you take money from the cash register? As paradoxical as it may seem, it is often easier to compose and pass off even a very long story as the truth than to plausibly deny some mere trifle that you did do.

    This is due to two psychological characteristics. Firstly, the specificity of the question limits the room for maneuver, and all the tension spills out in a matter of moments. In such a situation, the slightest falsity increases to incredible proportions. Secondly, the question is usually asked about committing a reprehensible act, and this is the most important thing! Even the most inveterate villains, confident in their complete absence of torment of conscience, are suddenly betrayed from unknown depths of the unconscious by the shadow of guilt that has emerged. And the skin of the face begins to turn a little red, and the palms begin to sweat, breathing becomes almost noticeably quicker, the eyes make a treacherous movement, and the throat dries up, forcing you to swallow saliva once again.

    The point is not even that the person is ashamed of what he has done, but that the majority counts shameful. That is, it may not even be the feeling of the abomination of what has been done that can give away, but a herd feeling that makes you feel guilty “for the company,” simply because it is so accepted. In order not to be disgraced in this way, it is necessary to pay as close attention as possible to developing a sense of self-righteousness, regardless of what is accepted and what is not. And if you personally consider your relationship with the wife of citizen Ivanov to be correct, then it’s not for you to blush for her. And you can lie to the moralists around you so that they don’t harm you in a fit of righteous anger. After all, it is so natural for moralists to harm another person just because his actions seem wrong to them.

    And one more important note about the second type of lie. Even if you lie that you didn’t do something, there should still be an affirmative construction in your mind that you did. Let's go back to the example above. If you didn't take money from the cash register, what did you do instead? You must sincerely remember how you counted money, signed statements, drank tea during breaks and gave change from large bills. And the moment when in one version of reality you could take money, you should replace it with a moment from another version of reality, in which you spent a long time and carefully checking a bill that seemed suspicious.

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    In our imperfect world, it is almost impossible to survive if you don’t lie at all and tell only the truth.

    Unfortunately, the world is not ideal and there is nothing you can do about it.

    So, what you have to learn, how to learn to lie.

    In addition, there is also a white lie, who better than women knows that you simply need to be able to lie, and you need to be able to do it extremely convincingly.

    So, today we’ll talk about how to learn to lie truthfully.

    1st rule on how to lie truthfully

    In order for people to believe your lies, so that no one has any doubts about your sincerity, you need to believe in your lies yourself. You must, like a good actor, get used to your role and believe in what you are saying. Only when you learn to believe your own lies will you understand how to learn to lie. Pay attention to politicians, they lie so selflessly that it is simply impossible not to believe them. So, learn to believe in your own lies, this will help you make others believe in them too.

    2nd rule of the science of lying

    Sight. This is one of the most important points. It is simply necessary to look at your interlocutor correctly in order to learn to lie truthfully. It’s not for nothing that everyone knows that a liar’s eyes always dart around. So, when you lie, look at your interlocutor boldly and openly. You need to look into the eyes and face.

    Remember that when you lie, do not look your interlocutor in the eyes without looking away - this is a sign of aggressive intentions, the interlocutor will feel uncomfortable and it may not be possible to lie. Look your interlocutor in the eyes, then move your gaze to his lips, then to his nose, and again to his eyes - alternate and avoid staring.

    You will have to learn to look at your interlocutor this way if you want to lie truthfully. The fact is that such a look into the eyes and face on a subconscious level convinces the interlocutor that they are not lying to him, but are telling the truth. The correct view is half the battle in the science of correct lies.

    3rd rule of the art of lying

    When you learn to lie, watch your feet. The fact is that lying causes a certain internal tension in a liar, because lying fights the “honest” part of your consciousness. In order to relieve internal tension, a person involuntarily creates unnecessary movements with his legs.

    For example, when a person is lying, he tends to cross his legs, move the toes of his shoes, twitch his legs, in general, he makes a bunch of absolutely unnecessary and meaningless movements with his legs, from which an experienced interlocutor will quickly guess that learn to lie It didn't work out for you. Therefore, always watch your legs, do not move them unless necessary, suppress these reflexes in yourself.

    4th rule on how to learn to lie convincingly

    When you learn to lie, remember that the toes of the liar's shoes should always point towards the interlocutor whom you want to deceive. That is, your interlocutor should be the center of two imaginary straight lines drawn from the liar’s feet.

    The fact is that such an arrangement of the liar’s feet, when the toes of the shoes look at the interlocutor, he, the interlocutor, will subconsciously interpret as a manifestation of sincerity, truthfulness, and passion for the topic. So, this is an important factor that should be taken into account when you learn to lie correctly, which will help on a subconscious level.

    5th rule of true lies

    You need to learn to lie in a loud and confident voice, with fanaticism in your eyes, so that no one has any doubts about the truth. A liar needs such a voice no less than a correct look when lying. Also remember that when you lie, do not correct yourself or make any edits, this will undermine confidence in the veracity of what was said, even if it is the pure truth.

    6th rule: how to lie correctly

    Remember that when you learn to lie, and subsequently, when you actually apply the acquired knowledge in practice, you need to keep your head straight and level.

    7th rule of lying correctly

    When you lie, remember to use gestures. Many liars are given away by excessive gestures, especially hand movements near the face and ears.

    The interlocutor will easily guess that you are lying if you cover your mouth with your hand, tug at your hair, break your fingers, rub your chin, nose, etc. Pay attention to your gestures at the moment when you are telling the truth and try to transfer it to lies.

    8th rule of a successful lie

    Watch your hands when you lie not only at face level, but also at chest level - this also reveals a liar. Crossing your arms over your chest (defensive position), tapping your fingers on the surface of the table, fiddling with your cell phone in your hands - all this can give you away when you are lying.

    9th rule: how to learn to lie correctly

    Smile. She can give you away. Don't try to smile insincerely when you're lying. The fact is that a “real” smile, in addition to tension in the muscles of the lips, is always accompanied by tension in the muscles around the eyes, but not when they are lying. So, it’s easy to spot a fake smile.

    Rule 10 (subtle points): learning to lie

    When you lie, not only external signs of anxiety, but also certain speech patterns can give you away. You just need to learn how to avoid these pitfalls. Very often, a liar is given away by the fact that he uses speech patterns that force him to confirm that the interlocutor believes him.

    For example, “you believe me,” etc. When you learn to lie, also remember that phrases that are designed to convince your interlocutor of your truthfulness - “why should I lie”, etc. - give you away.

    Also, the phrases with which you try to get closer to your interlocutor at the moment of lying - “You know me like no one else”, etc. - also alert the interlocutor on a subconscious level. Also, when you learn to lie, remember that rudeness and rudeness also indicate that a person is a liar.

    11th rule of the science of lying correctly

    Little things. They killed many people who did not want or were unable to learn to lie. The fact is that most liars, when they lie, do not go into detail; there is no specificity in their stories.

    In order to learn how to lie correctly, remember that it is imperative to sprinkle your lies with a sufficient number of small details and details.

    12th rule of the art of lying

    When you try to learn how to lie correctly, remember that a lie will be believed most easily if it contains at least a little truth. However, this applies to small lies, but if you are going to lie on a global scale, then another rule applies - the more ridiculous and “deceitful” the lie is, the more willingly they will believe it.

    These are all the rules for lying correctly. Whether to lie or not is everyone’s personal choice; it is better, of course, to do without lying. But, even if you decide to tell only the truth all your life, learning to lie is simply necessary, at least in order to understand when you will be deceived. And one more, final rule - how to learn to lie correctly– remember that you are not the only one who read this article :)