How to bring your cat to the vet without a special carrier. How to transport a cat on a train. Rules for transporting cats on a train There are hard and not so hard ways

None of the cat owners is immune from the possible need to change their purring cat’s usual diet. The circumstances that force you to change your usual feeding are not as important as knowing how to switch a cat to a different food.

The reasons for changing the power supply may be:

  • the animal has an allergy to dry or, conversely, natural food
  • intolerance to one of the components of the feed
  • lack of nutrients or microelements.

In some cases, replacing food is associated with a change in the financial condition of the owner, due to which the cat can no longer receive the usual expensive food. Thus, the financial crisis also affects cats, who are forced to switch to alternative food sources.

The nuances of transferring an animal to alternative feeds

In most cases, dietary changes do not go completely smoothly. An animal accustomed to a certain feeding gets used to constant nutrition and finds it quite difficult to refuse it. In this case, even if you know how to properly switch a cat to another food, this does not mean that your pet will be delighted with the changes and immediately switch to a new food, giving up his favorite treats.

The main thing that a cat owner will need in order to make the transition to a new food is patience. The innate cunning of cats allows them to quite successfully manipulate their owners, clearly showing their negative attitude towards the new food. Some animals strive to “bury” the new food offered to them, thus comparing it with litter for their toilet. Other animals, not paying attention to the food in the bowl, make a suffering face or meow painfully, demonstrating their hunger.

Thus, the cat tries to evoke pity from its owners with its entire appearance, positioning itself as a terribly unhappy hungry creature. Here, in no case should you give in to the animal; you should firmly stand your ground.

How long will it take to change food?

Ideally, owners who are patient enough have up to ten days to gradually change the cat’s usual food to a new one. In order to injure the animal as little as possible, the transfer is carried out gradually. Initially, in the first days, about 25% of new food is added to the animal’s diet. When, after eating several times, the cat becomes accustomed to the innovation, the amount of new food is increased to 50%. After a week of changing the diet, the new food may well account for three-quarters of the total amount of food.

Thus, day by day increasing the amount of new food, we ensure that the animal switches from its usual food to a new one. However, unfortunately, for many owners of particularly capricious animals, everything does not go so smoothly. What to do in this case?

Radical measures to change the diet

In some cases, transferring a pet from one food to another according to the above scheme is not possible. An animal, experiencing some kind of stress, may stubbornly refuse to touch new food and accompany the hunger strike with heart-rending meowing.

One of the ways is not to feed the cat; especially compassionate owners will not like it. However, in many cases it is the only possible one. An owner who loves his pet must be patient and approach the issue of changing the diet responsibly.

Such radical measures should be taken when the cat, taking advantage of the fact that there is at least a little familiar food in the bowl, eats only that and simply ignores the new food. In such cases, the owner has no other way to properly transfer the animal to a new diet other than to starve it to death.

For especially kind-hearted owners, let us draw your attention to the fact that the animal is absolutely not in danger of dying from starvation near a bowl filled with new food. To quickly cope with the cat's whims, first of all, your pet needs to fast. Such a preventative diet will reduce his arrogance and make him more interested in appreciating the new food offered by the owner.

If remorse becomes simply unbearable, we recommend that you remember that. That fasting days are extremely beneficial for domestic cats and their diet. The one you put the cat on will only benefit him. The main thing at this time is to show strength of character and not capitulate in advance. Having sensed the owner’s weakness once, the cat will henceforth wait for a pause, and it will be much more difficult to switch it to a new food.

The essence of preventive fasting

So, having decided that preventive fasting is the only way to transfer an animal to a new food, it is necessary to carry out the procedure correctly. Its essence is quite simple:

  • We remove food completely for a day
  • Place a bowl of new food

The first thing you do is remove the cat's bowl for the day and give the cat absolutely nothing. The main thing here is to resist the pleading look of your pet. After a day of forced abstinence, the cat is given a bowl of new food. At the same time, experienced breeders advise leaving the room and leaving the cat alone with the food when switching to a new food. It is believed that when alone, a proud animal will quickly overstep its principles and start eating new food.

If the animal continues to refuse to eat, the bowl is taken away and offered to the cat again after a few hours. In most cases, the stubbornness of the owner exceeds the stubbornness of the pet and the fight is won. However, there are also staunch fighters of the cat tribe who prefer a hunger strike to new food in a bowl.

Here, owners should take note that it is not recommended to keep the animal on a forced diet for more than three days. This is already fraught with unpleasant consequences for the health of your pet. By the way, do not forget that during preventive fasting the animal must be provided with fresh drinking water.

Also, do not forget that when switching a cat to a new diet, you should select good quality food. Given the carnivorous nature of the animal, a cat’s natural diet should include a sufficient amount of meat and prebiotics.

Unlike dogs, cats are territorial animals and are very sensitive to being forced to leave their territory. How to transport a cat? It’s not that difficult, you just need to follow a number of rules when transporting an animal.

  1. Never transport (carry) a cat in your hands, even when wrapped in a towel or blanket. Even the calmest cat can become frightened by cars, other people or animals, break free and run away. Therefore, if you still have to transport your cat in your hands, be sure to put a harness and leash on it.
  2. To transport a cat, it is necessary to use a special carrying container in which the animal will be comfortable and safe. Don't skimp on carrying. The carrier should be spacious and made of plastic. Fabric carriers, despite their convenience from a human point of view, are not comfortable for the animal, as they change shape, which causes discomfort in the animal. It is advisable that the carrier has a side door for the animal and a hatch at the top through which you can stick your hand to calm it. The door should be metal, as the plastic one wears out quickly. When purchasing, be sure to check the carrying lock - it must be strong and reliable so that the animal cannot escape from the container.
  3. Before traveling in the carrier, you should lay out bedding and place the animal in advance - 15-20 minutes before the trip, so that it gets comfortable in the container.
  4. How to transport a cat in a car? Only in a closed carrier. Do not let your cat into the salon, no matter how much she asks. A cat may jump out of a door that is opened due to carelessness or out of a slightly open window. If you let your cat into the salon, do so only in a harness and on a leash.
  5. For long train rides, you should take care of the cat's comfort. She must be provided with a toilet, food and water. It is necessary to stock up on a special folding tray with filler or a small box, which should be offered to the animal from time to time. But it is advisable to have water constantly. Do not let your cat out in the compartment - it can easily escape through the slightly open door. If you let him out, wear a leash. It is advisable to keep the cat in a harness at all times during such a trip.
  6. Transportation of cats on an airplane is allowed only in carriers and with a veterinary passport with mandatory rabies vaccination.
  7. Some cats behave very uneasy during a trip - they meow loudly, scratch themselves from the inside and try to escape. Don't follow the cat's lead - don't open the container. Believe me, catching an escaped cat is very difficult, and often simply impossible. If the cat is very nervous, it is better to prepare for the trip in advance - give the cat "Cat Bayun" drops for several days - a mild herbal sedative that is completely harmless to the animal. You can put a bag of catnip grass in the carrier, which is sold in pet stores. This herb initially excites cats a little, and then a calming effect occurs. Do not use diphenhydramine under any circumstances - the cat may be intolerant to this drug, and it is easy to make a mistake with the dosage. Just be patient with your cat's anxiety; if the trip is long, over time the cat will get tired and calm down on its own.

In this article we will talk about what is preferable to feed a cat, natural food or ready-made food.

Now they are being discussed very widely. However, the main question being considered is what kind of food to feed the cat, economy or premium, cheaper or more expensive. However, the question of whether it is worth feeding a cat artificial food at all is almost not addressed. After all, ready-made food is convenient, first of all, for the owner: there is no need to prepare a diet and waste time preparing food for the cat. What could be easier than opening the package, pouring in dry food or putting in canned food, and no longer thinking about the problem of feeding.

Advertising also greatly contributes to the distribution of feed. It also distorts our ideas about the most suitable diet for a cat. Ready-made food contains grains, but the cat is a predator by nature.

To understand what a cat’s correct diet should be, it’s enough to imagine what a cat eats in natural conditions (in the countryside). Usually these are small rodents, birds, much less often - fish, various insects. This diet includes all the substances a cat needs. Proteins are found in meat. Phosphorus and calcium are in the skin and bones. Despite the fact that we have chosen natural food for our cat, we cannot impose our opinion on you; you must determine for yourself what is preferable for your cat.

Cereals and plant fibers are in the stomach of the prey. Cats eat fresh grass occasionally if their body requires it. Cats do not naturally eat fermented milk products. A person gives them. Cats cannot digest raw milk. Thus, an ideal food should contain the necessary substances in proportions as close as possible to natural ones: 45% meat, approximately 20% animal protein, 10% bones and offal, plant fiber - no more than 20%, the remaining 5% - vitamins and minerals.

However, if feed was prepared this way, it would be very expensive to produce. Therefore it becomes cheaper. To find out what manufacturers of ready-made food offer us to feed our pets, just carefully read the composition of the food on the packaging. From it we learn that the food contains preservatives, antioxidants and sweeteners (not a single product can do without them); by-products (good if so, but by this manufacturers can also mean waste from slaughterhouses: veins, tails, blood meal); flavor enhancers, dyes, fillers such as soy, starch, cellulose. At the same time, the composition of the chemical components of the label is disclosed in sufficient detail.

However, in many countries, legislation does not oblige the manufacturer to detail the composition of the same by-products. And this wording can mean anything. Cats eat most budget foods with great pleasure, but this is due to a large number of attractants - flavoring additives that are attractive to cats. However, there is no need to talk about the usefulness of these supplements. Cats develop dependence on artificial food and begin to develop health problems. Metabolism is disrupted, cats begin to suffer from excess weight, and the incidence of cancer increases. Cats even die from kidney and liver failure.

It is difficult, but possible, to wean a cat off ready-made food.

We fed our first cat popular foods. However, then it became clear that the cat was refusing any other food, demanding only food. In addition, threatening information about the dangers of prepared feed began to spread. It was decided to switch the cat to natural feeding. However, she was already accustomed to ready-made food and categorically refused both sausage and fish. However, we remained adamant, stopping giving the cat food altogether and offering her fish, sausage or meat several times a day. The cat screamed, begging for food. This went on for more than a week. The most difficult thing was to firmly adhere to my position and not give in to the hungry cries of the cat. Under no circumstances should this be done, otherwise the cat will only become convinced that it will always achieve its goal.

Hunger will force the animal to eat what is offered

The benefits of feeding animals naturally are undeniable. When buying food these days, we pay more and more attention to the ingredients, meticulously reading the labels. Why should our pet, even if it is not of high breed, eat a lot of chemicals?

Dry cat food is 60% waste

Any food, even elite food, is not completely natural.

Cats are carnivores by nature, so they need meat.

We feed our pets dry food solely out of laziness. By arranging a comfortable existence for ourselves, we cause irreparable harm to the pet, crippling not only its physical, but sometimes also its mental health.

Dry food contains additives that cause addiction.

For this reason, transferring a pet to a diet that is normal for a living creature is a whole problem that not every owner can cope with.

Switching to a natural diet is not so easy. Felines are predators and carnivores; soups and porridges are not suitable for them. You need to prepare for the fact that you will have to monitor the balance of nutrition, the freshness of products, their variety, and prepare separately only for a cat.

Cat bowl with budget dry food

No matter what set of the freshest delicacies is offered to a dry eater, he will still turn his face away in displeasure. Try to convince an alcoholic that drinking juice is good for him. In any case, the cat will reveal a note of protest. Without receiving the proper dose of a chemical drug, he will stage a strike and even a riot, even leading to groups in the corners.

First of all, you need to be ready to endure all this yourself and not succumb to plaintive provocations or malicious manifestations of protest.

Ways to switch to natural food

For each cat you need to select a diet individually.

Each cat is individual and each one requires an approach. Some, after some resistance, resign themselves to changing their diet, while others have such willpower that it can break even a persistent owner.

You need to be patient and know that not a single animal has died from changing artificial nutrition to natural food. And also, not a single animal died of hunger, having food in front of it, even if not their favorite one. Nature has endowed all living beings with the instinct of survival.

Force method

You need to stop giving your cat dry food.

Stop dispensing dry food completely. During any hysterics, do not give even a little, even for priming. It should be borne in mind that dry food disrupts intestinal fermentation, the stomach becomes unaccustomed to working and digesting certain substances, receiving everything ready-made.

The products offered should be easy to digest, such as cottage cheese, steamed chicken meat, and offal.

Cut everything into pieces similar in size to regular dry food. Do not mix dry food. To withstand all the tricks of the sufferer, even for a long time.

Do not leave a plate of food for more than a quarter of an hour. Give out food at a certain time, if you haven’t eaten, go hungry. If you give in to pity at least once, trying again will definitely be unsuccessful. The animal will remember that the owner is weak and can squeeze out its food in one way or another.

Persuasion method

You can give your cat his favorite treats.

Knowing that in addition to dry food, your pet likes some treats, increase their dose, reducing the amount of dry food. In this way, you can gradually eliminate dry food and become dependent on the cat, feeding him only treats that cannot bring all the necessary substances into the body. The goal seems to have been achieved, but there is no result in the form of a healthy diet.

Reduction method

It is necessary to reduce the amount of dry food, gradually accustoming him to natural food.

Place dry food in smaller quantities, and next to it another, but tasty food in another.

If the cat is not full and has already worked up an appetite, he will eat from another plate.

Then gradually reduce the dry dose and increase the dose.

Theoretically this is possible. How it will work out in practice depends on the characteristics of the animal.

Mixing Method

Gradually, canned meat can be added to the food with dry food.

Add canned meat of the same size to dry food a little at a time, increasing its dose and decreasing the dose of dry food. Canned meat also contains flavor enhancers, so they are not very different from crackers.

Replace dry food with canned food, to which you gradually add meat and vegetables, reducing the amount of canned food.

The method is real, not particularly shocking, but too long and laborious. If a pet is dearer to the owner than anything else in the world, this is the best option.

There can be many options. In any case, you need to adhere to the rules for switching to food of animal origin.

Vitamins are required to support the body during adaptation.

It is important to give drugs with lactobifidobacteria in combination. You can help the transition by giving enzymes. Let him starve if he wants, but he doesn’t have to stop giving bacteria. They will restore intestinal function and exacerbate the feeling of hunger.

Video on how to prepare natural food for a cat for a month

Benefits of switching to natural foods

After giving up dry food, within a couple of months changes in your pet’s appearance and behavior will be noticeable. It is important not to feed from your table, but to adhere to a balanced diet provided to the cat.

You have long been planning to go on vacation with your family or go to another city to visit your parents. The suitcases are packed, the family is ready to go, but now you are faced with the question: how to transport a cat in a car or how to transport a cat to another city?

Pets don't particularly like change, and traveling long distances can be stressful for them. Therefore, you need to make the trip as comfortable as possible not only for yourself, but also for your pet.

First need

So, how to transport a cat in a car? First of all, you should prepare a standard cat kit. It will help your cat feel more relaxed about the trip. Also, on the eve of departure, you need to consult with a veterinarian and take all the necessary documents. Be sure to write down the doctor’s number so that you can always clarify questions that may interest you during your trip.

Now you must take care of your cat's health. It is worth taking medications on the road that can help her with certain difficulties. Take an extract from your medical history so you know the names of medications that may be needed.

Cat carrier or blanket

A carrier is a special bag or container designed for convenient transportation of a cat. It helps make any move safer for you and your pet. You need to remember that when purchasing a carrier, you must take into account all the nuances:
  1. 1. You need to buy a carrier for growth.
  2. 2. It should be practical and comfortable for your cat.
  3. 3. Consist of solid materials.
  4. 4. Be safe for the pet and you.

You will need a carrier in any situation when the question arises of how to transport a cat on a bus or how to transport a cat in a car. This is a comfortable mobile home for your cat. The main thing is that he feels comfortable and cozy there.
But there are times when there is no opportunity or time to purchase a carrier. Then you can use a simple bedspread, blanket, or towel. You just need to wrap up your cat and place it next to you.
An interesting way to transport an animal is a pillowcase. Place your pet there and tie it with string. You will end up with something like a collar for a cat. This way the trip will be more relaxed.

Food and water

After you have taken care of the comfort of your animal and the peace of mind of all members of your family. You should remember that cats are susceptible to dehydration and lack of water. This can have a very detrimental effect on their health. Therefore, you will need to take a large amount of clean water on the road and offer your pet to drink throughout the trip.

Now you need to decide what to do with your cat's food. If the trip is not long, then it is quite enough to feed her before leaving and just give her water on the way. But if the trip lasts for a long time, then of course you need to take care of food for your pet. You should not take sausage, meat, frankfurters or fish on the road. All this may go to waste and your pet may become ill from such products. The best solution here would be dry food. You can also use food in packages, which are also suitable for long trips.

If your pet has favorite treats, then a trip is just the time to pamper him. This way he will cope with the road more calmly and will be able to adapt faster.

Toys and toiletries

If you know that your trip will be quite long, then it is worth taking your pet's favorite toys. You need to take the simplest ones that take up the least space and will allow the cat to play with them in a carrier or in the arms of one of your family members.
Be sure to remember that too active games can irritate your pet, and its activity will interfere with your trip.

Now you need not to forget about the most important thing - your cat’s toilet matters. You will need to bring a litter tray, litter and bags with you. After all, your cat is accustomed to going only to the litter box, and during a trip it will be difficult to accustom her to another place. Therefore, you will have to suffer a little here. But for the sake of your beloved pet, you can take such measures.

Walking with a cat

If your trip will take more than one day, then you should not forget about walks with your pet. Of course, you can take him in your arms and go out for a walk with him in the fresh air when you stop in certain places. But there is a high chance that the cat will feel fear. She will want to break free, run and hide. To prevent this from happening and to prevent you from having to look for your beloved cat, you will need to take a cat leash with you. Thanks to it, you can protect yourself and your pet while walking calmly with him along unfamiliar city streets. Read more about intercity passenger transportation

Now you know the basic rules that will help you answer the question of how to transport a cat in a car. All these tips and rules will help you make a pleasant and unforgettable trip for you and your animal. The main thing to remember is that a loving owner will do everything to make his pet feel safe and comfortable. After all, we must protect our four-legged friends.