How to take measurements correctly and determine clothing size. Why it is impossible to measure the penis in a non-erect state. Factors Affecting Accuracy

It is not surprising that all men want to know the length and thickness of their penis. In addition, when enlarging the penis with an extender and other devices, it is necessary to periodically take measurements to ensure that there is a positive result. How to measure penis size correctly? What to do if the measurement results are disappointing?

Why does a man need to know the size of his penis?

The size of the reproductive organ is an exciting topic for all men. Every member of the stronger sex has measured their penis at least once in their life.

The most common reason for taking measurements is simple curiosity. Every man is interested in knowing whether the size of his penis meets the standards.

From a medical point of view, knowing the size of the reproductive organ is important. The fact is that with certain pathologies accompanied by changes in the content of sex hormones in the body, men experience a decrease in the penis. Typically, micropenis is observed in men who have either an increased level of estrogen in their body or a decreased concentration of testosterone.

To obtain reliable indicators, it is necessary to measure the length and thickness of the penis correctly and carefully. An incorrect measurement can not only upset, but also frighten a man, falsely signaling a hormonal imbalance.

You should also know your penis size in order to choose the right condoms. Different manufacturers produce contraceptives from two to four sizes. A man should choose condoms that best suit the size of his penis. An incorrectly selected contraceptive may break or slip off the penis during intimate intercourse.

A common mistake when assessing the size of the penis

Some men incorrectly perceive the size of their reproductive organ because they make a mistake in visual assessment.

Usually representatives of the stronger sex look at their penis in the usual way - from top to bottom.

And this is wrong, because this method of review creates the false impression that the penis is too small.

Penis length is very important for many men. It is believed, although this is not entirely true, that the longer the male penis, the more courageous the man and the more attractive he is to the fair sex. It is worth noting that no matter how long the penis nature gives a man, it is often not enough for him.

The length of the penis is measured very simply. In order to impartially compare the length of different penises that have slightly different shapes, as well as to predict the effectiveness of measures to enlarge the penis, the most basic method is used - the length of the penis is measured in an erect state, without an error in the shape or curvature of the penis.

A regular ruler should be placed on the lower abdomen, along the penis. And there are two ways to measure the length of the penis. 1. Apply the ruler tightly to the pubic bone, the root of the penis. 2. Barely touch the ruler to the pubic bone.

From this point of contact of the ruler of the root of the penis, the length is measured to the outermost point of the length of the penis. Of course, the length of the penis measured by the second method will be approximately 3 centimeters longer than the length measured by the first method.

When comparing results, one must always take into account how the measurement was made. This has additional significance when assessing the results of the treatment. In particular, liposuction of the pubic area can add 2-3 cm to the length measured by the first method, and have no effect at all on the result of measuring the length of the penis by the second method.

Measuring the length of the penis in a non-erect state can have completely different sizes for the same man, since the length of the penis in a non-erect state is affected by the ambient temperature, stress and depression, and the physical condition of the man at the moment. These conditions affect the filling of the penis with blood and determine its size in a relaxed state.

Reducing the length of the penis under the influence of stress is especially annoying for men when they shower in the company of other men, since many in such conditions experience stress due to the fear of showing off a small penis, writes

In this regard, measuring the length of the relaxed penis should be carried out repeatedly throughout the day, followed by calculating its average length. However, the practical significance of this measurement is negligible.

Sometimes the measurement of the length of the erect penis can also differ from one another - but in this case the differences are within a few millimeters.

Penile diameter measurement is usually taken at the base of the penis. Or in the middle of the penis.

To avoid false concerns about the size of your penis, you just need to remember a few basic rules for measuring and assessing the size of your “manhood.”

Why do you need to know the exact size of your penis?

Fortunately, not all men are concerned about penis size. But, even if you don’t have any crazy thoughts about having penis enlargement surgery, all men without exception need to remember the exact size of their penis.

At least in order to choose the right condom. As you know, condoms from different manufacturers have from two to four sizes. It is very important to choose the right condom for the anatomy of your penis to prevent it from breaking or slipping and at the same time not to experience a feeling of squeezing during intercourse.

The most common mistakes when assessing penis length

Many men underestimate the size of their penis due to incorrect visual perception. If you look at the penis from above (which is what most men do), the perspective from this angle creates the visual illusion that it is too small. In addition, fat accumulation in the pubic area significantly reduces the visual perception of the penis.

If you look in the mirror, standing sideways, you will notice that your penis is much longer than it appears when looking down. It is from this angle that you can find out how your penis is perceived from the outside.

Measuring the length of the penis

First of all, it is worth remembering that length measurements should be carried out exclusively during a stable erection.

In addition, the size of the erect penis will fluctuate significantly. The strength and stability of an erection, and therefore the size of the penis, is influenced by many factors: time of day, air temperature, level of sexual arousal, frequency of sexual activity. Therefore, the average size of the penis is taken to be the average value of at least a dozen measurements.

The length of the penis is measured while standing, while the penis must be held so that it is parallel to the floor.

The ruler is pressed against the pubic bone and applied to the upper surface of the penis. If the penis has a curve, a flexible meter should be used. You need to measure the penis from the base to the edge of the head. Do not forget that the penis is never measured by its undersurface.

How to measure penis thickness

To find out the exact diameter of the penis, you need to take a series of measurements of the circumference of the penis at the base, then in the middle of the body and at the base of the head. Based on the average circumference, the diameter of the penis is calculated.

Why you can’t measure your penis when it’s not erect

Measurements of the penis in the non-erect state are not informative, since small penises in the non-erect state can greatly increase during erection, and large penises in the non-erect state often remain practically unchanged in size during erection.
What penis sizes are considered normal?

The most common length of the erect penis is about 15 cm (75% of men have such a penis). Only 15% of men have a penis length of about 18 cm, 3% - from 18 to 20 cm, and a penis length above 23 cm occurs in only 0.2% of men.

So, don't worry about the size of your penis.

Anthropometric measurements make it possible to determine the level and characteristics of physical development, the degree of its correspondence to gender and age, existing deviations, as well as the level of improvement in physical development under the influence of physical exercise and various sports. Thus, anthropometry includes determining length, circumference and other indicators. Why does a person need this in life? Using anthropometric indicators, you can monitor the dynamics of physical development and the effectiveness of physical exercise. You can also learn how to determine your clothing size. Most modern computational and graphic methods of clothing design provide as initial data information about the body size (dimensional characteristics of the figure) of a person and allowances for a loose fit. Size is an alphabetic or digital code corresponding to certain linear parameters of the human body, or that part of it for which a given piece of clothing, accessory or shoe is intended. Typically, the size is printed on a tag attached to the clothing or accessory, and in the case of shoes, it may be printed on the sole or insole.

What anthropometric indicators are used to determine the size of clothes and shoes, how to measure them correctly

Height. In order to correctly measure your height, you will need outside help, a ruler and a pencil. Stand barefoot with your back to the wall, trying not to hunch over. The ruler is placed on the head, a straight line is drawn from the top of the head to the wall, where a mark is made with a pencil. Now, using a ruler or meter, calculate the distance from the floor to the mark.

Chest circumference. You will need a flexible measuring tape. Wrap a tape measure around your chest so that it goes through all the protruding points. To obtain an accurate result, repeat the measurement procedure again.

Waist circumference is also measured using a centimeter. When measuring your waist, do not pull in your stomach, otherwise the measurement will be incorrect.

Hip girth. Measured approximately 15-18 centimeters below waist level at the most protruding points of the buttocks.

Shoe size. The size of a person’s foot is determined by two parameters - the length and width of the foot. We determine our sizes. First, measure the length of your foot. It is recommended to do this at the end of the day, because... the legs trample and become larger. Stand on a piece of paper and trace your leg with a pencil. To determine your foot length, measure the distance between the farthest points on the drawing. Measure both legs and choose the longer length. Round the result to 5 mm and find your size in the table.

Table 1. Determining clothing size

Table No. 2 Determining foot size

Table No. 3 Determining shoe size

Often a man has a question about how to correctly determine the size of the penis, where to start measuring and what is the norm. This is necessary not only for simple interest, but also to determine the size of the condom, as well as to exclude possible violations of the structure of the genital organ. There are several methods for determining the size of the penis, and certain conditions must be met during the study.

Preliminary activities

Determining the size of an organ is influenced by a large number of internal and external factors. To correctly determine the parameters of the penis, the sizes are determined only under certain conditions. In this case, the man needs to take measurements over several days.

  1. Normal body and environmental temperature.
  2. Physical exercise.
  3. Research time.
  4. Excitement phase.
  5. Time of sexual intercourse.

It is correct to measure a man's penis at room temperature and normal body temperature. If the temperature is increased, the vessels relax and blood flows into the cavernous bodies of the genital organ, which increases its performance. If the temperature, on the contrary, is cold, then there will be a reverse reaction.

For correct calculation, a man must be relaxed and calm. Measurements are taken both in an erect and in a calm state. If these conditions are not met, the measurement will be incorrect.

Execution Rules

The penis must be measured by a man standing. During an erection, the penis must be tilted into the correct position so that it is parallel to the floor. It is more correct to apply a ruler or measuring tape to the pubis, press it against the bone. The tape must be pressed tightly against the bone, since the subcutaneous fat located above the ligament from which the measurement begins can significantly affect the measurement result. After this, the length from the head to the base is measured. For more accurate measurements, the ruler must be leaned to the side to eliminate the influence of subcutaneous fat on the measurement results.

When examining at rest, the man extends the penis to its maximum length; if measured correctly, the values ​​should match when examining the erect penis. If there are problems with erection, then the values ​​of the study of the organ in a free state will be significantly higher. Thus, correct measurement of the length of the organ at rest will help determine erectile dysfunction. A man usually determines the length of the penis several times.

To determine the exact length of the chen, you need to measure it several times a day.

  • In the morning, after waking up.
  • After lunch.
  • After moderate physical activity.
  • Before bedtime.
  • After a cold shower.
  • After a sauna, bath or hot shower.
  • 10-15 minutes after erection.

Next, the obtained values ​​are added and divided by 7, this will be the correctly measured result of the length of the penis. Measuring the diameter of the penis helps in diagnosing pathology. You also need to measure your penis in a relaxed and erect state. First, determine the volume. To do this, using a tape, a man measures the penis around its circumference at its base, in the middle and in the head area. After obtaining the average value, it is divided by the number π, the resulting figure is the diameter.

The length of the penis, when correctly measured, varies from 10 to 25 cm. A penis size of less than 10 cm is pathological and is called micropenis, but this condition is usually diagnosed in infancy and adolescence. If the penis is more than 25 cm, then this refers to the macropenis. The normal size of the penis circumference is between 11 and 14 cm.

As you can see, normal values ​​for penis length vary significantly. It depends on the anatomical features of the person. We must not forget that with different lengths of the penis, a woman’s vagina can adapt to it due to the muscular walls. Therefore, dimensions do not play a particularly important role in assessing men's health.