How to open a dental office? Your own business: private dentistry

Many are of the opinion that opening your own dental clinic without a medical education is pointless.

But are restaurants opened only by successful chefs, and hair salons by talented hairdressers? A clinic is first and foremost a business, and then a healing process. Since now state clinics are barely staying afloat, many entrepreneurs are asking the question: “How to open a dental clinic and how profitable is it?”

How to create a clinic?

Dental clinic is one of the most promising areas in medicine. With the rise in living standards, Russians began to monitor their health more carefully, so there are more and more clients at private medical institutions, where they practice an individual approach to each client.

Despite its great attractiveness, the dental business requires large investments. For example, to open a clinic with 5 chairs you will need approximately 300-400 thousand euros. If you break this amount down, you get the following:

  • the equipment will cost approximately 135-160 thousand euros;
  • renovation of the premises: on average, about 140-190 thousand euros will be needed;
  • additional costs (documentation, advertising) will cost 20-50 thousand euros.

If you don’t have the means to open a clinic, you can simply open a dental office, which will naturally cost several times less. What do you need to open a dental office? To do this, it will be enough to open an individual entrepreneur, obtain a license and register with the tax office.

Choosing a room

To open a clinic, you will need a room of at least 180-200 square meters. m, which necessarily meets the requirements of the SES. There should be one window per dental chair.

If possible, it is best to purchase the premises rather than rent them. After all, if the landlord asks you to leave the rented space, then while you find a new place, you will suffer big losses. During this time, you can lose not only clients, but also staff.

Of course, if there is not enough money to purchase the premises, you will have to rent space. In this case, it is better to carefully study the terms of the lease agreement in order to protect yourself from unpleasant surprises. To prevent the landlord from constantly raising your rent, insist that the agreement include a clause stating that the rent can change no more often than once a year. It is also necessary to demand clear justification for increasing the rental price.


Many beginners make the mistake of investing a lot of money in luxurious renovations, because then they have little money left to buy good equipment. As a result, the quality of the services provided suffers.

The second mistake is entrusting the design to a fashionable architectural bureau, which, however, has no experience in medical institutions. Remember, the design of dental clinics must be carried out by an organization that knows the specifics of the technology and the requirements of the SES.

Therefore, invest more than 700 euros per sq. m. the meter is not worth it. People will come here for treatment, and not to admire expensive marble or paintings. A significant portion of the money will have to be spent on communications; each office must have sewerage, water, electricity, and ventilation.


As a rule, the most troublesome task when opening any medical institution is obtaining permits from regulatory authorities. While you collect all the documents to open a dentistry, a lot of time will pass. You need to go through many authorities: SES, architecture department, fire service, district administration and others. Here is an approximate list of required documents:

  1. Evacuation plan.
  2. BTI plan.
  3. Contract for washing clothes.
  4. Examination of the sterility of air, washings, and water.
  5. Agreement on recycling of waste and fluorescent lamps.
  6. Explication.
  7. Document of ownership of the premises or lease agreement.
  8. Certificate of registration with the tax authority.
  9. Agreement on disinfection of air conditioning and ventilation systems.
  10. Conclusion from the sanitary-epidemiological station.

Obtaining a medical license is a completely separate matter. If all legal requirements are not taken into account, a license may not be issued, and then the opening of the clinic may be delayed. By law, a license can be issued no later than 45 days from the date of submission of the necessary papers from the applicant.

Those who plan to add a surgeon, therapist or orthodontist to the clinic staff will need to obtain a license separately for each type of medical activity. If you are not sure that you can arrange everything correctly yourself, it is better to contact a lawyer or even a specialized company that helps in obtaining a license and other permitting documentation.


Before opening a dental clinic, you also need to purchase the necessary equipment. Even if you visit a couple of medical exhibitions, it will be difficult to understand dental equipment. Each supplier will naturally praise their devices.

Even most dentists are not very knowledgeable about equipment, they have usually worked on one or two models, so it is quite difficult for them to compare their equipment with others. For businessmen, the choice of medical equipment is generally a “black box” that only whistles, buzzes and flashes lights. In addition, the price range for dental equipment is quite wide. In order not to make a mistake in choosing, you will need a specialist who is well versed in professional equipment.


For a dental clinic with 5 chairs, it is necessary to hire 10 doctors, 10 nurses, 1-2 administrators, 2 nurses and an accountant at 0.5 rate. The dentist’s salary should be approximately 20-25% of revenue, for nurses a fixed rate should be provided - about 300-400 euros (for the capital), and for nurses - 200-250 euros.

Paid medicine is one of the most profitable and cost-effective business sectors today.

This is because private clinics employ the best doctors, have the most expensive equipment, and always have an individual approach to the client. It is also impossible not to take into account the fact that as the standard of living rises, so does the number of people who are willing to spend more and more money on taking care of their own health. Today, the dental business is one of the most successful investments possible. Therefore, active entrepreneurs have reason to think about drawing up a business plan for a dental clinic.

However, some businessmen are worried that they have no knowledge or experience in medicine at all, and therefore it may not work out. It is worth knowing that knowledge of medicine is not required to open such a business. This is due to the fact that graduates of medical higher educational institutions rarely make good entrepreneurs, economists, managers, and so on.

It is worth noting that the state will soon fully admit that it is pointless to maintain free medical institutions. Quite often, municipal clinics survive only because doctors work informally at their jobs. However, with little money available for public health clinics, many patients experience lower levels of care than in private health care facilities.

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What you need to create your own dental clinic

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Choosing the premises you will need to open a clinic

This business plan will consider an example of creating a dental clinic with 5 chairs. To do this, you will need a room with a total area of ​​180-200 square meters. m.. It is important to note that the selected room must meet all SES requirements; it must have at least 5 windows (one window for each dental chair).

If you have a sufficiently large starting capital, it would be better to purchase the premises. This will allow you not to depend on the landlord. There are cases when owners of premises ask people who rent premises from them to leave it. Consequently, the entrepreneur will need to look for and move to another location. This may require additional money and time. In addition, you will need to obtain a license again. All this can lead to the loss of regular customers, which is unacceptable for dental offices.

If you have a little money at the beginning, it makes sense to think about renting a room first. It is important to remember that special attention must be paid to drawing up an agreement with the landlord. It is recommended that you spare no expense in using the services of a quality and experienced lawyer. This will minimize possible risks.

One of the ways to do so in the shortest possible time is to purchase a ready-made business. However, there are a fairly large number of nuances, most of which are not the most pleasant. Therefore, if you choose this option, you will definitely need to contact a qualified specialist.

You should know that it is not at all a prerequisite that the building be located in the central areas of the city. The most important thing in such a business is concern for the quality of the services provided. If this point is up to par, interested clients will find a dental office even on the outskirts of the city.

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Possible costs of repair work

It is important to note that new entrepreneurs make two of the most common mistakes.

  1. Too much investment in the design of the selected room, and therefore there may not be enough money to purchase quality equipment, which is more important for the dental office than its general appearance. It is also impossible to attract highly qualified doctors to offices that have cheap equipment. Consequently, the quality of services provided will suffer, which will negatively affect the attitude of regular customers.
  2. Entrusting the design to the largest company that professionally designs various palaces. Such enterprises have quite a lot of experience in creating designs for beautiful buildings, but they have no experience at all in medical premises. Consequently, such companies do not know the specifics of the technological chain and all the necessary requirements of the SES. As a result, the room may turn out to be quite beautiful, but not effective. This is why most often such projects have to be remade.

We can conclude that investing more than 700 euros per square meter in repairs. m doesn't make any sense. The thing is that people come to dentistry to treat their teeth, and not to stare at a sea aquarium or some works of art. It is worth considering that a fairly large amount of money will have to be spent on communications. Each office must have sewerage, water, ventilation, and electricity. Once the project has been agreed upon, repair work can begin. We must not forget that only certified materials must be used for repairs in the clinic premises. It’s not worth saving on this, as this will only lead to having to redo everything all over again. There is no point in looking for workarounds, since in any case, it will be necessary to provide copies of the licenses of the design and construction organization to the supervisory authorities.

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Preparation of all documents needed to open a business

It is worth noting that collecting all the necessary documents to open your own dental clinic is the most troublesome task. This is due to the fact that any redevelopment requires many permits from authorities such as the architecture department, SES, firefighters, district administration, and so on. You have to pay for almost all certificates and permits, but it’s not just about the money, it’s about the amount of time spent. If you plan to install X-ray equipment, you will need other additional permits, which can take up a fairly large amount of your own efforts.

In addition, you will need to obtain a medical license (if you plan to open a pediatric dentistry or surgery, you will need several licenses). There is a choice here: collect all the documents yourself or pay a person who will do everything himself. Such a person can be anyone: a doctor himself, a student, a pensioner, a law firm. It is worth knowing that students are the cheapest option, and law firms are the most expensive, but effective.

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Purchasing suitable equipment for the dental office

It is quite difficult to understand dental equipment on your own. Alternatively, you can visit the corresponding exhibition, but this will not make the task much easier. Each stand will praise its manufacturer of dental equipment, but not one of them will say that its equipment is unreliable, costs a lot of money, or is completely ineffective. Therefore, few people know how to choose the right equipment.

Each dentist, as a rule, works with 1-2 equipment manufacturers throughout his life. Therefore, it is more a matter of habit. Although for most entrepreneurs dental equipment is something completely incomprehensible, there is a way out of this situation. There are specialists who are well versed in professional technology and can help you make the right choice for your future dental office. Therefore, it will be necessary to include in the business plan a cost item for the services of such a specialist.

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Expenses that will be incurred when opening a dental clinic

Most often, in order to create a middle-class dental office, you will need:

  1. 5 chairs for 15,000-20,000 dollars for each of them (total total costs approximately 75,000-100,000 dollars).
  2. Equipment for each chair costs $5,000 each (total costs will be at least $25,000).
  3. The purchase of a panoramic x-ray is $16,500, a targeted x-ray is approximately $3,500 (total costs will be $20,000).
  4. Purchase of necessary furniture and all auxiliary equipment - approximately $15,000.

Total total expenses can be about 135,000-160,000 dollars.

The total costs of the clinic include the following items:

  1. Carrying out repair work - approximately $140,000-190,000.
  2. Purchase of all necessary equipment - approximately 135,000-160,000 dollars.
  3. Costs for design, collection and receipt of documentation, promotion, advertising campaigns and other expenses are approximately $20,000-50,000.

As a result, the final cost will be approximately $300,000-400,000.

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Monthly expenses and possible profitability of such a business

  1. Payment for work performed by dentists (25% of total turnover) is approximately $25,000.
  2. Payment for the work performed by support staff is approximately $10,000.
  3. Purchase of consumables (about 6-8% of total turnover) - at least $8,000.
  4. Expenses for housekeeping, advertising, promotion, etc. - about $10,000.

Total total monthly expenses will be approximately $53,000.

Therefore, the profit of the dental office (not including rent, since everyone will have their own) will be approximately $47,000 per month. Then the annual profit will be about $560,000 if the property is owned. If you have to rent the premises, you will need to subtract the cost of rent multiplied by 12 months from the total profit. Once the clinic has a sufficient number of regular customers, the profitability of such a business will be approximately 30%. It is worth noting that there are quite a few industries that can offer a similar level of profitability.

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Selecting the necessary employees to do the job

In order to open an office with 5 chairs, you will need approximately 10 doctors and 10 nurses, 2 administrators, 2 nurses and a director. You can find an accountant who comes and will do the work only when it is available. However, he will only work part-time. Dentists may receive approximately 25% of all proceeds. It is more advisable for nurses to pay a rate of 300-400 dollars; for nurses, 200-250 dollars will be enough. It is worth considering the fact that the calculations were made for the city of Moscow.

It is quite difficult to select highly qualified employees; therefore, you can begin your search from the moment renovation work is carried out in the selected premises for the dental clinic. This will allow the team to be fully assembled by the day the office is ready.

It is worth remembering once and for all that workers will always try to take as much money as possible into their pockets, while they are not at all interested in how much money the owner will have left. Consequently, from the very beginning it will be necessary to carry out strict control of materials, the labor contribution of each employee, to establish records of all incoming patients, and so on. The simplest and most correct solution would be to use special software that was developed specifically for such purposes. There are quite a lot of programs on the market now, some of which are worse, and some of which are better. Consequently, here too it will not be possible to do without highly qualified specialists who have sufficient experience in working with such programs. It is necessary to choose the option that can relieve the entrepreneur of possible headaches associated with stealing regular customers, theft, shirking the client record and good accounting, which is important enough to ensure that no part of the income flows into the sand.

Dentistry is perhaps one of those areas of medicine that will always be in demand, because every person has had dental problems in their life. A dentist exists to solve these problems, but he needs to work somewhere. An analogue of a public clinic is a private dental office.

To operate a dental office successfully, you need to know and have a well-thought-out business plan.

This article contains a comprehensive answer to the question that concerns many aspiring entrepreneurs: “How to open a dental office?”

Dentistry, for quite probable reasons, is one of the most, not inferior to other medical areas. As you know, demand creates supply.

Patients use dentists more often than physicians, although the cost of care for dentists is much higher. This is why developing a dental business can be a successful and promising endeavor, despite a fiercely competitive environment.

The activities of private dentistry can be divided into three branches:

  • First direction– this is the work of a single dental office with two or three installations. This area accounts for about 60 percent of the dental services market. Most often, such offices are located on the first floors of residential buildings.

Despite the demand for this area, this format of operation of a dental office is extremely undesirable due to its instability. Typically, such dental offices face bankruptcy.

  • Second direction activities of a dental office is a network of dental clinics. The level of financial stability of such offices is several times higher than single ones.
  • Third direction– this is the work of large medical centers that provide a wide range of not only dental services, but a number of other medical ones.

Dental business can be classified according to different approaches to customer service:

  1. You can organize the work of a clinic, for which the main guideline will be servicing the flow of clients. A distinctive feature of the work of such a dental office is satisfactory quality and inexpensive prices. This type of office uses many dental chairs and is open 24 hours a day.
  2. You can bet on corporate client service or create small dental clinics targeting VIP clients, with one to three installations.

Dental office business plan

To start a dental office, you need to calculate all the costs:

  1. Premises: renting or purchasing premises affects financial costs. The choice of a locality or even a district of one city significantly affects the price of real estate per square meter. Therefore, it is very difficult to name any specific amount. For a rented premises, monthly rent of 100 sq. m. m will be about 300 thousand rubles.
  2. Equipment: according to data for 2015, it will be spent on the purchase of equipment minimum 600 thousand rubles.
  3. Repair it will cost at least 100 thousand rubles. and depends on the parameters of the room, as well as on your imagination.
  4. For registration licenses will be needed 50 thousand rubles.
  5. personnel usually includes the rate and interest. Naturally, at the start the salary will not be as high as we would like, but with growth it will gain momentum.
  6. Current expenses for utilities, advertising, etc.

Calculating the final amount of expenses requires an individual approach. Typically, an amount of 1–2.5 million rubles is required, excluding expenses for the purchase of premises. Regarding profit, if the forecast is successful, it will be about 600 thousand rubles.

To start a dental office, you will need to complete a number of documents:

  • or (depending on self-employment or hiring employees);
  • document confirming your place of residence;
  • license for the type of medical activity;
  • permission from the fire department.

Obtaining a dental license

List of required documents for issuing a medical license:

  • application to Rospotrebnadzor;
  • sanitary and epidemiological conclusion (Rospotrebnadzor);
  • documentation of premises rental or ownership;
  • certificates for installed equipment, availability of personnel medical books, copies of diplomas of specialized education and qualifications, etc.

The period for reviewing documents for issuing a dental license usually ranges from 30 to 45 days.

The period for issuing a sanitary-epidemiological certificate is 30 days.

You can apply for a license yourself or pay a specialized company for services, adding 60-80 thousand rubles to the main expenses.

Choosing a room for a dental office

After analyzing the layout of the office and the possible location of the equipment, you can begin to select the premises. The arrangement in the office is carried out according to the BTI plan.

The area of ​​the office must correspond minimum 14 square meters for one installation, plus 7 meters for each additional one.

So, for an office with one workplace there is 30 square meters of area. This area includes a hall of 10 and a bathroom of 5 square meters.

In the future, if the question arises, it will be necessary to take into account the following data:

  • sterilization room (with three or more units) – 6 sq. m;
  • X-ray room – additional 11 sq.m. m. and 6 sq. m. for a darkroom;
  • orthodontic office – 15 sq.m. m;
  • children's office - 15 sq. m;
  • implantology room – 15 sq.m;
  • premises for administration, storage room, bathroom, etc. - 30 sq. m.

The height of the cabinet should be three meters or more, the depth should be a maximum of six meters. Each office must be equipped with one-way daylighting.

Dental offices are opening both in central and residential areas. It is desirable that the location of the office is adjacent to a bus stop or metro station.

If the selected premises do not meet the required standards, then it will not be possible to avoid redevelopment, which will affect costs.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that a license is issued for a specific premises, and if the tenant refuses to extend the lease, you risk starting all over again, but in a different place. And the cost of rented premises for 2 years is equal to the cost of the apartment.

The best option would be to purchase premises with subsequent redevelopment into a dental office. When purchasing an apartment, you will need to register it as non-residential premises.

Why will you need to order? architectural and technological project, replace communication systems, coordinate design documents with expert and fire services, Rospotrebnadzor and the architectural planning department.

Purchase of equipment and recruitment of personnel

The choice of dental equipment is carried out on the basis of SANPIN standards.

Mandatory dental office equipment:

  • complete dental chair;
  • hygiene products, medicines, filling materials;
  • medical instruments with cabinets for them, furniture;
  • gels reflecting lamps, apex locators, radiovisiograph;
  • autoclave sterilizer.

Dental office specialists must have education in accordance with their work profile. The dentist must have a certificate and diploma of completion of the internship, and at least five years of professional experience.

The presence of one such employee on staff ensures that medical license.

According to the standards, the work of the dentist and nurses should not exceed six hours a day.

When planning staffing, it is necessary to take into account work in two shifts. Consequently, the staffing will consist of two dentists, two nurses, an orderly and an administrator.

Profitability of a dental office

One chair brings profit every month about 500 thousand rubles. If the work is carried out on your own area, the indicator will be higher.

Nuances of the dental business

Opening a dental office is fraught with some nuances:

  • In case of a negligent approach - penalties.
  • Attracting clientele and raising prestige is the cost of an advertising campaign.
  • Few patients – unqualified staff and poor location of the office.
  • The price does not correspond to the quality of work - strict control over the work of employees and communication only with trusted suppliers.
  • Lack of initiative and rude staff – insufficient financial and other incentives for employees.

Obtaining a license is not an easy process. Therefore, conscientious conduct of business will only strengthen your business, but careless conduct will possibly lead to its loss. You may lose your license if, for example, you are found to have filled out the autoclave sterilization log incorrectly.

One of the most profitable businesses of our time is the provision of dental services. Private dental offices have always been and will be in demand. Therefore, many entrepreneurs are interested in the question of how to open a dentistry. So, what is needed to start your own business in this direction?

Looking for a place

Having thought about how to open your own dental office, you first need to find a premises. After all, without it, you won’t even be given permission (license) to start doing business. There are two options here: either buy or rent. There are enough pros and cons for both.

So, for example, when buying a property, you will be an independent businessman who does not depend on the rise and fall of the landlord’s mood. And finding a suitable area for rent is not so easy. Well, for example, the premises must have electricity, heating, water and sewerage. You can’t live without this today, and doing everything yourself is very expensive.

Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself: it is still better to buy premises for a private dental office. But there is also a stumbling block here - this requires a large amount of money, which many simply do not have. If you have the required amount of funds, then you can’t go wrong with your choice.

The following tips will be relevant for both buying and renting premises.

  • Firstly, try to have it located on the first, or maximum second floor.
  • Secondly, if you want your business to bring good profits, then look for a place where people hang out. After all, if you open a dental clinic on the outermost street of the city, you are unlikely to receive visitors.

If you buy an apartment, then, accordingly, it will be a living space. Therefore, before opening a dental office, you will need to convert it into a non-residential one. Here you can go two ways: either do it all yourself (cheap, but troublesome), or entrust it to a company that provides similar services (expensive, but a little faster).

Required area for a clinic

According to the requirements of the SES, one dental unit requires at least 14 square meters. meters of space. When planning more jobs, add another 7 square meters. meters for each. To this add a bathroom (5 sq. m.), a room for business activities (5-10 sq. m.), a reception area with a patient waiting area (20 sq. m.) and, if necessary, a diagnostic room (12 sq. m.). Therefore, calculate in advance what total area for work is needed. In addition, keep in mind that in the future you may want to expand your business, and you will need much more space.

Room decoration

Before you open a dentistry, and after you have rented and purchased business premises, you need to think about renovations. The main thing here is not to rush and calculate everything thoroughly. The main thing to do is to connect all the necessary communications (electricity, water and sewerage) to the dental chair.

There is no point in saving on the decoration of the premises, since many patients can evaluate the quality of the services provided based on this principle. On average, repairs will cost you 4500-6000 rubles per 1 sq. m. meter.

How to open a dental office: collecting documents

This part of the business project is the most troublesome. Well, firstly, you will definitely need a dental license, which can take quite a long time (up to a year) to obtain. Secondly, you need to obtain permission to start work from a large number of different authorities (fire department, architecture department, district administration, SES, etc.).

A little more about the license. What you will need to obtain this document:

  • certificate of ownership or lease agreement for the premises in which dental services will be provided;
  • conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor that this premises meets all sanitary requirements;
  • certificates of conformity and registration certificates of existing dental equipment, as well as an agreement with the company that will service it;
  • various documents confirming that the medical staff of your clinic have appropriate education and qualifications;
  • many other papers.

A dental license will cost you approximately 1,500-2,000 rubles. Of these, 300-700 rubles must be paid for consideration of the application to receive it and from 1000-1500 for the document itself. But, as practice shows, in order to somehow speed up the registration process, it is worth contacting a qualified lawyer. And his services, of course, are not free - about 25-40 thousand rubles! And if you are satisfied with both the authority of the law firm and the cost of services, include these costs in your dental office business plan.

By the way, if your dental office has a surgical, plastic or children’s department, then a license for these types of dental activities will have to be obtained separately.

The right to provide services is issued for 5 years. But if you violate any of the conditions under which it is issued, the license may be taken away. Such cases include even an incorrectly filled out sterilization log.

Purchase of equipment

The next point that concerns all entrepreneurs who do not know how to open a dentistry is the cost of purchasing all the necessary tools for work. This part of the project is the most expensive. For example, according to the licensing requirements for dental clinics, the most necessary equipment includes:

  • dental chair, the cost of which can vary from 180,000 to 400,000 rubles;
  • apparatus for sterilizing instruments - from 150,000 to 230,000 rubles;
  • consumables and accessories for the dental office, which will need to be purchased as they are used - from 50,000 to 100,000 rubles for each dental chair;
  • tools (for one workplace) – from 50,000 to 80,000 rubles.

Additional equipment and interior items include:


Before opening a dental office, you should think about selecting doctors. The main condition under which you must hire them is a diploma in medical education and a certificate that allows you to engage in this activity.

You can regulate the number of doctors yourself. So, for example, if the office work schedule is daily from 8 am to 8 pm, then it would be rational to hire 3 people.

Many people are probably interested in the question of what a dentist’s salary is. There is nothing to hide here - with at least three years of work experience, he should receive at least 25-40 thousand rubles per month.

Each doctor must be “attached” to one assistant who will help him during the reception of patients and sterilize instruments. His average salary is about 10-15 thousand rubles.

In addition to these workers, you need to hire a nurse (one or more), whose tasks will include cleaning the installation after seeing the patient, as well as the rest of the room and disinfecting the walls, floors and ceilings once a week. The fulfillment of this last duty requires strict control, since Rospotrebnadzor employees will analyze air samples every month in your clinic.

Everyone has teeth, and no person can live without visiting a dentist. Even if your teeth are healthy, you still need to undergo a preventive examination twice a year. In addition, there are professional cleanings, whitening, gum treatment and other dental services needed by almost everyone. Not to mention the most common and at certain times vital service – dental treatment. A good dentist will always have a job, and the dental business is a profitable business. Although not so simple. Let's consider how to open a dental office: what documents, premises, equipment and personnel are needed.

How are dental services provided in our country?

Firstly, there are state dental clinics. Recently they have become less and less popular among the population. They most often have outdated equipment and use low-quality consumables. Although sometimes there are good specialists who can supply a good, durable filling for an additional fee.

Secondly, there are private dental clinics. Among them there are both large ones, capable of providing the client with absolutely all dental services, from various types of diagnostics and therapy to dental surgery, orthodontics and orthopedics, and small ones, where several dentists work, possibly an orthodontist, a surgeon and an X-ray room.

Thirdly, private dental offices. This is the smallest form of dental services. Only one specialist can work in such an office. Or two doctors and a nurse. Other options are also possible.

In order to open a dental clinic, especially a multidisciplinary one, you will need considerable funds and effort. After all, this is a whole factory for the provision of medical services, with its own departments, a variety of equipment and several dozen specialists. In addition, you will have to obtain independent licenses and permits for each type of medical dental activity. The cost of such a clinic amounts to tens of millions of rubles.

Organizing a private dental office is a little easier and much cheaper. A dentist working in such an office usually deals with dental treatment and basic hygiene procedures, such as whitening, cleaning teeth from plaque, removing tartar, etc. The office may have an X-ray machine, but more often they do without it, sending clients for X-rays to public or private clinics where such a service is available. Private dental offices usually do not provide prosthetics, implantology or orthopedics, although such options are possible. Sometimes doctors in such offices perform simple surgical operations, such as tooth extraction.

Room for a dental office

Finding a suitable room is not so easy, because it must meet certain requirements, and you must be able to make the necessary repairs to it. There are two options - rent or purchase.

The main advantage of renting is that it requires a lower initial investment. This must be a non-residential premises with all the necessary communications: electricity, sewerage, water supply and the ability to permanently connect these communications to the dental chair, which must be mounted directly into the floor of the room.

According to standards, the free space around one dental chair must be at least 14 sq.m. If you place two or more chairs, then add another 7 sq.m. for each chair.

Since you will spend a lot of effort on equipping your office, it would be unwise to enter into a lease for a short period. Moving a dental office is a very expensive business. It is optimal if the contract is for at least five years.

Purchasing premises is more convenient in many respects, and if you have the means or the ability to obtain sufficient credit, it is better to immediately purchase premises for your private dental office and equip it according to your taste and needs.

If you find suitable non-residential premises, for example, in the basement of a new house under construction (this is the most profitable and convenient option, you will immediately have a whole high-rise building of clients) - great. If there is no non-residential premises of the format you need, you can purchase an apartment. True, it will have to be officially transferred to a non-residential fund, and this is quite a troublesome matter. However, opening a dental office generally requires a lot of paperwork, like everything related to medical activities, and you need to be prepared for this.

There is an option to attract firms specializing in these issues. Such a company can do everything for you: issue all certificates, licenses, permits and other documentation. But the company will have to pay.

On average, preparing legal documents with the assistance of assistants costs two to three times more.

For a small dental office without a laboratory and an X-ray room, a one-room apartment will be enough. If you plan on the simultaneous work of two or three dentists, then you will accordingly need a two- or three-room apartment. It is better if the apartment is located on the first floor.

Keep in mind that when registering a dental office, you will need permission from the owners of the apartments adjacent to the future office. It must be written and notarized. It is better to resolve this issue before purchasing an apartment, otherwise unexpected problems may arise, because people sometimes behave unpredictably.

Transfer of premises from residential to non-residential

If you purchased a residential apartment for your dental office, and this, I must say, happens very often, you will need to legally transfer it to a non-residential property. Let's look at how this is done.

First you need to go to the mayor's office of your city and contact the department of architecture and urban planning. Department employees will give you a list of organizations from which you need to obtain permission to transfer premises from residential to non-residential. The list usually includes firefighters, SES, traffic police, BTI, district administration and housing trust. You need to take all the owner’s available documents, visit all these organizations and obtain certificates from them. These certificates are paid, and there are usually no problems with obtaining them.

Next, you go again to the city architects, where, based on the submitted certificates, you are given a permit and an architectural planning assignment. To complete this task, you must visit a licensed design organization so that they can draw up a project for you. A list of such organizations is usually available in the city's architecture department.

After about a month, with a completed project, you must return to the architecture and urban planning department for its approval. Then you receive permission for reconstruction from a whole list of organizations:

  • Fire protection
  • Traffic police - they may require that there be parking near your office
  • Compriroda - they will oblige you to plant greenery in the surrounding area
  • SES - will check compliance with all Sanitary Regulations and other existing regulatory documents
  • Zhiltrest
  • Non-departmental examination
  • Protection of monuments

Having received permits from all these institutions, you receive a design for your office approved by the architecture department.

After this, all that remains is commissioning. This means another visit to the same authorities. It is not necessary to wait for the final approval of the authorities. You can start working as soon as you have an approved project, and invite authorities during the work process. The exception is firefighters; permission must be obtained from them before starting work.

Requirements of government agencies for premises

General requirements for private dental offices are set out in regulatory documents: SanPiN and SanPiN 2956a-83. Some regions have developed additional legal acts regarding this issue.

According to Rospotrebnadzor standards, in order to open the simplest dental office, you need a room of at least 30 sq.m. Of these, at least 14 sq.m. should occupy the room where the dental unit is located, 10 sq.m. - hall and 5 sq.m. - toilet. The ceiling height should be at least three meters, the depth of the room (the distance from the window to the opposite wall) should be no more than six meters.

Additional premises that may be needed in a private dental office:

  • Sterilization room. Its area must be at least 6 sq.m. You cannot do without such a room if your office has three or more dental units.
  • X-ray room and darkroom. Area – 11 and 6 sq.m. respectively.
  • Office of an orthodontist and an orthopedic dentist – 15 sq.m.
  • Other additional rooms (pediatric dentist, implantology, etc.) – 15 sq.m. every.
  • Auxiliary premises (warehouse, staff room, administration office, etc.) – from 30 sq.m.


You need to start with repairs. In the dental office, special work will have to be carried out to provide electricity, water and sewerage to the treatment chair. All these communications must be located under the floor and be made with high quality so that there are no interruptions in their functioning, because in this case you will have to tear down the floor and do everything again.

When studying the question: how much does it cost to open a dental office, special attention should be paid to the equipment. This is the second most expensive expense item, after premises. Although now the price range is huge. You can buy everything: from a used antediluvian dental chair from Soviet times at a bargain price to an ultra-modern multifunctional structure for several tens of thousands of dollars.

When choosing and placing dental equipment, you need to take into account the sanitary rules of December 28, 1983, clause 2956a-83 and SanPiN

As an example, let's look at the list of necessary equipment and approximate prices for its standard mid-level samples.

It turns out that the cost of the equipment with which you can start working (not counting the visiograph) is about 600,000 rubles.

General expenses

The business plan for a dental office, in addition to the costs of tools and equipment, includes the following expenses:

  • Premises – the cost here may vary. If you purchased it as a property, it’s one price, if you rented it, it’s a completely different price. In addition, in different cities and towns, and even in different areas of the same city, the cost per square meter of real estate can fluctuate over a very wide range. Therefore, we will not give a specific figure.
  • Repair costs will range from 100,000 rubles. This figure can be much higher if you have a large room or if you want to give it not just a pleasant, but a chic look.
  • Licensing costs start at 50,000.
  • Salary to employees is salary plus interest, it can also be different. When your office just opens and there are few clients, the salary will be less; as you gain popularity and the number of clients increases, the salary will increase.
  • In addition, you will have expenses for advertising, utilities, telephone, Internet, etc.

The final amount must be calculated separately in each specific case. According to reviews from those who have already opened a private dental office, you need to prepare funds in the amount of 1 to 2.5 million. This does not count the acquisition of property.

Account registration

For those who are dentists and will be involved in treatment personally, it is best. For an entrepreneur who is recruiting staff, a more convenient form would be.

If you are a dentist, then the license to practice medicine is issued in your name. If you have employees, you will need to obtain a license for them.

Your OKVED codes are 85.12 - medical practice and 85.13 - dental practice.

You need to register with the pension fund, MHIF, FSS. And also open an account and order printing. And keep a book of income and expenses.

In addition, you will need a cash register, which will need to be registered with the tax office.

Office staff

The personnel must be highly qualified and meet all the requirements necessary to obtain a medical license. The requirements for a dentist are:

  • The doctor must have a certificate in therapeutic dentistry.
  • He must have a diploma of completion of internship and residency.
  • His work experience must be at least five years.

This applies to a general practitioner. If your staff includes an orthodontist, surgeon, etc., then you will need to obtain a separate license for each area.

Nursing staff may also be present on staff and independently provide certain services, for example, carry out hygiene procedures (cleaning, whitening, etc.). To do this, the physician must have secondary medical vocational education and a certificate in the specialization “Preventive Dentistry”.

Medical staff with secondary vocational education can assist dentists. To do this, they must have a certificate in Dental Nursing.

According to standards, a dentist should not work more than 6 hours a day. Therefore, for a dental office to operate fully, its employees must include at least two doctors, two registered nurses, an administrator and a nurse to clean the premises.